#Inkopolis Pantheon
redacted-coiner · 3 months
ArissoFictoReligon Terms
[PT: ArissoFictoReligon Terms]
ArissoFictoReligon Definition(link)
Terms used: The Gaggle of Discord, Narrators Plot, Knights of the Triforce, The Legendary Trainers, Inkopolis Pantheon
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[The Gaggle of Discord ID: none yet]
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[Narrators Plot ID: none yet]
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[Knights of the Triforce ID: none yet]
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[The Legendary Trainers ID: none yet]
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[Inkopolis Pantheon ID: none yet]
[Tags] @arissodic-archive & @ficto-religious-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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kenziedrawz · 2 years
Okay, Unnamed Godperor au time.
So, in this au everything follows the natural coroika timeline from blue teams perspective, until we get to Gloves.
In this au, Gloves is the current Square King, having won the tournament a year ago. But why? Well, Emperor isn't, really, here to be the Square king so who better than Gloves to be the Square king?
After Team blue wins the Square King cup, a week later a new cup is announced, the Heaven Square Cup. The Heaven Square cup only happens every five years, but the winners of the Square king cup are unable to participate. So Blue team has to take the side-lines cause it's Yellow-Green team's turn to shine!
But how does the Heaven Square cup work? Well, it works mostly like the square king cup, except at the very end you get to fight team Pantheon, aka Emperor and his team. If you win the battle, congrats! You've beaten god! But if you lose then battle, then your life is sacrificed in turn to keep the barrier around Inkopolis going.
Oh right, I forgot to tell you.
You see, Inklings are not the species at the top of the food chain, I'd say that they are higher middle. The real creatures at the top of the food chain are these giant sea monsters that eat basically anything. Long before the great turf war, a pledge to the gods was made by the Inkling and Octarian races, Sacrifices in exchange for protection. So this giant barrier was created around their settling, which far later became Inkopolis.
Anyways, back to present times, Rider is fighting god.
And as the battle comes to a close... everyone patiently waits for the results. Team Yellow-Green... had won, by a single decimal percentage. They did it, they fought god, and they won.
But what about the barrier? Oh, don't worry about that, it's not going to up and disappear out of nowhere, Emperor still has enough sacrifice power to keep it up for a decade or two. Enough time for someone to lose in the Heaven Square cup again.
( Also you know the move that Yellow-green team performed with their specials? yeah, it worked here because having someplace to stand whilst going up against Tenta-missles is bullshit the non-direct ink will build up and splat you.)
So, what happens now?
Well, Emperor gets the big gay but he doesn't know if it's because Rider was literally the first person to beat him in a turf war, to actually splat his mortal form. Or if he generally likes him in the romantic sense.
So what does he do? Summon the previous square king to a mountain for romance advice. I kid you not. And at 3am in the morning as well.
anyways, here's some fun facts.
The gods in this au are not immortal, they just live for very long and have ten hearts.
This au contains a lot of Emprider if you didn't notice
Emperor has three forms, a god form, a mortal form( basically his Manga appearance.) and a mix between the two.
None of team pantheon(team emperor) have experienced being attracted to someone before, it's very confusing.
Anyways yeah that's all i have for this AU
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Future Plot: Project Prometheus - Chapter 6 (Part 2)
(( Sandra (Not in this chapter), Telemachus (Not in this chapter), Justinian (Not in this chapter), and Chaodis/Pyrrhus belongs to me
Camille, Lee, Depiction of Callie, Janine, Malina (Not in this chapter), and Pacling (Not in this chapter) belong to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula  (Not in this chapter) and Wis (Not in this chapter) h belong to @myzzy and @agenttwo  
Mysteeri  (Not in this chapter) belongs to @dreadangel
Designs of Marina and Wish belong to @teamuntyblue
Emerald and Sapphire  (Not in this chapter) belongs to @twelvetailedkitsune and @son-of-joy
Celeste  (Not in this chapter) belongs to @alpinesquid
Arsenic  (Not in this chapter) belongs to @a-demo-of-a-hero
Jovana  (Not in this chapter) belongs to [classified] ))
Pyrrhus and Jovana were still walking around the Parthenon, patrolling.
"So all this time you were just an unlucky prince of Thessaly that moved to Japan?" Jovana asked.
"I had no claim to rule that part of Greece, and that claim is too old to take. Afterall, Greece is a republic now. My parents brought me to Inkopolis, Japan, to have a fresh start. When I wanted to be a racer, they never spoke to me for the whole middle school." Pyrrhus was looking at the stars. "And I already told Camille about how I just keep moving forward with a smile no matter what. Kept positive."
"And then the Titanomachy came," Jovana pointed out.
"Yeah... I think Camille is still mad at me for wasting that emotional moment in the underworld." Pyrrhus scratches the back of his head. "At least I'm alive and well, and we can start a fresh new relationship--"
"Camille is somewhat a strange girl when it comes to love and trust." Jovana has been chatting with Camille a bit too much. "But she is able to make things work without 'slowing down'."
Pyrrhus stops and looks at Jovana. "Do you think our new relationship won't last?"
"I think it's going well." Jovana then gave this uncomfortable and somehow threatening smile. "Just don't go around breaking her heart."
"Ummm... Okay?" Pyrrhus steps back.
The conversation continued as they continued their patrol.
Back at the Gazebo, Camille is in her silk hammock, about to sleep. She slowly closes her eyes and relaxed. As she falls into a deep sleep, she opens her eyes, finding herself with a caravan that is The Hunt.
The caravan was heading towards Athens.
From the last trials, Camille has received only one ally of the Hunt: Telemachus. Other than him, there's Lee, Callie, Janine, Emerald, Icarus, Cedalion, Morpheus, and Prometheus.
Icarus was gliding over Camille, and he landed by her side, chattering something to her. Camille was still trying to understand the animal.
"Uh..... hey." Camille carefully got up.
"You're up, that's good." Prometheus is riding his horse close to the cart that Camille is in. "We're approaching Athens Parthenon. Let's hope Athena's blessing is still with you."
Camille can see the Parthenon from a distance.
"Also, your grandmother, Janine, is still asleep." Prometheus nods to another cart in the caravan. "And so is Emerald and Telemachus. It seems their personas, Atalanta, Telemachus, and Hyacinthus, will be out of this Trial if they don't wake up once we arrive."
When The Hunt arrives at the Parthenon, the Acropolis around it is already showing signs of turning into ruins. Dinner is being prepared using grains, olives, olive oil, apples, and a few proteins; Lee and Callie were cooking this time.
Morpheus and Prometheus were on the lookout, making sure the opponent faction arrives.
Icarus and Cedalion were fighting over something. The bronze automaton demi-god has his helmet feather plume missing. the flying squirrel has it in his mouth. Camille decided to intervene, kneeling down.
"Woah, alright guys, what's the going on." Camille separated them in case they fight.
The flying squirrel began chattering.
"Princess Camilla, Icarus stole my feather plume for my helmet, and he won't give it back!" Cedalion pointed his sword at Icarus.
