#Inside the Gameboard
the-chessiad · 1 month
S: Look out the window.
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The Billiard Room is inside Scarlet's inventory, and thus inside her Character Card. Her Character Card is inside itself. If Scarlet left the Billiard Room, she would discover the inside of her Character Card instead of the rest of the Mansion.
Scarlet's Pawn (which is also Scarlet herself) is inside the Billiard Room inside her inventory. If she wants to deploy or use her pawn separately from deploying or using the Billiard Room, she will have to transfer her pawn to another Inventory Slot, which would also relocate her from inside the Billiard Room inside her inventory to whatever other Inventory Slot she put herself in.
if she deploys the piece of the Clue board out of her inventory, and then physically leaves the slow-roasted JPEG she is inside of, she will find herself, pawn-sized, on whatever surface she deployed the piece of the Clue board to, capable of navigating any other gameboards in her vicinity just as she is currently navigating the piece of the Clue board currently inside her inventory.
The rest of the Clue Board is also inside the Billiard Room.
It is all perfectly straightforward.
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heartgold · 1 year
Erika as an extrapolated caricature of the worst parts of Ange, specifically the parts of her that are stuck stagnating in the past. The way her senseless fight with Maria in ep6 is a direct reenactment of the way younger Ange shattered Maria's heart and made her spiral into a negative worldview by denying magic even after being accepted as part of Mariage Sorciere. Erika being an extra piece on the gameboard that shouldn't have been on Rokkenjima on the days of the incident but is allowed to exist in forgeries via a hypothetical loophole, while Ange is literally a piece who was left out and not having been there is her biggest regret and she wished many times that a miracle would let her be there somehow. Her role as The Detective who will stop at nothing to get the evidence she needs reflecting Ange's life goal to get to the truth of the incident, scouring for any bit of information she can get in the future even as much of it has become muddled by fanfic. Beato and Erika being positioned as diametrical opposites as the witch that conjures illusions and the witch who dissects the truth, and then Ange's initial position of mortal hatred towards the witch who took her family from her, the witch who she was dead sure was Eva and sought concrete evidence to prove it, and the journey she goes through to look at the incident from a different perspective, seeing Beatrice not as an archetypal enemy she has to defeat but as someone whose heart she can come to understand, someone who was actually not too unlike herself, learning about the true shapes of Beatrice, Eva, and the entire family she was grieving, choosing to transform the harsh truth she came to learn into something better, older Ange converting the cursed Ushiromiya wealth into resources to help orphaned children who are in the same situation she once was and using the magic she inherited, as a writer, to help children everywhere find happiness and hope amidst grief, transforming her family's legacy from a cycle of violence and hurt in the past into one of love and healing in the future.
Ep 8 with Ange and Erika as direct mirrors and foils at many points. Their conversation about what it means to be a Witch of Truth, their complicated relation to Bernkastel. Erika showing up in cat form and guiding baby Ange to discover the bodies from Bern's game, then protecting her by being the detective who has the means to fight against the Battler/Kyrie/Rudolf culprit theory goats. Cat!Erika being little Ange's curiosity to leave the room she was supposed to be peacefully sleeping inside after being shown her family's love and then witch!Erika being the one who defends her against the horrific truth she was led to find, all of this as Ange's selfdestructive, insatiable need to reject any possibility of happiness in the present to seek out the truth of the past and being increasingly hurt and traumatized by it the more she does, with the most annihilating truth of all being that everyone is dead and there is no evidence to be found to hope for the contrary. The finale with the magic and trick doors being about Ange either overcoming and outgrowing the parts of her heart that are like Erika to become a happier person who can live on in the future with a healthier outlook on her grief and what truth means to her or remaining stuck in that mindset, cynical and miserable, unable to move on and unwilling to see anything but her own myopic perspective as objective truth, committing murder due to being unable to trust anyone just to end up literally stranded at sea in a boat without a pilot that's just going to sink just like how Erika's human inspiration died in a shipwreck in the world's most blatant metaphor: Ange and the character who amplifies the worst parts of her heart gloating together and revelling in the satisfaction of having exposed the truth, but the loveless truth in this scene being that she is now, for the first time, truly alone in a dead-end of her own making, fated to drift without destination then sink into the sea surrounding Rokkenjima, not like the witch who found love in an illusion and whose memory was immortalized but just like the girl whose name and death were only remembered as a loophole for a made up theory among the many speculations that ruined Ange's life, dooming herself to become another Erika in death. The self-fulfilling prophecy of it all
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anawkwardlady · 10 months
Glimpses of love found inside nightmares.
Hi. Sorry for the other confusing rambling. It might happen again. (Spoilers EP3 and mentions of EP8)
Within the cold depictions of characters relationships (especially between the Ushiromiya siblings) we're given hints love is/was hiding somewhere. And I really like that it sometimes happen during the worst moments.
