#It's so cute kaljejrajekkjrae
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
What Was That? (Given)
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Heyo everyone! The Given brainrot has officially sunk in- I’m in love! I wanted to make some Lee!Uenoyama content and I did! :D Him and Mafuyu- they make my heart melt!
Huge thank you to the amazing @thatbigbisexual29! The headcanon you sent me for these two was a massive inspiration for the fic! Thank you for aiding me in my quest to Given content! :D
Summary: “What was-” “Nothing. Nothing at all.” (Or: 3 times Uenoyama almost revealed he was ticklish, and the 1 time Mafuyu found out.)
Oh no. No way. He already told him no.
“Uenoyama?” A hand gently shook his shoulder. “Teach me to play.”
No way. Not happening. He couldn’t remember how he taught himself- how the hell was he supposed to teach someone else?
Gah, he’s wearing those eyes! He couldn’t see them- but he felt them. Burning into his back, eating away at his resistance.
Ugh, he just wanted to nap-
“Uenoyama, please teach me how to play?” Sato shook him again, his hand against his waist. “I’ll bring you bread-”
He pressed in as he leaned forward, fingers gently squeezing the sleeping student’s ribs.
“GAH!” Uenoyama spasmed, barrel rolling into a sitting position with his hands raised. Mafuyu blinked owlishly at him. “What was…”
“Nothing! Nothing- absolutely nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Uenoyama huffed, waving him off quickly. His face felt uncomfortably warm suddenly, and he averted his eyes. “Fine, fine. I’ll teach you how to play guitar.”
The eyes were back, shiny and wide with untainted joy. “Really?” Sato started to smile. “Truly?”
“Yes, yes. Now stop looking at me like that! It’s weird.” The heat in his cheeks was ever prominent as Sato gathered up his guitar, expression eager.
Well, at least he seemed distracted from that.
“Uenoyama…earth to Uenoyama, do you read?” Haruki called teasingly at the younger bandmate, waving a hand before his eyes. Time has passed since The Seasons took on Sato. He was still rusty with his guitar skills, but he had the voice of an angel. 
At least- that’s how Uenoyama described it.
“Hm? What is it?” He blinked as he turned to the disgruntled bassist, eyes already trailing back to Sato. Their song was coming together, but it still needed lyrics. Not to mention whether or not Sato could sing it. He had been acting odd lately.
Granted- he was probably acting odd himself-
“Uenoyama.” A poke from Akihiko’s drumstick shocked his nerves, making him jolt with a gasp.”Pay attention to us.”
“Gah! I am, I am!” He argued, dancing out of reach from the blonde’s persistent jabs. Rubbing his side, he blushed when his eyes met Sato, the redhead watching him curiously. “W-What?”
“Nothing. It’s just- I’ve seen you react like that before.” Sato tilted his head. “Why do you do that?”
“Oh, you don’t know?” Haruki grinned, waving a hand. “Uenoyama here is-”
“We should perform that new song today!” Uenoyama strummed his guitar, cutting off the other and gaining everyone’s attention. “The one we’re preparing for the big event. Kaji, you said you tweaked the drum beat?”
The older band mates shared a look, first confused. Then they were smiling, soft chuckles muffled beneath the radiating chord. “Alright, alright. Let’s do it.” Akihito tapped them off.
Soon the room was once again filled with music, yet Sato’s eyes remained on him for the rest of practice.
“Ugh, you idiot! How did you manage to get this sick after one show?” Uenoyama grumbled as he dug into the convenience store bag, pulling out an array of teas along with other snacks. It was after their big debut, and things were…on odd footing with him and Sato.
He tried not to think of their kiss. At least- not while said boy was sick in bed.
“I’m sorry…I guess it all hit at once.” Sato smiled weakly at the other, eyes glazed with fatigue and hair matted to his forehead.
Even in this condition, he still looked angelic.
Uenoyama couldn’t tell if he should be jealous or self-reflective.
“It’s fine. Just…can you sit up?” Sato nodded, and with a gentle hand from the brunette; he was now sitting upright in bed. “Drink this.” Uenoyama offered him the medicine.
Sato blinked at it. Then at Uenoyama.
“I don’t like medicine though.” He almost sounded like a child. Uenoyama felt his brow twitch.
“If you don’t take it, the fever won’t go down. Here-” He stood and held out the small cup, only for Sato to press his mouth shut with a shake of his head. “What are you, a toddler?”
“I don’t need it. The fever will go away on its own.” Sato leaned away, only to pale suddenly, swaying towards the floor. Uenoyama darted out to catch him. “Whoa, careful-”
Mafuya grabbed the nearest thing for support- it being Uenoyama’s waist. The brunette bit his cheek, just barely muffling the rebellious giggle. Shit- he let that slip. Hesitatingly, he looked down.
