#Is it clear enough that Croco is also a woman in this?
archi-teuthidae · 1 year
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Selfie in acca di 🦩
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moongothic · 9 months
What do you think with Hancock Interaction with Crocodile If crocodad canon? Is she will pestering Croco for his gratitude to marrying Luffy or their will fight because Hancock need provide her value like. Croco : "I will not let you marry my son UNLESS you can beat me!"
LMAO Okay so. My gut instinct would be that, like. Crocodile would probably think it's none of his business, like he wasn't there to parent the dumbass for the past 19 years so it ain't his place to try to pick up that mantle now, he has no say in it and that's fine with him. He'd probably just want Luffy to have whatever Luffy wants
And so if Hancock did want for his blessings, like. If Luffy wanted to marry her too then?? Sure?? His son and the Kuja Pirate Empress?? Why not, could be worse??? Like she's competent enough, surely??
But that's where it gets fucking funny, because Luffy doesn't care. He doesn't want to marry Hancock and he has made that explicitly clear.
And so if Hancock admitted that to Crocodile, that Luffy had rejected her proposals before and that she hadn't given up, like. I could imagine Crocodile being like "...if he said 'no' then give up and leave him alone". But I can't imagine him actually saying that to Hancock, right, like only because it'd definitely make it sound like he cares about Luffy and he can't have that now can he. But what I could imagine Crocodile telling Hancock would be more like, something about it being disgraceful and shameful of her to keep on pursuing someone after being told no, and that if she really loves him then she should respect his feelings and accept that either she will have to love him from afar without those feelings being returned, or she has to move on. 'Cause, mean and cold as saying that would be, there would be a hint of truth to it. And Crocodile does seem to understand people's feelings enough to manipulate them (see: how he played Vivi like a fiddle). If he could manipulate Hancock to leave Luffy alone it could be in everyone's best interest (including Hancock's if we're being real). And I think hearing something like that could be what Hancock herself needs, like those could be the words she could take to heart. Maybe. MAYBE. IDK it's Hancock, she can be unpredictable
I think Crocodile would find it hilarious Hancock has fallen for Luffy of all fucking people on the planet
I think he would be confused by it because. Luffy is a dumbass and absolutely unhinged, what the fuck does she see in him
But also Hancock behaves ridiculous at times too and you need to be at least a little stupid and/or deranged to fall in love with Luffy so, guess that would make them perfect for each other
Hero of the Marines, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, one Shichibukai, Gold Roger's son. You didn't think this family could get any more insane, and now the fellow Shichibukai Kuja Pirate Empress aka The Most Beautiful Woman in the World wants to join. What is up with this family
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forkanna · 3 years
WARNING: Continued transphobia.
So I did try to put this up sooner, due to cilffhanger feelings, but didn't quite manage it. Hopefully you all forgive me!
Rise couldn't believe the level of disaster her life had reached. And all because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. Because by the time she had finished crying, scraping herself together and sending the shambles that had once been a lovesick fool back into the school, she knew exactly where the leak had occurred. Plugging that would have to be the first step. And then…
Then what would she do? Beg Ai to take her back? She took out the note, stared at it, and almost threw it in the nearest receptacle. But that wouldn't do. No… she had to hang onto hope that there was still time.
"I got this," she whispered to herself as she used the note to wipe her eyes, smearing her makeup. "I'll do my best." Fine but empty sentiment. She had to take things one step at a time.
And step one was…
                                                   ~ o ~
The bowl-cut-hair had barely stopped whirling around Chie's head from turning to face Rise when she was hit in the face, full force, with a bookbag. The blow knocked her from her chair in the Junes food court and she went sprawling to the ground.
"WHOA!" Yosuke burst out in sheer alarm. "Hey, wait a minute there, Rise-chan! Where's the fire?!"
"You wanna know who's fired? SHE'S fired, that's who!"