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Until this scene we got almost to no exemple of Eva and Rosa ever getting along during Rosa's childhood. Rosa's memories are mostly painted by the trauma of Eva's (and her other siblings) abuse. If it wasn't for the gruesome execution and EVA sadistic tendencies, we would have never know about this.
So there was a time when Rosa had opened up to Eva about her little girl dreams and whims and they bonded over wanting to become witches. She, at some points, was safe enough around her to share those desires and Eva was, at some point, loving enough to listen. Ironically we're so distracted by the display of violence we don't even really cling to this. Rosa cannot properly process it nor respond either. Its almost as if the illusion of the witch served to conceal the conflicting feelings the sisters cannot express to each other now due to the amount of damage that was already done during those years.
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And when we strip it even more we learn Eva opened up in some ways to little Rosa about the struggles she grew up with. A feeling of being powerless and being meant for more than the role attributed to her. They apparently both felt this way. And it brings us to the question : did that actually happen? Or is EVA putting her words and thoughts in her little sister's mouth?
Let's keep in mind that 1) Its a fantasy scene 2)Eva and Rosa were never children together. So already when EVA says "when we were small" she is either inventing or romanticizing those memories. After all, is theres a time when they were small together, that time also soothe the darker parts, one where the abuse of an adult to a child becomes big and little sister bickering.
Would Rosa share those dreams and have those thoughts THAT young? Would Eva open up to Rosa in any way once the hostility started to poison their relationship? Would Eva even be the type to play along with her stupid little sister dreams? Actually play with her sister? (when we know Rosa wasn't even allowed to play with her own toys without it getting destroyed)
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In my opinion theres probably some truth to which point we will never know.
But at best : it really did happen, the timeline is just a blur. At worst : Eva is sharing regrets on the relationship they had and fantasizes about how it could have been. It low key reminds me of Eva and Ange's relationship in Episode 8 where Eva is being extremely affectionate showing her the motherly version of her that wasn't distorted by grief, that wanted a daughter. In Episode 8, the gameboard is made to show and exaggerate everyone's good parts. Episode 3 doesn't hold that kind of space. And I have to say, reading this scene and paying attention to those details reinforced the horror and cruelty EVA is displaying here for me. Proving Rosa right on her insecurities, she cannot trust anyone with her silly dreams and be vulnerable, it turned against her all over again.
To finish, something to note if how well Eva remembers those anecdotes very well while pointing out that Rosa probably doesn't. It seems like it was important to let Rosa know Eva was a good sister once. However since Eva cannot tell her, EVA will. And witches never simply write "I love you" in a piece of paper.
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cringemoth · 20 days
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Now that I’ve finally caught up with the VODS, I can finally present what little Umineko art I’ve made so far! I started watching Nezumi’s VODs of Umineko last month and it has been STUCK IN MY BRAIN EVER SINCE!
So first, thank you to NezumiVA for making such an accessible, beautiful and impactful way of watching Umineko! I am terrified of vulnerability and being seen in media, especially by tragedies as I’ve gotten hurt by what they say about me before. However, Umineko is one of the few tragedies to get through to me the beauty of feeling something that can only be provided by the vulnerable feeling of offering your heart to be seen. Without love, it cannot be seen, after all.
Now, for the witches!! I present my partner’s and my witch OC’s, The Witch of Dusk and The Witch of Growth!
The Witch of Growth, also known as Xiota Popelarr is a girl that was a part of an incredibly lonely gameboard long ago. After figuring out she was a piece and demanding to be free, she was thrown into a logic error as punishment. She spent many years trapped in a logic error as a punishment. After a while, the girl had been trapped in the error for so long that she had changed enough to understand the error differently, and therefore find a way to escape. There are some witches that say she went insane in there and that the cracking sound of her sanity snapping was the fertilizer that allowed her magic to grow. Now, as a witch, she spends her days collecting the worst human pieces she can find and putting them on a gameboard to fight. She claims this is to make the pieces better people, but she actually does it to entertain other witches and her favorite person, The Witch of Dusk.
Similarly, the Witch of Dusk, also known as Esme Skalice was also a piece from a lonely gameboard long ago, where she died young inside of a hotel pool before she was found by the Witch of Growth. The Witch of Growth had been watching the game and liked Dusk’s “character” enough to give her a little magic boost. Not much is known about her other than she has a fondness for liminal spaces as the setting of her games and she is easily amused by her partner’s antics and genuine belief in her human pieces. While her partner has an obsession with watching things grow, the Witch of Dusk enjoys watching the fall and/or the setting of something. She spends her days gathering pieces and watching as they deal with the setting sun.
