#Soundwave has had to do it to ravage
scribe-of-hael · 9 months
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Ya'll thought I was playing , I meant it
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Starscream in a cat blanket burrito
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blighted-lights · 7 days
The ravage clone 😭 I do imagine soundwave would be overjoyed at first thinking somehow she survived. "I knew lord megatron was wrong, ravage is just built different." Then he'd get pissed as hell at shockwave because that is NOT ravage! (He still takes care of her anyways).
It reminds me of this tiktoker who cloned her cat so she could have another one after the og died and she got pissed because the new cat had a different personality. Yeah they look the same and have the same DNA but they do not have the same memories/experiences!! It will never be 100% an exact clone.
Differences like that would make it bittersweet because soundwave would feed her ravage's favorite food to find out they don't share the same tastes and he'd spiral.
HI YIKES!! (referencing this post here, btw, which you all should look at and send me asks about hehe <3)
and i have to say that everyone who's left tags and comments so far on that post (plus inbox messages, thank you <3) has been FAR kinder in terms of angst levels of this idea than what i originally had planned. soundwave initially does have some vague hope that this ravage is the original ravage when he first meets her, BUT this hope is immediately dashed. he can tell from the start that she isn't the original ravage and shockwave outright admits to her being a clone 😔
shockwave's entire plan with cloning ravage was both as an emotional support to soundwave after they lost the original ravage AND, in true shockwave fashion, a bit of a manipulative move. soundwave's work and self-care have absolutely tanked with the loss of ravage. shockwave figured that bringing her back, or at least some version of her, would make soundwave feel obligated to take care of her- and it does! but to take care of this new ravage, soundwave has to take care of himself as well or he risks not being able to provide her what she needs. soundwave's self care goes back up, he starts working more effectively because he's properly fueled and rested, and shockwave considers it a win!
it's,, not a win tho, because ravage's clone is her own individual person and the pressure of trying to live up to the original ravage is suffocating. and since shockwave is her creator, she prefers being around shockwave over being around soundwave, and it ends up being a Mess™️. this cloned ravage also has very vague imprints of the original ravage's personality traits, but it's So obvious to anyone paying attention that she isn't the original at all.
soundwave also has no idea how to process the existence of this new ravage as she is a clone of one of his closest friends- his oldest friend, really. he's going through a lot of conflicting emotions while grieving- and that's not even going into what the other cassettes are feeling
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singingcicadas · 7 months
The beginning of the Decepticons according to Megatron:
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The beginning of the Decepticons What Actually Happened:
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That it could ever be called a revolution of the oppressed is a joke. Megatron's philosophy is purely pugno ergo sum. I fight, therefore I am. His first recruitment speech was a promise for power, made to the most bloodthirsty audience he could dig up from the dregs of society. Those people were there because they thrived off the bloodsport. They wanted audition to join Megatron in the pits. Megatron offered them something even better: turn the entire planet into our gladiatorial arena, and we take.
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Ever since the beginning Megatron viewed the Decepticons as nothing but a tool, to be used and thrown away. He wanted them to be as ruthless as possible in order to wipe out all opposition, but once his end goal's achieved, well, there's no place for ruthlessness in a perfect society under his absolute control. Therefore, remodelling and recreating. It doesn't sound like he wants to rule over actual people with individual personalities, he wants a bunch of mindless drones programmed for obeisance and peace and hardcoded to Do What Megatron Says.
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Ravage and Tarn. It's interesting how they both use the word "emancipated" when lauding Megatron's accomplishments, when it's clear that Megatron did so for the practical purpose of bulking up his army. He overthrew those in power because he wanted to be the one in power. The only one. The people he "emancipated" were just exchanging one set of shackles for another, as they had no choice other than to join the Decepticon army. Not fighting was not an option. Cowardice was punishable by traitor's wheel. Going neutral was also not an option. Soundwave had specific anti-neutral pogroms for those.
I wonder if they knew what "the Megatron they loved" had in mind for the Decepticons after they won the war. The remodeling and recreating. Or maybe they thought that's just for the lowly genericons. That they would be exempt from such treatment because they were confident of their privileged places at Megatron's side. After all, if you're rooting for someone whose motto is peace through tyranny, you'd do so with the expectation that it's only Other People who are going to get tyrannized.
It's true that he did rise against an oppressive government, despite it being the goal to replace it with himself as the tyrant.
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But he also thought the single admirable quality about Zeta was his ruthlessness. As in trying to kill an entire city of his own people to fuel his vamparc ribbon. And he said that in front of Hot Rod, who was forced to bomb his own city to stop Zeta from winning. Even disregarding the twisted values here, this is still fifteen levels up the insensitivity lane. No wonder Hot Rod didn't want to join up.
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Torture's for fun and domination. It takes a special kind of sadistic streak. And this is before the war even officially started.
Thundercracker's view on the Decepticon cause, when he defected to save humans from the nuke:
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"Everything we have done here" - Just here? He'd either been living under a rock for the entirety of the war or has some serious misunderstandings about what the Decepticon name is.
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Or just been willfully blind for four million years and the deaths of a hundred billion lifeforms until the day he decided to grow a conscience. Same with Soundwave.
Tarn's a really good case study because he's the poster boy of Megatron's Decepticon propaganda. Megatron probably spoonfeeds him the stuff by the gigabytes and he regurgitates them with twice the zeal and tenfold the pretentiousness. He's also the embodiment of the vices and tragedy of the Decepticons as a whole, as created by Megatron. A sadistic hypocrite, a glorified thug, a delusional fanatic, a customized tool for use and dispose. Crippled by the blinkering desire to be superior, to be part of a greater cause.
Megatron cares nothing for Tarn, just like how he cares nothing for the Decepticons. During the war they were a means to an end. After Megatron's defection, their "toxic loyalty" became a personal burden, a blemish from his past that he would like to cast aside and move on from but annoyingly refuse to leave him alone.
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The road-sweepers and the haulers. The miners. What were they to Megatron during the war? Disposable cannon fodder. A pretty banner to hide behind. For a movement that likes to justify itself as a revolution of the oppressed, the emancipation of the disenfranchised, there's certainly a distinct lack of those classes among the upper Decepticon ranks. Megatron said in his recruitment speech that he wanted strength and power. Then where did that leave the weak and sick, the empties on the streets?
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Nowhere but the smelting pool, to be recycled into something useful for the great Decepticon cause. They should be honoured, really.
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Freedom fighters? No, freedom won't be missed. Probably has something to do with the remodelling and recreating part.
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Starscream's only partially right. It was absolutely Megatron's intent to tap into that well of rage and resentment, and he meant for the riot to happen. Of course it got away from him in the end - that's what happens when you cobble an army out of bloodthirsty power-hungry degenerates, half of which were on board for the violence, half for their own scheming agendas, and the rest stitched together by charisma and fear - but he'd shaped the events enough to come a hairsbreadth away from winning multiple times. People like Shockwave and Scorponok were treacherous, but they weren't the reason that Megatron lost the war.
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It was his own blind arrogance that led to his downfall.
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No he didn't lose his way. He's exactly where he set himself out to be, from the moment he gave that speech in the arena. Perhaps even earlier, to that gradual slide when killing his opponent in a match no longer felt like a guilty burden but instead brought him the sweet rush of satisfaction. There was no revolution. There was no righteous cause. There was no for the people and never has been, because he did not care about other people. Four million years and countless deaths, and it was only really about one insanely self-centered person and his deluded ambition of peace through tyranny.
Hence his breakdown, because he'd just been hit in the face with the realization that he was Wrong. And has been wrong for the past four million years. He wasted everyone's lives. He wasted his own life, wasted it on anger and destruction and hatred, with nothing but regrets to show for it.
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I believe that Megatron believed he's telling the truth here. I believe that he meant every word he said, except for that one "we" on the second last line.
Because that "we" should really be "me".
The Megatron who wrote about pacifist rhetoric, who was compassionate enough to share his fuel with the injured, who cared about others and had genuine friendships, that Megatron died a long time ago in the pits. Ever since then, every murder, every atrocity he'd committed in the name of "the people" was just facist rationalization.
I'm sure that he likes the sound of "emancipation of the people" or "freedom of choice" as a concept. But when it comes down to individual people? With actual, real choices that conflicts with his desire for absolute rule? Nope. He's the only one who should get to make choices. The only one who should have choices. Because he knows best.
Form dictates your function ❌; Megatron dictates your function ✅
Function dictates your fate ❌; Megatron dictates your fate ✅
Great minds must think alike, because Megatron and the Functionalist council in the Functionalist universe did a lot of the same stuff. Massacring the Senate. Recycling people who are deemed useless burdens. Remodelling and recreating. Imperalism and genociding organics. Killing all dissenters. The Functionalists even got pretty close to Megatron's ideal of peace through tyranny with 99% of the planet fitted with brain bombs and kissing the ground at their feet. They even managed to do it while maintaining a habitable planet and full population. And Megatron took one look and was disgusted.
Megatron wasn't a misunderstood revolutionist who had his heart in the right place when he started his war. The Decepticons didn't start out well-meaning and turned bad somewhere along the way. At no point in their movement were they ever true freedom fighters. They were always Facists, through and through. They were worse than the Functionalists they hated and the Senate they overthrew. And it's important to acknowledge this because (other than it's weird to see such an obvious Facist analogy being associated with freedom fighters) otherwise you don't get the whole depth of Megatron's redemption arc, especially in the Functionalist universe.
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Like the impact of this scene wouldn't be fully apparant unless you take into account that when Megatron first formed the Decepticons, all he cared about was their fighting strength. He did not care about his troops, he did not care about individual people. He considered himself above everyone and everything. He would have sneered at such a weak, ineffective form of protest. Now he's actually being supportive and seeing people as people, instead of pawns to be used.
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Here he's genuinely happy to see the Decepticons, even those in the very bottom of the pecking order, taking enough care to greet them each by name. And also Fulcrum, who he sentenced to death twice.
