#Industrial Painting wa
blueskypaintingwa · 1 year
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brielledoesastrology · 11 months
Asteroid Makoto Shinkai (55222) in your astrology natal chart
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
“Have we...met before, somewhere else?"
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asteroid "Makoto Shinkai" code number : 55222
Makoto Shinkai is a renowned Japanese filmmaker known for his work in the field of anime and animated films.
He gained international recognition for his visually stunning and emotionally resonant films that often explore themes of love, distance, and human connections.
Shinkai is often praised for his attention to detail, beautifully rendered backgrounds, and ability to evoke a sense of melancholy in his storytelling.
One of Shinkai's most famous works is the film "Your Name" (Kimi no Na wa), released in 2016. It became a massive commercial success both in Japan and worldwide, earning critical acclaim for its stunning animation, compelling story, and emotional depth. The film follows the story of two teenagers who mysteriously swap bodies and eventually develop a connection that transcends time and space.
Some of Shinkai's other notable works include "5 Centimeters per Second" (2007), which portrays a tale of long-distance love and the passage of time, and "Weathering with You" (2019), a film about a boy who encounters a girl with the ability to control the weather.
Shinkai's films often incorporate elements of fantasy and science fiction while exploring human relationships and the impact of time and distance on personal connections.
Makoto Shinkai's distinct visual style and ability to tell deeply emotional stories have made him a prominent figure in the anime industry, and he is widely regarded as one of the most talented and influential anime directors of his generation.
Makoto Shinkai's art style is characterized by its breathtaking visuals, attention to detail, and emphasis on capturing the beauty of natural landscapes.
His films often feature meticulously drawn and painted backgrounds that showcase realistic and stunning scenery, ranging from sprawling cityscapes to serene rural landscapes. Shinkai pays great attention to atmospheric effects, such as light, shadow, and weather, which contribute to the overall mood and tone of his works.
Shinkai's style tends to be more grounded and less exaggerated compared to some other anime styles. His characters often have a realistic appearance, with subtle facial expressions that convey complex emotions.
Shinkai focuses on capturing the nuances of human emotions, particularly the feelings of longing, yearning, and the bittersweet nature of love and relationships.
Color plays an essential role in Shinkai's art style. He often employs vibrant and vivid colors to create visually striking scenes, especially during key emotional moments.
The use of contrasting colors and lighting techniques helps to evoke a sense of atmosphere and depth in his compositions.
Shinkai's art style combines technical excellence with an ability to convey powerful emotions through visuals. His attention to detail, stunning backgrounds, and skillful use of color contribute to the distinctive and visually captivating nature of his films.
(source : chat gpt)
In astrology the asteroid "Makoto shinkai" (55222) could represent : where you have great talent in your art works or story telling, where your art work or story telling have emotional depth, where your artwork or story has really amazing visual beauty, where your art work or story telling have reflection on transience, where your art work or story telling is very inspirational, where your art work or story telling is greatly admired or loved by a lot of people, where you prefer to make your art works or story telling more to the realistic side
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent and brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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jira-chii · 5 months
The moment the One Piece anime becomes art
(Big spoiler warning for the One Piece Wa no Kuni arc, around the episode 1070 mark of the anime. Yes, I know the manga is better, but what I am about to talk about is a little more special for viewers of the anime, and fans of animation in general.)
For the tldr, this twitter post covers a lot of the things I am about to talk about.
One Piece is great. You don't need me to say it. So I'll cut right to the chase. The moment One Piece transcends being a run-of-the-mill (and sometimes kind of mediocre) anime, and becomes art, is when Gear 5 is introduced.
Is this a hot take? I honestly don’t know. Gear 5 is goofy, it’s weird. It’s so different from traditional mainstream shounen anime. I’m sure it’s an abomination to hardcore Japanese anime purists. 
But it is also a brilliant example of storytelling by using visual animation to its full potential. It weaves together so many complex ideas, and even carries an important message for the anime industry in general.
What do I mean by ‘art’?
Obviously this is a subjective question and I am using the term ‘art’ very liberally. I am actually referring to something called ‘textual integrity’.
Textual integrity is when all the elements that comprise a text work together to faithfully deliver on its author’s intent, from start to finish. It’s when recurring symbols, dialogue and story beats in a novel or movie start to match up. Or when the colour palette of a painting works in harmony with its motifs to convey a mood or idea. It’s the kind of thing that makes you think: “Oh! So that’s what that was about!” when you notice. Sometimes it even gives you a new point of view on the topic.
Dissecting each of these elements, trying to work out what they say on their own and how they play their role in the bigger picture, is one of my favourite embarrassingly nerdy activities. So please indulge me as I explore just some of the many, many elements that make up the colourful tapestry that is One Piece’s Wa no Kuni arc. 
(And please note, my interpretation is just one of many - that’s just part of the fun of analysing art!)
How the 'idea' of Wano is built
The Wa no Kuni arc (which I’ll abbreviate to Wano arc) is, much like many other main arcs in One Piece, about the fight for leadership over a country. 
The history of how Wano came to be in its current state is framed through the story of Oden. Oden, the former Shogun, was executed before he could fulfil his goal of opening up the land of Wano. With his death, the country is plunged into a dark age, where the poor starve and are forced to slave away for Kaido’s benefit. But Oden’s son, Kouzuki Momonosuke, manages to escape to the future along with a band of loyal retainers. They enlist the help of pirates and return to free Wano.  
That was a very bare bones summary, but it does give an overview of some of the ideas the arc explores: leadership, succession, rebellion etc. The conflict for Wano’s future is most starkly characterised by its two competing leaders - current ruler Kaido, and Momonosuke, the son of the previous Shogun. And nowhere is this more obvious than in their character designs.
Momo and Kaido are both eastern-style dragons, but that’s where the similarity ends. They are totally different in almost every other way: different colours, different sizes (initially), different levels of confidence, and importantly, different ideals. This is because they represent different values as potential leaders for the one country: Kaido wants to keep the country closed and turn it into a weapons factory for his own benefit, while Momo wants to free the people, and (after some deliberation), seems likely to follow in his father’s footsteps and eventually open the country. 
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This arc has elements of a war story about national identity, it explores what true leadership looks like, it has tons of political intrigue, spying and sabotage, and it even serves as both a coming of age and a revenge story for Momonosuke. The clash between Kaido and Momonosuke on its own is already a compelling narrative. There’s a clear preference in this conflict too. How often have we heard the Akazaya Samurai serving Momo be referred to as the ones who will bring Wano out of the neverending night into a new dawn? 
