#It also sets up how offended Thornclaw is and how he doubles down
bonefall · 1 year
How was the Mousefur “mixed” clan meeting received in BB!?
Dustpelt, Mousefur, and Thornclaw took reputation hits for the stunt. ThunderClan is the Fire Alone Clan and they got up there to put forth concerns about kittens. Lil baby kittens.
They ended up getting shouted down, any cats who leaned Traditionalist were probably willing to admit "concerns" in private, but the minute someone like Squirrelflight bellows, "BOOO" and her buddies join in it's pretty hard to argue against an angry crowd.
I need to find a better way to word this but someone should get a little bit of a sassy moment, "let's go chuck the kittens in the lake so we can unlock Queen’s Rights 2"
If Frostfur is still alive at this point, she is incredibly disappointed. She probably talks to both Thornclaw and Dustpelt about it privately, but somehow, she expected it of Thornclaw who hung out with Grandma Speckletail too much.
"No, please, don't speak just listen. I want you to think about Ravenpaw. Do you remember what Tigerclaw made us believe about him? How they made you think he inherited more of your Honor Sire than you? So that everyone believed he was a weakness to purge for being too mixed? ...I was reminded of that, today."
Lays awake that night next to Ferncloud, unable to sleep, SUPER embarassed and hot with shame. It dawns on him that Tigerclaw probably targeted his in-law Brindleface because she agreed to suckle Cloudkit and also had an Honor Sire for Fern, Elder, and Ash.
Thornclaw never gets an apprentice after the stunt, Spiderleg is permanently his only. He realizes that he blew his chance at deputyship under Firestar FOREVER by backing up Mousefur's impromptu rally, and is one of the Dark Forest's first targets when they start recruiting in Po3.
Mousefur retires, feeling old, tired, and being publically shot down BADLY.
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