#In his head Jongwoo was practically asking him out
wrenchenthusiast · 4 months
Oh I’m gonna scream cry and throw up
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
The Whisper Challenge
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wc: 650 pronouns: none used; n/a... reader is a boys planet trainee but it's just a story, so you can pretend any gender is allowed to compete-- it doesn't alter the story in any way! warnings: just fluff :) summary: trainee!reader puts together a super special secret bonus round of the boys planet whisper challenge for ricky this was a request and i'm sorry i'm only just getting to it! i hope you like this little drabble... i love baby ricky sm <3 masterlist
Repositioning your headphones on your head after turning the sound off, you prepare for the "bonus round" that your fellow trainees helped you plan. This super special Whisper Challenge round had been suggested to you today by Hao, who was sick of you and Ricky making googly eyes at each other during Over Me practice.
"The faster you two can date and then get bored of each other, the better our chances of winning Artist Battle," Hao had said yesterday as both you and Ricky desperately avoided making eye contact in the practice room the rest of the day.
You take a deep breath, calming your nerves as you put your plan into place. Smiling at Ricky, you relay the final secret phrase to him:
"Will you go out with me?"
Ricky frowns and, for a second, you think you've been found out already. But suddenly he grins as he screams back at you:
All of the trainees burst into laughter, Ricky's expression so hilariously genuine after accidentally calling you a cow. You fight the urge to smack him, shaking your head as you prepare to give him the phrase again.
"Will. You. Go. Out. With. Me," you annunciate, stressing every vowel and consonant as Ricky stares at your lips-- his brows furrowed in complete concentration.
"WILLEM. DAFOE. IS. GREEN!" He shouts back with wide eyes.
"What?" Kuan Jui asks in bewilderment. "That doesn't even make sense!"
"No, he's right! Willem Dafoe is green," Jay interjects. "... Green Goblin."
"How did he guess that?" A perplexed Hao raises his eyebrows as he continues, "Ricky's never even seen Spiderman..."
"Will!" You shout just one word this time.
"WELL!" Ricky shouts back.
"Wiiiiiill!" You emphasize again.
"WILL!" Ricky correctly guesses this time and you nod enthusiastically to encourage him.
"You!" You move on to the next word, the huge grin that's been stuck on your face for the last five minutes starting to ache.
"YOON!" He yells; concentration unwavering.
"Do not bring me into this," Jongwoo protests from the crowd, shaking his head in disappointment.
"YOOUUU-UH!" You attempt to emphasis the last letter more effectively.
Ricky nods, guessing, "YOU!"
You clap you hands together excitedly, hopping up and down before pronouncing the next phrase, "Go... Out..."
Zhang Hao looks around nervously. "Where should I go?"
"GO... OUT-UH!" You try once more, stomach starting to flutter as Ricky gets closer to deciphering the phrase.
"GO OUT!?" He guesses, the crowd of trainees cheering in anticipation in front of you.
You place your hands on Ricky's shoulders to deliver the final word and he leans in to touch his forehead to yours like he often did during challenges-- pretending to make your minds meld.
"Me," you finish the phrase, holding your breath as Ricky watches your lips move.
His eyes light up as he comprehends the word. "ME!"
You nod excitedly, a lump in your chest as you wait for him to put the phrase together.
"WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!?" Ricky shouts the whole phrase back at you.
You take your headphones off, placing them around your neck. "Yes," you answer as all of the trainees in the crowd shriek with excitement.
Ricky's eyebrows furrow innocently as he tilts his head to the side cutely, confusion written all over his face. "What? What's going--?"
Watching as realization sets in, your bottom lip tucks between your teeth cheekily as Ricky removes his headphones.
"Oh." The self-proclaimed Charisma Boss is nowhere insight as Ricky's cheeks turn bright pink. "Um... I--... Um..."
You giggle deviously at him as your plan unfolds exactly to your liking. A grin spreads across his face as he realizes he's fallen right into your trap.
"Yes," you repeat your answer. "Since you asked so nicely... I will go out with you."
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thebonggirll · 3 years
chapter two
< previous: chapter one
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Moonjo didn’t expect his new art subject to be so full of joy while talking about his novel. Ofcourse, it is natural to be excited about own’s work, but in his case, there was something extremely satisfying about the way he rambled on about a serial killer getting away with several murders. Not to forget the fact the way his smile widened when he talked about his main character choking someone to death.
It’s as if he was describing the love of his life.