The flying squirrel chattered in reply. Cedalion reacted in annoyance.
"You take that back!" Cedalion wanted to get closer.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Camille looked at Icarus. "You need to give the feather back to Cedalion, Icarus."
The flying squirrel still didn't want to give the feather plume up. In second, he reluctantly has the feather plume back to Cedalion. Cedalion attached the feather plume back on his helmet before walking away with a "hmph".
Later, the stars of Constellation, Auriga the Charioteer, illuminated and aligned. The next trial is coming, yet the opposing faction hasn't come. The Judges of the Underworld, Aeacus, Rhadamanthus, and Minos, aren't surprised that a faction is late.
"How incompetent of the opposing faction," Aeacus stated in annoyance, "They're late."
Camille leans against a pillar. Prometheus stood close to her, holding his orb of fire.
"I can sense them coming..." Prometheus detected.
"Wait, here they come... it can't be...," Rhadamanthus stated.
"Is that...?" Mino is also surprised.
An inkling woman arrived, dressed in finest silk chiton and cotton cloak and adorned in gold and bronze. She has auburn hair and light skin; she is blind with her eyes closed with a calm look. She carried with her a satchel attached to a storage jar -- a vessel that once carried something eldritch and vile.
Beside her is an adult inkling in a tunic and cloak with his ink hair is beige. His eyes are orange, and his skin is light. He is armed with an ax. He looked foolish yet positive, and he's different from the clever Prometheus. However, there was a trace of guilt and weakness in his smile and laid-back eyes.
"Pandora," Prometheus addressed grimly before looking at the inkling beside her, "Brother... Epimetheus."
The inkling named Epimetheus look at Prometheus. He then looked down, not wanting to speak. Pandora sighed.
"This relic of the Pantheon, according to The Hunt, is responsible for tampering with the Trials, "Aeacus speculated, "Sadly, there is no way to punish her for this is the first time it has happened."
"It's been awhile, Prometheus," Pandora began.
"It has, Pandora..." Prometheus is staring at Epimetheus. "Brother, you don't need to follow her."
"But she's my responsibility," Epimetheus argued.
Prometheus didn't leave a comment. He shook his head. He knew what else was left in Pandora's vessel, but it was opposite of evil. He used it before.
"So......,." Camille steps in, ready to perform the trial, "What should we call your faction, Pandora?"
"You'll see," Pandora replied.
"So be it!" Aeacus boomed. "The Hunt shall face Pandora and The Penitence. You all know the sin of this woman, and it's mortifying that you'll face her."
"And I am not alone... I can sense Morpheus is among your faction." A shadow walks around Pandora, standing by her side.
The shadow reveals itself as a centaur adorned with grey rags. The human half is an inkling with black messy inkhair, pale ashy white skin, and hollow eyes with a glow deep in the darkness. The stallion half is that of a black mare. He wielded a scythe and lantern.
"Icelus Phobetor.... brother of Morpheus," Prometheus addressed, "God of Nightmares."
"Brother..." Morpheus didn't look too glad to meet him.
Icelus didn't say anything, but he did point his scythe at Camille. His look was that of hostility. Camille can feel that vibe hit her, but she tried to overcome the fear it brought. Her glare made Icelus stop.
"An interesting trial," Aeacus observed.
"This is the first time factions faced each other in a trial with both under the guidance of gods or goddesses," Rhadamanthus stated.
"Still, Morpheus and Icelus cannot participate," Minos reminded, "It's the rules."
"The Trial this time is a return to simplicity," Aeacus stated, "With a twist."
"A twist?" Camille questioned.
"Yes, Princess Camilla, a twist," Aeacus replied, "This shall be the Trial of Duels."
"One-on-one?" Camille raised an eyebrow and crosses her arms. "That's it?"
"But it's just not one-on-one with weapons and all." Aeacus is then heard clapping hands once. "In this trial, you will not just have your own weapons and magic at your disposal. The Pantheon's assets are yours for such a battle."
"But the assets you'll earn depend on the deity you'll swear your pledge to," Rhadamanthus specified, "Or at least have already sworn to."
"Pick your champion, factions," Aeacus commanded.
Pandora steps forward, having already decided it should be her. Prometheus began to step in to face what is legally her sister-in-law. However, Camille and Lee pull him back to consult with the other members of The Hunt.
Janine, Telemachus, and Emerald were still asleep in this dream realm, meaning they're still awake outside. The only available members were Lee, Callie, Icarus, Cedalion, and Prometheus. Morpheus, again, can't participate since he's a dream god.
"Emmy, Telly, and Grandma Janine aren't gonna wake up any minute, so now what?" Camille asked.
"I want to do this," Prometheus volunteered.
"No way." Lee can tell the family tensions between Prometheus, his brother, and Pandora. "It doesn't feel right to step in just to settle personal conflicts."
"And it would hurt your brother more if you end up defeating Pandora," Callie rationalized.
Prometheus knew the risks, but it was a hard decision that he needed to rethink. It was either defeat the woman created out of his "sins" or crush the hope of reconciling with his brother. He shook his head.
"I'll leave it to the leader of the party then, as always." Prometheus looks to Camille. "Who shall go?"
Camille looked at those who are available. She doesn't want to put either of her parents in, and she didn't want to put herself between Prometheus and her brother and his brother's wife. It would sound cruel to send Icarus in, worrying that he would end up as ashes. And she hates to imagine Cedalion ending up as scraps.
Morpheus then informs her about Icelus.
"Camille-- I mean Princess Camilla." Morpheus look over his shoulder to look at Icelus. He then looked at Camille. "Their dream god, Icelus, works for Moros. He's part of the Children of Nyx."
Camille quickly decided. "Then I guess I'll go."
Afterward, Camille steps forward to face Pandora. She looks over Pandora shoulder and gave a death stare are Icelus.
"You judges know who blessed me, and she's the one I pledged to," Camille played along as Camilla.
"My pledge is to Zeus," Pandora declared. Then her hands emit lightning from the elbows to the fingertips.
"And just before you fight," Aeacus lectured, "The games ends when the fighter collapses first. Now go!"
Camille puts on Camilla's helmet before having the bronze spear and wooden shield out, and owl wings sprouted from her back. She flapped them gently and flew in midair. She narrowed her eyes.
"I've fought your kind before," Pandora stated, "The Amazons are quite superior to mortals. Orion should've gone for one rather than raping--"
Camille wasn't impressed and quickly cut her off. "Oh shut up!" She threw her bronze spear down at Pandora.
Pandora sends a lightning bolt at the spear, breaking it into pieces. She then whipped lightning strikes at Camille. Camille uses the wooden shield to deflect the bolts. Instead, the wooden shield ends up burning, so she unequips it and disposes of it. She took out a bow and some arrows.
"Take this!" Camille fire three arrows with the best aim she has.
Only one arrow was able to hit Pandora, and it only left a small cut on her ear.
In response, Pandora shoots arrows into the sky which in turn sent smaller bolts down on Camille in the form of rain. This forces Camille to stop flying.
