The New New? Curated Second Hand as a (Re)Construction Principle for Notre-Dame de Paris
Mini Review
In view of ever-increasing environmental and climate problems, a sustainable approach to dealing with the world’s resources is indeed being discussed, but the focus is placed primarily on the conservation of physical resources and much less on the reuse of intangible, non-reproducible cultural resources. In architecture, however, recycling cannot be reduced to atoms because both material and immaterial values are embodied within residual building mass [1]. When designing, reuse entails working and building with the past and its meaning for today. The more we understand the existing, “the less we must stand in opposition to it,” says Hermann Czech, “and the easier it will be to understand our decisions as a continuation of a whole” [2].
As a clever recycling of semiotics and both history and narratives, spoliation and assemblage are, according to our thesis, capable of expanding the principle of reuse and repurposing from the level of materiality to immaterial values, and of calling into question the understanding of an architecture of uniqueness, originality, and insularity. An intellectual game using the example of Notre-Dame de Paris creates an impetus to re-examine the used not only with an admiring or averted eye, but also with an eye for how to utilize it.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/the-new-new-curated-second-hand-as-a-re-construction-principle-for-notre-dame.ID.000662.php
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Nanoparticulate Carriers of Anticancer Drugs and Therapeutics
Nanoscale drug delivery platforms have been developed over the past four decades that have shown promising clinical results in several types of cancer and inflammatory disorders. Nanoparticles have special characteristics of high surface to volume ratio, size controllability, and can be easily functionalized during synthesis [1]. Biodegradable polymer nanoparticles have been used as carriers for drugs, peptides, proteins, vaccines, and nucleotides [2]. Nanoparticles (NPs) can protect drug moieties from degradation and provide sustained drug release. NPs are sometimes effective in facilitating intracellular delivery of bioactive materials. Polylactideco- glycolic acid (PLGA) NPs have been used for various applications in vaccination, cancer therapy, and the treatment of cerebral disorders [3].
In particular, NPs have been widely investigated for use in cancer therapy. NPs, if given intravenously, can extravasate into and accumulate within tumor tissues that have defective blood vessels and impaired lymphatic drainage [4]. This enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect helps direct nanoparticles to tumor sites [5]. Even though a lot of polymer nanoparticles have emerged as a promising carrier, they have a number of intrinsic drawbacks. These nanocarriers carrying therapeutic payloads are maximizing the therapeutic outcomes while minimizing adverse effects. The functionality of bare (polymer, metal, quantum dots, silica, etc.) nanoparticles is limited to drug depot or drug solubilization in their hard cores. When these systems are administered intravenously, the nanoparticles undergo rapid clearance from systemic circulation before reaching the site of action. Recent research shows that surface functionalization of nanoparticles and development of new nanoparticulate dosage forms help overcome these delivery challenges and improve in vivo performance.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/acrci/fulltext/nanoparticulate-carriers-of-anticancer-drugs-and-therapeutics.ID.000515.php
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Catastrophic Mechanism and Stability Analysis of Jiangdingya Landslide in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province, China
On July 12, 2018, a large-scale landslide occurred in the Jiangdingya area, Nanyu Town, Gansu Province, China. According to remote sensing interpretation and field investigation, the landslide volume is about 480×104 - 550×104m3, which caused the Bailongjiang River to be blocked and the water level to rise, forming a dammed lake, flooding Nanyu Town. The landslide is characterized by chain disasters, which poses a serious threat to the ecological security of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. In this paper, the catastrophic mechanism of Jiangdingya landslide is analyzed, and the stability of the slope is studied. According to the disaster characteristics, comprehensive safety control measures are put forward. The research results of this paper are of great significance to the prevention and control of chain disasters and the comprehensive treatment of slopes.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/catastrophic-mechanism-and-stability-analysis-of-jiangdingya-landslide.ID.000664.php
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Project Monitoring and Early Warning of Time-Cost Overruns in Earned Value Management
Project monitoring and control processes are crucial aspects of project management. To perform an appropriate project tracking, Earned Value Analysis (EVA) has to be implemented to help the project managers to measure project performances. A tool to monitor and control the cost, time and work done of a construction project. Furthermore, it also provides an “Early Warning” signal for immediate corrective action. Thereby, in this study, some work items related to a completed real life construction project were evaluated according to the method of Earned Value and the result implies that the analysis can be very useful in project forecasting and decision making relevant to early warnings.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/project-monitoring-and-early-warning-of-time-cost-overruns-in-earned-value-management.ID.000673.php