There’s a solid good vs evil formula right there. But then we throw pirates into the mix and things get...slightly more complicated…
How pirates complicate things
The Wano arc primarily centres around a domestic power struggle. From an outsider’s perspective, the Straw Hat pirates are a foreign party that basically overthrow Wano’s current Shogun to reinstate their preferred ruler. 
Politically speaking, this looks bad, and Luffy knows it. Pirates really should have no business meddling in the affairs of other governments. That’s why the deliberate move to not be portrayed as heroes is a smart one. 
There’s another meta layer to this decision as well. Wano Kuni is very clearly based on the forced opening of sakoku Japan to the Western world. It would have been so dangerously easy to go down the path of a simple story about the pirates ‘saving’ Wano and ‘enlightening’ them to the outside world. But unproblematically portraying a ‘foreigner’ as the big strong saviour of a country clearly based on Japan definitely has problematic Eurocentric overtones!
In One Piece, pirates are not heroes. But it can be easy to forget that when your main character is such an incredibly likeable pirate. Trying to reconcile these two seemingly opposing facts is really, really hard, and Oda definitely does not choose to take the easy way out!
And yet, Wano arc goes a long way to conveying the nuance of this message. Through the careful interweaving and layering of its plot, symbols, motifs, character designs, character arcs and more, everything culminates to lead us to the final answer: Gear 5. 
I know that sounds like a joke title but I promise it’s not.
‘Wa no Kuni’ translates to “the Country of Wa”. It is never mentioned what ‘Wa’ actually means, but the most obvious interpretation would be ‘Japan’. ‘Wa’ commonly refers to “japanese style”, as in wagashi 和菓子 (Japanese sweets) or wafuku 和服 (Japanese clothes).
The character Wa 和 by itself can also mean peace or harmony, and this is the interpretation that stands out to me. Because I think this is a concept that also captures the complexity of One Piece itself. 
‘Wa’ to me is about finding peace through harmony, but when the world is as complex as it is, that harmony requires us to embrace, rather than reject contradiction. 
Have you noticed Wano arc includes many recurring motifs that contrast, conflict and seemingly contradict each other?
For instance, I mentioned previously that our ‘heroes’, the Akazaya Samurai under Kouzuki Momonosuke, were commonly associated with heralding the new dawn. In fact, the ‘Kou’ 光 in Kouzuki 光月 is the character for light!
But the ‘zuki’ 月 part is actually ‘moon’. Isn’t it strange that the clan that we are supposed to be rooting for, the band of ‘heroes’ who will bring about a “new dawn”, is associated with ‘moonlight’?
This concept is extended further, in the design of Gear 5 no less! It is explained that the Fishmen worshipped a previous incarnation of Luffy’s new form as the Sun God Nika, however our introduction to Luffy in Nika’s iconic pose is against a moon. 
This is not a coincidence. Did you notice the Kouzuki clan symbol includes a sun as well?
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We're not just exploring the duality of the sun and moon either. Gear 5 is actually a mix of Eastern and Western influences. The animation very much seems inspired by Western slapstick cartoons, but the visual design is reminiscent of fuujin and raijin gods, with even a bit of that komainu lion dog influence. 
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And while the cloud shawl/scarf coupled with Gear 5’s moon association evokes Asian moon goddesses, don’t you think “Nika” sounds awfully similar to Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory?
The Eastern symbolism clearly represents Wano, while the Western bits are everything else. We see something similar with Izou’s character design: his style of dress is distinctly Wano (Japanese) style, but his chosen weapon is a gun, a symbol of the outside (Western) world. The mix of Wano and non-Wano influences tells us this is somebody who has embraced both parts of his identity. 
It is fitting then, that Gear 5 should also incorporate a blend of diverse influences, representing the melting pot of creatures, races, time periods, hopes and desires that make up the alliance ultimately responsible for ushering in Wano's 'new dawn'. It’s even possible to see links in the design to the Minks (moon symbolism and predominantly white colour scheme) as well as the Fishmen (Nika already established as the sun god worshipped by former slaves).
Gear 5 encapsulates 'Wa' because it embraces chaos and makes it work. Who could ask for a better god-figure, to represent the insane group we can only call the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance? 
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When I first started Wano, I thought it would be a story of hope in the future overcoming the darkness of the past. I thought this would be a story about teaching a country to let go of traditions that it held onto too tightly, and wholly embrace the unknown (I too am sometimes at risk of developing a Eurocentric mindset...and I'm Asian).
I was wrong, of course. Nobody let go of tradition. It's more complex than that. Momo's insistence on trying not to rely too hard on the Straw Hats symbolises that (which is also why I find Luffy being forced into claiming Wano as his territory just to protect them under the Yonkou system a little uncomfortable, but that’s a story for another day).
Opening oneself up to new experiences does not mean completely discarding your past. Momo has physically changed, but he is still Momo. Yamato is still trying to be Oden, but he will do it in his way. The history of what lays beneath Wano has been passed on to the new generation. All of this will influence Wano's future moving forward.
Harmonising complexity starts with accepting it. The past matters. Everything that has happened, no matter how terrible or beautiful, has resulted in what we see, hear and feel today. And all of that, regardless of how hard people try to hide it, will continue to matter in shaping the future.
'Wa' is not just Luffy's answer to Wano. In true textual integrity fashion, 'Wa' encapsulates the philosophy of One Piece, and I think it also conveys Oda's wishes for Japan as well as the world.
'Wa' captures the complexity of what being a pirate is; how a leader should act; what freedom means; what chasing your dreams looks like; what it is to live. And none of it is sunshine and rainbows.
The world is complicated. It is chaotic. There is no sense in distinguishing black from white, good from evil, or even the sun from the moon. Everything is mushed together to create this terrible, beautiful mess. ‘Wa’ is an answer full of contradictions, and yet there is this harmonious balance within the chaos, a perfect reflection of our imperfect, complex world.
I do love that there is a side character named Hamlet in this arc, because this writing is nothing less than Shakespearean. But the reason I call Gear 5 art is not purely because of the writing alone.
Let's get meta
Alright, we’re going to step away from the story, get a little bit meta, and talk about the presentation of the arc as a whole, including how it is structured.