It is thanks to the Witch of Dusk that the Witch of Growth was able to find her way out of the logic error. The Witch of Dusk managed to find her in the setting of her sanity and as thanks for the little amount of power that pushed her to become a witch after death, Dusk gave Growth the strength she needed to escape. Toxic yuri with a bit of time-travel, as inspired by Lambda, Bern, Ange and Mammon.
Anyway, enjoy the witches! :D Thank you so much!
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uummyuu · 1 year
im probably not the first to request this but could you do invincible united headcanons? 🫣🫣
invincible united headcanons
unironically you are the first request, so here's me going off about men who should probably be in jail but aren't for plot convenience :))
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in other teams' headcanons i call them family/fandom of space nerds but these guys? nah, they only tolerate each other because they keep each other out of jail (or at least vince does).
honestly vince probably just has some sort of mafia like underground connections to keep these guys out of jail, moreover how he even got dooma OUT in the first place.
the only (somewhat) sensible guy i can see in the team is automatic but even he's kinda pushing it. like bro what kinda rage do you hold inside you to be able to throw that hard??? he and dooma are easily the guys who could actually murder someone and get away with it.
dooma's definitely a wall puncher, like his wall has several fucking holes in it from the times he goes into rages. (the team have literally learned to cage this man in his room when he's angry, barrackading the windows included, one time he escaped through them and god—)
dooma's probably taking anger management somewhere but hell it ain't working all that well, his therapist probably needs a fucking therapist.
anyways onto dingaan my sweetie <33, he's just so head empty but loyal in a misguided puppy kinda way i can't help but be endeared to him. but also the way skarra keeps bringing him into his shit is so funny because bro you KNOW dingaan of all people ain't qualified to operate a freaking crane are you insane.
i hope dingaan's happy honestly he deserves it. (probably knows skarra is kinda using him as a placeholder for his long broken friendship with shakes which bums him out a bit but he wants to be there for skarra no matter what).
anyways onto skarra, considering he's the antagonist of the show i don't really have too much of an opinion on him?? probably laments his relationship with shakes (platonically or romantically take your pick) but he's too deep into the schtick of hating him he can't get out of it now. he sees no way out for himself or even a method of how to return things to the way they used to be between them.
oh but i felt pretty bad for him in rookie season when he failed to pass for supa strikas just cause he wasn't ready to die for a couple of people he'd just met. like i dunno i thought he was reasonable for that even though the show kinda pictures it in a "he deserved it after sabotaging shakes" kinda way. alternate universe where both he AND shakes get into supa strikas where they can slowly patch up their friendship and develop a healthy relationship when?
anyways invincible united tried to hold a game night once. keyword tried. they were not invincible, nor united.
dingaan wanted to play monopoly of all games and uh, yeah. didn't end well dooma smashed the gameboard in half when he kept having to pay skarra rent. also landed in jail way too many times. they learned not to do that again, but in the first place they were never really a buddy-buddy type of team.
some players just see it as a job while the others see it as a way to flaunt themselves and prove their skill to the world. football isn't really a dream to this team, more of just a way to show off while making money.
honestly no shame there, whatever works for them and they're clearly skilled enough to have this sort of mindset. but the so-called "beautiful game" is more of a hollow reality to them. get up, practice, play football, win. do whatever it takes.
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ineffablegoblin · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2 | Aziraphale's Actions on the Gameboard
This has definitely been discussed in great detail, but it keeps playing in my mind every night, so I'd like to add to the discourse.
@inhonoredglory did a great job at characterizing Aziraphale, showing the Job connection, and connecting his decisions to Michael Sheen's emotive and powerful beliefs. It has put into words a lot of the feelings and thoughts I'd been having since I first saw the show (and I have been watching it every night on repeat like its a song). The different theories about Metatron, the book of life, and coffee are interesting and great coping mechanisms to manage that intense final scene, and who knows what Neil will reveal in Season 3, but they don't consider the bigger picture outside of Aziraphale and Crowley.
Good Omens is fundamentally about the ineffable game of life that God plays. It is unknowable and unpredictable. Season 2 is supposed to be a bridge between two very intense life-shattering events. Season 1, and the novel, focus on preventing the end of the world. Season 3 (unwritten novel 2) must be equally big, if not bigger. There has to be more to it than just a relationship at stake.
We can't simply forget the Heaven and Hell still WANT the end of the world. They still want a big war. They are willing to go to extreme lengths to do so, and they're exceptionally eager to bury their 'institutional problems'. Metatron himself says that he needs an angel to lead 'the second coming'. He definitely is being some sort of manipulative, but the trap of heaven is also an opportunity to make a real difference.
