#It's true I haven't looked closely at any candidates yet
amerasdreams · 1 year
There is a vacuum for someone with actual integrity, honor, honesty, courage, compassion, character, civility, responsibility, defender of justice, freedom, truth, life to run in 2024. Where are they? Not a career politician who is also not a narcissist.
A woman-- because we need one for once. Women can have all these qualities so why not this time. With the bonus of a role model for girls. So many other countries have had woman presidents and prime ministers-- high time for our country.
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near-dareis-mai · 1 year
Something interesting to me that I think fails to be taken into account of the criticism "the Dragon Reborn can be more than one person or any gender" plotline in the show is that I feel most of the critics seem to mistakenly assume that the show is presenting it as a fact that the Prophecies of the Dragon are flawed, and that the show is presenting Moiraine's personal ideas of the Dragon as ironclad fact.
When, in fact, if you watch Episode 6 closely, what you're actually getting is an argument between two diametrically opposed points of view a) Moiraine, who thinks the Tower prophecies might be innacurate, and who therefore thinks they need to cast a wider net for who the Dragon Reborn is and b) Siuan, who thinks the Tower's prophecies are accurate, and who therefore thinks that they should be narrowing the candidates down according to who prophecy says the Dragon Reborn should be.
So you've got a) Moiraine, who's travelled all through the Westlands, and heard a hundred stories about the Dragon from a hundred different villages, taking the argument that the prophecies of the White Tower can be fallible and that some other prophecy out there might be the one they're looking for. It's natural for her to take this argument, because twenty years of being outside of the Tower and hearing differing stories is naturally going to shape her mind to be skeptical that the Tower is the only authority in this, or that the Tower holds the only right set of prophecies. It makes total sense for Moiraine to put forward this argument.
And then you've got b) Siuan, who's stayed in the Tower, who leads the Tower, who knows first hand the rigorous fact and information storage protocols of the Tower, taking the argument that the Tower's set of the Prophecies of the Dragon are accurate, and that they should stick to identifying the Dragon Reborn using them. It's natural for Siuan to take this argument, because the White Tower is pretty much the only institution to make it out of the chaotic post-Breaking period intact, and from the start the Aes Sedai have shown a vested interest in ACCURATELY preserving information, to the point where the Tar Valon library has a copy of every single book in existence. It makes total sense for Siuan to put forward this argument that the Tower's prophecies will be accurate in a way that no word-of-mouth prophecies passed down through generations in some out-of-the-way village would be.
But, at the end of the day, that's just what they are: arguments. The show presents both Moiraine and Siuan's arguments neutrally, and with equal weight: it doesn't actually take a side. It doesn't actually say that Moiraine is right. It doesn't actually say Siuan is right. Instead, it lets them present opposing arguments for tracking down the identify of the Dragon Reborn, and then the plot moves right along without establishing either one as right just yet.
And the kicker is, by the end of the series, THEY'RE BOTH GONNA BE RIGHT.
Siuan is going to be right, because yes the Tower's prophecies ARE going to turn out to be the most accurate of the prophecies in all the Westlands that Moiraine has travelled to. ALL the Tower prophecies are going to come true, even if the Aes Sedai haven't interpreted them correctly.
And Moiraine is going to be right because there ARE going to be other people with accurate prophecies that will come to light: the Aiel and the Sea Folk. The Sea Folk prophecies of the Coramoor and the Aiel prophecies of the Car'a'carn are going to come to light, and they're going to be just as right as the prophecies of the Tower.
It's just… as a book-first fan myself who watched the show later, I have no idea how we book fans can be mad about this one, and I simply don't understand the criticism that this was a short-lived plot point with little value going forward. The show can only have created this argument if the show-runner has full knowledge of how the book series wraps up, a long-running thread that can only be proven in multiple seasons, rather than just a one-season mystery box. And they've even taken care to set up the opposing ends of the argument be Moiraine and Siuan, the two people who first started the quest together, the two people who first head Gitara's prophecy of the Dragon being reborn. In Season 1, they've set up an almost metaphysical argument between Moiraine and Siuan that can only truly be answered in Season 8 after the Last Battle, at the end of the age of prophecies.
Additionally, they're also foreshadowing an argument that's going to happen between Rand and Tuon near the very end of the series: what do you do when two sets of supposedly infallible prophecies seem to clash, as the Westlands and Seanchan prophecies seem to clash, re: the Dragon kneeling to the Crystal Throne?
