#It's the first appearance of Romana! Mary Tamm the original.
Companions Original Post List
Color Sorted by what Hogwarts House I Think They're In. (Feel free to argue if you think otherwise. If they're blank, it means either that I'm just not sure, I haven't reached them yet, (I am on season 22 of the Classic Doctor Who and on season nine of the revived one but I haven't watched either in a while because I got hooked on Criminal Minds.), or I think they're Hufflepuff but the Tumblr thing on my laptop doesn't have yellow as a color. Neither does my phone apparently all of a sudden. The closest is orange.
First Doctor (Many of his episodes are missing so companions often appear and disappear)
Susan Foreman/Arkytior (High Gallifreyan for "Rose) (Played by Carole Ann Ford) - Fifteen-Year-Old Gallifreyan Granddaughter of the Doctor left behind when she fell in love but she left to fight in the Time War and it is presumed that she died.
Ian Chesterton (Played by William Russell, aged 99 as of 2023--Tragically died June 3, 2024 at the age of 99 due to pneumonia; but his character and legacy lives on)
Barbara Wright (Played by Jacqueline Hill, Tragically died in 1993 of breast cancer but her character lives on)
Vicki Pallister (Played by Maureen O'Brien, aged 80 as of 2023; Most of her episodes are missing)
Steven Taylor (Played by Peter Purves)
Katarina (Played by Adrienne Hill, tragically passed away from cancer at age sixty in 1997) - The shortest companion of the first Doctor (I think; she had five episodes and four of them were in the same serial so really two episode adventure-wise) and the first companion of the entire Doctor Who series to die while traveling with the Doctor.
Dodo Chaplet (Played by Jackie Lane)
Second Doctor (Also many of his episodes are missing so companions just appear and disappear)
Ben Jackson (Played by Michael Craze) - Companion of the First and Second Doctor
Polly Wright (Played by Anneke Wills) - Companion of the First and Second Doctor
Jamie McCrimmon (Played by Frazer Hines) -- First Scottish Companion; The Time Lords wiped his mind of any adventures in the Tardis after his first adventure with the Doctor and returned him back to Scotland
Victoria Waterfield (Played by Deborah Watling) -- One of the youngest companions to travel with the Doctor at around fourteen or fifteen however she was a "screaming woman" character and grew tired of the constant dangers and departed.
Zoe Heriot (Played by Wendy Padbury) -- A genius who's intellect impressed the Doctor whoever her memories of traveling with the Doctor and Jamie were erased by the Time Lords.
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge (Played by Nicholas Courtney) -- Perhaps the longest recurring companion of the Doctor, from the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh, he was only mentioned in the revived series until he was cofirmed to have passed in season six.
John Benton (Played by John Levene) -- More of a companion of the Doctor when he was banished the Earth and the Time Lords wouldn't let him use his Tardis (also he didn't know how fly her). John only traveled in the Tardis once in the ten-year anniversary serial: The Three Doctors.
Third Doctor
Liz Shaw (Played by Caroline John)
Mike Yates (Played by Richard Franklin)
Jo Grant (Played by Katy Manning)
Sarah Jane Smith (Played by Elisabeth Sladen)
Fourth Doctor (Played by Tom Baker, the longest Doctor)
Harry Sullivan (Played by Ian Marter)
Leela (Played by Louise Jameson)
K-9 (played Voiced by John Leeson)
Romana I (Played by Mary Tamm)
Romana II (Played by Lalla Ward)
Adric (Played by Matthew Waterhouse) -- I think Adric gets a bad rap
Tegan Jovanka (Played by Janet Fielding) -- Is it me or does she seem remarkably similar to Donna Noble? On TVtropes.org, it points out that her "Establish Character Moment" (which is basically what it sounds like, it's a moment for a character you're being introduced for that tells you just what kind of person this character is) states: "When Tegan gets lost inside the TARDIS, instead of being astonished by it, she goes and looks for someone to yell at." Which is also exactly what Donna does (however, she has a rare intro to the Tardis where she sees in the inside first yet she is not the one to say "it's smaller on the outside" which would've been perfect.")