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For once in his life he's actually trying to do the Right Thing instead of focusing on himself, either on his ambitions or his remorse. The people in the Functionalist universe have nothing to do with him, yet he wants to help anyway. And he's finally appreciating the value of self-determination for what it is, instead of trying to twist it to serve his own purposes or turn it into Megatron-determination.
"No one can decide how you live your life except for you." Back before, he was going to remodel his entire army to achieve his peace through tyranny. Autonomy and free will were considered things that won't be missed.
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Megatron learned to care about other people! Peace through empathy is such a groundbreaking step for his character because he used to have no empathy! He stayed true to his ideals for eight centuries despite the hardships, despite his personal losses, despite the AVL being driven to near extinction and not knowing if he would ever return to his own universe. During all those years he could have had ten million chances and excuses to break his vow of pacifism or leave on the Last Light, taking the easy way out, and there would have been no one to stop him.
But he didn’t.
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random-fandom1984 · 2 months
Can I have some g1 soundwave x reader please😅😅😅😅😅
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Being the only femme Cybertronian on the Ark can be... something. Especially when some of them try hitting on you without getting to know you; quite annoying really, but you keep it pushed down; but some people can tell because of your alt-mode.
You stayed in the Ark because of your job as a medic. Your alt-mode is a heartbeat monitor, which also corresponds with your sparkbeats, which is how some people, very few, can tell what you're feeling.
You made your own little base of operations under an abandoned amusement park. You'd bring in people who were injured and left behind in the ruckus of the battlefield between the two factions. Human or Decepticon.
Whenever it's a human, you'd ask them to promise to not tell your Autobot friends about your place of escape, and they do. But with Decepticons, you make sure that they are knocked out, and you just give them a few amounts of anesthesia because they would break in, destroy the place, kidnap you and hold you for ransom against your friends.
One day, when looking through one of the many aftermaths of a battle, you found a minicon in the rubble, Soundwave's minicon: Frenzy. When you took him back to your base, you realized you've forgotten to stock up on more anesthesia, so now you have to worry with the fact that he might wake up soon as you did the procedure of fix-and-repair.
As you were putting your tools away, he woke up with a fright, and you quickly explained the situation to him, which slightly calmed him down. Key word: Slightly. He was suspicious of you but is slowly diminished as you continued to work on the minor injuries that just need a new paint job and be buffed. The last bit disappeared in an instant when you gave him an Energon Goodie.
When he came by again, to your surprise that he remembered the way here, you gave a tour of the place above, he somehow managed to get the place up and running again; thank Primus that your location was miles away from the nearest civilization.
As time went by, Rumble found out, then Ravage, then Laserbeak. When they come to visit, it would be like as if there was no war, they're having a good time in the amusement park.
Sooner or later, Soundwave got suspicious. Where were his kids minicons going late at night?
Being the best spy he is, he followed them, and was surprised that they were hanging out with an Autobot, weren't fighting like there was a war, stopping a fight between Rumble and Frenzy as calm as possible- and somehow easily get them to make up?! He couldn't do that without them continuing to squabble with each other.
He used his telepathy powers to look into your thoughts to see if you secretly had ill intentions with his sons minicons, but there wasn't any!
When his minicons return back to base, it's an instant interrogation the moment they step foot back in the habsuite: How long has this been going on? How did this happen in the first place? What do she always do with them? The only questions that were about you were answered back with positivity.
Curious, he decided to look more into your file when the Decepticons fight the Autobots near the Ark. When he does, all he finds is all good things.
When it was the next time they decided to visit, he wanted to meet her in person. And so he did, and by Primus were you nervous. You were worried he might blow your helm up. You, Soundwave, and his minicons walked through the park, watching the minicons play games, ride the rides; he began to trust you.
The more you all hang out in private, at your secret location, the more you begin to bond closer together, mainly you and Soundwave; the minicons noticed it as clear as day.
So, being mischievous little ones they are, Rumble and Frenzy decided to stage a lil' something. In private, the minicons would call Soundwave Sire, or dad in human terms. So, when the next time you and they met up, they would unexpectedly drop Carrier, mom, at random times in the night. When they first did it, they'd put on an act like as if they didn't mean to say it and it just slip. You fell for their act, so did Soundwave because it was unexpected.
They see you? An Autobot medic? As a parental figure? I mean, sure, you heal up their injuries, you give them Energon sweets if they be good and behave, calmly deal with their fights, gives them sweet head pats, have the most caring optics he's seen, the most beautiful smile- Oh, scrap! He's in love.
He would lie awake at night, questioning why he found you attractive. For starters, your gently touch that he felt when you repaired him, your smiles seem to shine brighter than any star, and sound from your vocalizer was like a siren's call and he was the sailor that was lured by its enchanting melody, your optics the prettiest shade of blue that rivals with this hunk of rock's sky, have the spirit of a Carrier with his kids- Primus, he was hooked, lined and had sunk deep.
After he came to terms with his newfound emotions, he started noticing something about you. Every single time he was close to you, he'd see the screen of your alt-mode, on your chassis, start getting taller. One time, he danced with you as music played in the park, and he saw that the big spikes became frequent, and a subtle blush would be on your cheek plates that you try to hide with your servo and turning your helm to the side. He found this adorable, so much that he became addicted to having that cute blush on your face.
When back on the Ark, you would get pings from an unknown comm-link number, only to realize it's Soundwave, and he's sending you something. When you are finally alone in your habsuite, you would take a look to see that they were poems; they were so sweet, you reread them, laying on your berth, kicking your feet as you excitedly giggle from how nice, sweet, and adorable they are that they might as well be invitations for Cupid to continue to shoot arrows into your spark, making you fall harder for the Con.
When they spent the night in your secret base, you all had fun doing any activity that comes to mind: pillow/blanket forts, teaching the little ones the steps on how you make your glorious Energon Goodies, etc. The last activity was a horror movie marathon. Every time a jump scare would pop up on the screen, you would hug the closest bot, and it just so happened to be Soundwave. During the horror movie marathon, you, Soundwave, and his kids ended up in a cuddle pile, scared, all but Soundwave, Ravage, and Laserbeak.
They decided to spend the night here before returning to the Decepticon base at the break of dawn. You decided to put the little ones to sleep. He decided to start cleaning up the mess that was made, and when he finished, he came back to you telling the ending of an old Cybertron bedtime story.
To him, it looked so nice and peaceful, and you looked so motherly that he just wanted to confess right there, right now. What sealed the deal was you placing a goodnight kiss on the top of their helms, tucking them to sleep before leaving the room they were occupying, only to be dragged off to somewhere by Soundwave, into the place you slept in from time-to-time.
You wondered what was happening, until Soundwave got on one knee plate, servos holding your own, visor looking up into your optics, glistening as he let out a very poetic, charming, delightful, exquisite of him telling you about his feelings, everything about you that made his spark soar: your voice, your optics, your touch, everything.
He carefully watched the screen on you chassis to see if there was any indication of making you uncomfortable or not. And by the end of his heartfelt confession, he watched the heart monitor didn't make any giant spikes. Oh, no. It made a heart at the center of the monitor as blush covers your entire faceplate.
Part 2 coming soon!
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Optimus Prime adopting a sparkling with reactions from the Decepticons
Continuation of last request.
Optimus adopting a sparkling reactions from Autobots
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Lately there had been more Decepticon activity than usual, meaning less time for Buddy to spend time with Optimus.
He tried to spend his free time with Buddy, but he was so tired.
“Hey Prime—Woah…”--Bumblebee
 Optimus faceplanted on a book while Buddy was watching something on the datapad.
“I should probably go get Ratchet.”--Bumblebee
Optimus snapping awake.
“Don’t do that!”--Optimus
Startled sparkling noises.
“Sorry about that.”--Optimus
“Oh, it’s okay Optimus. No harm done. Hi Buddy!”—Bumblebee
Buddy waving.
“But please don’t tell Ratchet. I haven’t slept in 2 decacycles and I think he’s onto me…”--Optimus
Buddy soon started to notice that everyone else was becoming more and more tired by the day. Their regular babysitters looked tired every time it was their turn to handle Buddy. Not having much energy to deal with a sparkling. Buddy regularly started spending more time with the Dinobots, which they were happy to have Buddy over.
“Hey Grimlock, I brought Buddy over.”--Wheeljack
“Hmmm… Why Tiny Buddy come so much now?”--Grimlock
“Well Optimus and some of the others are taking more patrol shifts after the recent Con activity in the area.”--Wheeljack
We cant take care of them right now Grimlock. That’s why we need you guys to watch Buddy until we come back.”--Wheeljack
Oh, Me Grimlock understand now.”--Grimlock
“Thank you—”--Wheeljack
“Buddy is Grimlock sparkling now!”--Grimlock
“WHAT NO—”--Wheeljack
“Dinobot’s who say Tiny Buddy is Grimlock sparkling say ‘eye’!”--Grimlock
“This is not up for debate Grimlock! Buddy is still—”--Wheeljack
“5 against 1. Dinobot’s win!”--Grimlock
“Oh Primus…”--Wheeljack
Meanwhile on patrol…
Optimus suddenly stopping.
“Whats wrong Prime? See any Con’s?”--Ironhide
“It’s the Buddy tingle…”--Optimus
“Is Buddy okay?”--Bumblebee
“… I’ll need to get back to base earlier than usual.”--Optimus
But then they started getting called in.
Buddy started being left alone with Grampa Sparkplug and Spike.
One morning Buddy tried keeping Optimus from getting out of the base by holding onto his servo for dear life. Optimus simply put them back into their makeshift crib and patted their helm, gently closed the door, and walked off for his morning patrols.
Prime thought he was leaving Buddy under the supervision of the Dinobots.
He didn’t know that the Dinobots had gone with Wheeljack and Hound to go see the new outdoor museum.
The Dinobots thought that Buddy was safe in the base with Ratchet and Sparkplug.
