#Indian Idol 10
octomae · 2 months
so i saw a post about Lemuria Hub and the Deepsea Metro having ties to each other, and i have a conspiracy theory that's been rotting in my brain ever since i saw the Deepsea Metro map in Lemuria Hub
here's all your proof of that:
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plus, the eye posters from Kamabo Co. being present in Lemuria Hub as well. it's pretty obvious from these that Lemuria and Kamabo are tied together.
we all know and remember Tartar's goal: bring back humanity. but the name "Lemuria" holds a lot more weight than most casual splatoon players might realize.
because i am a nerd, i looked it up.
From the Wikipedia page:
Lemuria, or Limuria, was a continent proposed in 1864 by zoologist Philip Sclater, theorized to have sunk beneath the Indian Ocean, later appropriated by occultists in supposed accounts of human origins. (...)
The hypothesis was proposed as an explanation for the presence of lemur fossils on Madagascar and the Indian subcontinent but not in continental Africa or the Middle East. Biologist Ernst Haeckel's suggestion in 1870 that Lemuria could be the ancestral home of humans caused the hypothesis to move beyond the scope of geology and zoogeography, ensuring its popularity outside of the framework of the scientific community. (...)
The theory was discredited with the discovery of plate tectonics and continental drift in the 20th century.
this (now disproven) theory ties in pretty neatly with Tartar's goal. "Bring back humanity". the implications of Lemuria Hub being tied to Kamabo Co. very likely means that Tartar's hypothetical new age of humans would have originated from Lemuria. Splatoon 3 seems to like a focus on origins, because we also get the origins of marinekind in its storymode, Alterna and the Return of the Mammalians.
but there's something else that caught my eye too.
with the release of Lemuria Hub, nintendo brought back the fictional band, SashiMori! which is great and fantastic, but im pretty damn sure that they didn't bring any other bands back from Splatoon 1 or 2 completely unchanged for Splatoon 3. sure, OTH was brought back for multi-player OSTs, but in the form of Damp Socks. (and the idols are a sort of special case anyways.) Squid Squad returned only as Front Roe. Yoko from Ink Theory returned only in Yoko and the Gold Bazookas.
but nintendo didn't change SashiMori's presentation at all. the only thing that did change, and was notably very mentioned, was the fact that SashiMori's DJ Paul was older now. that's it. (nintendo also didn't change Acht. this is an important detail, but ill get to them in a minute).
Paul is pretty interesting when you look at him. there's very little information, but what we do have about him ties in pretty nicely with Kamabo Co., Tartar's association with humanity, and Lemuria Hub. for starters, Paul's DJ mixing for SashiMori is hailed as unique in universe, for incorporating human voices into SashiMori tracks.
From the Splatoon Wiki page on SashiMori:
Paul is the band's DJ, an Octoling. He is 10 years old in Splatoon 2 and 16 years old in Splatoon 3, and his favorite foods are kelp and biscuits. He remixes from sources including DJ Real Sole, DJ Octavio, and various ancient records, and is surprisingly talented for his age. Originally, SashiMori had a traditional vocalist, but they were replaced due to their self-centered personality, after which Paul was recruited through a tweet. According to the Japanese Family vs. Friends dialogue, he is friends with Marina.
(...) This music has vocals but no vocalist! Through the genius of DJ Paul, all the vocals have been sampled from a collection of ancient vinyl.
so, Paul and SashiMori are associated with humanity because they literally use human voices in their tracks.
here's the final nail in coffin to make it all tie together. it's a pretty popular theory that Paul and Acht "Dedf1sh" (who was sanitized by Commander Tartar and composed all the Octo Expansion soundtracks) are blood relatives.
Here's their designs from Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3:
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Acht and Paul have the same symbols on their hats. their ink color even matches (from before Acht was sanitized). Acht has blue tentacles and red tips, Paul has red tentacles and blue tips.
even from the wiki trivia section of SashiMori's page:
In-universe, Paul and Acht are speculated to be blood relatives. They notably have the same symbol appearing on their hats, wear black clothing, with Paul wearing black T-shirts in both album artwork and Acht wearing a black dress, have three tentacles for their hair, and Paul's ink color looks similar to Acht's ink color before they were sanitized.
so what does this have to do with Lemuria Hub?
following nintendo's trend of splatoon artist releases with each season, they bring back an old artist and repurpose them into a new band or presentation. for Sizzle Season 2024, the band they brought back was SashiMori, but completely unchanged. (tangentially related, for the release of Side Order, they brought back Dedf1sh, also completely unchanged.)
the return of SashiMori completely unchanged breaks nintendo's pattern. alongside that, the stage released this time was only Lemuria Hub, and no other stage. (with the exception of Drizzle Season 2024, which released only Marlin Airport,) the trend has been to release two stages per season. this time, it's only one stage.
Kamabo Co.'s goal was to bring back humanity via testing and blending marinekind through the deepsea metro. Acht "Dedf1sh" was the musician of Kamabo Co., and sanitized in the name of this goal. Paul from SashiMori uses human voices in his tracks. Acht and Paul are very likely related. Lemuria Hub has Kamabo Co. posters and its deepsea metro map on display. the name "Lemuria" is associated with the origins of humanity via a (now disproven) theory. SashiMori's new music was released alongside Lemuria Hub.
SashiMori's new songs, with human voices mixed in them, playing over the train station of Lemuria Hub, which was likely an access point of some kind or tied in to Kamabo Co. somehow, is an EXTREMELY POWERFUL AND INTERESTING IMAGE. Lemuria Hub is hearing human voices for the first time via SashiMori's new songs, and it's been taken over for the one thing Tartar hated the most about marinekind: Turf War. (in a twisted way, Lemuria Hub hearing human voices is probably what Tartar wanted, but I doubt it wanted it like this. very ironic, i approve.)
so what does all of this mean? well... we can only speculate at this point. the themes of humanity in Splatoon 3 are matched in quantity only by Salmon Run lore (but, that's a whole other essay post, i won't get into it here). i personally think it means that we're going to see some kind of connection to humanity, OR salmonid development/lore in the next game. and with the FinalFest theme for Splatoon 3 being "Past, Present, or Future", im REALLY excited to see what it could mean. maybe Tartar's alive somehow, or maybe we'll get to look back at the evolution and development of marinekind, or maybe Lil Judd will finally snap since he's taken over Grizzco and the salmonids will have their apocalypse.
(as a final ending note: there's also a TON of association from all of this... with Off The Hook. OTH is associated with nearly everything here; its speculated Pearl was SashiMori's original vocalist before they got Paul, Marina is friends with Paul, OTH helped 8 break out of Kamabo Co., Pearl herself murdered Tartar with her voice; Off The Hook changed the world with Chaos vs Order, and Off The Hook is representing "the present" in the FinalFest. coincidence? maybe. who knows?)