Still struggling to sit up, Chie looked a little silly with a bag-print reddening half of her face. "Wha… whahidme?"
"Rise, what is the meaning of this?" Yukiko gasped in exasperation as she crouched over her girlfriend, trying to help her up. "Are you upset about something?"
It took real, concentrated effort not to snap at Yukiko, as well — especially given the Captain Obvious question she had just asked. But she knew she was only trying to be kind, to look after all of her friends equally. So she bit back the scathing retort and focused on the situation at hand instead.
"I'm upset about a lot of things, every day. But this time it's because somebody doesn't understand what a secret is!"
"Me?!" Chie intuited. "Are you- hey, I'm no snitch! Wait, what secret are we… talking…"
The food court went silent. Which was partly because it was too early for dinner, so they were the only ones there, not talking to each other. Rise idly noticed it seemed like Teddie and Kanji were absent, but she was on a mission; she didn't have time to worry about their whereabouts.
Finally… "Oh."
"So you got it? Huh? You figured out how you just screwed everything up?!"
"Now just wait a whole second, okay?" Chie said in a slightly nervous tone as she began to struggle to her feet. "I didn't say- I mean, like, I just figured it came out! Right? Because it's a secret, and this is a small town, and like, c'mon!"
"Who did you tell?"
"I didn't tell anyb-"
"NO! No, don't give me any of that crap, because we both know you had to have told someone — you already told at least one other person! I didn't tell anybody else! So who was it?"
"It… it doesn't matter!" Chie was trying to hedge with a hopeful smile. "Really, like I said, it was gonna come out sometime! Do you really think Ebihara could hide that forever? Like, he's kinda snowing the whole school…"
"Shut up!" Rise snapped, as Yukiko covered her mouth with her hand in alarm at the sharp tone. "That wasn't your choice, okay? And like I said, if I didn't tell, and Ai-chan for fucking sure didn't tell, then there's only one person it could be! Because I-"
"Oh dear," Yukiko whispered.
"Hey! I didn't commit any crime!" Chie shot back, starting to get heated herself now as she clenched her fists. "Tell that to the drag queen you've been hanging around with — he's the one that's gonna catch hell if they figure out he's been using girls' bathrooms and stuff! He should at least tell us if he wants to-"
"It's my fault."
Rise was still shouting when she turned to Yukiko. "What?! I mean…" She cleared her throat, tried to take the volume down a notch. "What?"
"Chie told me. When we were… well, when we were alone, because we're best friends. As you know, because we have already discussed things… so I was the beginning of the problem. I'm sorry."
"Yuka…" Chie sighed, grimacing. Clearly, at some point she had realised what had happened, and shifted her tactic to protecting her significant other. Rise would have respected it… if they weren't both going to be on her list now. At least that cleared up the true reason Yukiko had gasped; it was a sound of recognition.
"Really? You?" Rise said, completely betrayed. And disappointed; that much must have been readily apparent, because the innkeeper hung her head in shame.
"Yes. And Chie was so conversational about it, I… didn't realise… you seem very upset about all the rumours that have started going around now. Did we… have we done something wrong?"
Rise let out an exasperated noise. "Are you kidding? Of COURSE you did!" In the back of her mind, she knew she was basically just coming down on them to sidestep the blame Ai had thrown her way, but she couldn't stop; they had to pay for ruining everything. Someone had to, and she couldn't face herself. Not at the moment. "Do you have any idea what life would be like for her if they figured out for sure?!"
"Dude, who cares?" Chie tried to tell her reasonably. "Remember when we found out about Naoto? We're all cool! So what if she's a chick instead of a dude, or Ai's a dude instead of a chick?"
"U-um, I prefer you leave me out of this discussion," Naoto said in a quiet undertone. "If that's alright."
Throwing up her hands in surrender, Rise began to pace back and forth as she said, "This is unbelievable. I really didn't think confiding in one friend… well, I guess I should ask who you told, Yukiko."
