#Isabella Marie Swan x Richard Christian De La Cruz
vampire207343 · 2 years
Rosebelle Swan
what if.... Bella Swan has a fraternal twin sister by the name Rosebelle Marian Swan.
Growing up Rosebelle Swan has never seem to measure to sister Bella in their parents eyes even when She did everything perfect, but it's still not good enough.
When I got imprinted on by my friend Jacob Black instead of accepting the imprint like the other wolves Jake reject it which only devested me. Even Jake dosen't want to accept me since I'm not Bella, I had enough always being compare to my twin sister that when I graduate high school early. I decided to leave Forks instead of staying around and didn't tell anyone where I'm going.
My twin sister Bella was so understanding for me wanting to leave even when she's going through a horrible break up but she disen't need me to get through her break up she has our dad even jake. I gaved her my new phone number and made her promise not to give my new number to our parents or Jake or any of the pack which she did before I left without any backward glace.
I descided to move with my Aunt Anne and her husband Enrico Rivera. I always been close to both of them than I ever did with my own parents. They always wanted children of their own but Aunt Anne is unable to have a child of their own so they both treat me like the daughter they never had before which I don't mind since my parents never show me love like I wanted the one who did was both my Aunt Anne and Uncle Enrico their more my parents than my actual parents.
Emily Young the Imprint of Sam Uley understand why Rosabelle left Forks a few weeks after Jacob Black rejected his own imprint which broke Rose's part of the imprint but it dosen't mean that it hurt her anyless especially since she has always been under her sister's shadow. While the part of Rose's imprint broke it dosen't mean that Jacob's end also broke but on the contrary it still very much strong when he first imprint on her. Rose might have a chance of falling in love with someone else and get married if she want but Jacob dosen't have that luxury of beging with someone other than his imprint which is now impossible since he rejected her which cause her to leave washington all together, even the other wolves knows the only one who don't is Jacob himself.
Who was to busy beging the lap dog of Bella Swan the twin sister of his own imprint to care she left at all. Sooner or later he would regret rejecting his imprint before they even had a chance just because she wasn't Bella Swan. The only one who still has contact with Rose is bella herself and she isn't telling anyone where she is because she promise her sister she wouldn't tell anyone her where about unless Rose told herself that it was alright. Which the pack understand which they mostly wouldn't see Rose again, unless Bella get married if she even get married at all, which we doubt that Bells would ever marry Jacob shd may date him just fill the hole that Edward Cullen left from her heart but they are 100% sure that Bella would never marry Jacob.
I work so hard to gradute Collage after I moved to the Philipines with my Aunt and Uncle and I, Rosebelle Marian Swan has decided to attend Atenek de Manila University and work hard to graduate Early that by the time was 20 years old I already graduate and I only attending this University for about 3 years before graduating decided to make a name for my self as a singer and actress.
I got casted in my first movie when I was 20 years old as dyesebel herself in a Philippine television drama romance fantasy where she meet her co-star Nathan Raphael Dantes casted as Fredo the love intrest of Dyesebel, they became friends with one another but as months pass feelings for each other grew like no other that I manged to forget all about Jake and feeling unloved but with Nathan is different he makes me feel wanted and love like no one has ever show me. It wasn't before we end up together. He even heal her broken heart, I know then he is the man I wanted to spend the rest of life not Jacob. I'm glad Jacob reject me as his imprint if not I would have never been able to meet Nathan I wouldn't have left Forks and meet Nathan and that is something I never wanted to happen meeting Nathan is best that could have ever happen to my life.
3 years after, after Rosebelle left Forks Jacob manged to get Bella Swan as his girlfriend but the pack kniws that she has no feelings for him she was only using him to fill the hole Edward left behind 5 years ago. She only agree to be his girlfriend since she dosen't want to lose him to like she lost her leech of an ex-boyfriend. Bella was 22 years old by then attend Washington State University for her junior year of college.
2 years later...
Bella Swan was invited to a wedding in the Philipines which she attend alone since Jacob can't leave the tribe unprotected from Vampires even with his pack brothers not that Bella mine going alone to wedding it was like Bella dosen't want Jacob to come to wedding at all. Unknown to the pack the wedding inivation was from Rosebelle's wedding to her boyfriend Nathan Dantes who she dated for four years. It's why Bella didn't want Jake to come, bella travel to the philipines for Rosebelle's wedding which all the their friends and close family were their.
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(Rosebelle Marian Swan & Nathan Raphael Dantes)
They have huge wedding which bella should expected their both famous actor and actress making about a couple million a year. And Rose make even more beging a singer as well.
Bella was happy that Rosebelle found her own happiness that she deserve after many years of beging alone, she finally found the guy she want to spent the rest of her life and anyone call tell Rosebelle is happy with Nathan they are each other's better half.
Nathan gaved his new wife Rosebelle a song writen just for Rosebelle composed by a friend of their.
(Replace the name Marian River for Rosebelle Swan)
After the wedding Bella return to Forks after saying her goodbye to her Aunt Anne and Uncle Enrico Rivera along with her twin sister Rosebelle and her new husband Nathan, who plan to take Rose to Malamawi Island, the crown jewel of Basilan, for their honeymoon for a month.
