zentechia · 1 year
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🚀 Unlock the secrets of crypto trading with the top 5 best YouTube channels! 💡📈 Join CryptoJunkies, CryptoGenius, BlockchainInsights, CryptoAcademy, and CoinMasters for expert insights and strategies. 💰🔒 Don't miss out on the opportunity to level up your crypto game! Check out our latest carousel post for all the details. 👇📚
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flowpolaroid · 2 years
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1,280 of 10,000 “Loved doing lost & found / info booth ♡ @sonic_bloom_ “ -Lilly #togetherwewin #sonicbloom #shifthappens #volunteering #lostandfound #infobooth #instax #instaxmini #instaxmini70 #instantfilm #polaroid (at SONIC BLOOM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnsD0KnOw21/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eurobronycon · 5 years
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We're happy to announce that we are going to have an information booth at YuniCon 2019!
YuniCon is an Anime Convention in Vienna in the Multiversum Schwechat :) We are looking forward to see you!
Brohoof! /) -Sorajona
#YuniCon #EuroBronyCon #InfoBooth #Brony #Convention #MLP
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where-are-the-names · 2 years
She stared past the trees, stared into the City in front of her. The wind rushed through her hair, into her eyes. She had been waiting for this all her life. Why wasn't she Excited about it?
She took a step forward, then again, almost like she was intimidated by it. There were people walking in the streets. A man, early twenties, made sure she was looking at him, then mimed a finger across the neck. She gripped her bag tighter, clutching all of the possessions she could carry in the worn backpack tighter against her chest. As she walked closer to The Main, she was actively aware of the stares, and whispers following her. She gasped audibly, unwittingly drawing more attention to her then there already was. All the people in Norewadia(the name of the town) were wearing dark colors, had black hair. Every single one of them. She was an outsider.
She didn’t belong here.
No, but she did. after all she had been through, the bombing of her hometown, the mass killing of everyone she had, (except for a few unlucky, who had run/hid), she Needed to be here.
Sure, her Yellow hair made her stand out, but who wants to fit in? She walked more faster, now, perhaps self consciously, perhaps to get to the InfoBooth faster. The InfoBooth was a bulletin board with all the towns important names/addresses on it, also all the business and the location from the map. She had escaped with the remains of all the LeafCoins left in the bank vault, which was quite a lot, she thought. Except for later, when the cashier was asking for payment. rooms were cheap (only 25$ per night!). She pulled out all the money, hoping, praying really, that it would be more then enough. The rooms were cheap (only 25$ per night!), but as soon as the Secretary saw her only currency, he frowned.
“Oh, um, miss? that is not the kind of cash we accept here. we use Retols. Those, I am pretty sure, are Leafcoins” her eyes returned to sad. How he wished he could help her. This Unnamed girl looked pretty beaten down. No, he scolded himself, no. I mustn’t think that. What would the HeadMistress say? a local helping a throwaway? no. Closing his eyes, he pointed a finger to the door. “Out” he tried to be as cruel as possible, for, there were cameras watching his every move.
She slinked out, sad and hungry as ever, back into the cold. It was getting to be night, now. She was very tired and shaking. She stumbled onto the streets again, looking for a covered alleyway to spend the night. She did not want to sleep outside, but if she had to, she would. She finally did find a spot to sleep. In front of a building on The Main (looked closed). She sadly sat down, her back to the even colder brick. The snow welcomed her with frostbite. She was so tired, but she had to keep her eyes open. For the first time, in a while, she gazed up at the night sky. The moon, as big as ever, gazed down at her.
She didn't know what happened, but she slipped into a dreamless sleep, when she awoke, the moon was hiding behind the building she was in front of. Then, hysteria began to set in. When she looked down from looking at the sky, she didn’t know where she was. The buildings were distorted and unfamiliar to her. “Where Am I?” She repeated. Her limbs had somehow locked together, making it impossible to move. Then in Absolute Clarity, she saw her mother walking towards her. But her mom was dead. Had been so ever since the bombing that had took the families life. She had seen her mother twitching on the ground, lifeless. Then, her mom dissolved into thin air. She fell asleep again. Her family was picking her up, hugging her. A tear attempted to fall, but was turned to ice. She had always wanted this. Her family kept patting her on the back. She smiled.
Unbeknownst to her, the pats, in reality, were kicks. She was being beaten by the man from earlier, who had brought along some friends to help. She smiled, keeping her eyes closed, obviously dreaming. Her body heat was cooling down, her (dream) family was still patting her on the back, but that feeling was a lot more impaired and getting more by the minute. warmth was spreading on her body, damping her skin. The man was ready to smash her head in with a brick. She smiled again. He swung back……………….. and delivered the death blow.
In her world, her family had stopped hugging her, instead, the lights went out, and the last thing she read on her mothers lips were the words “come home”
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autisticallyfeisty · 4 years
(This question is mainly aimed at disabled people who get stared at and/or asked invasive questions when they’re out in public, but other people can answer if they feel like they have something to add.)