When we look at Aziraphale in Episode 6's ending, he is very clearly reluctant and torn. He shows as much in his facial expressions, his tone, his mannerisms, and even his words. He mimics the conflicted hand movements and behaviors that he uses when lying as he addresses Crowley. He is very capable of trying to hide things from everyone he deems dangerous or at risk. He does this with Crowley (when he discovers who the antichrist is) and with God (when She asks about his sword). He also says that he does not want to go back to heaven when he speaks to Metatron about the offer. He says, pained, 'I think I-" before agreeing that he does not need anything and leaving with Metatron. He is in tears at the decision he has to make. He takes an emotional look at his bookshop and the windows and all the memories he has made of himself and his books and his drinks and his Crowley.
He very clearly KNOWS that "the something big and horrible" is coming. His decision is him choosing Crowley and his bookshop and earth because 'nothing lasts forever' and it won't last at all if he does not do something about it. Minutes before this he was under threat of being completely erased from the Book Of Life by the Archangels. Who's to say they won't erase him if he runs away with Crowley? Give him coffee (agreeing to Metatron's offer) or give him death (the destruction of earth and everything he loves and Crowley and himself).
It is true that Aziraphale would NEVER willingly give up his books and precious words. He would never abandon Crowley. It is emphasized until the end of the show. But if his books and his stories and diaries are about to be lost in some big horrible event, shouldn't he try to save it? Is his bookshop not worth giving up momentary comfort for? Is his life with Crowley not worth that sacrifice?
It's all part of the game. I think Aziraphale understands that to beat the game, he has to play it by the rules and beat it from the inside. He thinks in a fairly black-and-white way (or light-grey and dark-grey way) and he clearly knows Crowley will not agree with him. His "I need you" is as powerful as Crowley's kiss.
Think about it. If he just abandons the game, he loses by default. He has no control over what the other players do. We like having representatives in policy making when we vote, right? We have legal LGBTQ+ rights in some countries because someone went into the room of decision makers and fought for it. He knows has to be in that room to make a difference, or else he risks losing everything. And it's not as if he and Crowley haven't been separated before.
I mean, let's say you have a partner you love and you both run a business you love and have friends you love, but it's illegal to be gay, and you're both very gay. Your partner says you both should just run away and move to a cottage and live and be gay together in peace somewhere remote because the government would arrest you or your neighbors might stone you if they found out. But you know that no matter where you go, they might always find you and kill you both. You like the business and friends and little apartment in the city that you share. Now, say you suddenly get an offer from a colleague, who you may or may not trust, to be involved in the law-making, and you know the bill on Gay Rights is being re-written and evaluated. As much as I personally prefer living in quiet cottage, I could very well see myself choosing to take that seat and try to make a change. It would let me keep everything I love. It would keep me and my partner safe. It would let me keep other people like me safe (ineffable bureaucracy). It would be the right thing to do; the good thing.
He and Crowley must both know that they love each other. They have loved each other in their own way forever, and have spent years apart and been just as strong at their next meeting. Aziraphale had heart eyes from the moment they met in heaven. They play a very intentional game of rescue and meet-up. Aziraphale is very capable of taking care of himself, and Crowley does not need to rush to his aid when he senses something is wrong, but they both do that whole dance anyway because it's their version of showing their love with the human expressions that they have comfortably tempted themselves to enjoy (food, alcohol, collections, plants, books, cars, etc.). But they can literally have forever together. Aziraphale believes that they can survive this separation, especially if it means saving earth and their relationship in the long-run. His face says that it was a hard decision to make. Why would they want to save the humans in the bookshop, and save Job's children, and save Elspeth, and then suddenly not care about all the people on earth? Aziraphale has gone along with death and loss when it was part of the rules given by god in the past, but he did not like it. He cares about the rules. Playing the game by the rules can let him make a change in a very controlled and safe way.
Aziraphale is complex and not perfect. He is a person with strengths and weaknesses. He may be influenced by trauma or manipulation or something else, but people often make big decisions for multiple reasons. Aziraphale picked his character and is rolling the dice. He has to play this game by the rules. Neil is (hopefully but also not hopefully) setting up the board for something far bigger than Season 1 and I am so excited (but not) to know what it is.
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
satoko 🤝 yasu
having an "i struggle to reconcile the kind of person my father figure used to be bc of my trauma caused by him and even now i want payback for all the abuse bc even though he tried to fix things he wasn’t invested in me enough as a person” dynamic with their abuser which doesn't undermine the damage caused to them as victims in the first place and actually works well not in spite of but bc of the deliberate one-sidedness of the relationships bc the abusers are effectively turned into puppets on strings and are robbed off their autonomy on the victim’s gameboard in their power play, and the way abusive!teppei in tatariakashi literally exists within the catbox of satoko’s house the same way kinzo being alive does inside his study is fjhgjfghh this is the uminekofication of satoko houjou
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chloristoflora · 1 year
"They always believed they could see disaster coming and avoid it," Beloved said. "Change the future to save themselves. They knew something of the Destroyer, but I doubt they expected a small girl; I doubt they understood they would bring it all on themselves." He added, "And the actions of the Unexpected Son were, as always, unexpected. Fitz had a way of tumbling all their pieces from the gameboard. For a time longer, we may be in their blind spot. Fitz bought this time for us. We must not waste it."
