#It's so human. Naturally we don't *want* anyone around us to die. Hopefully anyway. But everyone has their limit
shokuto · 2 years
A really underrated aspect of Spider-Man's origin is the search for Uncle Ben's killer. There's a small window of time where it looks like he's going to kill this man who murdered his father when he finds him. There's a spider on his back whispering "get him" and he's listening.
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thebleuroseproject · 4 years
On Helena: #1
Context: I am playing Helena in a Vampire, the Masquerade game. Setting is Boston, Necropolis, 2015. Helena is mortal, currently a ghoul to another player character (Klaxon). The player characters are Klaxon (Nosferatu), Elyas (Tremere), Keri (Gangrel), Garreth (Gangrel). Our DM is Gore. Some of this conversation will be edited out as I have done this to focus on Helena and her character.
Garreth OOC: -points to Helena- baby
Alex: Helena agreed, but is also aware Garreth is also baby, so it's like the same feeling you have for the baby sitter that's two years older than you are.
Gore: Garreth and Klaxon have to make it out alive as they went into it. But y'all split the party on me so I can't gaurantee that.
Alex: Helena will probably come rushing back. I don't think she will move in just due to how complex her plant/heat lamp set up is.
Gore: She could leave them with her plant dealer, Gus?
Alex: She could but it's like leaving your cat with your best friend. You trust them but that's your baby, and you will worry constantly.
Alex: She wouldn't cope well with Klaxon having monster sex- she heard something about him fucking a demon, and having also SEEN Necropolis...so she looks at her dorm and values the quiet.
Gore: He can't bring them topside, so Helena's safe.
Alex: I don't think she knows that.... but I do think she'd miss him then.Oh my god is she the mum friend? I think she is! "AT WHAT TIME DO YOU CALL THIS?? YOU DIDN'T TEXT ME I WAS WORRIED?". Either way, she's still on the fence about her dorm and I can't push her any which way.
Gore: Has she heard stories about how brutal U.S cops are?
Alex: No, she's pretty shut in. She came to America for study and books, so thats EXACTLY what she's doing.
Gore: She's not aware of the political climate of it?
Alex: No, she's one of those 'I don't read the news'
Gore: Aight
Alex: I never really thought about it but I guess she is autistic. The 'outside' world doesn't really interest her on a larger scale. She's more about tasks and interests. The only reason I'M not like that is because of my flavour of anxiety being worried that I'm not a good person. I think Helena's is more about just interacting with people and her routines. She DOES love the World and humanity, but she's much more of a fan of nature because she's always found it hard to connect with people. This doesn't mean she's NASTY, she's nice to everyone and wouldn't hurt a fly - she just simply doesn't understand things like racism/homophobia on an emotional level. Historically though, of course she does.
Gore: What happens if one of her friends gets hurt?
Alex: She's never had that problem before really. The best example so far is with Patrick (NPC)when she was like OH GOD OH NO. Her first thoughts were practical though "I have to find him and give him first aid or whatever I can do". She has her panic attacks but like when Klaxon had his she throws it out the window and focuses on what needs to be done. She wants to be useful, she wants to help if she's needed in a people situation. Those situations are rare though, she's always been in her own little world, her parents hoped she'd get better with this but she's managed so far.
Gore: What if (helping) gets her into more trouble?
Alex: Hm. I think she takes things as it comes. If she was an element, she would be Earth. She's not selfish, she weathers the storm as best she can. THAT attitude has got her into trouble though, as she's still learning to be like "I need sleep" and "I don't want this.
Gore: Sometimes the Earth gets shaken. Would she take a direct attack to defend one of her new friends or have one of them defend her?
Alex: Hm, she would take a hit. She is vaguely aware people usually need to defend her, and feels bad about it. She's still never really had friends though, so this is new...AND in her mind she can always patch them up - even if that isn't strictly true.
Gore: How far can she go w/o realising she needs to patch herself up?
Alex: I mean she rushed out the door to help someone else at MIDNIGHT. For comparison, I would call the authorities and get some sleep since I would be useless sleep deprived. Helena doesn't even really put that as her first thought because she hasn't had anyone to really rely on (aside from her parents) so she feels like she has to do everything herself. She is Very respectful of authority figures but doesn't expect them to solve her problems, even with her parents, she realises in their old age she can't rely on them anymore. As a result, I think she'd go pretty far because she KNOWS the body and how it works. She will always think she can take a little more, but in reality she can't predict the impact and just how hard the next hit will be.