Sato seemed dazed. He might not have even heard it. Instead he pressed his forehead into Uenoyama’s stomach, closing his eyes. “The world’s so spinny…”
“Hang on to me. Just breathe.” Uenoyama reached out, lying his hands gently on the other’s shoulders. They stayed like that for a few moments, Sato’s face pressed into Uenoyama’s stomach. He could feel the heat through his shirt- the fever was pretty high.
“I think I’ll take the medicine now.” Sato muttered, sending ticklish shocks throughout the other.
“G-Good. As you should.” Uenoyama gruffed, helping him take said drink before laying him back down, watching him drift away into fevered slumber.
“I love you, Uenoyama.”
That was it. Those four little words. Now he has a boyfriend.
His first ever boyfriend!
Technically his first relationship period. But a boyfriend!
It had been a few weeks since they'd confessed, and Uenoyama still couldn’t get over it. He replayed that soft expression again and again in his mind like his favorite song, burning it into his memory for the rest of his life. 
He wanted to write songs about the feeling- chords that matched the rhythm of his heartbeat whenever Sato smiled at him. He wanted to dedicate an entire album- no, a music hall to this glorious boy who came into his life.
Okay- maybe he wouldn’t go that far.
For now, he was happy just being able to call Sato his.
Sitting in their usual spot by the stairs, the redhead gently strummed his guitar as Uenoyama curled up for a nap. He’d gotten better as time went on- the chords came more naturally to him, and he could play simple songs now. Occasionally, he’d hum a tune along with it.
It was both the most beautiful sound Uenoyama heard and also the most comforting. He wanted to fall asleep to Sato’s voice and at the same time be wide awake to take it all in.
Okay- he was a tad head over heels right now.
Could you blame him? Mafuyu Sato was his boyfriend!
“Uenoyama?” Sato reached out, shaking his shoulder gently. “Uenoyama?”
“Hm…nap time. Wake me up in five minutes.” He mumbled, finally finding a cozy spot against the cool steps.
“Uenoyama…could I try something?” Sato asked, voice curious. There was something there that made the other rouse, cracking a blue eye open to look back. “What exactly is ‘something?’”
“It��s...well. It’s better if I show you.” Sato nodded. Those eyes- those impossible eyes were back. “Do you trust me?”
After some consideration, the brunette shrugged. Sure.” He waved him on, returning to his napping posture. “I trust you.”
“Thank you.” Sato sounded happy. Whatever it was, Uenoyama was at peace with it. Just to hear that happy smile in his boyfriend’s voice-
“Gah! Whahat the hell?” Fingers suddenly pressed into his side, making him jerk awake. Before he could roll away however, Sato was upon him, hands dancing up and down his torso with gentle fingers. “Gehahahahaha! Sahahhahahto! Whahahaht are you dooohohhoing?”
“Hm…so you are ticklish.” Sato was smiling now, a bright beautiful one just like from the beach. His fingers danced across Uenoyama’s torso like a guitar, strumming various parts of his belly and ribs as he drew out an array of sounds from the other. “I suspected as much.”
“Yohohohohou knehehhehehw?” Uenoyama gasped out, head thrown back in mirth as he tried and failed to wriggle away. No matter how much he kicked his legs or pushed at the other’s hands, Sato was on him like glue. “Whihihihihihy dihiihihidn’t yohoohohu sahahhay something behehehefore?”
“You were so determined to hide it.” Sato smiled. “It was cute.”
“*snort* Shuhuhuhuhuhut yohoohohohur moohohohohouth! *wheeze* Ihihihiihm nohhohoohot cuhuhuhuUHUHUHUTE!” Uenoyama arched with a cackle when Sato squeezed his hip, the other hand vibrating gently against his belly. “GEHAHHAHAHA, MAHAHAHHAFUUHUHUHUYU STAHHAHHAP!”
Sato did in fact stop, eyes widening as Uenoyama curled up on himself, gasping for breath. “Heh..hehe…yohhoohu son of a…” He tried to glare, blinking when Sato seemed shocked still. “Whahat?”
“You called me Mafuyu.” He responded. Uenoyama blinked.
He called him Mafuyu.
“I..eh..it slipped out?” Uenoyama stammered, face flushing an impressive shade of red. “I uh- sorry-”
“Say it again.”
Uenoyama blinked. “What?” 
“Say it again.” The redhead repeated, a small smile on his lips. “I want to hear you say my name.”
Uenoyama took a breath, biting his lip. “Okay…Mafuyu.”
Mafuyu melted on the spot, cheeks blossoming and lips pulled into the sweetest smile. “Thank you…Ritsuka.”
Just like that- Uenoyama’s heart exploded.
“Y-Yeah…” He muttered, fully aware of how bashful he must have seemed. At least his boyfriend looked the same. Slowly, they returned to their original states, Sato strumming along on his guitar while Uenoyama laid down for a nap.
He had a boyfriend. He was in love.
He could get used to this.
Thanks for reading!
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