Ratchet and Sparkplug were out in town with Hoist and Grapple getting some more spare parts for the med bay and future projects for Wheeljack.
Ratchet and Sparkplug thought Buddy was with Bumblebee, Spike, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.
The four of them were on a scouting mission that Prime had sent them on.
Which brings us back to Buddy.
Buddy for the first time since they had been found, was all alone in the base.
Buddy tried calling for anyone to come and get them.
After a while of calling Buddy started crying.
And crying hard.
Soundwave was trying to collect his thoughts.
He was on a mission from Megatron to get some more intel on Teletran one with his mini’s.
“Man, that was easy!”--Frenzy
“I know right! How many times has that loser Spike fallen for the old ‘lost casseste player’ thing?”--Rumble
“Too many to count.”--Frenzy
“Rumble, Frenzy: Quiet.”--Soundwave
“Comence operation: Teletran—”--Soundwave
“What was that?”--Frenzy
“Who was that?! I thought every one left!”--Rumble
“New operation: Soundwave investigate. Ravage, Frenzy, Rumble, Lazerbeak get Teletran One information.”--Soundwave
“On it, Boss!”--Rumble
Soundwave used his telepathic powers to seek the mind who was in the base.
He was hit with a sudden wave of raw emotions.
So much Fear.
He wasted no time going and seeing who this was.
The closer he got to the room the more he could hear the screams.
The screams sounded like a youngling.
No Autobot would start torturing natives of this planet… right?
The new blast of screams caused him to nearly rip the door from its hinges.
“Who is there? Show your self.”--Soundwave
“A… sparkling?”--Soundwave
Happy sparkling noises.
“Operation: Adoption in process.”--Soundwave
Sparkling reaching upward.
“Operation Adoption: Complete. Sparkling: Mine now.”--Soundwave
“Hey, Soundwave we got the—Sweet Primus! Is that a sparkling?!”--Rumble
“Rumble: Hush.”--Soundwave
“Shhh! Soundwave has a sparkling!”--Rumble
“A sparkling!?”--Frenzy
“Frenzy: Hush.”--Soundwave
“The Autobots left them alone?”--Frenzy
“Answer: positive.”--Soundwave
“… You’re gonna take them, aren’t you?”--Rumble
Soundwave tucking in the sparkling into his chassis.
Dad mode was activated.
As soon as he was outside of the entrance, he started hearing some of the younger Autobots coming near. Quickly putting Buddy into his Chassis, Soundwave quietly ran into the night.
Soundwave made it back to the Nemesis where he took Buddy out of his chassis along with the other cassettes.
Soundwave doesn’t know what happened in there, but it turns out the cassettes had made some sort of blood oath to look after the sparkling.
Everyone is crowding around the small family trying to get a look at the sparkling.
The minicons tried forming a protective barrier between them and the sparkling.
“Hey back up Screamer! You’ll scare the kid!”--Rumble
“How dare you—”--Stascream
Ravage and Lazerbeak standing by Buddy’s side daring the Second in Command to come closer.
“Fine… I didn’t want to see it anyways.”--Starscream
“Where did you fine the sparkling?”--Thundercracker
“Autobot base. Base empty. Sparkling only one there.”--Soundwave
“Did you get the information?”--Starscream
“Information gained successfully.”--Soundwave
“Nice, but who’s going to tell Megatron?”--Skywarp
“Whose, going to tell me what?”--Megatron
Sparkling sneezing noises.
The crowd was parted when Megatron entered the room. Soundwave stated what happened during his mission. Leaving Megatron a bit disgusted with his enemy.
How could Prime be so irresponsible for leaving the sparkling alone.
They even have humans that can look after the sparkling.
Well maybe not Spike, but the other ones are more competent than that one!
Now Megatron isn’t that dumb.
He knows where to draw the line in his ways, especially with new Cybertronian sparklings.
But at the same time, he wants to teach Prime a lesson.
“Soundwave, you will have custody of the sparkling until the end of the week.”--Megatron
“Listen, my army! This sparkling is not to be harmed under no circumstance! They will be part of the Decepticon army until the end of the week. Some of you will be looking after the sparkling, so you better plant that idea in your processors. Now any questions?”--Megatron
“Yes Thundercracker.”--Megatron
“Are we going to have to give the sparkling a name? Because I don’t want to call them ‘sparkling’ every single time.”--Thundercracker
“…Did—did the kid—”--Skywarp
“Buddy! Buddy! Buddy!”--Buddy
“I guess that’s their name.”--Rumble
The Cons decide to agree to one rule: No one is going to get attached.
You have Con’s who are already building up their emotional wall higher already wishing the week would be over.
Then you have Con’s like Soundwave who are already printing out copies for sharing the custody over the sparkling.
Everyone swears not to get attached.
That is the one thing they all fail to do.
As Buddy guardian during the week, he makes sure that most of his assignments are base operated.
Megatron can deal with it until the week is over.
The minicons are the primary babysitters for the sparkling.
Rumble and Frenzy try to teach the sparkling how to rough house which ends up with both fighting each other over the best way to give someone an uppercut.
Ravage likes to take naps near the sparkling.
Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw together like giving the sparkling little flying lessons.
Ratbat likes cuddling the sparkling when they are deep asleep, he’ll leave as soon as the sparkling starts waking up.
Soundwave entering back to his habsuite after some decoding.
“Rumble. Frenzy. Where is Buddy?”--Soundwave
Soundwave sees a cuddle pile of minicons around the sleeping sparkling on his berth.
Soundwave sighs softly and joins the pile.
The Elite Trine are the ones who really give the sparkling a flying lesson.
The three of them have a timer that tells them when to give the other a chance with the sparkling.
Skywarp warps with Buddy in his arms all over the Nemesis which makes them laugh loudly. He was quickly banned from doing this after he got stuck in a wall again and Buddy nearly dropped to the floor if it weren’t for Soundwave.
Starscream tries the entire time to get the sparkling to say ‘Hail Starscream’. Somehow the sparkling says ‘Hail Megatron’ and ‘Hail Optimus’. Where did they learn those two names? He blames Skywarp.
Thundercracker being the tamer one of the group takes the sparkling out of the base and peacefully flies above the clouds and careful not to fly above Autobot territory.
Buddy on the floor drawing something on a datapad.
“Whatcha drawing Buddy?”--Skywarp
“Seek! Seek!”--Buddy
“Seek? Do you mean Seeker?”--Thundercracker
“Seek! Seek!”--Buddy
“So, they decided to draw us Elite Seekers then. Quite fitting as we are the best Seekers in the Decepticon Armada. Well, show us.”--Starscream
Buddy showing a picture of them flying through the air; Skywarp surrounded by the purple crayon, Thundercracker had thunder bolt stickers, Starscream had a little crown on him. All topped with the Con logo stamped multiple times on the pad.
“That’s a weirdly cute drawing.”--Skywarp
“Yeah—Screamer are you crying?”--Thundercracker
Starscream’s optics filling with coolant.
Blitzwing and Astrotrain are set on babysitting duty one day when Soundwave and the minicons couldn’t see to it.
The both of them swear that the sparkling is going to cry when they see them and they are going to laugh.
Two hours into ‘Titanic’ the two Cons are trying to sniffle in the coolant that is dripping down their faceplates and sparkling is laughing at the humans in the funny dresses.
“Umm… why are you guys watching ‘Titanic’?”--Thundercracker
“Shut it!”--Astrotrain
“Oh C’mon! Jack obviously didn’t steal your dumb necklace, Rose! Don’t fall for that lousy trick!”--Blitzwing
“Ha Rosey!”--Buddy
“Exactly Buddy! Rose is funny to have fallen for this lousy trick! But with the power of love and plot, she’ll figure out that out!”--Thundercracker
“…”—Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Thundercracker
“…You want to join?”--Blitzwing
Buddy becomes nearly enamored with the sight of Devastator.
The huge bot is just crouching and lightly poking at the sparkling’s belly as it giggles and laughs loudly.
Devestator likes this.
When he goes back into the Constructicons, the adoration doesn’t stop.
Scrapper and Scavenger make little sparkling safe toys for Buddy to play around with. All in green and purple colors. Like the little Construction they are!
Bonecrusher is a little cautious to be near Buddy thinking he would accidentally hurt them. Buddy lies to sit on his lap, where he just becomes as stiff as a statue to not hurt Buddy.
Long Haul looks after Bonecrusher so nothing bad happens to Buddy. Which is mainly fixing Buddy’s posture, so they don’t tumble off of his teammates lap.
Mixmaster is not allowed to be near Buddy without Hook nearby. Hook may not be the strongest member of the Constructicons, but he also knows that there is a higher possibility of Buddy getting a scratch with Mix. As designated medic, he has his bandages ready.
Devestator holding Buddy in the palm of his servo.
Buddy giggling.
“Devestator shedding one single tear from the cuteness
Megatron tries to sneak in extra time from other Cons, but he can’t do it.
Soundwave is serious about having his kid -er- Buddy spending time with everyone equally.
But since Megatron has a lot of things to do he has his scientist build a device similar to what human’s strap on to take their younger infants on their chassis.
So many of his soldiers have to use every amount of will power not to laugh or giggle as Megatron is giving out battle plans as the sparkling strapped to his chassis is chewing on a rust stick.
“We will attack the base here. Then we shall—”--Megatron
Buddy sneezes.
“As I was saying, we shall then—”--Megatron
Buddy laughing loudly for no reason.
“…We shall—”--Megatron
Buddy tanks rumbling.
“Buddy: need fueling. Commence operation: Fueling time.”--Soundwave
“…Meeting dismissed...”--Megatron
The day finally comes to return the sparkling back. Megatron is already making plans with Soundwave to get the sparkling next month for another week.
Surprisingly there are some tears shed as Buddy waves goodbye to their new friends as Soundwave takes them back to the surface.
