#Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin
inatungulates · 10 months
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Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis
Observed by jameslambo, CC BY-NC
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geologicaltravels · 10 months
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2023: The annual trip up to Treachery Headland this year gave us precious little surf but we had the most glorious weather to observe all the many, many cetaceans. The drone facilitated a great shot showing the folded Carboniferous turbidites making up the headland.
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, vol. 11, Mammals II. 1972. Illustrated by Peter Barrett.
Beaked whales;
1.) Baird's beaked whale (Berardius bairdii)
2.) Strap-toothed whale (Mesoplodon layardii)
3.) True's beaked whale (Mesoplodon mirus)
4.) Sowerby's beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens)
5.) Northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
White whales and narwhals;
6.) Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
7.) Narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
Long snouted dolphins;
8.) Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis)
9.) Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii)
True dolphins;
10.) Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)
11.) Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis)
12.) Striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)
13.) Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
14.) Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
15.) Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus)
16.) Northern right whale dolphin (Lissodelphis borealis)
Pilot and killer whales;
17.) Long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas)
18.) Pygmy killer whale (Feresa attenuata)
19.) Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)
20.) Orca (Orcinus orca)
21.) False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens)
Commerson's dolphins;
22.) Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)
23.) Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
24.) Spectacled porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica)
25.) Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)
26.) Indo-Pacific finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides)
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tempural · 1 year
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Potential sticker designs for May's Hot Dog Sticker Club!
Sticker Club members can vote on which design I finish first. Not a member yet? Become a zeenie weenie!
For May, we have the choice of:
Twin Gorillas: Western lowland gorillas: One grey gorilla, one vanilla gorilla. They are highly intelligent and critically endangered. The only known albino gorilla was Snowflake - his albinism possibly being the result of naturally occuring inbreeding. This will come in a set of two stickers!
Pink Dolphin: There are several types of pink dolphins in the world.  This particular drawing depicts a Taiwanese Humpback Dolphin, Their pink coloration is due to blood vessels close to the skin's surface.  There are less than 100 Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins left in their natural habitat.
Anglerfish Het Yaoi: <3 size difference! Some types of anglerfish, such as this fanfin anglerfish, display extreme dimorphism and parasitism. The males are 1/10th the size of the female and cannot digest food. Unless they find a girlfriend they will die. Once they find a GF, they fuse organically with her flesh, and they shrivel until they're nothing but a beating heart and set of testes. Some species of female anglerfish may have up to 8 sperm donors attached to her at once.
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hale-of-stiles-heart · 10 months
was anyone gonna tell me there's pink ocean dolphins or was I just supposed to over research dolphins for a single line in this fic and find out myself????
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dailyoverview · 1 month
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Clouds float over the Kikori River Delta in southern Papua New Guinea. Part of the Gulf of Papua, this coastal mangrove forest is considered one of the most important wetland regions in the Asia-Pacific due to its cultural and biodiversity value. It is a habitat for Indo-Pacific humpback and Australian snubfin dolphins, both listed as “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
-7.428366°, 144.428927°
Source imagery: Airbus Space
