#highschool lia
luxora · 2 years
Itzy -> {Highschool AU} -> Falling for the school player
Requested: No
Group: Itzy
Genre: Fluff. Angst
Warnings: Mention of cheating. Some toxic behavior. Mention of underage drinking. Some swearing.
A/N: Always remember to put yourself first. You don’t need someone to tell you your worth.
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Yeji did not realize that you were behind her until her locker was suddenly slammed shut and she was suddenly pressed against it, an arm caging her in while a warm body was so close to hers that she could practically feel the warmth emitting from it. A gentle scent reached her nose, a familiar one, and Yeji suddenly felt a hand under her chin as it titled her head up to force her to look into the eyes that have been following her all day.
“Hey Yeji.” You husked gently, a smile on your face as you raised your eyebrow cutely at her as she went slack jawed at your sudden appearance. “How you doing?”
This was hardly the first time you have done this to Yeji, and yet every time she is startled and flushed at your close proximity, as well as going dizzy with the scent of your body cologne which seems to be your favorite, and has steadily over time become her own. Realizing that she was staring very obviously, she closed her mouth and cleared her throat before tugging her chin out from your grip, shrugging her shoulders.
“I’m okay.” She answered, attempting to look away from you so she would fall into a state of daydreaming again. But you didn’t allow her to, instead you lifted your hand to grip her chin again to force her to look at you, an exaggerated pout on your lips which was almost illegal because it just made your lips look a whole lot more kissable.
“Just okay? Hasn’t it gotten a little bit better in the last few minutes?”
While it sounded like you were concerned, Yeji knew that you simply wanted her to acknowledge that you did make her day a little better just by interacting with you. But it was not like Yeji was the only girl you did this to, you did it with everyone. It was well known in JYP High that you were a notorious flirt, and it did not matter if a girl was in a relationship or not. You always tried to shoot your shot and most of the time you were successful.
There was just something addicting about you. You simply managed to get the attention fo everyone in a room, and Yeji was not exempt from the said room. Even though she knows that there is no hope for you to take her seriously, she still allowed her heart to hold on a little piece of hope that you may just take her seriously, more than just another girl you flirted with.
“I suppose it has.” Yeji started, swallowing slightly before moistening her lips with her tongue as they suddenly felt very dry. Her heart shuddered when she noticed your eyes flint down to watch the movement before looking back into her eyes, your pout disappearing to be replaced with a delighted smile, a mischievous twinkle in your eye which only made her heart shudder even more.
It really was illegal for you to be so charming without even trying. No one else could ever make an effect on others like you did.
“Glad to hear it, although it would be nice if you were a little bit more clear with your feelings.” Even though she knew that you were not referring to her obvious feelings for you, Yeji’s heart couldn’t help but lurch in terror as the indication of your words, but it calmed down when you suddenly removed your hand from her chin to playfully tap her nose, your smile wide. “Smile if you are happy Yeji, you look even more beautiful when you smile.”
Even though it was something that you said to all girls, Yeji’s chest couldn’t help but warm at the compliment and a smile unconsciously crawled along her face, which immediately made your face light up on delight as you mirrored her bright smile, your finger moving down to trace the bow of her upper lip. You winked at you.
“There you go.”
Then just as quickly as you arrived, you left, pushing yourself off her locker and sparing her with one final wave before making your way down the school hallway, waving and winking at all the other girls as they turned to acknowledge you. Yeji watched your turned figure until you were finally enveloped in the crowded hallway, sighing and slumping against her locker in defeat while she attempted to calm her heart which was beating at a mile per minute.
You were illegal. An illegal substance which Yeji just cant seem to get enough of. She knows that you are never going to see her more than just another girl to flirt with at school, and yet she still deep down hopes that perhaps you will see her in a different light some day.
Maybe only in her dreams.
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It is okay.
It is okay.
It is okay.
This is just a misunderstanding. There is no way that you would actually do this to her.
Lia kept chanting the words in her head, hoping that it will convince her that there was a logical explanation behind the photo sent to her by one of her friends who had left with you and the rest of the team for the end of year Championship games. But no matter which way she looked at the photo, it told her the exact same thing. It was as clear as a single cloud in the blue sky, there was no other way Lia could see it.
You and another girl kissing in the middle of a party.
Your team had won the championship. It was a close game but JYP High had managed to pull through in the end and you and everyone else had decided to go out to celebrate. You were so happy and so excited, calling Lia not even two hours ago to tell her that the team had won. She was so happy for you, and she couldn’t wait for you and the team to return home so that the two of you could celebrate together along with your friends.
But it seemed like you got into the partying like you usually did before you decided to go steady with Lia, which consisted of you making out with other girls.
Not too long ago, Lia was one of those girls. With Lia being one of the school cheerleaders and you being a member of the school soccer team, it was only expected for the two of you to be quite involved with one another, especially since it was a known secret that Lia has had a crush on you since freshman year.
You were never one for relationships, always going through different girls with a lot of variety, but you mainly stuck to fellow jocks and cheerleaders because you simply preferred the similar backgrounds that they all had as fellow athletes. Everyone knew everybody, and everyone seemed to get closer than most friends would like usual. Lia at first was just someone that you regularly made out with at derbies, parties, and even at each others home when the two of you visited each other, but then you were prompted to try go steady with her, a first for you which Lia was proud to be.
But it seemed that the influence of spiked drinks at a party was all it took for you to forget that you had a girlfriend waiting for you at home, and who has discovered your little slip up courtesy to one of your teammates who happened to be one of Lia’s friends.
Her eyes first stung before finally becoming blurry with tears as her hand shook in front of her as she held onto her phone, the image burning itself into her mind until it was all she could see. The chants be damned, there was nothing that could make her unsee the image or make her not believe it. The evidence was very clearly in her hand, and even if you were to come up with some kind of excuse, there was no way that you would be able to talk yourself out of the fact that you betrayed her.
In a sudden burst of rage, Lia all but threw her phone against her bedroom wall and let out a scream, her tears streaming down her cheeks that she furiously tried to wipe away with her hands until she couldn’t help but crumble into her bed, sobbing heavily while the concerned voice of her parents were calling out to her from downstairs. But Lia ignored them, she just wanted the floor to swallow her up and take her away from this world just so that she can escape her pain.
Maybe she should have expected this, maybe she had gotten too comfortable. She was your first steady girlfriend, and even though it is a miracle itself that you decided to seriously date someone, it didn’t mean that you past habits were suddenly washed away. You were still you, just attached with a label with someone, but even a label can be crossed out with the right marker and it seemed that you found the right one which consisted of being away in another city away from Lia and out of sight from any of your or her shared friends that would catch you in the act.
But it seemed that you forgot that one of her friends was one of your teammates, and has just revealed your betrayal to her the same night you committed it. Would you have had come clean once you come home? Or would you have left her in the dark and continue the relationship with your crime going unpunished? Lia didn’t know, and quite honestly, she didn’t have the urge to think about it.
The only thing she could do was cry, and even though her parents finally walked upstairs and entered her bedroom, she could still only cry. It was the only way to lessen the pain.
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She should have known better than to give you the benefit of the doubt. While Ryujin had promised herself not to fall for charms like every other girl in school, she couldn’t help but break her promise because aside from the strong, tough girl front she liked to put up, she was still a girl who had dreams of being loved and you were always someone who had a plentiful amount of love to give others.
But the problem was that you always gave it to everyone at the same time as the other.
You were resilient in your pursuit for Ryujin, always batting off her insults with a smile and dodging her punches like a pro boxer, not at all phased by her apparent dislike of you. In fact the one time when you had used the classic ‘Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ line on her, Ryujin decided to bat you away with her own line of ‘No, but I did scrape my knee crawling out of hell’. But instead of being batted away, you simply smiled at her and winked before delivering the smooth response of ‘that explains why you are so hot’.
She kept turning you down and was determined to keep doing so until the one day she surprised even herself when she agreed to go to a movie with you. But of cause she threatened to rip your arm off if you even thought to try pull some moves on her in the cinema, which you intelligently chose not to do. But following that movie date, Ryujin found her walls slowly lowering the more time she spent with you. You were charming and smart, witty to the point that Ryujin couldn’t help but laugh at very joke you would make. She found herself enjoying your company, and even at times yearning for it because you just made her feel lighter.
She started falling for you, and she was giving serious thought of giving you a chance.
You were not like most people who were intimidated by her demeanor, in fact you even embraced it. You fell into the same rhythm as Ryujin and marched to the beat of the same drum. While she was wary of your reputation, she thought that maybe perhaps you were different in comparison to it, that you were genuinely interested in breaking away from your usual relationship flamboyant ways and to try take a real chance in a relationship.
Ryujin thought that you genuinely had wanted a relationship with her, but it took one party to realize that it was just a whole gimmick that you were pulling.
