#Inzi Trip
spidlee-alex · 3 years
character profile
Name: Alex
Nickname: Al, Al-cat
Age: 14
Pronouns: They/them
Birthday: August 3rd
Powers: Spidey powers
Appearance: 4’10, dark brown skin, short, curly black hair, wears hoodies a lot, wears glasses
Personality: quiet, shy, except around the people they’re close with. sweet and kind. 
Backstory: when they were 6, they lost their parents and siblings to a car accident, then they went to live with their aunt and uncle. When they were 12, they got bitten by a spider and gained spidey powers. When they got home, they saw their aunt and uncle being murdered by two guys. The guys went after them, and they ran and ran until they got to an alley. When they got to the alley, they tripped and fell. When the guys caught up to them, Tony, Bucky, and Steve rescued them, and brought them to the avengers compound, where they lived with them since. At first they were very shy but eventually started to open up. After a while, they met Miles, Noir, and Beter, and became very close with them.
Orientation: aroace
-their friends from school
Likes: music, art, food
Dislikes: most vegetables, crowds
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inzitrip · 6 years
በሀገራችን ወስጥ በኃላ ቀርነታቸው ከሚጠቀሱ ክልሎች መካከል ስለ አንድ ከተማ አመሠራረትና እድገት እስከአሁን ድረስ አጥጋቢ የሆነ የፁሁፍ መረጃ ባለመኖሩ ለምን እንዴት ከሚል ስሜት እራስን በመጠየቅ ከህሊናየ ጋር ብዙ ጊዜ ሙግት ከገጠምኩኝ በኃላ አስፈላጊውን ቅድመ ዝግጅት አጠናቅቄ የጉዞ ቅኝቴን ከአዲስ አበባ በሰሜን ምዕራብ አቅጣጫ በማቅናት 687 ኪ.ሜ ርቃ ስለምትገኘው የወርቃችን ፅንስ፣ የማንጎዎች ሀገር የጠረፍ እንቁ ስለምትባለው የቤንሻንጉል ጉምዝ ብሔራዊ ክልል ዋና ከተማ አሶሳ ጽፌ ላስነብባችሁ ወደድኩኝና ብዕሬን አነሳሁ፡፡
ዘወትር በየአቅጣጫው በማንጎ ተክል ልምላሜ ታጅባ፣ ህይወት አዳሽ አየር የምትመግበው…
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thatlilqt · 8 years
Im behind on these so gonna do this in one shot
first tagged by the best (long distance OTL) roommate evaaaar @koreanrage​
Rules: tag nine users you want to get to know better.
How old are you?: 24
Current Job/Dream Job?: Current a fulltime grad student and teaching assistant its crap i hate  myself dont do it (okay i actually like teaching buuuut im also dying under the weight of my stress from the grad student part and the teaching doesnt make up for that)
my dream job would be i dont even know anymore tbh im very disillusioned with academia atm ... soo something i dont wake up in the morning and dread would be nice....
What are you talented at?: UM?? ive always fancied myself jack of all trades master of none tbh which is not a bad place to be... i think im pretty above average at a lot of things but i wouldnt say im particularly talented at any one thing ya know? 
What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)?: i want my masters and i want to get out of the hell hole that is grad school
(and if im really honest with myself i still desperate want a PHD i just dont know if i could do all of this over again and plus another two years)
What is your aesthetic?: overcast days, dark lipstick, coffee, milk tea, otters
Do you collect anything?: shot glasses from trips, books (though less so than before), instax pictures.... i have so many now i love that camera so much
What is a topic you’re always up to talk about?: err? food?? 
What’s a pet peeve of yours?:  slow walkers who take up literally the whole sidewalk... LIKE WHY???
Good advice to give?: Don’t go to grad school .... unless its something youre sure you want or need .... im fairly certain this is one of the inner rings of hell
Recommend three songs?:
Reflection by Fifth Harmony 
Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
ANNND! Tagged by @silk-starling the best fire magic rogue a girl could ask for 
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better Relationship Status: in one for 6.5ish years i quite like my person Lipstick or chapstick: LIPSTICKKKKK Last song I listened to: No More Drama as preformed by We Mcdonald Last movie I watched: Rogue One Top 3 shows: Leverage, Gilmore Girls, B99 Top 3 characters: Parker, Hana Song, Joan Watson Top 3 ships: JAMES & LILY OMG, WW3Some, and since Jo tagged me Inzi/Aveline  
For both or either of these I legit tag anyone who wants in because I dont know who was or wasn’t already tagged :D
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