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boyfhee · 7 months
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - valentines edition
favorite color of roses?
favorite flowers?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which idols have the best rizz?
most rizzful mutual?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
fictional characters you're in love with?
have you ever had an online crush?
songs that you want to play at your wedding?
fav breakup songs?
fav love-themed kpop song?
mutual with beautiful themes?
pink vs red ? coquette vs old money / preppy?
favorite sweets?
hi anon, tysm for sending this ^_^ make sure you stay hydrated as well, love u ◠◡◠
orange / pinkish orange ( i have it at home :D )
lily of the valley and dahlias
JAY jay park jongseong loml
heeseung ( i need him to go on hiatus atp ) jake, yunjin
i come first and then it's @isoobie / @atrirose / @hoonvrs / @wonryllis
i actually have a habit of addressing people as 'sweetheart' so that goes first. 'baby' is a classic and it's cute. also, i sometimes use 'jaan' or 'meri jaan' so it's one of my fav as well ( trans. my life )
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jo cheong...jongseong...it's coming full circle
omfg yes One time. it was a moment of weakness
idk bro i want chaconne. but in all seriousness, angel baby by troye sivan, for lovers who hesitate by janabi, sherlock by oceanfromtheblue, all bollywood wedding music like it slaps
not exactly break up but the wisp sings by winter aid makes me cry every single time
way back home by shaun, love scenario by ikon
everyone has super pretty blogs but @wonryllis / @atrirose / @isoobie / @yenqa / @tyunni ( may i need a tutorial. )
pink but only the tints. i've recently been into coquette but old money is literally how i usually dress so i can't really pick
anything chocolate, macaroons, cham cham bro it's the craziest indian sweet, rasmalai ( now i want some )
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS Wedding Series: Food/Cake Tasting
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If there was one thing Seokjin was adamant about in the whole wedding planning, it was the food. He had cooked for the boys for the past 10+ years, he had been on enough variety shows with food, he did enough of his own mukbang videos to affirmatively say that he was a foodie. And when it came to the cake, the two of you had worked out a design and the flavours you wanted. 
However, the whole food situation was firmly in his hands. 
There had been emails back and forth to the hotel on Jeju island with menus, a private phone call with the chef and a presentation by Zoom by said chef over the various Korean meals that the kitchen could provide. 
“Would it be possible to have a variation? Such as buffet stations and grazing tables laid out for everyone to pick from, to include different cultures but to include Korea as the main food as well,” Seokjin asked after going through your pinterest board where you had kept some of your ideas.
The chef in question glanced up, surprised as he was used to dealing with couples who went strictly with traditional Korean wedding food and never varied outside of that. His team were muttering in the background and there was various clicking, as they went through their own Google images to figure out what Seokjin was asking of him.
“We’re looking at a varied buffet rather than your strict sit down meal. I love American and Indian dishes, Seokjin loves Korean food and burgers. My parents prefer sushi yet they love Thai food. We have such a variation coming that we want to cover all aspects,” you summarised. And then the chef got it.
“Ah, I see! Right okay, so let’s do foods from around the world then. We'll have different food stations like you say - Japan, Korea, America, Italy, Thailand, India, Spain, etc. And then have a grazing table for fruits, bread, your desserts and then of course your wedding cake,” the chef said as he drew a plan on the board behind him. If he hadn’t been a cook in this life, you would have assumed he was an artist in another.
“The cake we’re going to sort when we’re next on Jeju but for desserts, could we look at brownies, cookies, blondies, cupcakes, etc. We’re well aware of people’s different choices,” Seokjin added as he wrote down his own list of his own requests.
“Mr. Kim, this is going to cost quite a bit. I know you’re an idol but this is going to cost.”
Seokjin gave a wave of his hand in an almost imperial way, causing you to hide a smile behind your hand. Another thing you had to give over to him was the budget. 
“Don’t worry about that - when it comes to my food, I’m ready to spend the money. Do you know BTS?”
Of course the chef did as did the whole team by the way they were nodding.
“Then you know I’m a foodie and I love my food. And this one here loves her desserts so it’s a compromise and I won’t compromise on food,” Seokjin added by pinching your side, wincing at the slap on the arm in return. 
“As long as you're sure. Let us arrange a date for you two to come and try some samples, then you can make a weekend out of it,” the chef suggested.
“A weekend trying food? Yes please!”
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There was one thing you had promised Yoongi when it came to the wedding.
He didn’t know how you were going to do it but he wanted tangerines because that’s what he loved and wanted. He had already picked out a four course meal for the wedding, fully Korean, with lamb skewers thrown in because he saw them on the menu and wanted them. The cake, however, was your deal. He just wanted tangerines.
So while you were looking for inspiration on wedding cakes during the early stages, you saw plenty of tiered wedding cakes with orange slices on the sides, painted oranges on the fondant, half naked cakes with fresh fruit all around. It was all locked away for your meeting with the lady who was going to do your wedding cake for you, something you dragged Yoongi along because coffee and cake went well together.
“So, what are you two looking for?” she asked, opening up her ipad to get started on the design.
“We’re both kind of plain people. The wedding decor is going to be simple with glass and flowers and candles. White roses, white peonies with plenty of greenery. Our invitations had a hint of blue on them. But Yoongi loves tangerines so I want to do tangerine name cards and if we could have tangerines on the cake as well, or in the flavour, then that would be perfect,” you explained. 
Yoongi perked up at the mention of his favourite fruit. He didn’t know about the name card suggestion as he had briefly glanced at your ideas and the idea that you wanted to incorporate something he loved, made him realise that every single decision had him in mind.
“Wait till you see the favours I’ve ordered,” you muttered as you patted his leg, grinning slightly.
“Is that why I’ve been locked out of the spare room?” he muttered back, one eye on the lady designing the cake and one eye on you.
“Of course. It’s hell in there right now.”
“So,” the lady interrupted unapologetically to show you her design. “I’m thinking vanilla buttercream because that works well, then we can add fresh tangerines or kumquats which are slightly smaller or I can make the tangerines and flavour them. For the cake layers, since you like simple, depending on the tiers and how many you need, we could go with vanilla cake with lemon to bring in the citrus, then another tier of vanilla with pink champagne and another vanilla with maybe chocolate.”
“These sound all amazing. Are we able to have any tasters?”
“I’ll be back in just a moment,” the lady said as she laid her ipad on the table with the design still in place.
“How many tiers do we need?” Yoongi asked, seeing the design was for three tiers. 
“Well, we’re looking at 250 for the reception and the Korean ceremony,” you said once you brought up your guest list file on the phone.
Yoongi sighed. As much as he hated being put on display like that, he knew it was to keep both sets of parents happy and to have everyone who meant the world there as well. At least the legal ceremony a few days before was just yourselves, the boys, your parents and no one else. 
“How many tiers can we do for 250 people?” Yoongi then asked the lady who came out with two trays of vanilla cake with different variations of filling. 
“You’ll be looking at 6 tiers then.”
Yoongi sighed again but happily picked up the fork he was given as well as a tray of cake. “Well, we best get tasting then.”
In the end, you picked vanilla with lemon, red velvet with cream cheese, vanilla with pink champagne and then a cookies and cream tier because at this point, why the hell not. 
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The hotel itself had many restaurants to choose from and when it came to the wedding, especially with the amount of guests who were coming and how much you were setting aside just for the food, the hotel had sent you all the menus available. 
You wanted Korean but mixed with a bit of international food as well as the wine and other alcohol to compliment it. Everything had to be big and bright like your wedding theme and to match your cake as well which had been designed to be dripped in bright rainbow colours with gold lustre and fresh bright flowers. 
“So Festa is our contemporary European dining, the Granum is all day dining and is international and the Club Member’s Restaurant is Korean so you’ve got a good mix here,” the wedding organiser said as she showed you to the private dining area where you were going to have your wedding tasting from the samples you had picked from the menus provided.
For starters, you had picked smoked salmon with caesar salad, kimchi soup with bean sprouts and shrimp croquette and dill cream. 
Scoffing all that with your wine and grinning as Hobi made notes, you then went onto your main dishes. These had been Hobi’s picks and you could tell when the dishes had arrived, large servings of meat. Prime steak was one dish, grilled lobster was another and then lamb rack with vegetables.