When she had lost sight of you during the school dance, she went out looking for you, thinking that perhaps you got sidetracked from one of you friends or lost sight of her on the dance floor due to you errand and fetching some punch for the two of you. She looked for you for a while and could not find you in the dance hall, so she headed outside of it and started looking through the corridors, thinking that maybe you had gone to the bathroom.
And she did eventually find you, only she did not find you alone.
Ryujin felt the blood in her body freeze as she took in the sight of you pressing another girl against one of the lockers in the empty corridor, lips hot on hers while your hands were wrapped around her waist while the girl’s hands were tangled in your hair. You didn’t even realize that someone had walked in on you and your apparent new paramour until Ryujin scoffed, the sound making you rip away from the girl to stare at her with wide eyes.
“You almost had me fooled.” Ryujin scoffed, her eyes stinging as liquid threatened to form in her eyes but by sheer will she refused to allow it. She blinked her eyes rapidly to stop it, not wanting you to see how upset she was with this whole new discovery.
“Ryujin wait, its not what it looks like-”
“Oh please, even you know that is a pathetic excuse. Let me guess, you tripped and fell?”
Even though you have expressed your interest in Ryujin, you were still a natural flirt and Ryujin has caught you many times looking and flirting with other girls. But you always assured her that it meant nothing, and you even apologized at the times she did catch you in the act. She decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and figured that it was simply a part of you that you were trying to break away from.
But she shouldn’t have done that, because you have now just proved that you were in fact just the same as always.
“Just forget it.”
She honestly could not stomach being near you right now, not when she was clearly experiencing the first stages of heartbreak just like all the other girls in the past who were involved with you. Without giving you a chance to say anything else, Ryujin turned and walked away, intent to leave the dance entirely because now her night as been completely ruined. Even though you called out her name, she didn’t respond. She just kept walking away until she was out of the school building and finally given the privacy to let her tears fall.
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Chaeryoung couldn’t help but whimper as your hand slipped under he shirt to caress the small part of her back while the two of you stood under the bleachers, sharing several passionate kisses with one another during the school break. Her fingers were tangled in your hair while your were around her waist, one becoming adventurous as your fingers spread along her skin, enjoying the warmth of her body against your palm.
You pulled away from her lips to give her a chance to breathe, but that did stop you from scattering her jaw and neck with kisses that burnt like embers from a fire. Chaeryoung squeezed her eyes shut and arched her neck to give you more space, which you immediately took advantage of as you settled on a part of her neck and began to gently suck at her skin, your teeth just grazing it enough to leave a noticeable bruise on her neck.
Chaeryoung gasped as you continued to suck at her neck, her fingers digging into your scalp on reflex which made you growl against her neck, the sound itself making Chaeryoung’s body overheat more than it already was. You continued to suck at her neck for a few more minutes before finally pulling away, a satisfied smile crawling along your lips as your eyes were fixed on the spot that you mouth was just attached to.
“Perfect.” You stated, leaning in to press a kiss to Chaeryoung’s lips before pulling away fully this time, your hands moving away from Chaeryoung’s waist to instead dig into your pocket to pull out your phone, checking your reflection in the screen. “Dammit, we’ve got five minutes to get to class. Sorry Chae, but we got to cut this short.”
You flashed her a smile before you hastily began to fix your hair, trying to flatten it due to Chaeryoung’s fingers making quite a mess of it. Instead of answering, Chaeryoung just nodded, grabbing her own phone to check out her reflection in the screen. Her eyes immediately widened at the red spot that has formed on her neck.
“Y/N!” Chaeryoung exclaimed, causing you to turn around and look at her questionably. Chaeryoung pointed at her neck and stared at you with a pointed look. “Look at what you did!”
You grinned.
“I know. Looks great right?”
“I don’t have a scarf or anything to cover it! Yeji and the others are going to make fun on me!”
“Why would they make fun of you? If you ask me, they’‘ll be jealous that they don’t have one to match.”
While you did not mean much by it, the words immediately made Chaeryoung freeze. While you and Chaeryoung had this some sort of arrangement to meet nearly every school break under the bleachers, it did not mean that the two of you were associated with only each other. Well, maybe not you.
Everyone, even her friends, are aware of how much of a good kisser you were. You had everyone in the palm of your hand, Chaeryoung included, and even though you had a known reputation of never being exclusive to everyone, you always seemed to have the ability to make a girl feel like they are the only one in the world for you. Only for you would always remind that you weren’t tied down to anyone, not even to the person that you were currently making out with.
A throb of pain went to her heart, but Chaeryoung tried her best to hide her pained expression as she flashed you a wobbly smile, nodding as she began to adjust her hair in a way to try hide the newly formed hickey. You smiled at Chaeryoung and stepped forward to cup her cheek, stroking it tenderly with her thumb.
‘Same time tomorrow?” You asked, or rather stated because no one has ever turned down a meeting with you under the bleachers, Chaeryoung included. She nodded with a smile.
“Of course.”
“Great. Catch you later gorgeous.”
You leaned in to press a final kiss to her lips before finally walking away, tucking your hands into your jacket pockets and whistling as you exited from under the bleachers and headed towards the school building, leaving Chaeryoung behind with her wounded pride and heart as you finished your last make out session with her for the day.
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You were the first person to take an interest in her, the first one to want to get to know more about her aside the few friends she has made already. Yuna was smitten the second she met you when you had shown her around the school and then invited her to her first high school party. On that same night, Yuna gave you her first kiss and many others followed after that, and yet she later learned that it was a steady tactic of yours that you always used to be able to kiss every single girl in school.
Its not like you were a bad person. You were sweet, kind, and warm - however, you proved to have a cruel side because you were very capable of breaking every girls heart, and at times you did it knowingly because you had an addiction that you suppressed by means of meeting up with other girls.
You were neither popular or unpopular, you were some sort of middle individual in all of the cliques of the school. You knew everyone and everyone knew you, and you new exactly how to slide in each individual social group to work your magic on some poor unsuspecting girl who happened to catch your eye. That is how you worked your magic on Yuna and her friends, joining them for lunch quite a few times before expertly pulling Yuna in with your undoubtable charms that just made her seem like the only girl in the world.
A smooth criminal who stole hearts, so slick and professional that it almost seemed like second nature to you, and the sad thing is that Yuna still fell for you even though she knew that you would just break her heart.
“Yuna, how many times have we told you that Y/N is just no good for you.” Yeji scolded, her hand tangled in her own hair as she combing it in frustration while she and the others sat at the lunch table in the cafeteria. Yuna flashed her a watery smile.
“You don’t know them like I do Yeji.”
“That’s what they all say until they are left in a puddle of their own tears.”
Yeji and the others simply didn’t understand you like she did. She knows a side of you that others don’t, she knows that you have a sensitive heart, that you are just trying to protect yourself from getting hurt like you in the past. She could help you, she could be the one that could heal your heart. She knows that she is the one for you, the special one who could truly show you what it was like to be loved.
She could be your everything, just like you said you were looking for.
“What Y/N and I have is different, they love me.”
“No, they love what you give them. Yuna, you have to respect yourself.”
“I respect myself just fine, it is you who is not respecting my choice to give Y/N a chance.”
“And how many chances are you going to give them until you realize that they are taking you for a ride. Y/N doesn’t do relationships Yuna, and every time a girl says that she will be the one to be able to fix them, they always end up with their hearts broken. I don’t want that to happen to you Yuna, you have to believe me when I say I am saying this for your own good.”
People are always telling her that you are going to break her heart. They say that you will entertain her for a small while, keep her around until you’ve had enough and then eventually discard her like some overused piece of gum. But they only judge you to how you behave in public, they have seen you at your most vulnerable like Yuna has. She knows that she is the one capable of making you experience a real sweet love during high school. Yuna knows that things between her and you were going to be different in comparison to the other girls in the past that tried to tame you.
“And I am saying that things will be different for Y/N and I. I love them Yeji, and I don’t think I need to keep telling you that they love me too.” Yuna said, grabbing a fistful of her skirt as she fixed a hard look to her older friend.
Yeji stared at Yuna with a hard look of her own, eventually shaking her head before she stood up and grabbed whatever left of her drink there was and spared Yuna with another look.
“There is no talking through to you. Just know Yuna, it isn’t going to end well for you. Nothing ever ends well for the girl who involves themself in the life of Y/N L/N, and I speak from experience.”
Before Yuna could retort or even contemplate the newly revealed information, Yeji turned and walked away, leaving Yuna behind as she decided to just allow her to experience what it meant to be heartbroken by Y/N L/N herself.
