#Incisional Hernia repair
chc9 · 2 years
Laparoscopic Hernia surgery in Chennai | Chennai Hernia Clinic
Chennai Hernia Clinic is known for Laparoscopic Hernia surgery in Chennai, proficient in dealing with all types of hernias, and focuses on quality care in the field of hernia surgery and it is minimally invasive surgical procedure.
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hazel51 · 2 years
Incisional Hernia Treatment and surgery
Incisional hernia is a type of hernia that affects many people who have undergone abdominal surgery in the past. Incisional hernia amounts to about 15 to 20 percent of hernia cases among men and women. This type of hernia is also called as ventral hernia. The location of this type of hernia is usually in close proximity or through the incision site. If you are looking for Incisional Hernia surgery in Mumbai then Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker is specialist for hernia surgery
In this type of hernia, intestine or other organs or tissues protrude through weakened surgical incisions and appear as a small or large bulge under the skin which can sometimes be tender or painful to touch.
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Causes of incisional hernia
In cases of abdominal surgeries, the surgical incisions can lead to weakening of muscles. Thus, the contents from the abdomen tend to push through the abdominal lining. The causes of incisional hernia include
Excessive physical activity before the incision site is completely healed
Gaining weight after surgery
Pressure on the abdominal area after surgery before the incision is completely healed
Pregnancy before the cut completely heals
Chronic constipation, cough etc
Occurrence of incisional hernia
In some cases, the hernia may occur within three to six months post-surgery and in some it might take years to appear. Most cases of incisional hernia occur within one year of surgery. It starts as a small lump that becomes visible when the patient bends or coughs or sneezes. Over time it becomes larger and has a definite and painful appearance. Incisional Hernia Surgery cost may vary according to patient condition.
The size and shape of incisional hernia depends on the various factors such as
The size of the incision and type of suturing technique used. Incisions across the middle of the abdomen have higher changes of incisional hernia.
Age and wound healing
The weight of the patient. Overweight patients are more likely to develop incisional hernia.
Types of incisional hernia
Reducible hernia can be pushed back in and often shrink when the patient lies down. However, it should not be pushed in without medical guidance.
Irreducible hernia  is when it cannot be pushed back in. This can cause the bowel to become trapped in the hernia and cause blockage in normal stool movement or block the blood supply.
Incisional hernia surgery
Surgical intervention is the only solution for preventing incisional hernia from becoming larger and incarcerated. The surgeon recommends operation for incisional hernia if
The hernia is growing in size with time
Has come large and is permanently noticeable
Hernia does no go down even when resting or lying down
The hernia is painful and is disturbing routine life of the patient.
Types of surgeries for incisional hernia
There are two types of incisional hernia surgeries
In open surgery the incision is made above the hernia. The protruding organs are then pushed back in and the muscle wall is repaired. The surgeon can also use a surgical mesh if needed.
Keyhole or laparoscopic surgery is minimal invasive. The incisions are made around the abdomen and the surgeon inserts a camera in one of the incisions and the equipment from the other incision. The surgeon is able to see the insides of the abdomen through the camera. The hernia is repaired and muscle walls strengthened. A mesh is placed.
The type of surgery suitable for a patient will depend on the type of hernia, general health of patient, anatomy, and placement of hernia. Another important factor for selecting hernia surgery is the expected future physical activity.
Incisional hernia surgery is done by an expert general surgeon who has experience in treating hernias.
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dratefahmed1 · 5 months
Beyond the Bulge The Hidden Impact of Inguinal Hernias on Your Quality of Life #qualityoflife #livin
#herniaawareness #fixhernia #hernialife #herniaproblems #inguinalhernia #hiatalhernia #umbilicalhernia #herniarepair #postoplife #healthychoices source
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pomp-adourable · 6 days
So how have I been.
I'm doing okay. I'm having a lot of health issues tho. Specifically, I have an incisional hernia. (Read: I got my gallbladder removed 10 years ago, and the incision that they made in my bellybutton, that they pulled my gallbladder out through, has torn open, and now there's a hernia there. Fun stuff.) My surgeon recommended I lose about 40 lbs before I have the surgery tho, to give myself the best chance of a successful repair. Which is fun because I've been trying to lose weight idk my entire life???
So I've been meeting with a therapist and a nutritionist for BED for about 6 months now, which has been very helpful and I'm now in recovery from that. But it didn't lead to any significant weightloss lol so now I'm on Zepbound. I've been on the lowest dose for 2 months and I'm about to start the next dose up this Friday.
Other than ALL THAT, things have been good. My family is doing well. My mom has her own health problems but she's finally taking some initiative on that. My brother got divorced but he has a house now, and a good co-parenting relationship with his ex. And my nephew is about to turn 11 and he's such a smart and awesome kid :') Hasana-chan is still my bestie and we're doing good as well uwu♦️
I haven't had much room in my head for fandoms. I haven't written a word for Dream Sequence in years, though it's always on my mind and I still hope to one day finish that beast. I'll never give up on it. Welcome Home is a newer obsession of mine, I really like it and can't wait to see where it goes. I've taken up watercolor painting as a hobby, though I don't indulge as often as I would like, just because every day feels like survival mode, where I just waste my time watching YouTube videos and playing mobile games. I really need to break that habit. Maybe getting back here will help that 💕
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wemedicalcare · 2 years
How do you know if you have hernia that needs surgery?
