#In short I’m just sort of wary towards blindly celebrating Kiku and Yamato as trans rep though I don’t blame people for doing so
sand-worms · 2 years
1, 11 and ummm 19 for one piece uwu
1. Ships that I don’t get
Literally like all of them lmao especially anything involving Luffy or Law LOL. Luffy literally has no interest in romance whatsoever quite honestly I think he would view a relationship as stifling and I don’t think he would like having to deal with the compromise that’s necessary for a relationship to work because like. So much of One Piece is Luffy basically just doing whatever he wants and everyone around him has to go along with it because his biggest character goal is like the ultimate sense of freedom that he can possibly obtain. I’m not sure if what I’m trying to say makes sense here I’m just saying that I think like Luffy wouldn’t mesh well in a relationship unless it was with someone who had absolutely 0 qualms about him just doing whatever he wanted to all the time and I think that’s hard to find. Ships with Law don’t make a ton of sense to me because personally I think he’s got so much trauma I don’t think he would be willing to even open up to the possibility of a relationship with someone unless he has absolute trust in them, and I think that would be like a slow process to get there. I think you would need like 2 years 3 crowbars and a blowtorch to even get him to open up to the possibility of a relationship especially because he seems to very deliberately keep people at an arm’s length from himself. He’s also just not a very romantic guy in my mind I don’t think he would treat a romantic partner all that differently from how he treats the people he seems to be actually close to (his crew)
11. An unpopular character that I like but the fandom doesn’t.
Ummmm I don’t really dare to venture into tags to know how anyone feels about any specific characters but I guess I’ll say Sengoku? Is he unpopular idk. Just from the standpoint of I find it really interesting how he and Law are the only two people who could really share any memories of Cora or share any grief over his loss and I think that would be a really interesting thing to explore more I would really like to know more details about his sort of parental relationship towards Cora.
19. One thing I hate most about the fandom
Man I just hate all the debate on the stance of Kiku and Yamato’s genders. Some people are so grossly transphobic about them but I also sometimes feel a bit like people give Oda a little too much credit in regards to how their writing is handled.
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