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The Calculation of the Parameters of Buildings Protection from Radon
Radon-222 and its progeny can accumulate in the lower floor premises and harm the people respiratory organs. One of the challenges for the construction industry is to provide indoor radon concentrations that are not much different from its concentrations in the outdoor air. The article proposes an approach to ensuring the buildings radon safety by the passive protective technologies. Its essence is in the determination at the design stage of the required radon protection characteristics of the building underground shell, which performs load-bearing functions and at the same time limits the radon flux from the soil air.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/the-calculation-of-the-parameters-of-buildings-protection-from-radon.ID.000674.php
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2021 Sea level rise projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for Coastal Design
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) delayed its normal six-year publication cycle of climate assessments after its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) was published in 2013 [1] because there was an explosion of research on climate change that needed to be evaluated. IPCC’s full Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) will be published in 2022. However, in August 2021, IPCC published the portion of AR6 [2] that deals with the physical basis for climate change including sea level rise. IPCC [2] was supported by updated projections of the contributions of Antarctica [3] and Greenland (The Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Exercise 2020) to sea level rise. IPCC [2] has been per reviewed extensively with the first draft receiving comments from 750 reviewers and the second draft from 1279 peer reviewers [4]. IPCC [1] used temperatures that were projected for 2100 based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) that describe different climate-scenario futures. Scenario labelling is based on possible radiative forcing values by 2100. For example, RCP1.9 and RCP8.5 are scenarios with radiative forcing values in 2100 of 1.9 and 8.5 watts/m2 respectively. Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) are the climate-scenario futures used in IPCC (2021a), but except for some minor differences relating to climate, SSPs are the same as RCPs. They were the same for sea level rise projections. Table 1 shows IPCC [2] projections to 2100 relative to sea level in 1995-2014. Projections are mean rises with parenthetical numbers representing standard deviations from the means (Table 1).
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/2021-sea-level-rise-projections-by-the-intergovernmental-panel-on-climate-change-for-coastal-design.ID.000680.php
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Discussion of Fiber Bragg Grating Technology Applicability on Diagnostic Field Testing of Steel Girder Bridges
The application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) technology for purposes of diagnostic field testing on steel girder bridges is discussed in this paper based on the authors experience in field tests of highway bridges. The primary benefit of the FBG technology is the ability to have many sensors (strain gages) multiplexed in a single fiber optic line. In practice, the FBG system is problematic for field conditions of a typical highway bridge. In field tests, measured FBG data showed that the strain histories obtained for a load immediately above the girder of interest were accurate, but the accuracy of the strain histories decreases for adjacent girders as the transverse distance from the load increased. Moreover, protective measures are necessary for FBG systems to be utilized in highway bridge field testing.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/discussion-of-fiber-bragg-grating-technology-applicability-on-diagnostic-field-testing-of-steel-girder-bridges.ID.000681.php
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Response Modal Nonlinear Time-History Dynamic Analyses of the Northridge Earthquake of a Two- Storied Steel Structure with Rubber Isolator and Fixed-base Systems
This paper analyzes and compares the responses of a two-storied steel structure to the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California. Response modal nonlinear time-history dynamic analysis was especially used on the structure with fixed-base and base-isolated systems to show the realistic behavior of the structure. Intuitively, the best choice for the seismic isolation technique is the use of the flexible element, or an isolator, at the structure’s base, which ensures damping. The current research analyzed in depth the application of a base isolator in the structure. In this study, one structure with different support systems was analyzed to investigate the use of base isolation. The research compared the features and performance of a structure with and without base isolation. The steel building was analyzed subjected to earthquake-induced load with and without a base-isolated rubber bearing. The building was modeled by SAP2000 for nonlinear time-history analysis. Ground-motion simulations of the M6.69 1994 Northridge earthquake in California were applied to the steel base-isolated building model. Study results showed that the presence of an isolation system in a structure with 24 feet (7.31 m) height increased the time period of the structure significantly due to reduced resonance throughout the building.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/response-modal-nonlinear-time-history-dynamic-analyses-of-the-northridge-earthquake-of-a-two-storied-steel-structure-with-rubber-isolator-and-fixed-base-systems.ID.000683.php