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
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oc-ref-tober 15: little quick refs of Lia and Bibi in highschool! since five years ago is such a relevant part of these ocs hfdkjelsdjfssfds
Lia’s not a very good liar but i dont think she needs to worry too much about it
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finnbbl · 6 months
Hyunjin X M! Reader - Dancer AU | SMAU | Chapter 1
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Ch. 1 - Can I get your Number? | Next Chapter |
| Story Masterlist |
Background: You’re a backup dancer. You typically dance for groups locally, but sometimes you’ll get the chance to travel on tour with artists. You’re very good friends with everyone in ITZY thanks to Lia (Who you attended highschool with)
A/N: Haven’t decided who you’ll end up with in SKZ yet, leave suggestions in the comments
Word Count: 1.1k
Written: Yes
Proofread: Like halfly
Warnings: Typos probably, Swearing, Y/N and Lia being a Simp
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As you smile at yours and Lia’s playful banter, you decide to put your phone away. Flicking the ringer button off, you slip it into your small cross body back you brought with you. As you set it down, you can’t help but glance over at the members of ATEEZ. They were dressed so casually, yet still enough to send your stomach into a frenzy. Not only had you been a fan of them for years, god were they attractive. That would not help you with your image, as same sex marriage or dating was highly frowned upon in Korea. You weren’t famous per se, but you were definitely known here and there. So you had to be just as careful as idols did about how you presented yourself.
You checked the time noticing it was barely 15 minutes until scheduled makeup. 50 until sound check. If you were gonna go to the restroom, you had to go now. Exiting the door and walking down the hallway, the silent clicking of your shoes was the only thing that could be heard as you hurried to the restroom. Eyes scanning every door through the hall until they landed upon the men’s sign. Aware of the short time, you didn’t waste any time opening the door. Though failing to notice the tall and buff build of the guy next to the mirror. Or failing to notice him at all. Putting your hand under the sensor of the fancy sink, you quickly splashed water onto your face. With a couple deep breaths, your hands propped themself as you hunched over the sink. The nervousness only thickened. “Think I’m gonna be sick.” You muttered under your breath as you relaxed your head into your hands. “Are you okay? Do you need some help?”
Eyes shot open.
You knew that voice. You could recognize it anywhere. Although your mind screamed at you to not look at the owner of the voice behind you, your body moved quicker. Whipping around to be met with the strong build of none other than San, one of ATEEZ’s members.
You were next to San. The San. From ATEEZ. The group you’d loved so much and the man you’d found so damn attractive. You could’ve swore you saw all eight of them in the other room. Anxiety must’ve gotten the best of you though, and you failed to notice he wasn’t there. “S-San? Woah what are you doing here?” Breathing out nervously, you had realized how dumb you sounded. “What are you doing here?” Your words played over again in your head. What a dumb question to ask someone who’s in the bathroom. “Uh I mean-“
He interrupted with a chuckle. “I guess I could ask you the same thing but uh… fairly obvious.” San states as he examines the state you’re in, your body language. You smile nervously, one foot is anxiously dragging itself along the floor as you try to back up more, except your body is already pressed up against the counter. Embarrassment and anxiety creeped up your spine to your neck and face. “S-Sorry I’ll get going.” Shooting him one last gentle smile as you turn to head to the door. “You know it’s okay to be nervous.” He says before your hand can reach the door. You hault. “I get nervous sometimes too still, but I promise it gets easier the more you do it.” You can’t help but turn to face San now. “Really? You get nervous?” How could someone like him ever get nervous? All of them looked so put together and organized. Much more than you were. “Yeah, just because someone’s popular doesn’t mean they don’t get nervous.” He said with a laugh lacing his words. There you went, making yourself look stupid again. “Pathetic…” You thought. “I uh.. I just figured you know you all.. I mean, you all look so.. calm and I know for a fact my anxiety shows when I’m up on stage and-“
“Well you’re surely wrong.” You paused. “What? What do you mean?” How could someone like San know anything about you or the way you preform. “Y/N right?” Eyes widened as you held a sharp breath. “Y-Yeah how’d you-“
“You’re a damn good dancer I can say that.” A smile fell upon his soft looking lips. San knew who you were? And he was complimenting you? He must’ve noticed the shock on your face when he said that. “I take it you don’t think very highly of yourself hm?” You could feel yourself cringe at his words. It was such a blunt and direct statement, but very much true. “That obvious, huh?” Nervous chuckling fell from your mouth as you spoke. Although, you definitely could feel yourself begin to relax more. That was until San started to move closer to you. He was so.. fucking hot, it made you nervous. “You gotta give yourself more credit man,” One of his elbows nudged your side as he smiled lightly. Something about San’s smile was contagious, cause soon you found yourself smiling along with him. “Look, something that puts you aside from other backup dancers is you’re kind. You’re patient and you have an amazing personality. I can see it when you’re performing.”
A comfortable silence fell between you two. With San’s comfortable and reassuring words, you felt at ease. Most of the anxiety slipped away. “Here..” San broke the silence as he reached one of his hands into his pocket. “Put your number in my phone, I have some techniques that i’ve found pretty useful with calming nervousness.” He said as gently held out his phone to you. Hesitant, your eyes shot from his phone to his eyes, alternating between the two. “A-Are you sure I mean-“
“Yes dude, I’m sure. Plus, I wanna get to know you. You seem cool.” You looked down, biting your lip before your eyes found their way back up. “Okay.. Yeah sure.” Your hands reached for his phone. His hands grazed yours as he passed the device to you, where the contact screen was already open. You shakily typed in your number, still not sure if this was a good idea. Nothing wrong with him, but your emotions or hormones could definitely not handle it. “Awesome,” San said as you handed his phone back. Both of you must’ve lost track of time, he spoke up. “Ah shit, we should get back. Makeup is scheduled in five minutes, come on i’ll walk you back.” You couldn’t say anything, all you could do was nod in response as you followed him back to the dressing room. Your nerves may have settled, but they were back just as quickly thanks to San’s charming face and personality.
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yangbbokari · 11 months
Do You Love Me Too?
Pairing: Hyunjin x fem!reader x Jeongin Genre/AU/Trope: Angst, fluff(?), hurt comfort(?), College!AU, friends to friends to potential lovers(idk if that counts😭) WC: 1.4k Summary: You like him so why can't he see that? But as for the other, he likes you, why can't you see that? Is it so hard to find someone who loves you in this life? Warnings: unrequited love, language(? I don't remember just in case), mentions of stomach cancer, now I'm too lazy to wrote the rest so tell me if I missed something A.N. This was supposed to be posted last Friday but y'all are getting it today. Enjoy!🤗
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Growing up, you had two best friends. One, was named Jeongin and the other, was Hyunjin. Anywhere Hyunjin went, you went, and so did Jeongin. It’s been like this since before you could remember. Of course each of you made a few other friends along the way but none were quite like your trio. 
But there was something different about your group. A little more different than any other average friend group. You were friends with benefits. Well at least with Hyunjin. You couldn’t exactly say the same for Jeongin. 
When you were alone with Hyunjin, that meant that he had full control. Even right before a hang out, he’d come extra early to spend “special” time with you. You could never say no to him. After all, you have had a crush on him since freshman year of highschool. Being in college didn’t change that.
The two of you never thought you’d get caught. But little did y’all know, that Jeongin had known from the start. The flushed cheeks, swollen lips, purple marks along the neck, new set of clothes from what you wore earlier. How could he not notice. Especially since he’s loved you since childhood. He always saw you chase after Hyunjin and never him. But, what right did he have if he was not the one you liked? So he ignored everything and pretended that he never knew a thing. 
That was up until, for the first time, you ran into his arms. He was stunned. This wasn’t something that would usually happen so why happen now? But then he heard your sobs, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“I-Innie… I just don’t get it. What does she have that I don’t? Did you know I liked Hyunjin too?” You look up at him with teary eyes. Jeongin was so flustered he just blurted out the truth. “Y-yeah!” It only made you sob harder. He was worried but unsure of what to do. 
You continued to ramble. “Everyone knows I’m in love with him BUT him! Am I that unlikable? I’ve chased after him for so many years. I’ve done everything he’s wanted. H-he tells me he loves me when we have intimate moments so why is he with another girl now!? He holds me while kissing my forehead so why is he doing that with another girl now!? He makes me feel special but was that all a lie!?” 
Jeongin held you tightly and shushed you down. “No, you’re not that unlikable. Maybe he just doesn’t see you that way. Maybe it’s right person wrong time. If he can do all that with you why can’t I? Why can’t I make you feel special? Why can’t I hold you? Why can’t I tell you that I love you?”
