miss-littevi · 1 year
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Elftober - 17: Companion
'What are you telling me...? He didn't do that. No way, never. I can't imagine he did that. You just made that up!" Yorina just couldn't believe what Estinien was saying. The things he was saying about a much younger Aymeric just couldn't be true.
Estinien smirked, gesturing. 'Well, I promise you, it's true. But go and ask him yourself. And please tell me how he tried to weasel out of the conversation this time, okay?
Yorina laughed, something rarely heard from her. But in good company, with her close friend and companion, she allowed herself to let the cold facade drop. In another life, if they could have met under different circumstances, they might have become lovers. But not in this life. In this life, they were close friends who protected each other, who cared for each other no matter what.
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miss-littevi · 11 months
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~ Siblings by Choice ~
a picture from todays Elftober-shooting that didn't make it into the post. But I liked it enough to post it because I really love it <3
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miss-littevi · 9 months
About my last storybit "Thoughts" (and about Yorina and Estinien)
This one
It was written in a short amount of time. It is rough, with many mistakes, not really revised. But it was never my intention to get a high quality writing out. I know, it has lots of mistakes, grammar errors, typos, wrong names because I didn't look up every single english name of ingame-things (grerman language game client here), but it was important for me to get it "on paper" because it haunted me,
My goal was to write down two things:
The fact, that Yorina didn't brush off this final confrontation with Zenos as the game suggests the WoL does. That it was a long and exhaustig fight for her. That she was in a death-like state at the end, before her companions brought her back. Or did she die and just wishes and prayers / dynamis brought her back? (Maybe the 10 hours are a bit too much and I'll change it to four or five hours in a future revision of this story part. Four to five hourst would be more than enough I guess, but the exact number doesn't matter anyway)
The dynamic between Yorina and Estinien. I always wrote them as "sibling dynamic" but the more I write, the more I want to write them as "star crossed lovers". It's cliche, it's cheesy, it's... overused. But it evolved into this. After the Dragonsong War (the Final Steps of Faith), they left Ishgard together. Estinien for whatever reasons MSQ gave us. Yorina because she needet time to sort her thoughts and the thick stone walls in Ishgard made her anxious and stoped her from doing so. During that time they mostly travelled together without talking much but she convinced him to teach her at least some basics concerning lance-combat and as the powers of the Dragoons manifested in her basics of the Dragoon combat too. They feld some sort of mutual trust and understanding while travelling together, but nothing more. It took a while until they met again (Stormblood Dragoon Q basically) and by that time they first feld drawn towards each other, but Yorina was already engaged (or married, have to look up the correct timeline again) to Aymeric, so both ignored the feelings. But they trusted each other with their lifes nevertheless - and don't really get away from each other either. And since Estinien is part of the Scions, it is clearly visible, they spend lot of time together. Most people explain it with "just Dragoon-things", Yorina and Estinien know it's not just that, but they both are not willing to accept the truth that they feel drawn towards each other and somehow long to be closer to eachother than they can socially acceptable be. And they never talked about their true feelings, because it just can't be. Another aspect of their relationship: For some "supernatural reasons" he can feel her mood spiralling down and just knows where she is, when it happens. That's why he is always there to listen to her words, if necessary. Yorina can feel Estiniens mood shifts as well, but both agreed that he doesn't want to talk most of the time so it is rare that she looks for him. uit she has a good sense of when she should really worry about him. I explain the "attraction towards each other" and the "can feel the others state of mind" with their ancient selves. I have "Nyx" as name for Yorina!Azem, and since we never learn anything about our companions ancienf selves (prob for good reasons), this is where "fanfiction world" beginns and I am working on my version of the Ancient-version of Estinien. Greek mythology isn't an exact science and I am at the beginning of my research, but Nyx seems to have several "siblings" (as far as it is "siblings" in ancient greek concepts). One of them is Erebos and Erebos and Nyx had at least two children in mythology (let's translate it to "concepts" in FF14-terms). They could have the sibling-aspekt and also the "physical and mental closeness" to create new concepts together. So maybe I will follow that road for Ancient!Yorina (Nyx) and Ancient!Estinien (maybe Erebos, maybe another name) as far as familiarity, mutual trust and intimacy goes. Like I said: just a thought. Nothing is finally decided.
and with that being said, I wrote way more than I originally wanted, but the thoughts and words just flowed onto the digital paper ^^ (made some minor edits later because some things were chronologically nonsense - but I have to rewrite the timeline nontheless I think ^^'')
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miss-littevi · 9 months
~ Thoughts ~
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She looked up to the Meteia’s Nest and thought about everything that happened afterwards. The long way through the Dead Ends, the sudden appearance of Zenos – in the form of Shinryu-, the final confrontation with the Endsinger and finally, when she was already tired, the last fight with Zenos. This long fight, at the end of creation, that seemed to never end. Later, after she had returned to the Ragnarök, her companions told her, that it took almost 10 hours until she returned. 10 hours she fought against Zenos until they both lay down on the ground.