Nyssa (Played by Sarah Sutton)
Fifth Doctor (Played by Peter Davison; the start of the family legacy)
Vislor Turlough (Played by Mark Strickson)
Kamelion (Voiced by Gerald Flood)
Peri Brown (Played by Nicola Bryant) -- Interestingly, the actress is British while the character is American and she was forced to speak in an American accent even behind the scenes, only years later when she went to a dinner party did Colin Baker realize she was British, not American; Implications of her backstory added with the violent regeneration the Sixth Doctor had and his attitude towards her make me feel bad for her -- She is currently my favorite classic companion.
Sixth Doctor (Played by Colin Baker; the shortest Doctor in the Classic Series, not counting Paul McGann)
Melanie Bush (Played by Bonnie Langford)
Dorothy "Ace" (Played by Sophie Aldred) -- The last companion on the Classic series.
Eighth Doctor
Grace Holloway (Played by Daphne Ashbrook)
War Doctor (Played by John Hurt)
Ninth Doctor (Played by Christopher Eccleston) -- The shortest main Doctor of the modern series
Rose Tyler (Played by Billie Piper) -- My favorite companion. The companion I started on and the love of the Doctor's life. (Sorry River, Sorry Clara). Companion of the Ninth, Tenth, and Meta-Crisis Doctor.
Mickey Smith (Played by Noel Clarke) -- Not an official traveling companion of the Ninth but got there with the Tenth... for three episodes.
Adam Mitchell (Played by Bruno Langley) -- He was so brilliant to be considered by Van Statten and when he sees the future, he gets surgery to put a door in his head and tries to steal others' ideas when he could come up with his own.
Captain Jack Harkness (Played by John Barrowman)
Tenth Doctor (Played by David Tennant) My favorite Doctor. MY Doctor.
Donna Noble (played by Catherine Tate) -- Companion of the Tenth Doctor, Meta-Crisis Doctor/TenToo, and Fourteenth Doctor
Martha Jones (Played By Freema Agyeman)
Wilfred Mott (Played by Bernard Cribbins) Gone but NEVER forgotten. An honorary Noble.
Meta-Crisis Doctor (Played By David Tennant)
Eleventh Doctor (played by Matt Smith) I wasn't sure at first as I was sad to see David Tennant go but Matt Smith definitely lived up to the challenge.
Amelia "Amy" Pond (Played by Caitlain Blackwood and Pre-Nebula Karen Gillan) I love that they got cousins to play young and adult Amy.
Rory Williams (Played by Arthur Darvill)
River Song (Played by Alex Kingston)
Craig Owens (Played by James Corden)
Kate Steward -- Daughter of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge
Oswin Oswald (Played by Jenna Coleman)
Clara Oswin Oswald (Played by Jenna Coleman)
Clara Oswald (Played by Jenna Coleman) -- Fun fact, the character's birthday is November twenty-third, which is also the birthday of Doctor Who itself, the first Docotr Who episode serial entitled "An Unearthly Child" aired in 1963 however, there had been a low television viewership due to the unfortunate assassination of John F. Kennedy the day before and a power cut in part of England (according the Tardis.fandom.com) This may be intentional due to Clara's deep involvement in the Doctor's lives. -- Clara Oswald is my third favorite companion after Rose Tyler and Amy Pond.
