thatsbutterbaby · 1 year
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Otto Dill (1884 - 1957) - Löwen.  Aquarell auf strukturiertem Velinbütten./ 11. 40 x 50 cm. .
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indoraptorgirlwind · 3 months
Wesen Moodboards
Löwen (German: Lion)
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The Löwen were once kings of a jungle area somewhere in Africa, but were captured and forced to fight in the gladiatorial arena by the ancient Romans. Following their capture, the Löwen at some point began the Löwen Games, where they forced other Wesen to fight to the death; in the modern day, however, this is rare.
Löwen are naturally aggressive, competitive, and violent, and they are also known for having a horrible temper. Despite this, they are still capable of peacefully living amongst humans and having normal lives.
Notables: Leo Taymor, Don Anker, Pierce Higgins, Don Nidaria, Clement, Jess Reilly, Hedig, Albert Bowden, Maggie Bowden, Todd Bowden, Rachel Wood, Grossante
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zhansww · 1 year
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lunarriviera · 10 months
just fucking let me love you?? 👀👀
damn i wrote a whole long answer to this but tumblr ate it. suffice it to say that's a placeholder title (but it's a great song by Löwen)—it's a ye olde haixing era guardian fic, which i started before i realized how many other better writers have already fixed the time loop and brought our heroes back together again, so i'll probably never finish it. just 10k of exposition and then some clunky porn and no ending. but what can you do? i can't quite give up on it somehow! i think it stuck ye zun in the lantern? anywhere it's where he belongs—
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cf8wrk4u-us · 2 years
Grimm/ Transformers Prime Crossover Characters
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Name: June Darby
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Type: Wesen/Lowen
Summary: June didn't have the best background coming from a more "traditional" Lowen family. For the longest time she lived a pretty wild life, doing what she liked, taking what she liked, and pushing anyone who got in her way. But this stopped when she fell pregnant with Jack and she decided it was the best thing to separate herself from this type of lifestyle. She moved to the sleepy town of Jasper and took a nursing program there, which wasn't easy being pregnant or even when Jack arrived. But in a way she was almost thankful for the work and stress as it kept her on a strict routine that helped suppress her urges, usually. She wouldn't lie if there weren't people she met that made her wish she could sink her fangs into but that's not an option unfortunately....
She considers herself a Wieder Lowen. The term Wieder referring to a Wesen who has given up their old life (hunting and killing humans or other Wesen) to follow a more peaceful path. Usually with the help of a strict routine and diet, one that she had Jack adopt as well.
Things were pretty peaceful, just her and her son for the longest time. Though things did get tense when Jack first experienced his woge and revealed to take more after his father, splitting his pants in the process. Manticore and Lowen may be similar in appearance in behaviour but that venomous tail mixed with teenage mood swings would prove a challenge. June grew anxious that Jack would accidentally use his tail or fangs on someone if he got mad enough, so she stressed to him the importance of surpassing his anger and following there shared routine. But over time she learned to trust him better, even when he applied for a job.
Though she did notice that Jack had started to act strange, especially since getting that new motorcycle. She just chalked it up to teenage nerves. But after she was kidnapped and threatened by a giant spider robot any sense of peace from her current life was taken from her.
It took some adjusting when it came to meeting the Autobots, she's seen some pretty strange things as her life as a Wesen but nothing could compare to the knowledge that aliens are real and giant sentient robots are fighting a war on earth.
She was incredible upset to learn of her son's involvement in this secret war and that he was using his tail to fight, going all the dangers that could happen if he were to loose control. But to her surprise Jack actually stood up to her, telling his mom that as much as he knows she's trying to help the Autobots have done so much to protect him, taught him how to fight, and even coached him how to better work his tail. That for the longest time he's had to suppress his strength but now with the Autobots help he can better use it for the betterment of his planet and to help his new friends.
June is taken aback but can't help but be proud of her son, whose far more responsible and aware of the power he holds but decides to use it for good. Unlike herself at that age.
She soon becomes another good member of the team. Looking after Raf and Miko as sort of a maternal figure occasionally, though learning the teen girl was a Grimm did give her a mini heart attack. All the same she did her best to teach them more about the Wesen world, even some more unsavory parts.
