#Itzy Chaeryoung
1haqerin · 3 months
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yoshiks · 2 years
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999 .. スピン 📎 of all people
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luxora · 2 years
Itzy -> {Highschool AU} -> Falling for the school player
Requested: No
Group: Itzy
Genre: Fluff. Angst
Warnings: Mention of cheating. Some toxic behavior. Mention of underage drinking. Some swearing.
A/N: Always remember to put yourself first. You don’t need someone to tell you your worth.
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Yeji did not realize that you were behind her until her locker was suddenly slammed shut and she was suddenly pressed against it, an arm caging her in while a warm body was so close to hers that she could practically feel the warmth emitting from it. A gentle scent reached her nose, a familiar one, and Yeji suddenly felt a hand under her chin as it titled her head up to force her to look into the eyes that have been following her all day.
“Hey Yeji.” You husked gently, a smile on your face as you raised your eyebrow cutely at her as she went slack jawed at your sudden appearance. “How you doing?”
This was hardly the first time you have done this to Yeji, and yet every time she is startled and flushed at your close proximity, as well as going dizzy with the scent of your body cologne which seems to be your favorite, and has steadily over time become her own. Realizing that she was staring very obviously, she closed her mouth and cleared her throat before tugging her chin out from your grip, shrugging her shoulders.
“I’m okay.” She answered, attempting to look away from you so she would fall into a state of daydreaming again. But you didn’t allow her to, instead you lifted your hand to grip her chin again to force her to look at you, an exaggerated pout on your lips which was almost illegal because it just made your lips look a whole lot more kissable.
“Just okay? Hasn’t it gotten a little bit better in the last few minutes?”
While it sounded like you were concerned, Yeji knew that you simply wanted her to acknowledge that you did make her day a little better just by interacting with you. But it was not like Yeji was the only girl you did this to, you did it with everyone. It was well known in JYP High that you were a notorious flirt, and it did not matter if a girl was in a relationship or not. You always tried to shoot your shot and most of the time you were successful.
There was just something addicting about you. You simply managed to get the attention fo everyone in a room, and Yeji was not exempt from the said room. Even though she knows that there is no hope for you to take her seriously, she still allowed her heart to hold on a little piece of hope that you may just take her seriously, more than just another girl you flirted with.
“I suppose it has.” Yeji started, swallowing slightly before moistening her lips with her tongue as they suddenly felt very dry. Her heart shuddered when she noticed your eyes flint down to watch the movement before looking back into her eyes, your pout disappearing to be replaced with a delighted smile, a mischievous twinkle in your eye which only made her heart shudder even more.
It really was illegal for you to be so charming without even trying. No one else could ever make an effect on others like you did.
“Glad to hear it, although it would be nice if you were a little bit more clear with your feelings.” Even though she knew that you were not referring to her obvious feelings for you, Yeji’s heart couldn’t help but lurch in terror as the indication of your words, but it calmed down when you suddenly removed your hand from her chin to playfully tap her nose, your smile wide. “Smile if you are happy Yeji, you look even more beautiful when you smile.”
Even though it was something that you said to all girls, Yeji’s chest couldn’t help but warm at the compliment and a smile unconsciously crawled along her face, which immediately made your face light up on delight as you mirrored her bright smile, your finger moving down to trace the bow of her upper lip. You winked at you.
“There you go.”
Then just as quickly as you arrived, you left, pushing yourself off her locker and sparing her with one final wave before making your way down the school hallway, waving and winking at all the other girls as they turned to acknowledge you. Yeji watched your turned figure until you were finally enveloped in the crowded hallway, sighing and slumping against her locker in defeat while she attempted to calm her heart which was beating at a mile per minute.
You were illegal. An illegal substance which Yeji just cant seem to get enough of. She knows that you are never going to see her more than just another girl to flirt with at school, and yet she still deep down hopes that perhaps you will see her in a different light some day.
Maybe only in her dreams.
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It is okay.
It is okay.
It is okay.
This is just a misunderstanding. There is no way that you would actually do this to her.
Lia kept chanting the words in her head, hoping that it will convince her that there was a logical explanation behind the photo sent to her by one of her friends who had left with you and the rest of the team for the end of year Championship games. But no matter which way she looked at the photo, it told her the exact same thing. It was as clear as a single cloud in the blue sky, there was no other way Lia could see it.
