#Immogene Waters
waterstar2016 · 1 year
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
All Revved Up
Raph x Immogene
For the lovely @waterstar2016 ♥️ Not gonna lie, I’m a little nervous about writing for such a well established OC from a writer I admire. I hope I do her justice. It’s an honor to write for Immogene.
Also, thank you for your incredible patience in waiting for this. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Warning: Language and NSFW 18+ only
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Immogene wiped the sweat from her perfectly arched brows with a dirty rag. Oil and grease streaked her arms and sunk under her nails. But by god, her bike was going to run like a dream. Putting away her tools, she sighed. Tomorrow she would take it for a ride, tonight she just wanted a shower and a drink. After washing the worst of it off her hands with some gritty mechanics soap, she locked up and headed home to her apartment.
Letting herself in, she kicked off her boots and headed straight for the bathroom, whipping her bra off on the way. Immogene sighed contentedly as the hot water rolled down her curves, taking with it the sweat and the grime of the afternoon. As she dried off, she called in a quick order to her favorite pizza joint and then dressed in a loose tank top and yoga shorts. She was just opening the refrigerator for a cold beer when she heard the unmistakable thump of large feet on her fire escape. She grabbed a second beer as Raphael squeezed through the window.
“Good evening, Raphael,” she murmured, offering the cold brew.
Raph’s signature smirk was on full display as he took it from her and downed it in two gulps. Gen lifted a perfect brow.
“Thirsty?” she asked, wryly.
He shrugged, “So, how did it go? Didja get that piece on that was givin’ ya hell?”
“Yes, finally,” she murmured, taking a swig of her own beer.
Raph took a seat on her couch and spread his legs. His gaze trailed over her long, lean form appreciatively.
“Ya know, I think I like it even betta when ya dress down,” he observed. “Don’t get me wrong, ya look fuckin’ hot in leather and tight jeans. But right now?”
Raphael growled his admiration. A longing look thickened the air between them, and Gen wondered how it was possible to have the shivers when she felt so heated. Those clear green eyes of his bored into hers, daring her to take the few steps needed to place her in his reach. It was always so intense between them. His desire for her found its way to the surface unerringly every time and her matching lust burned like lava beneath her skin. Her feet were moving before she even realized what she was doing. His triumphant grin faltered at the sound of the doorbell buzzing.
“The pizza,” Immogene explained, changing direction.
By the time she had paid and tipped the delivery girl, Raph had gotten up and made his way into the kitchen. He knew where everything was so she wasn’t surprised to see plates set out and fresh beers for each of them. Humming her approval, she opened the pizza box and breathed deep of the cheesy goodness. They spoke little while they ate. The air still crackled with sexual tension despite the interruption. Immogene licked and sucked at the sauce on her fingers while staring into his eyes, hers alight with mischief.
“There ya go again, tempting tha devil,” he murmured, taking a big swig of his beer.
Her tongue slipped out to delicately lick the corner of her full mouth, and Raphael couldn’t suppress his growl.
“Oh,” she quipped playfully, “have I aroused your interest?”
The brute barked out a sharp laugh, “Fuckin’ hell, woman! When it comes to yer fine ass..."
He smacked his lips lasciviously and growled low, "I'm ready ta go in seconds."
Gen flashed him a knowing smile, sauntering around the table with an indecent sway to her broad hips, and just as he lifted a hand to reach for her, she snatched his plate and headed towards the sink. She heard his bottle of beer clank down on the table and hid her smile as she opened the dishwasher to load it. His muttered "tease" nearly broke her facade as she held in a giggle. She loved this playfulness between them. It was just as much a part of the foreplay as the touching and tasting. It was no surprise when he palmed her ass and then gave it a good sound smack. She stood slowly, making sure to rub her backside against him as she rose. Raph's massive hands grasped her waist tightly, then in a surprising move, he gentled his grip and slid his fingers under the hem of her tank. His fingertips circled her skin softly, just enough to elicit goosebumps, and then his hot mouth opened over the pulse in her neck. Immogene gasped in pleasure as he lapped and sucked at the tender spot. Her arm reached back and angled around his head as she held him to her.
