reitmonero · 7 months
HostGator vs. InMotion Hosting: A Hosting Service Showdown
II. HostGator Overview
A. Background and History
HostGator, founded in 2002 by Brent Oxley, has evolved into one of the leading web hosting providers globally. Initially started in a dorm room, the company rapidly expanded due to its commitment to providing reliable and affordable hosting solutions.
Over the years, HostGator has weathered the dynamic landscape of web hosting, adapting and growing to meet the changing needs of its users. In 2012, the company was acquired by Endurance International Group, a move that further fueled its resources and infrastructure.
B. Key Features and Services Offered
HostGator stands out for its comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of website owners.
Robust Hosting Infrastructure: HostGator boasts a powerful infrastructure with multiple data centers, ensuring high uptime and fast loading times for hosted websites.
Variety of Hosting Plans: From shared hosting for small websites to dedicated servers for high-traffic enterprises, HostGator provides a range of hosting plans catering to different scales and requirements.
User-Friendly Control Panel: The intuitive cPanel empowers users with easy management of their hosting accounts, domain settings, and website configurations.
One-Click Installations: With a vast script library, HostGator simplifies the process of installing popular content management systems and applications, enabling users to get their websites up and running swiftly.
24/7 Customer Support: HostGator is renowned for its responsive customer support, available around the clock via live chat, phone, and ticket system.
C. Pricing Plans
HostGator's pricing structure reflects its commitment to accessibility and scalability.
Shared Hosting: Ideal for small businesses and personal websites, HostGator's shared hosting plans start at an affordable rate, offering features like unmetered bandwidth and a free SSL certificate.
VPS Hosting: For those requiring more resources, the VPS hosting plans provide a balance between shared and dedicated hosting, granting users increased control over their environment.
Dedicated Hosting: Tailored for enterprises with high-traffic websites, HostGator's dedicated hosting plans offer dedicated resources, ensuring optimal performance and customization options.
In conclusion, HostGator's rich history, diverse features, and flexible pricing plans make it a compelling choice for individuals and businesses seeking reliable web hosting solutions.
InMotion Hosting Overview
A. Background and History
InMotion Hosting has established itself as a prominent player in the web hosting industry, boasting a rich history marked by a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Founded in 2001, the company has steadily evolved, carving a niche for itself with a focus on reliable hosting solutions and cutting-edge technologies.
The journey of InMotion Hosting is characterized by a dedication to customer-centric values. The company's founders envisioned providing top-notch hosting services that empower individuals and businesses to thrive online. Over the years, InMotion Hosting has grown its infrastructure and refined its offerings, earning a reputation for reliability and innovation.
B. Key Features and Services Offered
Performance-driven Hosting: InMotion Hosting takes pride in its commitment to performance, leveraging robust infrastructure and utilizing the latest technologies. Their hosting services are designed to deliver speed and reliability, ensuring optimal website performance for users and visitors alike.
Variety of Hosting Solutions: InMotion Hosting caters to a diverse clientele by offering a range of hosting solutions. From shared hosting for individuals and small businesses to dedicated servers for high-traffic websites, they provide a hosting plan for every need. Additionally, their WordPress hosting is tailored for optimal performance with the popular content management system.
Customer Support Excellence: A standout feature of InMotion Hosting is its emphasis on customer support. The company boasts a team of knowledgeable support professionals available 24/7. Whether users encounter technical issues or need guidance on optimizing their hosting environment, the support team is ready to assist.
Security Measures: In an era of increasing online threats, InMotion Hosting prioritizes the security of its users. The hosting provider implements advanced security measures, including DDoS protection, malware scanning, and secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates to safeguard websites and data.
C. Pricing Plans
InMotion Hosting offers transparent and competitive pricing plans, catering to the diverse needs of its user base.
Shared Hosting Plans: Ideal for individuals and small businesses, InMotion Hosting's shared hosting plans come with features such as unlimited bandwidth, free domain registration, and a user-friendly control panel. The pricing is structured to accommodate various budgetary requirements.
VPS Hosting: Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is available for users seeking a more robust hosting solution. InMotion Hosting provides multiple VPS plans with scalable resources, giving users the flexibility to scale their hosting environment based on their evolving needs.
Dedicated Servers: For websites with substantial resource requirements, InMotion Hosting offers dedicated server solutions. These plans provide users with exclusive access to a physical server, ensuring optimal performance and control.
In conclusion, InMotion Hosting stands as a reputable choice in the web hosting landscape, combining a rich history, feature-rich hosting solutions, and customer-centric practices. Whether you're launching a personal blog or managing a complex e-commerce site, InMotion Hosting offers a suite of services designed to elevate your online presence.
IV. Performance and Speed
In the dynamic realm of web hosting, performance and speed stand as paramount benchmarks for evaluating service providers. Here, we delve into a meticulous analysis, comparing HostGator and InMotion Hosting across key metrics.
A. Uptime Statistics for HostGator
HostGator, renowned for its reliability, boasts impressive uptime statistics. With a commitment to ensuring websites remain accessible, HostGator consistently achieves uptime rates exceeding industry standards. Through a robust infrastructure and proactive monitoring, downtime is minimized, offering users a stable online presence.
B. Uptime Statistics for InMotion Hosting
InMotion Hosting, a competitor in the hosting landscape, also prides itself on delivering exceptional uptime. Rigorous systems and redundant networks contribute to minimal service interruptions. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, InMotion Hosting endeavors to provide a hosting environment where downtime is a rare occurrence, fostering trust among users.