Wano Kuni is depicted in a way to deliberately evoke imagery and symbolism of Japan: even before we reach the country, the crew are assaulted by carp and great waves, clearly inspired by Hokusai’s own; the lineart is stylised to look like calligraphy; and the music utilises shamisen and koto, which fits in perfectly with how the whole arc is structured like a traditional kabuki play, right down to the red, green and black curtains that frame the start of each clearly marked Act. 
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Everything presentation-wise in this arc has been carefully prepared to make it feel as Japanese as possible. Why is why when Gear 5, in all its cartoonish, physics-defying glory, appeared so suddenly in the middle of what had been primed to be the most Japanese anime set in basically Edo Japan, it was a bit of an understatement to say I was definitely caught off-guard!
It felt like I had fallen for a trap. In the middle of watching my kabuki play, suddenly I realised it was I who was being played all along...
And that’s the point!
Gear 5 is pretty much the least anime thing to happen to the One Piece anime. At the climax of the arc, we do not get the full satisfaction of a badass final fight like one would expect at this point of the story. Instead, we get the most cartoonish and batshit insane sequence I have ever seen in One Piece.
It is downright insulting to Kaido, who had been built up to be this huge, menacing final boss. Gear 5 essential reduced him to a googly-eyed snek - the poor thing even got blown up like a balloon at one point!
The closest thing I can compare it to is the Davy Back Fight arc. But doing Looney Tunes shenanigans during the looney-by-nature Davy Back Fight is a totally different story to doing Looney Tunes right in the midst of the tension of seeing a whole country’s beacon of hope fall in battle against their oppressor. 
The contrast is stark, it is shocking, it is tonally subversive, and unexpected. It is such a deviation from what we are used to.
...And yet, isn’t it glorious, that when Luffy basically reaches god-status, he not only decides to break the rules of anime physics, but the rules of mainstream anime as well?
One Piece, through Gear 5, is subverting the shounen anime battle formula. And while I don’t know if Oda intended for the animation to be so starkly western, I am absolutely certain it was what the animator’s intended. 
Because this deviation from the norm is sending a message, not only to anime fans, but to individual artists, animators, storytellers and creators in general. And that includes the big animation studios. 
The message is important: break free from the status quo. There are no clear lines that define what anime can and cannot be. Let japanese animation take inspiration from western animation, and vice-versa. In fact, this is something that should be encouraged of all animation. 
One Piece is encouraging us all to experiment and surpass our boundaries. It is telling us that even a smash hit mainstream shounen anime can still break all the rules and be not only successful, but create something unique and new and truly, truly special…even if some people think the result is a little bit ugly. 
If that’s not art, I don’t know what is. And I am so, so happy One Piece did it. 
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trueduckweed · 2 years
Overthinking the covens
Is the only way to join the Emperor's coven becoming a cop? There are more jobs then just guard/scout/captain/warden/etc after all. 
Who helps run individual police precincts, helps with distributing the Conformatorium’s budgeting, creates promotional material, heck who’s even in charge of hiring inside different branches?
I’d say these are mostly things done by members of other covens who happen to work closely with the EC and that the brand/explicit membership is exclusive to only enforcers like the show states.. but that’s just not true. Flora is one such example. Lilith working as lead historian is another (though that seemed to coexist with her work as coven head/possibly whatever her previous ranks were). 
Like.. the main 9 covens aren’t really organizations. Some subsidiaries are, but despite being referred to as ‘subsidiaries’ the main covens can barely be called holding companies. At least with our current worldbuilding.
It’s just a brand and a slight idea of what one may bring to the table job wise + a leader. The most we even see a main coven leader do is personal arrest missions* for Belos, picking up recruits*, and fucking each other over politically. We know jack about what their positions as leaders mean. What are they leading?? Their titles are the only reason I can hesitantly call the 9 main covens holding companies, but there’s really nothing else to indicate it. The EC is the only one that seems to function as a unit. 
Sub covens are possibly the exception if they require membership of one of the main 9. For example, Blight industries is a subsidiary of the Abomination Coven, implying all its members are AC. Presumably ‘Blight industries’ refers to Alador and his team. You’d think Odalia would be considered a member though and she’s in the Oracle coven. So if it isn’t “you have to be a member of X main coven to join Y subsidiary” is it more something like “Y subsidiary gives taxes to X coven/defers to X coven in whatever system is going on there bc the show gives us jack shit”? I just really want to know how this is all organized and ran. This is the kind of tasty worldbuilding this show is missing. 
Why is Flora, who doesn’t seem to work as a cop or guard or any other rank we know of a member of the EC? The EC seems to only be joinable through becoming a scout. It seems to be an organization unlike the other covens. It seems to have very specific jobs that the EC was created to fulfill In the first place. But working as a historian shouldn’t theoretically require access to all magic. So.. why is it an EC job and why is scout training required?
I mean the inspectors are another example! Not the kind of job to have alongside working as a cop or doing scout work. But they are EC members regardless. 
Are the drummers Bard Coven members or Emperor’s Coven members? They wear regalia reminiscent of the EC after all. It’s seemingly not needed enough to be a full time job but they are obviously trained for it. You couldn't just grab any random guard, put them in the outfit and expect them to know what to do. So is there another job here?
Are there tax collectors? Lawyers? How do laws even get passed? I can’t imagine Belos handles all of that, especially on a local level. 
I guess what I'm wondering is: are there non-sworn* positions in the Emperor’s Coven? Because it’s seems like there are! You should theoretically be able to join a non-sworn position in the EC from entry level. No becoming a scout (AKA a sworn position) required! But we never see anyone indicate that’s an option in the show. Becoming a scout is painted as the only way into the coven. Idk. It’s weird
* I don’t know why or how that fits into the coven head’s jobs. Tasks like that are why the Emperor’s coven even exists. Don’t tell me there aren’t any other extremely powerful witches in the EC who can reliably fulfill that purpose (who aren’t Hunter
* Did no one find it weird that a coven head was transporting new recruits. I get why Darius showed up, he wanted to save the kids. But realistically it’s not the job of the abomination coven head to transport new scouts to.. wherever. Did Hunter not find that weird? Or did he assume Darius was just really proud of him and went to deliver the cloak personally, despite it being his day off? Idfk
* ’Sworn’ referring to those with arrest power and ‘non-sworn’ refers to other law enforcement jobs 
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nvcontractingllcx · 4 hours
Transforming Spaces: The Expertise of Commercial Painters and Home Remodeling in Cowlitz County, WA
Embarking on a journey to revamp your living or commercial space can be both exhilarating and daunting. Whether it's a fresh coat of paint to breathe life into your workspace or a comprehensive Home Remodel in Cowlitz County WA , finding the right professionals is key. In Cowlitz County, WA, homeowners, and businesses alike turn to seasoned experts like NV Contracting LLC to bring their visions to fruition.
