#Italian shoes handcrafted
cinfinity · 2 years
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Me and You, Here and Now
Yandere Yakuza Boss Izana ABO AU
tw: reader has female parts, reverse abo dynamics (stronger omega), suggestive murder, explicit nsfw, dead dove do not eat
special thanks to @trashybandit for beta reading this!
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The front door to your apartment creaked open, and a head of white hair poked in cautiously, empty violet eyes scanning the darkened room. “Coast is clear,” Izana whispered to himself, before letting out a small giggle at the silliness of it all. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t known where you were the entire time; it was just that he had never been able to catch you at the best moment. Cracking the door slightly wider, the tanned man let himself in, humming a soft tune as he eased his gym bag through as small an opening as possible before immediately closing and locking the door behind him. From a single deep breath, it was clear that the air inside was stale; neither your door nor windows had been opened in the past twenty-four hours. There were no signs of life anywhere else in the small living area you called home - a thin layer of undisturbed dust coated the kitchen counter, something you would never allow to happen, nor was there a drop of water collected in the dishes tray. To any regular soul that made up the majority of society, it would be reasonable to assume that you weren’t home, and you hadn’t been home. Yet there was no doubt in Izana’s mind that you were here; his sensitive nose could pick up the traces of pheromones that still lingered on the surfaces you had touched. After all, an alpha would always be more attuned to both omegas and other alphas than regular humans would ever be.
Setting his black leather bag down lightly on the worn wooden floors, Izana made light work of stripping off his business suit; he did come straight from work after all, and being a yakuza boss could leave the stench of filthy blood and other people on his clothes. He rather not distract you with any other smell but his. Pulling off his silk scarf and thick woolen coat, those were neatly folded and left atop your spotless sofa before he got to loosening and removing his tie, slender fingers quickly working to unbutton both his vest and the soft white tuxedo shirt. With each minute that passed, the impatience only bubbled and grew in his gut, and it was getting harder and harder for the man to not fuck it all with this bothersome undressing and seek you out immediately, his eyes narrowing at nothing in particular as he quickly kicked off his prized handcrafted Italian leather shoes - there was nothing he could care more in the moment but you. You were waiting for him, in heat and in pain, and he needed you. Badly.
Just outside, separated by a thin wooden door: a quiet, typical suburban neighborhood, a usual silent weekday night; regular (betas, as Izana called them) families going about their usual evening routines, winding down for the day and preparing for the next. The last silver of sun that still peaked over the horizon threatened to disappear at any moment, the night and its cape of stars eager to begin its reign. A crackle of electricity, and the streetlamp that had stood faithfully next to your apartment block flickered on right on schedule, its strong yellow light filtering through your still curtains and casting a patterned shadow onto the floor. But behind the privacy of a locked door and drawn curtains, the feared mafia head could only sigh contently as he let his pajama shirt slip down over his head to cover his toned torso, loose, comfortable pants having been pulled over silk boxers. There was no stronger smell that one could bring to an omega’s heat than sleepwear that had been worn consistently for a week, and combined with the rest of the pieces of clothing that Izana had brought as offerings to line your nest with were equally well-worn and scented, there would be no mistaking who it was that came to woo you.
Bending slightly to pick his gym bag back up from the ground, a lustful hunger - an almost desperate need - sparked to life in those usually empty eyes; now, to hunt. 
Where were you hiding? 
There weren’t many places you could be in to begin with, not in this tiny apartment, and even fewer where you would be while in heat. Nests were usually tucked away in the dark corners of the house, as per the general preference of omegas when they went into heat: smell-proof, sound-proof pods provided by the government as part of a support program, though Izana knew from firsthand experience that there was at least enough space for two. Letting out a hum, the tanned man looked almost at home with the ease he ducked around corners and drummed the tips of his fingers against counters, making a beeline for the master bedroom; even if you had never once been invited him over to this new place of yours, it was clear he knew his way around like the back of his hand.
And pulling open an inconspicuous pair of door shutters, one of several that lined the far wall of your bedroom, the tinted glass window of your pod, tucked away in an unused wardrobe, gleamed back at him. A room within a room, a little cozy box that served as both your slice of heaven and your prison for the duration of your heat: Izana didn’t doubt that you were a lot safer from the dangers of the world inside than outside, your heavenly, addictive scent locked away from those who would do you harm. But right now, the man thought to himself, his pants already tenting as he eagerly reached for the handle of the entrance - right now there was no doubt you were still the safest with him. 
