#Its just the principle of it. I dont want to give in to subscriptions now.
loveletterworm · 6 months
clip studio ex charges so much extra money for really specific quality of life features and you just never think you'd need those for years until one day you kind of do. and it's really annoying somehow.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
Spot Winners
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Spot Winners
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    Im going to show you precisely how you can copy my results quickly and painlessly so that your betting accounts and results look just like mine…
If You Are Looking For
A Network that will help you Generate Your First Profits Today
A simple but effective approach any punter with any level of experience can use.
A Solution which requires a low starting bank and no studying of form or stats
Then Do whatever you need to do to make sure you have at least 7 uninterrupted minutes to see everything on this page then hit the button below…
Fellow Punter, I know exactly how you feel!
One complicated software program after another, one high-priced tipster after another, one “sure fire” system after another… you have some success, but of course, the “bad luck” far outweighes the winners. Sound familiar?
I’ll bet that every time you bought one of these “miracle softwares” you were promised in the very persuasive sales letter that it would be the answer to all of your problems.  
So I know how you feel – Most of these half baked, products on the market promise you quick results but cant stand the test of time and end up wiping your bank clean in just one or two bets. These products fail to consider the most vital ingredients to successful punting – money management principles, and maintaining the right amount of discipline.
Like you I’ve bought most of them… bought into their lies and then bought their crappy systems… but that will NEVER happen again let me tell you why…
My Name is Andrew. Before I give you the details of exactly how I SPOT WINNERS, I should tell you I am going to divulge some extremely delicate details about what led to this point. Dont worry I’m not going to bore you with my life story, but if you have been a punter for any length of time, you might relate.
Perhaps not my best trait, but it is a passion I’ve had over the years: I LOVE TO GAMBLE! There is almost no better “high” than placing a few pounds on a horse than smiling your way to the cashier’s window with a winning ticket.
 I have been in the business a while and built up some useful contacts along the way, but still, the thrill of picking winning horses was not something I got to experience too often until I Went to Aintree Races one Sunday and my life completely changed.
I wont bore you with the particulars but to make a long story short I met became friends with a particular punter after meeting him though one of my close friends (an apprentice jockey you would know of about if you follow the sport.) 
Now I cant name him for legal and data protection reasons but lets just say…
The type of punter who has Trainers, owners, breeders, jockeys, clockers, grooms, and expert handicappers on speed dial,
They know when a horse is in peak condition, when a recent ailment has been overcome, when an equipment change has worked, when a workout says its time to bet… and he can bet unquantifiable sums on races based on this information .  
This guy is so deep in the game he has network of people who place bets for him!
For those of you that dont know, most bookmakers categorise the value each customer brings. Good customers, (or habitual losers) are A Grade and their system slides down according to the win-to-lose ratio of the customer.
As I fit the criteria of a “good customer” I was offered a position in his network as a commission agent, and I was more than happy to accept.
A commission agent is basically a middle man who places large bets on horses for people within the racing industry.
Myself and a team of others would place MASSIVE bets on his behalf as and when needed! His instructions were often to “Get as much on as you can” No limit!! in some cases £70,000 or more, and he would accept whatever was returned!
Now most people would assume that such business guarantees the procurement of inside information, possibly of the highest calibre….but they’d be wrong!
This Particular punter is modest and nearly OBSESSIVE about his privacy, the first time we met I asked him bluntly over a pint
“How do you do it”??…and his reply was simply…
However I did get the him to open up somewhat eventually and he shared with me (and continues to share with me) some extremely valuable information regarding uk race courses.
He wouldn’t divulge his exact methods or share his sources but the information i get is more than enough to make my betting pay, and in 6 months I was Dominating the online tipster competition forums and transforming my online betting accounts in the process.
Fast Forward 2 years and im still here today providing a small network of punters with this priceless information.
I created this website with the intention of expanding the network…and show how you too can sneak your way into this exclusive, elusive group to cash in on the same winning horses normally reserved only for racing’s elite circle.
Members of the exclusive Spot Winners network get crystal clear, easy-to-understand advice sent via email each day that can be applied during the Flat and National Hunt season.
No long hours studying past performances
No extended periods without selections
No weeks spent learning complicated software
No Guesswork, No Decisions, No Stressing
No gut-wrenching long losing streaks to suffer through
Not A Bunch Of Low-Priced Favorite Picks
No complex or convoluted betting methods
No Complicated Software
No recurring monthly payments or surprise charges
Big Priced Winners all year round!