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mpaskills · 7 days
Register as a Painter and Decorator in Western Australia
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Are you planning to run a painting and decorating business in Western Australia? WA law requires that any painting contractor issuing invoices for painting and decorating work valued over $1,000 must be registered.
MPA Skills, a trusted partner in licensing, offers courses that meet the registration requirements for painters and decorators in WA. We provide courses in Business, Estimation, Surface Preparation, and the Trade Test, available on both full-time and part-time study loads. Some of these courses can also be studied online. For more details, please check the individual course information on our website.
To enroll in these courses, you need to meet certain prerequisites. These include completing the CPC30620 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating apprenticeship, holding an equivalent superseded qualification, or having five years of experience in painting work. If you meet these criteria, you will only need to take the Business and Estimation courses to become registered.
If you do not meet the requirements, such as having an overseas qualification that partially equates to the CPC30620, you will need to complete all four courses (Business, Estimation, Surface Preparation, and Trade Test) to fulfill the registration requirements in WA. If you are unsure about your work experience or qualification requirements, you can contact the Building and Energy division of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.
For those seeking painting courses in Perth or a painting apprenticeship, MPA Skills is here to help you achieve the necessary qualifications for registration in Western Australia.
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nwbeerguide · 25 days
Aslan Brewing celebrates 10 years May 18th at their 2 Bellingham locations.
Press Release Aslan Brewing Co. | Bellingham, WA | On May 18th, Aslan Brewing will be celebrating its ten-year anniversary! From our first review, which said they’d rather drink the ketchup on the table over our Disco Lemonade (now a GABF gold medal winner), to paving the path for organic brewing in the Pacific Northwest, Aslan has grown so much in these ten years.  Let’s flashback to ten years ago: The year is 2014, May 19th, to be specific. Jack Lamb, Frank Trosset, Boe Trosset, and a few friends just finished building the brewery and Brewpub from refurbished materials over nine months. Jack posts on social media an hour or two before noon to remind folks about the grand opening, and before the doors even open to the public, people start lining up outside, eager to see what Aslan is all about. On that opening day, they ran out of cash and were still trying to figure out sales tax (both resolved with the help of neighboring breweries). It was a wild, tiring, rewarding day, and they had no idea what was ahead of them.  From the beginning, a core part of Aslan’s brand has been based on minimizing impact as a craft brewery—an industry with a large carbon footprint. Brewing beer with organic ingredients has been essential to our ethos from the start. Organic beer was, and still is, a novelty, and the Aslan team has worked hard to prioritize using high-quality, organic ingredients in our beers. “While this  has always been our soapbox to stand on, we'll continue to say over and over that we brew organic beer because we believe it's better for our customers, the planet, and the folks that grow the ingredients we use,” said Layne Carter, Aslan’s Operations Manager.  In these ten years, Aslan Brewing has accomplished remarkable feats. We’ve collaborated with awesome folks like Bitburger, Rainier Beer, and Patagonia Provisions. We’ve brewed 48,930 barrels of beer, many of which have won awards and adulations. We’ve partnered with awesome local organizations and non-profits, donating more than $330,000 back into our community through in-kind donations. We’ve gotten 232 different products certified as organic and just hit eight years of being a B-Corporation! Needless to say, Aslan has been busy the last decade, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!  “No matter how much Aslan has evolved over the last ten years, it remains a launchpad for community growth. That is a source of immense pride for me,” says Jack Lamb, co-owner. “We continue to provide a stage for advocacy and a safe space for employees, all while brewing organic beer when no one else dares to. The real magic, however, is in the fun of it all. It's hard to replicate an Aslan party. I am so grateful for the creative minds that have passed through this organization and shaped who we are today.” The Aslan Brewing team is looking forward to the future as a chance to rapidly expand our horizons and make the big picture of sustainability in beer even bigger. Cheers to ten years, and cheers to ten more!  Join us on May 18th to celebrate ten years of Aslan! The brewpub will have face painting, performances from the Bellingham Circus Guild, special beer flights, beer releases, and more! The Aslan Depot will have live music all day, performances from the Bellingham Circus Guild, drink specials, and more. We also have a surprise musical guest in the Depot music line-up…the guest will be announced a couple of days before our anniversary, so follow us on Instagram (@aslanbrewing) to see the announcement!  Check out the rest of the schedule here:  Brewpub: 1330 N. Forest St (All Ages)  All Day: Guess That Hazy Flight  All Day: Mystery Disco Lemonade Flavor 1 PM: Face Painting  2 PM: Bellingham Circus Guild  Depot: 1322 N State St. (All Ages until 6 PM // 21+ 6 PM on)  1 PM: DJ AÜ  4 PM: Bellingham Circus Guild  5 PM: DJ Kitchen Sink  9 PM: SPECIAL MUSICAL GUEST  11 PM: DJ KraymerGDot & OG Neeks Collab Set & Dance Party —  Imagery featured, Courtesy of Aslan Brewing from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/4buXNF8
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blueskypaintingwa · 1 year
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navaslawncare · 1 month
Transforming Outdoor Spaces: The Role of Landscape Installers in Kelso, WA
In the verdant corners of Kelso, Washington, where nature paints its canvas with lush greenery and breathtaking vistas, the artistry of landscape installers finds its perfect stage. These professionals are the unsung heroes behind the transformation of outdoor spaces, turning mundane lawns into captivating landscapes that echo the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Let's delve into the pivotal role Landscape Installers Kelso WA play in shaping the outdoor aesthetic of Kelso and beyond.
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Kelso, nestled amidst the majestic landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, boasts a unique blend of natural beauty and urban charm. Amidst this backdrop, landscape installers serve as architects of ambiance, orchestrating the harmonious marriage of form and function. With their keen eye for design and mastery of horticulture, they breathe life into barren yards, creating havens of serenity and visual delight.
One of the primary tasks of landscape installers is to envision and implement outdoor spaces that align with the preferences and lifestyles of their clients. From quaint backyard retreats to sprawling garden paradises, each project is a testament to their creativity and ingenuity. By collaborating closely with homeowners, they translate dreams into reality, infusing personal touches that reflect the unique identity of each property.