Gore: So if her legs are gone, she would still crawl to others to heal them?
Alex: Oh yeah, if she can move and has bandages. If not, she would at least move to be with them. Helena would be happy to go and then come straight back if Klaxon told her to and if she was given a use. Go there and come straight back we need to you to X for this thing.
Gore: You are a Brit in Boston in 2015 I gotta say that as well...
Alex: She's been fine at Uni
Gore: Up until now
Alex: It's only been a day for her, she doesn't get that yet. At Uni she does largely what she's told if given a clear reason.
Gore: Yeah but here's the thing about med school. It is highly competitive and people are always looking for excuses to flunk people out.
Alex: True. But she is VERY GOOD at what she does. I imagine that does annoy others but also it's hard to be mad at her because she's quiet about it as well as sweet, lovely and helpful to most people she meets. She knows her place with people in general, and it is at the bottom.
Gore: Some Boston people would say that you belong in the harbour with the tea
Alex: and she would clam up and walk on by.
Alex: Teachers like her because she's polite, studies hard and is VERY earnest in what she does. Helena making a mistake is rare, so when it happens, some shit is going down.
Gore: It sure will be
Alex: She's going to have to rush in and lie to teachers, she won't like that at ALL. Helena is a good girl but she ain't saying shit about Necropolis. She doesn't fully understand why, but she feels it in her heart to shut up.
Gore: Why?
Alex: Klaxon said they've (kindred) been around forever and have functioned this way. The heart doesn't know the lungs exist but functions anyway, yet NEEDS those lungs. She isn't loyal to humanity like that, her interest lies in medicine and they (kindred) don't seem malicious, from what she's seen.
Gore: Wouldn't it be a great medical advancement to study those undead and cryptids?
Alex: Yeah, but not on a huge scale. She knows about medicinal cruelty. How many have been mutilated or hurt in the name of study? With the world as it is now, no. Sure, an ideal world in Helena's mind would be all species working and living together but she KNOWS that isn't going to happen.So she will study by herself, and she's fine with that.
Gore: If embraced, would she study herself
Alex: Yeah, absolutely.
Gore: To what degree?
Alex: Not to like 'remove arm' degree, she would do it as needed. Like when they test new skincare on humans "I put this swatch on to see how it works". Blood samples, skin samples, bone study - she would see if she could get books on anatomy for surgery and healing.
Alex: The idea of studying forever appeals to her, but the passage of time scares her. She's not ready to be a vampire but she might be if she lost all her connections on the outside. I don't think it would be healthy for her though.
The joy of a mortal life is that you (hopefully) realise eventually that you have to self actualise or you WILL DIE and things will be WRONG.
Gore: What value is your own health when there's injured people?
Alex: Exactly. But I don't think she'd be her own person, she'd dedicate her life to a cause.
Alex: She's still developing as a person
Gore: You can develop as a kindred, it happens.
Alex: I think she thinks she might get there (being a kindred) but not at the drop of a hat.
Gore: Funny thing about death, you aren't always ready for it.
Alex: I know that, and she knows that a little. But Klaxon said she could choose, and she would like to. When it comes to big decisions I think she's slow and deliberate, like a plant. She really doesn't like change all that much.
Gore: You can't trust those Tremere, they can and will sell you out or use you for a ritual.
Alex: She won't see it like that, she is individual by individual. Like with her plants. HER Aloe Vera is not like any other aloe vera if you look on a deeper level, which she does.
Gore: She wanted to be a war medic right, has she done any internships at that level?
Alex: Not yet. She wanted to do her degree first for the skills, learn as much as she could by the boos because it's not something you can or should wing.
Gore: Would she squee if she met a moss or grass person?
Alex: Probably. Absolutely. Maybe quietly. She would probably love to learn to help them if they get sick. In retirement I can see her as being the best GP ever. The nurse that gives you breathing room if you have needle anxiety. The doctor that believes you and gives you a refferal. She is GOOD and I love her.
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light-up-shawn · 6 years
flourish. - peter parker
part four!
genre: i still don't know
warnings: none
pairing(s): peter p x reader eventually
words: 2793
parts: one , two , three
A/N: Maaaaan there’s still no fluffy reader x peter and IM SORRY i promise that will make an appearance in the next chapter though. I feel so bad that I’ve been leaving it out though sksksk. Anyway, I have part of the next chapter written but I dunno how to finish it so if you’re a great writer hmu ! As always if you have any suggestions, questions, predictions, or feedback please leave it in my ask. Thank you for giving this a chance, ily all.