Camille took this as a chance to deliver an attack during her landing. She takes out Camilla Penthesilea’s signature bronze ax and lands towards Pandora. Once she's close she was about swing downwards with the ax.
Pandora steps back to avoid getting hit. Camille then took off her helmet and threw it at Pandora which leaves her opponent getting out of balance. This simply made Pandora fall back.
Camille knew she won, but then glaring upwards -- specifically staring at the Judges of the underworld.
".......That was too anti-climatic, is it not?" Aeacus asked.
"We need to work Athen's trial, Aeacus," Minos concluded.
Pandora got up and giggled. "But know this, Judges! I came to tell you that I have control over the Trials now. I've changed the rules."
This left the three judges surprised and outraged.
"How could this be?" Rhadamanthus commented.
"How dare you, Pandora!" Aeacus boomed.
"We still hold the responsibility to spectate and inform the factions," Minos replied.
Prometheus, Morpheus, Camille, and Lee run over to stand by Camille's side. Icelus and Epimetheus stood by Pandora's side again. Callie and Lee grab Camille and bring her back to The Hunt's caravan.
"You're doing this to get a better chance to rejoin the Pantheon," Prometheus accused.
"I belong in Olympus," Pandora stated.
"I suggest you relieve your control over the trials back to the judges before you hurt the chances of the other factions," Prometheus urged.
Epimetheus steps in. "Leave Pandora be, brother."
Camille looks up and noticed the next constellation. She took out her sea glass spectacles and watch the stars align. The next constellation revealed itself, Hercules, aligning its stars. Its brightest star, Beta Herculis (Kornephoros), beams a light down northeast and into the mountains. The next trail was in a waterfall in a land called Scythia which is quite far. 
 The name almost made Camille laugh, but she was in the center of a somewhat-heated conversation.
Morpheus and Icelus leave both factions after that conversation.
When Camille was going to leave the dream realm, she can feel the dream become clouded with nightmares. This annoyed her at first, but that annoyance turned to fear. She tosses and turns, but was soon calmed by a gentles touch.
Callie and Lee were there, but they were also asleep, leaving the dream realm.
Janine was awake.
"You can't hide behind the mask forever." Prometheus entered the tent.
Janine looks behind her and at Prometheus.
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redacted-coiner · 3 months
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Inkopolis Pantheon
[PT: Inkopolis Pantheon]
Inkopolis Pantheon, a Ficto-Religion(link) related to the Idols from the Splatoon games. This is for those who account the Idols from the games as some sort of religions figure, this can be due to the idea that they help save the world or that they understand our future due to being from it. Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. ( the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach )
Group Titles: The Sisters Club, Deep Cuts Club, and The Hooks Club
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
Fultist/Fults DNI!!
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Future Plot: Project Prometheus - Chapter 1
(( Sandra, Justinian, Telemachus, Iruka, Kitzeh, Agent 7 (mentioned), Hera of the motherly moon (Mentioned)  and Pyrrhus/Chaodis belong to me
Camille, Marina, and Pacling (mentioned) belong to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula and Wish belong to @myzzy and @agenttwo  
Mysteeri belongs to @dreadangel
Designs of Marina and Wish belong to @teamuntyblue
Emerald and Sapphire belong to @twelvetailedkitsune and @son-of-joy
Agent 0 (mentioned) belong to @son-of-joy
Celeste and Willow (mentioned) belong to @alpinesquid
Arsenic belongs to @a-demo-of-a-hero ))
Camille managed to get Nebula, Justinian, Emerald, and Sapphire to come with her as they were hanging out in Inkopolis Square along with Marina and Wish. As for Telemachus, he was found in Octo Valley with his little sister, Iruka, hanging out with Kitzeh, the Inkatarian Hybrid and Agent 7's daughter, in what was once Cuttlefish's Shack. Telemachus decides to join only if Iruka comes with them. Camille had to agree which made Iruka squeal in bliss, still thinking that Camille and Nebula are Callie and Marie.
Agent 0 decided not to go for he is done being a Champion of Ares. He did pray they stay safe even though he had trained his daughter to take care of themselves. Hera of the Motherly Moon is with her mother, Agent Beta 10, having some family bonding on another planet. She was the champion of the goddess Hera and the cupbearer Hebe. Willow, who was Champion of Asclepius, didn't want to come for similar reasons that Agent 0 had; however, she did hope Celeste would be okay. Agent 7, who was once the Champion of Heracles, refused to go, thinking the job is done; instead, he sends his adopted daughter, Sandra, to represent for him.
Kitzeh still kept that hidden passage to Hephaestus's Forge in her personal guild pub. The passage still has that mine cart. It still transports Camille's party a full speed with the end, catapulting them into a pile of pillows.
Camille, Nebula, Justinian, Celeste, Emerald, Sapphire, Telemachus, and Kitzeh were the only ex-champions that came. In addition, Marina, Wish, Iruka, and Sandra also joined for various reasons. And it turns out that Arsenic and Chaodis were already in Hephaestus's Forge, representing as champions of Hephaestus and Eris respectfully.
Meanwhile, someone has followed Camille's Party -- one more person that took interest in what Camille is doing.
Arsenic and Pyrrhus run over to help their friends out of the pillow pile.
"Arsenic, I thought you and Hephaestus replaced the catapult cart and cushion," Camille remembered.
"Oh... Uh..... we forgot," Arsenic folds her arms, "Wanna fight about it?"
"I don't think we have time for that," Pyrrhus intervened. He offers a hand to Camille so that he can help her up.
Camille sarcastically laughs. "Welcome to Hephaestus's Forge I guess...... It's been a while." She gets up and dusts herself. "And I can help myself, Chao-Chao." That was the nickname she gave Pyrrhus when he was called Chaodis.
She's now recalling many things that happened in the forge, including how the Olympic Champions began their journey. She then remembered something -- something grim and heart-wrenching -- two funerals.
"So what exactly are we back here for?" Telemachus asked, remembering the forge.
Camille snapped out of her sudden trance of remembering things.
"...Hephaestus told me to bring you guys back here," Camille explained. She looked bothered, still trying to get over the fact her parents got kidnapped and that Janine is missing.
Anger -- and only anger -- is what's building up within Camille.
The news about Moros kidnapping the parents of Camille has spread all around the Mythological world of Greece. From the descendants of the Amazons to the residents of the Underworld, they all knew who Camille was and they all know what Moros did. Most of the people of Inkopolis only know that Camille's Family -- except Pacling -- have gone missing.
Marina and Nebula place their hands on Camille's shoulders, hoping to comfort her. Camille looked at them and smiled.