Charlie Swan didn't ask why she travel to the philipines for a wedding which she lied about an old friend she has when she and Rose visit their Aunt when their kids just got married. Which he accepted by then charlie Swan already realized how he treated his youngest daughter always comparing her to Bella that she grow distant to him over the years and the only one she seem to get along with is Bella herself. He didn't even realized that she left he was to worried about Bella now he dosen't even know where she was or she was even alived, he regret many thing on how he never seem to pay attention on Rosebelle growing up that he didn't even know the most basic thing about her he thought her favorite color was green until Bella correct him that it was Red & Purple not green like he first thought it was like he didn't even know his youngest daughter.
Charlie Swan wasn't the only one who regret how he raised Rosebelle so did Renée Dwyer who never payed any mine to Rosebelle until she left altogether. Bella and Rosebelle are now 24 years old so they don't really need them anymore, but I know I wanted to make up for all the things I miss in Rosebelle's life I know charlie felt the same but we both know we can't turn back time we just need to keep moving forward maybe one day we might make up for our mistake with Rosebelle and we hope one day she would find it in her heart to forgive us.
A year after Rosebelle and Nathan Danates got married they were noth bless with twins a boy and a girl while their children where unexpected but they are still equally love by the time Rosebelle give birth to her twins she was already a 26 years old woman and her children was given the name Rosella Anne and Adrian Xavier Dantes.
Which Rosebelle and Nathan welcome their two children's birth and they were both over joy at the birth of their own children. Which Bella congrasulated them on Skype since she can't visit in person just after a year after her return from the philipines so they understand they she would most likely not meet the twins in person at less they can talk on skype when they grew up.
It wasn't long before Bella decided to break up with her boyfriend Jake Black who she been dating for almost 3 years now since she wasn't even in love with him to begin with she only agree to date him so that she would lose him like she did with Edward and by then the pack already destroy Victoria who wanted to kill for unknowingly getting her mate James killed by the Cullens in order to protect me.
Beside any feels I may have had with Edward has long fade after all it been 8 years since Edward left me and it's doubtful that they would come back for her and it's about time I move on with my life instead of living in the past like I have been doing since Edward left me.
"So in order for me to truely move on from Edward I decided to leave forks for a while decided to move yo the Philipines to near my Aunt Anne and her husband Uncle Enrico and be near my sister and her husband along with their two beautiful children. Maybe who knows I might find love again here like Rosebelle did" bella thought to herself.
3 months later...
Bella end up meeting a friend of her sister and brother-in-law, Richard who is well known Filipino actor, environmentalist and model. They fell in love with each other, it was like it was love at first seight that they are now dating each other and look together many people told them that.
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(Richard De la Cruz and Bella Swan)
Richard is the now who really help bella move on from Edward Cullen the moment they meet each other it was like Edward never even walk into to her life. She was glad to move to the Philipines because it allow her to meet the lovd of her life Richard this Bella was sure of she dosen't know what she'll do if she ever lost Richard he is her life if he isn't in it then life isn't worth living without him by herside.
Bella also meet the nine months old children of her sister which she quickly adore them. Growing up with their mother Renée, Bella never wanted children but if it was Richard then shecwould love them because they are the proof of their love to one another like Rosella and Adrian are the proof of Rosebelle and Nathan's love for each other.
By then Rosebelle isn't just an Actress, and singer, she also model, Misician and Dancer. While Nathan isn't just an actor anymore he is also a Model, Film Director, Film producer, Televation Direcfor, Dancer and Political. Both of them are known as the Primetime king and Queen.
They recently finish foing a tv show called Encantadia which is a Philippine television drama fantasy. Rosebelle cast as  Minea the fourth queen mother of the Kingdom of Lireo, and the mother of the four Sang'gres destined to be the keepers of the four elemental gems of the world of Encantadia. While Nathan casted as Raquim of Sapiro, he  is a Prince of the Kingdom of Sapiro. He is a cousin of Rama Armeo and the father of Hara Amihan of Lireo.
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(Rosebelle and Nathan as Minea and Raquim)
They both had fun acting in that TV show it was one of the best tv drama they did together and Dyesebel only coming in secound.
Bella Watching her sister act at her latest Tv show made her wanted to try beging an actress it look found to her so she try and her first Tv show as Alwina in Mulawin a Philippine television drama fantasy which she casted along side Richard that's when she realized her true calling as actress. And she even did Mulawin: The Movie is a Filipino fantasy action film sequel to the Mulawin television series. Which is very big hit. 
17 years later....
Jacob Black regret ever rejecting his Imprint on Rosebelle 25 years ago, I don't even know if she's still single. I was stupid enough to reject her just for the chance to be with Bella who never loved him not even the 3 years they dated and now the pack recevied a wedding inivation to wedding which the pack attended only see his imprint that he rejected 25 years ago happily married and have two 17 years old son and daughter.
If I wasn't so stupid to reject Rosebelle I might have been happily married to Rosebelle by now and her twins could have been my own children, if only i wasn't stupid i would be happy like the rest ofmy pack mates.
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