“You take care kid.”--Thundercracker
“Can’t wait for our next movie night!”--Blitzwing
“We’ll watch ‘The Goonies’ next time!”--Astrotrain
“I guess this is good-bye then. Until we meet again.”--Starscream
“I know you’re gonna miss them Screamer. Just admit it.”--Skywarp
“Shut… fine. We will see each other soon, Buddy.”--Starscream
“Good-Bye Buddy.”--Devestator
“We’ll see ya soon you little punk.”--Frenzy
“Don’t talk to strangers that aren’t us!”--Rumble
“Farewell little one. We will see each other shortly.”--Megatron
Meanwhile last week at the base.
Everyone was in panic mode.
Someone had kidnapped Buddy, and they didn’t have any video evidence of who had done it.
Everyone is blaming themselves for not being there for Buddy.
But Optimus is the worst of them all.
He had tried calling the Decepticons multiple times seeing if they had kidnapped Buddy and wanted ransom. They hadn’t answered. They had gone radio silence.
Optimus was going through everyone that would want revenge on him and thinking about where they could have taken Buddy. Ratchet and Ironhide have had to sedate him into getting some sleep.
When the Dinobots found out they nearly went berserk.
They are the first out the door looking for Buddy and the last to come back from searching.
Everyone is on high alert.
Back to the present.
Soundwave was hiding behind some tall trees that were near the base. There was a path that led straight to the base if they just continued the path.
“Buddy. Go down path.”--Soundwave
“Commence operation: Go home.”--Soundwave
“Yes, go to Prime. Good-bye Buddy.”
Soundwave bending down to hug Buddy one last time before placing them on the ground and walks down the opposite direction.
Soundwave looked from his hiding place until he was sure that Buddy was in the clear before heading back to the Nemesis.
Buddy waited a bit then started down the familiar path back home. It was the same nature path Optimus and Grimlock sometimes used when they needed to go for a walk and to get back to the base.
They speed up their little walk as more things start getting familiar to their optics. Especially the greenery around the large boulder.
They spot a familiar red and blue figure sitting on their special boulder and squeal in delight.
“Oppy! Oppy!”--Buddy
“Buddy!? Buddy!”--Optimus
Optimus’s knees give out as he crashes to the ground with Buddy in his arms. He is letting a sob of relief out feeling Buddy’s little servos on his facemask.
“Oppy? Oppy no cry. Happy! No sad!”--Buddy
“I am not sad Buddy…I am happy. So happy…”--Optimus
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Mistletoe ❙ ES Soundwave x f!robot reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 2600+
Warnings: Smut ( touching, interfacing, spike in valve and spark merging ) little angst with happy ending and fluff. NSFW 18+.
Notes: Thanks for sending in your request. Sorry for the late a lot has been going on for me to keep focused on writing. This was a lot more tamer than what I've been writing lately but I really enjoyed doing something more tender with fluff. Hope you all enjoy. 🥰
Coffee ☕
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At the time you don't remember a lot from that day, only that you straight up offered to take care of Soundwave's cassettes so they wouldn't have to be locked in a cell. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into but you weren't going to back out either. Looking at Soundwave you saw the confusion flicker across his visor, bound and about to be transported to the G.H.O.S.T. holding cells where he was to remain.
You're an autobot, trusted by both Optimus and Megatron they agreed to allow this to happen for them to be in your care. You remember looking at Soundwave and staring at him, trying to figure out what the decepticon was thinking, which proved to be near impossible. You hoped that this might give Soundwave a small insight to rethink about the future, for the sake of their world and species. It's all about survival now.
While in your care the cassettes were unsure suddenly, or conflicted. Frenzy and Lazerbeak were a little more open but Ravage wasn't so fond of you but you chose to give it time. Over the months they warmed up to you and you were proud that they were able to trust you. They behaved like children but you cherished this. However, you could tell they missed Soundwave very much.
Turns out, all efforts with G.H.O.S.T. was pointless. You ended up under Mandroid's control, along with the autobots and Megatron. All you remember is being stuck, trapped in a blind whiteness that you couldn't get out of. You've never felt so scared before. The next thing to happen is for you to wake up and there is Soundwave right in front of you, his shoulder blaster flared up and aiming directly at you. If it wasn't for his cassettes jumping in front of you he might've taken the shot. They begged him to not hurt you, and he listened, downpowering his weapon.
After everything it was time to clean up the mess. It was decided to give the decepticons one more chance and they finally accepted, but refused to become autobots. It was decided for Soundwave to live with you as well so he could be watched. You were a little nervous since he did try to kill you, but felt safe knowing he only wanted to be with his cassettes again.
Being under control felt like a part of you was torn apart. For a time you weren't yourself, even with the cassettes trying to help you. It was Soundwave though who ended up helping you move on. How? Well, that's where things get interesting.
Things started happening when you noticed Soundwave playing music, but not just any music, they were your favourites back on Cybertron. You haven't heard anything like that in a long while. You did ask Soundwave why he played them and his answer was that music can help with recovery. You were a little surprised to hear this, not really thinking that Soundwave cared.
You were very wrong there.
Then the cassettes got dragged in, or they decided to play a part. For example, near the human holiday Christmas, Frenzy and Lazerbeak bring you to Soundwave, where Ravage brings him to as well. A random spot. Above you both there was a mistletoe. A silly thing the humans did you thought. Apparently you're meant to kiss the other if you both were to stand under it.
Looking at Soundwave you expect him to turn away thinking the cassettes game was childish, but he doesn't. He's staring right at you, his visor dimming a little as you hold the stare back. It is as if everything went silent around you as he steps closer, closing the distance, and you're surprised to see his mouth guard retract, relieving lips underneath.
His servo moves up to your cheek plating causing your plating to heat up a little, then you watch as he tilts his helm and presses his lips against your own for a tender kiss. It's only short but the feeling of his lips over your own was like sweet energon, you wanted more of it. He pulls away and his mouth guard slides back over, and you can only stand there speechless. The cassettes let out a cheer making you snap out of your thoughts and realise what just happened. Soundwave kissed you. Why did he kiss you? Because of the mistletoe? It had to be only for that reason.
You're wrong again.
Soundwave acts differently around you from there onward, more fondly and even opening up. You even start to recharge better, the nightmares slowly becoming less frequent and you find yourself spending more time with Soundwave with the cassettes' encouragement. You find yourself becoming closer towards him, always seeking to be around him as you notice he does the same with you. You're both just always together. Eventually, he asks you out on a date.
You agree.
Asking Bumblebee to watch the cassettes without telling him you and Soundwave had a date was a little bit of a challenge as he wasn't overly fond of the childish smaller cons, but with the Terrans help he agreed finally. It's not like you were ashamed, but for now you just want to keep what's happening between both you and Soundwave to yourselves. Soundwave takes you to Witwicky's viewpoints. The snow fall is still fairly new as it comes down all over, and you had to admit it's rather beautiful. Over the time you've been on earth you've found the snow to have a peaceful effect.
"Y/N." You hear him say your name, making you turn your attention to him. "Are you happy?"
"Happy?" You question with a tilt of your helm. "Well, yeah, I guess I am. Honestly I haven't felt happy for a long while, but you and your cassettes have helped. Just having you all around, in my life, it's brought a comfort I can't help but relish."
"Like a family?"
You smile softly. "Yeah, like a family. What about you, are you happy?"
He's quiet, turning his helm as if he's looking away. "I am."
Is he blushing?
Your smile grew more. In the past you've fought with Soundwave in combat, primus, he was even about to shoot you more than a bunch of times, now here you both were on a date. Crazy how things turn out sometimes.
"I never thanked you for taking care of my cassettes." He finally meets your optics again and goes on. "Or apologise for almost shooting you. So, thank you, and I'm sorry."
You stare at him, optics softening as you hear this.
"You're welcome, and it's alright. I wasn't myself, you had every right to try and stop me." You answer back, flinching a little when a snow flack lands on your face, causing a soft smirk to come from you. "The snow fall tickles my face."
You feel his servo against your cheek plating then, right where the snow flake had fallen. His digit traces gently into you and you can't help but lean into his touch. Soundwave steps closer and you watch his mouth guard retract back, showing you his lips once again like the first time. He kisses you, and you welcome it.
Both your servos rest against his shoulder plates, tilting your helm and slowly deepening the kiss you both shared. Letting out a soft muffled gasp you feel his glossa roll out, tangling with your own running across your denta's as you did the same to him back. The taste of him fueled your desires so wildly, something you've never felt before.
Pressing up closely your kiss only grows hotter and more demanding. Both his and your servos roam across each other, feeling every curve and plating, your spark pulsing in your chamber making you gasp from the overwhelming emotion. Breaking the kiss you look at Soundwave through dimmed optics, a thousand questions rushing through your mind but only a few were a top priority.
"What's happening?" You manage to whisper against his lips between the heated kiss. "What is this?" You're so confused by what your spark is screaming out for.
"Connection." Soundwave answers, your optics watching his lips move is so fascinating. He holds you close and presses his helm against the front of yours fondly. "Bond."
"Bond?" You are not sure what it means.
He moves his free servo over your chassis, directly where your spark is and you feel yourself pulse strongly under his touch. With his other he moves your servo over his own chassis and you feel his own spark thumping wildly under your contact.
It hits you then. "Is this...?" You're unable to finish, going speechless.
"Affirmative." He answers through what sounds like a low moan.
It's love. Both your sparks were desperately reaching out for one another, demanding for contact. It's Soundwave that asks the big question.
"Y/N, will you become my conjunx endura?" It's a serious question, and yet you answer truthfully.
"Yes." There is no doubt in your voice.
Somehow you end back up at your base, the old G.H.O.S.T. building that was given to both autobots and decepticons to use for themselves. No one notices either of you returning in a hurry and head right into your quarters. Inside you're both lost in a deep and passionate kiss, glossas dominating one another as your moans vibrate through each other with a blinding desire.