Spot Winners package will provide a realistic, logical and profitable toolset that you can use to make as much or as little profit as you like!
…IF they are even capable of selecting winners of this quality and consistency.
Imagine what your betting accounts will look like when you start accumulating and leveraging winning bets… Turning £5 on a horse into £50…
£10 into £100…Cashing in £1,000 winners on a regular basis.
A lucky few, aren’t just imagining it…They’re DOING IT with…with SPOT WINNERS
It’s simple to make profits when you have the tools to do so. You too can transfer tax-free profit directly to your bank account like I do.
I want YOU to know what it’s like to finally be the guy on the “inside”…I won’t lie to you – it’s AWESOME, and the freedom this gives you is incredible.
Steven Joined me in January and made £2,620.91 in his first 12 days in with A £200 Starting Bank
Spot Winners odds are across the board. but like I said we never bet odds on shots and we always focus on VALUE! Do we always win? Of course not, no service does.
Have we had losing days? Occasionally, but there have been very few and they’re usually very, very far between. The best part is the strategies we have in place to ensure we’re NEVER compensating for any previous losses
3 things you need to know before joining…
1. “If you’re looking for a lot of “action” 24/7, Spot Winners is not for you”
Yes, we like to gamble. But NO, we do not like to lose.
Our source is very meticulous and extremely particular about his advice. Only three or four horses meet his precise criteria on any given day and on some days none at all.
2. This gentleman insists that his involvement remain in “the background” and that his selections MUST NOT SHARED with anyone outside of this select network.
We are taking a risk by allowing private thoughts and opinions from racings elite to enter the public domain so if you do join us we ask that you keep this information to yourself!
Yes, your mates, spouses and family members will wonder about your “new fortune.” And you will be expected to “pick up the tab” on a regular basis.
When profits like these are building up in YOUR betting accounts, you will be able to afford to.
And finally, number 3…
As I said earlier were dealing with very sensitive information that the public rarely get a chance to take advantage of so there’s a ABSOLUTE STRICT LIMIT of new clients we can accept.
When that lmit is reached THIS SITE WILL BE CLOSED TO NEW MEMBERS! no favours, no second chances!
Let me help you spot winners for 60 days any way you want. And if you’re not convinced, not absolutely thrilled with your results, just email in [[email protected]] and I will refund your joining fee, no questions asked!
That’s a 60 day, 100% Complete Money Back Guarantee.
You’ll be redirected to our 100% SECURE Check out page
When your, one-time payment of £47 has been processed…
You’ll be immediately scheduled to receive the winning selections for the next UK racing day and the following 90 days after.
Place your winning bets at the advised time.
Collect your winnings, or simply watch your account grow
At the end of your 90 days you can either walk away a happy man or join me again for another round.
Don’t ignore this offer. ACT NOW!
* 40 2 spaces left as of Sunday, February 23, 2020 11:43 AM
I sincerely hope to see you on the other side.
Now I’m sure you’re eager to get started but before you do, please take a few moments to view our most frequently asked questions & answers.
Q: I’ve used other services and failed. What’s so good about yours?
A: It works! its that simple. These fly-by-night phonys just don’t have a clue when it comes to horse racing. We work with our clients to ensure you you get the best out of this service and there are no extra systems you need, no subscription charges or added fee’s for information and all of this is backed up with a full 60 day money back guarantee!
Q: Will I win All of the time?
A: No, it is unrealistic to expect to win 100% of the time. we have a win rate of around 40% so there will be periods with lots of winners and periods with less winners. As long as you stick with the advice given you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Q: How Many selections get tipped find each Day?
A: We are highly selective about what we send to our clients On average 3 selections, usually more over the weekends, and on some days none at all (you’ll be notified about well in advance) Most tips are back to win or Each Way depending on odds.
Q: Can I contact you if I have any questions?
A:  Most other system creators have no longevity that’s because they have nil passion for betting or the horse racing itself. You won’t get none of that type of behaviour with me. Feel free to contact me at any time and i will get back to you as soon as possible Try it if you dont believe me [email protected]
* 40 2 spaces left as of Sunday, February 23, 2020 11:43 AM
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