In Kelso, where the temperate climate and fertile soil provide an ideal environment for a diverse array of flora, landscape installers wield nature's palette with finesse. They curate plant selections that thrive in the local climate, ensuring sustainable landscapes that require minimal upkeep. Through strategic placement and thoughtful design, they enhance curb appeal and elevate property values, leaving a lasting impression on both residents and passersby.
Beyond aesthetics, landscape installers in Kelso are stewards of environmental conservation. They employ eco-friendly practices and materials, embracing principles of sustainability to minimize the ecological footprint of their projects. From water-efficient irrigation systems to native plantings that support local ecosystems, their initiatives contribute to the preservation of Kelso's natural heritage for future generations to enjoy.
The expertise of landscape installers extends beyond plantings to encompass hardscape elements that define outdoor living spaces. From stone pathways that meander through lush gardens to custom-built pergolas that offer respite from the sun, their craftsmanship adds depth and functionality to outdoor environments. By seamlessly integrating hardscape features with the surrounding landscape, they create cohesive designs that invite exploration and relaxation.
In Kelso, where outdoor living is synonymous with quality of life, landscape installers play a vital role in enhancing recreational spaces. Whether designing backyard retreats for intimate gatherings or expansive lawns for outdoor activities, they prioritize functionality without compromising on aesthetics. Through careful planning and meticulous execution, they optimize outdoor spaces for enjoyment year-round, fostering a sense of connection with nature and community.
The legacy of Landscape Contractors WA extends beyond individual projects to encompass the broader tapestry of the local landscape. Through their collective efforts, they shape the character of neighborhoods, infusing them with vitality and charm. Their dedication to excellence and commitment to customer satisfaction are the cornerstones of a thriving industry that enriches the lives of residents and enhances the allure of Kelso as a place to call home.
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vannahmontannah · 1 month
Dangerous Personalities ~ Kai Cenat fan Story READ THE REST ON WATTPAD @ VANNAHMONTANNAH
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It's been a week since everything had happened. Kai still doesn't have the green light to go back to work, Rylo is no longer cool with Dez, and Don is officially rolling around with Rylo. Rizo on the other hand has ran a couple of errands for Kai that concludes drug trafficking and manipulating any witnesses.
"I've been trynna call Kacey all day and she's not even answering!" Brittany cried.
"Did you go over her house?" I asked.
"No one is answering. Are you sure you talked to her?"
"Yes. The last time we talked she was telling me about Kailen,"
"And now all of a sudden she's missing?"
"She's not missing. I'm sure she's fine--"
"Rylan, this is our friend we're talking about. She isn't answering her phone and she isn't answering her door. She is either missing, dead, or don't like us and I refuse to think she just up and decided she don't fuck with us anymore. I refuse! We need to do something,"
"Let's file a missing person's report then," I suggested.
"Isn't it funny how that witness died and now Kacey is gone?"
"Kai knows Kacey is my girl! He would never--"
"Open your fucking eyes, Rylan! Real shit! And word on the street is, Kai isn't even working! Have you seen him in his uniform lately? What about riding around catching criminals?" Brittany asked.
"He tells me he goes to work all the time,"
"But when is the last time you saw him at his job or working his job?"
"A while ago. Besides we were supposed to go on vacation and he said he had to cancel due to work,"
"And you believe that? Look...I didn't wanna say it, but my boyfriend knows a lot of people in the drug industry, okay? Word got out that Kailen is participating is some type of trafficking and that he's suspended,"
"I don't know. So If I were you, I would talk to him. See if he knows anything about Kacey. Please?" She pleaded.
"Don't let me down on this. She's our friend and she would do the same for you,"
"When he gets here, I'll bring it up to him,"
"And call me after you do,"
I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. I didn't know what to do. Everybody ahs been saying this and that about Kai and it's starting to make me mad. Did Kai really kill my brother? What is he up to? What's going on?
As the detectives and officers settled the handcuffed figure into the chair, Officer Gray's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Two years of incarceration had taken a heavy toll on the prisoner, leaving him gaunt and weary. This was Gray's second opportunity to unravel the truth behind the murder of RJ, a case that had haunted him ever since the fateful night. The prisoner, drained by the relentless weight of his confinement, finally broke his silence. He confessed to being a pawn in a sinister plot orchestrated by Kai, the true perpetrator. Kai, driven by motives yet unknown, had lured the prisoner to RJ's house and orchestrated the fatal shooting from afar. The prisoner's confession painted a chilling picture of manipulation and deceit, revealing the depths of Kai's depravity. As the prisoner's words echoed through the interrogation room, Officer Gray felt a surge of relief mingled with a profound sense of justice. The truth had finally emerged, and the innocent could be exonerated.
"That night, Kai called me and said he needed me to meet him at the spot. We used to go to In and Out sometimes, so we would meet there. I went and he said he had some business to take care. He was riding in a red Honda. The car had two dints on the left side and a black scratch on the right side due to him being in a small accident,"
"Why did he want you to go with him?" Detective John asked.
"Kailen and I were supposed to be like brothers. We would so a lot of things together. He kept complaining about someone who owed him money, but I didn't know the extent of it. I didn't even know the guy's name or who he was affiliated with. I just thought he was gonna go over there, set him straight and we would leave,"
"So what happened after that?"
"Once we got in, he immediately started to speed. He was doing 80 in a 40 mile lane!,"
"What the hell, man! Slow down!" Gray shouted, his voice a mixture of fear and frustration.
"Can't. This one's a good one," Kai replied, his voice unwavering. 
"What's going on?" Gray asked, his mind racing. 
"Remember the guy I was telling you about who owes me money?" Kai said, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. 
"Yeah," Gray nodded, his heart pounding. 
"He owes me $150,000," Kai said, his voice laced with anger. 
"Damn! How?!" Gray exclaimed, his shock evident. 
"I can't share those details...but he's about to get his just dessert," Kai said, his speed increasing even more. 
"Kai! Look man, it's not that serious! Just calm down! This isn't it!" Gray pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. 
"I need my money!" Kai shouted, his voice rising. 
"Kai--" Gray began, but was cut off. 
"NO! I NEED MY MONEY, IREN," Kai yelled, his voice filled with rage. 