“Cuz’ you’re not him, Innie. No one’s like Hyunjin.” He felt his heart shatter. Of course he wasn’t. After all, as blind as Hyunjin was, so were you. Why couldn’t you see his gigantic, heart, eyes, that only held you? Was he that hard to love? ~~~ After that, you began to ignore both of them. Jeongin also ignored both of you. Hyunjin was a little confused.The rest of the school was baffled. Neither of you have ever grown apart like this. Not even after an argument. Y'all would always make up somehow. So this was a little weird. Hyunjin was worried. His two closest best friends have never done this so he called the both of you for a meet up. Sitting in the cafe was insufferable. Not to mention that Hyunjin also brought his girlfriend, Lia. You looked everywhere but at Hyunjin, too sure you were going to cry if you did. Jeongin simply didn't know if you knew that he accidentally confessed to you so he's been keeping his distance.
Hyunjin sighed loudly. "So are we just going to sit here all day? What's going on with my bestfriends? Did I do something wrong?"
"NO!" Both you and Jeongin yelled at the same time. Hyunjin sighed once more. "Then what is it?" You didn't want to speak more than you already did. Because you knew if you did, you'd accidentally tell Hyunjin how much you've loved him from the start. So you rose from you position and left. 
Now it was Jeongin's turn to sigh. "I'll go talk to her and walk her back to the dorms." With that, he also left, leaving Hyunjin and Lia behind.
He called out after you. "Y/nnie! Wait!" But you continued to ignore him. He huffed before running to catch up with you and whipping you around by the wrist. That was when he saw the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
"You should've just left me alone. This is so embarrassing." You said as you were wiping away your tears. Jeongin's eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around you. "It's not. This is what bestfriends are for, aren't they?" You chuckled and gently hit him on the shoulder. "Oh, shut up." He laughed with you. "There's my Y/nnie. That's the smile she always wears." You don't know why but your heart fluttered. "My Y/nnie..." You repeat to yourself quietly.
Jeongin walked you the rest of the way to your dorms. He hugged you and then he turned to leave. But then you gently grabbed and tugged his sleeve. "Innie?" His heart pounded against his rib cage. "Y-yeah..?" You took a deep breath. "Did you mean what you said the other day? You know, when you said that I should do everything with you instead." He nodded his head. "Then does that mean that you like me?" 
Think, Jeongin, think. If you don't come up with something she'll find out. He quickly turned to you with a soft smile. "No. I just wanted to make you feel better. Besides, I don't have to like you to hold you do I?" You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Oh, thank God! I wouldn't have the heart to reject you. Thank you, Jeongin. For being so good to me." 
His gaze faltered. You were relieved that he didn't love you. So how would it turn out when you knew that he does? 
But Jeongin didn't let you see that. He just smiled and said, "Yeah."
After you went inside, Jeongin finally let his tears flow freely. How could he be so stupid to ever think that you'd give him a chance. To ever think that your view on him would even change the slightest.
Later that night, you called Hyunjin. "Hello, y/n?" You wanted to slap yourself from ever avoiding him when you heard the worry lacing his voice. "I'm sorry, Hyunjin. None of this was your fault. Me and Jeongin talked ours out so..." You paused, not sure of what to say.
"...so we're all good?" Hyunjin finished for you. You smiled, not that he could see it. "Yeah... we're good." ~~~ Back at school, everything went back to normal. Three best friends enjoying their time. As per usual, you'd bring Hyunjin strawberry milk during lunch. Except this time, he rejected it.
"No, thanks. Lia's getting me something."
Jeongin could see how the happiness in your eyes faltered. So he snatched the milk carton from your hands.
"Nice! Y/nnie, I knew you loved me. Strawberry milk just how I like it."
"Oh, shut up!"
You punched him on the shoulder and the two of you had your own little time, just horsing around. With Jeongin distracting you, you didn't even notice when Lia came in. That was until you heard her say, "Jesus, you two. You guys would look so cute together. Why don't y'all date already." She giggled and Hyunjin agreed.
Both, your's and Jeongin's cheeks flushed red and you both stopped bickering. "For the record, Jeongin is like a little brother to me. No thanks." You fake gagged.
Jeongin could feel a sharp pang in his heart. Little brother... he'd make sure to keep that in mind. "Ew, Y/n? Absolutely not. I'd rather date a pig."
"Well fuck you too, Yang Jeongin!"
He stuck out his tongue at you as you began bickering with him again. ~~~ In class, the only class that you had with Hyunjin, Lia, and Jeongin, the teacher assigned a group project. So of course you all banded together. Nobody knew how Jeongin made it into this class because out of everyone, only he majored in law while the rest of you majored in visual arts. He claimed that he was taking this art class to get to know his two best friends better. Not that either of you believed it. But it is what it is. 
The project was to create a one of a kind art piece that reflected a little bit of each and everyone's art style and emotions. You immediately chose love. Being the hopeless romantic you are, how could you not? Hyunjin chose excitement, Lia chose Joy, and Jeongin chose sorrow. Jeongin's was a bit different from the rest but the rubric did say everyone. 
Everyone agreed to meet up at the campus study rooms. But Hyunjin and Lia cancelled last minute. Something along the lines of, "We have to go meet with some other people so we can't make it. SORRY!" So now, it was you and Jeongin stuck in a study room for a couple of hours, brainstorming up a plan. 
You began to grow tired and your head was nodding off until you were fully asleep. Jeongin just thought it was the funniest thing to take a few pictures. But he forgot to turn off his flash so it woke you up.
"What the hell, Jeongin! Delete those right now!"
"Make me!"
You chased Jeongin until he gave in. But once he did, you tripped over your own feet. Not wanting to fall face first, you grabbed onto Jeongin. Which inevitably led to him falling on top of you. Both of you were breathing heavily but couldn't find the strength to push the other off. Nor could either of you break eye contact. You wouldn't exactly say that you haven't been falling for him either. But this was something new and weird you weren't ready to explore.
Jeongin found this as a chance. A chance for you to see him as worthy. He slowly leaned down, finally breaking eye contact as his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. The closer he got, the harder it was for you to deny the feelings between the two of you. You felt his lips brush against yours when your phone rang, snapping you both out of the trance. 
After practically shoving Jeongin off of you, you picked up the phone. Hyunjin's voice rang in from the other side.
"Hey, y/n. Are you still with Jeongin?"
"Yeah... why?"
"Where are you guys, I'll come meet with you guys."
"Just you?"
"Where's Lia?"
"I'll explain that later."
"Oh, well we're still at the study rooms."
When Hyunjin arrived, he almost fell into your arms. He began to explain how Lia and him had broken up and how his heart was in shambles. Both you and Jeongin were extremely confused. Hyunjin and Lia had seemed so perfect just hours ago and now they broke up. It was a bit off considering how head over heels they were for each other. ~~~ Hyunjin ended up talking to each of you alone. Jeongin first. He didn't even hesitate. He immediately went straight to the point.
"You like Y/nnie, don't you?"
"You heard me."
"No! That's impossible. She's like an annoying sibling."
"Nobody looks at their annoying sibling like they'd do anything for them and fall to their knees if that sibling asked them to."
Jeongin was a bit speechless for a minute. But then he asked a question.
"And if I did? Why would that matter to you?"
"Because I like her too."
"What!? What about Lia? Weren't you just so devastated that she broke up with you?"
"Lia was someone that helped me."
"In what way?"
"She became my fake-partner for a month."
"The hell does that mean?"
"She pretended to like me for month. In return, I'd help her with her reputation and her classwork."
"Well why did you feel the need to tell me that you liked Y/n too?"
Now Hyunjin was a bit speechless. It was hard for him to explain the situation. He didn't know how to put it into words.
"Because... I want you to be good to her."
"You do know she likes you right?"
"So why don't you take good care of her yourself?"
"We're not meant for each other."
"Speak in words I can understand, Hyunjin! Quit speaking like Shakespeare wrote you!"
"She's not gonna do any good with me."
"You already slept with her for God's sake! Are just gonna use her and dump her!?"
"That's what I mean! She'll only end up heartbroken with me! I pretended to be in a relationship with Lia so that she'd get over me and realize that you're waiting for her! I'm dying, Innie! There won't be a me anymore! My stomach cancer's already in stage 3!!"
Jeongin went silent. He just nodded his head as he headed out the door. When he walked past you, looking distressed, you became worried. But all he said was, "Hyunjin said he wants to talk to you now." ~~~ Hyunjin kept it short with you. 
"Do you like Jeongin?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me about this?"
"Because my two best friends seem to be a good match. I don't want them to end up alone like me."
"You're stupid."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, because you'll never end up alone. You'll always have me and Innie by your side. That's what friends are for."
As much as Hyunjin's heart was warmed, it also hurt. Knowing that a warm person like you couldn't be his hurt a little too deep.
"Let's go out drinking. For the sake of being friends this long." ~~~ Jeongin knew he had to watch over you so he couldn't drink much. He also wasn't in the nicest mood especially after what Hyunjin told him. Hyunjin couldn't drink. His condition didn't allow him to. You on the other hand, not knowing much, drank to your heart's content. 