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ranfordgallus · 3 months
Love the animals you drew in wk artworks.an Indo pacific humpback dolphin please🥰😇😊😘
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beni75 · 2 months
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Photos and texts: @thomaspeschak
1-. A curious gray whale exhales almost directly into my camera
2-. A curious juvenile gray whale vigorously exhales and speeds past my camera in Mexico's San Ignacio Lagoon
3-. A Humpback whales breaches in the North Pacific Ocean off Canada's Great Bear Rainforest
4-. A dusky shark charges through a baitball of sardines
5-. y 6-. A whale sharks swins in shallow water in La Paz Bay, Baja California Sur
7-. A reef manta ray feeds on a plankton patch by barrel rolling over and over again in the same spot, not unlike a puppy chasings its own tail
8-. A reef manta ray feeds along the drop off at D'Arros Island an St. Joseph Atoll. Seychelles
9-. African peguins
10-. A endemic Socotra cormorant comes in to land on a roosting rock deep within the Fjords of Oman's Musandam Peninsula (2012)
11-. African peguins shelter and nest in decaying building long abandoned b the guano industry on Namibia's Halifax Island
12-. At Aldabra atoll green sea turtles often rest for hours on the sandy seabed between coral outcrops
13-. Blacktip reef sharks inspect the hull of our boat on Aldabra's tidal flats. Seychelles
14-. Blacktip reef sharks patrol the drop off where D'Arros Island's coral reef descendes into deeper water
15-. Cape fur seals surf Altantic swell in the Table Mountain Marine Protected Area
16-. Cape Gannet colony on Bird island bathed by lightening and the beam of the lighthouse
17-. The hunt begins at dusk and continuous deep into the night
18-. A curious gray whale swins upside down beneath our boat in Mexico's San Ignacio Lagoon
19-. A venomous lionfish hunts baitfish in Mozambique's Ponta do Ouro marine reserve, by @thomaspeschak
20-. A salmon leaps high into the air to clear a raging waterfall
21-. A wild rocky point just out into the North Pacific Ocean
22-. A large potato grouper hunts amongst schools of baitfish that seasonally drape southern Mozambique's reefs
23-. Dolphins of Indo pacific
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whaleswagbracket · 1 year
Whale Tournament Masterpost!
Welcome to the whale swag bracket, a competition to determine the best species of whale! This competition will include 64 species (who have already been selected) in the infraorder Cetacea, which includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. 
All match ups were decided randomly, and I did my best to prevent any ridiculously unfair matchups. I encourage everyone to make an effort to learn about some lesser-known competitors, I’m sure you’ll find them quite interesting!
The only rules are to have fun, be nice to everyone, and don’t bot the polls please I love whales too but let’s make this fair.
The first round of polls will be split up into two groups to prevent too many polls running at once, and the first round will begin on Friday, February 17th at 12 PM EST. Links to all the polls, as well as the complete bracket, can be found here!
Round One, Part One: CLOSED
Gray whale vs True’s beaked whale
Northern bottlenose whale vs Strap-toothed whale
Atlantic spotted dolphin vs Dall’s porpoise
Northern right whale dolphin vs Rice’s whale
White-beaked dolphin vs Cuvier’s beaked whale
Killer whale vs false killer whale
Tucuxi vs Risso’s dolphin
Sei whale vs Narwhal
Heaviside’s dolphin vs Blue whale
Dwarf sperm whale vs Harbor porpoise
Antarctic minke whale vs Hector’s dolphin
Striped dolphin vs Rough-toothed dolphin
Commerson’s dolphin vs Spectacled porpoise
Pygmy right whale vs Sato’s beaked whale
Atlantic white-sided dolphin vs Southern right whale dolphin
Hourglass dolphin vs Common dolphin
Round One, Part Two: CLOSED
Yangtze finless porpoise vs Blainville’s beaked whale
Bottlenose dolphin vs Indus river dolphin
Melon-headed whale vs Southern right whale
Omura’s whale vs Amazon river dolphin
Pygmy sperm whale vs Australian humpback dolphin
Baiji vs Vaquita
Spinner dolphin vs Bowhead whale
Pantropical spotted dolphin vs Dusky dolphin
Australian snubfin dolphin vs Bryde’s whale
Short-finned pilot whale vs Pygmy killer whale
Beluga vs Humpback whale
North Atlantic right whale vs Fin whale
Common minke whale vs Irrawaddy dolphin
Sowerby’s beaked whale vs La Plata river dolphin
Sperm whale vs Indo Pacific humpback dolphin
Baird’s beaked whale vs Pacific white-sided dolphin
Round Two: ONGOING
Gray whale vs Strap-toothed whale