Like the creep of a fog along the forest floor, the sweet tantalizing aroma of your pheromones, combined with the freezing cold of air conditioning, came rolling out as the door was carefully pulled open, an invitation, a siren’s call to your former lover that tempted him into the dimly lit depths. The yakuza boss was only happy to take the bait, easing the black duffel bag through before him.  
You were completely naked, plump flesh shiny with beaded perspiration that your hair stuck haphazardly to despite the temperature being several degrees lower than the already cool night outside, thick thighs splayed open as if to display your drooling private parts for him to feast his eyes upon. Your breasts were larger, heftier, than what they usually were, engorged by the sheer amount of hormones currently flooding your system, nipples already perked and at attention. Long, ugly scratches, now just barely scabbed over, framed your leaking pussy, where you must have raked your nails again and again in an attempt to relieve yourself from the lack of fulfillment, only to have both hands bound to protect yourself from you. Yet all Izana could focus on was you, his gaze unable to tear away as he drank in the tortured expression that pulled at your face, eyebrows furrowed, your lips contorted and twisted as you struggled in vain to find relief from the incessant arousal that was driving you to the brink of insanity.
“There you are, love.” Violet eyes, usually empty and cold, instantly lit up as they laid sight on you, the door swinging shut silently behind him.
Your head instantly lifted at his voice, a whine escaping your lips before you could stop yourself. It was certainly a reaction to the intense smell of his pheromones - an alpha's pheromones - hitting your nose. A promise of reprieve; a real mate who could satisfy your burning needs and quench the ache between your legs. But it seemed no matter whatever your empty womb was screaming at you, your mind was still the one in charge for now. And he was not who you had been expecting. “I-Izzy?” You looked completely confused at his sudden appearance. Your pupils were completely dilated, and Izana doubted if you could see anything more than a blob in your doorway, though your nose was certainly working. He was glad that you still remembered his scent. “You’re here?” 
Very carefully, Izana crouched to set his gym bag down gingerly, making no sudden or abrupt movement that could surprise you. An almost one-eighty role reversal from his stalking of you from earlier; the white-haired man was suddenly the prey caught in the headlights before your predatory, hungry eyes. The plush floor was soft yet cool against his bare feet as he slowly prodded his way nearer, conscious of the ensnared knots of sheets and what-not that brushed against his toes. “It’s me, baby girl.” He assured you, his tone gentle, warm and comforting, a far cry from the nonchalant, almost playful one that his victims know all too well. "You okay?"
You only grunted and whined in response, the entire pod shuddering under his feet as you struggled, though the handcuffs that kept your hands strung from the ceiling remained firm. 
His cute nickname had always been a misnomer for you when compared to him, Izana knew; as an omega, you were taller, larger and a hella lot stronger than he was. If he stretched it to its limits, the yakuza boss could argue that something as unassuming as 'baby girl' was at least kind of fitting for the regular you: a soft, kind-hearted soul that was so very aware and cautious of yourself. Yet at the peak of your heat with hormones flooding your system and your lust consuming your mind, you certainly weren't someone that the alpha wanted to tick off. More well-built than a beta male he was, but one wrong move and you would snap him in two between your thighs like a stick. 
“Y-you’re not supposed to be here.”
But you were his. You had always been his, and you didn’t have a choice in the matter. Raw strength was just one factor, and no doubt this yakuza boss had many other cards to play. This time, this time he would make sure to claim you once and for all, and make it stick.
Izana ignored your statement. “It’s alright, love. ‘M here now.” His voice was low, a guttural undertone, yet the tanned man still made no move to approach you, instead moving to pull the first of many clothing articles from the bag, bundling it up and tossing it like a ball at you, the cream woolen shirt landing softly on your chest. Taking a step back as you paused in your shifting to cautiously sniff at the new offering presented, it was the first time Izana pulled his gaze away from you, glancing around the pod in which you had built your nest and spent the last few days. 
Bundles of sheets and clothes carefully packed and tangled into a comfortable albeit makeshift mattress, Izana noted that the various shirts and sweaters you laid didn’t belong to you - he had never had any reports of you buying them, nor did they smell entirely like you despite you having drenched everything in your fluids. Combined with the fact that you had been left bound for an unknown period of time, his theory of there being another before him had been right. He was glad he acted on his hunch. If he had been wrong, it would have been just another mark to his already stained name. But now that he was provably right, at least that scum wasn’t something he nor you had to worry about.  Not now, not anymore. 
As you continued to squint suspiciously at his sweater, Izana retrieved another piece, this time a pair of shorts, and flung it to join his sweater on your chest, making sure to keep his gaze down and off of you: he knew you were particular about potential mates looking at you during your evaluation. He knew the cogs were turning in your mind as you struggled between rationality and your need to be filled, his strong, familiar scent as enticing to you as yours was to him. He knew you better than the back of his own hand. 