Pyrrhus and Arsenic took the ex-champions and their allies to the Vault, the very sanctuary housing the 20 heirlooms of their respective Olympians. Hephaestus is in one of the halls leading to the Vault, carving up a statue of Eris to replace the deteriorating one. Hephaestus started lecturing, sensing the ex-champions' presence:
"When the first primordial, Chaos, created the universe, the worlds, and the waters of the Classical World, water-meadow dove Eurynome and ocean-wind snake Ophion were the first lifeforms created. Both titans were granted the power to create, resulting in the creation of the thirteen other Primordials and the Earth of the Classical World. When Eurynome exiles Ophion to Tartarus, his power was divided among the Primordials and herself. Thus, lead to the descendants of gods and the creation of mortals of the Classical world. The rest is mythological history then complete legends.
We Olympians are descended from two of the fifteen Primordials that helped shape the classical world: Uranus and Gaia. You can say that Eurynome is both the Ancestor of all Titans and creator of the Classical World. Ophion's divine power over the winds was given to Aeolus and the Anemoi by Eurynome. The Titan Cronus earned his time powers from Chronos. The Olympian Eros is an incarnation of the Primordial Eros. And Moros and the Children of Nyx descend from Erebus and Nyx."
Hephaestus puts down his tools and sighs. He looked tired.
"The resting places of Athena, Triton, and Melinoe... they've disappeared." Hephaestus stops sculpting and approaches the door. "And the Olympian Family Tree has somehow....... rejuvenated."
"What do you mean by that?" Telemachus asked.
"The Gods have returned." Hephaestus opens the doors. "Someone was using the Omphalos Stone. Hermes returned to Mount Othrys to check on it, and it's been stolen. But I'll handle that later."
The Vault's hall was still empty with nothing but the pedestals and the 20 treasured heirlooms of the gods. Behind each pedestal is a mosaic portrait made of clay, marble, and granite, displaying the major Olympian deities. On each pedestal, the heirlooms were still intact and untouched for some time.
This amazed Marina, Wish, Iruka, and Sandra as they never seen this place. The ex-champions, on the other hand, have been here several times when the Titans and Typhon threatened the world.
"You know what do, children," Hephaestus permitted.
Camille, Nebula, Justinian, Celeste, Emerald, Sapphire, Telemachus, and Kitzeh stepped forth to their former pedestals: Athena, Poseidon, Persephone and Demeter, Hestia, Apollo, Artemis, Hades, and Dionysus. Pyrrhus did the same, standing front of the pedestals of Eris. Arsenic already retrieved Hephaestus's Heirlooms. Soon Sandra stepped forth as well, but Hephaestus blocks her way.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hephaestus questioned.
Camille stood by Sandra to intervene. "She's taking his father's place."
"As the champion of Heracles, sir," Sandra bowed slightly.
Hephaestus looked into Sandra's eyes, and he shook his head. Instead of telling Sandra she isn't suited for the role, he shakes his head, denying the inkling the right to take Heracles's Nemean Lion Cloak. Camille sighed and pats Sandra's shoulder.
"It'll be alright, Sandy," Camille then walks over to Athena's Pedestal.
Nebula retrieves Poseidon's Trident and Triton's Conch Shell; Emerald and Sapphire retrieve Apollo's Bow and Artemis's Tiara respectively; Celeste retrieves Hestia's ball of clay which the goddess called her "Heart"; Justinian retrieves Persephone's Staff and Demeter's Satchel; Arsenic retrieves Hephaestus's Hammer and Tongs; Pyrrhus retrieves Eris's Golden Apple of Discord.
When Pyrrhus transforms, he's no longer himself; he is now Chaodis Diamachi, Descendant of Achilles. Adorned in crow feathers, lead, silver, and little gold, he still looked like Eris, the goddess who deceived him as a mother.
With one glance at the boy who is now Chaodis, memories deep in Camille's mind were resurfacing like beasts trying to break free of their cage. She had to look away and ignore what she saw and did back then. She looked back at Athena's Pedestal. She retrieves Athena's spear, but when she tries to take Zeus's thunderbolt on the pedestal next to her, it electrocutes her.
"Ahh!" Camille retracts her arms away from the thunderbolt. "What gives!?"
"It must be looking for another champion." Telemachus tries to retrieve Hades's Helmet of Invisibility, but it left a frostbitten touch. He retracts his hands away before the helmet engulfs itself in ice. "I guess it's the same with me."
"Dionysus's Thyrsus Wand and Wine Jug is stuck to the pedestal." Kitzeh seems to have trouble retrieving her heirloom.
Hephaestus takes notice of the issues. "That's not supposed to happen... I'm afraid they're searching for other champions. I don't know why." He then looked alarmed as he took a closer look. "So that's what the material does..."
The kids don't know what the god meant by that until they noticed a change in color from the Olympian heirlooms. They appeared glass like and filled with clouds and stars as if the veils of the galaxies and nebulas have been trapped in these belongings. Only Hephaestus's Hammer and Tongs remained in their bronze alloy form along with Hermes's Talaria and Caduceus (which are with the god at the moment).
"Wow..." Iruka was amazed by the new appearance of the Olympian heirlooms.
"What does this is mean?" Marina asked Hephaestus. "Does it have something to do with the Gods returning?"
Marina has studied mythology for the sake of understanding the past. She knew the Ancient Greeks of Human Civilization have a faith around Mount Olympus and all of Greece, but the idea of mythology repeating like this was new to her. She didn't know Camille, Nebula, and a number of others have ended up in the affairs of the Greek Pantheon, especially in the Titanomachy.
"I forgot to mention to you kids that the revived Olympians came to my Forge and retrieved their Heirlooms back," Hephaestus explained, "Hermes and I were quite confused. When they got their heirlooms, I replaced them with replicas made of a type of an enchanted Adamant that I call Promethean Glass. With the fire of Olympus and the sands made from the stone that Prometheus was chained to. They still act like their original."
"You're saying the real heirlooms are with their rightful owners?" An anonymous girl asked, stepping into the Vault. "Shouldn't they handle this for Camille?"
"Mysteeri?" Camille turns her head towards the Vault entrance with the other kids following.
Entering through the Vault door, an inkling girl much older than the other squids and octopi appears before her. She appeared like normal: yellow eyes, black and magenta hair like Callie's, and dark skin. Then suddenly, the ice engulfing Hades's Helmet thaws, glowing for Mysteeri.
"Were you following us?" Wish asked.
"Yes, and I heard about what happened to Camille's parents and grandmother." Mysteeri then looked at Hades's Helmet. She can hear it calling to him. "And I want to help." She started stepping towards the pedestal of Hades.
Telemachus noticed this and stepped aside so that Mysteeri can pick up the helmet. The Helmet has chosen her. She places her hand on the helmet and picks it up. Hephaestus encourages her to put it on, and she did.
In seconds, Mysteeri transforms, appearing in a black skin-tight suit with a lily and cobra design with white gloves and gold studded bracelets, hot pink and gold sandals, two leather belts strapped on each arm, and black-wing sleeves. A diadem is over her chest with the symbol, Pluto, Hades’s symbol. Hades's helmet of invisibility made up her hairstyle: a beehive-like hairdo with bangs sweeping to the right. The hair is wrapped with two leather strips each with three diadems and they extend down her ears.
Mysteeri is the new Champion of Hades.
She looked at herself, but she looked indifferent towards the new attire.