You want this, so bad, and you can feel his longing for you as well. His servos suddenly grip under your thighs and lift you up under his stronghold making you gaps against his lips that fall into a low desperate moan. Others might think you both are a little crazy to rush things, but never have you felt so right about something and feel that urgency to commence this completely, tonight. Your legs wrap around his slender waist and hold on tightly as he carries you over to the berth, laying you down and joining you on the berth as it creaks a little under both your weights.
His servos move down you, his visor holding your stare as your optics furrow a little, curious about what he is doing before you feel a sudden gentle pulse that bursts from every sensitive spot in you and goes directly to your spark and already heated valve. What was that?
It doesn't take long for you to figure it out. He's using his little trick on your, sonic pulses vibrating from his servos, running through his digits as they rush through you in the most pleasurable way. Well, the mech knew how to touch, that you figured out real fast. Guess it's a weapon not just for war, but for pleasure too.
Your back arches as he continues this, his mouth moving to your inner neck cables as he suckles and nips at each one in the most seductive way possible, causing more beautiful sounds to echo from your vocals for him to reish. He continues this, teasing you through each rocking pulse, before gripping at your waist and tugging you against his heated panel.
Letting out a throaty gasp from the heated contact you look up at him as he hovers before you smile between heated breaths and lean up to kiss him firmly. He returns the kiss, just as he grinds himself into you. Enough teasing, you can't keep doing this. You want to be filled by him, and join your sparks.
It's like he read your processor, because he moves suddenly again, giving a harsh thrust into you with his panel retracted and throbbing spike rubbing against your, trans fluids dripping onto your still closed panel. Acting quickly you retract your own finally, letting out a moan as he does this a few more times. Before you can say anything he suddenly pressed himself into your valve, sinking inch by inch as you both carry on with noise and heavy vents.
Your helm hits the berth once he's fully within her clenching depths, your valve twitching with each rapid pulse from his throbbing cable. He withdraws, and sinks back in, gaining a rhythm as he lays closely over you, holding you as he frags you slow and firmly.
Holding his gaze you caress his check plating as you rock under him with each thrust, gasping softly and clenching more around him, loving every bit of thickness he gives. He sits up on his knee pads and pulls you up against his chassis, having you half straddle him as he rests back a little, your servos moving across his shoulder armour before coming to the back of his helm and sharing a kiss with him.
You hear metal shifting and then there's an illuminating light between the both of you. Soundwave's blue spark pulses rapidly, begging for a connection right in front of them. After staring for a bit you finally open your own chamber, the same blue spark pulsing right back from you.
Soundwave then leans into your audio, whispering. "I love you."
Such beautiful tender words, it makes you almost melt. "I love you too." Is your answer back.
Then it happens. Both your sparks join finally, entwining together in their own rapid merging together. The shock causes your back to arch under Soundwave's servos as he keeps hold so he doesn't lose you, his thrusts short and quick now, rutting into your dripping valve over again. Your node is being grinded harshly in the most incredible way causing your overload to build more within your core.
You start feeling it, the contact forming between you and Soundwave, a new bond to share for eternity.
"Soundwave...primus...It's so much!" You manage to find your voice before burying your face into his neck as you hold on tightly, short groans heard after each thrust that is drilled into you, Soundwave's grunts mixing in together.
"So good. So pure. So beautiful." He says back through heated vents before kissing you deeply. His hips still and you feel his fluids suddenly soaking your inner depths warmly.
You overload right there with him. Your juices mix with his fluids as you rock your hips still, savouring every second. It's not over yet. Your sparks are still merging, but it's very incense and you feel a second overload about to burst through you.
Letting out a loud cry of bliss you feel your sparks burst together in a blinding light. It's done. You're both now bonded. Your second overload hits right through you before Soundwave finally stops moving all together and lays you back down on the berth.
You're tired, but you feel so incredible all over. Soundwave removes himself from your valve and your chassis, both closing up quietly before he lays right beside you and caresses your warm cheek plating. You could've sworn he is purring, and you love every bit of it.
In your new bond he's sending all sorts of warmth to you, making you hum in delight and lean up to kiss him again. You love his lips, you love him, everything about him you craved. When the kiss is broken he's smiling down at you, so tender and loving.
"Thank you." Is all you can say to him through your tired state.
"No, thank you." He answers back fondly.
Embracing Soundwave you hold onto him, your vents slowly down that turn into low hums while savouring the aftershocks of the intense overloads you both shared. Never have you felt so complete, feeling the silky warmth of the newly created bond between you two. There are no regrets, no conflict, just pure joyness.
You're now his as he's yours, your conjunx endura.
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Ravage realizing Rodimus is carrying first.
Rodimus does not understand why he can’t get comfortable anymore unless Soundwave is beside him or Lazerbeak is keeping watch over him during the day.
He can’t recharge well unless Soundwave is holding him and he feels so bad because he’s always exhausted now and feels strange like he’s cold whenever Soundwave isn’t touching him or he isn’t inside their nest.
He feels like he’s going crazy when he can’t drink his usual grade and has to settle for grade that tastes so bitter without anything sweet but a few liquid drops of nickel and iron the same way Soundwave likes his. He doesn’t even like spicy copper sticks anymore, he prefers the sour kind like Soundwave, which again, annoys him to no end.
and for the life of him he doesn’t want to tell Soundwave who will no doubt worry and he can’t exactly bring himself to stop defending his spark and tanks almost all hours of the day as if something or some bot other than himself, Soundwave, Lazerbeak or Ravage would dare get close to them.
Speaking of Ravage the feline and longest companion of Soundwave is now always next to him.
During the day when he goes off to work, during the afternoons when he waits for Soundwave to get home and at night sleeping on top of him with claws extended as if to shield and protect him.
He doesn’t even mind that Ravage is doing this. He actually likes it which scares him.
Ravage paws and kneads at his tanks when he sits down. Purrs with his helm on his tanks nudging and rubbing against the sensitive metal making him feel so safe which drives him crazy because he’s one a solider and fighter and two a prime with a powerful outlier that he hasn’t had the energy to use in weeks.
He finds Ravage is never far from him and even brings him a cube of energon just moments before he realizes the helmache is from hunger and not paperwork.
He can’t find it in himself to stop giving Ravage all the scratches and pets and treats she wants. Spoiling her and picking her up when she asks which is a weird thing since she usually only lets Soundwave carry her.
She’s sort of given Soundwave the tail in favor of draping herself over Rodimus tanks during recharge and even went as far as to bite at Soundwave for trying to move her.
Both of them were seriously shocked at this since Ravage loves Soundwave and never did anything like that, ever.
Rodimus tried asking why she did that and she wouldn’t answer, just nuzzled into his tanks and set a paw over his spark and curled up against him.
She even refused the call to dock into Soundwave.
They were both thinking about taking her to see Ratchet. They were talking about Ravage’s odd behavior and decided to bring her to him who promptly told them nothing was wrong with Ravage and the feline former was ticked at being brought to a doctor when she could’ve been at home recharging.
Ratchet watched as Ravage curled up and put a protective paw on Rodimus tanks and growled at Soundwave and himself when it clicked for the medic.
“Yeah Doc?”
“tell me, have you been feeling tired lately?”
“Umm yeah?”
“Hard time enjoying energon like you used to?”
“Yeah, i’ve been drinking the same kind Soundwave usually drinks for weeks its driving me a little crazy. I hate it but it tastes so good!”
“And has Ravage been staying with you all hours of the day and protecting you?”
“Well, yeah actually. Won’t let me leave for work without her and she sleeps on my tanks now too.”
“And have you been nesting a lot more? Often on edge without Soundwave, Lazerbeak and Ravage?”
“I uh,” the look Soundwave was giving him made Rodimus inch away only for Soundwave to pull him closer making Ravage hiss and protect Rodimus by giving a harmless swipe to Soundwave, though the message was still clear.
“I think I know whats going on.”
“You do? Great! Whats going on with Ravage doc?”
“Ravage is completely fine. Doing exactly as she should actually. You on the other servo Rodimus, are sparked.”
“Excuse me?!”
Soundwave yelled out a clip of static and Ravage stayed protecting Rodimus.
“Ravage can sense and smell that you are carrying and as such is protecting you since you are her family. She has no ill will towards you Soundwave, she is just doing what her instincts demand of her and that is total protection of the sparkling and carrier under her possession.”
The two looked at Ratchet, then Ravage, then Rodimus’s tanks before each other and Soundwave pulled Rodimus in for a tight hug pressing Ravage between the two making her yowl.
“When we get home we’re going to have a long discussion about you keeping things from me.”
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
You know that one video of those elephants from a elephant sanctuary that literally run to meat and greet a new orphaned baby elephant?
That’s how I imagine the first meeting between Starscream’s trine and or Soundwave and his cassettes and Megatron’s newborn/young daughter/s went 🥰
Starscream will literally shank anyone else and bury their corpse in the deepest grotto that dared be the first to greet the newsparks outside of Megatron's direct kinship-ties. This is due to Vosian-style of Seekerkin propriety, which has strict guidelines on what is and isn't acceptable within the shifting hierarchy.
Starscream may enact assassination attempts on Megatron, but that can be taken as an extension of his duties since the Decepticon SIC aligns enough to be the most prominent Ring-Wing as it encompasses internal defense of the faction/flock. Newsparks are an immense life-event to Seekerkin. Who is and isn't allowed to interact with them, especially during the initial exchange outside the carrier and sires, is a highly telling social cue to other Seekerkin. Starscream would be absolutely furious if Megatron didn't let him and his trine meet the newspark since keeping them away would cause strife with the other Decepticon Seekerkin and destabilize Starscream's authority among them.
Because Starscream is almost genial as he only done three scathing comments to Megatron, the miner thought the congratulatory Energon-wine from Thundercracker had been poisoned. The blue Seeker holds the newspark with practiced hands as Skywarp vibrates everywhere, crooning at the blind, wiggling infant. Starscream leaves a thoughtful set of training daggers, but Megatron has no idea what to do with the gruesome etchings of distorted faces done by Skywarp...
