#Imma still draw lots tho dw
yourfavoritecascade · 10 months
Ahhhh ok I’ve been away for the past few days w/ out my tablet and also school just started today :,,,,) Uhh anyways HERE’S GREY WIND! This took so much longer than necessary :,)
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At this point I’ve seen multiple ppl associate CW with birds or vultures,but the vulture tusk headpieces didn’t feel right to me, so instead they get normal antennae and a bunch or bird buddies :D
Not very happy w/ the BG on this one tbh but I had to get smth out. Ino should be next in a few days :)
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zai-doodles · 2 years
Ok ok I’m so sorry but I LOVE your thoughts on Fairytail and I’d love to hear more!!! (If that’s alright with you >.<)
How about your thoughts on the powers? Any specifically you really liked? Any you DIDN’T like? Any that are so cool in theory but their execution is… questionable? (cough cough Erza cough Mirajane)
I love u sm listen I have a whole thing written already just abt how I would change lucys powers bit since u name dropped erza imma write a new thing just for u
Like ok imma get v high fantasy nerdy bare with me but erza would be a DOPE paladin
Like ugh the biggest missed opportunities with erzas powers is that they never really explain or put any emotional significance on her armors or weapons were just like, yea idk she found that ig? Before the show?? And just has it???? And if it's damaged dw bc it just goes back to the magic closet and gets better :D
Like UGH ITS LAME and high key just an excuse to draw her in skimpy ugly ass armor YEA I SAID IT MORE OF THE ARMOR IS UGLY BITE ME
Back to the paladin thing, so paladins in dnd usually pledge themselves to a God and get their power from them or whatever, BUT there's also a different type of paladin called an oath paladin, where their power comes from an oath they've pledged rather than an entiy
So stay with me, erza as an oath paladin, who's oath is that she will always fight to protect her family as long as she breathes
Or some dramatic shit like that right??? So tower of heaven, she's a tiny child and makes this pledge to herself in the heat of the moment, it gives her a burst of magical energy bc shes doesn't say it but she subconsciously is staking her life on this oath
When she gets to fairy tail she tries to understand her magic more but finds it difficult to channel it unless someone is actively trying to hurt someone else
Her magic doesn't come naturally if she's the one being attacked, it has to be someone else
SO I have a lot written abt erza gray and natsu being the most weird sibling ever and in the mean time erza is simply training in more traditional fighting and swords man ship bc shes learned v quickly she can't always rely on her magic to carry her in a fight
OK SO LAST THING, as erza grows older she gains the blessing of the fairy queen Tatiana, not directly but she can FEEL her presence and it helps erza channel her magic more freely bc she has to accept thats is is part of this new strange family and protecting herself is just as important as protecting others because she needs to be alive to protect them
I'm so sorry so anyway-
In my mind fairy magic is like a creation type magic, tho u can't make something from nothing BUT since erzas oath is based around her family erza can make her magical armor and weapons based on her bonds with her family
Stay with me aixhks
Like she gets a chain mail sort of shall made out of dragon scales, they are fire resistant and cut like a blade, it's heavy so it limits mobility
However very soon after she also summond boots that make ice when she walks, that takes a lot of training with gray to get use to but the combination of the two allow almost full defense and mobility
Most of her armors and weapons are just random things shes found but these are special, their strength is reliant on her love for the person they connect with and the power increases when they are uses in defense of that person specifically
HOWEVER they take a lot of magical energy and erza doesn't always have control over WHAT the weapon will be, causing her to go a little crazy in terms of training herself to be damn near proficient in every weapon or fighting style she can think of
I dislike the canon ages being so young so in my mind I age them up like 3-4 years when canon starts and so when erza finally starts going out on jobs on her own she's constantly training and perfecting her technique, almost never allowing herself STILL to use more magically enhanced weapons unless she absolutely has to and that's my explanation for why she's so crazy strong??
When canon starts I kinda think she has at least 1 thing for every guild member, but they r very small with the exception of natsu, gray, mira and Makarov, the trade off being that those are still the hardest for her to use
Lil extra thing
Natsus armor is the cloak like I mentioned, but by the time canon starts it has an extra property where if the enemy is hit with it or touches it it causes burning and melting damage rather than slicing them from the sharp scales, if you are not en enemy the cloak does no harm
Grays boots start as more normal boots with the bottoms replaces with ice, however as their bond grows the shoes become knee high plated boots of ice, allowing even more chance for mobility since she can slide on her knees without breaking momentum, if she kicks an enemy with them equipped they are stunned or "frozen" for a small period of time.
Mira, ok so first it's just a simple gauntlet that looks more like some brass knuckles, but again, time passes and they become more intricate, by canon time the gauntlet is a full sleeve of weeving patterns and almost lace texture, the hand mimics miras demon form claw but the rest is the beauty and grace of her mira, the claw and talons can pierce almost anything and are very hard to control on that front so erza doesn't use them often since she doesn't usually try to inflict lethal damage on opponents, but it has a good amount of practical use when trying to clear paths or use the terrain to her advantage
I think erza gains weapons as she goes, not only from others like lucy, but eventually natsus cloak has a matching chest plate, grants boots come with daggers, etc
I have more ideas but this is so long I need to stop snhdlsnx
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skydreamplayzz · 4 months
Hello! Was checking your sapphire au and saw your character designs (really lovely btw! Flowey and blooky are my favorite hehe)
Got curious about the story! Do you have a post explains the concept of your au or smth like that? Sry if it's in a obvious place, just got here!