C. Page Loading Speed Comparison
Page loading speed, a critical factor influencing user experience and search engine rankings, demands scrutiny. HostGator, optimizing its servers for swift content delivery, demonstrates commendable page loading speeds. The integration of caching mechanisms and content delivery networks contributes to an efficient user experience.
InMotion Hosting, too, places a premium on speed. Employing advanced technologies and strategically located data centers, InMotion Hosting aims to minimize latency, ensuring rapid page loading times. Through meticulous optimization and prioritization of performance, InMotion Hosting strives to elevate the online experience for its users.
As users navigate the digital landscape, understanding the performance and speed nuances of hosting providers is indispensable. The juxtaposition of HostGator and InMotion Hosting in these realms provides a comprehensive perspective, empowering users to make informed decisions aligned with their specific hosting needs.
V. Customer Support
Customer support is a critical aspect when choosing a hosting provider, ensuring that assistance is readily available when needed. In this section, we will delve into the customer support options offered by two prominent hosting providers, HostGator and InMotion Hosting, and assess their response time and effectiveness.
A. HostGator Customer Support Options
24/7 Availability: HostGator provides round-the-clock customer support, allowing users to seek assistance at any time, regardless of their time zone or location.
Live Chat: The live chat feature offers real-time communication with support representatives, enabling users to receive immediate assistance for urgent issues or inquiries.
Ticket System: HostGator employs a ticket system for users to submit detailed queries or problems. This system allows for a systematic approach to problem-solving.
Phone Support: With multiple support phone lines, users can connect with HostGator's support team for direct assistance, fostering a more personalized and immediate resolution process.
B. InMotion Hosting Customer Support Options
24/7/365 Support: Similar to HostGator, InMotion Hosting provides 24/7 customer support, ensuring users can reach out for help at any time.
Live Chat: InMotion Hosting offers live chat support, allowing users to engage with support agents in real-time and obtain quick solutions to their issues.
Email Support: Users can submit queries or issues via email, and InMotion Hosting's support team will respond promptly with detailed and comprehensive solutions.
Phone Support: In addition to live chat, InMotion Hosting provides phone support, enabling users to speak directly with support representatives for more complex issues or personalized assistance.
C. Response Time and Effectiveness
HostGator: HostGator is known for its swift response times, particularly with live chat and phone support. The effectiveness of their support is generally high, with knowledgeable representatives capable of resolving a wide range of issues promptly.
InMotion Hosting: InMotion Hosting is committed to quick response times across all support channels. Users often praise the effectiveness of their support team, noting the ability to address complex technical issues with clarity and expertise.
In conclusion, both HostGator and InMotion Hosting prioritize customer support, offering a variety of channels for users to seek assistance. The effectiveness of their support teams, coupled with rapid response times, contributes significantly to the overall hosting experience. Users may choose between these providers based on their specific preferences and support needs.
VI. User Interface and Ease of Use
A. HostGator Control Panel and User Interface:
cPanel Integration:
HostGator leverages the popular cPanel interface, providing users with a familiar and user-friendly control panel.
The cPanel design is intuitive, offering easy navigation for both beginners and experienced users.
One-Click Applications:
HostGator's control panel allows for one-click installations of various applications, streamlining the process of setting up websites, blogs, and other functionalities.
Customization Options:
Users have the ability to customize their control panel, arranging and prioritizing features based on their preferences and usage patterns.
The control panel is designed to be scalable, accommodating the needs of both small websites and larger, more complex web applications.
B. InMotion Hosting Control Panel and User Interface:
BoldGrid Integration:
InMotion Hosting distinguishes itself by integrating BoldGrid, a website builder that operates seamlessly within the WordPress environment.
BoldGrid enhances the user interface, offering a drag-and-drop editor for intuitive website creation.
Advanced Server Management:
InMotion Hosting's control panel provides advanced server management options, catering to users with specific technical requirements.
The interface is designed to offer comprehensive control over server configurations while maintaining user-friendly aspects.
Education and Support Resources:
InMotion Hosting prioritizes user education, providing tutorials and support resources directly within the control panel.
The interface includes tooltips and guides to assist users in maximizing the features available.
C. User Experience and Navigation:
HostGator's User Experience:
HostGator focuses on a clean and straightforward user experience, ensuring that even those new to web hosting can navigate the platform confidently.
The control panel is organized logically, with clear labels and access points to various features.
InMotion Hosting's User Experience:
InMotion Hosting emphasizes a user-centric approach, aiming to simplify complex hosting tasks.
The inclusion of educational materials directly within the control panel enhances the overall user experience.
In conclusion, both HostGator and InMotion Hosting prioritize user-friendly interfaces, with HostGator relying on the widely used cPanel and InMotion Hosting incorporating BoldGrid for a unique and enhanced user experience. The choice between the two may depend on individual preferences and specific technical requirements.
VII. Security Measures
Ensuring the safety and integrity of your online presence is paramount in the digital landscape. When comparing the security measures of two prominent hosting providers, HostGator and InMotion Hosting, it's crucial to delve into the specific features they offer.
A. HostGator Security Features:
Malware Detection and Removal: HostGator employs robust malware detection tools to constantly monitor for any malicious activity. In the event of an identified threat, the hosting provider initiates swift removal procedures to safeguard your website and data.
Firewall Protection: HostGator implements a sophisticated firewall system that acts as a protective barrier, preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches. This adds an extra layer of defense against various cyber threats.
Regular Backups: Regular backups are an integral part of HostGator's security strategy. In the unfortunate event of data loss or a security incident, users can rely on the availability of recent backups to restore their websites to a stable state.