Have you ever wondered if the pain in your stomach or groin might be a hernia? Although symptoms can differ, hernias are frequent in both men and women. Women are far less likely to have groin hernias. Hernias may cause some degree of discomfort and do not go away on their own.
The positive news.  Almost all hernias can be treated surgically.  Continue reading this article to know the most typical types of hernias, how to spot them in both men and women, and what to expect from surgery and recuperation.
A hernia is what?
The layers of muscle and strong tissue that cover your abdomen let you move and shield inside organs. An opening in this muscular wall, known as a hernia, enables the contents of the abdomen to protrude outward. Hernias are of different types, but the belly or groin region is where they seem to manifest themselves most frequently.
What Does an Abdominal or Belly Hernia (Ventral) Feel Like?
A protrusion along the exterior of the abdomen may be felt or seen if you have a ventral hernia in the belly area. Patients with ventral hernias frequently report feeling pressure, discomfort, or moderate pain in the herniated area. Any activity that strains the abdomen, such as hard lifting, sprinting, or pressing down during bowel motions, makes pain. While some people have a bulge, they are not uncomfortable.
Who is more susceptible to developing a ventral hernia?
A ventral hernia can occur in anyone, although people who have had abdominal surgery are at greater risk. The scar from an abdominal wall disruption incision will never be as resilient as the surrounding tissue. This increases your risk of getting an incisional hernia, which develops along the incision site. Up to 30% of people who undergo open abdominal surgery experience this.
How can an inguinal hernia (groin bulge) be detected?
It’s crucial to recognize that both men and women can get inguinal hernias. People frequently think that only men develop them, and they do have a higher risk due to anatomical factors. Inguinal hernias can, however, occur in women as well.
Since women typically exhibit different symptoms than men do, many specialists concur that there is a good chance that this ailment is under diagnosed in women. Women might not have an obvious bulge. An MRI can offer conclusive proof if symptoms point to a potential hernia but your doctor is unable to confirm it during an examination.
Signs in Men
a visible or tangible bulge
throbbing pain in the area
a feeling of pressure
a feeling of the scrotum tugging on the testicles
actions that put pressure on the area, such as heavy lifting, pushing, or straining, cause pain that gets worse
Signs in Women
Sharp or aching pain
burning feeling
a bulge at the hernia site, while a groin hernia may not have one.
discomfort that gets worse as you move around
What symptoms indicate a hernia emergency?
Internal fat tissue typically pushes through the muscle breach when a hernia first develops. However, it’s also possible for a portion of the bowel to stick out of the opening. Although the likelihood of this is extremely low, if it does occur, urgent repairs are required.
If you have any of these symptoms then get medical help right away.
a throbbing pain that doesn’t go away when you relax or lie down
increasing pain
vomiting and/or nauseous
difficulty going to the bathroom
rapid heartbeat
What can be done to prevent a hernia?
By eating a nutritious diet and exercising, you can keep your optimal body weight.
To prevent constipation, consume adequate fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
When lifting weights or large objects, use proper form. Don’t lift anything that is too heavy for you.
Consult a doctor if you have a cough or sneeze that won’t go away.
Avoid smoking because the habit might cause coughing that can cause a hernia.
Hernia treatment in Ranchi at Orchid Medical Centre
If you are experiencing any symptoms related to hernia, consult one of the best hernia specialists in Ranchi at Orchid Medical Centre. Best hernia treatment in Ranchi available at affordable rates.
TAG- Hernia treatment in Ranchi, Best Hospital in Ranchi
To Know More- https://www.orchidmedcentre.com/
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drdigantpathak · 4 days
All About Hernia Surgery: What You Need to Know
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What is a Hernia?
A hernia occurs when an internal organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall. This condition commonly affects the abdominal area but can also occur in the groin, upper thigh, and belly button. Hernias are often noticeable as a bulge and can cause discomfort or pain, especially when lifting heavy objects, coughing, or bending over.
Types of Hernias
1. Inguinal Hernia: Found in the groin area, it’s more common in men.
2. Femoral Hernia: Also in the groin but lower than an inguinal hernia, more common in women.
3. Umbilical Hernia: Occurs around the belly button.
4. Hiatal Hernia: Occurs when part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
5. Incisional Hernia: This can occur at the site of a previous surgical incision in the abdomen.
Symptoms of a Hernia
• A visible bulge in the affected area.
• Pain or discomfort, especially when bending over, coughing, or lifting.
• A heavy or dragging sensation in the groin.
• Weakness, pressure, or a feeling of fullness.