I'm an Early Childhood Education major and I'm kind of weirded out by how often our textbooks and classes teach us to teach children to ask disabled people questions about their bodies. They say it's better than staring or shouting out rude things, but...why are those presented as the only options?
But I don’t feel like I know enough to form an opinion about this, because my disabilities are not ones that most people notice by looking at me, so I don't know what it's like to deal with the reactions that more visibly disable people get. 
However, I do have a large, very noticable birthmark on my face, and I've gotten a lot of questions about that for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, even though I liked my birthmark, I found it very irritating how every new kid I met felt the need to ask about it. (Especially because I’m autistic, and answering questions takes up spoons.) As an adult, I hate when other adults ask me about it, and I usually ignore them until they stop asking. However, I don't mind at all when young children ask about it. That's because I know there's a lot they don't know yet -- what a birthmark is, what's polite or rude to say to strangers. I mean, they are being a little bit rude, but I still don't mind answering their questions and helping them learn something they didn’t know before. But...I don't know how I'd feel if there were books that encouraged children to approach people with birthmarks and ask about them. I don't think I'd like that.
But there are books like that about disabled people. There's this whole genre of picture books telling children if they see a disabled person in public, they should ask the person about their disability. The most popular one is Just Ask by Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Teachers love it, and it won the Caldecott Medal last year (one of the most prestigious awards a picture book can win). It also won the Schneider Family Award, which is an annual award given by the American Library Association to the “best” children’s book about disability.
Here’s a link to a read-aloud video of Just Ask if you want to check it out for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4sGcaA6bFk
(The uploader calls it “one of the most inclusive children’s picture books ever written”, which I guess is something that must seem true if you don’t keep up with children’s literature that much. Also, trigger warning for ableism about nonspeaking Autistic people. Sotomayor thanks Autism Speaks in the acknowledgements :/ Also, why does the girl with Down syndrome list “being included” as one of her hobbies? That’s a human right, not a hobby.)
Anyway, I recently came across these Crippled Scholar posts:
...and I’ve been thinking about them in the context of what preschool teachers and parents are being taught: that the proper way to interact with a disabled person you’ve never met is to walk up to them and ask questions about their disability.
And it made me wonder -- are there any disabled people who want this to be the norm? What do you want parents to do if their children are curious about your disability?
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pulyxxonacid · 5 years
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aurora1dpreferences · 7 years
I have friends tell me that my father is emotionally and verbally abusive to me. I'm not the favourite. I've been told that I haven't lived up to the physical appearance and grade expectoration my father has had for me. I think it might be, but I'm not sure because I've been told so many times I do it to myself and I am told with having anxiety fits and getting sad a lot is just me wanting people's attention. My mum tells me that if I'm nicer then everything will be fine. +
+ I don't know how it will be fine though, because he seems so mean. Everything is my fault. Almost eveytime I see and talk to him, he threatens me but he doesn't say what will happen. As a child I remember I was the only one who would get screamed at, spanked with a belt, grounded, teased, threatened, and be called names with curse words and have curse words thrown at me. He's only hit me in the mouth once, it cut my lip open. I was still in primary school. But he has threatened to hit me +  across my face several times. He almost has before too. I just feel like I'm suffocating in his house. He was the reason for my first suicide attempt, and I'm afraid he'll be the reason for my second attempt too. I just don't know what to do. My mum always says "if you could just do this.." but even when I do, I'm so disrespected. I'm told if I don't act mature then I won't be treated maturely but he never acts mature. He controls everything. I dread waking up because I know he is here...         
Hey love? All of which you’ve just described is abusive behavior. And your mom is condoning it by saying what she is. Your behaviour is not the behaviour that needs to change. Your parents’ are. He’s only hit you once? Too many. Your mum says if only you could do something different? You’re not the one she needs to be telling that to. At the end of the day, if your spouse is hurting your children, your children need to come first. Threats lead to more and your friends are right. That is abuse. Your father doesn’t get to decide how you live or look. That’s flat out inappropriate for any parent to have expectations for their child's appearance. You need to talk to someone, friends, counselors, friends parents, anyone you trust. I’m going to link some hotline numbers and websites for you to call and visit and if you need to, call the police.
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crapwolf · 5 years
Jazz funk
Mình nhất định phải bỏ facebook, bỏ youtube, please, chứ như vậy thì ko học nổi đâu.
Hôm nay mình học nhảy tiếp. MÌnh có cảm thấy ko vui lắm vì leo ko đi nhảy cùng. Mình nghĩ là một phần do mình không cảm thấy mình nhảy đẹp.