B. InMotion Hosting Security Features:
Real-Time Server Monitoring: InMotion Hosting takes a proactive approach to security with real-time server monitoring. This constant vigilance allows for the early detection of anomalies or suspicious activities, enabling the hosting provider to address potential threats promptly.
DDoS Protection: InMotion Hosting provides robust DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) protection. This feature helps mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks, ensuring that your website remains accessible even in the face of malicious attempts to disrupt its services.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): InMotion Hosting offers an added layer of login security through Two-Factor Authentication. This ensures that even if login credentials are compromised, unauthorized access is still thwarted by the need for a secondary authentication method.
C. SSL Certificates and Additional Security Protocols:
SSL Certificates: Both HostGator and InMotion Hosting recognize the importance of securing data in transit. They provide SSL certificates to encrypt the communication between the user's browser and the web server, enhancing the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted information.
Advanced Encryption Protocols: Both hosting providers stay abreast of the latest encryption standards, employing advanced protocols to secure data stored on servers. This includes encryption at rest, adding an extra layer of protection to sensitive information.
In conclusion, HostGator and InMotion Hosting prioritize the security of their users' data and websites. While both offer essential security features such as malware detection, firewall protection, and SSL certificates, nuances in their approaches, such as real-time server monitoring by InMotion Hosting and HostGator's emphasis on regular backups, may influence the choice based on specific preferences and requirements. It's recommended to carefully assess the unique security features each provider offers to align with your website's needs and potential risks.
VIII. Customer Reviews
A. Aggregated Customer Reviews for HostGator
1. Performance and Reliability
HostGator has garnered a mix of reviews regarding performance. Positive reviews often highlight the company's reliable uptime, stating that their websites rarely experience downtime. However, some users report occasional slowdowns during peak hours, prompting a call for optimization in server allocation.
2. Customer Support
Customer support is a notable strength for HostGator, according to various reviews. Users appreciate the 24/7 availability of support through live chat, phone, and ticket system. The response time is generally quick, with issues being resolved efficiently. Some reviews, however, express the need for more advanced technical expertise in certain support scenarios.
3. User-Friendly Interface
HostGator's user interface receives mixed reviews. Beginners often appreciate the user-friendly cPanel, which simplifies website management tasks. However, some advanced users argue for a more sophisticated interface with advanced features readily accessible, suggesting that HostGator caters more to entry-level users.
B. Aggregated Customer Reviews for InMotion Hosting
1. Performance and Reliability
InMotion Hosting receives consistent praise for its performance. Users commend the hosting provider for its reliable uptime and high-speed servers. Many reviews emphasize the exceptional performance, especially for e-commerce websites and resource-intensive applications.
2. Customer Support
In terms of customer support, InMotion Hosting generally enjoys positive feedback. Users appreciate the US-based support team's expertise and responsiveness. The hosting provider's commitment to resolving issues promptly is often highlighted. However, some reviews suggest that 24/7 support could be more accessible through additional channels.
3. User-Friendly Interface
InMotion Hosting's user interface is well-received in reviews. Users find the cPanel intuitive, making it easy to manage domains, emails, and other aspects of hosting. The design is considered user-friendly for both beginners and advanced users. However, a few reviews mention a desire for more customization options in the control panel.
C. Common Praises and Criticisms
1. Praises
Affordability: Both HostGator and InMotion Hosting receive praise for their competitive pricing and various hosting plans suitable for different needs.
Feature Set: Customers appreciate the robust feature sets offered by both providers, including free SSL certificates, website builders, and one-click installations.
2. Criticisms
Renewal Costs: Some users express dissatisfaction with the increased renewal costs after the initial promotional period, a common concern in the hosting industry.
Resource Allocation: In specific cases, users from both hosting providers raise concerns about server resource allocation, particularly during traffic spikes.
This comprehensive review of customer feedback aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the experiences users have had with HostGator and InMotion Hosting, helping prospective customers make informed decisions based on their specific requirements and preferences
IX. Pricing Comparison
In the realm of web hosting, understanding the intricacies of pricing plans is paramount. Let's dissect and compare the pricing structures of two prominent players in the field: HostGator and InMotion Hosting.
A. Breakdown of pricing plans for HostGator:
Shared Hosting Plans:
HostGator offers a range of shared hosting plans catering to various needs. The Hatchling plan, ideal for beginners, provides a single domain, unmetered bandwidth, and a free SSL certificate. The Baby plan expands on this by allowing unlimited domains. The Business plan adds a dedicated IP and a free upgrade to Positive SSL.
Cloud Hosting Plans:
For those seeking scalability and flexibility, HostGator's cloud hosting plans are noteworthy. Ranging from Hatchling Cloud to Business Cloud, users benefit from unlimited domains, unmetered bandwidth, and a free SSL certificate. The Business Cloud plan additionally provides a dedicated IP and positive SSL.
WordPress Hosting Plans:
HostGator's WordPress hosting plans cater specifically to the popular CMS. The Starter plan includes a single site, while the Standard and Business plans offer unlimited sites. All plans come with free migration, automatic backups, and a free SSL certificate.
B. Breakdown of pricing plans for InMotion Hosting:
Shared Hosting Plans:
InMotion Hosting's shared hosting plans are structured to provide solid features. The Launch plan includes two websites, unlimited disk space, and bandwidth. The Power plan increases the number of websites to 6, and the Pro plan adds more performance with a free dedicated IP and SSL.