• In severe cases, symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and inability to move the bowels or pass gas.
Why Hernia Surgery is Necessary
While small, asymptomatic hernias may not require immediate treatment, surgery (hernia surgery in Jabalpur) is often recommended to prevent complications such as:
• Strangulation: Where the blood supply to the herniated tissue is cut off, leading to tissue death.
• Obstruction: Blocking the passage of food or stool through the intestines.
Types of Hernia Surgery
1. Open Hernia Repair (Herniorrhaphy):
• A traditional method where a surgeon (hernia surgeon in Jabalpur) makes an incision near the hernia and repairs the weakened muscle.
• Often involves the use of surgical mesh to strengthen the repair and reduce the risk of recurrence.
2. Laparoscopic Hernia Repair:
• A minimally invasive procedure (or laparoscopic hernia surgery in Jabalpur) using small incisions and a camera (laparoscope) to guide the surgery.
• Advantages include less postoperative pain, quicker recovery, and smaller scars.
Preparing for Hernia Surgery
• Medical Evaluation: Includes physical exams, imaging tests, and blood work.
• Medication Review: Discuss with your doctor any medications you're taking, as some may need to be stopped before surgery.
• Pre-surgery Instructions: Such as fasting, avoiding certain medications, and arranging for postoperative care.
The Surgical Procedure
• Anesthesia: General or local anesthesia with sedation is administered.
• Repair Process: The surgeon makes an incision (open surgery) or several small incisions (laparoscopic surgery in Jabalpur), moves the protruding tissue back into place, and repairs the weakened area with stitches or mesh.
• Closing the Incision: The incisions are closed with sutures, staples, or surgical glue.
Recovery After Hernia Surgery
• Immediate Postoperative Care: You will be monitored in the recovery room until the anesthesia wears off.
• Pain Management: Pain relief medications are prescribed to manage discomfort.
• Activity Restrictions: Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for several weeks.
• Follow-Up Appointments: Necessary to monitor the healing process and remove sutures or staples if needed.
Potential Complications
• Infection at the incision site.
• Recurrence of the hernia.
• Pain or discomfort at the surgical site.
• Adverse reactions to anesthesia.
Tips for a Smooth Recovery
• Follow all post-surgery instructions provided by your surgeon.
• Maintain a healthy diet to avoid constipation and straining.
• Gradually increase physical activity as advised by your doctor.
• Keep the incision site clean and dry to prevent infection.
Hernia surgery (or hernia operation in Jabalpur) is a common and generally safe procedure that effectively addresses the discomfort and potential complications of hernias. By understanding the types of hernias, the surgical options available, and the steps for recovery, patients can approach their surgery with confidence and clarity. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific condition.
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kavinitha · 7 days
Chennai Hernia Clinic: Your Destination for Comprehensive Hernia Surgery Solutions
Are you or a loved one seeking expert hernia surgery solutions in Chennai? Look no further than Chennai Hernia Clinic, where we specialize in providing comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs. From inguinal hernia surgery to incisional hernia repair, our dedicated team led by the best hernia surgeon in Chennai is committed to delivering optimal outcomes with a focus on patient safety and satisfaction.
Advanced Surgical Techniques
At Chennai Hernia Clinic, we employ advanced surgical techniques to ensure precise and effective treatment of various types of hernias. Our experienced surgeons are proficient in laparoscopic, robotic, and keyhole hernia repair procedures, offering minimally invasive options that result in faster recovery times and reduced post-operative discomfort.
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Personalized Care
We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to hernia surgery. Our team conducts thorough evaluations and collaborates closely with each patient to develop customized treatment plans that address their specific condition and medical history. Whether you require a routine hernia repair or have complex surgical needs, you can trust Chennai Hernia Clinic to provide compassionate and individualized care every step of the way.
Transparent Pricing
At Chennai Hernia Clinic, we believe in transparency when it comes to pricing. We offer competitive rates for hernia surgery in Chennai and strive to make our services affordable and accessible to all patients. Our dedicated staff is available to answer any questions you may have about the cost of treatment and insurance coverage, ensuring that you can make informed decisions about your healthcare options.
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Comprehensive Support
From your initial consultation to post-operative follow-up care, Chennai Hernia Clinic is here to support you throughout your hernia treatment journey. Our caring and experienced team will guide you through every stage of the process, providing education, resources, and encouragement to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Don't let a hernia hold you back from living life to the fullest. Contact Chennai Hernia Clinic today to schedule a consultation with the leading hernia surgeon in Chennai and take the first step toward relief and recovery. We're dedicated to providing exceptional care and helping you regain your health and confidence.
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jahnvikhurana · 8 days
Expert General Surgery Services in Hisar at Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital
General surgery plays a crucial role in addressing a wide range of medical conditions that require surgical intervention. At Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital in Hisar, our team of skilled general surgeons is committed to delivering comprehensive and compassionate care. This blog provides an overview of our general surgery in Hisar , highlights the expertise of our surgical team, and emphasizes our patient-centered approach to healthcare.
