travetagebuch · 2 years
Lotte Walthers Handschrift
Die deutsche Schauspielerlegende Heinz Rühmann spielte in „Keine Angst vor großen Tieren“ 1953 den eher unauffälligen und ängstlichen Bürger Emil Keller, der durch ein Erbe an drei ausgewachsene Tiger gerät
Lotte Walthers Handschrift Die deutsche Schauspielerlegende Heinz Rühmann spielte in „Keine Angst vor großen Tieren“ 1953 den eher unauffälligen und ängstlichen Bürger Emil Keller, der durch ein Erbe an drei ausgewachsene Tiger gerät. Unter zahlreichen Verwicklungen versucht Emil den Tieren aus dem Weg zu gehen, verliert schliesslich jeden Mut und begibt sich, des Lebens müde geworden, in die…
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tuesday 17 September 1833
6 35
fine morning and F64° at 6 35 -  paid all to the master himself and breakfast over at 9 20 - had my valet de place of yesterday and out at 9 40 - to the streamer office paid all and gave passports - then in 18 minutes at Lachrewehre [Lachswerhallee] (went some distance along the road by which we arrived from Oldseloe [Bad Oldesloe]) a pretty little public tea garden with formal avenues of lime and cut hornbeam hedges in the old style - called Lachrewehre [Lachswerhallee] because here, 3 or 4 centuries ago, when salmon used to come upon the Trave in such shoals as to impede navigation, and it was publically read in the church that no one should give their servants Salmon more than twice a week - there was a wehre or high fence or barrier erected across the river that the salmon could not get over so that their [progress] was stopt - no Jews allowed to live in Lubeck -so after having done their business in the day go to the good village of Meisseling (spelt from sound) 1 ½ lieue (2 lieues= 1 meilen or French poste) from and belonging to Lubeck, and where the Steckenitz canal (that communicates with the Elbe at Lauenburg) joins the Trave – the duties on passing the Sund (sound as we English call it) are so high, the Baltic timber is landed at Lubeck, and floated down to Hamburg by the Steckeintz canal, cut above a hundred years ago – From Lachrewehre [Lachswerhallee] back to the Holstein gate, and then left to the end of the ramparts that way – saw in the distance the church steeple of the village of Radkow7 lieues from [?], belongs to the duke of Oldenburg (O- near Bremen) (spelt from sound) 2 lieues (1 meile) from Lubeck, and to where blucher retreated from Lubeck in 1806, and capitulated to the French general Bernadotte prince of Ponte Corvo, now K. of Sweden, and who, as such, came to Lubeck against the French in 1813 after the battle of Leipzig (in October) – Had Napoleon had Lubeck one year longer, the road straight from the Hamburg gate to Hamburg 12 lieues or 6 meilen (instead of 16 lieues as now by Schönberg that is 8 meilen and 18 lieues or 9 meilen by Arensberg [Ahrensburg]) would have been done – it was tire a cordon, and preparations made – but all was stopt with the misfortunes of Napoleon – the king of Denmark would do nothing even to the road by Schönberg – he wanted it by Arensberg [Ahrensburg] – the Lubeckois and Hamburgois would pay for the road by Sconberg [Schönberg], but he would not let them – but he had already made a new chaussée (a good road) from Kiel to Hamburg – clear enough, thought I, he wants the Hamburg trade to a place of his own – returned along the
Miss F- and I should have eaten the famous Eel soup at Hamburg and if I had not seen the Institution for crooked persons at Lubeck had not seen the best-worth seeing thing there - said Lubeck was famous for baskets.