Wishing goodbye to him when they came near their rooms, Moonjo sat for a moment after changing, contemplating if he should get some sleep.
Or not. He could utilize the time to observe and take all his time to know everything about him. Without making a sound, he went near the peephole and watched as Jongwoo appeared as confused as a puppy sitting in front of the laptop.
He found inspiration from the little talk they had. That’s good for them. They could motivate each other. Although, it’s still a fifty percent chance of him doing it again when he’s done recreating him.
Moonjo didn’t know how long he stood watching him. Time seemed to pass sooner with his subject alongside him. Jongwoo went to doze off. Now, there isn’t much to watch. As he was backing away, he heard another sound and whipped his head to look at his subject’s demeanor through the hole.  
Jongwoo was moaning.
Ofcourse, in his sleep. Moonjo deduced how it must’ve been a nightmare and not something pleasurable since he tossed and turned uncomfortably.
Oh, but the sight of his agonizing face. And with the bonus of a flushed face and sweat all over his body. Moonjo grinned wider as small gasps and moans escaped from his mouth. He could feel his pants get tighter with each passing second.
Hands slowly sliding down his pants, he pushed it down and pulled out his cock. Moving his hand and working on his shaft, he started breathing heavily. His eyes focused on Jongwoo’s lips. It would look so good wrapped around him. He could almost see his plump lips around him, those adorable eyes looking up at him with sinful thoughts.
He came with a grunt after a few minutes. He then moved to take a tissue out of his bag and wiped his hand and applied some hand sanitizer. He can’t leave jagiya alone now, can he?
Time passed and he found himself to be amused by Jongwoo. He couldn’t believe how much of a heavy sleeper he was. He watched him toss and turn, and finally half of his body fell down, hitting his head in the process.
It was time for him to wake up though. Soon enough the alarm on his mobile rang up and he watched Jongwoo lazily pulling himself up on the bed and switching the annoying sound off. Moonjo chuckled under his breath watching him groan in pain as he rubbed his hand over his bed hair.
He watched him get up from his bed and take a towel. Oh, he was going to shower. He can’t miss the opportunity to see his bare body.
Moonjo waited for some time to pass. He couldn’t just follow him in, of course. He soon was able to hear the sound of water hitting the ground from the bathroom.
Walking out slowly, he stood by the entrance and stared at the way Jongwoo rubbed his hair standing under the shower.
“Hello,” he said, watching him for a moment.
“Oh, hello,” Jongwoo said, bowing down a bit in a respectful manner.
Moonjo walked past him and stood under the shower next to him. “Did you get a good sleep?” he asked.
“Yes,” Jongwoo answered.
“It sounded like you were having a nightmare. I could hear you.”
“Did I bother you? Sorry,” Jongwoo apologized.
Moonjo chuckled, “Don’t worry about it. You can practically hear the person next door breathing here.”
“Figures,” Jongwoo said turning off his shower, “The rooms are separated but it feels like we are all living together. Right, have you seen the guy living next door to me?”
Moonjo felt a tinge of anger hearing about him. Why was he asking about him? “Room 302?” he asked.
“Yes,” Jongwoo confirmed.
It was annoying. He stared at him with a new found feeling of irritation hearing the mention of a man, he was most supposedly should’ve ignored. He wasn’t that noticeable to people in the first place. Moonjo stared at him, smile wiped off of his face, and asked “Why?”
“It’s just I haven’t seen him since last night. Come to think of it, that gangster guy is gone too,” Jongwoo turned to look at him and dried his hair with a towel, “Isn’t that weird?”
His observation about all of it made him excited though. He noticed what went unnoticed by most people. Moonjo tried to control his smile and said, “We all live here, but we don’t really know about one another. It’s probably good manners to pretend we didn’t notice.”
“I guess so,” Jongwoo said rubbing his body with the towel, “I’m sure no one came here to live willingly.”
Moonjo was in awe. He was perfect for him. Jongwoo was all he needed to complete his masterpiece.  “Do you want to grab a beer on the rooftop after work tonight?” he asked.
“I’m meeting my girlfriend tonight, so I can’t.”
Moonjo smiled at the new piece of news, “So you have a girlfriend?” The burning sensation in his chest and mind were coming back all over again.
“Ofcourse you do. You’re a good-looking guy,” Moonjo said. It was probably because of the shower, but he wanted to believe Jongwoo flushed into a deeper shade of red hearing his compliment.