What part about this shows a lack of forethought, of not thinking through implications? To me, it shows the opposite. It shows that they're thinking through implications so deeply that they've set up this overarching near-metaphysical argument in Season 1 that can only be truly resolved in the final season of the final episode of the show.
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warriorofthought · 1 year
Unexpected twist at the Wedding
Summary: You are about to Marry the Man your Parents have chosen, but will you Marry him or will Bucky change your mind?
Word count: 1995
Warning: no one
Bucky x Reader
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You never thought you would marry the man your parents choose. You know that you don't love him, Ben Tourmaline is a little older than you, nice so far, but also has a very huge ego. He is now the CEO of his parents' company and earns decent money. So Ben is the perfect candidate to be your husband, he can take care of you if you quit your job, so your parents told you.
After much considering, you agreed and have been engaged to Ben for a few weeks now. Tomorrow is your wedding.
Right now you are sitting in your apartment on your sofa, a lot of wedding magazines are lying around you, you are also watching several videos on your tablet to see how you want to wear your hair tomorrow.
Your phone makes a sound and you check it and see that Bucky has texted you.
"Are you busy right now? Can I come over?"
" I am not busy, feel free to come over"
"Okay, be there in 10 minutes"
You put your phone away on the table and put the magazine back together a little more orderly than before. 
As Bucky announced, exactly 10 minutes later he is at your door and rings the bell. You walk to the door and open it.
Bucky smiles at you.
I have brought something to eat. He smiles and holds up the food bags.
You let him in and close the door behind him.
"Are you getting nervous about tomorrow?"
Bucky puts the food on the living room table and unwraps it.
"I'm not nervous yet, maybe a little in my mind. I'm maybe a little afraid I'll make a mistake, Bucky." 
"Hmm, I think you're probably making the right decision."
You both finish eating and then decide to watch another movie. Then Bucky notices that you are restless after all. He tries to calm you down.
"Y/n, I have something I think I need to tell you, I guess it's important".
You look over at him and see Bucky scratching his neck nervously.
"What's going on? You can tell me anything"
Your hands are strangely shaking slightly and you reach for his to show him that everything is okay.
"Y/n, I can't keep quiet any longer. I can't let you enter into this marriage when I haven't confessed my true feelings to you".
You look confused and surprised in Bucky's eyes, trying to see the solution in his eyes, about what he means.
"What do you mean, Bucky? What are you trying to tell me?"
Bucky takes a deep breath, searching for the right words.
As his eyes meet yours again you see a firmness and seriousness in them that should reinforce his next words.
"Y/n, from the moment we first met, I knew you were special. You have taken my heart by storm and I can no longer remain silent. I love you, y/n. I love you more than anything in this world.
You are speechless, your eyes fill with tears and you have to swallow the lump of emotion forming in your throat.
"But ... but Bucky, why didn't you tell me this before? Why now, of all times, right before my wedding?"
Bucky lowers his head, his voice low.
"I was afraid, y/n. Afraid of destroying our friendship. But I can't stay silent any longer and let you go without letting you know about my feelings."
You look deep into Bucky's eyes, your mind racing.
"Bucky, I...I don't know what to say. I chose another man. I thought he was the best one for me. My parents chose him, after all."
Bucky swallows hard, but he doesn't let go of your hands.
"Y/n, I understand. But I had to tell you. I couldn't keep quiet any longer and let you get married without you knowing how I feel. I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me.
You struggle with your emotions, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks. Your hands try to find more hold in his.
"Bucky, I...I don't know what the future holds. But I need time. I think it would be better if you go now, I can't decide that now."
"Y/n, tell me, do you feel something for me, more than friendship?"
You see Bucky looking up at you hopefully. 
You pull your hands out of his.
"I...I, I can't do that Bucky. I'm already engaged to Ben."
"Yes, I know, but do you love him. Do you love him now, do you think you can grow old with him, be happy?"
"I .... I don't know. My Parents "
"Your parents don't have to live with him y/n, you have to live with him the rest of your life. Is that what you really want,y/n"
Bucky smiles weakly and approaches you. Then he gently wipes away your tears. His hands remain on your cheeks and he gently strokes your cheeks with his thumbs.
"Y/n, no matter what the future holds, I will always be there for you. I will always love you no matter what happens or what you finally decide."
Your hands lay over his and you surrender briefly this month. Your heart feels with a pleasant warmth. Then you pull his hands from your cheeks. 