river and ferried over it – then to the Radthaus hotel de ville, to see the Senate room – no old paintings there – a good room 33 by 14 of my usual steps (take them at 2ft. each) – a very handsome dark carved oak entrance door – ends and 1 side (of which last 8 pannels and the stove in the middle opposite to 9 window) painted in fresco by an Italian whose name the man who shewed the room could not tell – home at 12 20 – changed my dress and all ready to be off at 1 Miss Ferrall arrived from Arensburg [Ahrensburg] at 12 ¾ - somehow or other this detained me till 1 ½ at which hour off from the Stadt Hamburg at Lubeck - had been very comfortable and well satisfied with everything a very good reasonable hotel - the good road lime shaded road I went yesterday as far as the turn (left) to Israeldorf [Israelsdorf]  then not so good but very fair sometimes mere sand till 2 35 when we came to the Trave – making the road anew paving and covering with gravel then with sand just on this side the river – waited ¼ hour for the ferry boar and then over in ¼ hour – pretty view along here the broad river, up and down – should have come by the little steamer at 11 or after this morning, at 1 mark per person but it was too small to take the carriage: but finding afterwards it did not arrive at Travemunde [Travemünde] till after 5 (5 ½ or later) I did not regret having come a quicker way – a neat gasthaus just on the other side the river – bits of roughish pavé here and there but chiefly, and better,  sand – at 3 ½ 1st sight of Travemunde [Travemünde]  its phare, and the low white sandy shores of the Baltic – nicely farmed country all hereabouts and I believe all thro’ Holstein – smallish enclosures here just like England – green hedges chiefly hornbeam and hazel – sandy land – nicely wooded - alighted at the Stadt Hamburg  Travemunde [Travemünde] (comfortable had a good mutton chop at 5 ¼) at 3 ¼ - nice little town - long goodish street along the river of small but neat looking brick houses - saw the carriage on board the ‘Frederick Den Siette i.e. Fred VI streamer’ 80 horse power, built at Copenhagen fine vessel Captain ...... then went to the top of the house - 60 bricks steps and about 5 ladders of 15 steps each - fine view of the river - the Baltic, the town, and very pretty baths and boarding-house with its pretty straw-thatched additional boarding house and stabling and nice little grounds in front - walked up to these buildings and to the baths which are nearer to the water - very pretty- went back to the Inn - enjoyed my mutton chop and went on board the streamer exactly at 6pm - Miss F- met immediately an old acquaintance lucky thought I I shall get comfortably rid of her  I had said to myself several times in the carriage  I thought her the most disagreeable girl I ever saw and how heartily glad I should be to get rid of her Miss F- met with her friend a Madame Hage - introduced - she had just been in Switzerland and was delighted to talk it over with me - she and Miss F- retired at 8 ½ I walked about till 9 ¼ and then went to my carriage for the night - lay across it with my feet upon my travelling bag pretty comfortably till perhaps between 12 and one or an hour later dozing or slumbering - then sick about every ¼ hour till 8 or 9 in the morning
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blucharter · 4 years
Mit ein paar Tagen Verzögerung geht es heute weiter 👉 7 Tage Urlaub (auf dem Wasser) an der Ostsee - 7 Highlights die man erlebt haben muss! Heute: Landschätzchen Benett Es zieht uns wieder in die Handtstadt! Genauer gesagt ins Naherholungsgebiet Istaelsdorf. Das Gartencafe Landschätzchen ist ein großartiges Ausflugsziel für Groß und Klein 🌞🐓🐥🐝🦋🐐🦌🐇🐱 🦆 Hausgemachte Kuchen und Torten 🧁🎂🥧🍰, vielfältige Eisspezialitäten 🍧🍨🍦und eine ländliche Atmosphäre 🌲🍀🌿🌺🌸🌻 laden zum Verweilen ein. Wer es noch außergewöhnlicher mag und das norddeutsche Urlaubsfeeling mit in die heimische Küche nehmen möchte, kann sich auch für einen persönlichen Kochkurs anmelden! Kleine Gruppen von 4 bis max. 8 Personen lernen hier vom Chef persönlich 👨‍🍳😊 Sowohl das Hausboot als auch die Formula 280ss bringen Euch über den Wasserweg nach Israelsdorf (in Verbingung mit einer kurzen Taxifahrt) oder ihr nehmt den Bus von der Haltestelle Werkstraße, vor den Toren der Travemarina! #yachtcharter #bootstour #visitlübeck #travemünde #fewo #urlaubaufdemwasser #urlaubmitkindern #sommerferien #travemarina #formula280ss #schleswigholstein #tagescharter #führerscheinpflichtig #mitskipper #erlebemeeralsurlaub unbezahlte Werbung
from Blu Charter - Yachtcharter weltweit https://ift.tt/1BczRSH via IFTTT
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travetagebuch · 2 years
Lotte Walthers Handschrift
Lotte Walthers Handschriftund das traurige Ende des Lübecker Tierparks Die deutsche Schauspielerlegende Heinz Rühmann spielte in „Keine Angst vor großen Tieren“ 1953 den eher unauffälligen und ängstlichen Bürger Emil Keller, der durch ein Erbe an drei ausgewachsene Tiger gerät. Unter zahlreichen Verwicklungen versucht Emil den Tieren aus dem Weg zu gehen, verliert schliesslich jeden Mut und…
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