Atlantic spotted dolphin vs Northern right whale dolphin
Cuvier’s beaked whale vs Killer whale
Tucuxi vs Narwhal
Blue whale vs Harbor porpoise
Antarctic minke whale vs Striped dolphin
Commerson’s dolphin vs Sato’s beaked whale
Southern right whale dolphin vs Hourglass dolphin
Yangtze finless porpoise vs Indus River dolphin
Southern right whale vs Amazon river dolphin
Pygmy sperm whale vs Vaquita
Spinner dolphin vs Dusky dolphin
Australian snubfin dolphin vs Pygmy killer whale
Beluga vs Fin whale
Irrawaddy dolphin vs La Plata river dolphin
Sperm whale vs Pacific white-sided dolphin
Round Three: CLOSED
Gray whale vs Atlantic spotted dolphin
Killer whale vs Narwhal
Blue whale vs Striped dolphin
Commerson’s dolphin vs Hourglass dolphin
Yangtze finless porpoise vs Amazon river dolphin
Vaquita vs Spinner dolphin
Australian snubfin dolphin vs Beluga
Irrawaddy dolphin vs Sperm whale
Round Four: CLOSED
Atlantic spotted dolphin vs Narwhal
Blue whale vs Hourglass dolphin
Amazon river dolphin vs Vaquita
Beluga vs Sperm whale
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stephendonnelly · 1 year
The Taiwanese white dolphin (TWD) is a subspecies of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin found only on the west coast of Taiwan. Due to entanglement in fishing nets and habitat loss, the TWD population is under serious threat of extinction. With fewer than 60 TWD likely remaining, the subspecies has been declared endangered under the US Endangered Species Act. Despite that listing and efforts by international scientists and policy experts to develop a recovery plan, Taiwan’s parliament is moving ahead with a port expansion project right in the heart of the TWD’s habitat. Please use AWI’s Action Center to ask your US representative and senators to urge Taiwan’s government to reconsider the port expansion project and any additional development on the west coast of Taiwan that will jeopardize the TWD’s habitat.
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little-svt · 1 year
omg finally someone who doesn’t judge me for having whales as my favorite animals!! (along with bats, they’re also so cute) everyone’s like “why would you pick a whale for your favorite animal?” um hello have you seen how pretty they are!? my favorites have to be beluga whales and narwhals though! the little girl in me still wants to believe unicorns are real and narwhals are the closest thing to it. also beluga whales are just adorable little chubs like omg i’m sorry for the rant i just love talking about animals so much
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Wahhgggg I seriously love whales so much. Personally I like belugas and narwhals sm too. Especially after watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo and learning that narwals sometimes exist in the same pod as Belugas. That show made me feel better about loving whales too (and having autism) 🤧 and I know whale sharks are not whales but I’ll include those as well because they look like mini whales and are in my top ten. Some other whales I love are humpback, Indo pacific bottlenose dolphin and orcas. Check out my about page hehe I’m a big animal lover 🤭 so sorry about that everyone! I could honestly talk about animals all day if you let me 😭😅 ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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odondrawing · 2 years
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Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin
𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴
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buffetlicious · 2 years
Standard American style Breakfast for me this morning. Got the roasted pork, scrambled eggs, hash brown, grilled tomato and a poached egg. Just the kind of eggs I like, gooey molten egg yolk. Staring into the horizon and watching an occasional ship passed by while sipping the milk coffee. Back home, the husband of the couple who went with us on this cruise showed me a video of a family of Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin or pink dolphin frolicking in the water from his balcony class stateroom. As for us, all we saw in the sea were a few jellyfishes. :(
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Roommate’s plate consisting of fried noodles, roasted pork, stuffed Paratha (prata) with curry chickpeas. Also on the plate were cherries, pieces of pear and figs, all pickled. I went back for more roasted pork, egg roll, baked potato, stuffed paratha and waffle with maple syrup. Dining companion’s fresh fruit plate of rockmelon and watermelon.