(The rest of the Air Force are hungrily waiting to start preparations for a very belated baby shower. Megatron will be up to his helmet in gifts.)
Soundwave's cassettes are the ones that actually stampede their way to coo at the newest bitty. Ratbat is enamored that he's no longer the smallest on the ship. Frenzy and Rumble jostle each other and actually have the ball-bearings to comment how tiny she is with Megatron's coding. Laserbeak enjoys a peek-a-boo game by dipping her beak down for the bitty grab, whereas Buzzsaw prefers to clean the infant. Ravage may act cool and collected compared to the rest of them, but Megatron shifts his gaze whenever the cougaraider dips her tail into the cradle-pod to play with his infant daughter.
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holographic-mars · 3 months
mars. mars i need you to hold my hand and imagine a world where ravage survives the dotl arc and is taken to sanctuary where soundwave and cosmos help nurse her back to health and she is reunited with the other cassettes. mars i need you to see the vision w/ me. mars 🖐
Soundwave brood is in chaos bc holy shit everyone thought she had DIED. like Soundwave felt it happen and everyone had mourned her death but then. They get a comm from the Lost Light saying she’s okay and Soundwave immediately demands her back with him. In a I will hunt you down myself if you don’t give her back to me NOW kinda way. And the lost light is like yes ma’am sorry ma’am (when they get to the Station Megatron tries to speak to Soundwave but for his own safety he is forced to stay far far away from everything. Soundwave can’t even look at him right now it’s too much too soon).
ANYWAYS. Ravage is still very critical and not great but she’s alive! Soundwave is naturally a huge overprotective mess and during the first few weeks (months? Idk) of Ravage’s recovery she stays unconscious and Soundwave will not leave her side. When ravage eventually wakes up, she’s in pain and frustrated but waking up to see Soundwave (her soundwave! She hadn’t seen him in so long she almost thought it wasn’t real) gave her so much relief she didn’t even realize she needed. The reunion is emotional and messy and there’s a lot that needs to be said but for now it’s okay to just be held and revel in the fact that Ravage is alive.
Cosmos comes in full clutch as the universe’s best nursing assistant and makes sure that Ravage is healing properly and getting the medical help she needs. No amount of snide comments and grumpy remarks from Ravage can stop him from monitoring her and making sure she has the medication she needs to heal.
Ravage gets around the clock care with the help of Soundwave and Cosmos. They become Ravage’s primary caregivers and they work together to make sure she heals properly and can get back to her old self.
She needs physical therapy to get her limbs all working again. She hates it. Soundwave and Cosmos are both endlessly patient with her, though, and it’s almost embarrassing.
The reunion with the rest of the cassettes is emotional and Rumble and Frenzy actually cry really loud. THATS embarrassing. The avians perch on her gently and preen her around her collar and midsection to make sure everything looks fine.
Ravage develops a deep appreciation for cosmos. Nothing Ravage could say or do could make Cosmos give up on taking care of her. It’s strange and gives Ravage an odd sense of comfort whenever he’s around.
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crying-fantasies · 9 days
that fic from previous anon where Mayhem goes to meet his other vers of his dada really had me gripping (your other fics and sparkling related fics too) make me want more of this boy traveling around
I'm in the mood for ES so.. but you can hold this request if you're not in the mood, my friend
Thank you for the ask! Mayhem's multiverse adventure continues even when Springy already saved his ass, more like what happened in between before the valiant rescue by our ex wrecker captain.
Okay, Earth Spark Soundwave is KIND of tricky for me, he has lost so much, he lost some of his cassettes, he lost his former leader, he lost his guide as a decepticon and back home, he lost part of his own sanity in all the mess (I've never in my life heard Soundwave growl like he did in that ES episode).
And, now, when everything seemed lost for his species in general, the Terrans happened, and, even in this black water planet, there is hope, just that said hope is in the servos of the autobots and, worse, Megatron.
ES Soundwave isn't blind, he knows how Megatron used to treat Starscream, back in the moment he couldn't do much about it, he even behaved like it was normal, and now he sees Starscream being like he is, it's obvious to say that he can't rely fully on Megatron to raise and guide the next generation.
Apart from it, and a nice change on the usual madness, Mayhem falls with the Autobots, who seem to mistake him as a displaced cybertronian from the war, the mech chooses to not correct them, because they seem like the bots he knows, but he isn't sure.
Megatron looks at him and is definitely sensing something is off.
Mayhem gets in touch with ES Soundwave, not because he wants to, but by the curiosity of why he feels a strange pull towards this new mech, ES Soundwave knows how to appear from nowhere, and while holding down Mayhem long enough to do a quick scan on him he says something that not even his cassettes can understand, "Ravage?", but said cassette is helping him keep the young mech down before he just sent them flying with force, Mayhem may be a medic but as a field medic he has the force to carry two or more heavy duty mechs if the situation requires so.
Getting away from ES Soundwave is hard, since he keeps on sending Laserbeak to track him down and try to talk to him, trying to get information out of him, like, why does his signature is so similar to Soundwave? Or why Is it his spark feels like Ravage's? And Mayhem just shouts at him that he doesn't know.
ES Soundwave gets near enough at some point, ask him if he is fine, for a change, if the autobots are uptight enough to make him starve in order to give more to their own, Mayhem needs a moment to stop asking himself since when his dad looks like that, because damn, if you also existed here then he now realizes why he has been here so long, he can only assure this version that yes, they taking care of him, yes, they are kind with him, ES Soundwave seem to try and approach him, almost about to touch above his cassette dock, just to stop centimeters away and touch his own, his EM field turning close to his frame, guarded, Mayhem wants to ask what's wrong, but end up not saying anything as the mech just goes along his way.
Chaos ensues as always, and Mayhem keeps on jumping realities after on, asking to himself how could he be mistaken for Ravage, because it is simple way too strange.
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buckysmith · 2 years
Request from TikTok
How would decepticons react to reader begin bullied by other Cybertronian
Trigger warning: mention of bullying, slight mention of „gore“ nothing to bad and shockwave being shockwave
- First thinks first. Not a single bot would dare to bully you, but if there's some idjit bot who's stupid enough to do so, well... just read it...
- You wouldn't tell him that you're being bullied and he had to find it out through Soundwave that you are being bullied
- That he's furious is an understatement.
- This man will erase the bot who dares to bully you. Who dares to bully such a innocent and lovely creatur, his creatur, his human, his property.
-They are nothing after he gets them in his claws.
-Like for real, don't underestimate this man, he would do anything for you.
-To erase a bot who dares to bully you, is nothing for him but don't you think he will make it quick to offline this bot.
- Oh, no no, he will make this bots life hell.
-After he's done with him, this bot is already on the edge of meeting the Allspark again, but don't you dare think he would let this Bot die.
- Hah, no.
- He would give this bot to Shockwave
-Megatron would make sure that Shockwaves new toy wouldn't die anytime soon.
- If you don't tell him you're being bullied, he would find it out anyways.
- Hah, which cybertronian has a death wish? Cause the moment he knows his little spark is being bullied it's over for that idjit that dares to lay a „finger" on them.
- He might seem emotionless but believe me, he is in fact not.
- He would comfort you while his little „kids" are tracking down that cybertronian.
- He would let you play/cuddle with Ravage while he's busy tearing that bot apart .
- You wouldn't notice it or know it but he would threat to do that again with every single bot that just thinks of bullying you again.
- You would have to tell him that you're being bullied
- He would bring you home shortly after, but he would make sure to get you your comfort food first.
- Instantly after bringing you home he would track that bastard down that had the audacity to bully you
- Ofc he's not alone, he would bring breakdown with him
- After that he would make sure that something like that would never happen again.
- Expect a lot of praise cause you were such a strong ooman and wanting to deal with it on your own
- But don't get me wrong, he would also scold you for that
- What is bullying?
- He doesn't know what it is, he's strong and never had to experience it by himself ( he's a Himbo don't blame him for not knowing/ understanding)
- after you told him what it was and who dared to bully you, he wouldn't even think about a other solution than to offline that bot right in front of you and some others so you know he's not a threat anymore.
-but the emotional abuse is done and he try's his best to comfort you
-lots of cuddles and your comfort food
-He would make sure nobody ever tries to do that again, be it a human or another cybertronian.
- the first thing he says to you after you told him that you're being bullied that it is in fact logical
- you would look at him confused, to stundend to speak and on the edge of tears
- He would notice the water in your eyes and pick you up
- He didn't mean it like that.
- He would tell you that it's logical to bully someone who's weaker than yourself
- that wouldn't make anything better
- it would make anything even worse
- But he would continue
- he would tell you that it's normal to look down on weaker beings, but that you don't deserve that and that he would make sure that something like that would never happen again
- He would pet your head, telling you to sit down and be a good pet while he's not there.
- Give him ten minutes and he has your bully in his hand
- He would make sure that sucker apologize to you before he's making that bot to one of his new toys
- Nobody's would ever even dare to look at you after the other saw what shockwave did with that bully bot
- You would also have to tell him that your being bullied
- just like breakdown he wouldn't really understand it at first
- the moment he does, he's leaving you.
- you would just look after him, confused and sad that he didn't seem to care.
- How wrong you are little human.
- He would track that bastard down, take that bastards head with him and lay it in front of you.
- now you're too stundend to speak.
- He would grin at you
- Praise him
- Oh and he would do that again if needed but after the other cybertronian saw the body... or at least the pieces that were still existing after he had a "talk" with the bully bot, they wouldn't dare to even look at you.
- You would also need to tell him that you're being bullied.
- He wouldn't know what you mean at first, but after you explained it to him, he would ask you what he can do against it
- If you don't know, well your big grumpy mech would have a little talk with that cybertronian
- He wouldn't offline that bot at first, no, he would take that bot with him
- He would want that this piece of scrap apologize for everything
- You would get a apologize
- He would make sure to let anyone know that if someone ever try's to say or do something bad to you ever again he wouldn't be as patience.