"Bucky, go now, I'll see you tomorrow".
Bucky nods and smiles at you again, cheering you up. Then he disappears from your apartment. Desperate and with your mind racing, you throw yourself on the sofa and let out a cry of frustration into the pillow. 
"Why, why now?" 
You know you definitely feel more for Bucky than you do for Ben, but can this turn into something more than friendship and will it work out?
After a long time of worrying, you finally fall asleep after a few hours.
You arrive early the next morning at the festively decorated church where the guests will gather later. Your parents come to you in the side room and help you get dressed in a beautiful wedding gown. However, you feel nervous and unsure if all this is right. 
Then the time comes. You stand in front of the altar and you can look perfectly into the crowd of guests.
The Priest begins the Ceremony.
"Dear Family and Friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between y/n and Ben. If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your silence.
Your eyes race through the crowd after the sentence and linger on Bucky. The latter is standing in the second-to-last row and you can see that the sight of you with Ben pains him. Desperate, your thoughts race.
"Very well, no objections. Then we'll proceed."
"Do you take the y/n l/n present here, to be your wife, Ben Tourmaline?".
"Yes, I do"
"Do you take the Ben Tourmaline present here, to be your husband, y/n?"
Hopeless, you bite your lip before looking back out into the crowd.
"Y/n, what are you doing, say yes already," Ben whispers to you.
The guests slowly start mumbling with excitement and wondering why it's not going on. Then your eyes fall on your parents, who look at you confused and also worried. 
Then you take a deep breath. "No"
" WHAT" your eyes dart over to Ben.
"I say no, I will not and cannot marry you."
Ben grabs your arm as you turn away from him. 
"You say yes like a good girl, you get everything you want, so what else do you want? Ungrateful woman." 
As you look back into the crowd, you see Bucky walking firmly towards you and taking your hand.
"Y/n, did I get that right?"
" Yes, Bucky, I love you, not Ben". 
Ben looks at Bucky in annoyance and confusion.
"Who the hell are you? Where do you think you're getting off interrupting our wedding?'
Bucky ignores Ben and looks deep into your eyes.
"I love you, y/n. Always have, always will. I'm so glad you didn't just make a mistake."
The guests wait anxiously for Ben's reaction.
"It's too late. She's my fiance, she had decided to marry me." 
Bucky lets go of your hand and lowers his head in disappointment.
"I know, but she can still change her mind. Besides, I had to tell you y/n. I couldn't stay silent any longer and let you go without you knowing about my feelings."
Ben looks triumphantly at Bucky and pulls you closer to him.
"You see, y/n? He doesn't stand a chance against us. Forget about him and let's get on with our wedding."
Disgusted by his big ego, you look back and forth between the two men as your mind races. Finally, you make a decision.
"No, Ben. I can't go on with this wedding. Bucky just showed me, and yesterday, that true love cannot be ignored. I can't marry you if my heart belongs to someone else."
Ben is shocked and tries to hold you back, but you break free from his grip.
"Bucky, I hope you can forgive me for taking so long to understand my feelings, I love you too. I just never said it because I thought it was too late. But now I know I can find happiness with you." 
"I forgive you, Love"
Suddenly Ben wants to throw himself at Bucky with a roar, but is stopped by a few guests and kicked out of the church. You watch as he tries to break free from the guys, yelling loudly, but doesn't have a chance.
Then your Parents stand next to you. 
"Bucky, you could have told us some of this, we thought you only had feelings of friendship for our daughter."
"I'm sorry"
Then your Mother claps her hands happily.
"You can marry our daughter now can't you? " She nudges your Father with her elbow, who nods in agreement.
"We can't think of anyone better than you Bucky anyway, you already worry and take good care of our daughter now, I think it will be even more intense now that she can become your wife, of course only if you want y/n?"
You nod your head wildly and even let out a joyful squeak.
Then, before you can even react, Bucky kneels down in front of you and holds out a box with a ring.
"Y/n, will you be my Wife, I will protect you and never give up on us."
"I want to be your wife, bucky". 
Bucky puts the ring on you and you put his on him. Then you throw yourself into his arms. Bucky spins you in a circle for a moment before setting you back down. 
"Ahm, if you line up now, we can continue the ceremony," the priest's voice suddenly rings out.
One of Bucky's friends hands the priest the document from Bucky that he still needs for the wedding ceremony.
"Do you take the y/n, present here, to be your wife, James Buchanan Barnes".