He slammed his foot on the pedal, the car accelerating to over 130 miles per hour. Gray's body went rigid with fear, his mind racing with thoughts of his family. Kai reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a gun, not just any gun, but the gun they used for work. 
"Is that the station's gun?" Gray asked, his voice trembling. 
"You're not supposed to have that!"
"I fucking know that!" Kai snapped. 
"You're not gonna kill anyone, are you?" Gray asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Are you slow?" Kai retorted, his voice dripping with contempt. 
"I don't appreciate how you got me into this! Just drop me off on the side of the highway!" Gray demanded, his voice filled with anger. 
"...No," Kai said, his voice firm. 
"Why?" Gray asked, his confusion evident. 
"I saw you the other day," Kai said, his voice low. 
"Okay! What does that have to do with anything?" Gray asked, his mind reeling. 
"When were you gonna tell me you and my ex were dating?" Kai asked, his voice laced with pain. 
Gray fell silent, his mind spinning. Not only was he just forced to risk his life, but he was hit with a question he never hoped to answer.
"I thought we talked about this. I know you found her attractive and all, but we're not just gonna skip past that. I went to the game with my mom and shit. We go to the snack bar and I turn around and I see you and Celine holding hands. I didn't wanna rain on ya parade, but I did see the chemistry. I saw you pull her close and hold her by her waist and all. That hurt me bro," Kai expressed.
"Kai, I'm sorry,"
"Sure you are. Sure you are,"
"Look, we aren't dating anymore,"
"That's not the fucking point! I knew I shouldn't have ad her around you. Ya only met twice! How did ya even have the time?"
"She found my Facebook,"
"And you didn't say shit to me! But, it's all good though,"
Kai swerved on the rode, sped down the ramp and ran a light. Gray's nerves were high and he was anxious to know what Kai was gonna do with that gun. Kai had a good grip on it and was could shoot at any given moment.
"We're five blocks away,"
"From where?!"
"The nigga's house,"
"Just think about this shit man!"
"You can shut the fuck up because you didn't think about shit when you was fucking my bitch!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Nah, fuck that!"
Kai's car screeched to a halt as he turned onto the street where RJ's house stood. With a calculated swerve, he pulled up alongside the curb, his heart pounding in his chest. His gaze fell upon RJ, sitting nonchalantly on the front porch, unaware of the impending danger. Kai's fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he slowly lowered the car windows, revealing the cold, metallic glint of a gun. His eyes narrowed in focus as he aimed the weapon, his resolve unwavering. In that moment, a single thought consumed his mind: to end the life of the man who had wronged him so deeply. He shot five times, killing RJ on his porch. He tossed the gun in the back seat, pulled off, and raised the windows up. Gray couldn't believe what happened as he was taken back. He could barely breathe as he just watched someone die. Sure, he's seen dead people before, but watching your partner kill someone in front of you out of spite was different.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!" Gray yelled.
"What you gone do? Report me?"
"I have too!"
"How, when your gun is missing?"
"Huh? Wait! You took this gun from my station?"
"When people I care about do some stupid shit, thinking I won't ever find out, they pay for their actions,"
"Notice how I have these gloves on my hand?" Kai asked.
He pulled over and parked the car. He forcefully grabbed Gray's hand to get his fingerprints onto the gun. They tussled for a bit, so Kai gave up and grabbed another gun from under his seat and aimed it at Gray's head. Looking at Kai was just as equivalent to looking at the Devil. The evil in his eyes was extremely terrifying. He cocked the gun back and placed his finger on the trigger.
"Do it. NOW!"
Gray grabbed the gun as a tear shed from his eye. He was getting framed for the murder of RJ because he betrayed Kai by dating is ex girlfriend. In that moment, Gray was fighting for his life. He didn't know if Kai was going to kill him or not, so he just stayed silent.
"Get out the car,"
Gray got out the car as instructed. He shut the door and went out on the street.
"What do you want from me?"
"Nothing. What we gonna do is fight. You're going to beat my ass,"
"You're going to beat me up,"
Kai pulled his gun out and shot at the wall that was behind Gray.
"The next one is for you. Now, let's go!"
"Kai, I don't wanna do this, man"
"You either do it, or you die and imma report it as a suicide,"
"You're so cruel!"
"Ah! Yeah, I'm cruel. I learned it from you,"
"She said she was unhappy with you dawg. She said she didn't love you," Gray confessed.
"Okay? So that gives you a reason to date her? You're being backwards right now,"
"I couldn't help it. But now I see why she left. You're fucking crazy!"
"I am! Not to mention she came back to my ass when she expressed to me that your stroke game was complete ass! And to prove it, we made a tape together. See?"
In a moment of reckless abandon, Kai retrieved his phone and located the incriminating video. With a malicious grin, he amplified the audio, its contents seeping into Gray's ears like molten lava. The words, sharp as daggers, pierced through Gray's composure, igniting a primal rage within him. His skin flushed crimson as the blood coursed through his veins like a raging torrent. Blinded by fury, he lunged at Kai, his momentum carrying him forward. Kai, caught off guard by the sudden assault, was sent sprawling onto the unforgiving ground. Gray's weight crashed down upon him, pinning him beneath his rage-filled grip. Kai's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to break free, but Gray's ironclad hold proved unyielding. The once-quiet street erupted into a cacophony of violence. Punches thudded into Kai's face, each strike fueled by Gray's unyielding anger. Kai's body writhed in agony as his bones cracked and his flesh tore. As the assault continued, Gray's rage spiraled out of control. His eyes blazed with a feral intensity, his voice reduced to guttural growls. The spectators, stunned and horrified, watched in disbelief as the once-civil encounter descended into a savage display of brutality. The air grew thick with the stench of fear and violence, suffocating all who dared to witness the unfolding carnage. Finally, as Kai's body grew limp beneath the relentless onslaught, Gray's rage subsided. He released his grip on Kai's battered form, leaving him broken and bleeding on the cold, unforgiving floor. In the aftermath of the violence, a chilling silence hung over the room. The weight of what had transpired settled upon the hearts of all present, leaving an indelible scar that would forever alter their lives.
"I guess since I had beat him up pretty bad, that basically was icing on the cake for me. I believe he still has that car, but he hid it somewhere,"
"What makes you think that" John asked.
"What criminal is just gonna get rid of a car like that and possibly risk it getting turned in for evidence? He had to hide it somewhere. It was a lot of shit in that vehicle. And add on to the shit, Celine disappeared off the face of the Earth. Has anyone tried to contact her?"
