#It's like when you start doing crochet you're currently the worst person in the world at crochet
bloobyposting · 10 months
Can we ACTUALLY talk about "gendered socialisation" with some nuance pls
Every time i see someone pretending that 'amab folks will never transition because they're always gonna be raised male' i make another person trans
Every time i see someone pretending that 'gendered socialisation literally doesn't exist/i am immune to gendered socialisation because im just a silly little transgender' i make that person cis again
Socialisation divvied up on gendered lines exists. It's a real strong, oppressive, arbitrary force that was invented by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms. You are not immune to it either, you absolutely grew up with it and you're not going to lose it by accident once you find out you're a woman now. It's probably happening to you as I speak, in fact it might be in the room with you right now, and you wouldn't even know it. And some of the ways it presents will often be cut from the same cloth as toxic masculinity, and that's on you to unlearn. Call it what you want, but it came to you because you were raised to be a certain way according to the gendered expectations of your parents.
On the other hand, it's not innate. TERFs keep using that shit to push their own fascistic worldview. Gender, like biological sex, is completely malleable given time. If you hormone wash your body with estrogen, progesterone and antiandrogens, you become biologically female, your ovaries just come in a little plastic container that you get through a shady website online through legally sourced methods and a doctor's note. In the same way, you surround yourself with a bunch of women who love and appreciate you, who uplift you through your gender identity and treat you as one of their own, and you do exactly the same with and for them, your socialisation as 'masculine' will be withered away and you'll literally see your personality change in front of your eyes. It's literally so beautiful to be in a room as the person you are and have become and then realise that they see you as that person.
But, it takes a lot of work. It's bendy, and it's malleable, but it's not fully fluid. not yet at least You can't just manifestrogen HRT into your veins, you can't just will your own gender presentation into existence flawlessly without doing the busywork that comes with becoming a different person completely. It's a skill, one that takes dedication and effort to become better at.
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bisonaari · 1 year
Hi! I'm Bison (she/her but I'll take any pronoun really)
For my Jukka tag, follow the duck 🦆
For my art tag, click here!
For my learning finnish tag, bison learns finnish
For Käärijä fanzine info (until I make actual social media for it), please check my fanzine tag!
OFFICIAL ZINE BLOG IS @kaarijazineofficial
Current stage of fanzine developpment: Shipped
Next step: selling the leftovers!
About me under the cut!
I'm Bison, but my usual username on other social media is Crevettola! (That'll teach me a lesson about making a username five seconds before going to bed lol). My first name would be Eléa !
I'm 31 years old, Canadian/Belgian/French citizen (yes)
I work in the animation industry :) I'm a 2D rigging artist (I make lil cartoon puppets that I don't neither draw myself nor animate myself lmao, I'm just in an organigram and hierarchy software all day)
Mini teeny tiny faq:
@i-wasnt-ready-for-this asked about my art journey:
Oh boy hahaha. So I'm a multicrafter kind of person. I embroider (cross stitch), sew, knit, crochet, and plenty other stuff. When I don't draw, I usually do one of those.
I've always made art since I was a little kid, I made comics, tried to join zines when I was a teen (that didn't work out but I still have the pages somewhere lol), and then my mom asked me to stop art to go into science. So I stopped drawing for 6 years, then fell into Undertale and started drawing fanart like there was no tomorrow and joined animation school for 3 years. (If you're curious you can watch my thesis film here, but be warned, all of it was done by myself so that's why the animation sucks ass lmao. I gave all my focus to rigging to land a job in this area of the industry. Which I did, thanks to this film!!!) That school burnt the living hell out of me and gave me hand injuries, so I can't draw trad anymore or even write more than two minutes without having to stop because of pain. So when I graduated in 2020, I stopped drawing almost completely. Then Käärijä happened and I'm back at it I guess??
Realistic art is my fav thing in the world, transcribing reality in 2D dimension is really my first passion in art. My dad introduced me to charcoal on paper at an early age, and I just never grew out of it I guess haha. People are my fav thing to draw. I find it so relaxing, I'm not a creative person whatsoever as in I don't like to INVENT stuff, so just transcribing shadows without thinking about it gives me peace of mind.
Two examples of the portraits I made before getting back into it this year
This drawing of my mom (graphite on paper) I made in 2009 (I was 18), and a drawing of my grandma (chinamarker on paper) while I was still attending school in 2019 (I was 28)
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@c28hunter asked about first, my fav Käärijä outfit. And that's the WORST question can't I just say that I love all of them??????
But really I think the green bolero is just too much of my aesthetic to not reply with that hahaha. Second place would be that damn leather jacket it's BEAUTIFUL
Second question, my fav type of bread. And I a french person I take this answer extremely seriously. My ultimate favourite type of bread is
Like I never buy any because I know that I'm gonna eat it all by myself in two minutes
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