"I do" Bucky looks at you with the widest smile dripping only with love.
"Do you take this here present, to be your husband, y/n"
"Yes, I do" 
"Then you may seal your union now with a kiss".
Bucky reaches out and pulls you to him by the waist before one holds your face in his hands and gives you a kiss on the forehead. Pouting, you look up at him and he gives you a quick wink before kissing you on the lips.
In the background you hear the guests start cheering and you have to start smiling into the kiss.
Now you know that you have made the right decision. Because your heart is happy and satisfied. And as you break away from Bucky, you can see the same emotions in his eyes that you are feeling right now.
Now you are, Bucky's, happy Wife.
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morelikesin · 4 years
A small drabble on an emotional morning with Phoenix and Miles 💕 This takes place any time after Dual Destinies. I'm writing it where they're already married. This is just a quick bit I wanted to write when I had the idea :') I also drew a quick something at the end. The fic is under the cut!
Phoenix really wished he had more days off - everytime he was, there was always a great smell in the house from Miles' cooking. Being off work more often meant more of that, even if a little less bank coming in. It would definitely be worth it.
Lifting himself up from the cushioned mattress and tossing aside the velvety soft blankets atop of him, he stretches his limbs with a low groan - reaching his arms back before pulling them into his lap as he relaxed. Taking in a deep breath, he pulls his legs over the side of the bed and hoists himself over so he could see what was on the menu this morning.
Closing the lid of the cooking pot to steam the rice, Mr. Edgeworth hummed quietly to himself a peaceful little tune; one of which he'd seem to be making up as he went along. Turning his attention elsewhere as the grains cooked, he lowered the heat for another burner to medium, where he was cooking miso soup. Adding in a good few tablespoons of yellow miso paste, he whisked the substance into the already simmered broth before adding some previously cut up blocks of tofu. Raising the spoon to catch a quick taste, he found it was light, slightly sweet, and smooth in a way he quite enjoyed. Something was missing though, of course - turning towards the fridge to grab a few stalks of watercress to chop and throw in.
Stepping out from their bedroom and making his way downstairs into their kitchen, Phoenix paused a moment to simply watch his love candid from the steps. Miles, dressed in his soft, white robe like every morning accompanied by his perfect-as-always hair. Phoenix could nay say the same, given his own styling takes ten minutes on a good day.
Watching the way he so gracefully moved even without knowing eyes were on him was incredibly cute - though Miles would never let him say that, with how against that description he was when it was of himself. For now, Phoenix knew Miles was cute. Handsome, of course. Sexy, of course. Cute, of course.
Phoenix made his presence known by making a soft yawn as he walked down the last few steps, walking into the main kitchen and making sure to gently hold his hand against the small of Miles' back as he stood next to him. The latter shook his head slightly whilst quickly chopping up the watercress aforementioned - swiftly picking them up between his hand and the knife and tossing it into the soup.
"Good morning, Wright. How did you sleep?"
Phoenix made a darling little laugh that Miles loved so much - the type with a sort of deepness to it; a sort of breathlessness. "Well, I slept just fine with you by me, hun," he spoke prior to pressing his lips against the prosecutor's cheek, "with you being as warm as a radiator and all, ha..!"
Miles scoffed. "Very funny. Is that all I'm good for in bed? To keep you warm?"
"I was about to say no, but..'keeping me warm' sure has a lot of meanings. And I think you're good for all of them." Phoenix sighed, sporting a small smile as he pressed his face into the nape of Miles' neck contently - lips gently kissing his shoulder. It earned a sweet, if calm, sigh from the prosecutor.
"..I could say the same for you. But it's much too early for this, mm? We can work out our flirtations after we eat breakfast."
Phoenix kept his dorky smile splashed on his countenance as he pulled away, raising a hand to brush back some strands of hair from his eyes - finding himself not too annoyed today with his 'naturally-spiky-but-not-spiky-enough-and-more-messy' bedhead. "That works with me; everything smells so good!"
Miles looked flattered from that. "Thank you, Wright. It is certainly better than what you normally make yourself in the morning-"
"Hey- don't knock cup coodles! I could live off of those."
Miles furrowed his brows and gave a glance to Phoenix in exasperation. "This is why I'm the one who feeds us. Anyhow.." The former smiled to himself as he pulled a plastic package of soba noodles in front of him on the counter - removing the wrapper and slowly adding the noodle block into the miso broth. "Maya called me earlier. She asked me to tell you that she'll be unavailable all day."