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It was two months into the school year. You, Peter, MJ, and Peter were sitting in a McDonald's arguing about stupid things and somehow spider-man came up.
"Yeah, I know Spider-Man is a guy in a suit but like wouldn't it just be cooler if it was a Spider-Man was a spider in a human suit."
"No! No! Y/N that's the stupidest thing you've ever said and you say a lot of stupid shit." MJ said.
"You don't even like spiders, Y/N. What makes you think that's a good idea?" Peter asked.
"Okay, alright, get off my back."
Peter's hair on his arms stood up like he suddenly got cold. The boy scrambled out of the store with his backpack, stumbling over his words while trying to come up with a viable excuse.
"What's up with your friend, Ned?" You asked.
Peter had been scrambling out of places like just now often these days. He quit most of his clubs saying he had no time for them anymore but nothing's really changed. Although, he did pick up this internship with Tony Stark. You considered that may be why your friend was running around everywhere but then you realized Stark wouldn't be making him work until late hours in the night when you all were supposed to go to a movie together. It didn't make sense and both you and MJ had your suspicions. Especially since Ned was always covering for him. Something was fishy.
"Nothing is up, just Stark overworking the poor kid."
"You say that like every time. If you're gonna lie at least make it believable." MJ said, gathering her things and getting up to go.
You gave Ned a sorry smile. If there was one thing MJ disliked, it was being lied to.
You followed behind her, saying your goodbyes as you left the fast food restaurant.
"I can't believe they continue to lie to our faces. As if we haven't proved that we're trustworthy enough."
Times like these would make you feel guilty. It feels like she was speaking about you. Technically, you were lying to her and it made you feel really bad. There wasn't really anything you could do about it though.
"Yeah. Maybe it's something they aren't allowed to talk about though."
"This isn't the time for your positivity, Y/N. Our friends are keeping something from us and it's killing me, bro."
"MJ, it's none of our business. We should just drop it."
"You've been acting weird too, Y/N. It kind of sucks that even you won't tell me. We're like best friends. I tell you everything the least you can do is return the favor." She said to you before walking off in the direction of her house.
You sighed. MJ was fine with people not telling her things, she was usually able to figure it out on her own. This time around though, she couldn't figure out was going on and you can tell she was frustrated.
You walked home with a frown and your mom noticed as soon as you walked through the door.
"Hi, my love. Why the long face?" She asked pulling you into a hug.
"I wanna tell MJ."
Your mom released you from your embrace and sighed.
"I don't know much about this whole superpower thing but I do know that I trust you and I trust MJ. If you want to tell people, I really can't stop you but please understand that you have to trust the people you tell. You can't just go around telling everyone you can make water move."
"I don't plan on telling everyone. I plan on telling MJ. I know about the whole great power comes great responsibility thing, I never plan on telling anyone outside of my circle but I don't plan on telling everyone now."
"Okay, sweetheart. You're a smart girl. I know you'll make good decisions." Your mom kissed your forehead and went back to the kitchen to finish making dinner. + The next day, MJ was distant. You two walked around with each other, as you normally would, but you knew she was still upset. During last period, you texted her to meet you outside of Midtown.
Today, you would be telling MJ about your weird abilities and hopefully she won't laugh in your face or distance herself in fear.
The last bell rang and you scrambled out of the classroom. When you got outside, MJ was already standing there.
"Hey, MJ."
"You probably already knew but there is something I've been keeping from you."
"Y'know what, Y/N? You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I realize that if there's something you haven't told me there's reason for it and I'm in no place to pry."  
"No, it's okay. I want to tell you."
She nodded.
"Lets go to my place, no one should be home."
You and MJ hopped on the bus for five stops and walked the two blocks to your apartment building. It was empty as you suspected.
MJ sat on the couch and you did the same.
"Do you remember when we first hung out and we played 21 questions?"
"Yeah." she said with a smile.
"I told you my dad left but I never really told you why."
Her eyes softened, like she knew what was gonna happen.
"So basically, this thing was injected into one of my great grandfathers. Whatever it became a dominant gene on my dad's side. Everyone from that side of the family was born with some sort of special ability. But my dad wasn't. My mom told me was insecure about it and it made him feel insignificant. I can understand that. He was different from everyone else. But then I was born. I guess my dad had the gene because I too have special abilities."
MJ's jaw dropped.
"Uh he left, my dad, he left because i guess he felt threatened by me, a baby."