“Then please excuse me,” Jongwoo said slowly walking out, “I’ll take a rain check on that beer.”
“Sure, we are not in a hurry,” Moonjo said, smiling softly.
It was good that Jongwoo was still willing to hang out with him. But there’s a hurdle that he needed to take care of before.
His girlfriend.
But it’s all going to work out fine. When the time comes, he could just use her as a weakness. There’s no one that could stop him from being together with the one that was made for him.
The one he was going to mold into a new piece of artwork. His masterpiece.
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next: chapter three >
forever, jagiya.
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wowiejimin · 7 years
Safe - Chapter 2
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I would like to say thank you for all the love and support so far! I was really surprised with the outcome from this fic, it really really made my day :’) Enjoy this new chapter~
I’ve also made a hashtag thinking maybe it’ll be easier for you guys to find the fic! the hashtag will be under “wowiejimin safe fic” :)
Pairing: Gang Member!Jimin x Poor Heart!Genius!Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance, Lots of Action, Humor, Fluff, & Smut (In the Future)
Length: 5.0K
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Death, Smut (In the Future), Blood
Members Included: All of BTS, other KPop groups in the future
Previous Chapter Chapter List Next Chapter
In his world, being a part of a mafia gang, known as Bangtan Boys, is a bit terrifying. They were truly a filthy rich and powerful group that everyone feared. 22-year old Jimin was described as the stealthiest and most skilled member of Bangtan, playing an important part in their group. Whereas for 20-year-old (Y/N), a genius with a weak heart is suffering inside the cruel world as she is experimented on on the daily basis. Jimin finds himself protecting a gifted girl whose memory can hold numerous things in a blink of an eye. Jimin finds an interest in her, visioning that she may be a valuable asset to their group. Jimin has never paid attention to girls. However, that started to change when he met her.
The sound of rough punching and pants were heard across the whole gym room. Jimin heaved a breath before continuing to punch the bag of sand that hung from the high ceiling.
Everyone knew that Park Jimin was known for his heartless and brutal ways of killing. Hell, he sometimes brawls for his own pleasure. Most people like to think that he prefers to use his bare hands rather than weapons. But he is also known for his manipulative tricks; tricking their targets into something they regret doing when crossing Bangtan.
For as long as Jimin could remember, he was widely known as Seoul's strongest man. Jimin is excellent in all aspects when it came to combat and weaponry; to a point that everyone says he is the best at it. It is also said that the man was as valuable as an entire brigade, far outweighing any other member of any gang. Namjoon has even said that he was considered extremely strong before joining Bangtan. He has an alarming amount of physical strength, showing evidence for this mastery of both combat and weaponry. Despite his small stature, his body was built with heavy muscle, making him strong and being able to defeat his opponents easily. As far as Jimin knows, he hasn't lost a fight in either combat or weaponry. However, this does not stop him from getting injured, though.
Jimin heard the door open as he looked at the person who came in from the corner of his eye. It was Taehyung. The silver-haired boy practically skipped towards the older boy, (only by a few months) throwing him a water bottle. "Here ya go!" He gleamed. Jimin caught it with ease without looking, taking off the cap. Jimin gave out little noises of content as the cold liquid ran down his throat, satisfying him. 
"Are you going to go out for your usual jogs?" Taehyung asked. Jimin nodded, "Of course." He said, placing the water bottle down. Taehyung pouted, "But it's almost dinner. Jin hyung is making steak tonight." He says as Jimin gave out a little chuckle, "It's fine; I'll just eat the leftovers, no worries." Jimin says before slipping on an old black hoodie.
Taehyung hummed before getting up from where he was, seeing that the sun has just started to set. "You better be careful out there. It's getting dark." Taehyung mumbled as Jimin nodded his head, "Yeah I know." Jimin responded, unplugging his charged phone before tucking it into his joggers. Jimin started to walk out of gym room with Taehyung following.
"Where's everyone else?" Jimin asked as Taehyung folded his arms across his chest, "Jungkook is with Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung. I heard that they're raiding a laboratory right now, stealing all the drugs while they’re out doing some business." Taehyung says as Jimin quirked an eyebrow, "Drugs? We don't use drugs." Jimin says as Taehyung shrugged, "They're for another gang. I guess they're too fucking pussy to do it themselves so they turned to us for help." Jimin chuckled at Taehyung before stopping in the foyer.