With Phoenix opening the fridge door to grab something to drink, he paused to speak before grabbing the carton of orange juice - much like many of their groceries, an expensive brand that Phoenix wasn't used to, and Miles' choosing. "Oh? Was she planning on taking Trucy and Pearls somewhere?"
Miles shook his head as he wiped off his hands with a damp washcloth that he'd set beside him prior, "Sort of. She wanted to make a trip to Hazakura Temple - she and Pearl are to train while Trucy is their...how did she put it, ah.. 'hype-man'." He felt silly even recalling the term, but Phoenix's expression seemed to prove that he knew what he meant.
"Hah- well, she'll get no bother from me then. I'll just check up on them when they get back. We have the whole day to ourselves, for once.." Phoenix meekly spoke - pouring himself a glass of the aforementioned juice before guzzling it down in a post-sleep thirstiness. He wiped his upper lip with his wrist as he went back in to pour some more.
"It is rare, isn't it..?" The prosecutor seemed somewhat sorrowful in stating that. "I want to make the most of it. It's not often I'm not out travelling, or you're not on duty, or there's no emergencies."
Phoenix parted his lips to speak, before sighing and looking down to his cup solemnly. He set it down. "...Yeah. But..I still love you all the same." He looked back up to the love of his life; a carefree smile pulling at his lips and a special brightness glittering in his eyes, "We're a family. Things are..always going to come up, but our time spent away or together feel all the same to me. The only difference is that I get to actually kiss you, in times like now. Being apart..just reminds me of how much I trust you."
The words hit harder than Miles expected them to. Even with the defense attorney's unorganized nature, and his less-than-articulate manner, it was somehow more meaningful to him. Phoenix was always emotional, and true to what he said - this was no different. Edgeworth's expression was strong; brows furrowed up and eyes purposefully lying low.
Phoenix paused, "..Come here."
He gestured for a hug after his gentle words; Miles all too eager for the embrace. Phoenix's arms draped over Miles' shoulders, wrapping around his neck as to pull himself closer. Vice versa was Miles wrapping his arms tightly around Phoenix's waist; both of their heads lay upon the other's shoulder, welcoming what warmth was available. They held each other for what felt like so long, and simultaneously not long enough; the only reason for their part was so they could meet at their lips, instead. Passionate, and yet soft - just a simple press without much else, yet it was all they needed. By the end of their embrace, their heads leaned forward to touch at their foreheads while holding each other's hands between their chests. Their thumbs occasionally brushed over each other's wedding rings.
"..You know how much you mean to me, Phoenix."
"I know, Miles." He huffed out a short breath before breaking into a smile, "..You could always just say 'I love you'."
And with that, the silver-haired Edgeworth broke into a laugh and slowly pulled away, "Alright, alright..I love you. You know that."
"I love you too, Miles."
Phoenix watched as his love went back to his work - Miles grabbing his wooden chopsticks as to stir the noodles. The more defensive of the two sat at the dining table, glass in hand.
"...I'm going to guess that you won't want onions in your serving of noodles."
Phoenix pretended to gag in response to Miles, "Ghk-! Absolutely-! Onions taint everything they touch..." He hesitated, "..Other than onion rings. But that's the only good thing with onions!"
Edgeworth rolled his eyes with a playful smile, chuckling to himself a bit at just how strongly Wright felt over such a thing as onions. "Of course. Though, you're missing out on their flavour, dear - I've never met someone other than you who has a distaste for them."
"You haven't met anyone with any tastebuds," Phoenix scoffed back - earning a snort from the other.
"Oh, have I? Dear, I think you're referring to yourself there."
The defense paused; his face lifting as his cocky court grin curled onto his lips. "Unfortunately, Edgeworth, I think you have some words to eat. Clearly my statement is right - anyone who's ever tasted an onion could tell you that it tastes like damn garbage."
The prosecution stifled a laugh, lolling his head to look over his shoulder at his rival. "Oh, Wright. I'm afraid you've buried your grave - onions obviously give any dish they're added to an excellent depth of flavor."
"Well obviously they do not- ow-!" Phoenix burst into a soft laugh as Miles leaned over to smack his arm with his chopsticks - ending their court imitations. "Hun-!"
Miles rolled his eyes and looked back down to his cooking. "My love. We don't need to argue over onions. Besides, I'm not about to settle a case over opinion."
"Ha-! Well then, baby doll, I'm prepared to settle a case of any kind. Maybe you just don't have that kind of determination?" Phoenix jested, taking another swig of his orange juice.