A stuttered sigh escaped her, and he lifted one hand to her mouth, pressing a calloused green finger between her cherry lips. She swirled her tongue around it and sucked, causing him to buck his hips and grind his hardening erection against her ass. She moaned around the thick digit and sucked harder, stoking the flames ever higher. Raphael groaned and suddenly, she found herself on her back on the island peninsula. One large mitt cradled her head, while the other jerked her bottoms clean off. Sliding his free hand under her derriere, he held her carefully so that she could watch in comfort as he feasted between her thighs. He eyed his prize carefully then glanced up at her smug expression.
"Yer wet, but I think ya can do betta than this."
With that, he dove right in. No one had ever eaten her out the way he could. There was no finesse. He lapped, he slurped, he was covered in her cum before the end. Gen felt a wild thrill every time he lifted his face with her juices dripping off his chin. Tonight, he went straight for the kill, thrusting his wide tongue deep within her velvety walls with fervor. She wanted to roll her hips, but he held her tightly to his mouth, leaving no room for movement. She was getting close already, dammit. He released her head to grab at her hips with both hands, lifting her to reach a deeper angle.
"Raph!" she moaned, head tossing from side to side, "Please!"
His tongue pulled out suddenly, but before she could curse him for it, he began to lap aggressively at her clit. Her mouth snapped shut and she took advantage of the moment to buck up. He grabbed her hands and placed them on top of his bald head, and she laughed breathlessly as she understood what he wanted. Pressing down hard, she ground his face into her pussy as he suckled her sensitive nub. He growled and snorted for air, loving when she took control like this. Gen may have been half his size as a human, but she was every bit his equal. A string of curses signaled her release, but he didn't stop licking until her hands fell limp to her sides. The counter was a mess of her cum and his saliva, and he relished the thought of marking another part of her apartment with their mixed scents.
The tender way he lifted her and carried her back to her bedroom was completely at odds with the way she knew he would soon be indulging in her body. Raphael was always mindful of his strength, but he knew exactly how much her Amazonian frame could handle. So, she was shocked when he set her on the edge of the bed, tugging her top over her head and capturing her lips in a very tender, sensual liplock. He undressed slowly, watching her through hooded eyes as he stripped bare. Immogene swallowed hard as inch after inch of his beautifully sculpted body was unveiled. God, he was stunning. Her fingers itched to grab her paints and a canvas with such a perfect model standing tall before her.
Raph watched the war in her eyes. He enjoyed her mind as much as her delectable curves. Smart, creative, fierce, and all his. She leaned back as he approached the bed to crawl over her, then he scooped an arm around her middle and flipped to his shell. Shoving her pillows under his head, he smirked at the bewildered look on her face. She lifted a brow as she sat straddled across his trim waist.
"That's ma girl," he murmured. "Ride me. Show me how yer gonna squeeze that bike between yer thighs."
A slow smile curled her lips and she lifted herself up and caught the tip of his cock at her entrance. She slid down, keeping her walls clenched tight, and reveled at the look of pleasure and pain on his face.
"Fuck, yer tryin' to kill me 'ere, Gen," he groaned.
Immogene grinned, “Then you’ll die a happy man.”
Placing her hands on the top of his plastron, she dug her nails into his chest and rocked her hips. Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head at the way his girth rubbed her walls so deliciously. As she bounced on his cock, he gripped the pillows on either side of his head, trying to let her control the pace. Her warmth surrounded him and bathed him in pure unadulterated bliss. As she picked up the pace, her short nails dug deeper into his skin, and he wished for a moment that she could break the thick skin and mark him. Her full breasts swayed with the motion and he couldn’t help sitting up slightly to take one pert nipple in his mouth. The angle pressed her clit against the rough bottom edge of his plastron. 