Her thoughts circled around the memories of this fight and the time between closing her eyes there and opening them again on board the Ragnarök, while her eyes kept looking towards the nest without really seeing it.
(cont under the cut. cut because length)
The weight of a gauntlet on her shoulder, followed by the noise of plate armor hitting the ground next to her, interrupted her thoughts. She turned her head towards the noise and looked into a familiar face. It was Estinien. She just looked him in the eyes, said nothing.
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“Hey.” He broke the silence.
“Hey.” Was her short answer, but it shouldn’t stay that short. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in Radz-at-Han? Vrtra could use your guidance, no?”
“Vrtra ruled over this city longer than I am even alive. I am sure he can handle it a few days without me.” There was a hint of amusement in his voice.
Yorina turned one corner of her mouth into a grin. “So, and you have nothing better to do, than a vacation trip to the end of the universe when you don’t have to babysit one of the old Dragons, hm?”
Estinien smirked. “Half of Hraesvelgr’s powers live in you since the confrontation on the Steps of Faith. Basically, you are half an old dragon yourself, so I just exchange one for another.”
“You don’t have to babysit me.” Her answer was fast and strict.
He brushed her cold tone off. “Might be true, yes. You seem lost in thoughts. Do you want to talk about it?”
He could sense, even at great distances, when she needed someone to talk to, and he gladly offered an open ear. Yorina knew that, even though she didn’t even know she needed someone to talk to right now. But if he felt like that, it was possibly true.
“Just thought about the Dead Ends, the Endsinger and my following confrontation with Zenos.”
“Did the burnings hurt again?”
“They always do. The question is just, how much they hurt. Don’t make a big deal out of it. No, that’s not it. I was thinking about the time, when I lay there. Every single fiber of my body ached, breathing was hard. But I made it. Zenos was defeated, once and for all. At least, I hope so. And while I lay there, my eyelids heavily falling down, somewhere in the distance I hear Zenos mumbling some last words about his life and how he envied me and my life. And while his words blured together, hundreds, millions of images flashed before my eyes. I saw my whole life and sometimes I ask myself: did I die there? People say, the moment before your death, your life flashes before your eyes. It felt like that. And I can’t help but wonder: Was I gone? Was it the Dynamis that brought me back? Or was I there all the time? Am I nothing but a ghost of who I once was?”
Estinien listended carefully to every word she had to say. “Do you wish you would have died there?”
She shock her head. “No, I have so many things to live for. My friends, my family. I can’t leave anyone of you behind. But… it feels like I left some part of me there. And I wonder, if I will ever get this part back.”
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Estinien didn’t have an answer and Yorina spoke into the short moment of silence: “You don’t have to answer. But you wanted to know what I was thinking about. Now you know.”
He nodded. “Yes. Thank you for trusting me and telling me what’s on your mind. You know, while being one of Ishgard’s Dragoons, later the Azure Dragoon, I fought dragons, was too close to death more than once. But trying to compare it to what you have been through in those endless hours we waited for you, just doesn’t work. It isn’t comparable.”
“Maybe it’s more comparable than you think. Same thing, just on a different level. But believe me: the feeling of coldness, emptiness I felt there… I don’t wish that to anyone. Noone should have to fell that. But I’ll recover from it. Don’t worry. And please, not a single word to Aymeric.”
“As ever: not a single word. Promised” He never passed on the things she had told him in confidence. And he wouldn’t change that now or ever.
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miss-littevi · 4 months
Littevi's many faces on Etheirys
(aka: "A short overview over my FFXIV OCs")
Hello and welcome to my "FFXIV - OC - gallery" I'll start with just a few characters and Yorina and Ilmie are the ones that I actually play, the others are just for writing or once existed due to a Phial of Fantasia.
I'll set a cut because it got quite long
~ Yorianna 'Yorina' Limai ~
tag: oc: Yorianna Limai
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Age: around 30 years old
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Gender: female
Canon DoW - jobs: Scholar (abandoned), Redmage (abandoned), Dragoon (current)
Canon DoL & DoH - jobs: Leatherworker, Alchemist, Fisher
Non-Canon jobs I can (still) play and support with, if needed: Dragoon, Gunbreaker, Dancer, Redmage, Sage
Current appearance: silvergrey skin with lots of scars in various healing states and a crystalline wound on her chest; blue, sometimes purple eyes; long black hair; a beauty mark under the left eye
She is my main character in FFXIV and the Warrior of Light in my story. Beside all her duties as Warrior of Light and Scion, she is the "First Lady of Ishgard", a well known linguist and antique collector. And she is a Dragoon - not by choice but because fate didn't leave her a choice. It's fine though, she accepted it but every now and then she looks at the scholar's book and the redmage's weapon she used to wield before. Her name is Yorianna, but she mostly is called by the shorter form, Yorina.