- Oh and don't think that piece of shit got away with only apologizing to you. Hah, no.
-Predaking would do stuff to that bot that doesn't offline it, but that bot would certainly need a very good doc and a lot of pain medication.
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sc-02 · 11 months
Hey! I saw your post about doing writing requests, and decided to put mine out there. (Feel free to not do it of course)
So I'm under the impression that you've seen all of S1 earthspark, if not this has minor spoilers I think?
WaveWave ES (romantic) where Shockwave is helping fix up Rumble after they exploded (because I would like to think they are still alive), with Soundwave being a slightly overprotective dad and just overall being worried for Rumble. Feel free to make is angst or fluff I have no preference :D
Have a good rest of your day/night/evening <3
Ofc. You too <3
Pairing: WaveWave
Continuity: Transformers Earthspark
Includes: Reviving a loved one, overprotective Soundwave, Frenzy Ravage and Lazerbeak are here
Warning: mention of robo gore, unable to help a loved one, grieving
Context: Shockwave is helping fix up Rumble after they exploded, with Soundwave being a slightly overprotective dad and just overall being worried for Rumble
Soundwave’s grief was ineffable after injuring one of his cassettes, Rumble. The guilt he felt after making one of his own children explode was still lurking in his mind. Even after attending to so many medics that he can reach or even get. They’re unable to do much more work other than reattach the limbs and get their flickering spark working. At least that’s enough to keep them alive.
Until Shockwave decides to come in. The mad scientist of the decepticons, offered to fix the mini-con. Soundwave was skeptical at first, after all, Shockwave would use corpses or alive bots for experiments and testing, even sometimes manipulating others and backstab them. But when the cyclops said he could try, there was a glint of hope in the communication officer’s processor.
Out of all bots he could’ve fallen over heels for, he fell for this one.
“Here, that should do it” the mad scientist said while attaching a cable that flows energon through to the cassette’s chest.
Frenzy stared at her twin’s lifeless frame for a second before looking over to her caretaker. Having an uneasy feeling about this.
Soundwave wasn’t facing her, but under those glasses he’s gazing at her with a reassuring nod. He has seen Shockwave’s work, reviving others and entire species without a single cluster of dark energon was…extraordinary at least.
After a little. A small familiar coughing can be heard. Soundwave immediately stood up and rushed over to the source, there they were. His little star.
Rumble was cradled in Shockwave’s arms. The mad scientist softly cooed as he carried the ‘revived’ cassette. The other cassettes, in a moment, stood still before dashing to their sibling’s side. Frenzy stood up in the tips of her heels to look over her twin while Lazerbeak landed on Shockwave’s head, peering over to his sibling while Ravage just stood by Soundwave’s side.
Shockwave turns around, giving a full view of the little cassette in his arms.
Only a few minor injuries and a ruined paint-job were visible, but overall, Rumble is fine.
The communication officer almost bursted into tears of joy of seeing his little one alright as he gets his hands on them. Gentling cradling them.
“Thank you..” He softly says while holding Rumble
“My pleasure…Soundwave” Shockwave says with his usual monotone voice. As he looks over to the now-ok cassette.
I had fun writing this
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dannymultipersonaje · 4 months
Au all the decepticons believe that Orion was kidnapped by the government and turned into Optimus Prime
"Megatronus? Where we are?". I was so excited, I was ecstatic and vibrant, PRIMUS WAS GOING TO FAIN!, and cry from relief, from pain, from happiness, I was going to… so many things, so many emotions, but above all adoration and happiness, he is here, he is here , Orion was back. His spark went around, everything, everything, EVERYTHING was INSIGNIFICANT. Maybe that's why I can't be less than honest and his consciousness module activated. :: Orion Pax is alive, the return of the nemesis :: he commanded Soundwave, as the trip to the ship ended, his not-so-little friend seemed about to fall, disoriented and his field was total anguish. So Megatron said nothing as he turned around looking at the entire display room, his archivist was sometimes a cliché of his kind, delighted to examine, analyze and categorize everything, to be treasured of course, as much as he wanted to give it the everyone's first hug. But as fast as a wish Ravenge would come, slowing down only when he saw the obvious structure of Prime, he could even hear her growl, which did not stop the twin cassettes from jumping on the first red-blue thing they saw, Rumble was the first to realize that something wasn't right. "Optimus Prime?!". Even the scream that will alert an agitated Soundwave was also not the best look when he decided to hug the Prime husk without even asking him. Megatron pulled Orion away from Soundwave and his brood… well, he tried, Orion's field was so expressive that doubts about who he was fell away with Soundwave close enough to feel that entire field hit his center, of course he squeezed. the hug, and in the most adult way possible he slapped Megatron away, swears that when ravage overcame his main suspicion and jumped on Orion's shoulders, without knowing how to control his weight and with the 4 mechas on top of him he fell to the ground. floor. Using Megatron who was still behind him as a buffer. "Stop monopolizing Ori- AHG!" Megatron almost managed to order before receiving a bite.
A visor arranged in its place, and a pack of cassettes, namely ravage, Frenzy and Rumble, were all in the command place with Orion sitting on Megatron's throne, watching how the mechas fought because to do with him, he was so lost, It was confusing how everything was happening, Megatronus had more wounds on his face, his hands were much sharper than I had seen in cycles, Sounwave was… too thin! Even with the few rations that the Gladiator Circle gave he had never been. Seen like this, I wouldn't call him emaciated but it was worrying. Prrr lowered his head, the twins and ravage seemed the same, he scratched behind the beast changer's right ear, when he heard the change the little black mech with golden eyes that he knew gave him some, he was still distraught, what had he missed? ? Were they like this because he decided not to go to the meeting with the Council? And if it was, is it because they are like this? What happened to Megatron? What happened to Soundwave? Has Shockwave also lost weight? Were the High Sire's fears of him realized? What happened? Prrr. Orion looked down, now despite his much quieter and almost non-existent engine he had Rumble and Frenzy in his legs next to ravage's weight, hugging him by his waist much smaller than it should be, he felt like nothing was right. …but he tried to keep his field gentle and kind, as one of the other Soundwave boys approached, he could feel Laserbeak's gaze from somewhere nearby. He didn't know why, but he felt a strange tug on his spark.
Sorry, I'm using Google Translate, I don't know how to write English and I can barely read it, so sorry if it's not understood :(
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earthstellar · 10 months
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"The Decepticons had the All Spark in their posession. But my attempts to peacefully reason with them failed. Though the Autobots lauded my efforts, my own people branded me... A traitor."
-Megatron, "Warzone"
What's interesting to me is that as Megatron emphasises that he was branded a traitor by his former team, the camera pans down, and we get a shot of all the graffiti on the base of his statue.
It looks like just squiggles at first, but it might be some kind of Cybertronian graffiti.
There are repeating symbols which might be part of Cybertronian glyphs, mostly circles with lines through them, but each is done slightly differently and in different paint colours. So it's likely not just one bot doing it.
I think it might have been the Cassettes/Frenzy; In which case, knowing that the Decepticons are typically recruited from lower class/lower caste/more disadvantaged groups on Cybertron, how literate are they?
And some of those tags are pretty close to the ground, indicating a smaller height than average for Cybertronians.
Ravage probably has strong reading abilities as this would aid in identifying documents etc. to steal for Soundwave, but what about Frenzy, who also seems to be a bit on the relatively young side?
My point being that even though this graffiti doesn't look like most Cybertronian glyphs we see, it might be a half-literate or unpractised writer trying to make do with non-digital, non-Cybertronian writing methods to produce glyphs.
It could also be hateful humans just marking up the memorial, but Megatron's specific comment when we see the graffiti is what makes me think it might be vandalism done by former Decepticons.
I think the circle ones might be part of attempted Cybertronian glyphs, because the repeat symbol suggests it might be an actual word.
Like how when looking at a bunch of text using an alphabet that you can't fluently read, repeating letters will stick out to you, as we tend to seek patterns in writing and shapes even if we can't interpret or translate them.
The graffiti placed higher up on the right side might be human vandalism, as it more closely resembles tagging...
....And it also has a circle in it, but given its position on the statue base, it looks like the possibly-Cybertronian graffiti was done first, so the possibly-human graffiti might have been trying to copy some elements of the pre-existing tagging.
Although that and the circle below it are in the same colour, so it's hard to say. Could be that that whole section is someone trying to copy other graffiti; There's graffiti/tagging that wraps around the base of the statue that is hard to make out, too.
Either way, it would make sense if some of the Decepticons tagged up Megatron's statue, out of their dissatisfaction.
I don't know, this is just something that stuck out to me on rewatching that episode, but hopefully someone finds it interesting to think about!
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random-fandom1984 · 8 days
Hello! If it's okay to request Can you do the reactions/interactions of TF earthspark to a pod full of sparkling beans?
thank you!
Okay, let's do this!
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(I also made a little headcannon about Elita-1, and it's been a while since I started watching the series so I don't know if it would seem like she would do that. I'm not doing the Terrans because I don't have the mental will to do them. And I'm only going to be doing ones that I can actually think of.)
Elita-1, Optimus and Megatron
I feel like if these three were put in charge of taking care of a rouge sparkling found in the woods, they would all co-parent. Elita is the mom, Optimus is the dad, and Megatron is the papa.
Optimus would obviously teach the little one what's right and wrong and would give them a light scolding if they did something bad. I mean, it's a sparkling, they have no awareness of what they're doing.
Elita-1 would teach the little one to fight in self-defense, and somehow actually works? Like, if one of Mandroid's bots tried to take the sparkling, the little one would body slam, the elbow, and all types of wrestling moves. Meanwhile, Optimus and Elita are in the corner, watching this go down. He turns to her and asks, "Did you have them watch W.W.E.?" Meanwhile, Elita just has a proud, smug smile, hands on her hip plates, proud of the little one.