"I also hear that they hold test subjects in there, testing out their drugs to really see if they work. Some say they even use them as scrappers in underground fights or for gambling since the drugs do some type of witchery to make them more focused or mind read." Taehyung shivered as Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't think it'll make them mind read, Tae." Jimin chuckled, putting his rather expensive running shoes on.
"Alright, I'll be back within 30 minutes," Jimin says as he pulled his hoodie over his head. Jimin look over at Taehyung, watching his tail whoosh behind him.
Taehyung was a wolf hybrid that Namjoon took in after rescuing him from a rival gang. And in exchange for saving his life, he became a loyal member of Bangtan since. Taehyung played an important part in Bangtan as he was the tracker. His amazing senses helped them track down enemies and take them down. Not only that, but his incredible strength has helped them through missions.  
Taehyung nodded before turning away, "If you're not back within 30 minutes, I'm telling Jin hyung~!" Taehyung chimed before entering the living room. Jimin rolled his eyes, opening the door, "I'm leaving." Jimin closed the door, locking it with the spare key hidden in the plant next to the double doors. Jimin huffed before putting back the spare key in the dirt before jogging out of their property.
“For the last time, give me the numbers.” He yelled, slamming down the pen down on the desk. The man behind her pushed her slightly, urging her to obey. (Y/N) clenched her teeth and stood there. The leader of the group, the Void named Jongwoo, sighed as he crumpled the paper up, “You’re a brave girl, a clever one too. But do you know how we knew who you were and where you’re going to be?” He asked and she nodded, “Someone told you.” She responded as he smirked slightly, “That’s right. Can you guess who?” He asked and nodded at his men, “Let him in!”
A man walked in through the door, causing (Y/N) to quietly gasp. It was her doctor. “It was him! The one who told you helped you through your heart problem up until now. He’s been working with us on this mission.” Jongwoo before the doctor smiled at (Y/N).
(Y/N) fluently speaks 18 languages, learning each language under 15 minutes. The doctor crouched slightly down to her height, deciding to speak to her in Japanese, refraining from the men from knowing what they were saying, “(Y/N), I tell these men what they want to know and they pay me lots and lots of money. Do the same and they will help you too.” He tells her as (Y/N) furrowed her brows, “You’re a stupid man.” She spat.
“You don’t understand business. You gave them what they want and now they will kill you.” (Y/N) told him and one of the men grabbed her shoulder, “Hey! Speak Korean.” He demanded. The doctor smile nervously, “S-She won’t tell me anything—“Before the doctor could finish, he was cut off by a gunshot to his head. (Y/N) gasped slightly, feeling the tears well up in her eyes, trying to keep it in.
“Our leader is a patient man, I’m not.” The man that shot the doctor growled, pressing the gun to her cheek. “Tell him what he wants to know.” He says and suddenly loud bang was heard on the door.
“It’s the Ravens~” Someone yelled outside the door. (Y/N) recognized it to be another gang, already knowing that they’re after her too. “What the fuck.” The leader growled as his men pointed their guns at the door. “Bring the girl out and no one gets hurt.” The leader of the Ravens promised. With all the men distracted, (Y/N) quietly left the room, quickly walking into the washroom, locking the door behind her.
“Open the door or it’ll be war!” The leader of the Ravens, Penzo, grew impatient. Jongwoo scoffed, “You come in here and we’ll shoot you all to the ground!” He threatened.
From outside the building, multiple black vans crowded around.
Penzo sighed, seeing that he was receiving a call from Banjo. “We found them; however, they don’t want to cooperate,” Penzo tells Banjo.
 Banjo sighed in frustration, fearing the thought of what would happen if Mr. Han found out. “We made a deal.” Banjo growled as Penzo rolled his eyes, “Yup, we the girl, bring her back to you, and we get $50,000. Although…” Penzo looked around before smirking, “The Whisperers did offer me a higher price if I gave them your kid.” Banjo bit his lip.
He knew this was coming. The leader of the Whisperers, Quan, offered Penzo $100,000. Banjo sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Fine. $200,000. Final offer.”
Penzo smirked even more, “Deal.”
Jongwoo looked back at (Y/N), only to find her missing. He gritted his teeth, grabbing one of his men, “Get her back in her!” He yelled as one of his men hurriedly went to the other room. He attempted to open the washroom door, only to find it locked. He furrowed his brows before kicking the door down, seeing that the window was wide open. He widens his eyes before looking out the window, seeing that (Y/N) has already made her way down the street.