You and another girl kissing in the middle of a party.
Your team had won the championship. It was a close game but JYP High had managed to pull through in the end and you and everyone else had decided to go out to celebrate. You were so happy and so excited, calling Lia not even two hours ago to tell her that the team had won. She was so happy for you, and she couldn’t wait for you and the team to return home so that the two of you could celebrate together along with your friends.
But it seemed like you got into the partying like you usually did before you decided to go steady with Lia, which consisted of you making out with other girls.
Not too long ago, Lia was one of those girls. With Lia being one of the school cheerleaders and you being a member of the school soccer team, it was only expected for the two of you to be quite involved with one another, especially since it was a known secret that Lia has had a crush on you since freshman year.
You were never one for relationships, always going through different girls with a lot of variety, but you mainly stuck to fellow jocks and cheerleaders because you simply preferred the similar backgrounds that they all had as fellow athletes. Everyone knew everybody, and everyone seemed to get closer than most friends would like usual. Lia at first was just someone that you regularly made out with at derbies, parties, and even at each others home when the two of you visited each other, but then you were prompted to try go steady with her, a first for you which Lia was proud to be.
But it seemed that the influence of spiked drinks at a party was all it took for you to forget that you had a girlfriend waiting for you at home, and who has discovered your little slip up courtesy to one of your teammates who happened to be one of Lia’s friends.
Her eyes first stung before finally becoming blurry with tears as her hand shook in front of her as she held onto her phone, the image burning itself into her mind until it was all she could see. The chants be damned, there was nothing that could make her unsee the image or make her not believe it. The evidence was very clearly in her hand, and even if you were to come up with some kind of excuse, there was no way that you would be able to talk yourself out of the fact that you betrayed her.
In a sudden burst of rage, Lia all but threw her phone against her bedroom wall and let out a scream, her tears streaming down her cheeks that she furiously tried to wipe away with her hands until she couldn’t help but crumble into her bed, sobbing heavily while the concerned voice of her parents were calling out to her from downstairs. But Lia ignored them, she just wanted the floor to swallow her up and take her away from this world just so that she can escape her pain.
Maybe she should have expected this, maybe she had gotten too comfortable. She was your first steady girlfriend, and even though it is a miracle itself that you decided to seriously date someone, it didn’t mean that you past habits were suddenly washed away. You were still you, just attached with a label with someone, but even a label can be crossed out with the right marker and it seemed that you found the right one which consisted of being away in another city away from Lia and out of sight from any of your or her shared friends that would catch you in the act.
But it seemed that you forgot that one of her friends was one of your teammates, and has just revealed your betrayal to her the same night you committed it. Would you have had come clean once you come home? Or would you have left her in the dark and continue the relationship with your crime going unpunished? Lia didn’t know, and quite honestly, she didn’t have the urge to think about it.
The only thing she could do was cry, and even though her parents finally walked upstairs and entered her bedroom, she could still only cry. It was the only way to lessen the pain.
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She should have known better than to give you the benefit of the doubt. While Ryujin had promised herself not to fall for charms like every other girl in school, she couldn’t help but break her promise because aside from the strong, tough girl front she liked to put up, she was still a girl who had dreams of being loved and you were always someone who had a plentiful amount of love to give others.
But the problem was that you always gave it to everyone at the same time as the other.
You were resilient in your pursuit for Ryujin, always batting off her insults with a smile and dodging her punches like a pro boxer, not at all phased by her apparent dislike of you. In fact the one time when you had used the classic ‘Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ line on her, Ryujin decided to bat you away with her own line of ‘No, but I did scrape my knee crawling out of hell’. But instead of being batted away, you simply smiled at her and winked before delivering the smooth response of ‘that explains why you are so hot’.
She kept turning you down and was determined to keep doing so until the one day she surprised even herself when she agreed to go to a movie with you. But of cause she threatened to rip your arm off if you even thought to try pull some moves on her in the cinema, which you intelligently chose not to do. But following that movie date, Ryujin found her walls slowly lowering the more time she spent with you. You were charming and smart, witty to the point that Ryujin couldn’t help but laugh at very joke you would make. She found herself enjoying your company, and even at times yearning for it because you just made her feel lighter.
She started falling for you, and she was giving serious thought of giving you a chance.