Fitz had, I thought to myself. Not Fitz has. Never again. I felt Per's grip on my hand tighten and knew that we shared that thought. We followed them out into a sunny day. I blinked incredulously. I felt it had been a year since I left my cell. Deep grass surrounded the neglected entry to the tunnel and no clear trail led away from it. The tasselled heads of the tall glasses glistened with dew. We could clearly see the trampled grass where the Whites and then Prilkop had gone down toward the town.
"Let me take your arm," Spark said to Beloved. "We need to move quickly."
"I can see. As I once did. Perfectly."
"How?" Lant demanded.
"Fitz," he said quietly. He stepped clear of the brambles and looked around him as if the world were a wonder. "As he was dying. He did a last healing. On me. I suspect it took every last bit of strength he had." He looked down at me and added, "I did not ask him for that. I did not want it. But he knew he was trapped. He chose to spend what life he had left on me."
I looked up at him. He was changed from the first time I had seen him. He was thinner, almost gaunt. The battering his face had taken was almost gone. And he stood differently. It came to me slowly. Nothing hurt inside him any more.
Assassin's Fate, by Robin Hobb (Fitz and the Fool Trilogy #3)
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ushiromiyacestcentral · 11 months
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Anyways have Black!Maria/ Gertrud Ushiromiya’s reformed design in the good!black witch Maria AU, this is how she appears inside of the gameboard, she’s mostly mischievous but trying to make amends with being born from Maria’s memories on Rokkenjima + plus her mother’s abuse, she still crushes on Rika as she Rika and Maria has this little love triangle going on.
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Jeff Hardy x Lita
Matt just broke up with her. She didn't do anything wrong?.. What.
Once Lita left the lockeroom, she slid down the door and started sobbing.
What felt like eternity, which in reality was only a couple seconds she felt Jeff's presence and felt him start hugging her. When they go back to the hotel they wake up in quite a rough situation
Every touch feels right
Matt just broke up with her. She didn't do anything wrong?.. What.
Once Lita left the lockeroom, she slid down the door and started sobbing. What did she do to deserve this. She just fuckin told Matt she loved him for godsake. 
What felt like eternity which in reality was only a couple seconds she felt Jeff's presence and felt him start hugging her asking her what was wrong.
"i-i went in there to talk to Matt, I wanted to tell him i was sorry, and i told i loved him and he said that we're breaking up" She explained in a teary voice
When she looked up she saw in staring at her with the most concerned gaze. It made her feel loved for once. She doubted Matt ever cared about her. Jeff was always caring and protective. Matt always got jealous.
He kept whispering comforting things in her ear to help her calm down.
"you shouldn't of went in there, You're sticking with me alright, it'll be alright don't worry" He reassured her
They lost their handicapped match.
Her and Matt were offically done and apparently so were the Hardyz.
Jeff and Lita felt empty. All they had was each other now.
When they got backstage Lita was trying very hard not to burst into tears right then and there. Jeff saw this and brought them into a private area and gave her the biggest hug and let her sob her heart out.
"Its okay Li let it all out its alright, Matts just a dick" He told her
"i know i just feel bad, Its all my fault." she cried
"No the hell is it not Lita" He started
He broke the hug and said
"Hey come back to my hotel room we can invite Edge and Christian over as a distraction. How does that sound?" he finishes
She nodded slighty and smiled at him
"Thank you" She whispered gratefully
"No need to thank me" He whispered back
Both of them were heading to the hotel and all Lita could think about was everything that just happened. It would take her awhile to get over the breakup. Her heart hurts for Jeff. She knows he's hurting but he he's hiding it. He's quite good at that. But she's so thankful she still has Jeff.
They arrived at the hotel and booked another room since they weren't going to risk going back to their shared room with Matt. They dont even know why they were sharing a room. They were already having problems. All of them. Everything was so tense and awkward and they could feel the anger and annoyance radiating off of Matt.
Once they booked another room for them to share they called up Edge and Christian once they were settled told them to bring up beer.
They weren't planning on drinking a lot obviously. Just enough so they could get away from their problems.
It was about 2 hours later and all of them were black out drunk. They played every game they could think of, Truth or dare, would you rather, and even twister and monopoly- things didn't really end well with that game. She had no idea where the boys got that mat and gameboard from she never even saw them bring it in.