The man came back into the room, telling his leader about (Y/N)’s escape. Jongwoo sighed before opening the door, meeting face to face to Penzo.
Penzo looked at Jongwoo with a smirk, “Hey, I made a deal with Banjo, the girl’s dad or whatever. If I bring her back to him, I get $200,000. So, because I like you, I’ll like to share the money I make after I hand him the girl. How’s that?” Penzo offered as Jongwoo rolled his eyes.
“Bullshit.” Jongwoo says before sighing, “But I have to tell you something before you come in.” He says. Penzo titled his head, “What?”
“She’s gone.”
“What do you mean she’s gone?
“She escaped, you fucking idiot.”
“Oh. But I don’t get it. Why is everyone after her? What does she have?”
“I don’t know, Penzo, but all I know is that it leads more than just $200,000.”
“Korean girl, 5’0, wavy hair, 20-years-old. MOVE!” Penzo yelled at his men as they all took off with their black vehicles. The Void, however, ran around Seoul to find (Y/N), knowing she’s near and won’t be needing a vehicle to find her.
After finding out that (Y/N) is more than just $200,000, Penzo called off the deal with Banjo and the Whisperers, deciding to capture (Y/N) for himself. And now, there were four gangs going after (Y/N), the Void, the Ravens, the Whisperers, and Banjo.
(Y/N) quickly walked down the street, heading for the subway. The sun started to set, causing (Y/N) to panic, knowing that she didn’t know the streets of Seoul very well. She was quick on her feet like she was in the boxing ring.
“She’s heading for the subway!” The members of the Void yell, seeing her small figure from afar.
Banjo clenched his jaw, entering Mr. Han’s office, head hanging low, “I lost her. They got her.” He mumbled. Mr. Han fumed in anger, looking at Banjo. “Is that so…” He gritted his teeth before slamming his hand on his desk.
“Look at you, Banjo! You lost the one thing I asked for you to watch over, and now your lab is being raided by one of the strongest gangs in South Korea!” He yelled. Banjo furrowed his brows and looked at the older man, “I watched over the kid for fucking 10 years! How much time did you need? The kid is an adult now, she for sure knows where she’s going, probably finding her way back to us.” Banjo says, trying to convince him.
Mr. Han scoffed, “Oh really? Finding her way back to us? To you? Give me a break, you tortured the girl, making her gamble and fight in those stupid underground matches for money! Other than that, you used your fucking drugs on her! For 10 fucking years! There’s no way she’s going to be coming back to us, not after all that shit you did to her!” He barked.
Banjo sighed in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I needed to know if those drugs worked and I was in debt, and I needed the money. And now, my lab is getting fucking raided by Bangtan.” He says as Mr. Han sent him an eye roll. “Yeah, well, those drugs did nothing but worsen her weak fucking heart! I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s dead by now.” Mr. Han sighed as Banjo shook his head, “No, we’ll get her. I know we will.”
“Well, if they get her before we do, your head will be gone in an instant.” Mr. Han threated.
After 20 minutes of jogging, Jimin found himself jogging through the subway station. He sighed, pulling out his phone, “How do I get out of here again?” Jimin asked quietly to himself, walking further into the station.
He looked up through his hood, noticing a young woman, probably a bit younger than he was, maybe Jungkook’s age, walking around the station with fright written all over her face. Jimin tilted his head and watched. The young woman looked back, meeting eye contact with Jimin’s before turning away, walking away quickly.
Out of curiosity, Jimin started to follow her, thinking maybe she was lost. It was until four men entered the station as well, looking as if they were trying to find something. Trying to find someone. Jimin looked closer at the men, recognizing them as members from the Void. Jimin widens his eyes before one of the members growled, “I know she went this day.” He says before they all walk further down the station.
Jimin smirked, “Oh shit, not them again.” Jimin mumbled.
Jimin remembered the last time he interacted with them. He was with the rest of his members, meeting up with the Void to make a deal. But that went out of plan as usual but nonetheless, Bangtan pulled through successfully, killing those who came to the deal. And ever since that day, the Void knew to never interact with Bangtan again.
Jimin’s smirk then disappeared when he noticed that the girl from earlier was hiding behind a pole, peeking behind to see if the men passed by. Is she hiding from them? Jimin thought.
The train finally came to a stop as the doors opened. Jimin watched attentively as the young woman walked in. Jimin then watched the four men walk into the train as well from a different cart. “Maybe she went in here.” One of them says as Jimin see the young woman panic from seeing the men enter the train.