If that wasn’t enough, a small pizza and bolognese pasta also arrived.
“What?” Hobi asked around a slice of pizza.
“You think we’re feeding the country?” you asked, cutting into the prime steak that was cooked perfectly.
“I had to stop myself at the sides because there were too many,” Hobi admitted as he stole the piece of steak you had cut up.
“Of course,” you muttered as you stole the rest of his pizza.
Dessert had been a combined effort as your wedding cake was only two tiers and would feed just under 200 people. Blueberry cheesecake, chocolate tart with vanilla ice cream and then orange pound cake with ice cream. And not only that, the tables would get a platter of seasonal fruit.
“This is going to be hard,” you pouted as you spooned up some of the chocolate tart. “We might have to come back and try them again.”
Hobi chuckled as he bypassed the chocolate tart and went for the cheesecake. “I completely agree. Let’s bring Seokjin and Taehyung with us next time. They're the fussiest.”
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Picking the food had been an easy thing for the two of you as you both didn’t like fish and had settled on going Korean with a little mix of international foods for the guests who you just had to invite. Luckily enough, the maximum numbers for your outdoor wedding were 150 and you had managed to drop that to 130 for all your friends and family then the famous people who Namjoon knew he had to invite. 
It was a bit odd addressing the invitations to such famous people and it was even more odd when they actually accepted. With the food organised with the hotel, it was time to turn to the cake. 
You two had spent the better part of a day looking up wedding cakes with your appointment with the cake maker fast approaching and settled on a design you both liked - handpainted flowers alongside the tiers of the cake, all with meaning and thoughts behind them. Specifically picked for the two of you to incorporate your wedding flowers, birth flowers, etc. 
Namjoon happily tucked into the slice of cake the lady handed over, white chocolate passionfruit while she handed you coffee and walnuts. If there was something you both were adamant on, it was the cake flavours would be unique. 
You needed a four tier cake and while she designed the flowers on her ipad, you two tucked into the next set of flavours. 
“I want to take that cake home,” Namjoon pointed towards the plate that was now empty of his passionfruit slice. 
“I’m loving this raspberry and white chocolate,” you added as you cut a bit off with your fork and handed it over to your future groom.
“This is going to be so hard,” he muttered around the mouthful of cake and turned the plate that held his lemon slice. “But I think I’ve made my choices.”
“Oh? Already?” you asked, licking off some of the raspberry buttercream. 
“I want that passionfruit, as well as your raspberry one and I think we just need plain vanilla for the boring people. And I think we need a chocolate layer, maybe with caramel and I want a lemon layer as well,” Namjoon picked off, still happily munching on the lemon cake. 
You thought for a moment, thinking of all the people who were coming and if any of them were allergic to anything in those flavours and nothing was springing out at you. And when the lady showed you the design of greenery, daisies, white roses, peonies and little forget me nots - everything just fell into place.
“All those flavours and that cake design please.”
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You didn’t know where the number of guests had come from but you somehow reached the 150 mark which was just a little squeeze for your venue but they had managed to confirm those numbers for the ceremony then the reception afterwards. You had picked and confirmed a cake well beforehand, settling on a five tier white cake but with fresh ivory and light pink flowers cascading around the cake itself. With flavours of vanilla, strawberry, lemon and raspberry, it had been sorted before you had even figured out your actual food menu. 
Jimin was firm when you two had spoken to your wedding organiser that he wanted a taste of Busan in his menus with Busan eomuk (fish cakes) and Milmyeon so he had something of home in the menu which was completely western. Of course, the hotel were happy to agree so they organised a menu specifically for your food tasting. 
First, it was the appetiser course of two options. The famous Busan fishcakes with a side of salad and some other bits and then shredded hoisin duck tortilla stack with cucumber and spring onion.
“How is that western?” Jimin muttered to you but happily tucked into the food either way. 
For the main course, there was the option of Milmyeon, roasted sirloin with green beans, mushrooms, sauce and optional potatoes or fries. As well as a chicken option or sea bass option as well. 
“This is hard,” you moaned as you cut into the steak and almost cried at how perfectly cooked it was. 
“It’s even harder when they give you these options,” Jimin laughed as he pointed in the direction of the chicken and sea bass that was waiting to be tested.
“I shouldn’t have had breakfast,” you realised when you cut into the chicken and happily popped it into your mouth.
And then for dessert, realising your cake probably wouldn’t cover 150 people, settled on two types of dessert: a cheesecake and desserts in miniature so people got three little ones to enjoy. 
“Shall we have it all?” Jimin questioned, spooning some of the cheesecake and feeding it to you. He then dug into the crumble which he hadn’t heard of before. 
“We’ve got plenty of people who are going to have different options,” you shrugged but were happy to go for all the choices suggested.
“Okay, let’s do it,” he made a note on the little bit of paper the waiters had given him to confirm his choices. 
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Though you had realised planning a wedding in another country was going to be hard, you didn’t realise how hard it was actually going to be. The venue dressing, provided by the hotel, was in Los Angeles as well as the cake lady, the photographer and everything else. You had a makeup team flying out with you and another photographer as well as a videographer, provided by HYBE, would be making the journey with you. 
Beverly Hills had been booked up the moment your invitations had gone out and surrounding hotels as well in what had been termed ‘the wedding of the century’ by the rest of BTS. Celebrities, fashion designers, music producers and god knows who else were making the trip to be there for Taehyung’s wedding. 
It was becoming a bit of a circus but he was so excited and devoted to the whole thing, that in the end it didn’t matter who was coming. You just wanted to marry the man. 
And at least your air travel miles were accumulating quickly with the amount of times you had to fly out to Los Angeles. This time it was to meet the cake lady as well as have your menu tasting - something you were eagerly awaiting as you had to mix it with Korean as well as western food. 
Of course, having a cake for 800 people was near impossible and it had been decided early on it would be limited to three real tiers, with the other three to be fake. No one would care anyway, especially with the amount of money you were putting into the food alone. And the wedding cake design had been simple yet extravagant - white fondant with vines of leaves and small flowers indented on each layer, with gold ribbon at the bottom of each tier and then red roses sandwiched in between each tier. 
They were given a menu exclusively designed by Wolfgang Puck, one of the most famous chefs out there, and a glass of champagne each. “We wouldn’t have gotten this in Korea,” Taehyung had muttered to you when you reached the VIP section of the restaurant. 
“They saw the cheque book,” you muttered back with a laugh. 
First was a king crab cocktail and a lamb rack with salad for entrees and then for the main course, you were given a large serving of bibimbap and Korean BBQ beef and a large serving of steak and Japanese kanpachi sashimi. 
“Definitely saw the cheque book,” you said around a mouthful of food and realised the two of you hadn’t spoken in the hour you had arrived at your table and served your food. 
“Well, it is delicious,” Taehyung said as he held up some of the sashimi and all but shoved it in his mouth. 
When you thought you were done, they came out with the dessert menu as well as wine menu. 
“I’m going to die,” you fake cried as you looked at the menu. “Oooh, they’ve got cheese platters. Should we have one for each table?”
Taehyung looked up from his wine menu and arched an eyebrow, “Now who's spending the money?”
“We’ve got a lot of celebrities to impress. So is that a yes?”
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With Jungkook being Jungkook, he already had a cake designed the moment you had talked about it. He had spent an agonising night on his ipad, drawing and redrawing, looking up inspiration and even turning to ARMY’s pictures to see if they had any inspiration to fulfil their fantasies. 