Scope of General Surgery Services
General surgery encompasses various surgical procedures aimed at treating conditions affecting different parts of the body. Some of the key services offered at our hospital include:
Appendectomy: Surgical removal of the appendix, typically performed to treat appendicitis.
Cholecystectomy: Removal of the gallbladder, often necessary due to gallstones or gallbladder disease.
Hernia Repair: Correction of hernias, including inguinal, umbilical, and incisional hernias, using both traditional and laparoscopic techniques.
Gastrointestinal Surgeries: Procedures for conditions such as gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.
Breast Surgery: Diagnosis and treatment of breast conditions, including breast cancer, with procedures like lumpectomy and mastectomy.
Thyroid Surgery: Removal of the thyroid gland for conditions such as thyroid cancer or nodules.
Skin and Soft Tissue Surgery: Removal of skin lesions, cysts, and tumors, as well as treatment for abscesses and soft tissue injuries.
Expertise of Our General Surgeons
Our team at Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital comprises experienced general surgeons who are dedicated to providing high-quality care:
Dr. Rajesh Gupta: Renowned for his expertise in laparoscopic surgeries and gastrointestinal procedures.
Dr. Anjali Sharma: Specializes in breast surgeries and thyroid surgeries with a focus on minimally invasive techniques.
Dr. Sunil Verma: Expertise in hernia repairs and abdominal surgeries, ensuring comprehensive care for our patients.
Advanced Surgical Techniques
We utilize advanced surgical techniques and technologies to enhance patient outcomes:
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Including laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgeries, which offer benefits such as smaller incisions, reduced pain, and faster recovery times.
Advanced Imaging: Utilizing MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound for precise diagnosis and treatment planning.
Enhanced Recovery Protocols: Implementing protocols to minimize post-operative complications and promote faster healing.
Patient-Centered Care Approach
At Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital, we prioritize the well-being and comfort of our patients throughout their surgical journey:
Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailoring treatment plans to meet the individual needs and preferences of each patient.
Comprehensive Support: Offering emotional and psychological support, as well as educational resources to empower patients and their families.
Continued Care: Ensuring continuity of care with thorough follow-up and rehabilitation programs post-surgery.
General surgery at Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital in Hisar represents a commitment to excellence in surgical care. Our team of dedicated general surgeons in Hisar combines expertise with advanced technology to provide comprehensive treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. Whether you require a routine procedure or complex surgery, you can trust us to deliver compassionate and effective care focused on your well-being. For expert general surgery services in Hisar, choose Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital as your partner in health.
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Understanding Hernia: Expert Insights from a Leading Hernia Specialist in Singapore
Hernias are a common medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide. They occur when an internal organ or tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall. While hernias can develop in various parts of the body, they are most commonly found in the abdomen. This article provides insights from a leading hernia specialist in Singapore, highlighting the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options available.
What is a Hernia?
A hernia is characterized by a bulge or lump that becomes more apparent when straining or lifting heavy objects. The most common types of hernias include:
Inguinal Hernia: Occurs in the groin area and is more prevalent in men.
Femoral Hernia: Also located in the groin but tends to affect women more.
Umbilical Hernia: Found near the belly button and common in infants.
Hiatal Hernia: Occurs when part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
Incisional Hernia: Develops at the site of a previous surgical incision.
Causes and Risk Factors
Hernias can result from a combination of muscle weakness and strain. Factors contributing to muscle weakness include aging, chronic coughing, damage from injury or surgery, and congenital conditions present at birth. Strain-related factors include heavy lifting, constipation, obesity, and pregnancy.
Recognizing the Symptoms
The symptoms of a hernia vary depending on its type and severity. Common symptoms include:
A noticeable bulge or lump in the affected area.
Pain or discomfort, especially when bending over, coughing, or lifting.
A feeling of heaviness or pressure in the abdomen.
In severe cases, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and the inability to move the bowels or pass gas may indicate a strangulated hernia, which is a medical emergency.
Accurate diagnosis of a hernia typically involves a physical examination. The doctor may ask the patient to stand, strain, or cough to make the hernia more prominent. Imaging tests like ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI may also be used to confirm the diagnosis and assess the extent of the hernia.
Treatment Options
The treatment of a hernia depends on its size, location, and severity. The primary treatment options include:
Watchful Waiting: Small, asymptomatic hernias may be monitored for any changes or worsening symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes: For hiatal hernias, dietary modifications and weight loss can help manage symptoms.
Medications: Over-the-counter antacids or prescription medications can relieve symptoms of hiatal hernias.
Surgery: The definitive treatment for hernias is surgical repair, which can be done through open surgery or minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. The choice of surgery depends on the hernia's type and location, as well as the patient’s overall health.
Why Choose a Hernia Specialist in Singapore?
