#Intj blues I guess 😂
yunmew · 1 year
"You're too nice."
Honestly, I'm getting really tired of hearing that. You know what? I think you're too mean 😂
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samspenandsword · 1 year
Congrats on 300, Sam! You’re a talented and lovely person, I can’t wait to see your blog grow. Could I please get  👄 and ⚔️ for the prompts?
I’m in my 20s, use she/her pronouns, and bisexual. I enjoy the prequels era and the Mandalorian era the most, but I’m open to any era and organization!
I’m a Scorpio and an INTJ (just found this out so I’m still trying to make sense of it lol). I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and am covered in tattoos. People say I look like a former soviet spy, so I guess that’s my aesthetic? 😂
Naboo is gorgeous, but I have to say I also really love Takodana. I would love to spend time at Max Kanata’s castle. I have hard time staying in one place or doing the same thing over and over again.
I’m an introvert at heart! I can be personable and outgoing when necessary, but at my core I love to be independent and in my own bubble. I’m shy when I meet new people, but I have no trouble opening up to my friends and family.
Congrats again, my friend! You deserve all the recognition 💖 ✨
Hi Vee!! Thank you so much! I hope you've been doing well this week! And I hope February treats you well!
Sam's Pen and Sword 300 Follower Celebration (Closed)
Vee's Follower Celebration Request
Ship request 👄
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For you, I instantly thought of the man himself, Jango Fett. Not only would he find you hot as fuck but he would really appreciate your indepedence. He loves that he had to work to get you to open up, because he's the same way. He's not going to open up right away. Plus, the two of you both have trouble staying in one place for very long (even though Jango's "homebase" eventually becomes Kamino, he doesn't like being cooped up there). He'd enjoy getting to see your expressions (from the safety of his helmet ofc lol) as he takes you to new planets, especially ones with lots of vegetation like Naboo and Takodana. And he also appreciates that your looks make people think twice about messing with you. Honestly, I could see the two of you as one of those amazing, sizzling, slow-burn, "jesus christ you fuck good but just admit you actually love each other for fuck's sake," "fucking FINALLY!" relationships.
Jango walked behind you as you made your way towards Takodana Castle, though it was mostly known simply as Maz's. Jango had grown to appreciate the place, as it was one of the few places in the galaxy where he didn't have to worry about a fight breaking out. He lived for the light, but there were times even he needed to sit down and have a drink without the worry of needing to throw a punch. Ever since he had brought you here the first time, it had become a special place for the both of you. Maz had not only taken a shine to you, but you found beauty and fun on Takodana. Jango had grown weary of the galaxy and its beauties. At least, until you came into his life. You drew eyes as you entered the palace. You drew eyes everywhere you went. You were not only beautiful, but you held such presence. You could blend in no matter where you went, from the seedy streets of Nevarro with the rest of the Guild, to the streets of Coruscant where no one paid any mind to anything but their own business. From the harshness of Tatooine, where no one wanted to be bothered or bothered anyone in return, to the grand city of Theed, where your eyes matched the shade of the clear skies. Maz caught sight of you both, her voice booming despite her small stature. You smiled at her like you did at all your friends - kindly and openly. It was only your friends and family who saw such an expression. Everyone else saw the raise of your eyebrow and starkness of your tattoos. It did wonders for getting people to leave you alone. Though there was the occasional... annoyance. Jango gladly took care of them. One of Maz's servers was quick to bring your usual: a plate of seared dumplings. You swore that no one would ever do dumplings as well as it was done on your homeworld, but Maz was close. Jango simply watched as you dug in, and felt his heart warm as it always did when you were happy. Watching the sparkle in your eye. The upturn of your lips. The comfortable, relaxed set of your shoulders. The laughter you released more easily. It made his heart warm. And behind his helmet, Jango smiled.
Rival request ⚔️
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This one was a little harder for me to figure out, but I eventually settled on the Kryze sisters as your ultimate rivals. The two represent two opposite extremes. One of them represents the decimation of an ancient culture, nobility and frivolity, narrowmindedness and ignorance of the bigger picture. The other represents the warped evolution of that ancient culture, hypocrisy, haughtiness and arrogance, and a similar ignorance of the bigger picture. And I can just see you standing behind them during one of their arguments suggesting a compromise of some sort and instantly receiving matching death glares.