Soon Sandra is suddenly heard screaming. Everyone looked towards her, and she was glowing as bright as the sun. When the light dies down, Sandra wasn't there. Instead, there's a white lion-headed warrior in a war robe of bronze and fiery gold; her belt is leather, carrying a sword made of bronze-gold alloy. The warrior is humanoid with large lion paws and a slightly muscular tone.  The warrior appeared in it's 20's.
The lion-headed warrior was looking down at its hands, surprised yet confused.
"Where did she go?" Mysteeri asked.
"Sandra was just here in the vault," Emerald supported.
"And now there's a lion-man in here?" Celeste was looking at the warrior.
"Agent 7 is gonna kill us..." Justinian sounded nervous.
"We saw her touch the lion cloak," Wish explained.
"Yeah, she just stared at the pedestal and walked towards it, and then she just grabbed it," Marina added.
"She must've touched the lion cloak out of curiosity," Nebula assumed.
"But who's the lioness?" Iruka asked, amazed that the lioness-headed warrior came out of nowhere.
"It's me, guys." Sandra's voice was coming from the Lioness-headed warrior.
Sandra is the new Champion of Heracles.
Sandra grabs her lioness-head and pulled it back like a hood, revealing herself. She looked older with her indigo hair tied back. Overall she was beautiful. She smiled.
"How do I look?" Sandra asked.
Hephaestus was going to disapprove of this and demand her to put it back on the pedestal, but when he looked at Sandra's Olympian form, he nods in respect. Telemachus takes his sister, Iruka, out of the Vaults to explore the Forge; he convinces Wish and Marina to join. The returning Champions welcome Sandra and Mysteeri as new Champions.
"Now that almost all the Champions are here with new honorary members, let me show you all what has happened." Hephaestus looks to Arsenic. "Get Telemachus and those other kids, take them to the elevator." He then looked to Kitzeh. "As for you?"
"I'll... be heading back to my pub in Octo-Valley... I know my way out." Kitzeh bows in respect and simply leaves the Vault and later the Forge.
Hephaestus has Arsenic guide the former Olympian Champions to some room while he guides Sandra and Mysteeri to his main forge. Hephaestus took the Keys of the Underworld with him. It was originally a key blade, but not it's two simple keys.
The Blacksmith god reaches out to Mysteeri, gesturing her to hand him weapons she has with her.
"Got any weapons in your possession?" Hephaestus asked.
Mysteeri steps forward and took out two pistols -- one purple and one silver. They were her signature weapons: War and Death.
"This is all I've got," Mysteeri replied, "They're called War and Death."
Hephaestus takes the weapons, but Mysteeri gave a slight sign of concern. Still, she trusts the Blacksmith god. He was going to make a few modifications.
"Quite rare of me to forge firearms... but mixing it with the Keys of the Underworld..." Hephaestus started tempering both the first gun, War, and the first key. He places them on an anvil, holding them with tongs, and started hammering with his hammer. "Let War become Polemos." Hephaestus then worked on the other gun, Death. "And let Death become Thanatos."
When Hephaestus was finished he handed the guns back. They appear more like a key but the trigger and barrel almost visible. Mysteeri tried it out and shot down four lanterns. She smiled at her new guns, Polemos and Thanatos. She can see the galaxies and stars cloak her weapons.
Hephaestus then looked to Sandra. "As for you, I already had a weapon made for the former champion of Heracles." He goes over to a stone chest and opens it to pull out a unique ax also cloaked in galaxies and stars. "I modified Heracles's club so that it can act like an ax. Now it's yours." He hands it to her.
Sandra takes it and noticed how heavy it was. She didn't mind the weight.
"Thank you," Sandra said.
"This is the least I can do for newcomers." Hephaestus gives Sandra and Mysteeri a hand gesture to follow him. "Come, it's time I show you the city I've built beyond Mount Olympus."
Hephaestus leaves his cyclopes to manage activity in the Forge, he then takes the Champions -- transformed into their Olympian forms -- to a massive room of marble where the 20 Olympian Gods were painted on the dome ceiling. In the center of the room is a bronze lever in the shape of a thunderbolt, a carved bone, and a trident bundled together. Arsenic came just in time with Telemachus, Iruka, Marina, and Wish.
Before Hephaestus and pulls the lever back, he approaches Telemachus, Iruka, Marina, and Wish. He hands each of the four something: golden cloaks with a medallion depicting six arms sharing a lightning bolt.
"This city doesn't allow mortals through unless protected with this," Hephaestus explained, "The symbol on these medallions show that you're under The Six's protection."
"The Six?" Iruka wondered.
"The first Olympians," Telemachus answered, "Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus."
"Who would build a city at the top of the mountain?" Marina asked, knowing that a few settlements were established around Olympus only and not on the mountain itself.
"Who said it was built at the top of a mountain?" Hephaestus pulls the lever.
There was a roaring sound and the room started to feel like a real elevator, rising to the top. However, the way this elevator accelerate made the Champions and the four other children stagger a bit and get on their knees. Only Hephaestus remained standing as the elevator goes up. When the elevator reached the top, everyone but Hephaestus ended up flung in mid air for a few seconds before falling to the ground.
Hephaestus and Arsenic open the doors to reveal a vast city built in the clouds of the sky's shining blue. Enchanted bronze foundations kept the city afloat with every building surrounded by cloistered courtyards where the finest vegetation grow and the walkways are paved with gold. Unique jumps pads were placed everywhere to help some residents make their way from one building to another. The residents here were all walking about, wearing tunics, chitons, gold, and bronze.
"Welcome to Olympus, the true home of the Olympians." Hephaestus steps into his rebuilt home. "I'm taking all of you to the Acropolis where you'll take your oaths as champions."
Soon there was the sound of galloping, the sound of stomping, and the sound of horses and oxen pulling chariots.
"Woooo!!! The sun is faster than the moon, Artemis!!" A young man with fair skin and dark hair flies by, driving a gold chariot pulled by four fiery steeds. At his side is a guardian made of yellow light.
"Apollo! Slow down, this isn't a race!!" A young girl with fair skin and dark hair followed her brother, driving a silver chariot pulled by two horses with ghostly feathered and helmets that make their heads look like that of oxen. Beside the girl is a blue ghostly maiden.
"Helios, Selene, how are their chariot driving lessons going?" Hephaestus called to the guardian and maiden.
"Apollo still needs to watch their speed!" The guardian replied.
"Artemis would make good use of this chariot for his nightly hunts!" The maiden replied.
Hephaestus laughs. Everyone was amazed. Apollo and Helios drive faster, racing his sister, Artemis, and Selene; both of them didn't take notice of the Inktran Sisters. Emerald and Sapphire run over to watch the two gods continue their race. Sapphire looked closely and noticed the two gods carrying their Heirlooms.
"Was that Apollo and Artemis?" Emerald asked Hephaestus.
"Both reborn anew..." Hephaestus stood by the Inktran Sisters' side. "And your their champions."