"Y/N, this is big."
"Yeah and I totally get it. If you need time to process or anything, I understand."
"What can you do?"
"I can uh, I can manipulate Water, Air, Fire, and the Earth I guess."
"Are you shitting me right now?"
You lept off the couch and headed straight for your kitchen. You poured out a glass of water and set it on the table.
MJ stood behind you as you put your hand into a claw position. You raised your hands and the water lifted out of the cup.
"What the fuck?"
"Yeah, that's something I can do. There's more though. Like, a lot more. I don't really understand anything yet but yeah."
"Y/N, I am so sorry for making you feel guilty about telling me this. If I had known it was something of this extent, I wouldn't have said anything."
"It's okay. It's in your nature to wanna know everything."
MJ pulled you into the tightest hug she's ever given you. A wave of relief overcame your body.
"I swear on my life that I will keep this secret until I die, Y/N." MJ said.
"Thank you. You don't know how much it means to me that you're still here for me."
"I'll always be here for you. Always."
She released you from your hug.
"But this still doesn't explain why Peter has been acting so weird." you said.
"Fuck, Y/N!" MJ said, a look of realization coming over her face.
"What? Did I do something?"
"Yes, you did! Peter has an internship with Tony Stark right?"
You nodded.
"What is Tony Stark?"
"A billionaire, genius, and playboy?"
"He's also Iron Man!"
"Uh huh."
"When Peter started his internship crime rates went down because of Spider-man. Before the suit he has now, the one we're all familiar with, Spider-man had this really weird homemade looking suit. Around the time Peter started his internship, Spidey got a new suit."
You were finally catching on to what MJ was trying to say.
"And Spider-man is always fighting crime around the time Peter randomly leaves!" you added.
"Exactly! What if our good friend, Peter, quit all the clubs he was in so he'd have more time to be spider-man and save our city?" MJ asked.
"MJ, you genius!"
"I do try."
The two of you laugh.
"I mean, I had my suspicions before but this just takes the cake!" she said.
"So what are we gonna do with this information?" you asked.
"I kind of wanna mess with the kid. Do some harmless teasing, y'know?"
you nodded.
"Anyway, did you guys see what happened yesterday on the news? Spider-man stopped a jewelry store robbery." You asked.
You and MJ had decided to tease Peter by buying at least a weeks worth of Spider-man merch. You two thought it would make him uncomfortable but it was obvious enough for him to catch on eventually.
"Yeah, I heard the place was left in shambles though." MJ said.
"I'm sure that was the fault of the criminals and not spider-man." Peter interjected.
"yeah, i can imagine."
"I wonder who's behind the mask." MJ said.
"I bet whoever it is, is hot." You added.
Peter’s cheeks flushed red.
"Like, they probably have rock hard abs and pretty eyes." you continued.
Ned snickered and Peter kicked him.
"Sad you'll never know what he looks like." Ned said earning another kick from Peter.
"Yeah. Anyway! Ned and Peter, how was your night yesterday?"
"Oh, um, my...my night was f-fine. I did my chem homework and st-stuff."
"I thought you finished your chem homework in class."
"Yeah, Peter. What were you really doing  last night?"
"Who cares what Peter was doing last night? I watched three fast and furious movies before passing out! That's way more interesting than anything Peter could've been doing because he's boring, y'know?"
You and MJ tried your hardest to hold back giggles.
Peter's demeanor changed. You looked to where he was looking and saw that Flash had walked up to the two of you.
"Hey, I came over here to invite Y/N and MJ to my party tonight but i guess Ned and Penis can come too."
"Oh thank you, Flash but-"
"Great! Wear something sexy." he winked at you and left.
"Gross!" MJ blurted.
"Uh you okay, Y/N?" Ned asked.
"I'm fine. Is Peter okay?" You asked.
The three of you turned to him to see his hands balled up into fists.
"Dude, It's okay. We aren't gonna go to his party." MJ said.
"I'm fine." he told us.
We went back to eating our lunch, not necessarily knowing how to lighten the mood. + The next day you walked into the cafeteria sporting a Spider-man hoodie. You were halfway to the table when someone's wrist grabbed yours.
"Didn't catch you at the party last night."
"That's because i didn't go."
your hands started to heat up.
"Aw, why babe? You know we would've had a good time."
"Flash, let go of me now or I will punch you in the face."
"Ooh, she's feisty." Flash let go and you ran off to the table with your friends.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Peter was the first to ask.