You were not like most people who were intimidated by her demeanor, in fact you even embraced it. You fell into the same rhythm as Ryujin and marched to the beat of the same drum. While she was wary of your reputation, she thought that maybe perhaps you were different in comparison to it, that you were genuinely interested in breaking away from your usual relationship flamboyant ways and to try take a real chance in a relationship.
Ryujin thought that you genuinely had wanted a relationship with her, but it took one party to realize that it was just a whole gimmick that you were pulling.
When she had lost sight of you during the school dance, she went out looking for you, thinking that perhaps you got sidetracked from one of you friends or lost sight of her on the dance floor due to you errand and fetching some punch for the two of you. She looked for you for a while and could not find you in the dance hall, so she headed outside of it and started looking through the corridors, thinking that maybe you had gone to the bathroom.
And she did eventually find you, only she did not find you alone.
Ryujin felt the blood in her body freeze as she took in the sight of you pressing another girl against one of the lockers in the empty corridor, lips hot on hers while your hands were wrapped around her waist while the girl’s hands were tangled in your hair. You didn’t even realize that someone had walked in on you and your apparent new paramour until Ryujin scoffed, the sound making you rip away from the girl to stare at her with wide eyes.
“You almost had me fooled.” Ryujin scoffed, her eyes stinging as liquid threatened to form in her eyes but by sheer will she refused to allow it. She blinked her eyes rapidly to stop it, not wanting you to see how upset she was with this whole new discovery.
“Ryujin wait, its not what it looks like-”
“Oh please, even you know that is a pathetic excuse. Let me guess, you tripped and fell?”
Even though you have expressed your interest in Ryujin, you were still a natural flirt and Ryujin has caught you many times looking and flirting with other girls. But you always assured her that it meant nothing, and you even apologized at the times she did catch you in the act. She decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and figured that it was simply a part of you that you were trying to break away from.
But she shouldn’t have done that, because you have now just proved that you were in fact just the same as always.
“Just forget it.”
She honestly could not stomach being near you right now, not when she was clearly experiencing the first stages of heartbreak just like all the other girls in the past who were involved with you. Without giving you a chance to say anything else, Ryujin turned and walked away, intent to leave the dance entirely because now her night as been completely ruined. Even though you called out her name, she didn’t respond. She just kept walking away until she was out of the school building and finally given the privacy to let her tears fall.
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Chaeryoung couldn’t help but whimper as your hand slipped under he shirt to caress the small part of her back while the two of you stood under the bleachers, sharing several passionate kisses with one another during the school break. Her fingers were tangled in your hair while your were around her waist, one becoming adventurous as your fingers spread along her skin, enjoying the warmth of her body against your palm.
You pulled away from her lips to give her a chance to breathe, but that did stop you from scattering her jaw and neck with kisses that burnt like embers from a fire. Chaeryoung squeezed her eyes shut and arched her neck to give you more space, which you immediately took advantage of as you settled on a part of her neck and began to gently suck at her skin, your teeth just grazing it enough to leave a noticeable bruise on her neck.
Chaeryoung gasped as you continued to suck at her neck, her fingers digging into your scalp on reflex which made you growl against her neck, the sound itself making Chaeryoung’s body overheat more than it already was. You continued to suck at her neck for a few more minutes before finally pulling away, a satisfied smile crawling along your lips as your eyes were fixed on the spot that you mouth was just attached to.
“Perfect.” You stated, leaning in to press a kiss to Chaeryoung’s lips before pulling away fully this time, your hands moving away from Chaeryoung’s waist to instead dig into your pocket to pull out your phone, checking your reflection in the screen. “Dammit, we’ve got five minutes to get to class. Sorry Chae, but we got to cut this short.”
You flashed her a smile before you hastily began to fix your hair, trying to flatten it due to Chaeryoung’s fingers making quite a mess of it. Instead of answering, Chaeryoung just nodded, grabbing her own phone to check out her reflection in the screen. Her eyes immediately widened at the red spot that has formed on her neck.
“Y/N!” Chaeryoung exclaimed, causing you to turn around and look at her questionably. Chaeryoung pointed at her neck and stared at you with a pointed look. “Look at what you did!”
You grinned.
“I know. Looks great right?”
“I don’t have a scarf or anything to cover it! Yeji and the others are going to make fun on me!”
“Why would they make fun of you? If you ask me, they’‘ll be jealous that they don’t have one to match.”