With nothing truly popping up, Jungkook had to simply turn to his imagination and wonder if it would work. And with the colour scheme you two had come up with, it was a little hard. 
“So, this is the design I’ve been working on,” Jungkook said to the cake designer who you had set up an appointment with over a week ago. 
The cake designer took the offered ipad and used his fingers to zoom in on the design, then back out. “It shouldn’t be a problem and it’s quite unique, it’s not something I’ve seen before. Let me draw my version with some ideas of cake layers and see what you two think.”
You eyed Jungkook suspiciously and wondered what he had cooked up.
“It represents all of us,” Jungkook explained as he patted your knee, taking the ipad back and shoving it into his ever present black backpack. 
With you travelling all the way to Busan to have this meeting as well as to sort out your food at the hotel, you hoped to have everything boxed up and done so you were putting a bit of faith in Jungkook and his cake. 
“So, I think for the bottom layer, we should do some kind of chocolate,” the cake designer explained as he turned his own ipad around to show the two of you. He had replicated what Jungkook had drawn but into something easier for a cake. 
The bottom layer had a marble effect with white base with a hint of black and purple in the marble effect. The second layer was pure purple with vanilla as its flavouring and then the top tier was pure white with strawberry champagne flavouring and white orchids dotted between the layers. 
“You included ARMY,” you whisper as you take the offered ipad and look at the intricate details in the marble that look like they were done on purpose. 
“Maybe it would be worth getting some kind of cake topper to represent that and you two,” the cake designer explained as he got up to get the suggested cake layers. 
It didn’t take Jungkook long to get his phone out and start looking.
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myriadium · 1 year
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JJDolls! Top Bakugan Brawlers turned idols, Jazz and Jewel (stage names) were 7th and 8th on the national leaderboards, respectively, before getting picked up by a studio and leaving the battlefield to become the worlds' most famous pop stars!
Jazz (Jimena Cruz Reyes), 24, she/they, lesbian, 5'3'', filipino, Subterra
Jewel (Ganga Thakur), 22, she/her, pan, 5'6'', indian, Aquos
During their battling days, the two of them ran a vlog that showed their lives as top 10 brawlers, which really showcased both their talents but more importantly, their charisma in front of a camera. There was a very quick moment where they were more popular than the actual top 5 in the brawling community, and when they released their first song, that was when they left the brawling community behind to pursue mainstream fame.
Of course they found it! But they never forgot their Bakugan origins, and every year during the Bakufest they are a guaranteed event and very very rarely you can catch the two of them battling. Even after dropping from the leaderboards, it seems like their skills have not diminished.
Rumors of their relationship have always surrounded the pair, especially because it seems like they never fight alone. It came as no surprise when the two of them announced that they were dating, and are hailed as celebrity culture's least toxic couple (mostly because they can actually keep their private lives separate.)
some more random facts
jazz's color palette was inspired by maud from my little pony lmao, i thought she was cool
jewel's hair was really giving sailor neptune so I made her Aquos. In the show their attributes are switched BUT I wanted them to match their attributes and it's not like you would remember their attributes anyway
they are both transgender
jazz is named jazz because in my muddled memory i couldn't remember jenny's name.
I wanted to call this out in case people didn't notice, but their earrings match the other's eyes! also their hair/eye colors are slightly inverted.
i asked my indian friends to give a name to Jewel, since i wanted an indian name that wasn't generic (like i searched up indian baby names on google lmao) but also realistic. they settled on ganga thakur. ganga is a hindu goddess of purification with a river named after her (ayo water symbology). seems like indian last names usually denotes a caste which is a bit too loaded for my tastes, but both my friends and my personal research say that it's generally upper class. the two of them also reacted very positively at the name so there we go.
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alienelvisobsession · 11 months
The Freddie Mercury Connection
How unlikely that one of the most revered rockstars of all time was born in Zanzibar (an island off the eastern coast of Africa) to Indian immigrants, right? But, after all, how likely was it that Elvis Presley, with his smoldering looks, swiveling hips, and revolutionary musical talent, came out of a dirt-poor family of sharecroppers from Tupelo, Mississippi? I find the parallels between Elvis and Freddie Mercury fascinating, and there are many in my head. Ready Freddie?
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Considered two of the best and most recognizable voices in popular music, Elvis and Freddie both had an incredible, almost unparalleled, stage presence, they came from an unlikely milieu unrelated to entertainment, and died in a heartbreaking way in their 40s. I find the way they are remembered and cherished very similar.
But let's start from the beginning! When he was at boarding school in Panchgani, near Bombay, in the late '50s, Freddie Mercury, then known as Farrokh Bulsara, formed his own band, with his schoolmates Bruce, Farang, Derrick, and Victory. They were called "The Hectics". Surprisingly, Freddie didn't sing, Bruce did. Freddie was too shy, so he played piano in the background. "We all wanted to be Elvis," Bruce remembers. The girls from another school screamed, "just like they'd heard girls the world over were beginning to do when faced with current idols". They played lots of Elvis, who was one of the rock 'n roll idols back then, but also Fats Domino and Little Richard, two of Freddie's favorite artists.
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That shyness that relegated him to the background in school seems to have gone by the time we meet him again in England in the late '60s, singing with his blues band Ibex. He opened his shows with "Jailhouse Rock", a song he also performed with Queen many times. It allowed him to "indulge in gleeful histrionics, but for some time the rest of the group were unsure about Freddie's stage antics." How wrong they were! See for yourself in this live version from 1982.
In 1979, two years after Elvis' sudden death, Freddie wrote a tribute song to his idol, in the form of a rockabilly pastiche. It's one of Queen's most famous songs to this day: "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". He notoriously wrote it in 10 minutes while lounging in the bathroom. “I did that on the guitar, which I can't play for nuts," he said to Melody Maker, "and in one way it was quite a good thing because I was restricted, knowing only a few chords. It's a good discipline because I simply had to write within a small framework,” he continued. “I couldn't work through too many chords and because of that restriction I wrote a good song, I think.”
Everything, from the production to the lyrics is a call back to early rock 'n roll music. His voice on that track sounds so much like Elvis' that some people think it's an Elvis song. He said about it: “My voice does sound a bit like Elvis Presley’s on ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’. That wasn’t something I was trying to do, naturally, it was pure coincidence. It’s all sung rather low, so then you soon come close to Elvis, especially with such a 50s-type song". Freddie even kicks it up a notch in the video by wearing a black leather suit (albeit with kneepads!) and styling his hair like Elvis did.
Aptly for a song with a rockabilly feel, "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" was Queen's first number-one hit in the States. I don't know if it was because she had heard that song, but Lisa Marie Presley, then only a child, said in an interview that she loved Queen's theatrics and that the first concert she attended was Queen in LA in the late '70s. She gave one of her father's scarves to Freddie. Even though he never met Elvis, Freddie cherished the scarf for the rest of his (short) life.
You can find my other Elvis connection posts at this link. I've written about Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and Quentin Tarantino, among others.
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lagggggomorph · 2 years
Raven being Desi
Hello, hello again, I'm back with another tirade! This whole thing started with seeing a fanartist post a drawing of Raven (a DC Teen Titans character created by George Perez) as dark skinned with a Desi associated hooked nose. One commentor began to complain saying 'Raven isn't a dark skinned Indian, she isn't Indian at all'. When the artist pointed out that they were referring to the fact that Raven's original design was based of an Indian model, the astute commentor acknowledged that Ravens 'style' was Indian but was influenced by other models of other nationalities as well, so lets break it down.
