lettersofcredit · 3 years
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Look at this infographic to know how to get Performance Guarantee – MT760 on behalf of your company & in favor of your counterparty without blocking your cash funds! We have years of experience in structuring the bond requirements of our clients globally. To read our latest news on Performance Bond Transaction, visit: https://bwtradefinance.com/guarantee-bond
To consult with our trade finance team,
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Phone/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Get Help from Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai
Get assistance from International Bank Guarantee providers in Dubai to know the process to avail BG MT760 without blocking your cash funds! Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C. is the direct issuers of Bank Guarantee from good rated European Banks. We assist traders and contractors by providing a wide range of BGs including – Performance Guarantee, Advance Payment Guarantee & Bid Bond – Tender Bond Guarantee. To submit your BG requirements with us, visit: https://importletterofcredit.com/bank-guarantee/
 To discuss your BG requirements with us,
Call Us: +971-4-55-19699
Phone/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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elganora · 3 years
Been in the agricultural sector and agribusiness sub-sector for six years, we have seen the up and down and the opportunities inherent in this sector, so we have chosen to stay, make it better and present the opportunities with low risk to other willing Nigerian to come on board.
This write up is for individuals or firms that has funds and wants to maximize their return from it. It’s also for people who wants to make more than what the money market is offering them and still enjoy the ease it offers.
Before I go further, please note that I am not a financial expert nor an adviser. All I am going to write here is for information and educational purposes only. Before you explore it, do seek financial advice from a competent person or institution.
That said, Agricultural sector is what we are all familiar with, under which Agribusiness (Agricultural produce supplier) is a sub-sector. In this sector, all we do is to buy Agricultural produce from where it’s in abundance and sell where it’s or to processors and exporters at a margin or profit as the case may be.
The sector is very lucrative and has the capacity to double an investor’s money in a year if done right. Though it comes with some buckets of challenges for those who wants to operate from the field, which I will not be discussing here, definitely in another post.
Now to how you can make money issuing bank instrument to Agricultural produce suppliers. We are familiar with what Bank instrument is, but for the sake of those who are not, bank instrument is a formal document issued by a bank as a financial solution or it’s equivalent assuring him of payment when all terms in such instrument are met. Examples includes BG (Bank Guarantee), LC (Letter of Credit), etc Making money issuing BG
To make the most of this avenue, the funds owner will be issuing a bank Guarantee to a trader will have to ensure the following: 1. Have a supply contract or agreement to supply an Agro produce with a buyer or a processor. 2. Get a trader that has a verified credit line with a financial institution that needs a bank instrument to activate. In this case, the trader’s financier will only release funds to him when a buyer issues him a BG. 3. Get the trader to pay a fee called performance bond (pb) it’s usually between 1-2% of the required amount. This will serve as bank charges and little profit incase the trader defaults, you still get to make something anyway. You issue an LPO stating the terms and then 4. BG will be issued and the trader access his funds from financier, then supply commence. 5. At this stage, the supplier will deliver to the designated and the BG issuer’s company’s Waybill and Invoice will be used to process the delivery to the factory. This will follow with quantity and quality confirmation. 6. After a successful operation at the delivery point, the trader can then go and process his payment with the bank while the BG issuer gets his payment usually within 48hrs on the average. 7. Repeat 4-6. We’ve done a video that explained this in details. Click on the link below to watch. Incase you need further explanation, question, clarification, feel free to post it in the comments box.
Watch the article video here
#bankguarantee #letterofcredit #facilities #consulting #invest #lending #fund #export #business #financialplan #financial #trade #importexport #performancebond #banking #performancebondproviders #internationalbankguarantee #bgproviders #agribusiness #agriculture
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Bid Bond Guarantee Issuance – How to Get Bid Bond
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To get the Bid Bond Guarantee issued from international repute banks, contact us today! Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the International Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai are the trusted Bank Instruments Providers who lend our own Bank Facilities on behalf of contractors & suppliers to get their business concluded without facing cash flow issues. If you’re looking to participate in the bidding contest, then get Bid Bond from us & increase the chance of winning the contest. Apply now: https://www.bwtradefinance.com/bid-bond/
For more info:
Call us: +971-4-5519699
Phone/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Bank Guarantee Available for Traders and Contractors
Are you a trader or contractor looking to get a Bank Guarantee to sign worthy trade deals or contracts? Now you can apply for Bank Guarantee online without blocking your cash funds! Contact Bronze Wing Trading, the International Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai today & get the BG MT760 issued from European Banks in just 48hrs. Submit your BG requirements here: https://importletterofcredit.com/bank-guarantee/
 To discuss with our experts regarding your BG needs,
Call Us: +971-4-55-19699
Phone/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Apply for Bank Guarantee at ZERO Collateral
Get Bank Guarantee from European Banks without blocking your cash capital! Unlike banks, we will not demand any cash margin or collateral from you to issue the BG MT760. Submit your Bank Guarantee application now to get a FREE quote from us: https://www.bwtradefinance.com/bank-guarantee-bg/
 To discuss your BG requirements with us,
Call Us: +971-4-55-19699
Phone/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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International Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai - BG MT760
Are you looking for the right providers of International Bank Guarantee to sign new contracts and trade deals? Get help from Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the BG Providers in Dubai! By having our own bank facilities available in European Banks, we support traders and contractors to do business with suppliers all around the world. To know more about Bank Guarantee issuance process, https://www.bwtradefinance.com/bank-guarantee-bg/
 To consult with us regarding BG needs,
Call Us: +971-4-55-19699
Phone/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Infographics – How to Get Bid Bond – Bank Guarantee Process
Have a look at the infographic published by Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai. This talks about the simple step-by-step by process on “How to Get Bid Bond Guarantee from Good Rated Banks.” If you require Bid Bond – Tender Guarantee on your company’s behalf, submit your requirements to us today. We can facilitate the required bond from our European Bank Account in less than 48hrs. Visit: https://www.bwtradefinance.com/bid-bond/
 For more info:
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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lettersofcredit · 3 years
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Infographic – Advance Payment Guarantee – Payment Bond
This infographic portrays the simple process to get Advance Payment Guarantee on behalf of your company without blocking your working capital. For the past 3 decades, we are serving the Bank Guarantee needs of contractors and suppliers by extending our own credit lines available in European Bank Accounts. To apply for Advance Payment Guarantee, visit: https://importletterofcredit.com/advance-payment-guarantee/
 To discuss with our trade finance experts,
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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lettersofcredit · 3 years
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Advance Payment Guarantee in 48hrs!