While you did not mean much by it, the words immediately made Chaeryoung freeze. While you and Chaeryoung had this some sort of arrangement to meet nearly every school break under the bleachers, it did not mean that the two of you were associated with only each other. Well, maybe not you.
Everyone, even her friends, are aware of how much of a good kisser you were. You had everyone in the palm of your hand, Chaeryoung included, and even though you had a known reputation of never being exclusive to everyone, you always seemed to have the ability to make a girl feel like they are the only one in the world for you. Only for you would always remind that you weren’t tied down to anyone, not even to the person that you were currently making out with.
A throb of pain went to her heart, but Chaeryoung tried her best to hide her pained expression as she flashed you a wobbly smile, nodding as she began to adjust her hair in a way to try hide the newly formed hickey. You smiled at Chaeryoung and stepped forward to cup her cheek, stroking it tenderly with her thumb.
‘Same time tomorrow?” You asked, or rather stated because no one has ever turned down a meeting with you under the bleachers, Chaeryoung included. She nodded with a smile.
“Of course.”
“Great. Catch you later gorgeous.”
You leaned in to press a final kiss to her lips before finally walking away, tucking your hands into your jacket pockets and whistling as you exited from under the bleachers and headed towards the school building, leaving Chaeryoung behind with her wounded pride and heart as you finished your last make out session with her for the day.
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You were the first person to take an interest in her, the first one to want to get to know more about her aside the few friends she has made already. Yuna was smitten the second she met you when you had shown her around the school and then invited her to her first high school party. On that same night, Yuna gave you her first kiss and many others followed after that, and yet she later learned that it was a steady tactic of yours that you always used to be able to kiss every single girl in school.
Its not like you were a bad person. You were sweet, kind, and warm - however, you proved to have a cruel side because you were very capable of breaking every girls heart, and at times you did it knowingly because you had an addiction that you suppressed by means of meeting up with other girls.
You were neither popular or unpopular, you were some sort of middle individual in all of the cliques of the school. You knew everyone and everyone knew you, and you new exactly how to slide in each individual social group to work your magic on some poor unsuspecting girl who happened to catch your eye. That is how you worked your magic on Yuna and her friends, joining them for lunch quite a few times before expertly pulling Yuna in with your undoubtable charms that just made her seem like the only girl in the world.
A smooth criminal who stole hearts, so slick and professional that it almost seemed like second nature to you, and the sad thing is that Yuna still fell for you even though she knew that you would just break her heart.
“Yuna, how many times have we told you that Y/N is just no good for you.” Yeji scolded, her hand tangled in her own hair as she combing it in frustration while she and the others sat at the lunch table in the cafeteria. Yuna flashed her a watery smile.
“You don’t know them like I do Yeji.”
“That’s what they all say until they are left in a puddle of their own tears.”
Yeji and the others simply didn’t understand you like she did. She knows a side of you that others don’t, she knows that you have a sensitive heart, that you are just trying to protect yourself from getting hurt like you in the past. She could help you, she could be the one that could heal your heart. She knows that she is the one for you, the special one who could truly show you what it was like to be loved.
She could be your everything, just like you said you were looking for.
“What Y/N and I have is different, they love me.”
“No, they love what you give them. Yuna, you have to respect yourself.”
“I respect myself just fine, it is you who is not respecting my choice to give Y/N a chance.”
“And how many chances are you going to give them until you realize that they are taking you for a ride. Y/N doesn’t do relationships Yuna, and every time a girl says that she will be the one to be able to fix them, they always end up with their hearts broken. I don’t want that to happen to you Yuna, you have to believe me when I say I am saying this for your own good.”
People are always telling her that you are going to break her heart. They say that you will entertain her for a small while, keep her around until you’ve had enough and then eventually discard her like some overused piece of gum. But they only judge you to how you behave in public, they have seen you at your most vulnerable like Yuna has. She knows that she is the one capable of making you experience a real sweet love during high school. Yuna knows that things between her and you were going to be different in comparison to the other girls in the past that tried to tame you.
“And I am saying that things will be different for Y/N and I. I love them Yeji, and I don’t think I need to keep telling you that they love me too.” Yuna said, grabbing a fistful of her skirt as she fixed a hard look to her older friend.
Yeji stared at Yuna with a hard look of her own, eventually shaking her head before she stood up and grabbed whatever left of her drink there was and spared Yuna with another look.