"Are all the gods here?" Nebula walked over Emerald side. Justinian stood next to her.
"They're living among the mortals, living mortal lives with their powers still intact," Hephaestus answered, "But they're enjoying these decent lives."
"I thought the gods looked down on mortals,"  Mysteeri argued with Hephaestus's back turned. She has little knowledge of Greek Mythology, but she sure knows that the Pantheon has mixed views of mortals.
"A certain messenger convinced them otherwise, and they learned from the Trojan War." Hephaestus is talking about Hermes, indicating the revived gods still remember what they did in their past lives. "The Olympian Pantheon are carrying out sentences as punishment, and the only one carrying the longest sentence is Eris."
When Hephaestus mentioned Eris, Chaodis stepped over to stand by Sapphire.
"Does she regret what she did?" Chaodis asked. "Or does she still enjoyed the pleasure and thrill in that chaos she made?"
No one wanted to remember those days. There were mixed emotions among the group; Iruka, Marina, and Wish stood silently, knowing something happened and was caused by the goddess Eris. Hephaestus sighed, not wanting to answer.
Chaodis looks down grimly, knowing the answer already. "My apologies, Hephaestus."
"Let's just continue on the Acropolis." Hephaestus guides them there.
The Olympian Acropolis entrance was a stairway to a starry dome room. Half the floor has a ghostly image of a resting titan with a pyre made over where his heart would be. All the constellations can be seen and four constellations were glowing so brightly that lines were connecting the stars: Orion, Libra, Virgo, and Taurus. Camille looked up at those constellations. The Muses were there with wood-carved staffs and round shields.
An altar was built in front of the pyre, and at that altar, Hestia stood proud and tall, carrying her True Heart. She appears like the perfect mother to all, and she was dressed in sandy brown and gold. She had a shoal of charcoal and lumber brown.
"Aunt Hestia." Hephaestus bows.
"Hephaestus, rise for me. No need for such politeness." Hestia smiled at Celeste. "My Champion, you and the others are here to retake your oaths?" She then smiled to Mysteeri and Sandra. "And you two are here to take the oaths in place of the old champions?" She then smiled at Telemachus, Iruka, Marina, and Wish. "And their possible allies? Welcome to Olympus."
The former champions nod, Mysteeri and Sandra nod, and the rest bow.
Hestia giggles and gestures the former champions to step forward and get on one knee with their right hand placed where their own hearts are. Telemachus, Iruka, Marina, and Wish stood where they were and watched. The Muses stand around them in a circle. Hestia asked them to repeat after her:
"...You speak that which we know well: nay, even of ourselves we know that your wisdom and understanding is exceeding, and that you became a defender of the deathless ones from chilling doom. And through your devising, we'll come back again from the murky gloom and from our merciless bonds ... And so now with fixed purpose and deliberate counsel we will aid your power in dreadful strife and will fight..." (Theogony, Line 617; Hesiod)
Afterward, Hestia gestures Sandra and Mysteeri to come forth and do the same thing, but with hymns.
Sandra repeated two hymns after Hestia.
Sandra's first hymn is spoken with the Muses:
"I will sing of Heracles, the son of Zeus and much the mightiest of men on earth. Alcmena bare him in Thebes, the city of lovely dances, when the dark-clouded Son of Cronos had lain with her. Once he used to wander over unmeasured tracts of land and sea at the bidding of King Eurystheus, and himself did many deeds of violence and endured many; but now he lives happily in the glorious home of snowy Olympus, and has neat-ankled Hebe for his wife. Hail, lord, son of Zeus! Give me success and prosperity." (Homeric Hymns, Hymn 15)
Sandra's second hymn is spoken with Frankincense burning:
"Hear, pow’rful, Heracles untam'd and strong, ... 'Tis thine strong archer, all things to devour, supreme, all-helping, all-producing pow'r;  To thee mankind as their deliv'rer pray, whose arm can chase the savage tribes away: Uweary'd, earth's best blossom, offspring fair, to whom calm peace, and peaceful works are dear. Self-born, with primogenial fires you shine, and various names and strength of heart are thine. Thy mighty head supports the morning light, and bears untam'd, the silent gloomy night; From east to west endu'd with strength divine, twelve glorious labours to absolve is thine; Supremely skill'd, thou reign'st in heav'n's abodes, thyself a God amid'st th' immortal Gods.With arms unshaken, infinite, divine, come, blessed pow'r, and to our rites incline;Th e mitigations of disease convey, and drive disasterous maladies away. Come, shake the branch with thy almighty arm, dismiss thy darts and noxious fate disarm." (Orphic Hymns, Hymn 11)
Mysteeri is next, repeating after Hestia:
"Hades, magnanimous, whose realms profound are fix'd beneath the firm and solid ground... and wrapt forever in the depths of night... Earth's keys to thee, illustrious king belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong. 'Tis thine, abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care... Thy throne is fix'd in Hade's dismal plains, distant, unknown to rest, where darkness reigns; Where, destitute of breath, pale spectres dwell, in endless, dire, inexorable hell... With captive Persephone, thro' grassy plains, drawn in a four-yok'd car with loosen'd reins, Rapt o'er the deep, impell'd by love, you flew 'till Eleusina's city rose to view; There, in a wond'rous cave obscure and deep, the sacred maid secure from search you keep, The cave of Atthis, whose wide gates display an entrance to the kingdoms void of day. Of unapparent works, thou art alone the dispensator, visible and known. O pow'r all-ruling, holy, honor'd light, thee sacred poets and their hymns delight: Propitious to thy mystic's works incline, rejoicing come, for holy rites are thine." (Orphic Hymns, Hymn 17)
"You are all Champions of the Gods --now or again. Go forth in the name of Olympus," Hestia concluded before ending the Oath-Taking Ceremony.
Telemachus, Iruka were congratulating Sandra on being the new Champion of Heracles while Marina, and Wish congratulate Camille and Nebula. The champions were all kind of excited to become champions again. Mysteeri is hanging out mostly with Camille.
Hephaestus was taking them to the courtyard of Zeus's Palace where stories were told that the Greek Pantheon gathered for a full assembly. Gold automaton table arrived out of the palace when Hephaestus came with the champions and allies, offering grape juice and bread while they sat around.
"Pyrrhus told me you revived an old alliance, and I can assume this is the 5th incarnation of the Argonauts," Hephaestus began.
"Why the 5th?" Mysteeri asked.
"A man named Jason formed it for the sake of finding a fleece to get his throne back," Hephaestus explained, "Then a former Argonaut named Ascalaphus of Orchomenus started the 2nd incarnation with fewer heroes during the Trojan War by the request of Agamemnon. The Hero Achilles later replaced Ascalaphus when a spear killed the argonaut. After the Trojan War and the Fall of Olympus, Aeneas of Troy formed the 3rd incarnation of Argonauts to continue the legacy of the Greek Heroes and Pantheon by founding Lavinium. But that incarnation failed when Lavinium was renamed as Alba Longa and later Rome, and the legacy was tarnished."