“Oh damn,” she breathed, feeling another orgasm building low.
Raph let go of her nipple with a wet pop, looking down where they were joined. She was getting close again, he could tell by the manic rhythm she set.
“That’s it,” he cooed, “take what ya need, babygirl. This is all yers.”
Immogene blinked at the unexpected sweetness from the big burly brute. His eyes were sincere and more vulnerable than she was used to seeing. His hands slid to her hips, unable to help himself as he thrust up each time she slammed down. Like a well-oiled machine, they moved in perfect synchrony, racing towards the finish line. Sweat coated their flesh as they slid against one another and as she felt the first wave of her orgasm crest, he jerked her to him in a bruising kiss. He swallowed every moan hungrily, coaxing her tongue into a fierce dance. The second he felt her begin to relax, he rolled them over and pushed her legs up to her chest and wide. His hips pistoned wildly as he chased down his own release.
“Fuuuuck!” he roared as he emptied himself hard enough to make his balls ache.
Sweat dripped from his face, as he held himself up. Wouldn’t do to crush the woman who just fucked him dry. Raphael fell over to the side, quickly gathering her into his arms. He was breathing hard, pressing soft kisses to the nape of her neck.
“That was….a nice surprise,” Immogene noted, carefully.
Raph grunted.
“Yeah, well, ya know what that domestic shit does ta me. Seein’ ya all dressed down, just us an’ beer an’ pizza. I just…well, ya know?” he mumbled into her deep red locks.
Gen smiled to herself. Her brute.
“Yeah, Red, I know.”
@exovapor @tmntspidergirl @nittleboo @raisin-shell @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @mysticboombox @roxosupreme @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @chicchanmooshy @fyreball66 @thelostandforgottenangel @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @labeccy @0x0spunky-monkey0x0 @7mika8 @misteria247 @ladyofparchments @raphielover @tortuefaerie @bunnyraptor69 @polypandragon @avvaazz @tkappi @aurora-the-kunoichi @pheradream15 @rheawritesforfun @cowabunga-doll @coulrofilia-sexuell @lilyssims @daedric-sorceress @@raphslovemuffin80 @raphsgrl @drowninghell @digitl-art-monstr @fluffytriceratops @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @kawaiibunga @narwals14 @waterstar2016 @bibiz82
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[from my flickr files : my mother my brother and me]
* * * * *
Well, I turn people into human beings by not making them into gods.
— Immogen Cunningham
RAIN LIGHT All day the stars watch from long ago my mother said I am going now when you are alone you will be all right whether or not you know you will know look at the old house in the dawn rain all the flowers are forms of water the sun reminds them through a white cloud touches the patchwork spread on the hill the washed colors of the afterlife that lived there long before you were born see how they wake without a question even though the whole world is burning — W.S. Merwin, from his Pulitzer-Prize winning book The Shadow of Sirius (Copper Canyon Press, 2008).
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the-four-terrapins · 4 years
Inked - Closed RP
“Donnie? Pass me your tool for taking out stripped screws will you? The person that I bought this bike from didn’t understand the meaning of stop.” Immogene grumbled the last part under her breath. The tall genius chuckled and handed her what she needed.
She was laying on a creeper, her knees bent to hold her steady while her bare feet moved to the music playing on low from the shop radio. Her dark blue ripped jeans were covered with a mixture of paint and greese, as these were were her painting or wrenching pair. A dark burgundy tank top in a similar condition was worn on top.
Immogene made a preterbed noise when the screw finally came lose along with more dirt that she felt land on her cheek. “Well, that’s one down, only a handful left.” She sighed. The with more anomation in her voice she added. “This tool is great, Don.” She slipped into her preferred nick name for him. Since meeting the brothers she’d built a solid friendship with him despite the differece of him being logical and her being mostly artsy fartsy. Absentmindedly, she brushed the dirt off her cheek leaving a smudge. “So, what’s new in the world of whatever you’re working on now? I can focus on what you say rather than what I’m thinking about what this bike was put through.” She said with an unseen wry expression on her face.