“There is no talking through to you. Just know Yuna, it isn’t going to end well for you. Nothing ever ends well for the girl who involves themself in the life of Y/N L/N, and I speak from experience.”
Before Yuna could retort or even contemplate the newly revealed information, Yeji turned and walked away, leaving Yuna behind as she decided to just allow her to experience what it meant to be heartbroken by Y/N L/N herself.
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Ryujin: She just doesn’t look like she believes in giving money to the government
Yuna: She would though
Yeji: Yes. She would.
Lia: Okay, but like from leaving a candle burning or playing with a lighter or something
Chaeryoung: Yes
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chompsart · 1 year
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chaeryeong <3
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luhvlyuna · 2 years
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꒰ 🥐 ⊹ ˚ . I miss what we had ᵎ ➶ . ˚ ༉
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bonitarkve · 1 year
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requests are always open
follow for more ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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itzy-midzy-blog22 · 1 year
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{ITZY Instagram update 25/12/22}
Merry Christmas MIDZY 🌲❤️ You are the best Christmas gift for ITZY🎁
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be-t-s · 2 years
Best. Christmas presents. EVERRRRRR
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mxyx-rx444 · 2 years
Shin Ryujin 😍
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okay buy let's talk about how beautiful she is....especially in person? STUNNING😩😍
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itz-y-updates · 2 years
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soulari · 4 months
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  ꒰⠀⠀ა⠀⠀❀ ⠀. untouchable⠀⠀໒⠀꒱
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sohighsohaii · 3 months
APCA: First this one's on top, and then the other: ITZY(ft. a mystery Guest)
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Series Masterlist
(Part 1 of the Itzy Arc: Ryujin, Yeji and Yuna's breaking is begun. Lia and Chaeryoung's breaking begins in the next part. Still not that much smut, I promise it comes soon)
TW! The aforementioned sexual exploitation, pretty much non-con, slight torture, drugging. (DO NOT READ IF NOT COMFORTABLE)
"Send her as soon as you can. She'll be instrumental." You say into the phone, hearing Aegis agree on the other side of the phone.
Hanging up, you looked around the room, ensuring the room was clear, before sighing. This was a part of your life you had hoped not to reignite. Before you joined the force, you had a...troubled past, with problematic habits and compulsions. All that was shed once you donned the uniform, but now, as you shed the uniform, you are also forced to go back to your problematic habits. You knew this was meant for the sake of ending the suffering. That's what you told yourself, you had to insist, because to end this suffering, countless idols had to suffer, and ultimately break. What's worse, it was going to be by your hand. You prayed that this would work, or else the demons you let back out of you would have been freed for naught, and there was no escape.
Hearing a knock on the door, you quickly recomposed yourself. "Come in." You say, a bespectacled man entered the room, his seemingly elegant and posh tone in stark contrast to his bulky build more akin to a wrestler than a noble as his voice would suggest.
"The preparations you've requested are in place."
"Very well, wait for me outside room 4, and enter when I call for you" You command, the man nodding, turning to walk out.
Turning to the table, you look through 4 cameras, your very own dollhouse.
In Camera 1, Shin Yuna sat on a huge bed, you would argue more extravagant then the room in her own dorm. She was clearly confused, looking around the room trying to find any traps, but no, it seemed like a normal bedroom, much more comfortable than the warehouse floor that she had found herself chained down to not too long ago. The only weird thing she had on was a chastity belt, but in her terrified state, she didn't question it. She would rather have it on than be defiled by some asshole. In your few recordings of Aegis' half assed attempted training of her, you knew you needed to play the long game with her.
In Camera 2, Lee Chaeryoung found herself caught in a spider's web, her hands and feet bound to a web of rope behind her, with her eyes impaired by a blindfold, completely naked except for a collar and leash, also a vibrator lightly stimulating her. She needed a more direct approach than Yuna, a perfect whirlwind of shock, terror and protectiveness.
In Cameras 3 and 4, there were two different rooms, though both rooms could see each other. In the first, Choi Lia, held in place by leather bounds, body locked in a kneeling position, hands locked behind her back, causing her tits to jut out. Her mouth was stuffed with a red ball gag, with a large shock collar around her neck, but her eyesight was not impaired, though she almost wished she was. She didn't know what to make of the sight before her.