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Effects of Vertical Component of Earthquakes on Cable-Stayed Bridges
The vertical component of ground motions is known to cause severe damages to certain structures. Long span cable-stayed bridges are among those vulnerable structures due to their high mass and cables that take no compression. In this paper, the vertical earthquake effects on several cable-stayed bridges have been investigated using 3-D nonlinear time history finite element analyses. Different main span lengths, pylon shapes and pylon/deck connection types are considered. The results indicates that the vertical ground motion component should be considered in the analysis of such bridges and affects many key elements of the bridge.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/effects-of-vertical-component-of-earthquakes-on-cable-stayed-bridges.ID.000685.php
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The Case of Strengthening the Base of a Deformed Retaining Wall
The problem of increasing the bearing capacity of foundations is always an urgent problem in modern geotechnical construction. With additional increased external loads on existing restraint structures, the use of traditional technologies to ensure their stability is not always justified. Often there is an urgent need to use non-standard methods of strengthening the bases. There are frequent cases of using existing retaining reinforced concrete structures for new additional loads from newly erected objects. In such cases, the use of ERT drill piles and soil ERT anchors in most cases successfully solves many complex geotechnical problems of strengthening overloaded bases.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/the-case-of-strengthening-the-base-of-a-deformed-retaining-wall.ID.000686.php
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Residential Property Development Feasibility Study – A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
Property development business is considered one of the most risky corporate activities due to its cyclicality and volatility [1,2]. It involves numerous risk factors [3-5] such as such as macroeconomic, social, urban-planning, political-legal, regulatory, environmental, and technological framework conditions [6,7]. Yet property developers are either “knowingly taking risks” [8] or making decisions without sufficiently understanding and analyzing risks [9], resulting in committing to projects based on arbitrary or speculative decisions, and ultimately causing project failures and financial losses [10]. This short article reviews the three mainstream feasibility study methods and finds that the feasibility study adopted by the industry may require some further development. Especially, when the site value is determined by the residual value method, in-depth analysis is required to assess and capture the risk level associated with the future planning, construction, sales, and other key activities. An enhanced model is being developed based on artificial neural network method and empirical evidence to help developers better assess the project feasibility and site value at the time of the acquisition.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/residential-property-development-feasibility-study-a-self-fulfilling-prophecy.ID.000666.php
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Perspectives of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) as a Potential Therapeutic Intervention for Câncer
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) relies on the interaction between a photosensitizer, the appropriate wavelength, and oxygen leading to production of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, which can damage the cellular organelles and cause cell death. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a tumor-ablative and function-sparing oncologic intervention. The relative simplicity of photosensitizer application followed by light activation resulting in the cytotoxic and vascular toxic photodynamic reaction has allowed PDT to reach a worldwide audience. With several commercially available photosensitizing agents now on the market, numerous well-designed clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of PDT on various cutaneous and deep tissue tumors. PDT has been widely used for many purposes’ great success. Although the therapeutic protocols regarding use of PDT in many diseases have not yet been standardized, and vary significantly between the different literature studies, PDT will likely continue to be explored thoroughly for use.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/acrci/fulltext/perspectives-of-photodynamic-therapy-pdt-as-a-potential-therapeutic-intervention-for-cancer.ID.000517.php
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About the Sustainability of Buildings
According to WCEC – Brudtland Report 1987 “Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising of the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.” Sustainability is at the confluence of the three dimensions (Figure 1).
Buildings are very important industrial sector of sustainable development. The building industry represent approximately 40% of the total energy consumed. The energy used for heating and/or cooling, during the service life of a building is approximately 80% of the total energy consumed through building life cycle; 7% energy is used with row materials and contribution to energy due to demolition is 3%. According to some studies and to the paper of Y.J.GE and H.F. Xiang (IABSE Symposium Bangkok 2009) the Pyramid of Building Sustainability is presented in the Figure 2 (Figure 2).