VPS Hosting Plans:
InMotion Hosting's VPS plans are designed for users who need more control. The VPS-1000HA-S plan offers 4GB RAM, 75GB SSD, and 4TB bandwidth. The VPS-2000HA-S and VPS-3000HA-S plans provide additional resources for growing websites.
Dedicated Server Plans:
InMotion Hosting's dedicated servers are robust solutions. The Essential plan offers 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, and 6TB bandwidth. The Advanced and Elite plans bring even more power with enhanced specifications.
C. Value for Money Assessment:
Assessing the value for money involves considering not just the price but the features, performance, and support provided. HostGator's shared hosting plans are competitively priced for beginners, while InMotion Hosting's VPS and dedicated server plans cater to businesses with growing resource needs.
In conclusion, the pricing comparison between HostGator and InMotion Hosting showcases their distinct offerings. To determine which is better for your needs, a comprehensive evaluation of your website's requirements and growth projections is essential.
Frequently Asked Questions for HostGator vs. InMotion Hosting: A Hosting Service Showdown
Q1: What distinguishes HostGator from InMotion Hosting in terms of performance?
A: HostGator and InMotion Hosting both offer reliable performance, but HostGator is known for its affordable shared hosting plans, while InMotion Hosting is praised for its faster SSD storage and advanced performance features, making it a better choice for resource-intensive websites.
Q2: Which hosting provider is more suitable for e-commerce websites, HostGator, or InMotion Hosting?
A: Both HostGator and InMotion Hosting provide e-commerce-friendly solutions. HostGator is known for its user-friendly interface, while InMotion Hosting offers specialized e-commerce hosting plans with features like free SSL and dedicated IP, making it a preferred choice for online businesses.
Q3: How do the customer support services of HostGator and InMotion Hosting compare?
A: Both hosting providers offer 24/7 customer support, but InMotion Hosting is often praised for its excellent customer service, providing in-depth technical assistance and a higher level of personalized support compared to HostGator.
Q4: What types of security measures do HostGator and InMotion Hosting employ?
A: HostGator and InMotion Hosting prioritize security. HostGator includes free SSL certificates with its plans, while InMotion Hosting implements advanced security features like DDoS protection and automatic backups, providing a robust security environment.
Q5: Are there any significant differences in the control panels offered by HostGator and InMotion Hosting?
A: Yes, there are differences. HostGator uses cPanel, a widely-used and intuitive control panel, while InMotion Hosting utilizes the cPanel-based, custom-designed "cPanel AMP," which offers additional features and a user-friendly interface.
Q6: How do the refund policies of HostGator and InMotion Hosting compare?
A: HostGator provides a 45-day money-back guarantee, which is slightly longer than InMotion Hosting's 30-day guarantee. Both hosting providers, however, allow users to try their services risk-free.
Q7: Which hosting provider offers better scalability options for growing websites?
A: InMotion Hosting is often considered more scalable due to its range of hosting solutions, including VPS and dedicated servers, providing more resources and flexibility for websites experiencing growth.
Q8: Can I easily migrate my website from HostGator to InMotion Hosting or vice versa?
A: Yes, both HostGator and InMotion Hosting offer website migration assistance, making the transition relatively seamless. They provide tools and support to help users migrate their websites without significant downtime.
Q9: What are the backup options provided by HostGator and InMotion Hosting?
A: HostGator offers automatic weekly backups with its plans, while InMotion Hosting provides free automatic backups for data protection. Users can also manually create backups through the control panels provided by both hosting providers.
Q10: In terms of server locations, do HostGator and InMotion Hosting have a global presence?
A: Yes, both hosting providers have multiple data centers strategically located. HostGator has data centers in the United States, while InMotion Hosting has data centers on the East and West coasts, providing reliable hosting services globally.
Glossary with Thirty Less Known Terms - HostGator vs. InMotion Hosting: A Hosting Service Showdown
Uptime: The percentage of time a server stays operational and accessible.
Bandwidth Throttling: The intentional slowing down of internet speed, often based on data usage.
Content Delivery Network (CDN): A system of distributed servers that deliver web content to users based on their geographic location.
RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks, a data storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components for performance and fault tolerance.
Shell Access: A feature that allows users to access the server's command line interface.
Load Balancing: Distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers to ensure no single server is overwhelmed.
Root Access: Full access and control over the entire operating system and server.
SSL Acceleration: Hardware or software that speeds up the SSL handshake process for secure data transfer.
Virtual Private Server (VPS): A virtualized server within a larger physical server, offering dedicated resources and greater control.
Cron Job: A scheduled task on Unix-like operating systems.
Fault Tolerance: A system's ability to continue operating without interruption in the event of a hardware or software failure.
Greylisting: A technique used to block spam emails based on the temporary rejection of messages from unknown senders.
Inode: A data structure on a filesystem that stores information about a file or a directory.
Hotlinking: Directly linking to images or multimedia content on another website, often without permission.
Nginx: A web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache.
ModSecurity: An open-source web application firewall engine for Apache, IIS, and Nginx.
Reverse DNS: Resolving an IP address back to a domain name.
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the standard protocol for email transmission.
Latency: The time delay between the moment something is initiated and the moment it becomes detectable.
inode: A data structure on a filesystem that stores information about a file or a directory.
Phishing: Attempting to acquire sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy entity in electronic communication.
Caching: Storing copies of files or data in a cache to serve future requests more quickly.
Web Application Firewall (WAF): A security system that filters and monitors HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet.
IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol, a protocol for email retrieval.