"Of course you would be, Feenie." Miles hesitated before chuckling to himself. Swirling the noodles inside the pot, he shook his head. "That's a new one. I don't know where that came from... It's sort of cute, no? Feenie. Hm."
When Miles went to look at Phoenix for his approval, he was numb; his husband's face suddenly not as lively as it once was. His eyes gazed low, gazed dryly. His hands tensed around the glass he held, knuckles bearing white. Worst of all, his countenance really held no expression at all - the fact that it was so stiff, so miserable looking was what'd caused Miles to choke back a breath.
What was it about that name that suddenly struck Miles as odd? Feenie. Feenie.
"It's.. uh.. not great, honestly, Miles. No offense or anything."
"I'm- sorry." Miles was admittedly stunned - a little ashamed, a little confused, very concerned. "..For some reason its.. ringing a bell-"
"..Dahlia used to call me that. You know, before.."
The room was drenched in silence - Miles struggling to find any words to say. What could he say to that - what should he? Though, the look on Phoenix's pitiful face urged him to find something.
"...I didn't mean to hurt you, saying it. I-" Miles hummed to himself and turned his head to Phoenix, lip bitten and unsure how to word himself. He slowly looked back down to his cooking when words couldn't properly form in his throat.
"It's fine." Phoenix nodded - looking away and tapping his fingers on the table in a sort of anxiousness. "You didn't know."
"I didn't remember," Miles scolded himself, "I should have remembered such a thing like that."
Phoenix looked a little put off. "Don't feel guilty for that. It was so long ago - I.. I didn't expect you too."
The soft bubbling of the broth in the pot filled the silence between them; chopsticks occasionally hitting the sides of the pot, Pess jingling her collar as she scratched herself from the living room all the while. Phoenix tried to will Miles to turn around so he could assure him it was fine, without words - however when Miles never did he spoke up hesitantly.
"I didn't mean to ruin the mood."
Miles quickly scoffed and turned to look at Phoenix with a pained expression, "You didn't, Phoenix. You were just telling me of something that hurt you."
"It's just a nickname, though," Phoenix laughed at himself, seemingly ashamed, "It's a little stupid to hurt so much over a nickname, isn't it?"
"I don't think so," Miles replied, his tone hurt from his husband stuffing his emotions down - such a thing from Phoenix was rare, and it made this hurt just a little more than usual. Setting the chopsticks horizontally on the counter, he ushered himself away from the stove to lay a gentle, lithe hand on Phoenix's forearm, and leaning down so he could rest his chin atop his head.
Phoenix nearly melted into his touch, feeling comforted by Miles' body and his warmth. Finding solace in the safety of his arms, Phoenix allowed himself to exhale a deep breath and relax. Unsatisfied with the arrangements, however, he shook his head and gestured his head down. "Get in front of me a bit, Miles."
He wasn't about to complain, though as he moved in front of Phoenix to kneel, Miles was still a tad confused. Before he could ask why Phoenix wanted him to, the man placed his hands on the prosecutor's cheeks and leaned forward to kiss his forehead.
"I prefer looking at you, dear," Phoenix hummed. He moved his hands down to take Miles' own - raising them to place endearing kisses against flushed knuckles and fingertips, much to his husband's timidity. "..Thank you. For not minding putting up with me and all."
"Ah, yes," Miles started, smiling, "I married you because I simply 'didn't mind putting up with you'."
Phoenix laughed as he realized the hilarity of what he had said, "Hey! You know what I mean!"
"I married someone I just 'put up with'." Miles continued, chortling to himself, "Not in an act of pure love or anything."
Phoenix hushed Miles' teasing by leaning down and pressing his lips against the other's - the two humming against the warmth before falling into the quiet passion, then lingeringly pulling away. Their hands kept their doting hold still.
"..I love you, Phoenix. However, breakfast is due to overcook."
Phoenix shrugged and pressed his lips against Miles' cheek, unwilling to pull away as proven by how he spoke against his skin. "I don't mind."
"Suppose you wouldn't," Miles breathed out, amused.
Miles held himself in Phoenix's grasp before reluctantly pulling away to take charge of the stove again. Phoenix didn't seem to be happy with such an arrangement, so he took it upon himself to stand and wrap his arms around Miles' waist, head resting on his shoulder. The prosecutor pressed his palm against Phoenix's forearm in silent fondness - his other busy stirring food.
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