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tempural · 1 year
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June's dolphin stickers have been print, cut, and are ready to ship out to sticker club members!
I'll start packing on Sunday the 11th - so there's still 2 days til' I ship them out on Monday the 12th. That means you also have two more days to subscribe to sticker club and get this month's design in da mail :) Hope you guys enjoy da dolphin!
I'll be working out a design for next month's Zeenie Weenie postcard (concert themed for summer?), and a matching creature for the sticker. A snake for all the anacondas we've seen on stage?
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tours4849 · 1 year
Majestic Musandam Dolphins: Exploring the Enchanting Marine World of Oman
Musandam, an exquisite enclave in the northernmost part of Oman, offers a treasure trove of natural wonders, and among its most enchanting inhabitants are the playful and majestic dolphins. Nestled between rugged cliffs and crystal-clear waters, Musandam provides a unique habitat for several dolphin species. This topic explores the captivating world of Musandam dolphins, shedding light on their behavior, conservation efforts, and the unparalleled experiences that await visitors who embark on a dolphin-watching adventure.
Dolphin Species in Musandam:
Musandam Dolphins is home to a diverse range of dolphin species, making it a prime destination for dolphin enthusiasts. The most commonly spotted species include the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and Risso's dolphins. These magnificent creatures captivate observers with their acrobatic displays, intelligence, and social interactions. Learning about the various species that grace Musandam's waters adds depth and appreciation to the dolphin-watching experience.
Dolphin-Watching Excursions:
Dolphin-watching excursions in Musandam offer a thrilling opportunity to witness these marine creatures in their natural habitat. Numerous tour operators offer boat trips that take visitors through the serene fjords and bays, allowing them to observe dolphins frolicking, swimming, and leaping out of the water. The knowledgeable guides provide valuable insights into dolphin behavior, conservation efforts, and the importance of responsible dolphin-watching practices.
Environmental Conservation and Protection:
Musandam's dolphins play a vital role in the region's delicate marine ecosystem. Recognizing the importance of conserving these magnificent creatures, Oman has implemented various initiatives to protect and preserve their natural habitat. The government and local organizations work together to raise awareness, conduct research, and enforce regulations that promote sustainable dolphin-watching practices. Visitors are encouraged to engage in responsible tourism, maintaining a safe distance, avoiding sudden movements, and refraining from feeding or disturbing the dolphins.
Cultural Significance and Dolphin Legends:
Dolphins hold a special place in Omani culture and folklore, with tales and legends passed down through generations. Omani seafaring traditions and the symbiotic relationship between dolphins and fishermen have contributed to a deep-rooted respect and admiration for these creatures. Exploring the cultural significance of dolphins in Musandam adds an extra layer of appreciation and connection to the marine environment.
Beyond Dolphin-Watching: Exploring Musandam's Marine Diversity:
While dolphin-watching is a highlight of visiting Musandam, the region offers a wealth of other marine experiences. Snorkeling or diving in Musandam's vibrant coral reefs reveals a kaleidoscope of marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and various coral species. Exploring hidden coves, secluded beaches, and underwater caves adds an adventurous element to the journey, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the beauty and biodiversity of Musandam's marine world.
Musandam's dolphins embody the magic and allure of Oman's marine environment. Encountering these charismatic creatures in their natural habitat.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
In a 1st, Maharashtra govt to study dolphin population along 70km Mumbai Metropolitan Region coast | Mumbai News
In a 1st, Maharashtra govt to study dolphin population along 70km Mumbai Metropolitan Region coast | Mumbai News
MUMBAI: The state government is all set to embark on an 18-month-long study to assess the distribution, population size and habitat quality of coastal cetaceans, primarily the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin and Indo-Pacific finless porpoise, and also possibly document other cetacean species found within 10 kilometres of Mumbai’s shore. This is the first time an official assessment of this…
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