“Oh fuck no,” Jimin grumbled.
(Y/N) stood inside the train, seeing that the men have entered the train as well. (Y/N) thought quickly before running down the carts of the train. The doors closed, stopping Jimin from entering. The train started to move quickly as Jimin followed along, cursing quietly.
Jimin looked inside the train, seeing that the girl started to move towards the front of the train. Jimin was running now, waiting for the end of the train to appear. Once the end of the train appeared, Jimin grabbed onto the railing that held onto the side of the train. Jimin grunted, sliding onto the platform, attempting to open the back door, only to find it locked.
(Y/N) panicked, running down the train carts with the four men slowly trailing behind her.
Jimin cursed under his breath, "Fuck." Jimin muttered and looked up, beginning to climb on top of the train. As he got on top, he carefully ran down, trying not to fall off. He looked up to see that the train was about to enter a tunnel. He ran quickly into a gap between two train carts, ripping the door open. Jimin found himself the four men, quickly, following.
(Y/N) practically ran, looking back every now and then. She knew the number of train carts were coming to an end soon and had to think fast. There was no other way to escape unless she ran out as soon as the train is at the next stop. The men quickly followed with Jimin trailing behind. (Y/N) then came to a stop, seeing that there was nowhere to go. She was cornered.
She whimpered, turning around to see that the four men have already found her. Jimin clenched his jaw, stepping forward before the men could enter the cart she was in.
Jimin then grabbed one of their shoulders, turning him around. Jimin headbutted him, knocking him out almost instantly. The other men noticed and quickly told one of them to get (Y/N). Another man came up to Jimin, swinging a fast. Jimin quickly caught his fist with ease before kicking his crotch. The man yelled in pain, crouching down as Jimin swung his foot, hitting the side of his face roughly, Another man came at Jimin, who kicked his chest, making him stumble back into the fourth man's chest. Jimin quickly punched both sides of his face hard, knocking him out. Then the man who got hit in the crotch got up, grabbing Jimin into a headlock. Jimin grunted, elbowing his crotch once again, allowing him to break free and elbowed his face before swinging his fist to the man's throat. The man fell to the ground as the last man standing pulled a handgun out.
Jimin growled and quickly grabbed their wrist, twisting it. He groaned in pain as Jimin forcefully dragged him down to the seats and pulled his arm from behind his back, twisting it even more. "Argh!" The man howled in pain. Jimin let go and pushed him down to the ground, taking a look at his face.
"Nice beating your ass once again, Kaze." Jimin panted, recognizing the man as Jongwoo's right-hand man. Jimin grabbed the gun, pointing it at his face. Kaze widen his eyes, "J-Jimin?" He says in disbelief.
(Y/N) watched as Jimin pointed the gun at Kaze. She panted slightly from all the running as she recognized the mysterious man's face, "Bangtan." She whispered to herself.
"You know damn well that we told you to get out of this part of the city. But it looks like you disobeyed." Jimin growled and before Kaze could protest, Jimin pulled the trigger, killing him. Screams were heard on the train as the people around immediately stood at the doors, wanting to get out. Jimin then shot at the three other men before slipping the gun into his waistband.
Jimin huffed and slowly walked into the cart (Y/N) was in. Everyone backed away from Jimin as the train came stopped at the next station. Jimin looked at her as he breathed heavily, catching his breath. "You okay?" He asked and (Y/N) stared him, watching his every move. People immediately ran out as soon as the doors opened, and so did (Y/N). Jimin cursed and ran out of the train as well.
(Y/N) walked down the street, hoping she lost him. She looked up at the sky, meeting with the night sky. She huffed as she looked around. Suddenly, she was pulled back to see a member of the Ravens, "Woah! Easy there. There's nothing to worry about," The man paused as he sent her a smile, "What's your name, hun?" He asked, opening the door to his car, "We'll take good care of you."
Before (Y/N) can enter the vehicle, Jimin came in and kicked the man's shin and pushed him down onto the car, using all his strength as he punched him in the throat, knocking his windpipes out.
(Y/N) widens her eyes before quietly getting out of the car, getting away.
Jimin watched the man's body go limp before noticing (Y/N)'s retreating form. Jimin grabbed her wrist gently, "Hey, hey... I'm not going to hurt you." He says as vans pull up nearby. A man came out and started to shoot in their direction. Jimin sighed and pushed (Y/N) to the passenger seat, quickly making his way over to the driver's seat.
