shonalisoulfood · 2 years
It's no secret that protein is an essential part of an immunity boosting diet plan. Not only does it help to build and repair muscles, but it also plays a role in keeping us feeling full and satisfied after we eat. What's more, getting enough protein can help to prevent weight gain and promote weight loss. Read more about quality protein for your health.
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delibitecatering · 4 years
Boost Immune System Naturally - Prevent Viruses and Illness
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Boost your immune system while in COVID-19 self-quarantine
 Your best defense against disease is a good offence !
These days, nothing seems more important than maintaining optimal health and ensuring our immune system is as strong as it can possibly be to combat the debilitating coronavirus the whole world is been fighting. Luckily for those of us in Dubai, there are a number of good practices already in place that are geared toward keeping us strong and healthy. HOW CAN YOU BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC? Our immune systems do a remarkable job at fighting off foreign cells to protect us against illness. Varying factors are at play, such as age, which determine how resilient this defense system will be. Naturally, when a global health pandemic strikes, we’re bound to feel more concerned than usual  about staying strong and healthy. As, until a vaccine is available, “our immune systems will need to adapt unaided to COVID-19”, says the World Economic Forum. A strong immune system is our best defense against colds, flu and cancer. Poor diets, stress, lack of exercise and inadequate sleep strain our health system and put us at risk for a range of illness and disease. It may seem counter-intuitive, but investing in our health when we are well, rather than sick, is the best investment we can make. Sleep is essential for supporting for health as it is one of the few times throughout the day that your body is really in a deep state of rest and recovery. Your body has two different nervous systems, the parasympathetic and the sympathetic.   CONSUME NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS (LIKE THIS IMMUNE BOOSTING SOUP) This should come as no surprise, but your body needs nutrient-dense foods to support its many complex functions, which also include the immune system. Nutrient-dense vegetables, fruit, grains, and traditional foods like broth have an abundance of vitamins and minerals that can help the immune system work properly and influence its response. ADD IMMUNE SUPPORTING HERBS Adding immune supporting herbs is another way that you can support your immune system, and is one of the most cost effective ways in my opinion. For this immunity soup I focused on using a combination of ancient herbs all of which are known for their antimicrobial and immune-supportive benefits. Garlic: Garlic is great to add to your food and consume on a daily basis, especially during cold and flu. Garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties and has been used for centuries to help the immune system fight off infection. Studies have shown that garlic can be helpful in reducing the occurrence of colds and their overall length. So load up on the garlic. Fennel: Fennel (and fennel seeds) is most well known for its licorice-like flavor, and is another food that is good for supporting the system. Fennel seeds, in particular, are rich in vitamin C and are known for helping support digestive health. Since 80% of our immune system is located in our gut it is essential that promoting good gut health be a part of supporting function. Parsley: Parsley is one of my favorite herbs to include in food throughout the year because it is incredibly high in vitamin C and vitamin A both of which are critical for immune health.
Let us help you improve your immune function
At Keto Bites, we believe that a strong healthy system is essential to long-term health and vitality, and a small investment in wellness pays a lifetime of dividends in securing our future health. Our approach to boosting immunity is to design meal plans according to lifestyle strategies that help keep you strong and disease free.
We help you shape a healthy life
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vickyarora1888 · 4 years
Stay healthy with a perfect immunity boosting meal plan
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Simply put, immunity is your body’s ability to prevent and fight infections, illnesses and disease. And, in recent times, the term ‘immunity’ has gained immense importance thanks to the pandemic. However, pandemic or not, it is always important to eat healthy and nutritious food to keep your immunity high. We tell you about a perfect immunity boosting meal plan.
Early morning
It is important to have early morning foods or snacks to maintain the immunity boosting meal plan. You can start the day with lukewarm water with fresh lime and half a teaspoon of honey added to it. Have soaked almonds, soaked raisins and walnuts. After a little while have a cup of green tea without sugar and a teaspoon of honey, or ginger or tulsi tea.
This is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day. You can have paneer paratha accompanied by curd, stuffed egg omelette with milk. Poha or upma accompanied by butter milk, spinach, wheat and ragi dosa accompanied by sambar, or oats porridge or a besan, spinach and ragi cheela accompanied by mint chutney and buttermilk are also good options.
Midmorning snacks
For a midmorning snack around 11 am, is when hunger strikes back, pick a fruit; usually an apple, orange, a banana, sliced watermelon or papaya, etc., is recommended. You can even have some fresh lime juice or a fruit chaat. Alternatively, you can chop some raw vegetables such as carrots, peppers, broccoli, etc., to munch on. They are low-calorie and are packed with powerful vitamins. Perfect for your immunity boosting meal plan.  
Lunch should be filling but also give you energy to keep going through the day. A salad of cucumber or carrot or a mix of both, two chapattis or half a cup of rice accompanied by dal, a vegetable of your choice, and a cup of curd is the ideal meal. Do include a leafy vegetable frequently as well. You can also have raita instead of curd if you wish. Peas pulao, lemon rice, tamarind rice, are good as well. If you are a non-vegetarian, include fish, egg or chicken in your meal.
Evening snack
You evening snack should consist of something that is nourishing and also perks you up.  A cup of ginger tea with a handful of almonds or nuts, boiled sprouts, roasted makhana works well for immunity. If you wish to add sugar to your tea, add just a teaspoon. Fresh fruit juice, fresh lime water, coconut water, is what you can have if you are not a tea person. Also, you can have a boiled egg, a bowl of soup or paneer tikka if you want something more filling for your evening snack.
This meal should be light yet filling. Usually, a cup of soup…beetroot and carrot, spinach, tomato, etc., is perfect. Include 1 or 2 chapatis and a bowl of dal or vegetables. If not chapati, have a sandwich made of whole wheat bread with a filling of lettuce, panner, cucumber, and tomato. Alternatively, opt for oats idli accompanied by a cup of sambar. Before going to bed, do have a cup of milk, preferably skimmed without sugar and half a teaspoon of turmeric added to it.
The above plan is perfect for your overall health making it a perfect immunity boosting meal plan. Supplement it with a goof fitness regime and you are sure to stay healthy and fit.
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