"Cheers for Hyunnie's breakup! Cheers so Innie can finally find a girlfriend!" You drunkenly shouted before passing out in between the men. Jeongin turned to Hyunjin. But he couldn't hold his gaze for long.
"When are you planning to tell her?"
"Never?" Hyunjin chuckled tiredly. "I don't want her to know."
"Don't you think it's better for her to know now than later?"
"But if she finds out now, she'll be very careful with me and we won't be able to be the fun best friends we always are. You know how she is."
Now Jeongin got to chuckle. "She is like that." Both men smiled fondly at you. Your mouth wide open, already drooling on Hyunjin's shoulder.
"I'll tell her. Just not now."
Jeongin nodded his head, deciding to put his trust in Hyunjin. Eventually, they decided that Jeongin would take you home and Hyunjin would go on his own. 
In the back of the taxi, on the way home, you looked up at Jeongin, studying his features.
"Oh, you're awake."
"Is that you, Innie?"
He could tell that you still weren't sober but still decided to keep the conversation going.
"What is it, Y/nnie?"
"What do you think of me? Am I good enough?"
"Of course you are. I think you're an amazing person. Anybody would be lucky to have you."
"Then do you like me?"
"Do you think that I like you?"
"I don't know!" You began to pout and he just thought it was so cute. He couldn't exactly pull out his phone, so he took a mental picture of this very moment. "Why can't you like me, Jeongin!? Am I ugly!? Am I too much of a sister to you!?"
That's when you started crying and Jeongin couldn't help but fall even deeper in love with you.
"There's just some things I can't tell you." He whispered into your hair.
You were already getting drowsy again when you softly mumbled. "Can you at least love me back the way I love you? I've just been waiting for you to say that you love me."
He could feel his cheeks warm when you said that. Maybe one day he could tell you how much he loves you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ another a.n: I have more so there might be a part 2 but I didn't know how to word it. and ik, the ending is pretty ass but thats all I have so far
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ningningsdream · 1 year
the villain in your story | part fifty
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word count: 0.9k
"what's up?", jaemin's voice reached your ears as his arms wrapped around your waist from behind.
"oh nothing.", you lied, quickly putting your phone away.
after tweeting that picture of jaemin, you scrolled through your feed to catch up with whatever you missed and saw jiwoo's and lia's tweet about dresses and a wedding. you started wondering if it was the same one as the one you were attending. it wouldn't be that far fetched since they were also friends with your ex back in high school and if he invited you, he probably invited them as well. if you weren't sure about going at first, you were even less now. all your problems would be reunited in one place.
"you're doing it again.", jaemin said, snapping you out of your thoughts. you turned around to look at him, face full of confusion, "you're pushing me away."
jaemin let go of you to walk to your couch, hands in his pockets and shoulders slightly slumping.
"i'm sorry.", you sincerely apologized.
"you don't have to. i don't want you to feel pressured to talk to me about things you're not comfortable talking to me about. but i hope that you, at least, talk about it to someone. whether it be jimin, minjeong...or even hyuck.", jaemin tried not to sound too defeated but you caught on the insecurity in his voice, especially when he said donghyuck's name.
"it's not you, really.", you settled on the other end of the couch with a sigh, "i don't talk about my problems unless someone really pushes me to do so. i usually bake until i forget about them."
jaemin frowned at your statement, he wondered how many hardship you've kept to yourself during your life so far and especially recently since you've baked non stop.
"but i've gotten better. back in highschool, i sometimes went to jiwoo and lia when i needed comfort, without really telling them that i needed it or that anything was wrong. now, i can sometimes manage to talk to jimin, minjeong and hyuck if i feel the need to but this... this is just too much. i can barely process anything myself, so talking about it..."
"hey, it's okay. take your time.", jaemin's soft gaze never left you as he reached out to take your hand.
"it's just that the whole thing with jiwoo was already hard to handle. i felt like i was betraying her but at the same time, i was mad at how she handled things. then, my ex showed up out of no where? inviting me to his wedding as if he didn't tell me a few years earlier that he'd never want to get married, but turns out he just didn't want to get married to me, i guess. i don't even know why i feel like this, it's not like i'm still hung up on him. i'm not sad, nor jealous about the fact that he's getting married. i don't want to marry him. but there's this feeling as if something was heavily sitting on my chest, and i can't breath and it just spread all over my body. and added to all of that, lia, who just came back from visiting her family abroad, texted me to defend jiwoo as if her life depended on it, making me feel even worse. it was just the last straw, i completely broke down. i still feel bad about taeyong, johnny and you witnessing it, though."
"we were more worried about you than anything else."
"and i'm sorry, to you, because you deserve so much better than all of this.", you said, waving your arms around.
"hey, now, don't start saying ridiculous things.", jaemin said, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking at you in the eyes to make sure you heard him.
"no but, it's the truth. you've done so much for me and given so much while i've barely given you anything in return. i keep pushing you and everyone away when things get too much. the worst is that i'm aware of it, but i keep doing it anyway..."
"y/n, i don't expect anything in return. i know it takes longer for some people to open up than others. i'm part of the people that can open up pretty easily when i'm comfortable with someone but i know everyone is not like that. i'm willing to wait as long as you'll still want me to. sure, i'm kind of sad when i feel like you're pushing me away, but i get it. and what you're doing right now is already a lot. don't worry."
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, giving him a hug you needed, "thank you.", you tightened your arms around him, half your body laying on the couch as you just launched at him for the hug, not really moving your butt from where it was on the couch.
jaemin just smiled and chuckled at your position before putting his hands on your waist and pulling you closer to him, then adjusting his position so you could both be laying on your pretty small couch - at least for two people. he wrapped one arm around your waist as his other hand was gently playing with your hair. your arms went from around his neck to around his torso as your ear pressed against his chest. jaemin's heart was beating really fast - as it always does in your presence - but he wasn't afraid of you hearing it. in fact, he hoped you could so you'd know how you made him feel.
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main masterlist | tviys masterlist
pairing: fem!oc x barista!jaemin, fembarista!reader x barista!jaemin
genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, barista!au, sns au
summary: girls' code prevents you from liking the guy your friend likes right?
a/n: i wonder how i managed to write such a green flag!jaemin wtf
taglist: [@glamourizz @rinrinslovebot @beomibeom @moonjobf @hiqhkey @calssunflower @donghyuckster @vianna99 @kookiedesi @baehaechannie @nshimura @thiccfullsun @dear-dreamie @neobowlingshoez @jjaehmins @liliansun @bythe8 @hyuckrec @dearlyminhyung @ohmygs-blog @hoeshi17 @wonupuppy @shan-oldham @jeongintwt @renjunoya @najm00 @sukistrawberry @goldryush @000rpheus @sfthyuka @mxnhoeuwu @dandelionxgal @vanillainverse @niaalove @igotkpoops ]
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peonierose · 3 months
Luna Valeria Auclair (OC)
A/N: I wanted to re-introduce my OC Luna. I’ve been thinking long and hard and just wanted to share some more things about my OC. I decided I will not be using a fc for the foreseeable future 🥰
I also included more info on Luna’s family and her triplet cousins as well 🥰🩷
You can also find all my stories on my Masterlist
Full name: Luna Valeria Auclair
Nicknames: Lunes & Lu by Bryce Lahela (OH), Moonbeam (by her grandpa and her dad), Loonsey & Loon-Moon (by her mom & grandma), Sugarplum (by her best friend Maxine), Looney (By her cousins)
Love Interest: Bryce Lahela (Open Heart)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: June, 27th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer ♋️
Nationality: American
Born: Honolulu, Hawaii 🌺
Face Claim: none for now
Hair: dark blonde, long and wavy
Height: 5‘0 feet tall
Eyes: Blue-green with a slight aquamarine tint
Education: Luna got her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Hawaii. She specialized in ceramics, drawing painting + sculpture.
She teaches art at the University of Hawaii.
(Though Luna would love to have her own art gallery in Honolulu, Hawaii).
Family: Luna is an only child (for now, though that might change soon).
Luna’s parents:
Grace Amanda Auclair, Luna’s mom is an English teacher at McKinley High (Luna’s old Highschool).
Brian James Auclair, Lunas mom and dad are both from the Chicago area. Brian worked in finance at his father’s company. He comes from a wealthy family- his parents are from new money. They were very strict, and technically he didn't need to work at his fathers company, but he didn't want to be like all the other rich people who lived of off their trust fund. He wanted to earn his money.
The day he met Grace, they were both on their lunch break. Grace spilled her coffee on Brian's shirt and felt so embarrassed. She wanted to pay for dry cleaning, but Brian wouldn't hear it. Later on they kept talking for what seemed like hours. They promised to see each other again on the next day. They met every day for coffee until Brian had the courage to ask her out. They dated for a while before they became official.