"What the hell did you do, kid?!" Jimin asked as gunshots cracked the back windshield of the car as Jimin turned on the car and drove reverse, knocking a few men over before driving forward, running over a few more men.
Jimin drove as fast as he could, "You know, those men are bad. Pretty obvious but wanna tell me why they're after you?" He asked (Y/N), looking at her. (Y/N) looked back at him as gunshots were still heard. Jimin quirked an eyebrow, "You understand me, right? Do you speak Korean?" Jimin asked, confused whether or not if she understood him or not. 
"What do you mean she got away?" Penzo growled through the phone. "Someone else took her. Not the Void or Banjo. He killed a couple of people, almost killing more too. I didn't grasp to see what he looked like." A loyal member of Penzo's gang answered him. Penzo sighed, "Then kill him. Get the girl alive. If you can't, then kill her too."
Jimin took a sharp right but the Ravens quickly followed. Jimin then took a sharp left as (Y/N) held tight to the armrest, "A-Are you crazy?! You're in the wrong lane!" (Y/N) cried as the cars passed them. Jimin looked at her before a bus came to view. Jimin then pressed onto the gas, driving fast enough to dodge it.
The Ravens behind them, however, crash into the bus. Another vehicle whom Jimin recognized as the Void drove by the bumper. Jimin cursed, "Fuck, alright, listen to me." Jimin looked at the girl, "You're going to do what I have to say, alright?" Jimin says before turning into a tight alleyway. Jimin quickly got out, taking (Y/N) into a hidden spot behind a few boxes.
The Ravens stopped their car, getting out, "Where the hell did they go?!" They yelled as Jimin started to shoot at them, getting their attention. Jimin came close and shot one of them, using him as a shield as the other men attempted to shoot at Jimin, only to continue to shoot at their fallen member. Jimin threw the body off of him as a man came up behind him. Jimin quickly elbowed them face as the other man swung a fist. Jimin blocked his punch as he grabbed the man by the nape of his neck and shoved their face into the car numerous times till Jimin heard the crack from his nose gushes of blood oozing out. Jimin then brought the gun up, shooting both of the men.
Jimin breathed heavily, walking over to where (Y/N) was, "You okay?" He asked and she looked up at him, nodding gently. "Let's go." He says softly, bringing a hand to her shoulder, guiding her.
Jimin guessed that since no one was able to recognize his identity, besides the ones he killed, the girl wouldn't be able to get tracked down unless she had a source of 
(Y/N) didn't know exactly why she stood by the man who saved her. But she felt like she could trust him, especially how ruthless he acted when fighting those men in order to save her life.
The young woman noticed that they made their way to a luxurious looking building. As if Jimin could read her mind, Jimin smirked slightly, "This is our HQ, if you're wondering." Jimin says as they entered the building, bodyguards holding the door for them. The two made their way to what seemed like Jimin's office, located on the sixth floor.
"This is a nice place." She mumbled to herself as Jimin closed his office door, making his way towards the windows, drawing the curtains closed as well. Jimin motioned for her to sit on the couch, which she did.
Jimin sighed before taking a seat next to her, a foot apart from each other. He faced her with a serious yet gentle look before ending out his name, "The names Jimin, Park Jimin." He introduced. (Y/N) slowly shook his hand, her hand smaller than his by a bit (omg what impossible).
"(Y/N)." She smiled awkwardly. Jimin looked sighed, "Are you in a gang, (Y/N)?" He asked. (Y/N) shrugged, "N-No, not really. I would have to say that I was just involved in a lot of things." She says quietly, looking down. "What are you involved in? What are you doing with those type of people?" He asked, wanting to know more.
(Y/N) gulped before letting out a shaky breath, "T-To count..." She says nervously as Jimin quirked an eyebrow, "Are you sure about that?" He asked as the girl sighed, "I played a part in a lot of things... Bad things." She frowned, avoiding eye contact with Jimin. "Did you want to do those things?" He asked and she quickly shook her head, "I never wanted to... I was just... forced to do them." She says quietly.
Jimin inhaled deeply, "Who are these people that you were involved with?" He asked. Jimin didn't know why he was trying to help her. Maybe because she reminded him of himself when he was younger. He really didn't know why, but he knew that something about her is important if so many people are after her.