Donatello chuckled as he took the greasy tool from her hand. “Please tell me you didn’t spend a lot on that thing? Probably be better to bring it to the junk yard and put the poor thing out of its misery.” Rolling back the purple banded terrapin avoided a knock to the shin from her angry swinging leg. “I kid, I kid.”
Following the momentum he continued back until he reached his desk, dragging his thick fingers over the keyboard. “My current project? Damn, I think that’s the first someone has asked me what I’m working on in a while. Usually it’s ‘Hey Don can you fix this?’ or ‘Donnie the fridge is on the fritz again!’ or the most recent debacle is Raph throwing the remote through the TV because the Patriots lost.” The tall mutant pushed up his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “But I digress, I’m working on a new surveillance system for the NYPD, I’m writing a new program that will upgrade all the cameras without having to install new ones around the city. Should save the city millions of dollars and make traffic cams have crystal clear video. There have have been far too many crimes gone unsolved due to blurry images and shoty recordings.” 
After finishing his final keystrokes Donnie adjusted in his chair eyeing the woman working on her “Fixer upper” in his garage. Gen had a long way to go on that thing, a long way. 
As she worked the final screws loose he appraised the newest addition to their very small circle. Immogene was funny, mechanically inclined, a wonderful conversationalist and not bad on the eyes either. Since they had been outed and employed by the city of New York, they had gained a few new human friends. Which Leo was a little weary of due to past incurrences but this one seemed to be a keeper. 
A small smile played on his lips and Donie leaned back in his chair enjoying watching her struggle with the last bolt, “What color are you going paint it,....that’s if you ever get it running.” 
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tri-point-bruiser · 5 years
Since you said you didn’t mind if someone sent you some sexy selfies...
Well, here you go.
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Well damn
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room-of-torture · 3 years
Oh, it’s Haunted all-right!
“Knock.Knock. Miss Pena, I have a question to ask?”
“Yes come in, pero por favor call me Sam.” Short strands of dark brown moving back and forth as Sam shook her head with a soft sigh. Raising her head from her paperwork to smile at Gabriel. “I consider you a good friend of mine, Gabriel. Feels too formal otherwise.” She raised a brow at him as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Niña, you may be ok with it but we’re at work. We must be professional at all time while working!” He waved a finger at her in a fake disapproving way. Though he was sure she could see he was only teasing and pretending to sound like her uncle when he got strict with them.
That got a chuckle out of her. “Professional my ass. Me tratas como si fuera tu sobrina that you like to pick on. Just like my mama’s brother-it’s like you two could be related...” She sighed, but smiled once again while watching the older man place his hands on his stomach as he belly laughed. He sighed deeply afterwards as he calmed down. She took note of his energy. It was different today-well much less then it usually was as of late. This man usually had a lot energy but, he looked a bit drained.
Something was definitely up but, she was going to be patient until her friend was ready to tell her.
“Mira Sam, I don’t know if you noticed the...como te lo explico? Strange?” Gabriel scratched his chin, pronouncing his words in his thick accent. “Yeah. Strange shit that’s been happenin’ in this house and wanted to ask if you’ve been noticing them too?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
Sam stared at him curiously for a moment, and was honestly a bit amused at her friend’s question since when isn’t there strange things happening in this house. Honestly with four giant mutant turtles roaming around the house, that was strange enough. Though she had a feeling that she knew what Gabriel was trying to explain but-she had to make sure what he meant. “Strange as in what exactly, Gabe?” She asked, eyeing the man’s fingers as they tapped his cheek. Shoulders were tense and a foot was tapping on it’s own. He almost looked...nervous to just spit it out? Which was rare to see from him since he seemed so brave and confident all the time.