"No one has talked to Celine since the trial. We did try to get in contact with her for the trial coming up, but we haven't been able to get anything,"
"Kai is an evil individual. You guys have to find that car. Play back the cameras! I remember placing my things back where they belonged,"
"We checked the cameras and everything was normal. But we were also getting new cameras installed around that time,"
"Hmm. Well, word on the street is, Kailen is pushing drugs and getting rid of many of the witnesses from that night. I recall there being a small crowd watching us fight that night. If you can, please get them to help. I didn't get a chance to fully defend myself last time, but I am this time. Kai for sure murdered RJ and because he didn't get his money while at the same time trying to get his revenge on me. All the evidence from that night is probably in that car!" Gray stressed.
John looked at his team and there was a bit of a silence. John then nodded his head and stood up.
"We need to find that red Honda,"
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nvcontractingllcx · 1 month
Revamping Spaces: Expert Commercial Painters in Longview, WA
In the heart of Cowlitz County, where innovation meets tradition, businesses are thriving and evolving. Amidst this vibrant landscape, the importance of aesthetics cannot be overstated. Whether it's a storefront, office space, or industrial facility, the first impression often begins with a fresh coat of paint. Enter the skilled hands of commercial painters in Longview, WA, who understand the art and science of transforming spaces.
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Enhancing Curb Appeal
The exterior of a commercial property speaks volumes about its professionalism and attention to detail. With the expertise of painters in Cowlitz County, businesses can revitalize their facades, attracting customers and enhancing curb appeal. From meticulous prep work to the final brushstroke, every step is executed with precision to ensure longevity and durability.
Creating Inspiring Workspaces
Inside, the ambiance plays a crucial role in productivity and employee morale. Commercial painters in Longview, WA, specialize in creating inviting and inspiring workspaces tailored to each client's unique vision. Whether it's a bold accent wall or a soothing color palette, the goal is to foster creativity and efficiency while reflecting the brand identity.
Adhering to Safety Standards
In industrial settings, safety is paramount. Painters in Cowlitz County are well-versed in adhering to stringent safety standards, utilizing the latest techniques and equipment to minimize disruptions and ensure compliance. From chemical-resistant coatings to high-visibility markings, every aspect is carefully considered to create a safe and productive environment.
Embracing Eco-Friendly Practices
With a growing emphasis on sustainability, businesses are seeking eco-friendly solutions for their painting needs. Commercial painters in Longview, WA, are at the forefront of this movement, offering low-VOC paints and environmentally conscious practices that minimize the carbon footprint without compromising on quality or durability.
Delivering Exceptional Results
Ultimately, the success of any painting project hinges on the expertise and professionalism of the contractors involved. In Cowlitz County, businesses can rely on a network of skilled painters who prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. From meticulous surface preparation to flawless execution, the goal is to exceed expectations and deliver exceptional results that stand the test of time.
In conclusion, when it comes to transforming commercial spaces in Longview, WA, and throughout Cowlitz County, trust the experts at NV Contracting LLC. With their dedication to quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction, they are the go-to source for all painting needs.
To discover more, head to our website.
Exterior Painting Longview WA
Home Remodeling Contractors Cowlitz County
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kamdhenu-paints · 2 months
How To Choose The Best Painting Company For Your Home
Making the right choice when selecting a house paint can completely change your area and create a lovely, inviting atmosphere. With so many choices, it's critical to conduct due diligence and identify a reliable business that satisfies all of your requirements. Seek out a business that has a solid industry reputation and a high number of good client evaluations. Think about their background and skill in managing various paint jobs, whether they are exterior or interior painting projects. A trustworthy business should also have a group of competent experts on staff that are up to date on the newest methods and trends in the field. A thorough estimate should be obtained, and costs should be compared; however, bear in mind that the least expensive solution might not necessarily be the best.
Visit -
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paintprotectionwa · 2 months
Exploring the Benefits of Ceramic Coatings for Car Paint Protection
The goal of maintaining that immaculate, showroom shine in the world of auto maintenance is never-ending. As car enthusiasts, we know how important it is to protect our cars from the weather so they continue to look beautiful for many years to come. Today, we'll explore the realm of ceramic paint protection, a ground-breaking technique that's completely changing how we preserve our prized automobiles from deterioration.
Paint Protection WA is committed to giving you the best equipment and advice possible to maintain the best possible appearance for your car. Let's set out to discover the many advantages of ceramic paint protection and discover why it has grown to be the preferred option for discriminating automobile owners all around the world.
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Understanding Ceramic Paint Protection
Ceramic paint protection is a state-of-the-art technique that covers the paintwork of your car with a transparent, long-lasting coating. Ceramic coatings provide exceptional protection against UV radiation, oxidation, bird droppings, tree sap, road filth, and other environmental contaminants because they form a molecular link with the surface, unlike standard wax or sealants.
Unmatched Durability
The unmatched endurance of ceramic coatings is one of their most notable qualities. These coatings offer your car's paintwork long-term protection when they are applied and can endure for years. This translates to less time spent worrying about swirl marks and scratches, as well as fewer trips to the car wash.
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Enhanced Gloss and Depth
Ceramic coatings not only preserve your car but also improve its appearance. Ceramic coatings offer your automobile that coveted "wet look" that makes heads turn wherever you go by improving the paint's depth and producing a high-gloss surface. Whether you're stopped at a car show or speeding down the highway, your automobile will definitely radiate luxury and sophistication.
Easy Maintenance
The days of working for hours on end to wax and shine your car are long gone. Maintenance is a breeze when ceramic paint protection is applied. Because ceramic coatings are hydrophobic, they repel dirt and water, which makes cleaning and maintaining a spotless appearance on your car easier. In the long term, you may save time and work by simply giving your automobile a quick rinse with a hose to restore its shine.
Environmental Benefits
Ceramic paint protection has advantages for the environment in addition to functional and aesthetic ones. Ceramic coatings help save water and lessen the need for chemical cleaners by lowering the frequency of washing and detailing, making them a more environmentally friendly option for car owners.
Professional Application
Although kits for doing ceramic coating projects at home are available, we strongly advise leaving the application to skilled experts. Our team of professionals at Paint Protection WA possesses the expertise and experience to guarantee accurate application and suitable surface preparation, optimizing the efficiency and durability of your ceramic coating.