And Megatron would teach the little one about morals and ideals. Considering that he was a warlord that hurt and killed many innocent lives, who is now a better person; he has experience going down a dark road and doesn't want them to come across it and go down that same path that will on bring pain and misery to not just everyone around them, but also themselves once they've acknowledged what they've done.
Sorry, excuse me, older brother coming through-
He's a good older brother figure and is not afraid to admit it! He does gets annoyed when the Terrans, Mo, and Robby tease him for it.
He's very excited about what their alt-mode's gonna be. Maybe an ice cream truck!
When he sees the sparkling somehow fighting, he's kinda surprised before he recognizes those moves and his face turns into a -_- and asks, "Elita let them watch the W.W.E. again?"
Cool aunt, all the way.
Will spoil the sparkling and teach the little one some moves other than the ones in the W.W.E. that Elita-1 let them watch. They need to learn real moves, such as martial arts!
She finds it cute how the little one wouldn't cry when they fall to the ground, but instead stubbornly get back up with some cute honks with a determined face, causing her to cover her smile and hold back laughing at how cute this is.
Will visit the Malto's frequently just for the little one.
I see him as the wise uncle.
He always gives out words of advice and they work, for example, Jawbreaker.
He'll be gentle with the little one but would be aggressive to those who intend to harm or use the sparkling for evil and/or greedy purposes. He does not want them to go through what he went through in the Bot Brawl in Philidelphia.
Doesn't really care about the sparkling biting him, he just sees it as the little one letting out their inner Dinobot, and it's not like it'll hurt him; he can barely feel it.
The fresh-out-of-jail uncle because of his experiments.
I can see him more like his G1 version around the sparkling. So, if he's doing an experiment and the little one is around, make sure someone will nab the sparkling before it explodes in Wheeljack's face.
Had the things on the side of his head glow every time he speaks because the sparkling enjoys it.
Unknowingly a bad influence with the amount of times they watched him perform experiments only for them to blow up.
New sparkling acquired. Kids, you now have a younger-
Feels like this is a blessing from Primus because of what happened to Rumble. Because of that, he's overprotective of the sparkling, and so are the other Minicons: Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage.
He now has something to fill in the part of his spark that died with Rumble's death.
When the sparkling accidentally hurts themselves, Soundwave will feel a sense of guilt as he's trying to heal them up. He's supposed to protect them, but they ended up getting hurt and he feels like he should've done better. But if someone tries to hurt the sparkling, all hell breaks loose. Soundwave and his minicons will hunt down the person who hurt the little one and tear them a new one.
Isn't really emotionally attached at all.
He does take care of them, but will raise them to be strong because, to him, the weak should serve the strong, and he will not raise a weakling. He is also glad that the sparkling isn't a disgusting hybrid like the Terrans.
He would even perform experiments on the sparkling, such as chemical enhancements to make them stronger than the traitorous Megatron.
Would pull a Mother Gothel and manipulate the little one as they grow up that what he's doing is for the greater good and that they are the key to that future.
Unlike Shockwave, he does get emotionally attached and cares for them like a parent should.
He doesn't want them to live in fear because of GHOST thinking that the sparkling is affiliated with him because he's considered a Decepticon, which is why he decided to make the hologram avatars so they can hide and be safe.
Gave, even made, some toys for the little one that will enhance parts of the processor so they can be an intelligent individual just like their Sire.
At the end of the Missed Connections episode, he gave them to Nightshade so then they would be out of GHOST's hands. Believing that he was captured by GHOST, I think that he would stay there for the sake of the one he considers his own. When in custody, he would never mention anything about his sparkling for their safety.
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in1-nutshell · 20 days
Hello again! I hope you have been healthy and carefree this time.
I've had a buddy bot in mind who has been a good friend to Megatron and Soundwave in the past, she healed Megatron after his fights and took care of Soundwave's Minicons when he couldn't.
And now with Megatron's betrayal and the Autobots hunting down all the Decepticons, she tries to fix all the possible damage that many cons get escaping from GH.O.S.T.
She keeps Soundwave calm when he tries to chase Megatron whenever he sees him.
But above all she is angry.
Angry that Megatron abandoned them. Angry to see all of his friends hurt. Angry that the Autobots are the "heroes" of the story. Angry that by joining the Autobots all the crimes you committed will be forgiven. Angry that even though this war started nothing has changed.
But she must stay calm, for Soundwave, her friends, and because if she gets out of control she would be able to disconnect Primus itself.
Buddy anger rivals many Cons going berserk. Not that many had seen it, only heard of tales of the eruptions.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the medic being friends with Megatron and Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was a new nurse when she met Megatron and Soundwave.
It was the end of her shift and walking back home when she spotted two mechs in an alley.
One of them looked heavily injured while the other was trying to help him.
Curse her bleeding spark.
And after that patchwork, Buddy found herself becoming friends with Megatron and Soundwave.
While she did have a job in a small clinic, she often used her skills to help Megatron and Soundwave heal properly from their matches.
It wasn’t like the clinic was missing her, it was always slow there and her friends needed her more.
Buddy’s profession reached more of the fighters and minibots who came in.
It led to her having more connections and many how owe her their debt, despite her saying it wasn’t necessary.
Buddy walking into the back door of the fighters’ rooms.
A larger mech blocks the entrance.
“Fighters only.”--Mech
“Oh, don’t worry I’m here for the injuries.”--Buddy
The larger mech steps forward menacingly.
“Fighters. Only.”--Mech
Buddy looks behind the now open door to see Rumble and Frenzy.
“Buddy we were wondering when you’d show.”--Rumble
Frenzy looks at the larger mech.
“Is there a problem here?”--Frenzy
The larger mech grumbles.
“She is no fighter. She is not allowed here.”--Mech
The mech makes the mistake of placing a servo on Buddy.
“What’s happening here?”--Megatron
Buddy smiles seeing Megatron, Soundwave and a few more fighters at the door with their arms folded.
Megatron reaches over to Buddy and pulls her inside slamming the door.
Even with the horrible government and the world seeing like it was falling apart sometimes, things were good.
Things changed however, when the war broke out.
Buddy immediately stood by Megatron and Soundwave when it was time.
She understood that they were fighting for a future for all cybertronians and not for the elite.
It wasn’t a surprise that she ended up being the chief medical officer of the army.
She made sure that every Decepticon that came into her med bay was in the best shape they could be with the supplies they had.
Buddy patching up Rumble and Frenzy in the med bay.
“That should do it. All patched up.”--Buddy
The minibots hopped off the med bay stretching their servos.
“These servos are as good as new! Thanks Buddy!”—Frenzy
The pair leave with Ravage out of the med bay.
Buddy sighs a bit.
“Who’s next!”--Buddy
She opens the door to find a long line of patients.
“… Here we go… Welcome in! Let’s see those dents, shall we?”--Buddy
Buddy was not afraid to stand up for her fellow cons when needed.
A trait that many Decepticons admired while others worried about.
This seems to be the case many times with Megatron when he unleashed his fury on other cons.
Mainly with his Second in Command, Starscream.
Megatron Slamming Starscream into the ground.
Buddy racing to the fallen seeker before turning to Megatron.
“Megatron that’s enough! He’s had enough!”—Buddy
Buddy starts looking at some of the dents on his frame.
Megatron takes a step forward
“Step aside. He must pay for his insolence.”--Megatron
Buddy firmly stands in front of Starscream.
“No Megatron. Starscream has had enough of this. Starscream didn’t even have anything to do with today’s mission!”--Buddy
“WATCH YOUR TONE!”--Megatron
“NO! You can’t punch everything that annoys you or disagrees—"--Buddy
Megatron slaps Buddy across the other side of the main room.
Everyone in the room freezes as Buddy’s frame slid down the wall motionless.
Starscream just started at the frame with wide optics as Nova Storm and Skywarp slowly helped him up.
Both seekers were equally as shocked as their commander.
No one dares to move, not fully believing Buddy had just been thrown like a sack of lug nuts.
Megatron’s face morphs from anger to extreme regret as he finally thinks about what he just did.
Buddy’s frame remained motionless.
Soundwave snaps out of it and races to Buddy’s side.
Buddy remained motionless in his arms.
Starscream straightens his back struts a bit before turning to his com.
“Buddy is down. Prepare a med slab immediately.”--Starscream
Soundwave glances at Megatron before picking up Buddy in his arms and racing to the med bay.
Starscream and the other Seekers glared at their leader before filing out of the room leaving Megatron alone.
Megatron looked down at his servos in disbelief.
After a few minutes, he slowly goes to his com.
“Prime… Its Megatron.”--Megatron
Buddy was in the med bay cleaning her tools when she heard about Megatron defecting.
She had to make sure through other Cons that what she heard was true.
Soon enough when Cons started disappearing, Buddy made sure to empty out the med bay from patients before carrying all the medical supplies she could and ran.
If there was one place those Autobots were going to look, it was going to be the Decepticon clinic.
She was not going to get caught anytime soon.
The medic had been on the run for a while before running into Soundwave and the mini’s.
Buddy staring at Soundwave.
Soundwave freezes before turning to see Buddy.
Buddy tackled Soundwave to the ground in a frame denting hug.
She sniffles a bit holding him tighter.
Soundwave wordlessly hugs back; just glad his friend is okay.
The pair stood by each other since then.
Buddy made sure to keep her audial open for Soundwave and the mini’s rant as they would come back a bit roughed up.
Soon enough she did come across more Cons and still offered medical services if they were in need.
Many cons couldn’t believe that Buddy was still around and did take her offer.
Some would stick around longer than others.
Buddy remembered the day she waited for Soundwave and the minicons at their usual spot.
It had been hours before she got up and began looking for them.
There was no way they would abandon her…
But the possibility of them getting captured by G.H.O.S.T…
That had been the first night in a while that she had spent it alone.
It had also been the first time in a long time that she had screamed into the night.
Screaming for her friends.
Screaming for her team.
Screaming for the cause.
Screaming for the war.
Screaming for Megatron.
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