Rise was too observant to miss the glance between her and none other than Yosuke. The boy gulped when she turned her glare on him, holding up both hands in front of his chest.
"N-now, let's be reasonable here. Just a second while I explain-"
"UGH! Did everybody here play a part in this?!" No answers. Rise groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay, well… I guess I'm going to be eating a whole big plate of crow later. If she even talks to me."
"Don't be so dramatic," Chie sighed as she rolled her eyes, hands on her hips now. "You're friends, you'll bounce back before you know it!"
But the idol was already shaking her head before she even finished. "You didn't see how mad she was. I'm… I'll see you later."
"But you just got here," Yukiko protested in a pleading voice, taking a step toward her. "I'm sorry we didn't understand the situation, but do you really have to go?"
"Yes. Got a lot of thinking to do."
As Rise headed toward the elevator, she passed Kanji coming from it. He smiled and waved and asked, "What's up?"
"Ask our Judas friends."
"Huh?!" He got no answer to his question. As the doors slid shut, she thought she could just barely hear him say, "Man, chicks sure are crazy," but it was too late for her to attack him since she was already heading downstairs. Oh well; there was always next time for him to pay for his crime against her gender.
                                                  ~ o ~
That was on her mind a lot as she lay in bed that night, staring up at her ceiling. Gender. Sexuality. The differences between men and women. How those lines could be blurred right in front of her eyes and she had no idea. And when she wasn't thinking about that, she was thinking about…
Why didn't she realize she shouldn't have told Chie? Theoretically, she should have been able to confide in her and everything be fine — and she also knew none of her friends really intended to hurt anyone. They were just careless. But now she could see with sobering clarity that carelessness still had consequences. Would Ai really have to transfer again, just because the secret got out?
Something that made her blood run cold whenever she thought of it: that comment about guys beating her up. Just because she used the women's bathroom? When she thought of it as a man sneaking in there, she supposed that made sense. Most guys would do that to protect any women from being harmed. But she had gone to the bathroom alongside Ai plenty of times — enough to know that she never did anything in there except her business, and preen in front of the mirror. At least she had found a way to prove to those nosy girls that she was all woman.
Even if it was a lie, technically speaking. Which confused Rise so much she just wound up stuffing her head underneath her pillow.
All her texts went unanswered, of course. She had expected that. Somehow, she still couldn't help herself and sent a grand total of seven before she manually turned off her phone to reduce the temptation.
The worst part of all? Now she couldn't talk to any of her friends about it, either. That was what got her into this fix in the first place! So all she could do was panic, wallow, and panic again.
                                                  ~ o ~
If Rise had thought the previous day was unpleasant, Tuesday definitely counted as a catastrophe.
"Oh my God," she overheard a girl muttering as she walked in through the front gates. "Can you believe she would ever look like that?"
Unfortunately, she only had a few minutes of blissful peace to have no idea what they were talking about. The minute she reached into her locker to get her indoor shoes, she felt the glossy paper on top of them. Withdrawing it, she felt her heart sink when she saw her own face.
A goofy face indeed. There was nothing particularly wrong with the picture; she had been trying on dresses in Croco Fur and was sticking her tongue out with her finger up her nose, obviously making the stupid face for the camera. Nothing incriminating, just vaguely embarrassing. However…
Everyone seemed to have a copy. No matter which way she looked, every single student of Yasogami seemed to have a glossy paper in their hands. Rise felt her face begin to heat up. She had done nothing wrong, and the picture wasn't that bad, but seeing the entire student body laughing at her brought on the reaction regardless.
"Wow, this is hilarious," some guy was saying as she headed to class. "Thought Risette was so cool but she's actually dumb. Look at this! Her finger's in her nose, gross!"
"I think it's cute," his friend said. "She's having fun."
But another guy in glasses standing nearby just sighed and rolled his eyes. "You plebs. Obviously this is just another publicity stunt orchestrated by her management. She probably distributed them herself."
