#It's been exhausting watching everyone else run in circles creating elaborate romances and whatever
Also now that they've finally kissed at least the rest of fandom will catch up that they've been together the whole time. We told y'all from day one, that's a qpr. They weren't oblivious. Imogen knew Laudna had other priorities - when it came to romance, not to her - and knew exactly what Laudna was okay with. And she waited until she couldn't know, until things had changed and she had to take Laudna at her word instead, and that's what made it matter and I'm just saying. We've been here the whole time having to watch people beg every week for something to become canon that was there from the start. Watched beauj*s start to play out all over again as people swore up and down these two "lesbians" (that's a whole other post) were madly in love and hadn't realized it. Turns out they knew exactly what they were, like we said. You could've saved a lot of time if you'd realized that a kiss isn't what makes a ship canon. I've had a great 65 episodes of a canon ship away from the mainstream fascination with saying things like "whatever they've got going on," but welcome aboard.
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