Sadly Brian's parents didn't approve of his love with Grace, and they made him choose. Grace wanted to break things off. She didn't want to be the cause of a rift between his parents. But Brian chose Grace and that's the last day he spoke to his parents. They disowned him afterwards.
With some savings they both decided they wanted to make a fresh start. Grace quit her job as an English teacher and Brian quit his job in finance. They packed their belongings and moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. Where Brian opened up his flower shop called »Orchid's Paradise«. He always had a knack for flowers.
They got married and he took his wife’s name (Auclair). He hasn’t spoken to his parents ever since. Though he has a beautiful family now and he couldn’t care less.
Luna‘s aunt, uncle and her triplet cousins:
Joanne Dahlia Auclair (her aunt; maternal side)
Joseph Alexander Auclair (her uncle; maternal side)
Skyler Tristan Auclair (Luna‘s cousin; maternal side)
Soraya Emilia Auclair (Luna‘s cousin; maternal side)
Evangeline Rose Auclair (Luna‘s cousin; maternal side)
Luna‘s cousins have their own wedding planning business called »Sunset Moments«
Luna‘s grandparents:
Angelina Lilly Auclair (Luna’s grandma; maternal side - they share the same birthday - June 27th).
Grayson Oleander Auclair (Luna‘s grandpa; maternal side - a former defense attorney, now retired).
Auclair Family Tree
Auclair Triplets (Luna‘s cousins)
- mangos
- cherries
- herb sauce for her fries
- guava
- Haupia (Hawaiian dessert)
- mangas (Bryce loves comics) she would love to do a collab of a manga that features Hawaii
- Luna loves to take old furniture and make it into something new / or restore it to its former glory
- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with banana slices (Just like Elvis Presley)
- toxic people
- negative energy
- dishonesty
- liars
- the word »glib« whatever that means
Personality: bubbly and sunshiny. Very open, honest, loyal, generous, a true sweetheart. Though hurt the people she loves? And you should better run.
Friends: She has her best friend Maxine Moore, who’s a tattoo artist based in Honolulu, Hawaii 🩷
Adam Sinclair who she went to school with. They went on one date but found out they’re better off as friends.
Amber Merchant - a popular photographer who took this photo of Luna 🥰
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Luna‘s favorite Hawaiian proverbs:
Kahuna Nui Hale Kealohalani Makua – “Love all you see, including yourself.”
Aloha Aku No, Aloha Mai No – (I give my love to you, you give your love to me.)
Ua ola no i ka pane a ke aloha – (There is life in a kindly reply.)
‘A’OHE PU’U KI’EKI’E KE HO’A’O ‘IA E PI’I – (No cliff is so tall it cannot be climbed.)
12 things about Luna:
🌺 plays the ukulele
🌺 her hair was as pale as moonlight and that’s how she got the name Luna
🌺 She got her nickname ”Looney“ from watching Looney Tunes as a kid
🌺 dances Hula
🌺 peonies & lilacs are among her favorite flowers
🌺 she was once stung by a jellyfish and got a tiny star shaped scar from it
🌺 allergic to ginger
🌺 thinks grasshoppers are creepy (though spiders are cute)
🌺 played soccer in grade school and in high school she switched to volleyball and tennis
🌺 was on the cheer squad together with her cousin Soraya (who was the cheer captain)
🌺 Had a belly button piercing but it got infected so she had to remove it.
🌺 Luna struggles with anxiety and can't handle large crowds. She's had help from her family, but also from her therapist. She goes there from time to time. Not as often as she did before she met Bryce. Art is like therapy for her. That's why she likes to paint or create to help her relax. Because some days are harder than others. She quit her job in Boston, because she was bullied by her boss. She didn't feel good to work in a toxic work environment like that. Bryce wasn't really happy in Boston either. They both missed home, so they moved back to Honolulu, Hawaii and Keiki went with them. (I explored that in my story By a Landslide)
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maknaeswrld · 10 months
heartbreak is a part of life | l.mh
wc: 1.2k
genre: ANGST; best friends to strangers; multi POV??
cw: literally no happy ending (for reader); talks of marriage; depression; sad cereal; angst; let me knows if I missed anything
part one: when you loved me
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You stayed in your room, hiding under your blankets. You had turned your phone off after several concerned texts from Jun, you didn’t want anything that reminded you of highschool, with the only exception being the jacket you cocooned yourself in.
Your stomach growled its displeasures with you, but you still didn’t move until the hunger pains hit. 
Slowly pulling the covers away from yourself, you dragged your body out of bed and stumbled your way to the kitchen. You heard hushed whispers before you even got out of the hall, and they shut up quick when they heard you coming.
You ignored your roommates in your kitchen as you shuffled to the cabinet and grabbed a box of your favorite cereal and poured yourself a large bowl. You shuffled back by them after pouring your milk and headed back to your room.
“Shit, that's her sad cereal and her comfort jacket. It’s really bad.” You heard Nat whisper from behind you.
You sat at your desk and slowly ate your cereal. It was soggy and gross by the time you finished it and your stomach was upset. You knew you should've eaten something more substantial than a sugar filled childrens breakfast, but nothing else sounded even slightly appetizing and adding throwing up to the list of things gone wrong in the past twenty-four hours was not something you wanted to do.
You fell into a horrible routine, you were sluggish and zombie-like, half hearted with everything you did, and exhausted. You hadn’t slept well in weeks and even your co-workers were starting to notice. 
You had never gone through depression before, but you didn’t need to go to a doctor to acknowledge that was what was going on with you.
One day, you came home from work early, hoping to soak in a nice long bath and hide out for a while, instead you opened your door to the sound of voices filtering in from the kitchen. They didn't notice you and you thought maybe you could sneak past the doorway without drawing attention to yourself but froze when you heard his name.
“We can’t tell her, she’s barely starting to pick back up, it’ll shatter her world.”
“She’s strong, she’ll get through it, but Minho’s engagement will be plastered everywhere before the end of the day. I just think it’ll be better hearing the news from us rather than a random magazine dealer on her way home from work.”
You knew you weren’t meant to hear this conversation, and you definitely didn’t want to, but even with tears in your eyes and your already fragile heart shattering into pieces, you silently leaned against the wall and listened.
“She’s been through hell, Jun. I have never seen her so torn up. If we tell her, I have no idea how she’ll take it. She just found out she’s in love with her high school best friend and has been for years, the last thing she needs is to find out he’s getting married.”
“We can’t just hide something like this from her forever, Lia. Min wants to invite her to the wedding. She has a right to know.” 
You heard your roommate blow out a breath of frustration, you could picture her rubbing her cheekbones under her eyes like she usually does when she's stressed about something.
You didn’t want to hear any more. No longer caring about being unnoticed, you dashed by the kitchen, head tilted down to hide the tears blooming in your eyes. You ran to your room, ignoring the sounds of surprise and calls of your name. 
You locked your door and leaned back against it. You ignored Lia pounding on your door and calling out to you, you didn’t pay any mind to Jun’s usually calm voice breaking with concern, all you could do was stand in shock as you processed what you had heard them saying, tears staining your face. 
You moved like a ghost as you walked to your desk. You continued to ignore your friends as you pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. In an unsteady sprawl, you wrote out seven simple words, folded up the paper, and stuck it in the small hidden pocket on the inside of the jacket that you had treasured for so long.
You calmed your breathing and gently folded up the jacket. Opening the door, you came face to face with your two worried friends. As they both looked you over, they noticed the jacket at the same time, Lia confused as to why you were holding your comfort jacket instead of wearing it, and Jun wondering how the hell you still had one of the dance team's jackets after all these years.
Your voice was unsteadier than you were hoping it’d be as you held the treasure out towards Jun. 
“Can you give this to him and tell him congratulations for me? And sorry that I won’t be able to make it to his wedding?”
Jun took the jacket hesitantly, looking to Lia first as if asking for permission. Once it was in his hands you gave them a shaky smile and nodded before walking back over and crawling into your bed. You would’ve shut the door, but knew Lia, and your other roommates when they got home, would feel a little bit better if they could peek in every now and again to make sure you were alright.
Jun left a while later, the jacket feeling heavy on his arm.
He arrived at the company building twenty minutes late for practice and slightly out of breath. He said a quiet hello to the lady at the front desk as he rushed to the practice room. Minho noticed him the second he walked through the doors, pausing the song he was teaching and calling for a water break before walking over to his friend.
“Where have you been? I didn’t think you were gonna make it.” Minho said, voice grumpy but eyes concerned as he looked his friend over, quickly taking notice of the jacket. “Is that..?” 
Jun hesitated but held it out to him. “Y/n says congratulations, also she is sad to say she won’t be able to attend the wedding.” Minho looked at the jacket. He knew exactly which jacket it was. He hadn’t thought about it, or the note he had left in it, for a while. He always got sad when he thought about her. He assumed she found the note and got weirded out, which led to her never contacting him again. Sometimes he wondered how things could have been if he wasn’t such a coward in high school, but he couldn’t complain too much. He had his dream job, his gorgeous financée whom he loved dearly, and most of all he did it by the sides of some of his best friends in the whole world. 
