#Incorrect sengoku basara quotes
its4-town4eva · 1 year
Chosokabe: You'll make a good pirate yet.
Masamune: Ar matey, shiver me timbers.
Chosokabe: Don't do that.
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nikocrystal · 5 years
Kasuga: Sasuke and I-
Yukimura: are getting married?
Kasuga: no, we-
Yukimura: *pulling out a binder* sit down. I’ve already planned the whole thing.
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obscene-tevene · 7 years
Get to know me better
This tag game brought to you by the awesome @sugoileo
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Gabe, Gav, “Hey You!”, Kitten (come back Chase, I miss you!)
Zodiac Sign:  Capricorn
Height: uhh.... 156cm? the last time I checked anyway.
Last thing you googled: “legenddolls.net” - I was shopping for some clothes for Saeyoung and a possible new doll XD
Favorite Music Artist: Owl City and Fallout Boy 
Song Stuck in your head: Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran
Last movie you watched: uh.... Hakuouki: Shikon Soukyuu. I typically don’t watch movies lol.
What are you wearing right now: Dress pants, blouse and a cardigan. I’m at work lololol.
Why did you choose your URL: I realised the words obscene and tevene rhyme so... here we are. It was supposed to be a reference to Dorian Pavus from DA:I XD
Do you have any other blogs: 4 I think. A hoarded url, 2 world building blogs I’ve never done anything with, and a blog that was supposed to be for aesthetics but instead hides all my shame XD
What did your last relationship teach you: I had a lot of emotional growing up to do, and I was more mentally ill than I thought. It was a very sobering lesson.
Religious or Spiritual: Neither lol. Its a running joke in my family that every time I set foot in a church, I’m in danger of spontaneously combusting.
Favorite Color: Neon green and bright purple. Its a horrid combination I know XD
Average hours of sleep:  Usually about 5, but lately I’ve been getting 7 or 8. 
Lucky Number: 11 and 4 I think
Favorite Characters: Gosh that’s a long list XD! Honourable mentions go to: Date Masamune (SLBP), Tokugawa Ieyasu (SLBP), Naoe Kanetsugu (SLBP), Dazai Osamu (BSD), Chuuya Nakahara (BSD), Kazama Chikage
How many blankets do you sleep with:  1 atm, hopefully 2 soon. (Come on winter! XD)
Dream Job: Long term goal is to a games programmer, but a slightly more obtainable dream job is to be a children’s librarian. I hate children tho, what the shit is this nonsense, Gabe?!
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last Song You Listened To: Dance of Many - Hatsune Miku ver. ...I’ve been playing a lot of Project Diva lately.
Top 3 Shows: (Can these be anime? XD) Bungou Stray Dogs, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings, Hakuouki
tagging : @zacroix, @cottonballwithmustache, @otomehideout-indecentconfessions, @incorrect-slbp-quotes, @dean-winchesters-right-nipple, @kakki-neko 
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obscene-tevene · 8 years
"Get to know me" tag game! :D
This tag game proudly brought to you by the amazing @honeybeelily Rules \\ tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Relationship status \\ single Lipstick or chapstick \\ chapstick, my lips are so dry all the time putting lipstick on them looks gross xD! Last movie I watched \\ uh... probably something from when I went on a cruise. Maybe "The Secret Life of Pets"? Last song I listened to \\ Jitter Doll by Reol. I'm so proud that I was able to work out the katakana for that title xD! My Japanese has gone to shit since I stopped studying. Top 3 shows \\ ...I don't watch TV xD! Um. Firefly, Sengoku Basara, Yurikuma Arashi Top 3 Characters \\ Roxas (KH2), Executive Proton (Pkmn HGSS), Date Masamune (SLBP & Sengoku Basara) Top 3 ships \\ Saiyukkin (SLBP), KoMasa (Sengoku Basara), Fuma/Saizo (SLBP) ((...Saizo should just let poor Kotaro love him.))) Tagging \\ @dean-winchesters-right-nipple, @antivanbrandy, @cottonballwithmustache, @incorrect-slbp-quotes, @mioyaya, @yoolee Totes don't gotta do it if you don't wanna lolol. And apologies if you've already done the do~~~♡
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