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tags associated with Yorina:
I ship Yorina with Aymeric and decided on this tag for them. Their relation started a little bit… rough, meaning: Yorina couldn’t stand him the first times they met, and it took weeks, months for her to fall in love with him. And it took even more weeks for them to confess their feelings for each other. Aymeric made her a rushed proposal right before she hat to leave to Gyr Abania – he initially had planned something else but the time was short and he wanted to do it before she left. He proposed again – more aligned with his plannings this time - after Ala Mhigo was liberated, the wedding ceremony took place a few months later. Their son, Florent Haurchefant de Borel, was born towards “End of Shadowbringer”
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
Yorina and Estinien had a sibling-like relationship for the time between “Late Heavensward” to “Beginning Endwalker”. Their relationship had the “add-on” that they felt some sort of supernatural connection and could sense each other’s mood swings and had a feeling where the other might be. When Estinien joined the Scions and they spent more time together, they started to feel some sort of romantic tendency towards each other and by now they cannot deny them anymore. But they are not willing to give in to their feelings - not least because Yorina is happily married and a mother now, and if she were to break up with Aymeric, it would not only be a bitter blow for everyone involved, but it would also be a political disaster. So they keep their romantic feelings for each other locked away.
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~ Nyx /Azem ~
tag: oc: Nyx-Azem (currently no posts by me)
Nyx is Yorina's ancient self. She was a quiet person, eager to travel the world and help the people. She also loved to collect little trinkets from everywhere she went and store them in her apartment in Amaurot. Her preferred combat style is fighting with a sword and throwing daggers that can be infused with elemental magic. (I rarely post about her but set up a tag, just in case. The info here is equally short, even though I have some more headcanons about her.)
Current appearance: light skin; long black-blue hair, tightly braided into French braids; purple eyes; a beauty mark under the left eye
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
~ Ilmie Duremert ~
tag: oc: Ilmie Duremert
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Age: 21 years old
Race: ishgardian Wildwood Elezen
Gender: female
Canon DoW - jobs: Astrologian (abandoned), Rogue (on hold), Bard, Dancer
Canon DoL & DoH - jobs: Botanist, Goldsmith
Non-Canon jobs I can (still) play and support with, if needed: Dancer, Gunbreaker, Dragoon, Sage, Redmage
Current appearance: light skin with a healthy sun tan; long blonde hair, sometimes with red highlights; deep brown eyes; a beauty mark under the lip
Ilmie is a wildwood Elezen and friend of Yorina. She was born and raised in Ishgard and lost her family and siblings to the Dragonsong War. She worked at the Astrologian’s guild where she met Yorina, who saw the younger woman’s talent and potential and sponsored her education at the guild. In return, Ilmie started working in Borel Manor. Later she left the city and traveled through Eorzea. Eventually, she settled in Gridania, abandoned the astrologians arts and became a bard. She later accompanied the delegation from Gridania to Garlemald and fought alongside the Eorzean Alliance to help the people of Garlemald. After the Final Days, she learned about the combat techniques of the Dancers and learned those techniques. She is still a bard when it comes to singing and playing music, even though she often dances to the music Guydelot plays, but in a fight she relies on the dancer skills now.
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tags associated with Ilmie:
I ship Ilmie with Guydelot, the Elezen from the bard-questline. This is the tag for them. Since Ilmie gets “into action” quite late in Yorina’s story and I wanted to have a “Bard-Quest version feat. Ilmie”, I had to tinker a little bit and… bow the canon to make it work somehow. Ilmie and Guydelot met even earlier, months before he became a Bard and they led a few months an “on-off-relationship” until she final returned from Limsa Lominsa back to Gridania and she moved in to his apartment.
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
~ Euterpe ~
tag: oc: Euterpe (currently no posts by me)
Euterpe is Ilmie’s ancient self. She was based in Amaurot and had a strong desire to create music and inspire others to do the same. She was working on a new instrument to make the sound of aether audible to everyone. She was a friend of Hythlodaeus, who occacionally gave her some tips and hints where she could make useful changes to her concept. (I don't post much about Euterpe as well, but wanted to set the tag, just in case)
Current appearance: light skin with a healthy tan, if looks like she got into the sun on a regular base; long blonde hair; dark brown eyes a beauty mark under the lip
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
~ Luca Seabreeze ~
tag: oc: Luca Seabreeze
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Age: 223 years old (as far as I understand Viera aging process)
Race: Vii (Viera of the First)
Gender: female
Canon DoW - jobs: Lancer (abandoned), Gunbreaker
Canon DoL & DoH - jobs: none
Current appearance: tanned skin, long brown hair with light brown highlights; dark brown eyes; a beauty mark under the lip
Luca is a Vii (Viera) from the First and a shard of Ilmie. She left her home in the Rak'tika Greatwood at a young age and came to Kholusia after some time of travelling. She never even tried to get into Eulmore and stayed on the lower parts of Kholusia instead. She wields a Gunblade and sees it as her destined duty to protect the people there until the Sineaters will finally be defeated. After the thread from the Sineaters is banned, she still protects the people there from things that might attack the settlements. And she patrols the now abandoned Copied Factory and the Puppet’s Bunker regularly after she helped clear it with Yorina (yes, the NieR-raids are canon in my world)
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