"Just. Peachy."
your hands absentmindedly formed the claw position that enabled your powers. the pipes of water fountain shook and exploded. all over flash. after you realized what you'd done your eyes widened in shock.
MJ looked at you with the same look you had on your face.
"was that you?" she whispered.
you nodded slow. Janitors we're rushing to the fountain attempting to stop the burst of water.
Ned was trying his hardest to hold back a laugh and Peter was staring at you and Michelle with a look of confusion on his face.
The bell rang and Peter grabbed your hand. He pulled back because they were still heated and you ran off with MJ.
You two decided to sit in the back of the class. You would be able to talk about the previous events without any interruption.
"Why'd you do that? Aren't you supposed to be hiding your powers?"
"Yeah, I am but I didn't do that on purpose. It kind of just happened."
"That can't happen again. Peter and Ned are smart, they'll figure it out that something is weird."
"I think Peter already thinks something is weird. He had this look on his face after it happened, like he was trying to figure it out. He tried to stop me on my way out but I ran away before he could."
"Yeah, I saw that. He pulled back."
"When I get upset my hands get really hot. It used to be a big problem when I was younger but it hasn't happened in like forever."
"Jesus, Y/N."
Your phone buzzed with a text from Peter. You showed MJ the text and a wave of worry overcame her.
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"I was planning on telling the boys. Just not now, not yet."
She gave you a small smile.
"It's okay, Y/N. Remember I always got your back."
After a long three hours, the two of you made your way to the Mcdonald's and saw that both Peter And Ned were sitting in a booth.
"I took the liberty of buying you two a burger but in return, we ask that you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
The both of you nodded.
"You have to pinky promise." Peter said.
MJ rolled her eyes.
You wrapped your finger around Peters and MJ did the same.
"I think you guys know something about me that you shouldn't and I think I know something about Y/N that I shouldn't."
"Oh what do we know about you?"
"You can drop the act. We caught you red-handed and we're taking you in." Ned said. You assumed they were doing a good cop/bad cop thing.
"shut up, Ned." Peter whispered.
"You know that I'm...you know..."
"No, Peter. I don't think we know. Maybe you should say it."
"MJ can you stop being difficult for one second!" Peter yelled.
It caught the two of you off guard. He was serious and we were making a joke out of it.
"Yeah, Peter. We do know that you're Spider-Man." You admitted.
"I TOLD YOU!" Ned yelled.
"And even if we didn't, we definitely know now." MJ added.
"What do you know about me, Peter?" You asked half-hoping he didn't know.
"Whatever happened at lunch today was your fault."
"There's no way you could possibly back that up. Y/N wasn't even close enough to the water fountain to-"
"That's why I know she has powers. The way she looked after it happened. She looked...she looked scared." he explained.
"And MJ was in on it too. She always is." Ned added.
She rolled her eyes at Ned's comment.
"Why are we here boys? Why did you need to know whether we knew about your secret identity or not? Why did you need to know if Y/N has powers or not? which by the way isn't confirmed." MJ inquired.
"Listen, I'm not supposed to be telling you this but Mr. Stark is dealing with this duo of villains. One of them has a pyro suit and we don't know how to catch the other one. We don't even know who the other is or what he can do." Peter said.
"What are they going after?" MJ asked
"Every villain has a motive. What do these guys want?" She added.
"Oh, I never really asked." he answered.
"Clearly, you guys need to lure them out with whatever they're looking for and then that's when you catch them." MJ advised.
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. I'll be sure to suggest that to Mr. Tony when we go upstate this weekend."
"Who is we?" You asked.
"You and I?" He replied.
"What makes you think my mom will just let me go on a spontaneous trip upstate? My mom doesn't even like Stark."
"What? How can anyone not like Stark?" He asked.
"With all the shit the Avengers have done, I promise you it's very possible, Pete." MJ said
"I'll tell my mom about this Stark internship thing and we'll see what she says, if not then i guess you guys will have to find another hero or something." You said.
"We need you." Peter said.
"Really? You haven't even asked her what she can do. How could you possibly know she'd be of use?" MJ asked.
"She's got a point, dude." Ned whispered.
"What can you do, Y/N?"
"Manipulate Air, Water, Earth, and Fire."
"Woah so you're like Aang from the last air bender!" Ned exclaimed.
"That's so sick!" Peter added.
"But anyway, we definitely can use you. Put water versus fire and water wins."
"Okay, I'll help. Well, I'll try."
taglist : @chims-kookies
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