They were partying inside the small hotel room. They didn't even get any noise complaints. Pretty shocking.
When she woke up and sat up a bit then looked around and saw Edge and Christian on the floor cuddling each other just in their underwear. She stiffled a laugh at that even though it was quite adorable.
She finally looked down at herself and saw she was naked. WHAT?!
oh fuck.
And of course the person laying next to her- who was also naked, was Jeff hardy,
"Oh fuck. Oh fuck." She panicked
Her panicking woke up the other three men and when they all realised the situation. Every. single. person. froze in shock.
"Oh shit man" Edge laughed
Christian just felt awkward but  felt sympathy for the two while also trying not to laugh in shock
Both men rushed to put on all of their clothes and left so fast without even saying goodbye.
Leaving the two to sit in silence
"Li I'm so so-" Jeff started
"Don't apolagize its not your fault. We were drunk it didn't mean anything" she said to him.
She felt a pit in her stomach after she finished to last sentance, and apparently, so did Jeff because she seen him frown slightly for a second before it was completely gone and nodded his head, agreeing.
They both awkwardly grabbed their clothes avoiding any eye contact what so ever and left the room without saying a word.
When they got to the lobby they came to the realization that they should probably talk about this and that's when the shock truly set in.
They walked outside and went to a secluded area and just stood there staring at each other.
"If it makes it any better I don't remember anything that happened between you and I last night" Jeff confesses
"Neither do i" Lita agrees
"But what were we thinking" she continues in a slight whining tone
"I don't know, I really dont know.." His voice fades off
They both stared at each other once again. Even though neither of them would admit, they know they're the ones for each other. She was never truly in love with Matt, like she loved him of course but it didn't feel right but with Jeff it did. She just never said anything.
Before any of them think they jump into each other's arms and hug each other tightly
Lita breaks of the hug a bit so attach her lips to Jeff's
They both continue the kiss until they break apart and smile brokenly to one another. They knew this was wrong. Very wrong but neither of them did anything to stop it. They didn't want to stop it.
"Screw Matt Li stay with me, please. I'd never fuckin break your heart like that" He promises
She believes him.
To answer his question she smiles and kisses him again while putting her hands on his face and rubs his cheeks.
He wraps his arms her waist and rubs her soft skin.
Every touch felt right.
This was right- Maybe. Well at least for now it was. They could deal with everything else later.
~cross-posted on Wattpad & ao3~
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mellowwillowy · 2 years
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Bullying Scribe at its finest. A celebratory post for @thescribeoflostmemories 's first M.List~
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XL: Do you think I can rail you?
S: I'm sorry, what did you just say?
XL: My old young master Scribe, do you think I can rail you?
S: I'm not... into toys... inside me...
XL: Who said that we'll be using toys?
S: .... excuse me?
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XL: Do you think I can rail you?
S: No, definitely no toys inside me
XL: Are you trying to say I'll be using a toy?
S: Well, what else? Or maybe, how else?
XL: Has the thought of me shifting into a man never crossed your mind?
S: .... excuse me?
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XL: Do you think I can rail you?
S: No
XL: Why not?
S: You are just pulling my leg at this point are you not?
XL: Nope
S: Prove it
XL: I'm quiet the bishounen too you know *shifts*
S: ....
XL: Wanna see what's down there?
S: .... excuse me?
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XL: Do you think I can rail you?
S: For the love of God ,-
XL: You love me?
S: ... we are from different gameboard and that means we have different God
XL: But I'm still a God
S: And you are not from my gameboard
XL: Still a God tho
S: Yeah and a God has been wishing to rail me
XL: Gods need a relief every now and then you know
S: There are definitely loads of scandals surrounding you up there in your gameboard
XL: You're not wrong *shrugs*
S: .... excuse me?
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XL: Do you think I can rail you?
S: Definitely not with someone of scandals like you
XL: And twitt*r thanks you for that
S: No I was only joking about that-
XL: And twitt*r thanks you for that
S: I've clarified, I've clarified!
XL: Ya think twitt*r will see your simple clarification? All the QRTs will be nasty
S: Oh cmon now, I've clarified!
XL: Oh really? Do it properly
S: I'm... I don't mind... being railed... by you
XL: Nyaha~ Just kiddin. My twitter account has been suspended because of the mass report from everyone~
S: .... excuse me?
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XL: Do you think I can-
S: Yes, yes, yes. Now stop chasing me
XL: Hey, he said yes
F: Wow really?
S: .... why is she here?
F: Who cares? You just agreed on playing as Shrek's donkey
P: We'll get you ready
S: .... excuse me?
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S: Can't I play as Shrek instead?
