#It's just critical not super negative but I don't want to be a downer on anyone who LOVES this ending
revenantghost · 2 years
On Porsche’s Role in the Ending
It all just struck me that he was really out of place with everyone’s arcs and everything, but I don’t think it’s a bad choice to end it. I just don’t think it’s exactly what needed to happen for closure--which I’m not sure was the point, if my theory is correct. So some critical thots below the cut to get them out of my head (along with my juicy theory as to why it went down like this)! I love the show and will be rewatching and freaking out for days, just getting out what struck me as weird
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We spent so much time at the beginning of the series talking about and showing how uncomfortable what the mafia did made Porsche. It was even shown much more recently in how Chay gave Porsche a very understandable ultimatum to leave this extremely dangerous world where they do things these brothers hate and the sole reason he wanted to stay was Kinn--there was very little issue in him leaving. He’s shown no change of heart in that view. And then he just has no issue taking up the role of the minor family? Which, as I understand it, the minor is in charge of a LOT of the dirty work Porsche specifically hates???
Porsche also hasn’t really earned that kind of respect. He has the bloodline, in theory, but he doesn’t exactly have the qualifications or training to do this. He was a pretty good bodyguard! He’s a fantastic boyfriend and brother! He’s got a lot of fantastic qualities, but mafia boss doesn’t really fit them imo. He can be a little (a lottle) dense, and has a tendency to go off on his own to figure things out. Which leads to a lot of fantastic drama, but doesn’t exactly inspire trust for such a serious position.
And (let me preface this by saying that I hated Vegas with a fiery passion until we started seeing his character arc and started going absolutely feral to the point I started writing fic--love him or hate him, he’s a super interesting character with a lot of facets) we just went through one hell of a journey with a fuckton of character growth with Vegas. He’s been trained to the point of abuse for this his whole life. If anyone has the guts and know-how to run the minor family, it’s him. Instead, he lost everything. To the point that his ending is almost a tragedy, only hanging on by a few threads, Why give him that entire arc just to leave him flat on his face??? (And I’m REALLY curious to see if and how Vegas would listen to Porsche the lovable himbo being in charge.)
But this all makes a LOT more sense if...
Fun Theory Time:
This may be stretching, don’t think I don’t know that lol. But the signs are all there.
I think Korn's behind it all. I think this ending was planned from the start.
Regardless of what happened with Chay and Porsche’s mother, I think both him and Gun screwed up (whether on purpose or not), and took advantage of the situation. They’re both lying through their teeth regardless of intention--as Korn ominously said,  “History is only written by the victor”--and I don’t think either are innocent. Gun abused the hell out of his boys, I don’t doubt he took advantage of his sister’s situation to some degree. And Korn has proven to be a snake.
In all things, unlike Gun and even Kinn, Korm hides and sneaks and lies and steals. He’s mafia! It’s not exactly a groundbreaking observation. But the thorn in his side he couldn’t take care of was Gun and his fellow aggressors. If only there was an innocent, sometimes dense soul he could take under his wing and into the family fold that was easy to manipulate and could take over the minor family so he could get rid of Gun and his evil little minions once and for all. Oh, but there would be a huge upset if it weren’t a relative. Boo hoo.
He’s had Porsche and Chay tucked into his back pocket for years. Things are starting to hit a head. It’s time he made his move.
And made his move he did.
I still feel like it’s weird Porsche just accepted the position, but it’s not like he’s known to think things through. (Though poor Chay!!!) But it makes sense to unify the family, the entire show I was screaming at my screen how stupid the divide was. And what easier way than this?
And if this is what happened, no wonder it fells a bit unsatisfying as an ending. This is just the beginning of a new, darker conflict.
Okay, okay, done rambling into the void! Now to get a snack and hop into the tag for the memes and to be stabbed through the heart with feelings.
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
I have this story that, I know I can just write it for myself but I also want to share it. but I think nobody will like it bc it literally ends badly like everyone dies and the leaves behind one person.it's not for shock value there's a personal reason for it and I'm not sure if others will benefit from it but I'm also scared to share it because of how "negative" it is. some people will probably think it's pointless pain but I don't know. The purpose of it for me is catharsis but I also know sometimes it's better not to share things. I'm not sure about this though
I SUPER relate, Nonny. I've got tons of stuff I wrote for catharsis that I'd kind of like to share but almost certainly never will because of how dark it is. The kind of invasive questions/demands, criticism, and straight up cancel cretins it would bring down on my head isnt personally worth it.
In the end, it's up to you, Nonny. For me, dealing with the backlash would just mire me down in the trauma, and pretty negate the healing I got from writing it. For you, it might be different.
All that being said, negative stories arent inherently bad. I watched Pet Semetery (2019) this weekend, and like, of course it was an absolute downer, no one survived--but that's what I was expecting from it. Knowing going in, I didnt mind all the death and hopelessness. So, that's something to keep in mind. Whether you decide to share or not is up to you.
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