Hwang Yeji and Shin Ryujin, on a seesaw, but one straight out of a shitty fetish film. Weirdly enough, you did by that from a porn set, well, then modified to suit what you needed it for. On both ends, laid a white silicone dildo, lined up to the honeypots of the two idols in distress, looking at each other in confusion and fear. These two were the ones you anticipated taking the longest, with the most fight. So you had to go the route of protectiveness but also, distrust. It was probably going to help break Lia too. The two idols were bound tightly, strapped securely to the seesaw.
from Putting on a face of a sadistic "master", you walked into the room, the two idols eyes immediately darting to you. You felt a wave of pity rush over you, a shameful rush of excitement too, but you had to push it down. Means to an end, you insisted "What the fuck do you want, bastard." Ryujin immediately spat out, causing you to shake your head animatedly. Pulling a remote out of your pocket, you flourished it in front of the two idols. Pressing a button, you could hear the muffled scream of Lia from behind you as the two idols screamed in fear. After an initial shock, Lia's body relaxed, though her body heaved from the pain, struggling to catch her breath. "What the fuck did you do to her you asshole!" Yeji shouted, as you sighed. Good lord. Another scream emerged from behind you, and you could see tear well up in Yeji's eyes, and fear flicker across Ryujin's face. "Now now girls, no need for name calling. We're here to play a game, and what is a game without some rules. Show some decorum, will you ladies?" You ask almost tauntingly. Realizing what you meant, the two of them held their tongue. They didn't want risk antagonizing you any further. "So, b-. you, what game are we playing?" Yeji asked, her voice almost a sneer. A little close, but you didn't want to hurt Lia too much, so you chose to ignore it. "We're playing a little game called, well, SeeSaw. I'm sure you've noticed the dildos underneath you. In a moment, once the game starts, it'll begin to vibrate, and rest assured my ladies, it'll only grow stronger as it goes." You explain. "That's not a game." Ryujin spat back. "How rude, interrupting me. I wasn't done. So, the game, Miss Shin, Miss Hwang, is a battle of trust, sacrifice, and endurance. Over the next 2 hours, you'll be competing over who orgasms the least. The winner is rewarded, and the loser will be swapped into the hot seat. As you can see, currently, Miss Choi is in the hot seat. Not only does your orgasms determine who wins, it also determines how well Miss Choi will enjoy the game. Whenever one of you orgasms, a shock will be delivered to Miss Choi. It's non fatal, that much I assure you, but I promise you it hurts more than a little." Behind you, you hear a muffled whimper, seeing Lia begin to cry. "So for Miss Choi's sake, I hope you two ladies are well trained. Now for the games element. You'll find in your hands, a remote. The top button sends your side of the seesaw up, and the bottom button sends your side of the seesaw down. Me personally, considering how close you girls are, I'm sure you girls will only be using the bottom button to save the other. However, if at any moment should you choose to grow competitive, the top button is always available for you to relieve yourself of the dildo. Don't fight each other though, sitting on it is probably better than constantly getting impaled by it." You run a hand down Yeji and Ryujin's thighs, lightly patting their pussies as they both lightly growled. "And if it serves as any motivation, this is the reward." You pulled a tablet out, showing them a live feed of Yuna's room. Yuna had made herself comfortable, body clad in a purple silk negligee, lying on the bed watching TV. "Winning has it's benefits." You remind the girls, as you moved to the two girls, shoving a ball gag into their mouths, covering their eyes with a blindfold. "The game begins in a minute. Godspeed ladies." You say Before you left the room, you decided to have some fun, walking up to Ryujin, leaning down as you ran a tongue across her puffy slit, and you could tell she was trying her best not to moan. That defiant look on her face. You had seen it many times before. And you've seen them all break before. Moving to Yeji, you did the same, though Yeji reacted much differently, your tongue illiciting a moan from the leader. You smirk, feeling your emotions overrun you as you lean in, nibbling on her nipples as you felt her contort. That was enough though. The game must begin, and the show must go on
You left the room, seeing the man from earlier. Fishing a controller out from your pocket, you hand it to him. "Let them control it first, maybe around 10 minutes, then, take control, just go crazy with it, make it akin to a seesaw. Up and down and up and down. Understood?" You say as you noticed a gleeful smile crack across his face. "How devious, sir. I understand. About Miss Choi?" He asked. Looking down to the control, you hesitated. "Go easy on her, I don't want her too tired to be broken." You give a quick excuse, which the man bought. You'd join them again in around an hour, but for now, you had to begin with Yuna and Chaeryoung. First, Yuna.