Twelfth Doctor (Played By Peter Capaldi)
--I am currently still on season eight nine--
Bill Potts
Thirteenth Doctor (Played by Jodie Whittaker)
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Yasmin "Yaz" Khan
Dan Lewis
Fourteenth Doctor (Played by David Tennant)
Rose Noble (Daughter of Donna Noble; Played by Yasmin Finney)
Fifteenth Doctor
Ruby Sunday (Played by Millie Gibson)
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doctorwho2022 · 2 years
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Doctor Who episodes that aired on the 2nd of September…
In 1967, The Tomb of the Cybermen Episode 1
In 1978, The Ribos Operation Part One
26 notes · View notes
doctorwhonews · 7 years
Classic TV Adventures - Collection One
Latest Review: Classic TV Adventures Collection One Featuring narration by Frazer Hines, Caroline John, Katy Manning, Elisabeth Sladen, John Leeson & Lalla Ward Released by BBC Audio April 2017 (order from Amazon UK) BBC Audio have of late been releasing items in their back catalogue in collections, with last year seeing audiobooks of the tenth and eleventh Doctors, Torchwood, and also audio adaptations of stories. This month sees a further collection released, this time focussing on televised adventures with linking narration. With a couple of early exceptions, narrated soundtracks started to appear in the early 1990s, featuring a number of (mostly) missing stories being presented on audio cassette with linking narration by 'future' Doctors. This series was "rebooted" for CD in the late nineties, now featuring a contemporary actor providing the narration, and continued on apace throughout the first half of the new decade. However, by 2006 the "missing" well had dried up and so BBC Audio delved into the expanse of complete stories, extending the range until the company responsible for the audio range, AudioGo, went into administation in late 2013. Whilst the release of missing/incomplete adventures was a welcome (if not essential) addtion to Doctor Who collections, there were fans who felt that there was little point to the later releases - after all, these were available in all their glory on VHS and steadily appearing on DVD. However, I've always felt that these were worthwhile additions, for two reasons. Firstly, you can't watch a story when you're driving, but you can listen to a soundtrack and linking narration as you're doing housework, in bed, or as frequently happened to me crawling around the M25! Secondly, but perhaps far more importantly, they serve as an excellent accompaniment to the stories themselves as an audio-description track - something that the modern series has enjoyed throughout its transmission/commercial release for those with visual impairment, but the 'classic' era never accomodated (we were lucky for subtitles back then!). Personally I think it is a shame that no further narrated soundtracks have been released since Random House took over the BBC Audio range, but at least the previous adventures are getting a new lease of life. So what do we get with the first volume of Classic TV Adventures? The collection features seven stories covering adventures of the second, third and fourth Doctors. First up is the Patrick Troughton tale The Tomb of the Cybermen. This story is a curio in that it was one of the "original" run of missing story releases and orginally narrated by Jon Pertwee, but lost its "missing" status shortly before its release (thanks Hong Kong!). For its re-release in 2006 it featured a new narration by Frazer Hines (aka Jamie in the story).  Entering the Pertwee era there are two stories that were originally released in late 2006 as part of a Monsters on Earth collection, Doctor Who And The Silurians (with Caroline John aka Liz Shaw) and The Sea Devils (with Katy Manning aka Jo Grant) - however, the third in this set (no prizes for guessing what!) isn't in this collection, it's bumped over to the second set due in October.. Two more, connected tales continue the third Doctor's adventures, The Curse of Peladon (from 2007, also Katy) and its sequel The Monster of Peladon (2008, with Elisabeth Sladen aka Sarah Jane Smith). Rounding off the collection are two Tom Baker stories first released in 2012, The Pirate Planet (with John Leeson aka K9) and Destiny of the Daleks (with Lalla Ward aka Romana). With the latter, I'm surprised BBC Audio didn't include City of Death to have a Douglas Adams mini-theme, but I guess the Daleks are aways a selling point! As well as the soundtracks themselves, each story includes an interview with their respective narrator, talking, so you can listen to anecdotes such as how Caroline first got involved with Doctor Who, how Katy learnt how to do a number of her own stunts, John's road to RADA and Lalla's artistic flair. There are a couple of other bits to be found, such as a BBC Radio 4 item from 2004 on caves in Derbyshire accompanying The Silurians, and a nice little dedication to Mary Tamm on The Pirate Planet. However, no