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/about-the-sustainability-of-buildings.ID.000668.php
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Report the Effective of Integrated Palliative Care using for Advanced Cancer as Second-Line or Later Treatment by Herbal Extractive Medicine
Background: The on-going treatments of unresectable pancreatic, hepatocellular and late-stage lung cancer (PC\HCC\LC) are less effectiveness as second-line or later treatment. However, the palliaitve care is alternative option. Here, we reported the patients who received palliative care by herbal extractive medicines (CHM).
Methods: 13 pancreatic, 31 hepatocellular and 168 lung cancer patients were enrolled. CHM (Senghuang, SH; Xianhe Baijiang, XB), which approved by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), hyperthermia and arginine were initiated. Survival time, quality of life (QOL) and toxicity were evaluated.
Result: The average ECOG score improved and no severe hematology and digestion side-effects were observed. In PC group, the median and the average survival time were 5.1 and 6.5 months; The 3-, 6-, and 10-month survival rates were 92.3%, 46.2%, and 30.8%, respectively. The longest survival time was 16.7 months and patient still alive. In HCC group, the average and median survival time were 12.48 and 5.03 months; The 3-, 6-, and 12-month survival time rates were 77.42%, 38.71%, and 29.03%, respectively. The longest survival time was 84.2 months. In LC group, the 6 months, 1-, 2- and 5-year survival time rates were 33.93%, 19.05%, 14.29% and 4.17%, respectively. Meanwhile, in lung cancer group, once the survival time was over 6 months, the average and median survival time were 29.98 and 14.80 months; and the 1-, 2- and 5-year survival time rates were up to 56.14%, 42.11% and 12.28%, respectively.
Conclusion: CHM can be considered as complementary and alternative medicine that provide moderate effective and low toxicity for advanced cancer.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/acrci/fulltext/report-the-effective-of-integrated-palliative-care-using-for-advanced-cancer-as-second-line-or-later-treatment-by-herbal-extractive-medicine.ID.000518.php
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Operational Modal Analysis and Structure Health Monitoring
Modal parameters are able to characterize any structure uniquely. All the structural elements and the respective boundary conditions have a direct impact in all of the modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes), making them suitable to detect damage along the structure. To this end, experimental identification of the modal parameters is necessary and must be conducted periodically. In the last decade, operational modal analysis has been developed to this purpose. It allows the identification of the modal parameter with the structures in operational conditions and using ambient excitation. Several improvements in the field were recently made with the computation of modal parameters uncertainties and with the automation in the identification process. Therefore, vibration-base structural health monitoring system is getting popular for critical civil structures such as bridges, high buildings and old constructions.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/operational-modal-analysis-and-structure-health-monitoring.ID.000669.php
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Practical Use of Amino Acids in Oncology: Replacement Therapy as a Structural Components of Proteins and/or for Correction of Metabolism in Quantities Comparative with their Endogenous Concentrations?
The aim of our research is the formulation of methodology creation for practical application of the regulatory action of endogenous (physiological) concentrations of separate amino acids or their pathogenetically justified compositions [1-4]. Changes in amino acid pool in liquids and their tissues fund of oncology patients specifically characterize development of cancer and largely induced by metabolic competition between the tumor and the tumor carrier [5-10]. Correction of the intermediate metabolic changes in cancer can be reached by the use of certain amino acids or their combinations. Based on the positions of metabolomics, the free amino acid pool in biological fluids and tissues is regarded as a single information unit which is a kind of “a chemical projection” of the genome, the proteome realized through this approach not only develops ideas about the pool of amino acids as a dynamical system-generated supply of them from outside, but also due to endogenous synthesis, transport, degradation and excretion and allows the identification of “key points” in intermediate metabolic equilibrium shift that may reflect ratios at the individual levels of endogenous amino acids and related species (metabolicallyrelated) compounds to achieve “metabolic comfort” [11-15].
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/acrci/fulltext/practical-use-of-amino-acids-in-oncology-replacement-therapy-as-a-structural-components-of-proteins.ID.000519.php
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