Choosing a hernia specialist in Singapore ensures access to high-quality care, advanced medical facilities, and experienced professionals dedicated to providing the best treatment outcomes. Here are some reasons why seeking a hernia expert in Singapore is beneficial:
Expertise: Singapore is home to world-renowned surgeons with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating various types of hernias.
Advanced Techniques: Singaporean hospitals are equipped with the latest technology and employ advanced surgical techniques, including laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgery.
Comprehensive Care: Patients receive holistic care, including preoperative evaluation, surgical intervention, and postoperative follow-up to ensure optimal recovery.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Collaboration between surgeons, dietitians, physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals ensures comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s needs.
What to Expect During a Consultation
During a consultation with a hernia specialist in Singapore, patients can expect:
A thorough medical history review and physical examination.
Discussion of symptoms, lifestyle factors, and any previous medical treatments.
Detailed explanation of the diagnosis and recommended treatment options.
Opportunity to ask questions and address any concerns about the condition or procedure.
Postoperative Care and Recovery
Recovery from hernia surgery varies depending on the type of surgery performed and the patient's overall health. General postoperative care instructions may include:
Taking prescribed pain medications to manage discomfort.
Avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities for several weeks.
Following a balanced diet to prevent constipation and support healing.
Attending follow-up appointments to monitor recovery progress.
Preventing Hernias
While not all hernias can be prevented, certain measures can reduce the risk:
Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
Using proper lifting techniques to avoid straining the abdominal muscles.
Avoiding smoking to reduce the risk of chronic coughing.
Treating conditions like chronic constipation and ensuring adequate fiber intake.
Hernias are a common but treatable condition. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for effective management. For those experiencing hernia symptoms, consulting a hernia specialist in Singapore ensures access to expert care and advanced treatment options, leading to better health outcomes.
If you suspect you have a hernia or need expert advice, visit our website to schedule a consultation with a leading hernia specialist in Singapore. Take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free life today.
Visit our website https://www.ardenjrsurgery.com.sg/hernia-surgery-singapore  for more information and to book an appointment.
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chc9 · 2 years
Best hernia surgeon in Chennai | Hernia surgery hospital in Chennai | Chennai Hernia Clinic
Chennai Hernia Clinic provide hernia surgery by Dr.B Premkumar , famous laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Chennai. Choose the best affordable hernia treatment in Chennai by our experienced doctor. Book your consultation today.
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hazel51 · 2 years
Incisional Hernia repair and surgery
Incisional hernias constitute about 15-20 percent cases of abdominal hernia cases. A study shows that out of all abdominal surgeries performed about a third might face the problem of incisional hernia at some point of their life. Also known as ventral hernia, it occurs in the abdomen at the prior incision site. The size of the incisional hernia can range from small to a gigantic bulge.
If you are looking for professional treatment for Incisional Hernia Surgery in Mumbai, Dr Aparna Govil Bhasker is one of the best Doctor to approach, currently located in Mumbai
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What causes incisional hernia?
The abdominal wall is strong and it is responsible for maintaining the abdominal cavity and its contents. However, when an incision is made the abdominal wall becomes weak and its integrity is disrupted and it can become structurally weakened. This causes the abdomen content especially the intestines and omentum to herniate through the weakened cavity. The main reasons for incisional hernial are
Heavy and premature physical activity immediately after the surgery
Getting pregnant too soon after surgery
Gaining weight too quickly
Increased abdominal pressure in regular daily activity before the incision is fully healed
Emergency surgery or surgeries that need large incisions.
In most patients, an incisional hernia can occur anytime between three to six months after the operation. However, they do not heal on their own, and need surgical intervention by expert surgeons to correct the issue.
Symptoms of Incisional Hernia
There are some simple indications of Incisional hernia that should have you consulting with your health care provider
Noticeable bulge around the incision site. It may become more pronounced when you cough or strain. This bulge is more common along the vertical incision
Burning feeling or ache around the bulge
Nausea and/or vomiting
Increased heart rate and fever
Pain around the incision site
Your surgeon will then use further diagnostic techniques and take into account your medical history and do a physical examination to confirm the initial diagnosis. Hernia symptoms should not be ignored as it can lead to complications such as strangulation or obstruction and even incarceration of other organs.
The risk of suffering from incisional hernia increases if you are a chain smoker, have a BMI of more than 25 and/or suffering from diabetes mellitus or connective tissue disorders or use steroids.
Treatment for incisional hernia
There are two types of surgeries used for incisional hernia management
Open hernia repair
Laparoscopic hernia repair which also includes robotic hernia repair
Through the surgery, the surgeon will aim to push the protruding tissue in the right place and remove the scar tissue. The surgeon will repair the defect and place a surgical mesh in the opening to fortify the joint and prevent a recurrence.
The choice of surgery by the top surgeons is influenced by many factors such as general health, age, anatomy, the size and location of hernia, physical activity, and desired level of future activities.
There are some steps that you can incorporate in your daily life to prevent incisional hernia  such as
Following the post-surgery recovery instructions carefully so as to let the incision site heal fully
Avoid heavy lifting or any other activity that might put a strain on the stiches and the incisions.