Satine's clipped, accented speech was strained with frustration and anger. No one brought it out of her quite like Bo-Katan did, who smirked in front of her older sister. The redhead was getting pleasure from irking Satine. You wanted to scream. This was doing nothing but aggravating the situation beyond repair. You wondered if that was the sisters' true goal. You couldn't imagine it wasn't, the way they were going at it. "Have you learned nothing, Bo?" Satine explained, voice losing its usual regality. "War has devastated our people. There is very nearly nothing left!" "But outlawing our ways, the ways we have lived with for thousands of years, is your answer? The people will never stand for it, Satine. They'll revolt against you faster than you can say 'peace.'" "As if you even believe peace to be an option." "Mandalorian is not only a people, Satine. It is a Creed. It is the Way." "It is not the only way." You closed your eyes as you forced yourself to remain silent. This was doing nothing. They were both right. And both wrong. And oh, so stubborn. Neither of them would budge. And you feared for Mandalore if this stalemate never resolved. The New Mandalorians were looking to Satine as their voice, as their leader. But traditionalists, more conservative people still believed in the old ways. They found their royal voice in Bo-Katan. But they knew they were at a disadvantage. Bo-Katan was younger. She would not be the one ascending to the throne of Mandalore. Those Mandalorians would never follow a pacifist leader. And they were more than willing to wage war to prevent that becoming a reality. And the New Mandalorians would be forced to fight back to avoid destruction. Civil war was on the horizon. And you couldn't bring yourself to care about the sisters, so wrapped up in their squabbling and differing opinions to see the bigger picture. It would be the common people who would suffer most in the war. A war the sisters were only exacerbating. And Kryze sisters would be in for one hell of a surprise when they each came to you for support and found none. You were done. They were on their own. You would be doing what you could for your people.
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chochote-sijali · 6 years
Tag Game
Tagged by: @phoenixmarks thank you!
Rules: just answer these and tag some people
Enneagram (with tritype if you know it): 5w6 (I’m not sure about tritype but maybe 9w1 and 4w3?)
Instinctual variants (iv): so/sp or sp/so, can no longer tell
Fav fix of your tritype: (not sure about tritype but it’s definitely 5w6)
Do you think your iv’s blind spot gives you many problems: don’t know much about Enneagram but I guess. If I’m sx-blind, then I’m more likely to assume people who are extra nice to me have a liking towards me, and I start pulling away from them because of it 😅😂. Lol I seem to distrust super nice people. Umm and I guess I have a fear of one-on-one interactions with people overall as well. I guess these are considered “problems”.
What do you like about your type the most and what do you like the least: Enneagram? Enneagram mixed with MBTI—I guess I like the curiosity that comes from being an INTP 5 and I really, really appreciate the security that 6 gives me. It makes me out as a “loyal detective” with a childish streak for wanting more information. Least that I like is that I may be curious but lack the ability to take risks with people. The Enneagram website says 5 and 6 can make me feel useless and lacking support at times, and that’s pretty accurate.
A song that reminds you of your type: lol nope, can’t think of anything and not gonna try
What colours, smells, animals, etc do you relate to your type: seriously, Enneagram or MBTI? Okay, colors—darks and some lights, something like midnight blues and greys; smells—lol as if, I know smells like that; animals—ummmm, black cats with large golden eyes? Anything else?—hard sciences, math, freedom and independence, open fields at night
When you see mood boards of your type, do they seem accurate to you: don’t normally care about mood boards. But I guess. I don’t really associate those dark mood boards that INTPs have to be indicative of all INTPs and I’m not always interested in them. I can’t picture Einstein to be associated with it and I can probably come up with something more accurate for him and myself lol
What is MBTI and Enneagram for you: MBTI is for understanding the way you think. I am not a big believer in searching for an identity, but MBTI helped me recognize my faults so I’ve focused on “fixing” those faults by a lot lol. Enneagram I don’t take seriously unless it’s added to MBTI, so I don’t know what to exactly say about it lol.
Do you relate to your type stereotypes: with MBTI? Yes, plenty of them. But only when those stereotypes come from other INTPs. I don’t trust other types’ stereotypes about INTPs because they just sound like their own interpretations and perspectives on people they know. I don’t know if this sounds cold or not but I trust averages, not people lol.
Enneagram? Not sure about Enneagram stereotypes. I’m not in that crowd who takes it all that seriously lol
How long have you been studying this stuff: MBTI? Took it when I was an early teen, but just recently got into it probably a little over a year ago. Can’t really recall. Enneagram? I don’t study at all but used it after seeing others use it. Took a test a long time ago, but officially was 5w6 when I began this blog to fill out my blog description lol.
Any mistypings: MBTI? Yes. I’ve typed consistently from a range of tests as INTP, but typed as INFP, ENTP, ISTP (random, unofficial test), and INTj (socionics) all at least once. Again, I’m not one to dig deeply to “search within myself” like people usually do with these tests. So a lot of doubt comes from when others make me doubt myself. With Enneagram? Maybe being a 9w1. I don’t type as a 1 at all so I don’t know why I’d be 9w1, but 9 has gotten unusually high since last time I took the test (which was probably well over a year ago). 9 is now higher than 5, while 5 and 6 are almost equal and extremely high themselves. 4 has also gotten higher despite me kind of hating the individuality it promises lol.
Other pseudosciences you know/ like: lol no. Can I just add that this question says “other” pseudosciences and that implies that MBTI and Enneagram are pseudosciences? I mean, it seems someone is having some doubt about these tests. Who wrote this? 😂😂
Tagging: I’m officially done with tagging people. I can only think of one person I could try soooo, hey there @edenian-princess don’t know if you do Enneagram though. If anybody wants to tag themselves, go ahead
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