Hôm nay mình dậy lúc 14h, thực ra mình có hẹn lúc 15h để đặt infobooth, mình thấy hơi hối hận. Mình đã nghĩ là mình cứ ngủ tẹt ga, nhưng mà chắc ko bh ngủ tới 14h đâu,…
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zentechia · 1 year
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 Boost Your YouTube Channel with These Essential Chrome Extensions 🚀 Boost Your YouTube Channel with These Essential Chrome Extensions! 📊✨🔧📈💰🎨🖼️🔒🔐 Discover the Top 5 best chrome extensions for YouTubers that will take your content to the next level! 🌟 🔹 VidIQ - Optimize your videos effortlessly. 🔹 TubeBuddy - Streamline your workflow. 🔹 Social Blade - Track your channel's growth. 🔹 Canva - Design stunning visuals. 🔹 LastPass - Securely manage passwords. Level up your YouTube game today! 💪💻
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flowpolaroid · 3 years
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575 of 10,000 Ross Haverlah “Muchas gracias” #togetherwewin #friends #instax #instaxmini #instaxmini70 #instantfilm #polaroid #cit #volunteer #infobooth #lostandfound #dirtybirdcampout #notaloser (at Dirtybird Campout) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZPT2moLDGe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iammaster1449 · 6 years
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“First Few” (Entry into the new timespace has everything to do with a galactic beam—a higher frequency time wave that is emanated from the galactic core. All of history is condensed within a galactic beam that we are now passing out of. This particular type is a 5,125-year beam; its purpose is to accelerate human activity around the planet. This acceleration is called recorded history. This 5,125-year beam is nested within a 26,000 year beam, which is nested in a 104,000-year beam. These all climax in the Harmonic Convergence of 2012. The galactic beam information forms the basic premise of The Mayan Factor, particularly the 5,125-year/13 baktun cycle or the wave harmonic of history. According to The Mayan Factor, the (long count) measure of 1,872,000 days, 13 baktuns, 260 katuns, 5,125 years 5200 tuns, is actually the measure of a particular synchronization beam. This Great Cycle is the measurement of this planetary passage through a time beam that is 5,125 years wide from August 13, 3113 BC to December 21, 2012. The Thirteen Baktuns 1. Baktun 0 (=13). Baktun of the Star Planting. 3113-2718 B.C. Entry of Earth into Galactic Synchronization Beam. Planting of “star-transmissions” of the galactic league among peoples across the planet. Consolidation of upper and lower Egypt, 3100 B.C. Expansion of Sumeria, 3000 B.C., Construction of Stonehenge begun, 2800 B.C. 2. Baktun 1. Baktun of the Pyramid. 2718-2324 B.C. Contstruction/activation of Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, 2700-2600 B.C., marks anchoring of planet light body. Spread of Sumerian civilization, Akkad and Ur, and development of bronze. Beginning of Harappa, Indus civilization. Beginning of settled agricultural life, China, Mesoamerica, Andes. 3. Baktun 2. Baktun of the Wheel. 2324-1930 B.C. Full establishment of wheel, initiation of transport technology and cyclical thought, written codes of law, and metallurgical technology in Mesopotamia. Sargon and first Babylonian empire. Beginnings of chariot warfare, territorial imperialism. Era of legendary emperors, China. Establishment of Minoan civilization, Crete.) http://www.lawoftime.org/infobooth/baktunmap.html https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQIz8HhgzI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16oi5h51yi9jf
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If you or someone you know is suffering from Bulimia, there are many online resources to help. Here is the KidsHelpPhone, a 24/7 hotline to call if you are in a crisis. 
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dme212 · 9 years
[2/2] Information Wants To Be Free: You are free to ask ANYTHING #gct #infobooth #mta #grandcentralterminal #informationbooth #nyc #trains #ama #askmeanything #free #sequence #2of2 (at Information Booth, Grand Central Terminal)
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zentechia · 1 year
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🎨 Calling all Graphic Designers! 🎨 Discover the top 5 best websites that will take your designs to the next level! 💯✨ From stunning templates on Canva to a vibrant design community on Dribbble, these websites will ignite your creativity and connect you with fellow designers worldwide. 🔥🌍 Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock your design superpowers! 💪🚀 👉 Swipe through our carousel to explore the best websites for Graphic Designers! 👈 #InfoBooth #infobooth #GraphicDesign #DesignInspiration #CreativeCommunity #DesignTools #GraphicDesignInspiration #DesignCommunity #CreativeDesigners #DigitalDesign #DesignResources #DesignPortfolio #DesignInspo #GraphicDesignersUnite #CreativeCollaboration #DesignToolsandResources #DesignersWorld #DesignTrends #DesignInnovation #DesignPassion #DesignGoals #DesignInspirationDaily #DesigningLife #DesignersOfInstagram #DesigningCommunity #DesignersNetwork
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flowpolaroid · 3 years
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573 of 10,000 “Woo! Lost and found my wallet! ☻ ☻ ☻” -Charlie #togetherwewin #friends #instax #instaxmini #instaxmini70 #instantfilm #polaroid #cit #volunteer #infobooth #lostandfound #dirtybirdcampout #notaloser (at Dirtybird Campout) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZIyRX_rc6p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flowpolaroid · 3 years
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572 of 10,000 “My phone!! I ♡⚡️🥚” #togetherwewin #friends #instax #instaxmini #instaxmini70 #instantfilm #polaroid #cit #volunteer #infobooth #lostandfound #dirtybirdcampout #notaloser (at Dirtybird Campout) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZIdExxrzG9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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