Raven's style
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I assume you're talking about the red dot on her forehead. It's called a Bindi and it's not a part of Indian culture, it's a part of Hindu culture. Traditionally, the west has not cared about the difference, assuming any part of Hinduism is just spiritual hokum and using it in art and pop culture without consideration. But no, the Bindi is worn by Hindu women and yes, it is cultural appropriation for the Bindi to be worn by non-Hindus for aesthetic. More of Raven's character involves Hinduism too. Meditation, and chakras also frequently appear in Raven's magic and were also Hindu practices. Then there is the topic of Ravens model.
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Her name was Persis Khambatta. She won Miss India and is the model that George Perez named as the original influence for Raven's character design. But that isn't definitive, I hear you cry. White people can be Hindu too! And the same quote that lists Persis as an influence also lists a Fran MacGregor as a later influence! And that is true, but also like...
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That, dear reader, is Raven in New Teen Titans wearing a Sari, which is one of the traditional styles of clothing for Indian women. All of this combined methinks makes Raven being Desi a pretty decent possibility, right? Well, apparently not, according to some people on Reddit, since there is still the issue of
Raven's Ancestry
Raven's mom is white. She Elizabeth Roth, by both her Germanic last name and her blonde haired character design, is definitely one white lady. And Raven's father is Trigon, aka the devil from the bible. And like, there is no way that there is a historical precedent of Christianity associating Hindu culture with evil (just ignore Indiana Jones the Temple of Doom and the demonisation of Kali and Lord Sheev from Star Trek and Lady fucking Shiva and that time Tim Drake fought an actual Indian god for some fucking reason). I mean there is no way that the bible says anything negative about 'Idol worship' (cough cough Romans 1:21–23, Exodus 20:3–6, 1 Corinthians 10:14 cough). Is it really that much of a stretch to say that the devil, as far as DC is concerned, may have some Indian traits. Or that Raven's home of Azarath, steeped in spiritualism and mysticism and definitely-not-Hinduism, may have had some Indian culture there too? But I feel like all this pedantic behavior is kind of missing the point.
What is the point of representation anyway?
Why does Raven being Indian coded matter?
Well, it matters because if we include her in the Indian coded bucket, there is a total of 4 desi coded characters in DC, three of those 4 being the Al Ghul family. The sum total of all actual canonical Desi characters in both DC and Marvel combined, is one. Just one. Kamala Khan from the Marvel universe.
Representation, specifically changing the ethnicity of pre-existing characters in later adaptations is done to better reflect the audience diaspora, so that the audience can see themselves in those character. Little Desi girls want to believe that they can be superheroes, just like anybody else. And if we don't have that in cannon, we will make it in fannon.
Accuracy be damned.
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hydroyaksha · 1 year
Stray kids fic recs
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A skz fic list for those who’re too lazy to actually search for them (you’re just like me!!)
If any of the authors on this list do not want me to put their work on this list, I will immediately remove it, please tell me if you don’t want it here!
Personal favorites - ❤️
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Kim seungmin
Scaredy cat
Very short and sweet, my favorite line has to be “speed run this bitch”. I absolutely love haunted houses fics and both the MC and seungmin being scared just made this twice as funny!
The minstrel, Kim Seungmin
(Royal AU) fluff, slight angst (wandering bard! Seungmin x princess! Reader)
This was just soooo cute! Seungmin and the MC’s relationship was just so precious and it really encapsulates how you could fall in love in such a short time. Totally read this, 12/10!
(Spider man AU) (spider man! Seungmin x dj! Reader) fluff, angst, more fluff
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Seo changbin
Sun and moon
(soft! Girl x rough! Boy) fluff, angst(?)
This was a very sweet fic, changbin was always there for the reader when she needed it and it was just such a calming read. It was very cute how they went from a fake relationship to something genuine and it warmed my heart!
Outside my window
(Shapeshifter! Changbin x reader) angst, fluff
Had a great bittersweet ending and I loved the overall theme!
The prince, Seo Changbin
(Prince! Changbin x princess! Reader) Angst, Fluff
I should also probably mention that I absolutely love enemies to lovers, something about how opposites attract is just so pleasing to see so this fic was just a gift from heaven! Changbin’s promise to the reader at the end was just so sweet and warming, totally read it if you’re a enemies to lovers fan!
Sprouts and their Joy ❤️
(Brother figure! Changbin/ reader) fluff, angst
Changbin was so sweet in this fic, he was such a good older brother figure to the reader and was always there for them, when he finally said “I love you” I think I almost cried. This was such a touching read and I totally suggest reading it!
Don’t call me cupcake
Chapter one: Changbin
(Resident evil AU) (Agent! Changbin x agent! Reader) fluff, teeny bit of angst
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Bang Chan
The unbounded knight, Bang Chan
(Unbounded knight! Chan x queen! Reader) angst, fluff fluff, a lil suggestive at the end
This might actually be my favorite of this short series, aside from Minho’s one. Chan just seemed like such a happy lil dude and the reader was just so sweet when she warmed up to him, their relationship was very very cute!
(Cinderella AU) (noble!Chan x princess! Reader)
Ohhhh I loved the swapped roles in this, Chan was so mature for his situation and always upheld his manners, to top it off he has so much kindness in him too!
Can you lend me a crayon?
(Single father! bangchan x babysitter adult! Reader) fluff, smut, lil bit of angst so far
Gee wowza, I usually don’t read fics like this but whooey mama. 13/10 absolutely loved the first part and am looking forward to the rest! The wording and structure of the story is sooo addicting and the plot is to die for! Keep up the great work!!!
Butterfly wings ❤️
(Indian dancer! Reader x idol! Bangchan) fluff
I had to re-add this fic here because it’s absolutely everything I have ever wanted in a fic! As a kathak dancer myself, this fic was to die for and I felt like my culture was really being appreciated here! Bangchan really gave off the vibes of a fanboy and I found it sooo cute! 20/10 absolutely would read again and again!
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Yang jeongin
Heroine addict
(Superhero! Reader x journalist student! Jeongin)
So so cute, Jeongin was such a determined student and all those things he did just to see the reader was so sweet, the last scene really touched my heart. I felt like Jeongin was such a careful boy when it came to interviewing the reader, he never asked her personal things! 20/10
Brown sugar
(Witch! Barista! Jeongin x reader) fluff fluff
Just started reading from this author and I’m absolutely in love this universe already, you’ve gotta check out their witch! Skz universe fics!
(Crown prince! Jeongin x assassin! Reader) fluff fluffy fluff
Blue and silver
(Silver fox! jeongin x human! Reader) flufffffff, lil bit of angst
24 to 25 ❤️
(Childhood friends! Jeongin x reader) fluff angst
Oh. My. God. The actual amount of investment I put into this fic was insane. I couldn’t stop reading it, both parts were immensely riveting and so much fun to read! The development across their ages was so well planned that it just had me wanting more and more. These two were the cutest ever 20/10!
Loving the monster
(Fae king! Jeongin x human! Reader) fluff, angst, there is some torture/ cruel pranks in this fic
Another monster fic that was so much fun to read! The betrayals the reader goes through and the trust she eventually puts into jeongin was so heartwarming to read, this fic was so enticing! 12/10
Speaking in tongues ❤️
(general! Jeongin x arabian dancer! Reader) fluff, angst, violence
This was an actual master piece??? It felt like an actual movie reading this story, I can’t wait to read the final part omg! The story building and the writing was to die for! I fell in love with all of the characters in this story as they had so much character to them! There was so much depth in this fic, I fell in love with the way this author writes. 20/10!
