cheerful-sixears · 1 year
[REPOST] Bayverse Autobots Try Monster Drinks
Transformers (Bayverse) Try Monster Energy Drinks Pt. 1
Autobots Edition: with their human S/O [If I get around to Decepticons, I’ll be impressed, lmao. I’d have to have the movies fresh in my mind, again.]
...Alright, les’go! ROLLOUT!
[NOTE: If any of y’all feel you’ve seen this before? It’s because you have! I created the account @IronhidesRightCannon in early 2022, but things got tougher around that time, so I forgot about the account and the login/email I made for it…SO, I’ve created a new account, and I am reposting with promise of more content, for sure! Art and writings!]
“ultra watermelon”
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At first, he’s not quite interested in your offer, because he has more important things to tend to in his mind, and yet, he always accepts in the end because he does love and care about you. Of course, he’d kneel to your level with a very, VERY slight undertone of curiosity and interest. In fact, he’s usually always interested in what you have to share with him. He just struggles, on occasion, to express openly. His face plate jittered and twitched at the sudden olfactory overload of the tart watermelon scent. His optics dilated ever the slightest, and he hummed with a sudden, newfound curiosity, “It smells...interesting, what is it?” He knew the answer soon after, when you pushed the small beverage can to his nose. It practically ‘plinked’ off of his snoot which surprised him, but he shook off the minor huff that formed, when he opened his mouth, took a small drop of the energy substance onto his glossa. His reaction was like nothing you’d witness from Prime before. His left optic twitched ever the slightest and he winced, shaking his head in a sudden manner of...was it shock or disgust? He was not thrilled. He certainly loved you, but would he try another? Not a chance.
(Restored vocal chords)
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“ultra gold”
You and Bumblebee were always about trying new things together, and energy drinks were a definite yes. Whenever you were to show any sign of pure excitement and yearn for a new experience, Bee’s always right there with you. He noticed you drink the ‘charging substance’ quite often. He perked up when you pushed the can to his muzzle after signaling him to lean down to your level. A curious whirring sound was a common result when he was interested in your offer. He was capable of speech, but it was habitual to make certain sounds now and again, “It smells funny,” He was often blunt about his verbal opinions on certain human foods and cultural differences, but in no way was it meant to offend. You knew this by now, and just shook what was left of the liquid energy in the can. The aluminum shone gold in the light, shimmering with such regality. Bee opened his mouth and waited for you to drop the remaining liquid onto his glossa. Upon first taste, a buzzing, giggling chortle escaped his chords. He liked it? He danced a happy little jig with his shoulders and leaned in to nuzzle your face. He definitely liked it. Pineapple, is, afterall, tart with a dash of sour, just like Bumblebee. 
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“ultra paradise”
“It smells...intriguing. What human flavor is that?” Though his expression appeared more disturbed than curious, you shrugged, as you weren’t extremely certain and just really enjoyed the flavor as it was. Simple as that, but Ratchet always wanted to know more, and his sensors were in a definite state of piqued curiosity. You raised your half-empty can up to Ratchet’s face plate, when he kneeled, and he took in another heavy inhalation of the strong, fruity concoction, “So this is what humans ingest when they need a stasis...nap?” Ratchet was still working on his human terminology, but you nodded in response and tipped the drink into his open mouth. When the liquid touched his glossa, he stopped for a moment, and his expression appeared almost...insulted. You tensed up for a moment, before he snatched the can, and dropped it and the rest of the drink into his mouth, never to be seen again, “I don’t understand the energy aspect, but it has a nice tingle,” He twitched ever the slightest and leaned down a little closer, speaking in an almost whispered tone, “Is there anymore?”
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“ultra peachy keen”
“It smells tingly. Tell me again, why am I doing this?” His impatient tone was always apparent, but that was just part of that loveable, big bad personality. You gave him a gentle, playful smile, which got you everything you wanted from him, anyway. You tipped the drink up to his muzzle, which resulted in a harmless grumble before he opened his mouth with a subtle optic roll. You saw that, of course, and you ‘accidentally’ forgot to mention that it was still half full. You tipped the entire can into his mouth, and his reaction was priceless. He shook his head in utter disgust and his left optic twitched rapidly. Wow, a drink that could single-handedly take down a big, bad autobot like Ironhide? You thought to yourself with an amused smile upon your face, but you felt bad as a result, “It’s repulsive-Ratchet is such a liar," You raised a curious brow because you had no idea that Ratchet had mentioned the drink to anyone else, especially Ironhide. But then again, you weren’t surprised. But you felt kinda bad, so you leaned in while his expression was glitched in position, and nuzzled his adorable snoot with your own smallish nose. A double whammy. He was out for the count. A soft purr slipped as a result of his downed guard. He begged you for the rest of the day that it be mentioned to no one. Let’s just say, you told everyone. . 
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“zero ultra”
“So this is the stuff that’s so popular amongst humans to drink, huh? I’ll give it a shot, just for you,” Jazz gave you a flirty smile, and picked you up to his level, the can firmly clenched and slightly dented in your grasp as a result of suddenly being snatched up without notice, “Bottoms up!” He opened his mouth, and practically fired it back like a shot from a quirky bar patron. He must’ve been a great party guy back on Cybertron. Jazz laughed aloud and pulled you closer to his face plate, “Nice. I hope you plan to get more, cus that stuff is bussin’,' ' You spewed the rest of your swig of the drink and choked ever the slightest as a result of his comment. It was then you realized where a lot of his current content and stylish lingo was coming from. You rolled your eyes and playfully tapped your fist to his face plate, “What? You don’t agree?” He shrugged and pressed his snoot to your face, giving you a gentle kiss. Jazz always gave the best kisses, despite the size factor. He spent the rest of his day in a peppy, rather hyperactive mood as a result. Ratchet was intrigued. Ironhide was...not so much. 
[Author’s Note: I was, as stated above, locked out of my account after I lost access to my other account. I am not happy about it, but I am happy to share more of where I started from that account. I’m grateful for everyone’s comments, reactions, and enjoyments from this post, alone. <3]
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Yo, I have a request! Would you be down to draw a tattoo concept for me of Ironhide from The Bayverse for Transformers? A toony-ish headshot with a backsplash pattern or color with red? 🖤 Please and thank you! -(ironhidesrightcannon)
Absolutely, bro!~
I had a ton of fun with this one, and even surprised myself with the outcome! I do love the result! ❤️
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Would you like to see your favorite bot as a super nerdy awesometastic tattoo like this? Hit me up with an ask, and I can try my darndest! Doesn't even have to be a tattoo though, could just be a doodle of your fav bot from any series!
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