“Have you...ever heard voices at night when you are trying to sleep? Had the feeling that someone was in the room with you when you are physically alone? Things falling on their own? Like even some of my stuff in my room was moved to a different place and you know I don’t let anyone go in my space!” He sighed deeply, crossing his arms once again. Glancing around the room. “It’s like this house is-“
“Haunted?” Sam interjected, keeping her smile as to not to worry the old man. Sitting up and leaning back against her seat, her hands neatly clasped on one leg that was crossed over the other. “Yes sir, it’s definitely haunted.” With the all the death that was brought about in this house, she would be surprised if it wasn’t flooded with the souls of the dead. But she knew that Gabriel didn’t know about the number of people that were killed in this house and maybe it was better that he doesn’t...
He wouldn’t like that one bit.
Clearing her throat, “I am too a witness to the paranormal activity that happens here. I feel like I know too much at this point and that might piss off the ghosts.” She laughed, though a part of her felt bad that some of Gabriel’s color drained from his face. Sam wasn’t afraid of the paranormal but-she knew better never to mess with them because that in itself would send this house into flames! “Mikey, and some of the boy’s clients have also witnessed a bit of activity for themselves from what they told me.”
“Ah so we’re not the only ones?” The older gentleman pulled a chair and sat across from Sam. Curious now.
The brunette nodded. “Do you remember Miss Vivian, the tall blonde veterinarian with two cats?” She asked.
“Smart woman that one and she seems like a good person to have around la tortuga gruñona. Doesn’t take his words to heart, and it’s as if they almost understand one another in a way.” Gabriel chuckled a bit as Sam nodded in agreement about that last part of his statement for Donatello.
“Well, she told me that she would sometimes hear things being dropped at nighttime but, guessed that maybe it was her cats getting into things they shouldn’t be.” Sam shook her head before tilting it back as she remembered the others. “Another was with Ms. Beauregard aka Blossom, the blue-eyed brunette with a southern accent?”
“Kind woman with a good head on her shoulders as well. I’ve seen the way she and ol’ blue boy look at each-other from across the room...kind of like when you and Mikey do that too. It’s precious!” He teased with a grin.
She gave him a stare like she wanted to burn a hole through his head. Doing her best to ignore the heat growing on her face as she moved on. “Anyway- she came to me confused one day asking if I or someone moved around her things at night. Same to you Gabriel. Every once in a while they would end up in a different spot then where they usually are before. She thought someone came in to clean up her room and would move her stuff. Thing is, we don’t do cleaning services until after the client moves out. Clients are responsible for their own space until the job is done.” The two nodded in agreement with that last statement.
“Another was Miss Immogene Waters, the red-head biker same height as me. Remember her?”
“I like that girl’s spirit, she has a lot of spunk and a good taste for good food. I can see why Rafael is growing a bit soft for that one.”
“Yet he doesn’t know it. We gotta knock some sense into that boy till he understands.” Sam shook her head with a sigh before she continued. “Immogene had mentioned once or twice about some very odd but soft whispering that she hears at night at around midnight. But, has put it up to maybe stress making her hear things. That or Raphael is trying to get her attention and sneak into her room at night.” She rolled her eyes at that. “Wouldn’t be the first time with a client but I for sure know it’s not him since that boy can’t stick to a schedule ever in his life.” She sighed but chuckled as she straighten her position and leaned forward against her desk.
“But honestly Gabriel, I’ve been through all of these rooms enough to know that spirits are playing around in them since before they moved in. So it’s no surprise that you’ve experienced paranormal things too.” She nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. “You’re not alone.”
“Hmm...” That didn’t seem to ease his nerves completely but, knowing he wasn’t going crazy and wasn’t alone in this matter made him feel a tad better. “...So tell me niña, none of this bothers you nor creeps you out? At all?” He asked with his brows furrowed. Raising one of them as he watched the young woman shake her head with a still smile on her lips. One of few things he has learned about this kid was she was able to stay unusually calm for many situations. Ghosts being one of them apparently.