Subdomain: A domain that is part of a larger domain. For example, "blog.example.com."
FTP: File Transfer Protocol, a standard network protocol used for transferring files.
DDoS: Distributed Denial of Service, a cyber attack where multiple compromised computers are used to flood a target system.
RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks, a data storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components for performance and fault tolerance.
Managed Hosting: A hosting service where the provider takes care of server management and maintenance tasks.
Softaculous: An auto-installer for cPanel that allows the installation of web applications with one click.
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skillsmoxie · 11 months
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sitegeek-blog · 1 year
WordPress code editor enables editing theme and plugin files directly from wp-admin. Precautionary it is recommended to turn it off, as it is a potential security hazard. Version after 4.9 can catch fatal errors and does not parse the code till they are resolved. Furthermore, it stops the hacker with administrator access by changing themes or plugins and inserting malicious code.
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How to Disable file editing in WordPress admin?
Log into the control panel.
Open File Manager under Files & Security.
Locate the file wp-config.
Click Edit in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Search wp-config for ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, and DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’ and set it to “true”
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );
Recently, a security alert revealed that WordPress websites on Linux were targeted by a previously unknown strain of Linux malware that exploits flaws in over two dozen plugins and themes to compromise vulnerable systems. The targeted websites were injected with malicious JavaScript retrieved from a remote server. As a result, when visitors click on any area of an infected page, they are redirected to another arbitrary website of the attacker’s choice.
The disclosure comes weeks after Fortinet FortiGuard Labs detailed another botnet called GoTrim that’s designed to brute-force self-hosted websites using the WordPress content management system (CMS) to seize control of targeted systems. In June 2022, the GoDaddy-owned website security company shared information about a traffic direction system (TDS) known as Parrot that has been observed targeting WordPress sites with rogue JavaScript that drops additional malware onto hacked systems. Last month, Sucuri noted that more than 15,000 WordPress sites had been breached as part of a malicious campaign to redirect visitors to bogus Q&A portals. The number of active infections currently stands at 9,314. January 03, 2023, BleepingComputer reports thirty security vulnerabilities in numerous outdated WordPress plugins and themes are being leveraged by a novel Linux malware to facilitate malicious JavaScript injections. Dr. Web reported that malware compromised both 32- and 64-bit Linux systems, and uses a set of successively running hardcoded exploits to compromise WordPress sites.
You can look to the Ananova selected top hosting providers at: https://ananova.com/best-hosting-providers
The key players listed in the list include Liquidweb, WordPress.com, A2Hosting, GreenGeeks, Namecheap, Inmotionhosting, Resellerspanel, Hostgator, Interserver, Sitevalley, Webhostingpad, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Fatcow, IPower, Weebly, Shopify, Accuwebhosting, WPEngine, Cloudways, Hostens and many more.
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ananovareviews · 1 year
Disable File Editing on WordPress
Disable File Editing on WordPress
(Ananova News) January 04, 2023. WordPress code editor enables editing theme and plugin files directly from wp-admin. Precautionary it is recommended to turn it off, as it is a potential security hazard. Version after 4.9 can catch fatal errors and does not parse the code till they are resolved. Furthermore, it stops the hacker with administrator access by changing themes or plugins and…
View On WordPress
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bestproductsweb · 1 year
Best cheap web hosting services: Most suitable for beginners
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Why do people start their own businesses? There are many reasons. Some want to live their life on their own terms, while others want to be their own boss. But the most common reason is to earn a good amount of money.
There are many ways to make money, but starting an online business is the easiest and fastest way. It doesn't require a lot of initial investment and you don't need any special skills or experience. If you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start your online business today!
Currently, the internet has changed the manner we do business. It is so easy to set up a website and start selling your products or services online. Or else blogging is the easiest way to make money online in many methods. You can enter the global market easily with just one click.
So, you need to create a blog or website to start an online business. Therefore, you have to consider about suitable web hosting for you.
What is web hosting?
Web hosting is a service that provides space on a server so that you can upload your website or web content to the internet.
Web hosting is the backbone of a blog or website. It is what allows your web pages to be available to visitors, and it's one of the most important elements in any web design process.
Web hosting services vary in price, but they all do the same thing, so there's no need to pay more for a better service when shopping around for web hosting.
How to choose the best web hosting services?
Choosing the best web hosting service is difficult. There are a lot of things to consider before making a perfect decision.
The first thing you should do is analyze your needs and your budget. What are the features you need? Do you need email hosting, domain name registration, or an SSL certificate? How much money are you going to spend on web hosting for your online business?
In this article I mentioned about the best cheap web hosting services for you. You may a beginner or expert on online business. according to the needs the below web hosting services suitable for anyone to start an online journey.
Please click this link if need to know about best cheap web hosting services.
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primerfashion · 2 years
The Best Web Hosting Services for 2022
The Best Web Hosting Services for 2022
To determine The Best Web Hosting Services for 2022, we read through hundreds of reviews and rigorously tested the top-rated web hosting servers. Our top five rating criteria are: Customer service Reliability Price Price Forbes Rank Top Hosting Servers are here under: Bluehost Web Hosting (Best for Customer Support / Building E-commerce Sites) Hostgator (Best for WordPress, VPS, dedicated, and…
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afdlhost · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://afdlhost.com/?p=1253
inmotionhosting vps | شرح بالصور شراء في بي اس انموشن هوستنج
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6- ستنتقل الى انشاء حسابك فى استضافة انموشن هوستنج inmotionhosting أضف بياناتك كما بالصوره ثم اضغط  Continue
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8 – ستصلك رسالة تحتوي علي بيانات السيرفر الافتراضي  انموشن هوستنج inmotionhosting وبذلك سيكون تم إنشاء حساب سيرفرك الافتراضي – الفي بي اس  الخاص بك وتستطيع استخدمه في انشاء موقع ويب عملاق او عدة مواقع تعتمد علي سكريبت ووردبريس او جوملا او اي برمجة خاصة.
