#It was suposse to be megs but I changed it
scribe-of-hael · 1 year
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Ya'll thought I was playing , I meant it
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Starscream in a cat blanket burrito
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pruebopruebapruebe · 4 years
From the comics:
Some of my favourite Meg's lines
-[As a teenager] I find these text books to be insulting. Does the author really feel that a diagram of a uranium-238 isotope is necessary? Talk about spelling it out.
-[As a teenager, about Roxanne] Have you ever seen a more totally perfect female specimen?.
-[As a teen] In case you haven't noticed, I speak the internacional language of music with my body.
-[As a teen, to Minion] Thank you. I appreciate your support. All of it.
-[Same] To our cave of isolation, Minion.
-[As a teen] I don't see what the fuss is all about. So there's music, food, and fun, big deal. I have a radio and a refrigerator at home. If that isn't fun, I don't know what is.
-I know it's hard to believe, but this awesome phisique doesn't come naturally. I have to work out just like everybody else. [I like it because it expands on the "i exercise" from the movie]
-I can fix this!
-You children remind me of the advantages of being raised in a correctional facility. [Because they play with dangerous stuff? Because he didn't like other kids? Because he doesn't like kids? Idk].
-Wow, they really don't pay teachers enough, do they?
-You're no longer a guppy, Minion. You should know better than to believe in that mumbo jumbo.
-M-my new boots? Why the new boots, boy, why?
Some of Minion's lines:
-Don't worry, little fella. I accept you for what you are. You may not be the prettiest plant in the garden, but you're beautiful in your own special way.
-[When his personality changes because of an experiment] I'm feeling surprisingly good, all things considered. I should be depressed, for I have been wasting my time serving a blue-skinned megalomaniac all these years.
-[Same. On a note] I said, and I quote, "I quit!" so stop following me! It's kind of creepy. Worst wishes.
-[About the brain bots] They're cold, heartless machines, not faithful companies who'll love you no matter how bad your breath smells in the morning [dissapointed but not surprised about this one].
-Sorry, Sir, but puppy love triumps all.
Some dialogues:
Rox: [to Minion] Wait, don't hurt him! He's your best friend! And he misses you.. like a lot.
Meg: The brain bots miss you, too.
Rox: I just got stood up for a dog! How is that supossed to make a girl feel?
Min: Neglected. Forgotten. Maybe even a little jealous?
[as teenagers]
Min: What troubles your immensely powerful mind, Sir?
Meg: I don't want to talk about it.
Min: Okay. I will just sit here and--
Meg: I mean what could anyone, and I do mean no one specific at all, possibly see in him?
Min: Aside from the rugged good looks, perfect hair, and near limitless super strenght?
Meg: Let me rephrase, what does he have that I don't?
Min: Other than his rugged good looks, perfect hair, and near limitless super strenght, you mean?
Meg: I should be the big man on campus, Minion, not that fumbling football fool, Metro Dude, he's so... So--
Min: dreamy?
Min: I'm so excited!
Meg: Is just a corsage, Minion.
Min: Maybe it's just a corsage to you.
Meg: Nevermind that, we have a dance to--
Min: Enjoy.
Meg: Ruin!
Other 'canon' stuff:
[About Megamind's inventions] "As you can clearly see, there was more 'genius' than 'evil' when it came to the once evil genius known as Megamind. It would take years for the world's top scientists to decipher the basic principles of these magnificent inventions".
Everybody bullies Meg and teachers treat him as a troublemaker. Boy is just bored and marginalized. Yes, he is a bit of an asshole but everybody else is and they are teens.
Also he and Minion live alone in the evil lair so on top of having the more detentions in the History of the school, babies maintain themselves.
Genderfluid Minion is genderfluid.
Megamind has been saying be gay do crimes since high school and I can respect that.
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