Even so, the what ifs flash by every now and again. 
A sudden curiosity flooded him as he wondered if you ever even found the note. It was entirely possible it was still in the pocket. He ignored the fact that the jacket was completely covered in your scent, one that hadn’t changed even after all these years, and unzipped the pocket. 
He noticed there was a note, but not his. This one looked clean, as if it was newly placed there. He pulled it out and unfolded it, reading the words that were written there in your gorgeous, steady handwriting.
“Thank you for when you loved me.”
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a/n: thank you so much for reading, feedback is always always appreciated🫶🫶
Alternate Ending: love is worth the wait
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ann1e-on-earth · 27 days
Freakblr month day 29: What does the main cast remind me of?
Oh fuck yes I have been waiting for this
Jake: Troy Bolton (Highschool musical)
Hailey: Fishes because if that one scene in the comic episode where she’s embarrassed and it says “Oh. my. God.”
Zander: Grapes (Ik it’s a basic answer but whatever)
Milly: Millie from Helluva Boss
Sean: Penguins. I don’t even know why
Drew: Kanye West
Zoey: Sharpay Evans (Highschool musical)
Henry: The boys in my class who say slurs
Liam: Tomatoes
Lia: Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
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speedydestinydream · 1 year
I understand the transmasc Jake headcanon and I think it's very neat but have you ever considered...
Transfem Jake?
Not enough people talk about the idea of transfem Jake, honestly.
(Though, with most characters in the TMF fandom, when people headcanon them as trans they usually headcanon them as transitioning to the canon gender they are in the show originally—Ex. Headcanoning Zander to be FtM/Headcanoning Daisy to be MtF)
It has so much potential !!! Here, I'll give a few ideas:
Ex. 1. Jake trying to figure out whether or not she (I'm just gonna use she/her for talking about transfem jake) has a crush on Daisy, or if she wants to be Daisy and is simply getting extreme gender envy from her. (Spoiler alert: It's probably both.)
Ex. 2. Jake comes out to her friend group and they're all supportive and whatnot and all that good stuff. Henry thinks he finally has a chance with Lia. nope. Lia is still in love with Jake either way. (Pansexual Lia... hell yeah.)
Ex. 3. Lia and Zoey help Jake with her transition. Helping her figure out how to put on makeup, helping her pick out reasonable stylish outfits, taking her out on girl's nights with them, defending her with their lives. I know Zoey despises Jake... buuuuut I'm gonna ignore that for the sake of fluff. Maybe they just develop a frenemy kind of bond. (Ignore canon.)
Ex. 4. Jake comes out to the music club and Hailey is extremely proud of the fact that they gained one more female club member. (Milly is jumping up and down and celebrating this.)
Ex. 5. Jake comes out to her family. Milo still doubts her ability to get girls, whether identifying as a boy or girl. Jake is extremely offended.
Ex. 6. In freshman year of highschool, Daisy is the first person Jake confides in about her gender struggles.
Ex. 7. Jake loses a bet with her friends and puts on a dress. Refusing to admit it, she actually feels extremely confident in it. She secretly buys the dress, keeping it in her closet, hoping for the day she could wear it in public.
Ex. 8. Oh wow, Angst. - The angst potential is STRONG. I know how much this fandom loves angst.
Jake is in an all guy friend group—well, atleast her closest friends are guys. She might feel extremely out of place, like she didn't belong, even with her group of friends. The emotions from her past of being friendless and out of place strike back to her as she realizes she feels nothing like all her other friends, and even her own body makes her feel out of place now. She ends up starting to slowly drift way from Drew, Henry, and Liam, refusing to admit what's wrong.
Ex. 9. (Still angst) - Middle school Jake would often stay up late at night, occasionally accidentally pulling all nighters, looking at herself in the mirror, trying to figure out what was so wrong with her that she felt this way.
Ex. 10.
Jake: *is coming out as transfem and stuff and stuff yknow*
Zander: *rests hand on Jake's shoulder* Don't worry, this doesn't change how I feel about you in the slighest.
Jake: Aw, thanks-
Zander: I still think you are a cocky asshole.
These are just some things I made up on the spot. Some might not be that interesting, i know. I have many great transfem jake ideas but they all just fucking left me when i decided to write this. Curse you stupid brain. If my good ideas come back I'll be sure to add more on to it in a reblog.
In all honesty, the most accurate depiction of transfem Jake would probably just be...
Jake thinking—"Heh, I'm such a ladies man," to "Oh shit.. maybe I'M a lady!"
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unknownmelodies · 9 months
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Made an updated version since the last one had very stupid stuff written by me heres a fixed up version.
Jesse was at the college next to lia's highschool where she went to see her sister where she met jesse for the first time
Was taught how to play guitar from vincent when she was at lesters place to study with him and his guitar skills caught their eyes so in their free time she would rush to his room to learn from him
Is forced to shop for hours with Jesse when he sees the smallest scratch on his clothes her and asa always decide who goes with him from playing rock paper scissors. Or asa just says he will cook for her if she goes with him.
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yenqa · 8 months
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in which...
you hate heeseung. you hate his snobby little voice, his stupid little glasses that are too big for him, his nosiness, and his ability to prove anything or anyone wrong easily. you hate hate hate the way you try to avoid him, but somehow he’s always around, and he can’t see how much you hate him. you swear nothing could make you like him, but after you get caught in a sticky situation with him playing your knight in shining armor, you realize that maybe he isn’t so bad after all.
pairing — heeseung x fem!reader
genre — one sided enemies to lovers, highschool au, he falls first she falls harder, oblivious x obvious, tutor x tutoree (kind of), childhood friends (ish because the whole one sided enemies thing) to lovers, long fic
wordcount — teaser is 1005! fic est. 9k-13k words (hopefully not too ambitious)
warnings — profanity, kissing (no suggestive stuff or nsfw), miscommunication, parties/underage drinking, name calling (bitch, whore, stuff like that), food
featuring — lia of itzy, miyeon of g-idle, hyung line of enhypen (sorry maknaes too many people), ocs : sooyun + teachers
disclaimer — i am not saying this is an accurate representation of these idols or trying to sexualize them at all. this just something i do for fun.
release date — hopefully by mid march?
taglist — open! send an ask or comment to be added!
yenqa — watched the movie on the plane and i was kind of obsessed… but this does not follow the movie plot, i just thought the title fit
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A blanket of white has got you and the guests at your house locked in for the night. You weren’t very happy with these strangers staying at your house for the night—In fact, you had just been completely shut down by your dad when you asked him to kick them out. It was obvious why he did that, but this definitely had to be your least favorite christmas out of the eight you had been through.
You snap out of your thoughts, continuing to eat whatever you had left on your plate, hesitating when you saw the amount of vegetables still left.
“Mom! I’m full.” You try to hide your plate from her, showing her instead a pout with a hand on your stomach. 
It didn’t work—obviously, so you were stuck at the table, a frown on your face as you forced in the greens. Across from you, a boy your age, who didn’t seem to mind, he almost looked like he was enjoying it.
That’s impossible though, no one likes vegetables. Maybe he was doing it so Santa would get him an extra special gift?
You grumble when he finishes his place, showcasing his plate that had been licked clean to his mom. He stared at you for a second looking down at your—full plate then looking back at his mom, she said “Great job Heeseung!”. He returns his plate to the table with a smile. 
Stabbing your fork back into your food, you stuff it into your face, hoping that you would enjoy it as much as Heeseung did. Again, it didn’t work, and the bitter taste returned to your mouth.
After what felt like hours of groaning and complaining, you had taken the last bite of your food, a proud smirk on your face when you made eye contact with the boy from earlier, who only smiled at you in return. 
Throwing away your plastic plate, you realized that now it was present time, and Santa just had to reward you for your good deeds.
Rushing over to the tree, you spot everyone gathered around the area, opening their presents. You run to your present, recognizing the wrapping paper from last year. Looking at your mom for approval, she nods and you tear apart the paper, lifting up the box inside.
You squeal when you see the picture, you had been begging your mom for weeks for a Lego set, specifically if it was minecraft themed. And Santa had gotten you just that. You hug the box, squeezing it. You exclaim a loud “Thank you Santa!” before running up to your room to assemble the build.
Reading the directions, you start the house, quickly getting confused on how it isn’t looking like how it does in the picture. 
“I think that’s the wrong piece.” A voice says, you whip your head around to see the same boy who sat across from you.
“Who are you?” Your eyebrows furrow at the sight, confused on why those were the first words he said instead of “Hi!” or something.
“My name’s Heeseung—Um, my mom told me to come upstairs and said we should be friends. Do you want to be friends?” 
