#It's not like s4 wanted to be eldritch or anythin...
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 1 year
Reading through recent SoL chapters, to refresh some things before I release the new chapter, I was reminded of some canon annoyances (big surprise). Particularly in Season 4, which fortunately has no impact on the AfMverse because that branched off from the end of Season 3.
So I thought I'd ask, what are your biggest magic-logic holes from Season 4? Mine are: - Lucifer (an archangel) and a couple earthly witches taking down the Metatron (Voice of God, highest of angels) in a moment's easy-peasy conflagration. -Lucifer (again) being able to just remove Lilith's powers, despite them never coming from him in the first place (she developed them during their time together ofc, but she had her own magical base before they met).
Runners up include Sabrina M dying from falling through the mirror portal with only minor scratches; Salem being alive even though both of his bonded witches are dead; Lucifer behaving as tho M and S are meaningfully different, instead of being one person split like 5 minutes ago.
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