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Han ji-sung
Anything but normal
(Spiderman! Han x friend! Reader) fluff, teensy suggestive at some points
This was so cute ahwbwnwakaoshwbwk, their relationship was very funny and the way their personalities were written was just perfect 12/10 totally recommend
Do you trust me?
(Nerve AU) ongoing, fluff, a lil suggestive (?), very little angst
Honestly I was so happy when I found this AU, I’m a sucker for AU’s and a nerve AU on top of it? Sign me up. It was cute to see how their relationship blooms from strangers to friends as they complete dares together!
The blacksmith, Han Jisung
(Blacksmith! Han x crown princess! Reader) fluff, lil bit of angst
Very very cute, this was like a one sided enemies to lovers thing but Han didn’t hate the reader??? Well- it doesn’t matter, the story was very cute and the ending was so satisfying. My fav line has to be the one where the reader talks about how she might as well become the first queen to rule alone!
Hear.t fm
(DJ! Han x best friend! Reader) fluff, very little angst
This was so refreshing to read, Han switching to DJ J.ONE and back was funny to read when the reader would tease him about having a crush on J.ONE, 13/10!
Young God ❤️
(Serial killer! Han x reader) fluff, angst angst, completed
Oh when I tell you this was good good, it was like a full 30/10 for me, Han’s character was written so beautifully and carefully it just squeezes my heart! He was always so sweet and careful around the reader, I really felt bad for him when his past came to light. Such a good read, I totally recommend this!
Utterly lovesick
(Bsf! Han x bsf! Reader) fluff, angst
Summary: out of the 6 times Han attempted to get a kiss from you, he only succeeded 1 time.
For my great friend, you ❤️
(Idol! Han x assassin! Reader) fluff fluff, angst to a whole new level
Oh my god this is a master piece, there is so much I want to say about this fic. When the reader started playing “M.I.A” in the fic, guess what happened to me? I was listening to the “this is stray kids” playlist on Spotify and it suddenly played M.I.A! This fic had me going through so many feelings! The ending was super bittersweet but with an extra dollop of sweet. This is a must read!
Love in cheese
(Alien! Jisung x human! Reader) smut!, fluff fluff
10/10 read, but it is smut so if ur uncomfy with it pls don’t read!
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Lee minho
The chancellor, Lee Minho
(Assassin! Minho x Queen! Reader) angst, fluff
Oh my god, this fic was too good, there aren’t many words I can use to describe this fic but it’s good, this is a must read! I loved how the author captured Minho’s love for the reader in such a beautiful way and it was so touching!
(Black cat! Minho x reader) angst, fluff
Cute and sweet, short but a good read!
A fairy tail that lasts
(Playboy! Minho x writer! Reader) fluff, angst
Oh my god this was just a bucket of sugar! Minho’s character was written with such love and I adored how he immediately dropped his past ways when he met the reader! This was such an amazing read, 30/10!
Green flames ❤️
(Slytherin! Minho x Gryffindor! Reader) fluff
Ok this was so cute and the TENSION between the two was so riveting! I loved this so much and would love to see a continuation! I re-added this fic here on the skz separate master list because I felt like it needed a whole other page of recognition! Def one of my fav reads thus far, 12/10!
(Spider-Man! Minho x reader)
Soo cute, you could really feel the trust in their relationship!
Countless skies upon us
(swordsmaster! Minho x reader)
Absolutely loved how their relationship developed across the fic!
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Hwang Hyunjin
In which Hyunjin must choose between you or dragonfruit
This was just a whole bunch of crack and humor, the short series was surprisingly funny to read (check out the Han one too!)
The thief, Hwang Hyunjin
(Thief! Hyunjin x princess! Reader) very little angst, fluff fluff fluff
Ohhh this might be my favorite in this AU and I just have to give it to the author, you really have a way with words, I always find a smile on my face when I reach the endings of your fics!
(Assassin! Hyunjin x assassin! Reader) fluff (?), some suggestive stuff but never escalates
I’d love to see a part two! I liked the idea of the reader being a flirty jokester and hyunjin being a somewhat emotionless dude! 11/10
Guard dog
(Werewolf! Hyunjin x reader) fluff fluff
Summary: Hyunjin takes up a date from one of his friends and ends up in an adoption center for dogs. Everything seemed to bother him until he met you, the person in a wheelchair willing to adopt a huge “dog” like him.
Backseat driving
(Street racer! Hyunjin x reader) fluff, angst (not too much, a little suggestive but nothing too bad
I remember reading this fic a while back and it was just so good! 12/10 totally recommend
The duke and I
(Bridgerton AU) (duke! Hyunjin x author! Reader)
fluff, angst (?), smut (you can skip it tho, i did it and it still made sense without the scenes)
Oh my god this was super good, I love how Hyunjin was always supportive of the reader’s writing and how he encouraged her and was honest with critiques. 14/10 you have to read it!
Back in time
(Prince! Hyunjin x reader) fluff, angst
God the ending really touched my heart, I hope for a part two or something like a continuation of this. I love how open the reader is and how nonchalant she can be sometimes, it just made her so charming! She and Hyunjin made such a good pair in this story!
Forward in time
(King! Hyunjin x Reporter! Reader) fluff, angst (?)
THISSSS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! So this was basically an alternate version of the last fic and I loved it so much!! Hyunjin was honestly so hilarious in this story, the hair scene was definitely my favorite!
Android! Hyunjin
(Android! Hyunjin x reader) fluff fluff, teeny bit of angst
A thump in the night
(Vampire bat AU) (bat! Hyunjin x reader) fluff fluff
You’re short and he loves it so much
(Short! Reader x hyunjin) fluff
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Lee Felix
When a flower blooms
(Gu ardian fairy AU) fluff
This was short and sweet, very very cute 13/10 recommend it
The prince, Lee Felix
(prince! Felix x thief! Reader) angst, fluff
This one was a little more sad compared to the Seungmin one but was super good regardless! I feel like their relationship is still young and that they’d need some more time before they really can understand eachother but this was totally a good read!
Hero’s soup for the weak soul ❤️
(Superhero! Felix x best friend! Reader) fluff, teensy angst
Oh My GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!!! This author is so talented I swear to god I’m going to fill this entire rec list with only their work at this point. This fic was so cute and funny, Felix is pretty lazy but super affectionate and the reader’s just a diligent school worker, the best type of pair!
Off the deep end
(Rebel! Felix x royal-ish! Reader) smut, angst, fluff
This is such a good series bro actually I would buy this if it was a physical book! 12/10 I absolutely love how the story is progressing and can’t wait to see the end! (It’s also enemies to lovers so 👀)
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Ot8 (poly)
Autumn daze
(3racha x reader) fluff fluff fluff, humor
You find out that they’re a vampire
Ot8 (separate stories) x reader (fluff, angst, humor if you squint)
Skz as your brothers
seperate stories, fluff fluff fluff
Covering you when uncomfortable
Separate stories, cuuute
Authors you just have to check out!:
They’ve got such a colorful selection of AU’s for straykids and I just had to mention them! Most of this list would’ve been filled with their works but I felt like it’d be best if you all follow them to get updates! You totally need to check them out!
Oooh I really like this author, their oneshots are so long it honestly feels like I’m reading the script for a movie. Their fics always manage to pull on my heart strings with the way they write their fics with utmost care! They’ve got such a colorful masterlist that’s definitely worth checking out!
Ok so- this author is absolutely amazing! A lot of their straykids stories cater to Indian/desi people and it’s so heartwarming! Even for those who aren’t desi, these stories are so well written that it’s an absolute joy to read! Not only that- they’ve got multiple AU fics which are to die for! Make sure to check them out!
