#Ingrid and Claude could have had a really interesting support if they weren't both bonked by the Annoying Shitwad stick
butwhatifidothis · 3 years
21,35 and 47?
21. Support chain(s) you think had wasted potential, and why?
Personally I cannot stand the direction Claude and Ingrid's support went, and their ending too. Everything about it screams "shitty sitcom couple" down to the whole "yeah sure Ingrid screams at Claude all the time and chases him around the castle but they totally love each other because KIDS!!" which is never not UNBEARIBLY annoying. I'll always die on the hill that they're supports could have been a way to explore what Almyra considers noble and whether anything matches up with Faerghus' sense of nobility. But nope, have Claude be sexist out of nowhere and have Ingrid be dumb as a rock out of nowhere, that's funny!! I hate it
35. What are some of your most unpopular opinions about the game/characters/story?
Ohhh, probably that I really uh, don't think Claude was so bad about the Jeralt diary thing as much as so many others do. This post about sums up my feelings about it overall, but there's also the fact that everyone seems to be under the impression that Claude was trying to console Byleth like Edelgard and Dimitri were and so compare his reaction to theirs which... is a bit unfair, considering that's not the case. Byleth makes themselves appear far more composed in front of Claude than the other two, so Claude is facing an entirely different scenario than them - it's hard to directly compare it like you can comparing Edelgard's and Dimitri's reactions with each other. The worst thing Claude does imo is say that he'd sneak around and take it, which might would have more weight to it if Byleth like... cared. At all. After the scene is done? Which they don't. Like you can pick the option that "denies" Claude all you want, Byleth as a character literally never brings it up again, so they obviously don't care about it that much. I'm not about to say that line isn't insensitive, nor am I saying his scene is more "touching" or whatever than Dimitri's (which I've seen said a few times and lol, no that's not true, Dimitri is by far the most empathetic), but to say Claude demanded the diary and to say he was only out for its secrets for his own sake and not Byleth's is just wrong imo
47. Least favourite song in the soundtrack?
Uhhhh?? Ngl the OST is like, really good and all, but I see people namin' names of songs and other than God-Shattering Star I am at a complete loss at what they're talking about lmaoooo, I don't care that much for it. I legit can't think of any song I dislike though... I guess the closest is whatever song that plays during the post ts auxiliary missions since I had to hear it so much trying to max out Claude's dex lmaoooo
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