"Mr. Han and Hwang Banjo." She muttered, "Do you know them?" She asked as he nodded lightly. "I've heard of them." Jimin says before widening his before sitting up straight, “Wait... Banjo... Doesn’t he own that lab? With the drugs?” He questioned, remembering what Taehyung has told him. If what Taehyung has said was true, then (Y/N) must’ve been—
(Y/N) looked down at her hands. "I was abducted at a young age." She confessed, "I knew they wanted to use me as a source of money, but now I'm not so sure." (Y/N) referred to all the times she's been punished and experimented on, clearly not relevant in using her intelligence. "What did they do to you?" Jimin asked quietly, already having an idea of what they did. Jimin noticing her upset and quiet state, so he settled back down onto the couch, showing her not to be afraid of him.
She hitched in a breath before sighing, "I was taken to Banjo's lab. And ever since he took me in as a test subject," She paused, clasping her hands tight, "H-He's been injecting his drugs into me... experimenting and so much more..." She trailed off, feeling her lip quiver, "experimenting led to fighting as a scrapper, to gambling, to punishment." She says and looked up at him before looking back down. Jimin gulped, understanding what she was going through.
(Y/N) lifted her hair up, revealing a nasty scar on her neck. Jimin guessed that that is where the drugs were injected, right on her neck. Jimin sighed, nodding understandingly, avoiding the nasty scar. He was dark and quite large. It seemed as though that Banjo must’ve injected the drugs in the same place numerous types. He winced slightly at the sight, knowing that it must’ve hurt really bad, especially by the size of the needle.
"So, let me get this straight," Jimin says, getting her attention.
"You were abducted as a child because...?"
"I'm gifted."
Jimin raised his brows, "Meaning like--" (Y/N) looked at Jimin, "I soak up information like sponges and can solve any logical problem within seconds. I was known to have way more advanced intellectual skills than anyone else in my hometown." She mumbled. Jimin nodded, understanding where she was coming from. Almost like Namjoon hyung. He thought.
So, if she was seen as a human computer to others, she must be a fucking genius, He thought about it for a moment. "This Mr. Banjo and Han guy," Jimin started. (Y/N) smiled a bit, "Mr. Han and Banjo?" She corrected with a light laugh. Jimin gave out a little grin. "What did they make you do to have all these people come after you?" He questioned.
(Y/N) clenched her jaw, debating whether or not she should tell him. (Y/N) sighed, "Mr. Han made me memorise this very long number. I was supposed to go to someplace to get the second set of numbers and more instructions but the Void members came in and shot everyone." She explained. Jimin looked at her with a blank face,  "Then the Ravens came and that was when I ran away. And then I met you." She looked up at him through her long and thick eyelashes. Jimin gritted his teeth at the sound of the Ravens getting involved. A truly idiotic gang is what Jimin thought when it came to the Ravens, "And now, I hear that the Whisperers are trying to get involved as well, trying to get their hands on me." She says as Jimi hummed, "Do you want to go back to this Mr. Han guy?" He asked and she immediately shook her head.
"No, never. I'll just be put back into that dark cell, back with the experiments and stuff." She shivered, "And I-I caused too much trouble. I'm sure I'll be punished for escaping. He might even kill me after I finish this task." She says quietly.
Jimin thought about what was happening with (Y/N). If she had to memorise this long ass number, making all these gangs try to take her, then this number is important, He thought.
"What's this number?" Jimin asked with a rough voice, surprising (Y/N), "It's really long..." She says as Jimin sat closer to her, "How do you know this is just and not just separate numbers? Is there anything interesting about these numbers?" Jimin asked, having an idea where this was going.
"A few of them," She answered, "They either have a 2 or a 7 before them." She paused, thinking for a bit, "All the numbers are random but five of them have a 7 before and eight of them have a 2 before them. That's too many times to be random." (Y/N) looked at Jimin, who stared deeply into her eyes.
(Y/N) gulped, "Once I memorised the number, I started to think it was a--"
"A code." Jimin finished for her. (Y/N) nodded slowly, "Yeah, a code." She says quietly. Jimin started to lean forward slowly, making her flustered a bit. "So the ones that are interesting are happening too many times to be random, hm?" He asked quietly, a few inches from her face, "M-Mhm..." (Y/N) hummed nervously, "They're not numbers, they're words." She says quietly.
"It's a combination, for a safe."
And that is chapter 2!!! once again, thank you so so much for the love and support :) i love you allllll ~~
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