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rubberizer92 · 1 year
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🌟 OBEY Season 10: Glistening Gladiator Gods - The Ultimate All-Stars Showdown! 🌟
Gentlemen, brace yourselves for the most epic season of OBEY yet - it's the All-Stars edition, and it's nothing short of legendary! Tonight, we unveil the dazzling motto of OBEY Season 10: "Glistening Gladiator Gods." ⚔️💪
In this riveting season, our remarkable contestants have been tasked with creating awe-inspiring looks inspired by the fierce gladiators of the Roman Empire. These ensembles, crafted from a fusion of latex, leather, and metal, are designed to captivate and command attention, leaving no room for imagination. It's all about celebrating masculine strength, chiseled muscles, and the undeniable pride of being an idol for countless gentlemen worldwide! 💥🏋️‍♂️
Now, let's talk about how your voice shapes this extraordinary season. Your votes on Instagram, Instagram Stories, Tumblr, and now Twitter (X) hold the power to determine the fate of our All-Star contestants. Every like, comment, save, or 'Yes' vote on Instagram Stories will push them closer to glory, while a 'No' vote will deduct from their positive votes. And yes, you heard it right – OBEY is now officially live on Twitter (X), responding to popular demand with even more exciting content! 🗳️📱🐦
Now, it's time to introduce our Indian All-Star, the incredible Sanjay! 🇮🇳🏆 Sanjay's journey is one that embodies resilience and excellence, and as he steps into the arena of "Glistening Gladiator Gods," you won't want to miss a moment of his extraordinary story. 🌟💫
#OBEYSeason10 #AllStarsEdition #GladiatorGods #VoteNow #TwitterLaunch 🌐🌟
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Well Tae is considered most popular because, as you said, he's most popular in Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand and India, which are countries who has most armys. And disturbngly loud ones too. As an Indian, most army here are younger than 18 year old who are taekookers and has Tae as bias. They are so loud on sm but there's no use in buying or charting. Most lives with their parents and probably steal their parents phones to watch their idol lol. While for Jimin's fb, if there's 10 stans, most are employed and mature... they don't have time to be unnecessarily loud on sm under every shipping and random videos to chant "Jimin is most popular,Jimin is most popular" lol but they can actually reflect their efforts on real charts.
Now to US, fortunately they seems to favour Jimin and JK who release songs which are easily appealing for public than any other members, thus have a stable fb in US and chart way higher than others. US charts are given extreme importance by Fandom, company and boys.. like the final boss chart lol and as Jkk's numbers are way higher on BB chart they are automatically seems more successful than others.
But most surprising was Tae doing around same numbers as rapline and even lower sales than yoongi's dday was a big blow to 'most popular idol worldwide' stans😬😬😬 I atleast thought he'll debut in 40s lol.
Yes. While I knew he wouldn't get No.1 I didn't expect it to be that low. But US Army didn't buy Layover and there was no radio play. Thats a terrible combo.
However, like u said, he is doing amazing in Asia so I hope that makes him feel better 😁😁🥰
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Another round done, a shit ton of high ratings, oh well i don't care, i'm not a professional i just like music
Aki Hoshino (ほしのあき)- Nyaa! (にゃぁあ!) (6.5/10, deleted from library [sadly])
Alice Coltrane- Turiya Sings (9.5/10)
Anohni and the Johnsons- I Am A Bird Now (9.0/10)
Archers of Loaf- Icky Mettle (8.0/10)
Ayesha Erotica- Big Juicy (8.0/10)
Band of Susans- Love Agenda (8.5/10)
Bauhaus- In the Flat Field (9.0/10)
BiS- IDOL is DEAD (7.5/10)
Burial- Temple Sleeper (7.5/10)
C.W. Vrtacek- Silent Heaven (7.0/10)
Dälek- Abandoned Language (8.5/10)
Death Cab For Cutie- The Photo Album (8.5/10)
Diamanda Galás- Plague Mass (10/10)
Earl Sweatshirt- I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside (9.0/10)
Eiichi Otaki (大滝詠一)- A Long Vacation (6.5/10, deleted from library, just not my thing)
Foxxi misQ- A-L-I-V-E (8.5/10)
Indian Summer- Science 1994 (8.5/10)
John Zorn- Chimeras (7.5/10)
Lambchop- Aw C'mon (9.0/10)
Lambchop- No You C'mon (8.5/10)
Melvins- Lysol (8.5/10)
Michael Jones- After the Rain (7.0/10)
Quicksand- Slip (8.0/10)
The Sea Urchins- Stardust (7.0/10)
Seiko Oomori (大森靖子)- TOKYO BLACK HOLE (8.5/10)
The Soft Pink Truth- Do You Party? (8.0/10)
Supercar- Highvision (8.5/10)
System F- Out of the Blue (7.5/10)
Tatuki Seksu- Hanazawa EP (8.0/10)
Tentenko (テンテンコ)- Deep & Moistures 1 (7.5/10)
Tiger Trap- Tiger Trap (8.5/10)
Tindersticks- Tindersticks (8.0/10)
Varathron- His Majesty at the Swamp (8.0/10)
Vladislav Delay- Anima (9.0/10)
The White Noise- An Electric Storm (8.5/10)
Yuka Kosaka- Ero Puri Trance (8.0/10)
Zomby & Burial- Sweetz (8.0/10)
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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981, Steven Spielberg)
Raiders of the Lost Ark is a 1981 film directed by Stephen Spielberg and written by Lawrence Kasdan, based on a story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman, as well as the progenitor of the Indiana Jones film saga.
It was the highest-grossing film of 1981, earning approximately $330.5 million worldwide, and also a critical success, receiving praise for its modern take on the serial film, its seamless action and adventure, as well as for the cast, especially Ford, Allen and Freeman. The film was nominated for several awards and, among others, won five Academy Awards, seven Saturn Awards and a BAFTA Award.
The United States Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry in 1999.
In 1936, American archaeologist Indiana Jones leads an expedition to recover a Golden idol from a Peruvian temple with snares and deadly traps. When it seems to be successful, the local guide Satipo betrays Jones to steal the idol, only to end up killed by a trap, and only Jones manages to escape alive with the idol from the crumbling temple. Rival archaeologist René Belloq corners him and steals the idol. Pursued by the dangerous Hovitos Indians, allies of Belloq himself, Jones escapes on a waiting seaplane.
After returning to his university, Jones, along with colleague and friend Marcus Brody, is informed by two US Secret Service agents that the Nazis are digging in Tanis, Egypt, and one of their telegrams mentions Jones' old mentor, Abner Ravenwood. Jones deduces that the Nazis seek the mythical Ark of the Covenant, hidden in a secret chamber in the city, which they believe will make them invincible. To find it they must get their hands on the Staff of Ra amulet, guarded by Abner, which can indicate where the chamber is located via a scale model of the city.
At a bar in Nepal, Jones reunites with Abner's daughter, Marion Ravenwood, with whom Jones had an illicit affair, and learns that Abner is dead. The bar is later set on fire during a scuffle with a group of Nazis, led by the sinister Gestapo agent Arnold Ernst Toth, intent on taking the medallion from Marion.