With your extremely heightened senses, the minimal dim yellow lighting within the pod, combined with the extremely tinted windows, were at just the right comfort level for you. Not that it mattered to his courting ritual - you relied almost completely on your sense of smell during this vulnerable period, and it was the overlapping scents of different pheromones that seemed to confuse you, the made man simply listening on as you alternated sniffing at his clothes and the air around your nest.
"Wh-where m-mate?" You stuttered out of the blue, your mind momentarily winning over the insatiable lust.
“Gone. He left, sweetheart.” 
You whined, whimpered, the high-pitched whistle that escaped your lips - a similar yet different tune that you had used with him - meant to call for your mate to return to you. But there was no one to answer your call in the small, dark space. “Left?” You repeated in disbelief, your voice pitching up. “He left?”
The pod rattled as you attempted to break free from your cuffs, whistling again with more desperation, your chest heaving from the effort as your legs tried and failed to gain the traction you needed against the padded floor again and again, Izana’s offerings sliding off and into the dark abyss of the floor. “Left? Gone? Left?” Completely dilated eyes looked wildly in every direction, as if the nobody you had seduced and manipulated into being your fucktoy was hiding in a corner; your former lover was surprisingly content with watching you work yourself into a frenzy from a safe distance, violet eyes roaming over your body. He had no intention of getting caught up in your thrashing.
A beta male - that was who you picked to fuck you through your heat. A nobody from society’s majority that would have never been able to fulfill you, that would have never been able to get you pregnant, that you would have never been able to mark and bond with. A piece of trash that would have happily gone on his meaningless, worthless life, never earning the feared yakuza’s attention if he had simply stayed away from you. And now he’s left - not of his own accord, but you didn’t need to know that.
You must have been waiting for him all this time.
"He never loved you like I do, baby girl,” the man cooed, stripping his shirt off to reveal toned abs, taking a bold step forward, your eyes immediately swiveling back to fix on him, despairing doe eyes brimming with unshed tears. “That scum was just using you all this time."
The cold air whirled down quietly from the ceiling, a silent ballet that filled the background of your breathing as you tried to wrap your mind around what he was saying, your eyebrows furrowing and twitching as your struggles died down - it couldn’t be easy losing your other half while you were actively in heat, but it was a good sign that you hadn’t attacked him just yet. 
“He’s a little cheater as well.” Izana continued, pulling off his soft pajama pants before taking another step closer, now left in just his silky boxers. All his hair was standing on ends with the glacial temperatures in the pod, yet the tanned man bit down and suppressed as much of his shivering as he could. There was no need to give you any form of weakness to exploit. “Out playing with other mates while you’re suffering in here.” 
A lie, so what? The expression on your face turned confused, your lips flapping for several moments without sound before your voice emerged once more. “O-out? Others?” It was clear that you were completely bewildered by the changing situation and Izana’s lies, your brain cocked up on hormones and your mind melting from lust, unable to think straight or tell facts from falsehoods. All to Izana’s favor, of course.
“Mmmm. He’s never home to look after you.”
“He-he was-”
The delinquent cut you off. “No, he never was. He never bothered to spend any time with you, I know. Hated you, hated being with you. Leaving you alone to go party and drink the night away.”
Your eyes showed the conflicting thoughts raging away behind; you were doubting yourself. Doubting your memories, doubting the subhuman you picked. “He wasn’t?”
“No. He even laid hands on you, remember? Beat you so bad the police were involved.” His low, smooth voice whispered back, soothing and confident. Just a little more - all Izana needed was a little more to tip you over to his side, to believe the little lies he told you. You weren’t going to remember much after the high of your heat anyway, only that you two were bound and marked for life. “But I’m here. I’m here to look after you, baby girl. I’ve always been here for you.”
He wanted you he wanted you he wanted you so bad-
Now just within arm’s reach of you, Izana teasingly snapped the elastic waistband of his boxers, and like butterflies to syrup, those wondrous, beautiful blown eyes of yours snapped downwards. And under your judging gaze, the tanned man slowly pulled down the last remaining article of clothing he had on him, revealing his bare body to you. Straightening up revealed the thick, heavy cock that hung between his legs, erect and straining. Individual strands of white hair that decorated his pubic area shimmered even in the dim light, a well-groomed frame that only helped to enhance the desirability of his cock. Izana couldn’t help but puff up at the catch of your breath, thrusting his hip slightly higher for you to get a better look. He knew what your body lusted for, what your heart was screaming and begging for; only he could fulfill you. Only he loved you.