Are you looking for the Bank Guarantee Providers to get Advance Payment Guarantee? We are here to assist you! We extend our bank facilities available in European Banks to provide different types of Bank Guarantees on behalf of our clients globally. To get Advance Payment Guarantee without blocking your cash funds, submit your requirements to us: https://importletterofcredit.com/advance-payment-guarantee/
 To discuss your MT760 Guarantee requirements with us,
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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lettersofcredit · 3 years
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Infographics – How to Get Performance Bond
This infographic is presented by Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the Performance Bond Providers in Dubai. And this illustrates the simple & easy steps for availing Performance Bond from good rated banks. Apply for Performance Guarantee now & get ready to sign worthy contracts and trade deals, visit: https://importletterofcredit.com/performance-bond/
 Discuss with our experts to get more info on BG Issuance,
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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lettersofcredit · 3 years
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Performance Bond Providers – BG MT760 – Bank Guarantee
Prove your commitment towards the positive completion of a project or trade deal by issuing Performance Bond Guarantee. Now you can get Performance Guarantee on your company’s behalf without blocking your cash funds. Apply for Bank Guarantee now and get the BG MT760 issued from European Banks. To submit your bond requirements, visit: https://importletterofcredit.com/performance-bond/
 Contact us to get more info on BG issuance,
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Bank Guarantee – Letter of Guarantee – BG Providers
This infographic is shared by Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the Bank Guarantee Provider in Dubai. By extending our bank facilities available in European Banks, we assist traders & contractors to conclude their deals on time by providing different types of Bank Guarantees including - Advance Payment Guarantee, Performance Bond & Bid Bond Guarantee. To get BG MT760 on your company’s behalf, visit: https://www.bwtradefinance.com/bank-guarantee-bg/
 To discuss with us about your Bank Guarantee requirements, you can contact us at any time using the info given below.
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Bank Guarantee Providers – International Bank Guarantee
Are you a trader or contractor who requires Bank Guarantee to sign the new contract? Get help from Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the International Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai. We supported more than 25,000 clients globally with their BG needs & requirements. We provide different types of Bank Guarantees including – Advance Payment Guarantee, Performance Bond & Bid Bond Guarantee. To submit your Bank Guarantee requirements, visit: https://www.bwtradefinance.com/bank-guarantee-bg/
 For all your Bank Guarantee related doubts & queries, you can contact us at any time!
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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bronzewingtrading · 3 years
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Infographics – International Bank Guarantee Providers
This infographic is brought to you by Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the International Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai. Via this graphical representation, we inform our clients that whether they require Bank Guarantee to sign a new trade deal or a building construction contract, we are always here to assist them. We can provide Bank Guarantee from good rated banks without blocking cash funds. For more info, visit:  https://importletterofcredit.com/bank-guarantee/
 To discuss with our trade finance experts about your Bank Guarantee requirements, you can call us or send us an email.
Email Us: [email protected]  
Call Us: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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lettersofcredit · 4 years
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Infographic – Bronze Wing Trading Review on Bank Guarantee Issuance
Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C., the Bank Guarantee Providers in Dubai presented this infographic to share a “Note of Appreciation” that we received from our Client Mr. Lisa Agnes from USA. We have received this positive comment from our client for our effort in issuing Bank Guarantee on behalf of their company from European Banks.
 To know what Mr. Lisa Agnes have to say about us, visit: https://importletterofcredit.com/bank-guarantee-issuance/
 For More Info, You Can Contact Us Via:
Call: +971-4-5519699
Call/WhatsApp/BOTIM: +971-50-4648761
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