إضغط هنا لحجز سيرفرافتراضي انموشن هوستنج  inmotionhosting vps
استضافة بديلة لـ انموشن هوستنج
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اما اذا كنت تبحث عن ارخص استضافة فيمكنك الاعتماد علي استضافة ipage
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Tags : inmotionhosting vps, inmotionhosting في بي اس, VPS, انموشن هوستنج, انموشن هوستنج vps, انموشن هوستنج في بي اس, شراء vps, شراء في بي اس, شرح شراء vps, شرح شراء في بي اس, في بي اس انموشن هوستنج
افضل مواقع استضافة سى بانل كوبونات الاستضافة افضل سيرفرت الاستضافه سيرفرات فى بى اس vps
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sitegeek-blog · 1 year
By 2028, Global Blog Software on the basis of its comprehensive study reveals that the blogging industry will be around $8 billion. The study comprises of the macro and micro factors responsible for growth trajectory and restraining posting threat to the global blog software market. Their research is a consolidation of primary and secondary research and consists of both qualitative and quantitative detailing.
WordPress.com is the key market player in the Blog software market. The company has a huge global economic impact on the hosting industry. From personal to professional websites, WordPress.com provides fast and reliable hosting services to cater for each and every market. The provider takes care of the client's website against online threats and offers a 100% uptime guarantee. The customers can scale up their WordPress website. Ananova considers its customer support services fast and efficient.
You can look to the Ananova selected top WordPress hosting providers at: https://ananova.com/best-hosting-providers
The key players listed in the list include Liquidweb, WordPress.com, A2Hosting, GreenGeeks, Namecheap, Inmotionhosting, Resellerspanel, Hostgator, Interserver, Sitevalley, Webhostingpad, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Fatcow, IPower, Weebly, Shopify, Accuwebhosting, WPEngine, Cloudways, Hostens and many more.
Technical experts always suggest keeping software (theme, plugins, third-party add-ons & WordPress Core) updated and up-to-date with the latest fixes. Always use strong and unique logins and passwords to secure accounts. Hence, it is always suggested to have managed WordPress Hosting, as the provider monitors website security, takes regular backup, and always keep them up.
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ananovareviews · 1 year
WordPress.com for Bloggers
(Ananova News) January 03, 2022. By 2028, Global Blog Software on the basis of its comprehensive study reveals that the blogging industry will be around $8 billion. The study comprises of the macro and micro factors responsible for growth trajectory and restraining posting threat to the global blog software market. Their research is a consolidation of primary and secondary research and consists…
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View On WordPress
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sitegeek-blog · 1 year
The UK-based Certa Hosting wants to grow its business organically, thus embracing new technology and continually expanding its services. It offers the ultimate unlimited fully managed and monitored cPanel web hosting services on ultra-reliable and lightening fast servers. Thus, enabling, customers to focus on their core business.
cPanel: It gives the ability to administer web hosting accounts with ease.
Updates: fully managed and monitored security updates
Daily Backups and Recovery: It provides daily backups and off-site services of files and databases.
Storage: 100% NVMe SSD hosting storage that built a solid fire platform. The three separate layers ensure the user’s data security and protection.
PHP: Version 4.4 with LiteSpeed technology to power users' websites.
Money Back Guarantee: Unsatisfied customers can get their money refunded within 30 days of signing up.
Support: 24x7 when users need it.
Host Unlimited Domain – hosts multiple websites, domains, names and email accounts on the same account at no extra cost.
Free Website Builder – The users get online in minutes through the company’s drag-and-drop website builder.
Spam Protection – a market-leading solution which helps filter junk email and malware from users’ mailboxes.
You can look to the Ananova selected top hosting providers at: https://ananova.com/best-hosting-providers
The key players listed in the list include Liquidweb, WordPress.com, A2Hosting, GreenGeeks, Namecheap, Inmotionhosting, Resellerspanel, Hostgator, Interserver, Sitevalley, Webhostingpad, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Fatcow, IPower, Weebly, Shopify, Accuwebhosting, WPEngine, Cloudways, Hostens and many more.
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ananovareviews · 1 year
Certa cPanel Web Hosting
Certa cPanel Web Hosting
(Ananova News) January 02, 2022. The UK-based Certa Hosting wants to grow its business organically, thus embracing new technology and continually expanding its services. It offers the ultimate unlimited fully managed and monitored cPanel web hosting services on ultra-reliable and lightening fast servers. Thus, enabling, customers to focus on their core business. cPanel: It gives the ability to…
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View On WordPress
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sitegeek-blog · 1 year
Ananova recommended WordPress.com and Shopify as the best web hosting providers to build an eCommerce store in 2022. The 2022 Web Almanac reveals that WordPress leads the market with 35% adoption on mobile. The platform is adopted by all businesses whether small or big across all geographical landscapes. The companies considered the platform trustworthy for their online growth and expansion. The government websites of most countries are also built on WordPress to provide the latest information. The platform is widely used by technical, legal advisors, social groups, & political parties.