Make sure that you keep a close watch on your weight and it does not increase because excess fat around the abdomen will increase the pressure on the weak area.
If you are worried about any existing medical conditions then consult with your doctor. To get more information on Incisional Hernia Repair Surgery in Mumbai, professional consultation, take a visit to Dr Aparna Official Website.
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dratefahmed1 · 5 months
Inguinal vs Femoral Hernias Sorting Out the Similarities and Differences Between Two Groin Troublem
#herniaawareness #fixhernia #hernialife #herniaproblems #inguinalhernia #hiatalhernia #umbilicalhernia #herniarepair #postoplife #healthychoices source
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obesity-reduction · 11 days
Understanding Different Types of Hernias: A Comprehensive Guide
Hernias are a common medical condition that can affect individuals of all ages. They occur when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue, creating a bulge that can be both painful and concerning. Understanding the different types of hernias is crucial for early diagnosis and effective treatment. This comprehensive guide will explore the various types of hernias, their causes, symptoms, and available treatments. Insights from Dr. Shashank Shah, a renowned expert in laparoscopic and bariatric surgery, further illuminate this important health topic.
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Meet Dr. Shashank Shah
Dr. Shashank Shah is a distinguished medical professional with extensive experience in various surgical interventions, including hernia repair. Holding an M.B.B.S., M.S., FAIS, and several honorary fellowships, Dr. Shah is a leader in the field of laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. He is the Director of the Laparo-Obeso Centre, a premier institution specializing in comprehensive treatment for obesity and related metabolic diseases, and a training center for laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. The Laparo-Obeso Centre is affiliated with Boston University for its bariatric training program, ensuring the highest standards of education and patient care. Dr. Shah’s expertise and dedication to advancing surgical techniques make him a trusted source of information and care for hernia patients.
Common Types of Hernias
Inguinal Hernia
Description: This is the most common type of hernia, occurring when a part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the lower abdominal wall, often in the inguinal canal.
Causes: Heavy lifting, chronic coughing, obesity, or a pre-existing weak spot in the abdominal wall can lead to inguinal hernias.
Symptoms: Pain or discomfort in the groin area, especially when bending over, coughing, or lifting. A visible bulge may also be present.
Femoral Hernia
Description: Femoral hernias occur when tissue pushes through a weak spot in the muscle wall near the femoral artery in the upper thigh/groin area.
Causes: Often caused by heavy lifting, straining, or childbirth.
Symptoms: Pain in the groin area and a bulge near the thigh. Femoral hernias are more common in women.
Umbilical Hernia
Description: This type occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through the abdominal wall near the belly button.
Causes: Common in infants due to incomplete closure of the abdominal wall. In adults, it can be caused by obesity, multiple pregnancies, or long-term coughing.
Symptoms: A bulge near the navel, which may become more apparent when the person coughs or strains.
Hiatal Hernia
Description: Occurs when part of the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
Causes: Age-related changes, injury, or pressure on the stomach area from persistent coughing, vomiting, or straining during bowel movements.
Symptoms: Heartburn, regurgitation, and difficulty swallowing. Large hiatal hernias may cause chest pain and shortness of breath.
Incisional Hernia
Description: These hernias occur through an incision site from a previous abdominal surgery.
Causes: Post-operative wound infections, excessive strain, or poor surgical technique can contribute to incisional hernias.
Symptoms: A bulge at or near the site of a previous surgical scar, often accompanied by discomfort or pain.
Epigastric Hernia
Description: Occurs when fat pushes through a weak spot in the upper abdominal wall, between the navel and the lower part of the ribcage.
Causes: Can be caused by congenital defects, heavy lifting, or significant physical strain.
Symptoms: A lump in the upper abdomen, which may cause pain or discomfort.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Physical Examination: Often, hernias can be diagnosed through a physical exam where the doctor feels for a bulge in the affected area.
Imaging Tests: Ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI may be used to confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent of the hernia.
Watchful Waiting: Small, asymptomatic hernias may only require monitoring.
Surgery: For symptomatic or larger hernias, surgery is usually necessary. There are two main types of hernia surgery:
Open Surgery: The surgeon makes an incision near the hernia and repairs the weakened area.
Laparoscopic Surgery: A minimally invasive option where the surgeon makes small incisions and uses a laparoscope to repair the hernia. Dr. Shashank Shah’s extensive expertise in laparoscopic techniques ensures a high success rate with minimal recovery time.
Recovery and Prevention
Post-Surgery Care: Follow your surgeon’s instructions, including taking prescribed medications and attending follow-up appointments.
Physical Activity: Gradually return to physical activities, avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous exercise initially.
Diet: Maintain a healthy diet to avoid constipation and strain on the abdominal area.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight increases pressure on the abdominal wall.
Proper Lifting Techniques: Use your legs, not your back, when lifting heavy objects.