In summary, ceramic paint protection offers unparalleled durability, aesthetic enhancement, and environmental benefits, making it a significant achievement in the car care industry. Ceramic coatings offer a complete solution for safeguarding and enhancing the Car Paint Protection, whether your goal is to maintain the value of your car as a resale asset or just to feel proud of the ownership you have acquired.
Our goal at Paint Protection WA is to protect your investment and maintain the finest possible appearance for your vehicle. Get in touch with us right now to find out more about our ceramic paint protection services and to start your car's journey to a cleaner, brighter future.
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bartoszbeda · 3 months
My Art, My Paintings - Buy Original Art From My Store!
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Do You Buy Original Art? My Art - My Paintings!
You are visiting this page because you are looking to buy original art. That is so great! I am an artist, and I have original art available to browse. Limited Editions, Art Books, Original Artworks, Subscriptions, Serial Paintings You buy original art not just to decorate a wall, but to inspire to look at life differently. Don't stress about matching colors with the color of the wall. Just buy the artwork you like, and it will stimulate your brain. By visiting my store and buying art from the artist as myself will directly support my creative process. It maybe sounds silly, but by buying art and owning art, you increase your dopamine, and it will positively affect your environment. My paintings are handmade, and you buy artwork that represents years of practice and experience. Curate your collection of art choices that express you or let you discover new horizons. Buy original art for its uniqueness. Be the inspiration for others by buying art from artists.
You Don't Know Me - That's OK!
I was born in Poland in 1984. In 2008, I relocated to the UK to study at the Manchester School of Art. After graduating in 2012 with a BA and MA in Fine Art, I was selected for the 2012 Catlin Art Guide as the most promising emerging artist in the UK. Shortly after I was short-listed for the Title Art Prize, the Door Prize, and I was selected for The Saatchi New Sensations 2012, group exhibition in London for most exciting graduate students in the UK. Check my Wikipedia Page for more information and links. I also won the esteemed Towry Award for the Best of the North of England 2012, and I was a finalist for the Williams Drawing Prize inConnecticut, the USA in 2014. In 2014 I won second place in the Viewpoints competition at the Aljira, Center for Contemporary Art in New Jersey, USA. In 2017, I won first place for Interstate Group Exhibition, CWU Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, Ellensburg, WA, USA.
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Why Should You Buy Original Art From Bartosz Beda?
Hmm! I was awarded a six-month scholarship from Manchester Metropolitan University to attend the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, Germany in 2012/13. The same academy where Gerhard Richter was studying. Moreover, I received a fellowship from Fondazione per' l Arte, Rome, Italy, in 2016. In 2018, Bartosz Beda was awarded a fellowship residency at Goggle, Center for the Arts in Reading, PA. In 2018, I spent three months at GoggleWorks Center for the Arts for artist-in-residency working on new paintings and Project $7.25 that received full attention in Reading. PA. Check the project here. That is another reason why you should buy original art. In 2019, I worked on the Meta Tag Project, that you can find here.
National and International Credibility!
I have participated in group shows, including Microarte. El tamano si importa, Galeria Liebre, Madrid, Spain, 2012; Schools of Art. Voll.3, Oktogon der HfBK, Dresden, Germany, 2013; Petty Theft, Launch f18, New York, USA, 2013; ING Eye Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London, UK, 2015 and At the Surface, Foundry Art Center, St. Charles, MO, 2018. Beda had solo exhibitions at Galleria Liebre, Spain (2013), BAC Gallery, Colombia (2015), Jackson-Teed, England (2016), Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery, USA (2017), Mildred M.Cox Gallery, USA (2018), Brownsville Museum, USA (2019), Hopkins Center for the Arts USA (2019), Execute Project, USA (2019).
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My Paintings in Public and Private Collections!
My works are in public collection at Reading Public Museum, Brownsville Museum, Siena Art Institute, and Fondazione Per' l Arte, as well as in private collections throughout Europe, the United States, South Africa, and Asia.
Oscar Prize 2008 - I worked for it!
Before relocating to England, I worked on animation in the film industry, including two movie productions, Ichthis by Marek Skrobecki (2005) and Peter and the Wolf by Suzieh Tempelton (2006), which received the Oscar Prize in 2007.
Why Should You Buy Original Art From Me?
My art has been widely interviewed and referenced for The Independent, Studio International, Expose Art Magazine, Creative Times, Radcliffe Times, A-N Magazine, Mastars at Axisweb, Arteon Art Magazine, Expose Magazine, Spokesman-Review, BuzzFeed, Daily News and featured in The Guardian, The Telegraph and MoneyWeek, NatWest, Inlander. I was mentioned on BBC Radio 4 in February 2013 as 'one to watch.'
Buy Original Art Near Me - Great! I'm From Texas!
I now live and work in Texas. If you are looking to buy original art near you - in Texas, that's great, as I live near you! Read the full article
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Advance Sandblast - Tacoma Portable Sandblasting Service
Located in the vibrant heart of Tacoma, WA, our esteemed company is renowned for offering superior sandblasting services to various commercial and industrial clients. We are recognized as a premier **sandblasting company near me** by those searching for top-notch expertise within their local vicinity. Our professional team is adept at utilizing advanced sandblasting techniques that meticulously remove paint, rust, and other contaminants from a multitude of surfaces.
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Our commitment to delivering excellence is reflected in the detail-oriented approach we apply to each project. We provide tailored solutions that cater to the specific needs of your surface treatment requirements. Whether dealing with delicate equipment or robust structural components, our skilled technicians handle every task with utmost precision and care.
The enduring quality achieved through our sandblasting services has solidified our standing in Tacoma's community. Moreover, we operate under stringent safety protocols to ensure the well-being of both our staff and clients' properties during all sandblasting operations. Clients in Tacoma seeking a reliable **sandblasting company near me** can expect nothing less than impeccable service and results that speak volumes of our dedication to excellence.
As your local specialists, we welcome inquiries from businesses looking for efficient and effective surface preparation solutions. Trust that by choosing us, you're opting for a partner who prioritizes the integrity of your assets and delivers finished results that rejuvenate appearance and preserve longevity. Reach out today to experience how our distinguished **sandblasting company near me** can transform your surfaces with unparalleled skill.
Contact Us:
Advance Sandblast - Tacoma Portable Sandblasting Service
Address : 3725 N Whitman St., Tacoma WA 98424
Phone No. : (253) 922-8129
Website : https://www.advancesandblast.com/ 
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