This child was full of surprises. Odd ones at that...
“Gabriel-I’ve seen enough horrors in my lifetime since the day I was born so not a lot scares me nowadays. Not even when I see shadow people in the corners of my room or over my bed during my sleep paralysis. Breathing in my ear and speaking in words that I hardly understand half the time. This place is haunted-” Sam stood up from her seat while fixing the wrinkles on her uniform. She glanced up at her friend with her hands clasped behind her back. “But it doesn’t scare me.” She shrugged. “I do my best to tell them to pass on or I don’t bother them at all. Especially the most violent ones.”
“Shadow people? Violent ones?-Ah cheez, no me digas que también tenemos demonios? Because if we do I’m fucking packin’ up!” He frowned. “I’m calling a priest.”
Sam walked around her desk and patted the chef’s shoulder. “Cálmate. Honestly I don’t know if there are demons in this house or not because I’ve never actually seen one.” She shrugged once again and sat on top of her desk. Hands gripping the edge of the mahogany wood. “But I do know those specific spirits are bad and overall angry-hence they are consider violent. That’s why it’s best that you stay away from the rooms marked with red tape if you see them Gabriel.” She looked up and stared at the door for a moment while thinking. After a moment of silence she turned back to her friend. Facial features hardening, eyes sharper as they narrowed. “Definitely stay away from the basement floor...That’s the worst of them all and please keep that to yourself as to not scare the others. Especially clients.” Voice was firm as to show she dead serious.
“Wouldn’t it be best to war-”
“Please.” She stopped him but with a soft voice.
Gabriel stared at Sam for a moment while taking in her warnings. Nodding slowly as the new information settled in. “All-right...but if heads start spinnin’ and they crawlin’ up the walls I’m callin’ a exorcist. Got it, Niña? I’m here to only feed bellies and not throw hands with demons.” He slouched in his chair and grumbled to himself.
Sam tilted her head back in a light laugh before giving a sigh of relief. “Loud and clear, chef.”
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monstruomuses · 5 years
When Path’s Cross
Two figures ran in the night, one obviously being chased by another. “Stop!” Long mahogany hair flowed out behind the other as she remained in pursuit. “You’re just making this more difficult for yourself...” Putting on another burst of speed she leaped over the trash can the perp had knocked over trying to stop her.
She was gaining and grinned in triumph when her conquest found himself at a dead end. He turned, breathing heavily and glaring at her. “You’ve made a mistake copper, I ain’t had nothing to do with that. I was just passin by...you know wrong place at the wrong time.” Immogene removed the cuffs from the back pocket of her jeans. “Wrong place my ass. I caught you red handed with the merchandise.” The crook laughed. “And just what are you going to do about it missy? These streets are dangerous you know, especially for women like yourself.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw the flash of metal in his hand. “We can do this two ways sweetheart, I can show you a good time or I can have a good time.” He flipped the small knife and his eyes gleemed with menace.
Her eyes narrowed as she saw his stance shift. He charged and she waited until the last second to dive and knock his knees out from underneath him. His boot caught her in the shoulder and as they went down she hissed but ignored the pain. She rolled onto his back, her strong legs pinning his arms to his side. Slapping the cuffs on his wrists she stood and grabbed her com unit. “Officer Waters reporting in. Acquisition of perp at 688 Bright Grove. Request pick up. Over and out.” The crook sruggled trying to stand and she put her boot in his back so the heal dug between his shoulderblades. “You guys never listen.” She looked down at him. “By the way...you’re under arrest.”
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Haunting my Dreams TMNT Crossover Supernatural dark Au (closed Rp with @Immogene-waters)
Tale of two fathers.
There where to fathers with their sons walking down the streets of the big city at night.
One of them a broken man with two sons called Dean and Sam.
The other a  mutant rat named Master Splinter  who adopted four turtle tots he named after his favorite artists Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo.
the broken man with the name Winchester confused the mutant rat with a monster he made his life goal to hunt down to found the yellow eyed demon who took his wifes life.