Her and Fowler didn't get along at first, him being a experienced and cautious Grimm and her beging a Lowen with a shady past that if got out could have the agent pointing a blade at her. For the longest time she was defensive with Fowler making sure to contradict some Grimm lore and history pointing out the injustices done to Wesen at the hands of extremist Grimms. This did make her and the agent relationship even tender but in the end they learned to be amicable. June even helps with some of Fowlers cases and helps treat his wounds after an especially harrowing encounter with a violent Wesen.
All in all this new life is something see didn't see coming, but is happy.
Abilities: As a Lowen June is incredibly strong and much faster than a normal human. They are able to overpower and kill humans, and on at least one occasion, Lowen have been able to hold out in a fight with a Grimm. June has yet to test that theory though. But they can be overpowered when faced with a group of attackers.
Löwen are capable of lion-like jumps and able to move with incredible stealth, allowing them to sneak up on their victims, much like how actual lions hunt. They are also incredibly durable. Something that people are taken aback by when first encountering June.
Löwen have razor sharp claws and teeth. Like actual lions, they generally kill their victims by biting their necks or slashing their throats.
They also have a highly developed sense of smell, demonstrated through June incredible cooking skills.
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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Transvaal-Löwen ....Zuneigung by Fritz Zachow https://flic.kr/p/2nwKatm
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duftvonregen · 2 years
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travetagebuch · 2 years
Lotte Walthers Handschrift
Die deutsche Schauspielerlegende Heinz Rühmann spielte in „Keine Angst vor großen Tieren“ 1953 den eher unauffälligen und ängstlichen Bürger Emil Keller, der durch ein Erbe an drei ausgewachsene Tiger gerät
Lotte Walthers Handschrift Die deutsche Schauspielerlegende Heinz Rühmann spielte in „Keine Angst vor großen Tieren“ 1953 den eher unauffälligen und ängstlichen Bürger Emil Keller, der durch ein Erbe an drei ausgewachsene Tiger gerät. Unter zahlreichen Verwicklungen versucht Emil den Tieren aus dem Weg zu gehen, verliert schliesslich jeden Mut und begibt sich, des Lebens müde geworden, in die��
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offpulse · 4 months
Des „Kaisers“ kalte Dusche
Autor: Anselm Bußhoff – @offpulse Dass die Emmendinger gerne mal ihr Haupt zur Freude verneigen, wusste schon 1977 die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung zu berichten. Damals hatte die Stadt eine „Festwoche“ ausgerufen, um an den 200. Todestag seiner Bürgerin Cornelia Schlosser zu erinnern. Diese war die Schwester Goethes und nach der Heirat mit den Hofrat Johann Georg Schlosser 1774 nach…
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betamax65 · 10 months
Die #Feuerwehr ist nicht nur bei #Bränden schnell. Kaum kommt die Meldung über einen entlaufenden #Löwen in #Brandenburg und schon wird der Umgang mit Großtieren geübt 👍🏻
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zootoo · 1 year
Die Löwen aus Hellabrunn
Die Löwen aus Hellabrunn by Günter Hentschel Via Flickr: Besuch in Hellabrunn!
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filmabend · 1 year
Prey – Film Stream HD (2016)
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Originaltitel: Prooi
Prey ist ein Horrorfilm
In Prey herrscht in Amsterdam Ausnahmezustand, denn ein entlaufener Löwe treibt dort sein Unwesen und hinterlässt eine Spur der Verwüstung.
Inhalt von Prey
Eine Blutspur zieht sich durch Amsterdam.
Da werden zerfetzte Menschen gefunden und die Polizei steht vor einem Rätsel. Doch eine Kommissarin weiß sofort, was los ist.
Sie hat eine Spur und macht einen riesigen Löwen verantwortlich, der offenbar jegliche Scheu vor den Menschen verloren hat.
Leider will der besorgten Kriminalbeamtin niemand Glauben schenken. Ein fataler Fehler, wie sich bald herausstellen wird.
Die hungrige Raubkatze dezimiert unschuldige Menschen und macht vor nichts und niemandem halt. Weil sie sich auch noch gut verstecken kann, scheint es nicht leicht, dem Tier das Handwerk zu legen...
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poppolus · 2 years
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andys-tattoo · 2 years
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wollfiguren-blog · 2 years
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Hier seht Ihr einen Teil meiner Tiere für die Arche. Die anderen kommen noch.😀
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hehabsy · 2 years
Löwenanlage fertig I Tiergarten Schönbrunn
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