XL: No it's my role you pet
P: A taste of your own medicine
F: I'm the cat~
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fragmentwitch · 2 years
Sometimes I like to think that Frederica Bernkastel further split into 2 different witches and Umineko Bern is the one that got kicked from the gameboard while Frederica remains dormant inside Rika as a failsafe for Looping.
Yes I like to give myself headaches for no apparent reason.
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Play #9: Talisman’s emergent narrative: making meaning out of chance
A few weeks ago, I played Talisman: Digital Edition with my friends. As its name suggests, the game is a digital adaption of Games Workshop’s classic board game from 1983, Talisman. The game’s main objective has players taking turns rolling dice to travel around the gameboard, fighting enemies and collecting loot before they can venture into inner zones to become the winner. Indeed, if that description hasn’t reminded you of a typical RPG’s gameplay loop yet, then the fact that the game’s aesthetic theme is western fantasy should cement that. That being said, the board game is definitely not meant to be a storytelling-focused game like Dixit or the typical Tabletop RPG; none of Talisman’s rules mentions nor encourages players to tell a story as they play along. Yet nevertheless, the emergent narrative formed unintentionally through our playing was what made the game really fun for us.
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This emergent narrative caught my attention when after we finished our first session, one of my friends said that the campaign was fun and then proceeded to describe the experience in fantasy narrative style. To call our session a “campaign” reminded me of Dungeons & Dragons (my friend knows a little bit about DnD), and when I looked back to our playing session, our Talisman session did feel similar to a fantasy adventure: we worked together to take down the Sentinel, we kept losing our healths inside the harder areas, we made fun of each other when our lucks weren’t in our favor, and so on. The game was already fun to play as it was, but by describing the session in terms of DnD style, we also produced a fun story too. For example, this was our most favorite moment in our first session:
Reality: I accidentally lost my last Life Point by not paying attention. Unexpectedly, that death gave me a chance to turn the game around. When I got revived, I got lucky and drew a spell that lets me steal a powerful item from my friend. This one singular decision ended up having a big ramification to the point of leading me to victory.
Narrative: The Exorcist visited the graveyard to make a pact with the Devil. In exchange for his life, he gained immense power that let him steal a powerful artifact from his ally—a wand that lets him cast numerous spells. With this newfound power, obtaining the Crown of Command was an easy task for him.
Notably though, the way we created narrative here was slightly different from roleplaying: instead of acting in alternate persona in order to form a narrative, here, the narrative was formed retrospectively. None of us played the game with the intention to tell a story, and yet we nonetheless looked forward to the kind of absurd narrative that could be generated from our playing.
One specific feature of Talisman that contributes the most to the creation of this emergent narrative is the matter of “fortune”, a central point of playing according to Sarah Lynne Bowman. While Talisman has been met with criticism before for being too luck-based, I think half the fun of the game is dealing with bad luck. The unpredictableness of dice rolls opens up opportunities for us to laugh at each other’s misfortunes or to get surprised by an unexpected turn of event. Granted this randomness might not be fun for everyone, but for my friend group, who loves “stories so absurd it is fun” (it’s the reason we watch Riverdale weekly), Talisman is perfect for us! Even boring moments can be translated into something memorable, such as with our second run. New to the game, we were unaware of the Firelands Expansion’s difficulty, so our combination of the expansion with a specific victory condition that did not gel well ended up making the run horrible. To put it plainly, we had to end the run prematurely because it was miserable to keep playing when everyone just died every turn due to fire tiles. As a story, however, it was frankly entertaining to look back on: just a bunch of heroes who failed to save the world from hellfire, so they slowly burned in hell for their damnation sins. This sort of emergent narrative, which is resulted from unpredictable dice rolls and our interpretation of events, demonstrates the power of narrating: it can turn individual gameplay moments into a meaningful sequence.
Overall, I find it interesting that this emergent narrative is “forcefully” constructed by the players instead of being a natural part of the game’s convention. In a way, such a narrative making process can serve as an example of how players' experience doesn’t necessarily have to correlate to a game’s intended design in order for them to have fun.
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P/S: I wonder what it would be like to play Talisman as a roleplaying game?