He could all but feel your warm walls surrounding him, squeezing and clenching down around his length - a recurring dream that he had lived through night after night. His version of heaven that he had lived through once, and yearned to live in forever. But not yet. 
Carefully adding his newest offering of his recently worn pajamas, as well as his underwear, atop your breasts and as close to your face as possible, his tanned hand was just inches shy of brushing against your bare hot skin. If you accepted something so intimate from him, it would be time for the next stage. “It’s me, baby girl. Izzy. You remember me, don’t you?”
Like a wave washing over you, the look behind your eyes changed; a certain ferocity roaring to life, overpowering and consuming the almost timid personality the real you had been hiding behind. You had walked straight into his trap. He had been accepted. Yet with your hands still bound above your head, there was little you could do. "Izzy, it- it hurts so bad." You whimpered, wriggling, shifting around in your nest of clothes. Trying to hump yourself against your nest did little to ease your suffering. You needed a dick inside you to soothe the ache and pain. You needed him. "Untie. P-please."
"You know I'll do anything for you, love. But you'll have to do something for me first, okay?"
Coercing. Mate-stealing. Highly illegal crimes that came with hefty punishments for him to be here, courting an omega in the midst of their heat who had already picked their mate. But those stuffy government folks could just add it to his list if they ever grew the balls to come after such a notorious figure as him.
“He didn’t fulfill you, did he, baby girl? He doesn’t know you like I do.” You were hot, burning hot as Izana pressed himself up against you between your legs, his hard dick rubbing firmly against the apex of your legs, your skin radiating heat that warmed his own to its core. The friction against your sensitive clit was a tantalizing glimpse - a promise - of what was to come. “I will, but I want you to mark me first.”
“Mark?” You frowned. “No mark.”
“Mark first.” Izana insisted, leaning forward and tiptoeing to press a chaste kiss to your lips, one hand caressing your cheek even as the other dipped down to play with the rim of your anus. He was lucky to be as tall as he is - even with you seated, the man could barely reach your face while he was humping your pussy. “No mark, no sex.” He whispered into your ear as he kissed a trail down your face and neck.
The normal you would have never agreed. You weren’t interested in marking anyone just yet, and you weren’t ready to mark him, but he wasn’t having it. There was no life, no world without his sun to orbit around, to give his life purpose and meaning, and he needed to make sure that you would only be his. Bound to him forever. He couldn’t live without you. 
Your expression turned ugly in the blink of an eye, and the hiss that seeped from between bared teeth was hair-raising as Izana attempted to nibble down on the marking glands at the crook of your neck. The yakuza boss immediately reeled, pulling away just in time to avoid the swing of your leg, narrowed eyes following the daring alpha as he backed off with both his hands raised in surrender. 
But in the blink of an eye, the anger was gone, evaporated into the blistering cold of the pod, the lust washing over your expression once more. "P-please." You whined, and the tanned man carefully slithered back up to you, eager for the warmth of your embrace - he had made the mistake of rushing the courting process. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
“Dump him. Take me back.” Exposing the crook of his own neck, the harsh grinding of his dick against you only getting firmer as his pheromones filled the air. “Just one mark, and I’ll be all yours. Fuck as long as you want.” He promised. 
You finally caved, a growl gurgling forth from the base of your throat as you lurched forward, biting down and sinking your teeth into the corner of his neck. Izana whimpered, body shaking from the sudden rush of adrenaline that swept through him, violet eyes rolling into the back of his head as you drew blood from his marking glands. You were his. You had marked him, and you were his. Now and forever. 
With a smooth stroke, Izana plunged his entire length into you, the skin of his hip meeting yours in a violet slap. You reeled, releasing him from your teeth, throwing your head back as your toes curled as the other began to pump, long strokes that had him pull himself as far out as he could go before slamming himself back in. Your drooling pussy was more than lubricated enough to take his fat cock without any further preparations, warm walls that clamped down hard around him, milking him for all he was worth. Your body was demanding, a cruel mistress that wanted more and more, and Izana would happily give you anything and everything you wanted. He was all yours.
Brushing your hair aside, he licked your glands several times, enjoying the entire strength of your pheromones and the mild tingling it gave his tongue before chomping down on the crook of your neck - your blood really was as sweet as you. And that was all it took for him to step over the edge of pleasure, and his thrusting became erratic as he came in you, hot cum spurting as deep into you as Izana could go. 