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buzz-london · 9 months
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Badrinath is a small town and one of the holiest places for pilgrimage for Hindus. One of the most important ancient temples in India, it is situated on the banks ofthe River Alakananda in the Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. It is situated at an elevation of 10, 170 feet and devotees usually walk on foot to reach the famous Badrinath temple. It is believed that the saint Adi Shankara found an idol of Lord Vishnu made of Salagrama stone in the Alakananda River. He initially enshrined the idol near the hot springs of Tapt Kund, but later on, the King of Garhwal re-installed the deity in the Badrinath Temple. 
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fangsforthevenom · 1 year
is there a word for coming from a non-"american" (non-white) heritage and just... not being connected to it at all? outside of calling my relatives lolo, lola, tio, tia, etc., i don't think i've ever felt, like, culturally filipino in my life. and not to mention my indian side -- i was a surrogate kid, so i never knew my birth mother, and my own mom's very white (think WASP).
my lolo and lola came to the States in the '60s, and we've been here ever since. my dad calls my lolo his papang, but i've never called my dad that. i didn't even know filipino food outside bagoong until i was 10, when my lolo got us a book that talked about lumpia and longanisa. but i don't eat those foods regularly. i don't speak cebuano, even though everyone expectts tagalog when they hear "filipino" -- if they even know that the philippines exist -- i grew up with america. i idolized Pocahontas because she had skin that was close to mine, mulan because she was asian, and i was told that i was also.
there were never kids that looked like me growing up (don't get me wrong, my neighborhood was diverse, but no asian kids) and when i finally did meet another filipino kid, she was pale and called her dad papang and spoke in tagalog to him. my first language is english, even though i get asked if i can read hindu or tagalog off store labels by well-meaning mothers. sometimes i get praised for how well i speak english. (i do speak english well, but perhaps not in the way they're thinking -- i was consistently the top scorer in english tests in my classes. as i'm writing this, however, my grammar checker has oh-so-helpfully informed me that i have sixty-eight errors in this text. sad! (69))
my favorite food is the cheeseburger. when i get asked what my culture's like, i reply "american." because what else would i say? if my skin were white i'd be a true american. i saw raya in theatres and she was supposed to be the first filipino disney princess and i didn't feel any kind of connection. i don't think she would have even been a favorite if it came out while i was little. are you supposed to feel connection?
my african-american, my jewish, my latino friends talk about their culture and their traditions like they're nothing. one of my closest friends, who is korean, talks to their parents, rapid-fire, having to translate when they see me lost. one of my other friends can speak and understand spanish extremely well when he's with his mother, but got a lower score than i did on the tests.
i'm a diligent student because my father told me to be one, but everyone assumes it's because i'm asian. they assume that my father taught me to only get As because of some half-baked notion of being a "model minority".
it feels like a mask, sometimes. behind the filipino/indian part everyone sees, i'm just american. there is not tie between me and my ethnicity, nothing real keeping me tethered. is "assimilationist" the wrong thing to call me, considering there was nothing to assimilate from?
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mollisarts · 1 year
Collect this early bird offer for upcoming Durga Puja now:
Specification of Mahishasura Mardini Traditional Terracotta Maa Durga Murti Idol for home:
size of variation orange and yellow:
weight: 7 kg height: 54 cm width: 42 cm depth: 10 cm
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namjoohyuk · 2 years
Who are your top 10 most desi passing idols
1. rm (bts) - bengali from bangladesh
2. jihyo (twice) - bengali from india
3. jeonghan (svt) - he can be bengladeshi/indian/pakistani tbh
4. aisha (everglow) - pakistani
5. taeil (nct) - marathi
6. seungkwan (svt) - punjabi from india
7. minho (shinee) - punjabi from pakistan
8. doyoung (nct) - tamil
9. wonwoo (nct) - pakistani
10. yeonjun (txt) - that’s hrithik roshan’s son
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indianartisansblogs · 2 years
25 Greatest Home Decor Ideas You’ve Ever Seen
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People often struggle with choosing the right home decor for their homes because they do not know what will complement their interior. However, if you know how to use the home decor object that you buy properly, even the simplest of objects can make your home look stand out. Here are 25 home decor ideas that you can implement in your home:
1: Flower Wall Art Decor –
You can buy Indian Artisans’ Aster and Daisy flower wall art decor available in teal and gold color that give your home a more rustic look.
2: Tree Wall Art Decor –
If you have an expansive wall that is empty, buying a gold luxury tree wall art decor would add an element of visual interest to your walls.
3: Leaf Wall Art Decor –
Add a touch of tradition and culture to your living space with the contemporary leaf wall art decor of paan and chestnut leaf.
4: Clocks –
You can use uniquely designed clocks with gold accent and double rim or modern swirl to make it a statement piece in any given room.
5: Shelves –
You would be amazed how some of the minimalist-looking shelves can brighten up your room. You can find one-tier, two-tier, and three-tier shelves that come in various sizes and shapes.
6: Geometric Shelf –
From hexagon to round, you can find geometric shelves in almost every shape that you desire.
7: Lanterns –
Indian Artisans’ has a comprehensive collection of some of the most beautiful lanterns in black, made of iron and metal and stainless steel lanterns that can add a lovely touch to your bedroom or dining room as well as the patio.
8: Tea Light Holders –
Tea lights add a comforting touch to your space and enhance your room’s aura. You can find these tea light holders in various designs cage, lotus, and peacock, among many others.
9: Showpieces –
You can add various tabletop showpieces like boats and airplanes if you are fond of them and add a personality to your home.
10: Figurines –
Do you want to upgrade the look of your home on a budget? Take a look at the Indian Artisan’s figurine sets available in various designs.
11: Candle Stands –
Your candle stands have much more use than just setting the tone for intimate dinners and evenings. You can put it on display by your bookshelf when you are not using it for candles.
12: Tables –
Who said your tables have to be boring looking? Take a look at Indian Artisans’ collection of marble-top nested tables with metal legs to save space.
13: Brass Idols –
You can choose from a vast collection of brass idols comprising Ganesh Ji, Durga Mata, Gautam Buddha, and many more by Indian Artisans.
14: Magazine Holders –
Do you have books and magazines that you want to keep at arm’s reach? Buy minimalist magazine holders that are functional and add character to your home or office space.
15: Basket Hampers –
Basket hampers are perfect objects to use in your bedrooms, bathrooms, and even kitchens to store collections of your personal care items and your favorite condiments in the kitchen.
16: Urli –
Even though Urlis are primarily used during the festive season, you can use them to illuminate a specific area of your home and make it the center of attention.
17: Coffee Mugs –
Enhance your kitchen space and brewing experience with ceramic cups or stoneware mugs that you incorporate for home decor as well.
18: Planters –
Introduce a little bit of greenery in your home, whether in the living room, bedroom, or patio, with Indian Artisans’ collection of indoor and outdoor planters. Choose from a wide collection of patterns, designs, sizes, and shapes to add uniqueness to your home.
19: Serveware –
You do not have to keep your dining table or kitchen counter looking bare with this colorful and unique-looking serve ware that adds a pop of color to the space.
20: Cake Stands –
Bring out your extravagant cake stands for special occasions that are elaborately designed and make for elegant decor.
21: Platter –
Be it a glass tray, wooden platter, or silver ones, Indian Artisans, have it all.
22: Serving Trays –
Your serving trays do not have to be boring now that you can choose from a multitude of designs, materials, and styles.
23: Rugs –
Even though Indian Artisans do not have rugs in their collection, do not hesitate to look for some gorgeous-looking rugs for your living room.
24: Wall Painting –
Depending on what you like, add some colorful paintings to your rooms, and do not hesitate to spruce up your painting selection.
25: Bookshelf –
If you have some space, add a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf in a contrasting color to your living or study room.
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