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legs-in-knots · 1 year
How would you fuck me bby :3
By getting as much / as many inside of you as I can through all available orifices and some you don't have yet
Physically and mentally, on a gameboard and a gym mat and a cutting room floor
With a soldering iron and needle nose pliers, messing with the pins on your circuitboards
With glass and steel and wood on the softest surfaces known to man, so that you can't hold yourself up and when you finally collapse it'll be the best rest you ever know
Let me count the ways Ԑ:
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greysdl · 2 years
The ticker tape
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The ticker tape free#
The ticker tape free#
This social ticker is made up of hundreds of millions of people talking about stocks, markets, products and companies in real time on Stocktwits, Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, Whatsapp, YouTube, Discord, Slack etc…Īdd fractional ownership, free trading, Robinhood and 1,000 Robinhood clones and variations to the mix and you can see why I still get excited for the opportunities ahead. Today, with the ‘social ticker’ and the internet, everyone of us has some form of ‘inside information’… a unique pipe of our own as the ticker tape is everywhere. The social revolution in markets is really just getting started. The ticker tape led to a long revolution in markets. When the ticker tape was created 153 years ago, imagine the advantage a few people had when securities began trading. Todd also shared an interview he just did with real Vision as well. Vintage Edison Stock Ticker Tape Machine. His Arctic adventures resulted in snow of a different kind on the New York streets. The middle celebration is described as a double whammy, springing from 2 separate transatlantic flights. Parades 1 and 3 tributed his flying over the North and South Poles respectively. I just did another video with Todd Harrison (post election) to catch up anyone interested in Cannabis opportunities. Moda Beautiful Day by Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts - Ticker Tape Stripe Print on Scarlet (Item 29135 21) - yardage. The ticker tape descended on Byrd in 1926, 19. The new COVID vaccines will spawn another biotech/medical revolution and you can’t underestimate the Cannabis explosion that this election finally tipped over for United States MSO’s (multi state operators). For those that are now ready to get started, Fred recommends ‘ Starting At The Start‘. Fred Wilson remains bullish and calls it ‘ The Gateway Drug‘. This morning I woke up and Bitcoin crossed $17,000 (I am long). It was 13 years ago that I sent the first $ ‘Cashtag’ to Fred Wilson and Stocktwits and Fintwit were born. Each player begins with 15,000 and a sheet of blank stock. Edward Augustin Calahan, an American inventor, is credited with the creation of the ticker tape and stock tickers. Changes in prices of the stocks of each company are noted on the gameboard using a china marker. This weekend in Stocktwits daily email I learned that the Ticker Tape turned 153 years old. The markets get better as more people participate.
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dualmessiahs · 2 years
for umineko day part 2, heres a spoiler free piece based on an alt ep4 that i wrote like 3 months ago:
"How have I hurt you?" He asked, and her world stopped.
His eyes were calculating and brilliantly bright, in that way that showed so rarely, only when the most extreme of situations was put before him. His hand hovered over his pieces before carefully selecting a knight. He moved it to C6, capturing her pawn.
She remembered.
It had been rain pouring pounding, soaking his shoulders. She had been safe from the deluge as she stared down at him, calculating, looking for any sign of recognition in his eyes and trying to hold the splinters of her heart together as there were none.
She had been ready then, had aimed for the confrontation. Even when the gameboard melted into their reality--Battler as all he was, staring at her affront with confusion--his shoulders shaking slightly as if they were wet, how completely he became his piece.
His confusion, his unknowing, was going to end this game soon. She would give up, grant him his victory he so ardently sought. She had planned it and was ready, as that board had approached the end, every possible confrontation mapped in her mind, a thousand escape routes for her heart to evade the daggers he continued to thrust into it.
But now she wasn't ready. They had moved on, shifted, it was no longer time for that--they were to move on, have a revelation--at this point all she wanted was for him to maybe recall her name as he stabbed through her heart. To at least realize who she was before she died, before both of them died.
He was to be the knight dutifully slaying the evil witch that held him captive. He was no longer meant to remain a detective.
The end was close but not quite yet reached, but now he was staring at her like she was a closed room, finally, finally trying to get inside.
A closed room, once opened, would never be closed again.
He was late. As he always was, Battler Ushiromiya was late.  Too late to change things, too late to recognize her, too late to shift any direction but towards their mutual demise.
"Six years ago…" He spoke distantly, his gaze still on the board, even though he had no move to make as she sat stock still. His dark eyes flickered up to her again, "So you are someone I knew.  You must be a familiar soul, but I don't know you."
Now he was mumbling, like she wasn't there. She gave him nothing but a cold blank stare as her heart turned to ice, fit to shatter.
"Turn it around," he whispered, his fingers snapping and twisting the way his stepmother had taught him, "There's a reason you know me, but refuse to use a face I know. A reason you chose to meet me again this way--the sin. My sin."
His expression was of guilt, an ignorant guilt as he stared at her, trying to get under her inscrutable layers, tried to get past her skin, to the truth of who she was.  She wanted to scream LOOK! but she remained silent.  Still and stoic, Beatrice was perfect.
"You wanted me to remember. This is so important to you. I knew you as a child and yet something mattered so much…"
Something sparked. A small flame lit up in his eyes, accompanying the untended pyre that rested in her own heart.
He gasped her name.
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