After a short fight both where stopped by their childrens cries. Both found a friend in each others eyes.
The hunter teached the rat about the creatures hiddin in darkness. Leaving some books and weapons behind for him to protect the city from them.
The hunter raised his children as hunters.
While the rat decided to raise his sons as his children and teached them ninjutus but he kept hidden the cruel true from them.
For many years until they where ready for it but as the day came it was already to late...
Many years later:
The city was half destroyed one half was under the control of the Shredder and other creatures he made a pakt with.
Raphael, Mikey and Tennin, the guardian angel of the turtles and also the angel who took over Leonardo as vessel to safe his life. 
Donatello was lost for almost a year now after a demon possesed him no one knew where he went after the tragedy happend.
Raphael groaned rubbing the deep scar over his lost right eyes while Mikey talked with Tenning, Mikey left silver arm shining brightly in the moonlight. As he felt his brothers eyes on him he looked back. There was nothing left of the cheerful soul who was once living inside him only deep sadness and pure hate against his older brother. The red clad brute understand him but he did what was needed to protect all after they lost Leo to this Angel guy. Who kept on telling him that Leonardo was still alive deep inside of his mind and this was been the only way to safe him.
“Okay listing here ya and take the south I take the west we will met before the hellhole to kill the rest before the sun goes up” he told them short all nodded silently before they went their way ready for their new and old job but now as hunters of anything that could hurt the last free citizen of new york city.
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Sweet friends and rp partners I will only reply once a day sorry...dont have the time for more rping there are somethings I need to take care of in my life starting from next week  love yall hope you understand. ^^
@luvroffictionalcharacters, @fyreball66, @immogene-waters, @southernblossoms, @aimless-horizon, @betelgeusessonajblog, @nikitaboeve, @thefandomswife, @no-froth-and-foam-for-me, @hollybunch95, @tmntrptrash , @lets-tmnt-topside, @shellshockedrebel
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call-me-the-beast · 6 years
Continued Rp with Immogene
The next day started early for Ursus all because of his nightmares of losing her. Tired and stressed he woke up to see his swesda sleeping peacfully beside him.  Carefully he put his arms of her and stand up he decided to take a shower to clear his head from this horrible thoughts.
Sighing in relieve he stand in the shower while the cold water was pouring down his body.
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waterstar2016 · 1 year
I wrote 6.5 pages for Smooth Criminals yesterday. I love it when writing flows like that. It’s been so long and it really does feel good.
@forerunnertracer and I will be hanging out via FaceTime to get the rest done this afternoon.
Are you ready?
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Mom by Shalin. This is my favorite 'last' portrait of her. It was taken several months before her death. It is like an icon. I can look at it, and the picture almost talks to me, instructs, admonishes. One of my clients looked at this portrait and said, “She’s saying, ‘What are you going to do now?’”
Well, I turn people into human beings by not making them into gods.
— Immogen Cunningham
W.S. MERWIN: All day the stars watch from long ago my mother said I am going now when you are alone you will be all right whether or not you know you will know look at the old house in the dawn rain all the flowers are forms of water the sun reminds them through a white cloud touches the patchwork spread on the hill the washed colors of the afterlife that lived there long before you were born see how they wake without a question even though the whole world is burning [Rain Light]
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waterstar2016 · 7 months
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waterstar2016 · 2 years
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Immogene Waters
By the amazing neattea!!!!!
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waterstar2016 · 2 years
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Smooth Criminals fan art!
This is from the lovely @silentturtle
I LOVE how she captures Immogene’s personality! This illustrates pretty much exactly how she feels right now. Is she going to spout off, or give that Brute one of her rare smiles? She also looks so fierce! Her strength shows through those soft curves. You can even see her tattoos under the lace!!!
Thank you my dear friend.
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waterstar2016 · 1 year
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Immogene now and as a child.
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