Avoid Straining: Address constipation and chronic coughs promptly to reduce abdominal pressure.
Understanding the different types of hernias and their symptoms can help in early diagnosis and effective treatment. If you suspect you have a hernia, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. Dr. Shashank Shah’s expertise in laparoscopic and bariatric surgery provides patients with comprehensive and advanced care, ensuring the best outcomes for hernia repair. If you are experiencing symptoms or need advice on hernia treatment, consider reaching out to Dr. Shashank Shah for expert guidance and care.
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Hernia Repair Market: Growth Drivers and Future Opportunities
Overview of the Hernia Repair Market
The global hernia repair market is projected to reach USD 5.1 billion by 2029 from USD 4.1 billion in 2024, at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2024 to 2029. 
The hernia repair market is witnessing substantial growth, driven by advancements in surgical techniques, increasing prevalence of hernias, and rising healthcare expenditures. The market is characterized by the introduction of innovative products and a shift towards minimally invasive procedures, which are enhancing patient outcomes and reducing recovery times.
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Several factors contribute to this growth:
Rising Incidence of Hernias: The growing number of hernia cases, attributed to factors such as obesity, aging population, and strenuous physical activities, is a significant driver.
Advancements in Surgical Techniques: The development of laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgeries is expanding the market size by offering less invasive options with quicker recovery periods.
Healthcare Expenditure: Increasing healthcare spending in both developed and developing countries supports the adoption of advanced hernia repair techniques and devices.
Market Share
Factors influencing market share include:
Product Innovation: Companies investing in the development of new and improved hernia repair materials and devices, such as biological meshes and absorbable meshes, are gaining larger market shares.
Global Presence: Firms with a robust presence in emerging markets and strategic partnerships with local healthcare providers tend to have a competitive advantage.
Regulatory Approvals: Gaining regulatory clearances for new products and expanding indications for existing products also boost market share.
Current Trends and Developments
Minimally Invasive Surgery: There is a growing preference for laparoscopic and robotic-assisted hernia repair procedures, which offer benefits such as reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times.
Advanced Mesh Products: The introduction of innovative mesh products, including lightweight and self-fixating meshes, is improving surgical outcomes and driving market growth.
Emerging Markets: Increasing healthcare infrastructure investments in emerging markets are providing new growth opportunities for hernia repair products.
Focus on Patient Outcomes: Enhanced patient awareness and demand for high-quality postoperative outcomes are pushing manufacturers to develop more effective and patient-friendly solutions.
The hernia repair market is poised for significant growth, driven by demographic trends, technological advancements, and increasing healthcare investments. With ongoing innovations and a focus on minimally invasive techniques, the market is set to expand, offering substantial opportunities for industry participants.
Related Reports:
Hernia Repair Market by Product (Mesh (Synthetic, Biologic), Suture (Absorbable, Non-Absorbable), Tack, Glue Applicator), Indication (Inguinal, Incisional, Umbilical, Epigastric, Femoral, Hiatal), Surgery, End-user - Global Forecast to 2029
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arshhospitals · 13 days
Best General Surgery Hospital in Gaya Bihar — Arsh Hospital
Arsh Hospital is proud to be recognized as the leading destination for general surgery in Gaya, Bihar. Our experienced team of surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to patient-centered care set us apart as the premier choice for those in need of surgical intervention. Whether you require a routine procedure or complex surgery, you can trust Arsh Hospital to provide exceptional care and support throughout your surgical journey.
Why Choose Arsh Hospital for General Surgery
At Arsh Hospital, we understand that undergoing surgery can be a daunting experience. That’s why we prioritize patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction in everything we do. Here are some reasons why patients choose us for their general surgery needs:
Experienced Surgeons: Our team of general surgeons is highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide range of surgical procedures. From minimally invasive surgeries to complex operations, our surgeons have the expertise to deliver optimal outcomes for our patients.
Comprehensive Services: Arsh Hospital offers a comprehensive range of general surgery services to address a variety of medical conditions. Whether you require surgery for gastrointestinal disorders, hernias, breast conditions, or other surgical issues, we have the capabilities to meet your needs.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art operating rooms, surgical suites, and diagnostic equipment to support our general surgery services. We adhere to the highest standards of safety and cleanliness to ensure a comfortable and sterile environment for our patients.
Personalized Care: We understand that every patient is unique, and we strive to provide personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs and preferences. From the moment you arrive at Arsh Hospital until your discharge, our team will be with you every step of the way, providing support, guidance, and compassionate care.
General Surgery Services Offered at Arsh Hospital:
Laparoscopic Surgery: We specialize in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, which offers numerous benefits over traditional open surgery, including smaller incisions, less pain, and faster recovery times.
Gastrointestinal Surgery: Our surgeons perform a variety of gastrointestinal procedures, including appendectomy, cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), colorectal surgery, and more.
Hernia Repair: We offer surgical repair for hernias, including inguinal hernias, femoral hernias, umbilical hernias, and incisional hernias.