"And that's where our incarnations of the Argonauts come in after so many years, ohhhhhh... it's like walking down memory lane for me." Camille sounded bored and sarcastic when saying that.
"...And you're right. And Nebula made the request to form the 4th incarnation to fight the Titans, defeat Typhon, and foil Eris's plans." Hephaestus stood up, continuing to talk. "And it dissolved for a good reason. Then there's the 5th incarnation that formed in the land you call America, and it lives on to this day. But..."
"But what, Hephaestus?" Marina asked.
"Who started this recent incarnation?" Hephaestus asked.
The majority of the meeting pointed at Sandra. Iruka didn't know much about Sandra, so she didn't point at her. Camille didn't point because she is focused on getting her parents back and finding her grandmother.
Hephaestus looked at Sandra carefully for a moment and then smiled. Now he understood why Heracles's Heirloom called out to her.
"So... when are going to go after this Moros god?" Camille asked impatiently. "I want to get my mom and dad back!"
"I was just getting to that." Hephaestus gets up. "You'll all be taking your free-time to explore the Mediterranean to investigate for signs of the Children of Nyx."
"Great..." Camille gets up, thinking this isn't going to help find her parents. "Then let's go guys."
"Not so fast, Champion of Athena." Hephaestus halted. "All of you go on and explore Olympus, see what you can bring on the journey. Camille, we need to talk."
Everyone splits up and go about in Olympus, Hephaestus and Camille took a stroll around Zeus's Courtyard. The volcanic Blacksmith God is aware of Camille's attitude at the moment, and want to help her in some way.
"Camille, your parents may be alive," Hephaestus stated, "Probably imprisoned somewhere in Moros's Realm."
"When I get my hands on Moros, he's gonna be ripped apart in more pieces than a popped, shredded tire!" Camille has fire in her eyes. "I swear he's gonna get it!"
"So you're not afraid of Destiny himself?" Hephaestus questioned.
"Destiny can die in a hole for all I care! I make my own destiny!" Camille folds her arms. "So he better give back Mommy and Daddy once I come up to his door steps! I'm not afraid of him..."
"You're afraid of losing them?" Hephaestus further questioned. "Your parents?"
Camille was silent. "... I just want Mommy and Daddy back."
Hephaestus then mentioned something that might help Camille communicate with them. However, there was a catch. They would need to see a wise woman in Athens for this.
"Camille..... will you believe me that there is a way to see your parents again?" Hephaestus asked.
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Future Plot: Project Prometheus - Chapter 8
(( Sandra, Justinian, Telemachus, and Pyrrhus/Chaodis belong to me
Camille, Marina, and Pacling (mentioned) belong to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula and Wish belong to @myzzy and @agenttwo  
Mysteeri belongs to @dreadangel
Designs of Marina and Wish belong to @teamuntyblue
Emerald and Sapphire belong to @twelvetailedkitsune and @son-of-joy
Celeste belong to @alpinesquid
Arsenic belongs to @a-demo-of-a-hero  
Jovana belongs to [Classified] ))
This will be the end of the trips to part of the Mediterranean. Camille wakes up immediately prepare herself and her Party to leave Jur Jur Falls without Athena and Artemis knowing.
Once Camille returns to Mount Olympus, she will demand passage to the Underworld with all the Olympian Champions: Nebula, Mysteeri, Sandra, Justinian, Emerald, Sapphire, Arsenic, Celeste, and Pyrrhus. It may be nearly half of the Olympian Pantheon, but it's enough for Camille when she faces Moros. Plus, she had Jovana on her side, and her time powers is a great asset in the fight.
When she came back to Olympus with her Party, her demand to bring all the Champions to the Underworld is brought up to Hestia at the Olympian Acropolis. Camille face both Hestia and Hephaestus; This time, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades took the time to attend since they were stopping by Olympus.
"You want to go there?" Hestia looked surprised.
"Going to the Underworld?" Hephaestus is alarmed.
"Ares told me where Moros is, so let me go to the Underworld! I'm done dreaming and travel all around places. All those signs of the Children of Nyx mean nothing!" Camille puts her foot down. "And I don't care if it's trespassing! It's either my parents or Hades' head!"
Hades raised a few undead beings from the cracks of the floor. Zeus however, gestures him to remain calm. Hades shook his head and let the dead rest. Zeus stood up, trying to reason.
"Champion of Athena, if you really want to access the Underworld freely, you need Hades' permission." Zeus looks to Hades. "And what you said--"
Hades stands up. "I will allow it."
Poseidon looked at Hades. "They're not ready to fight Moros."
"The Pantheon will not risk it," Zeus supported.
Hades ignored his brothers. "We still have to carry our sentences for Troy. I will sacrifice my sentence to guide you Champions."
Hephaestus, Hestia, Zeus, and Poseidon found this decision inevitable for some reason. They looked to Camille to see what she thinks.
Camille nods. "Whatever helps me get close to Mommy and Daddy, I'll take it."
"You do realize the risk once you face Moros with what you have," Hephaestus questioned.
"And we've all seen how powerful Moros is," Zeus warns.
"I don't care. What I have enough for me." Camille just wants to get this over with.
It's just some bad dream right? Camille thought to herself. The Titanomachy, the dreams, all this... It's just a dream. The Argonauts, the Olympians, Mt. Olympus is still a dream to her. None of this adventure is real, just like those "stories" that Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Sev try to tell me. She'll be back in Inkopolis in no time, and none of this has ever happened.
The journey to the Underworld will begin tomorrow.
Pyrrhus was able to eavesdrop on this negotiation. He thought Camille was fine going on another adventure, but the conversation convinced him that Camille was rushing carelessly. She doesn't care about the journey made so far or even how she's going to end the He decided to follow Camille down to Olympus's Greek Theater where all the Champions are along with Jovana, Malina, Wish, and Telemachus.
Camille was already at the center stage, prepared to announce the news.
"Is every champion here? Good." Camille cracks her knuckles. "Pack up! We're going to the Underworld! We'll head straight towards Moros's place, beat the crap out of him, and save my parents!"
"No way..." Sandra is surprised.
"This is going to be fun." Mysteeri likes the plan.
"The trips to part of the Mediterranean was getting boring anyway." Arsenic stretched her arms.
The other Champions were having surprised reactions. Malina and Wish were somewhat concerned about this plan. Telemachus can recall the last time Camille has been to the Underworld and that was since their Titanomachy.
"We should've done this after we retook the oaths!" Camille raises Athena's spear up. "We'll come to Moros's steps asap!"
"When were we going there? Celeste asked.
Camille puts her spear down. "We're going tomorrow--"
"We are not going anywhere!" Pyrrhus intruded. He looked annoyed. "Camille, we're not ready to face him."
"We ready to face him any time!" Camille looked down at Pyrrhus. "All this time he was living somewhere in the Underworld and all I need to do was ask those gods for permission."
"We need more allies! We don't have champions of the other half of the Pantheon." Pyrrhus then stepped closer, coming face to face with Camille. "I say we search for worthy champions in the Mediterranean and Inkopolis."