The rapidly growing online eCommerce business has already overtaken traditional methods. The companies spent thousands of dollars to stay ahead of the competition and gain attention. Most firms choose Ananova recommended as the most popular and flexible WordPress.com WooCommerce for online business success. Millions of designers and developers work to improve and develop responsive customizable eCommerce themes and plugins, thus providing an enormous selection to users. The platform helps eCommerce stores increase customer loyalty and even boost SEO rankings. The SEO-friendly feature JSON-LD schema markup helps Google understand the content type and ensures all URLs across all pages are optimized. WordPress enables you to do incredible customization and you don’t need coding experience. You can make your store stand out from all the other online businesses. WordPress.com enables an eCommerce store to add and upload thousands of products within proper categories with proper tags, & titles.
Ananova lists WordPress.com as a reliable web hosting provider because of its excellent technical customer service, reputation for security and uptime. The provider offers ample resources like space and bandwidth to accommodate business growth via an increased number of products or customers. The provider manages everything behind the scenes, and entrepreneurs need to focus only on the core business. The platform provides tools to enable taxes, set up shipping methods and add payment gateways. The customers can configure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree and 2Checkout. Paypal is free for personal accounts with a sales volume per month below $20K. It’s a good option for stores selling low-priced items. Businesses with heavy cash payments can go with Paypal Express Checkout. Stripe works with all major credit cards but, it does not provide an option for recurring billing eg. monthly subscriptions. It has built-in fraud protection features which help reduce chargebacks since they are secure transactions initiated through HTTPS protocol encryption. Another payment method Authorize Net offers much lower fees but requires more setup time. Before going live, each transaction requires manual approval before being processed by them first before being sent along to whichever company requested it originally.
The technology with improved usability, functionality and better security has made purchasing with online eCommerce much easier compared to the traditional way. The provider takes care of eCommerce stores against malicious attacks that try to hack to steal credit cards and sensitive information through phishing scams or other means.
The companies understand that most potential customers are available online, especially through mobile devices. The WooCommerce Social Login enables customers to log in to Woocommerce through social media accounts like Facebook, or Twitter rather than creating an account for buying through the website.
Online feedback or comments alter the customer’s buying decision. Most businesses get trademark registrations for their selected eCommerce store domain names thus, legally hold brand names.
You can look to the Ananova selected top hosting providers at: https://ananova.com/best-hosting-providers
The key players listed in the list include Liquidweb, WordPress.com, A2Hosting, GreenGeeks, Namecheap, Inmotionhosting, Resellerspanel, Hostgator, Interserver, Sitevalley, Webhostingpad, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Fatcow, IPower, Weebly, Shopify, Accuwebhosting, WPEngine, Cloudways, Hostens and many more.
0 notes
sitegeek-blog · 1 year
Recently, a security alert revealed that WordPress websites on Linux were targeted by a previously unknown strain of Linux malware that exploits flaws in over two dozen plugins and themes to compromise vulnerable systems. The targeted websites were injected with malicious JavaScript retrieved from a remote server. As a result, when visitors click on any area of an infected page, they are redirected to another arbitrary website of the attacker's choice.
The disclosure comes weeks after Fortinet FortiGuard Labs detailed another botnet called GoTrim that's designed to brute-force self-hosted websites using the WordPress content management system (CMS) to seize control of targeted systems. In June 2022, the GoDaddy-owned website security company shared information about a traffic direction system (TDS) known as Parrot that has been observed targeting WordPress sites with rogue JavaScript that drops additional malware onto hacked systems. Last month, Sucuri noted that more than 15,000 WordPress sites had been breached as part of a malicious campaign to redirect visitors to bogus Q&A portals. The number of active infections currently stands at 9,314.
The hacker can deploy an implant to target specific websites to expand the network. It involves weaponizing a list of known security vulnerabilities in 19 different plugins and themes that are likely installed on a WordPress site. Doctor Web revealed the targeted plugins and themes -
Technical experts always suggest keeping software (theme, plugins, third-party add-ons & WordPress Core) updated and up-to-date with the latest fixes. Always use strong and unique logins and passwords to secure accounts. Hence, it is always suggested to have managed WordPress Hosting, as the provider monitors website security, takes regular backup, and always keep them up.
Ananova recommended WordPress.com and Shopify as the best web hosting providers to build an eCommerce store in 2022. The 2022 Web Almanac reveals that WordPress leads the market with 35% adoption on mobile. The platform is adopted by all businesses whether small or big across all geographical landscapes. The companies considered the platform trustworthy for their online growth and expansion. The government websites of most countries are also built on WordPress to provide the latest information. The platform is widely used by technical, legal advisors, social groups, & political parties.
The rapidly growing online eCommerce business has already overtaken traditional methods. The companies spent thousands of dollars to stay ahead of the competition and gain attention. Most firms choose Ananova recommended as the most popular and flexible WordPress.com woocommerce for online business success. Millions of designers and developers work to improve and develop responsive customizable eCommerce themes and plugins, thus providing an enormous selection to users. The platform helps eCommerce stores increase customer loyalty and even boost SEO rankings. The SEO-friendly feature JSON-LD schema markup helps Google understand the content type and ensures all URLs across all pages are optimized. WordPress enables you to do incredible customization and you don't need coding experience. You can make your store stand out from all the other online businesses. WordPress.com enables an eCommerce store to add and upload thousands of products within proper categories with proper tags, & titles.