You didn't miss anything obvious, dw. I had a Post once but i rewrote most of the stuff and is inaccurate now. (i probably deleted the Post). But at the moment I don't have any Story post, maybe i mentioned stuff in the Tags (tag talker Here☝️) but it's not explained well if I did. ^^" I'm still working on the Story a bit and redo Lots of Things bc it's a Au i created in a Phase were I was pretty weird. (might Do a Post in the future tho.)
And thank you! :D (I still Gotta work on some Designs and refs. When I figure out how to draw These characters. Well first imma redo sans and then I will see) <:
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changji · 5 years
(1/6 jeez) Skdjf stepping on a puddle of spit?? I feel like I’d just avoid going into the room and be like “can’t we practice somewhere else pls” but oof that’s so nasty… the spit gets absorbed into the carpet too *shudders*. “From down here” I’m crying that’s so funny I’d be judging ppl from up here. My sleep schedule’s so messed as well but it’s not as bad as yours omg idk how I’d function on 3 hours of sleep without being absolutely grumpy when I wake up
(2/6) Mosquitos literally have no point of existing… like they don’t help with any ecosystems or anything,, they’re just here to freaking leech off of ppl. I have a friend who puts on 120923 lbs of sunscreen whenever we go out and it’s so funny bc she usually forgets to rub a spot on her face and boom she’s Rudolph but with a white nose. They add lost school days at the end? That’s so whack I hate that. At least you can go to the beach tho
(3/6) I mean there’s some here where I live but they’re absolutely filthy and disgusting no one wants to go in the water 😩 also napping in the sun,, what a mood. Ugh ur guard captain can be gone this is petty drama that’d happen in like,,, the sixth grade LMAO. I drink way too much coffee for it to be healthy, I blame school for my caffeine addiction. I’m even drinking one now as I’m typing this whooops. What kind of job are you thinking about getting?
(4/6) Omg I’m so clumsy too,, like it’s not even funny how many times I trip or stub my toe or fall. Last night I was walking home from my grandma’s and the two seconds I wasn’t looking at the ground to see where I was walking my foot fell into a dip on the ground and I almost fell over. Oh there’s even one time where I fell into a hole filled with cement,, not my brightest moment. Fun fact I didn’t even like maple syrup until this year LOL
(5/6) Montréal is such a fun place I went there for an 8th grade grad trip and we went around the city which was so fun and cool. Dw I’m also terrible at geography,, in grade 9 my friend and I were trying to think of all the provinces and territories of Canada and we were one province short,,, we were like ??? what are we missing we can’t possibly be missing anything
(6/6) Then we turned to this smart person in our class and we asked them and they were like “u forget Alberta”. I’ve never felt so Dumb in my life before how could I forget Alberta LOL. Victoria seems cool ugh i need to visit BC 😩😩 I’ve been to more places outside of Canada than provinces/territories here wtf. Also my day's been pretty good so far! How has yours been?
i hate practicing in the band room it’s disgusting and makes me wanna yeet myself off a building. i’m pretty sure they do deep cleaning on the carpet everyday bc of this but like. still. nasty hoes. i got used to my sleeping schedule hhh but when i wake up i take showers in the morning so that helps,,
MOSQUITOES SHOULD DIE. it’s like mini vampires except i’d rather be bitten by a vampire. but not i’m not abt to have two holes on the side of my neck for life. sunscreen is like my life saver,, rudolph tho omg that probably hurts like a bitch ugh but yeah school days st the end of the year so if it’s okay that they never cancel school 😔
the beach is fun but like, i go pretty often that it’s always the same thing. i live in the suburban area so we have to drive a little bit it’s not that far. our guard captain is petty in just like. not for this bullshit so imma not. i love coffee 🤧 so much like if i don’t have some in a day i get grumpy. i had some earlier but i finished it and i already want more. what kinda coffee do u normally get? if ur a hot coffee person istg- also i’m not sure but i was thinking one of the two grocery stores by my house or the ice cream place,,,, whatever’s hiring LOL
ppl are like “oMg uR TrYna bE cuTe aNd acT cLumSy buT iTs nOt wOrKinG” like okay bitch ever think i was born w two left feet (omg,,, birks knew). are u okay tho? didn’t hurt urself rt bc if u did i would punch u in the nicest way possible 😤 i’m stuck with that fake crap from walmart til i get the good shit in canada ughhhh
there’s an accent on montréal i’m so uncultured, everywhere in canada is cute, america just Sucks. THATS ME TOO THO UGH they’re like “name all the states” and it’s like? hello? there are 50 i’m not that smart? and my friend just named all of them like a nerd. but whatever go off ig 🙄 victoria was cool i wanted to explore more but we had limited time. i’ve been to a lot of out of country places, tbh i don’t think i’ve been to a lot of places in america,,,
my day was good! i got peet’s aka the place superior to starbucks and my cousin paid for me so ☺️ i told myself i wanna gonna write today but instead i spent hella time drawing and i’m almost finished so! that’s good
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