Slumping slightly to take a breath, it was with one trembling hand that the yakuza boss reached out to keep his promise to free you. All it took was a single press of a button on the side of your pod, and the real monster you had temporarily buried emerged the moment your hands were finally freed. You wasted no time in wrapping both around the tanned man’s comparatively tiny waist, strong, muscular arms bodily lifting him into the air with ease. “You better not already be soft,” you snarled, as you lined the tip of his still hard cock up with your still lustful pussy, forcibly pushing him into you once more and setting a brutal pace as you manhandled him as if he weighed nothing more than a doll. As if his dick was no different from a large, warm dildo that occasionally filled you up. “Keep going. More. More.”
White hair flew back and forth at such a speed that it seemed even they had forgotten how to move as you wrangled Izana into going at your pace. One thick digit you had pressed into his anus and firmly kept against his prostate, an attempt to keep the cock that you were thrusting furiously against yourself hard for as long as possible as you licked and salivated over both crooks of his neck before pressing your lips against his in a bruising kiss. “Mine,” you growled, as Izana came again inside you, his body twitching and jerking in your grasp, pressed firmly between your thick thighs. His tongue was loose and heavy, impossible to move into forming any words except grunts and groans, his eyes rolled up in constant pleasure. But there was no rest for the wicked, the white-haired yakuza boss simply made to ride out his orgasm as you started to bounce him once more. You knew he could take it. 
There was no telling how long this session was going to last, but one thing that was clear here and now was that he was entirely yours. 
Outside, the night starry sky had long dominated the sky, yet Kakucho still sat right outside your front door, hand loosely wrapped around the handle of the gun hidden beneath his coat. Even if he had been given strict orders to stop anyone who tried to access your unit, the black-haired man doubted that there would be any trouble - you were an unstoppable force of nature yourself from the short period of time he knew you, and no one would be giving you trouble you didn’t actively get yourself into. He could only hope that his white-haired best friend was still alive and well. Still, the precaution was probably warranted given the smell of you in heat could attract unmarked alphas in the area, not that Kakucho would know what that smelled like.
Taking another chug of soda, his sole working gray eye wandered up from the quiet, uneventful neighborhood to stare at the bright moon beaming down at him. It was probably going to be a long night.
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positivexcellence · 5 months
genpadalecki: kicking our green game up a notch with a few of our fav eco-conscious footwear brands.
tread lightly, towwnies! share your favorite sustainable shoes in the comments below.
@fredasalvador - handcrafted in family-run factories in spain & el salvador, these designer shoes are responsibly sourced using high-quality leathers, ensuring longevity while minimizing environmental impact.
@rothys - this bestselling brand embodies sustainability through circularity, utilizing twice-recycled materials in its innovative shoes. 179+ million single-use plastic bottles have been repurposed into thread. 
@vivaia - crafted from recycled materials, including plastic bottles & post-consumer waste, these circular shoes are made with innovative 3D knitting technology to ensure a perfect fit + minimize excess production.
@pangaia - sourced from Italian vineyards & manufactured in portugal, this stylish & science-back brand repurposes grape byproducts from winemaking that typically go to waste, and the raw materials are transformed into chic sneaks.
@veja - designed in paris/made in brazil, the brand uses natural materials like organic cotton, sugar cane, rice waste & more, working directly with farmers in pre-production to ensure equitable practices.
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glowbugzz · 1 year
ash williams x reader
(this is my first time writing fanfiction, idk if this is any good or if this is a bad place to post but if you like it let me know, maybe i'll do more?) (this story takes place around a year before the events of Ash vs Evil Dead)
You awoke in the trailer to find your boyfriend Ash missing, gone to work another boring shift at ValueStop. Waking up alone made you feel lonely and cold…you got out of bed to find one of Ashley’s sweaters to keep you warm. On his side of the bed was a large pile of clothes, strewn about like a 15 year old boys bedroom. You chuckled at your boyfriends youthful, non-caring attitude. But then you remembered this week was your turn to clean the trailer and you groaned. While searching for a warm shirt to wear, your eyes drifted to something on his nightstand…a hand! Well, a wooden hand. It seems Ash somehow forgot his attachment at home. 
You abandoned the search and instead turned your focus to the hand. Picking it up gave you a weird feeling of comfort; it really wasnt much different than holding this particular hand when it was attached. You wondered what else might still be the same…thinking back on various nights and various situations in which the hand has been used on you. Giggling a bit like a schoolgirl you recalled the many, many times Ash has spanked you with his replacement hand. You felt the weight of his hand in yours, and couldn’t help but press the fingers to your face, imagining as if he were here right now. The things you would do…then you got an idea. What if you could have a little fun of your own, and make your boyfriend a little jealous? Getting out your phone you snapped a selfie of you holding his hand up. 
‘Forget something at home?’ 
He texted back almost immediately. Must not be working too hard, you thought, smirking. 