Going to Room 1, you picked up the tray of food left by the man earlier, then knocking on the door.
From behind the door, you heard Yuna hesitantly reply, "Come in."
Opening the door, you saw Yuna curl up under the blanket, not wanting to expose herself to this stranger. "Why am I here, where are my girls?" Yuna asked, slightly defiantly. This trick required some acting, well, it was close enough to the actual truth. "Please, let me explain, Miss Shin. I'm a business partner of the man who...did this to you. He knew I'm a big fan of you girls, and he offered for me to come and, well, sample you girls." Hearing that, Yuna instinctively pulled the blanket higher, inching away from you. "No, Miss Shin, I'm not here to do that, I assure you. I'm not involved in any of this, and suffice to say I was more than shocked to hear what was being done to you girls. I'm working on freeing you girls, but...it's complicated, the man is stubborn. For now, this is all I can give you girls. Comfortable housing, and no one touches you girls until this deal is finally done and I can set you girls free." You say, and you saw Yuna's doe eyes widen, and you could tell what she was thinking. Though a thousand questions swirled in her head, you knew the imperative question was, can I trust this man? "Are you telling the truth?" Yuna asked, and there, she was on the hook. "I promise you Miss Shin. I'l-" You began to say, but she quickly cut you off. "Yuna. You can call me Yuna." She said, with a hesitant but small smile. You felt your heart suddenly flutter, what was this? You couldn't afford to get softhearted in this mission. "Okay, Yuna, I promise you. I'll do what I can, as soon as I can. For now, all I can do is bring you your meals once in a while, maybe accompany you a little to help you pass the time. Well, other than the K Dramas. That was a weirdly hard sell to the man on top." You say, acting sheepish as Yuna let out a soft giggle, seemingly finding a small reprieve from this horror. Turning around, you took the tray you had brought in, opening it to reveal a pizza. Yuna hungrily grabbed at the Pizza, it must have been so long since she had last eaten proper food. "This is delicious" Yuna barely mumbled out, her words muffled by the pizza. You were glad you could bring happiness to her, but you were also secretly happy at your scheme going well. Unbeknownst to Yuna, the Pizza contained trace amounts of aphrodisiac. A small dose for the first day, but it'll slowly increase, driving her insane. As you sat with her, you allowed your fanboy side to come out, allowing Yuna to take her mind off her current situation. After around 30 minutes, Yuna had finished the pizza, and you received a message. She was on her way, you had to wrap it up. "I'm sorry Yuna, I have to go now. I told them to make sure they serve you and your groupmates good food, so eat up alright?" You shoot her a reassuring smile, and she hesitantly smiles back, before leaning toward you, leaving a kiss on your cheek. "I'll see you soon." She whispered.
Going back to your office, you saw a giant metal frame on wheels, the woman bound to it similar to how Chaeryoung was. Smiling in satisfaction, you took a moment, giving into desire as you leaned down, toying with the woman, a sudden burst of impulsiveness leading you to kneel down, shoving two fingers up her moist snatch as you roughly fingered her pussy, causing her body to thrash against the frame. Your fingers toyed with her till she finally came, squirting all over the floor. Coming back to your senses, you try to shake it off, slight shame overrunning you. You didn't want to take any pleasure from this.
Going into room 2, you saw Chaeryoung lightly panting, a light coat of sweat over her skin as she tried to stifle her arousal from the vibrator.
Setting up the woman you had brought in, you placed her right opposite to Chaeryoung, then moving to Chaeryoung, ripping her blindfold off.
As Chaeryoung's vision steadied, she could vaguely make out a figure who she assumed to be Ryujin, or Yuna maybe, but as her vision cleared, she almost screamed in terror.
Across from Chaeryoung, hung in a similar fashion, and in the same exact fashion, was her sister, Lee Chaeyeon.
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chaeyve · 1 month
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   ༻༾♡༿  Dulce Pi𝓮l ᤢᤢᤢ
  🖥️🪷 ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
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aeraras · 3 months
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saigeweb · 7 months
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᭨ ⃟✿ ㅤ බ esos ojos bonitos 佐伊 ᪇ꫭ ㅤ❀
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