Ananova lists WordPress.com as a reliable web hosting provider because of its excellent technical customer service, reputation for security and uptime. The provider offers ample resources like space and bandwidth to accommodate business growth via an increased number of products or customers. The provider manages everything behind the scenes, and entrepreneurs need to focus only on the core business. The platform provides tools to enable taxes, set up shipping methods and add payment gateways. The customers can configure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree and 2Checkout. Paypal is free for personal accounts with a sales volume per month below $20K. It's a good option for stores selling low-priced items. Businesses with heavy cash payments can go with Paypal Express Checkout. Stripe works with all major credit cards but, it does not provide an option for recurring billing eg. monthly subscriptions. It has built-in fraud protection features which help reduce chargebacks since they are secure transactions initiated through HTTPS protocol encryption. Another payment method Authorize Net offers much lower fees but requires more setup time. Before going live, each transaction requires manual approval before being processed by them first before being sent along to whichever company requested it originally.
The technology with improved usability, functionality and better security has made purchasing with online eCommerce much easier compared to the traditional way. The provider takes care of eCommerce stores against malicious attacks that try to hack to steal credit cards and sensitive information through phishing scams or other means.
The companies understand that most potential customers are available online, especially through mobile devices. The WooCommerce Social Login enables customers to log in to Woocommerce through social media accounts like Facebook, or Twitter rather than creating an account for buying through the website.
Online feedback or comments alter the customer's buying decision. Most businesses get trademark registrations for their selected eCommerce store domain names thus, legally hold brand names.
You can look to the Ananova selected top hosting providers at: https://ananova.com/best-hosting-providers
The key players listed in the list include Liquidweb, WordPress.com, A2Hosting, GreenGeeks, Namecheap, Inmotionhosting, Resellerspanel, Hostgator, Interserver, Sitevalley, Webhostingpad, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Fatcow, IPower, Weebly, Shopify, Accuwebhosting, WPEngine, Cloudways, Hostens and many more.
0 notes
ananovareviews · 1 year
WordPress on Linux Servers
WordPress on Linux Servers
(Ananova News) January 02, 2022. Recently, a security alert revealed that WordPress websites on Linux were targeted by a previously unknown strain of Linux malware that exploits flaws in over two dozen plugins and themes to compromise vulnerable systems. The targeted websites were injected with malicious JavaScript retrieved from a remote server. As a result, when visitors click on any area of…
View On WordPress
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ananovareviews · 1 year
WordPress on Linux Servers
WordPress on Linux Servers
(Ananova News) January 02, 2022. Ananova recommended WordPress.com and Shopify as the best web hosting providers to build an eCommerce store in 2022. The 2022 Web Almanac reveals that WordPress leads the market with 35% adoption on mobile. The platform is adopted by all businesses whether small or big across all geographical landscapes. The companies considered the platform trustworthy for their…
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View On WordPress
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sitegeek-blog · 1 year
(Ananova News) January 02, 2022.
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Ananova has always recommended WordPress.com and Shopify as the best web hosting providers to build an eCommerce store. The rapidly growing online eCommerce business has already overtaken traditional methods. The companies spent thousands of dollars to stay ahead of the competition and gain attention. Most firms choose Ananova recommended as the most popular and flexible WordPress.com wocommerce for online business success. Millions of designers and developers work to improve and develop responsive customizable eCommerce themes and plugins, thus providing an enormous selection to users. The platform helps eCommerce stores increase customer loyalty and even boost SEO rankings. The SEO-friendly feature JSON-LD schema markup helps Google understand the content type and ensures all URLs across all pages are optimized. WordPress enables you to do incredible customization and you don't need coding experience. You can make your store stand out from all the other online businesses. WordPress.com enables an eCommerce store to add and upload thousands of products within proper categories with proper tags, & titles.
Ananova lists WordPress.com as a reliable web hosting provider because of its excellent technical customer service, reputation for security and uptime. The provider offers ample resources like space and bandwidth to accommodate business growth via an increased number of products or customers. The provider manages everything behind the scenes, entrepreneur need to focus only on the core business. The platform provides tools to enable taxes, set up shipping methods and add payment gateways. The customers can configure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree and 2Checkout. Paypal is free for personal accounts with a sales volume per month below $20K. It's a good option for stores selling low-priced items. Businesses with heavy cash payments can go with Paypal Express Checkout. Stripe works with all major credit cards but, it does not provide an option for recurring billing eg. monthly subscriptions. It has built-in fraud protection features which help reduce chargebacks since they are secure transactions initiated through HTTPS protocol encryption. Another payment method Authorize Net offers much lower fees but requires more setup time. Before going live, each transaction requires manual approval before being processed by them first before being sent along to whichever company requested it originally.
The technology with improved usability, functionality and better security has made purchasing with online eCommerce much easier compared to the traditional way. The provider takes care of eCommerce stores against malicious attacks that try to hack to steal credit cards and sensitive information through phishing scams or other means.
The companies understand that most potential customers are available online, especially through mobile devices. The WooCommerce Social Login enables customers to log in to Woocommerce through social media accounts like Facebook, or Twitter rather than creating an account for buying through the website.
Online feedback or comments alter the customer's buying decision. Most businesses get trademark registrations for their selected eCommerce store domain names thus, legally hold brand names.
You can look to the Ananova selected top hosting providers at: https://ananova.com/best-hosting-providers
The key players listed in the list include Liquidweb, WordPress.com, A2Hosting, GreenGeeks, Namecheap, Inmotionhosting, Resellerspanel, Hostgator, Interserver, Sitevalley, Webhostingpad, Bluehost, Hostmonster, Fatcow, IPower, Weebly, Shopify, Accuwebhosting, WPEngine, Cloudways, Hostens and many more.
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