‘Had to rush this morning. Keep it safe for me, will ya? it was handcrafted in italy you know.’
You rolled your eyes at that, smiling. Who knows if the hand really was made of rosewood, let alone crafted by fine Italians. For all you knew he just stole it off a store mannequin. You admired his bragging and decided to just believe it was true though. 
Taking hold of his hand again and this time you placed it over your shirt, cupping one of your breasts with it. It felt a little weird since it wasn’t actually attached to Ash, but it still felt normal…and very nice, you had to admit. You could feel yourself easily getting aroused just by the feeling of his hand groping you. You decided to take your shirt off, to hell with the cold air conditioner air. It would only make your nipples more sensitive anyway, and that was always a welcome plus. You moved his hand to your bare skin now, the hand feeling cool as well (it is made of wood after all). Okay, selfie time. You posed seductively with his hand and quickly sent it.
‘Wish you were here ;) ‘
This time he didn’t text back. You felt a little miffed by this, but figured maybe someone at work got on his ass to actually do some work for once. He’s probably just trying to find somewhere else to go slack off, you thought. No reason why you couldn’t still have fun on your own. 
Taking his hand, you trailed it down your chest, down to your belly button, down to your thighs. You shed the last remnants of your clothing and was about to move his hand ever closer to your aroused sex– a car door slammed, making you jump a little. The door to the trailer burst open and there was Ash, already trying to frantically unbutton his shirt and kicking his shoes off.
‘What are you doing home?!’ you remarked, surprised, trying to cover yourself with the blanket a little. 
‘Staying here with you seemed a little more tempting than working my shitty job.’ Ash said, taking his work vest and shirt off and throwing them on the ever growing pile of clothes on the ground. He came over to where you were laying on the bed and grabbed his hand from you. 
You heard the familiar click of the hand returning to its owner and started to get even more excited knowing what was to come. 
‘Besides,’ Ash said, grabbing you close by the waist; ‘there ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby.’ 
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bossgoddess46 · 1 year
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"Elevate your wardrobe with these handcrafted Italian leather sneakers displaying the bold MSB monogram logo. Available in eye-catching Santa Claus red or classic white, grey, and black with luxe shark leather details. Creater-designed and made just for you in Italy. Only 6 pairs left of these one-of-a-kind beauties - order now before they're gone!" https://www.aliveshoes.com/msb-shoes-1
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mollytatlisu · 2 years
Emily Chan (2022) 16 Things Everyone Should Know About Sustainable Fashion. Available at: https://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/article/sustainable-fashion (20/12/22)
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domanishoes0 · 4 days
The Art of Craftsmanship: Handcrafted Luxury Shoes
Introduction: In a world where mass production dominates the fashion industry, handcrafted luxury shoes stand out as a testament to tradition, precision, and artistry. These meticulously crafted shoes combine timeless techniques with the finest materials, offering both elegance and durability. But what exactly makes handcrafted luxury shoes so special?
The Craftsmanship Behind Handcrafted Shoes:
Precision & Attention to Detail: Handcrafted luxury shoes are the result of skilled artisans dedicating hours, sometimes days, to ensure every stitch, seam, and cut is flawless. Unlike machine-made footwear, artisans bring years of expertise to craft shoes that are as unique as the hands that create them.
Traditional Techniques & Modern Flair: Many luxury shoe brands stay true to century-old methods of shoemaking, using techniques such as Goodyear welting, Blake stitching, or hand-lasted soles. Combined with modern design elements, this creates a seamless blend of tradition and innovation.
Quality Materials: From premium Italian leather to exotic skins like crocodile or ostrich, handcrafted luxury shoes use only the finest materials. The texture, color, and durability of these materials set these shoes apart, ensuring they age beautifully over time.
Why Handcrafted Shoes Are Worth the Investment:
Longevity & Durability: Due to the use of superior materials and construction techniques, handcrafted shoes can last a lifetime with proper care. They can be resoled and refurbished, ensuring they remain a staple in your wardrobe for years.
Tailored Fit: Many luxury shoe brands offer bespoke services, allowing shoes to be tailored to the exact measurements of your feet. This not only ensures maximum comfort but also creates a pair of shoes that is uniquely yours.
Timeless Elegance: Handcrafted shoes transcend fleeting fashion trends. Their timeless designs and impeccable craftsmanship make them versatile pieces that can elevate any outfit, from casual to formal wear.
Famous Brands Known for Handcrafted Luxury Shoes:
John Lobb: Founded in 1866, John Lobb is synonymous with British elegance and unparalleled craftsmanship.