"And I say, you shove that idea up your blowhole, Pyrrhus!" Camille exclaimed.
"I know you're sick of tired of this whole journey! You don't care about it just as you don't care about your parent's adventures!" Pyrrhus shows Eris's Golden Apple of Discord. "You think this is all a Greek Play to you. Was all those emotions back in Titanomachy just all an act?"
Mysteeri gets up and intervenes. "Watch your mouth, crow boy."
Pyrrhus then looked to Nebula and Sandra. "Guys, tell Camille that this is not right!"
Nebula looks down, hesitant to express her disagreement. As the Neo Squid Sister, they can disagree all they want, but as Olympian Champions or agents, so many things are at stakes. She refused to reason with Camille.
Sandra obviously wanted to reason. The Argonauts have been formed to include those that aren't Olympian Champions. Sandra was carry on that tradition. But it seems her leadership is being taken by Camille. Sandra shook her head.
Pyrrhus then looked to Sapphire, Emerald, Malina, Wish, Arsenic, Celeste, and then Telemachus. "Guys, anyone..... please..."
None of them wanted to step up. Soon Pyrrhus clenches his fists.
Camille steps towards him to put a hand on his shoulder. "Pyrrhus, we're going to put an end to this."
Pyrrhus turns and pushes Camille away. Mysteeri was ready to beat the squid senseless, but Camille gestures not to.
"No... You are going to put an end to this....." Pyrrhus glared at everyone. "If you can't see Camille's hubris, consider my sail with you all over."
Pyrrhus has his back turned on Camille. He leaves the theatre quietly, heading to some other part of Olympus. Telemachus get up.
"Camille......." Telemachus got a look from Camille. He didn't hesitate. "We need him."
Camille shook her head. "Anyone else wants to leave, you can go. Either help me or get out of the way."
No one left.
"Good, We're preparing for tomorrow," Camille declared.
At night, Camille was with Mysteeri and Jovana at the edge of Olympus. Camille was leaning back against a tree, relaxing. Mysteeri was pacing back and forth, holding Hades' helmet of invisibility and her guns, Polemos and Thanatos, close. She also still has that bottle full of water from the Underworld, and it still teems with souls.
Jovana stood where she can see Camille. "Camille, don't you think this decision will cost you? The Champion of Eris and Eris herself is a double-edged sword when you think about it."
"He chose to not go, and I have no time for those kinds of guy." Camille has her eyes closed. "And to think we were lovers when he was Chaodis-- Blegh!" She's disgusted.
"Looked like ass-hole to me." Mysteeri leans on the other side of the tree. "We don't need him."
"You'll follow me anyway, right, Jovana?" Camille opens her eyes to look at Jovana.
"I'm both your guardian and another close friend... I swore my oath to your and to the Pantheon." Jovana adjusted her mask. "...Malina and Wish are coming."
The two inktoling clones approached Camille, and it was mostly Malina who looked concerned.
"What is it, Malina?" Camille asked.
"Wish and I talked with Telemachus about Pyrrhus, and we decided..." Malina muttered at the end of the sentence.
"You decided what?" Camille raised an eyebrow.
"We decided we have to agree with him," Wish finished, "We're not champions like you guys, but we have a bad feeling about what you're doing."
"...You're joking." Camille stops leaning.
"We'll you only said the Champions will be coming to the Underworld," Malina pointed out, "What about me and Wish?"
"And we learned from Apollo about Mysteeri and Sandra, and we think that prophecy is coming true," Wish warned.
"Okay, you shouldn't listen to that!" Mysteeri called out. "That girl and I will be fine!"
Camille nods. "I can take care of them. I'm willing to take the risk."
"Camille, listen to yourself!" Malina reasoned.
"Look, if you clones want to be useful, go back to Inkopolis!" Camille glared. "At least look after my baby brother, Paccy."
Malina and Wish gasped. Jovana covered her mouth.
".....If that's how it is... fine." Malina walks away. "Come, Wish, Telemachus and Chaodis are waiting for us."
The next day, Telemachus, Malina, and Wish were gone. Pyrrhus us nowhere to be found, and he has taken Eris's Golden Apple of Discord with him.
Hephaestus and Hades were at the great elevator that connects Olympus to Hephaestus's Forge. It turns out this elevator can also take Camille and the Olympian Champions to the Underworld.
Ever since Wish left, Nebula has somewhat distanced herself from Camille. Ever since Malina left, Jovana didn't say a word to Camille, only replying when Camille gave orders and only during small conversations.
Mysteeri, Nebula, Sandra, Emerald, Sapphire, Justinian, Arsenic, and Celeste were all packed up, carrying the heirlooms of their respective Greek deity in the Pantheon.
"Everyone ready?" Hephaestus has a hand on a lever.
"Just pull the lever!" Camille ordered.
"Next stop, my home." Hades gave a slight grin. "Oh, I've wanted to look at my riches again."
The lever was a bundle containing a thunderbolt, a carved bone, and a trident. When Hephaestus pulled it back, the carved bone glowed with violet markings. The elevator platform descended down with such speed.
In seconds, Hephaestus pushes the lever forward to slow the elevator down. Once it stopped, there was darkness. Hades places a hand towards one direction and illuminated a hall of floating lanterns full of green flames.
"A shortcut to Charon's boat," Hades instructed, "Come with me."
As everyone goes, Hephaestus remained at the elevator platform, taking back up to Olympus.
Mysteeri walks beside him. "So what do you know about Moros?"
"Enough to know that my brother, Zeus, can defy him." Hades was looking forward as he walks. "My champion, I think we can stop him somehow."
"Really?" Mysteeri holds out Hades's helmet of invisibility. "Then explain how this helmet is a weapon."
While Hades and Mysteeri were having an interesting conversation. Sandra walked beside Camille.
"I made sure to bring Zeus's thunderbolt just do that you can deliver the final blow for Moros," Sandra informed, "Also, I researched about Moros, and how powerful he is."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient -- We're already here." Camille walked ahead. "And he hasn't done anything yet. His Children of Nyx aren't even targeting us anymore. We have the upper hand once we reach the doors steps."
"He would be in his own little realm, near the entering the depths of Tartarus." Hades heard Camille. "I forgot to mention that."
The hall of lanterns soon end, and Hades guides Camille and her friends to a massive cavern. There was a vast waterway into a dark tunnel, a port made of cedar and ebony, and large ferry boat with oars.
"Charon!" Hades called. "I know you're there!"
From the ship, an elderly man in dark teal robes appears from the rails. He had a staff with him and a lantern.
"Ahhh... Hades! Welcome back!" Charon then looked at Camille and the others. "And Champions of the Pantheon.... most of them."
"It's urgent, bring us to the Underworld!" Hades demanded, taking out a bag of coins. "Payment for the ride."
Charon couldn't help but take the payment. He walks off to open a doorway and order some undead servants to bring out the ramps. He walks out of the ferryboat with welcoming arms.
"Anything for you, my King," Charon welcomed.
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