The idol stormed into the room before she had to hear any more. Did they really think she had nothing better to do than print off a bunch of pictures of herself and throw them all over the place?!
"Uh, hey."
She looked up, ready to ream the speaker, when she saw a chagrined looking Kanji standing there, scratching the back of his head. "May I help you? Or am I too crazy?"
His weak chuckle spoke volumes. "Heard that, huh? Sorry… I just didn't know what to say when you snapped at me. Guys filled me in after you left."
"What? You mean the way you all stabbed me in the back by gossiping about my girlf- my new friend?" Damn. She would have to be more careful about that.
"Hey, I didn't do that shit," the tall, dangerous looking boy grunted with his arms folded over his barrel chest. Sometimes Rise forgot just how intimidating Kanji was to most people, because they knew him better than that now. He was a big teddy bear under that yakuza-esque exterior. "Yosuke was the real problem, I guess. He was talking about it to Naoto, and wasn't paying attention to who was around them. Bunch of people overheard. And Naoto didn't say shit to anybody, so don't blame her!"
Rise sighed. Unsurprising that he was so defensive of her, since his crush ran so deep. "Fine. So it's Chie and Yukiko's fault a little bit, and as usual, Yosuke's fault a lot. At least they're the same old idiots they've always been."
Kanji nodded with another grunt. "So… what's with the photo?"
                                                  ~ o ~
The way Ai was standing at the edge of the school roof, gazing over Inaba, almost made it look like she was lying in wait for Rise when she got there. Probably because she was — and had been since the start of lunch. The popstar shoved the glossy page in front of her face.
"Well? What exactly is this supposed to mean?"
"Mean? Why, I don't know. Isn't that your picture? Aren't you supposed to be the one who knows?"
"You took this. I literally remember you taking it, with your phone, not mine. So why would you go to all this trouble to print up a dumb picture?"
Ai's smirk was practically demonic as she looked sideways at her without fully turning. The worst part was that she still was as beautiful as ever, even when being an asshole. "A beginning. By the time I'm through with you, you will be begging me to stop, and I won't. I won't stop until you feel the way I did yesterday."
"Right. So this is a really pathetic beginning to a revenge plot?"
"Hah! Good try. Have you forgotten how much abuse I've weathered over my entire lifetime? You're going to have to do better than that to undercut me."
"Ai, you don't have to do this," she pleaded in a quieter voice. "This is nowhere near what I wanted, I still don't want it. I made a mistake, and I'm sorry, but attacking me like this isn't going to-"
She fell silent when Ebihara actually yawned. Her anger flared, and her eyes narrowed to slits as her fists curled tight. "That's your pitch? 'Whoops, I outed you and almost ruined your life, hugs'? Lame."
"Fine," Rise hissed. "I guess this didn't mean anything to you at all. Throw it all away because you're butthurt. Whatever."
"That's why I'm doing it, you idiot." Now her aloof tone had dropped to absolute zero. "Because it did — it meant everything in a way you will never understand. And now I feel stupid for trusting you, because you broke it. Don't go acting all high and mighty and trying to play the sympathy card."
Rise's eyes were watering as she tried to come up with something to say. The bratty side of her personality wanted to swear her own revenge, that she would make things even worse for Ai… but she knew she wouldn't be able to live with that. Besides, it was the wrong move, regardless of what her friend…
Regardless of what her ex-friend had done. It was really over. And figuring that out took all the wind out of her sails.
"Okay. Bye."
"That's it?" Ai chuckled harshly as the idol turned away, walking toward the stairwell. "Wow, you're usually so much chattier. You had better thicken up that skin, Kujikawa, or the next few days are going to be pretty unbearable!"
They really would. Just not for the reason Ai thought. Mourning the end of something beautiful tended to put a damper on one's week.
                                                  To Be Continued…
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