Santoni: Italian craftsmanship at its finest, Santoni is known for combining artisanal techniques with a modern aesthetic.
Edward Green: A heritage brand that’s been handcrafting shoes since the 1890s, known for its commitment to excellence.
Berluti: Parisian brand that has perfected the art of making exquisitely detailed, comfortable shoes for over a century.
Caring for Your Handcrafted Shoes: To ensure your handcrafted luxury shoes last for decades:
Clean them regularly with a soft cloth and leather cleaner.
Use shoe trees to maintain their shape.
Keep them in dust bags when not in use.
Get them professionally polished and resoled when necessary.
Conclusion: Handcrafted luxury shoes are more than just footwear; they are a statement of style, quality, and individuality. In an era where fast fashion often compromises quality for convenience, investing in handcrafted shoes not only enhances your wardrobe but also preserves a rich tradition of artisanal craftsmanship.
For more info:-
Handcrafted Luxury Shoes
Handcrafted Luxury Shoes For Men
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cosabellalingerie · 17 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAR SORELI original Friulane Flat shoes Gold Satin.
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luxetings · 22 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: {P448} Skate Pink Metallic Colorblock High Top Leather Sneakers.
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abarcsshoes · 1 month
At Abarcs, we're proud to provide handcrafted shoes that are painstakingly made in Italy and Spain. Our dedication to the best design and quality guarantees that our items age well, emulating a beauty that lasts easily over time. We produce items that exemplify the classic beauty of Italian and Spanish workmanship by working with the best leathers and craftspeople. Our goal is this. We are proud to know that we provide you a sense of belonging by way of our shoes.
Contact Us:
Miami, FL, United States, Florida
+1 305-326-3543
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Abarcs-mi/61562779986398/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abarcs_miami/
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Exploring Charleston's Vibrant Nightlife Scene: A Local's Guide Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina may be known for its historic charm and beautiful architecture, but the city also boasts a vibrant nightlife scene that is not to be missed. From trendy rooftop bars to energetic dance clubs, Charleston offers something for everyone looking to experience the city after dark. As a local resident and avid explorer of Charleston's nightlife, I have compiled a guide to help you navigate the best spots in town. Rooftop Bars When it comes to enjoying a drink with a view, Charleston's rooftop bars are the place to be. One of my favorite spots is The Rooftop at Vendue, located in the heart of downtown Charleston. With stunning views of the city skyline and harbor, this rooftop bar is the perfect place to relax and unwind after a long day of exploring. Another popular spot is The Watch Rooftop Kitchen & Spirits, which offers a more modern and sleek atmosphere along with delicious cocktails and small plates. Dance Clubs For those looking to dance the night away, Charleston has several clubs that cater to the late-night crowd. My top pick is Trio Club, a stylish venue that features live DJs spinning the latest hits and a lively dance floor. Another great option is NV Dance Lounge, which offers a more upscale experience with VIP bottle service and a diverse crowd of party-goers. Craft Cocktails If you're a fan of craft cocktails, Charleston has a thriving bar scene that is sure to impress. The Belmont is a cozy speakeasy-style bar that serves up delicious handcrafted cocktails in a retro-inspired setting. You can also check out Doar Bros., a trendy cocktail bar that offers a rotating menu of inventive drinks made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Live Music Venues Charleston has a rich music scene with plenty of venues that showcase both local talent and touring acts. The Pour House is a popular spot for live music, with a diverse lineup of bands playing everything from rock to blues. Another great venue is The Music Farm, which hosts larger concerts and dance parties in a spacious and energetic setting. Late-Night Eats After a night of dancing and drinking, you'll likely work up an appetite. Fortunately, Charleston has no shortage of late-night eats to satisfy your cravings. The Butcher & Bee is a favorite among locals, serving up creative sandwiches and small plates until the early hours of the morning. Another top pick is Melfi's, an Italian restaurant that offers a late-night menu featuring delicious pasta dishes and wood-fired pizzas. Conclusion Charleston's nightlife scene is as diverse and exciting as the city itself. Whether you're looking to sip craft cocktails on a rooftop bar, dance the night away at a club, or enjoy live music in a cozy venue, Charleston has something for everyone. As a local resident, I am constantly discovering new and exciting nightlife spots in the city, and I encourage you to explore all that Charleston has to offer after dark. So grab some friends, put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience the vibrant nightlife scene of Charleston like a true local. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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chsthrive · 1 month