additional content has been included in these re-releases (and some content has actually been lost from the originals - more on that below). It is a perhaps tricky to determine exactly how effective the narration of existing stories actually is, being that we've (probably) watched the stories many times before and so can visualise the scenes playing out in our minds as we listen. However, I think the narration does a good job in reminding us of what's occuring (and the earlier, missing releases certainly demonstrate how the narration helps inform us as to what's happening "off-ear"!) As the linking narration has to be scripted in such a way to minimise interuption to the stories' own narrative, it is often heard in short bursts when nobody is speaking during the episodes. Surprisingly this all works rather well, with only the occassional situation where this isn't possible: for example explaining how the Doctor surrepticiously helps Kleig resolve his logic problem to open the hatch during Tomb means Frazer's narration covers over Kleig's muttering - but that is mitigated somewhat by it being mostly repetition from a few moments ago. The choice of narrator can also make-or-break how effective the plot is imparted - a bland delivery could ruin any atmosphere that the story has built up. Fortunately, nobody falls short in this collection, though of course they have their own distinctive styles. Narration-aside, one thing that stands out is the clarity of the soundtracks, which seems so much better than on the DVDs. This may be down to the uncompressed format of the CD, but here dialogue is crystal clear, and I found it also enhances the musical cues, too - full kudos to the audio restoration work of Mark Ayres and David Darlington. In terms of packaging, this set follows the same format as other collections, i.e. a single central spindle that holds all the discs. This may save on space on the shelf, but it makes it fiddly to access latter stories as you spend your time lifting discs on and off to get at them. I prefer the older boxes, even with the danger of the teeth holding the CDs pinging off! The CDs themselves have new illustrated labels reflecting their collection as well as story status - though unfortunately the labels (not content!) for both discs of Destiny say CD1! These are new pressings and previous PC content is no longer present (such as the PDF camera scripts for The Pirate Planet). However, a bigger problem lies with the bonus content that is meant to be in the set: the inside cover indicates full credits and production notes are in a PDF on CD1, but the disc itself - on my laptop at least - seems to only be a standard audio disc, thus making the promised delights of Andrew Pixley missing (believed wiped?!!!). EDITORIAL: BBC Audio have confirmed that the PDFs of both the production/credits and scripts previously available on The Pirate Planet and Destiny of the Daleks were indeed erroneously left off this collection - future pressings will be corrected, but those who have bought this collection can request the missing PDFs via email by contacting the company through us at [email protected].   So, all-in-all, is it worth getting this set of narrated soundtracks? If you just want the stories (which is arguably the point of the set) then it works out as an efficient way to get them - the original releases will work out more expensive (new), but have sleeve notes and other features absent here, so it will depend on how important those are to you as a listener or collector. That aside, is it still something to get when you've probably got the original DVDs anyway? To me, it is far more convenient to listen to soundtracks in this way when I'm doing other things without the need to watch what's happening on-screen (e.g. writing this review as I listen!), and whilst it isn't too difficult to copy the audio from the DVD to listen to independently, that will be lacking the additional cues made by the narrators. This ultimately comes down to how "purist" you are with the soundtrack, of course, but this does give you the alternative option! The second set of existing soundtracks comes out in October (featuing The Krotons, The Ambassadors of Death, The Mind of Evil, Horror of Fang Rock, City of Death and Warriors of the Deep), which completes the back catalogue. It's my hope that BBC Audio will resurrect the series in 2018, but I suspect that the interest in narrated soundtracks won't be sufficient to give the range that new lease of life (certainly not while the Target adaptations continue apace and new series tie-in releases remain popular). However, I'll continue to 'champion' the audio-descriptive benefits of such releases - with any luck all 'classic' serials will have such accessibility in the future! http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2017/04/classic_tv_adventures_collection_one.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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