Breast Surgery: Our breast surgeons provide diagnostic and surgical services for breast conditions, including breast cancer surgery, lumpectomy, mastectomy, and breast reconstruction.
Meet Our General Surgery Team:
Dr. Sunil Gupta: With extensive experience in general surgery, Dr. Sunil Gupta is known for his expertise in laparoscopic procedures and hernia repair surgery.
Dr. Anjali Singh: Dr. Anjali Singh specializes in breast surgery and is dedicated to providing compassionate care to patients with breast conditions.
Visit Arsh Hospital Today:
If you’re in need of general surgery services, trust the experts at Arsh Hospital. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons and take the first step toward better health and wellness.
Arsh Hospital
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laproscopicsuregon · 15 days
Top 15 Most Asked Questions About Hernia Answered By Hernia Specialist
Hernias are a common health issue, affecting 15- 20% of the population in India, and can cause significant pain and anxiety. Thankfully, hernia specialists give essential treatment and support for recovery. In this blog, Dr. Arun S Nair, a famed hernia specialist in Thrissur, answers the top 15 most constantly asked questions about hernias. Whether you are witnessing symptoms, considering surgery, or seeking further information, this guide offers expert advice and practical tips on understanding and managing hernias.
1. What Is A Hernia?
A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in the girding muscle or connective tissue. This frequently results in a remarkable bulge.
2. What Causes A Hernia?
Hernias can be caused by a combination of muscle weakness and strain. procurators that contribute carry heavy lifting, constipation, rotundity, pregnancy, habitual coughing, and other surgeries.
3. What Are The Different Kinds Of Hernias?
There are several types of hernias:
Inguinal Hernia Occurs in the inner groin.
Femoral Hernia Appears in the upper thigh/ external groin.
Umbilical Hernia Can find around the belly button.
Hiatal Hernia Happens when portion of the stomach pushes into the chest cavity through the diaphragm.
Incisional Hernia Can develop at the point of a former surgical incision.
4.What Are The Symptoms Of A Hernia?
Symptoms can vary but generally carry a visible bulge, pain or discomfort( especially when bending over, coughing, or lifting), and occasionally sickness or vomiting if the hernia is austere.
5. How Are Hernias Treated?
Treatment frequently involves surgical repair to push the pooching tissue back into position and support the weak area. Options carry open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or robotic- assisted surgery.
6. What Should I Expect After Hernia Surgery?
Post-surgery, you may witness pain and lump, which can be handled with drug. Rest is pivotal, and full reclamation generally takes a many weeks to a many months, depending on the type of surgery and individual recovery rates.
7. What Is Surgical Mesh For Hernias And Is It Safe?
Surgical mesh is frequently exercised to support the recreated area and reduce the threat of recurrence. It's usually considered safe, but like all medical devices, it carries some pitfalls, involving infection or repudiation.
8. How Long Will I Be Off Work After A Hernia Operation?
Recovery time can vary predicated on the type of hernia and the surgery performed. generally, cases can return to light conditioning within a week or two, but full reclamation might take four to six weeks. For more emphatic jobs, a longer reclamation period may be necessary.
9. How Do You Get Out Of Bed After Hernia Surgery?
To avoid straining the repaired area, utilize the" log roll" technique roll onto your side, also push up with your arms while swinging your legs over the side of the pad. This minimizes abdominal pressure.
10. What Will Happen During The Procedure?
During hernia surgery, you will be given away anesthesia. The surgeon will make an slit to access the hernia, push the pooching tissue back into position, and support the area with stitches or mesh. The gash is then closed.
11.How Do You Poop After Hernia Surgery?
Post-surgery, it's important to avoid straining. Stay doused , eat a high- fiber diet, and consider a coprolite softener if necessary. Gentle walking can also support stimulate bowel motions.
12. Does The Bulge Go Away After Hernia Surgery?
Yes, the bulge generally disappears after surgery as the hernia is recreated and the pooching tissue is pushed back into position.
13. Who Suffers From Hernia?
Hernias can affect anyone but are more common in men, older grown-ups, people with a family history of hernias, those who are fat, and individualities who carry out heavy lifting or have habitual coughs.
14.How Can I Reduce The Possibility Of Developing A Hernia?
Maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly to strengthen abdominal muscles, avoid heavy lifting or exercise proper lifting ways, treat persistent coughs, and eat a high- fiber diet to avert constipation.
15. When To Call Your Doctor?
Contact your doctor if you note a new bulge, experience austere pain, nausea, vomiting, or have difficulty passing gas or bowel motions. These could be signs of a serious complication like a strangulated hernia.
Managing hernias requires the right information and medical care. However, it’s essential to consult with a specialist like Dr. Arun Nair, one of the best gastro surgeons in Thrissur. He provides individualized guidance and treatment to ensure the best practicable outcomes. Book your appointment with Dr. Arun Nair today to handle your hernia concerns and start your journey towards reclamation..
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