Exploring Charleston's Vibrant Nightlife Scene: A Local's Guide Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina may be known for its historic charm and beautiful architecture, but the city also boasts a vibrant nightlife scene that is not to be missed. From trendy rooftop bars to energetic dance clubs, Charleston offers something for everyone looking to experience the city after dark. As a local resident and avid explorer of Charleston's nightlife, I have compiled a guide to help you navigate the best spots in town. Rooftop Bars When it comes to enjoying a drink with a view, Charleston's rooftop bars are the place to be. One of my favorite spots is The Rooftop at Vendue, located in the heart of downtown Charleston. With stunning views of the city skyline and harbor, this rooftop bar is the perfect place to relax and unwind after a long day of exploring. Another popular spot is The Watch Rooftop Kitchen & Spirits, which offers a more modern and sleek atmosphere along with delicious cocktails and small plates. Dance Clubs For those looking to dance the night away, Charleston has several clubs that cater to the late-night crowd. My top pick is Trio Club, a stylish venue that features live DJs spinning the latest hits and a lively dance floor. Another great option is NV Dance Lounge, which offers a more upscale experience with VIP bottle service and a diverse crowd of party-goers. Craft Cocktails If you're a fan of craft cocktails, Charleston has a thriving bar scene that is sure to impress. The Belmont is a cozy speakeasy-style bar that serves up delicious handcrafted cocktails in a retro-inspired setting. You can also check out Doar Bros., a trendy cocktail bar that offers a rotating menu of inventive drinks made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Live Music Venues Charleston has a rich music scene with plenty of venues that showcase both local talent and touring acts. The Pour House is a popular spot for live music, with a diverse lineup of bands playing everything from rock to blues. Another great venue is The Music Farm, which hosts larger concerts and dance parties in a spacious and energetic setting. Late-Night Eats After a night of dancing and drinking, you'll likely work up an appetite. Fortunately, Charleston has no shortage of late-night eats to satisfy your cravings. The Butcher & Bee is a favorite among locals, serving up creative sandwiches and small plates until the early hours of the morning. Another top pick is Melfi's, an Italian restaurant that offers a late-night menu featuring delicious pasta dishes and wood-fired pizzas. Conclusion Charleston's nightlife scene is as diverse and exciting as the city itself. Whether you're looking to sip craft cocktails on a rooftop bar, dance the night away at a club, or enjoy live music in a cozy venue, Charleston has something for everyone. As a local resident, I am constantly discovering new and exciting nightlife spots in the city, and I encourage you to explore all that Charleston has to offer after dark. So grab some friends, put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience the vibrant nightlife scene of Charleston like a true local. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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cosetteluxury · 2 months
“Stellabrating” a Sustainable Icon: The Falabella Bag, 15 years on 
One of Stella McCartney’s most iconic creations, the cult Falabella bag has adorned the shoulders of eco-conscious buyers for 15 years. First released in 2009, the line of Falabella bags was a continuation of Stella McCartney’s eponymous brand’s mission to never use leather, furs, skins or feathers. With this goal, the luxury house set new standards in the industry. Now in its 15th year, the Falabella remains an It-bag investment and an investment in sustainable fashion practices. 
Stella McCartney is a responsible label that produces ready-to-wear, bags, accessories and shoes each season. Recognised by its iconic curbed chain and whipstitched trim, the Falabella is the brand’s most popular line of bags. Handcrafted in Italy and over the years adorned with cut-outs, embroidery, quilting and patterned motifs to suit trends and tastes of the time, the Falabella is a Stella icon that has gained the luxury brand global recognition.  
Crafted primarily from plant-based materials, its lining is made from ocean plastic, and the chain handles are diamond-cut from recycled brass and recyclable aluminum. Italian artisans' hand-lace the pieces together with organic cotton twine, building each bag with meticulous care. With dedication to material and craftsmanship comes a suite of celebrity and style icons donning the Falabella; from Kate Moss to Anne Hathaway. 
In honor of the anniversary, McCartney has launched an exclusive collection of limited-edition Falabella bags. Featuring designs such as cinnamon stick-inspired boho fringe and cracked silver leather paired with a silver chain worthy of a festival, these renditions of the iconic bag are bold statements that maintain the Falabella’s signature top-handle silhouette. 
Discover more about the 15th anniversary capsule collection here, or shop the classic Falabella line at cosette.com.au.
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micro-expressions · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Frye Brielle Poppy Red Leather Back Zip Ankle Heel Casual/Formal Open Toe Sandal.
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italianshoesblog · 3 months
Chelsea Boots for Men
Shop our premium leather men's dress & suede chelsea boots, handcrafted in Italy. Browse our wide range of Chelsea boots at Italian Shoes Online. FREE SHIPPING.
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cosabellalingerie · 17 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAR SORELI original Friulane Flat shoes Black Lurex Satin.
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