You huff, “I’m Y/n. Also no, I don’t want to be friends, you’re mean.” You force your legos together, frustrated already with the pieces. You continue to reread the directions, pushing—what you think are—the exact legos to the board. But it doesn’t seem like it’ll fit. Maybe if you push it harder?
“Oh—okay.” You jump slightly, too focused to realize how he's been watching you for the past few minutes. “Do you need some help?”
Yes, you need help. But did you want to accept his help?  . This was your christmas gift from Santa, you shouldn’t have to share.
Glancing at the picture then to the building that had looked like an abstract rendition of it, you let out a sigh. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt, right? “Yeah, I guess.”
He takes a seat on the carpet next to you, focusing hard on the directions before breaking off the wrong pieces, reassembling it so you’ll be on the right track.
“Does this go here, do you think?” “No, it goes here.”  That was a summary of what the conversation was between you, and somehow you were always the one asking the question. Sighing, you lean back, taking a short stretch break before starting again.
You’re shocked at his speed and efficiency, it almost seems like he’s always a step ahead of you. Geez does this guy ever slow down? 
The roles are quickly switched as you are sitting watching him instead. Rummaging through each box only for his eyes to lighten up one he finds the right one. You watch him for a while, getting a break that you very much needed.
You hope that he waits for you to finish it, or that he doesn’t completely do it all by himself because again,  it’s your Christmas gift, and he wouldn’t do that, right?
Not right, because apparently he’s a machine—he finishes the build. He stands up, pushes his stupid glasses up also and smiles at you, heading to the door. You think he’s going to say something else like “Sorry for taking away your present!” instead, he thanks you for sharing and happily skipping away. 
Heeseung. Even his name infuriates you. He was very unpredictable and you hated that. Why did he just do that? He’s so rude. People don’t make sense—especially boys, they have cooties.
Your head was filled with calling him the rudest things you could think of—You even said a few curse words.
Though later you realized that you probably would never see him again, you were ecstatic, so ecstatic you had disassembled your legos just to rebuild it, to completely forget about your bad experience with the boy. 
Only two weeks later were you disappointed to see that same boy, sitting across from you during dinner once again.
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perm taglist — @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee @hanniluvi @teddywonss
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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ittaly · 6 months
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Italia's Navigation
About me:
Hello! My name is Italia, Italy or Lia for short.
My pronouns are she/her
I'm Italian
My favorite NHL team is the New Jersey Devils and my favorite college teams are Boston College and Boston University
I play softball for my highschool
My family is big on football and hockey
I'm the youngest sibling of four with two older brothers and an older sister
I mainly use dividers from @cyberbeat and @fairytopea
Who I right for + masterlist
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bamtorrii553 · 1 month
the girl she never was, and never would be.
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SUMMARY: hanni and lia went to the party that anton brought up at the cafe. they walk in and enjoy their time before hanni goes looking for anton. she finds him and him and her have a little....moment. hours later, hanni goes upstairs and sees something she never was meant to see.
GENRE/WARNINGS: nerd!hanni, highschool au, horror, making out
CHAPTER 2: wonyoung has this many friends?
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soon, a week had passed and hanni and lia were standing outside of wonyoungs house. “were here.” hanni spoke up. “yup.. were here.” hanni looked back at lia. “what if the food sucks?” “then.. we’ll leave and order food.” hanni gasps and her mouth makes an ‘o’ shape. “really? youre being that nice?” “no, come on. you HAVE to go and stay. were already here, plus antons here too.” “oh shush!” hanni exclaims and brings lia inside. 
hanni and lia walked inside together and looked around. the music was loud, the house was crowded, and it was slightly warm from so many people being in there. at least it smelt nice from the air fresheners. hanni held lia’s hand and walked to where the drinks were, getting some water. hanni yelled to lia over the music. “much more crowded than i thought!” “yeah!” lia replied. hanni and lia talked for a bit before going their separate ways, hanni trying to find anton. 
eventually she did, snd she smiled. “hey anton.” anton looked down at her with a smile, clearly a bit tipsy. “hey sweetie.” he gripped her waist to stay close to her as people walked past. hanni’s cheeks went red and she stayed close to his chest. “enjoying the party?” anton said, leaning down so he could hear hanni better. “mhm. a bit too crowded but its fine.” “yeah.. no one expected it to be this crowded.” then a sudden moment of silence. 
anton then spoke up, words slipping out if his mouth that hanni didnt expect. “yknow.. ive always wanted to kiss you ever since we were younger.” anton looked at hanni with a smile. she smiled back, but on the inside her heart was thumping loudly, her mind going into auto pilot mode, and her palms getting sweaty. she felt like she was about to explode. “r-really? i wouldnt mind just one kiss..” anton smirked snd leaned down more, kissing her lips softly, their eyes closed and lips moving and dancing together. 
hanni pulled away for some air but anton pulled her right back, kissing her just as passionately with his hands on her waist. eventually the kiss broke up and it left the duo panting. “that was amazing. youre a really good kisser.” anton said with a smile. “yeah it was.. and thank you, you are too.” hanni pecked his lips softly. “i have to go, ill be back!” hanni quickly ran off to find lia. once she did, she told her everything. “oh my god!! you and anton are datingg!!” lia and hanni jumped, smiling and giggling.
timeskip to a few hours later, hanni went upstairs to use the bathroom when she passed by wonyoungs room. what she saw shocked her. anton and wonyoung kissing on wonyoungs bed.. she froze entirely and just stared. her heart felt heavy. she could feel it breaking into a million pieces. tears threatened to form in her eyes, but she just ran off to the bathroom, crying there. after 15 minutes, she wiped her eyes and fixed her makeup, sighing before leaving the bathroom. after she left the bathroom, her face was expressionless. 
when she got back downstairs, she found lia. “whats wrong hanni?” lia asked worriedly. “a-anton.. and wonyoung..” thats all lia needed to hear before she got her drink and they left the party. lia drove hanni home, giving her a quick hug. once at home, hanni just laid in bed and cried. she started writing in her diary too. while she was writing, her mind started filling up of new ideas she could write about. shes never had these thoughts before, but she’d never actually do them.. right..? 
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kahatesevryone · 7 months
Hiii I wanna talk ab “honey love!” My tmf drake coffee shop au :3
We’ll mainly just the characters in stuff lol
(Also if anyone wants to make a fanfic or smth out of my au pls credit me and tell me I’d love to see it!! :3)
Jake is a nice and encouraging well meaning 19 year old young man who attends rose meadow collage as a freshman he works at a local coffee shop near the collage. He often spends his time singing or playing music, you can often see him hanging out with his childhood friend daisy or with his new found friends Hailey, Zander, Luke, Milly, and Sean. He’s a guy who just wants to get there collage and maybe become a well known singer??!👀 so far his collage life Jade been pretty boring lately untill he meets a plum haired guys who’s kinda of…anyways! Jake is happy to meet you! ^_^
Drew is a pretty chill guy but is often annoyed by his two friends Henry and Liam. He’s also an 18 year old freshman in college he’s a business major to take on the family business when he’s older. He comes from quite the wealthy family. He is often studying or playing/ hanging out with his best friends who has self proclaimed then selves as the “dromies”, other then his good friends he has lia who’s been his friends sense high school they’ve gotten quite close in the last few year after finding out they have a bit in common. There’s also his annoying ex gf who keeps bothering him sometimes. He’s also quite popular with his classmates except for a certain group of people, he will admit he’s a bit ashamed of his actions and behavior in highschool… he wants to make admen’s but thinks it’s to late so he stays always from them.
Okay I’m gonna do Liam, Henry, lia and maybe zoey (zoey isn’t gonna be in this story to much 💀) and Hailey, daisy and milly tmr sense it’s getting late 😭
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jihyoruri · 3 days
your works are the only thing keeping me going.. these classes are being my ass lia I can’t do this anymore. why did I take all these APs I can’t do this anymore I HAD TWO DAYS TO DO AN ENTIRE RESEARCH PAPER OH MY GODDDD
what if angst when if paranoiayn dates wonyoung but sometimes thinks about karina what if LOVE TRIANGLEEEE(everyone boos)
do you think there’s a possibility of angst or not even because the ship has sailed (with karina)
also nmixxyn is so cutie she’s so funny and silly the work was so fun it gave me the will to finish my work (I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE IM GONNA BE A HIGHSCHOOL DROPOUT Somebody SAVE ME)
I’m honoured that my fics are keeping you going (honour always makes me think zuko)
I can definitely see karina going “????” when she sees wonyoung in the sm building, the drama would be crazy
nmixx!yn is everything to me and yall better send asks about her she’s so fun
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bucoliqves · 6 months
How would the brothers karamazov be if it was an early 2000s italian telenovela with a low budget? 🧵
We follow the (dis)adventures of the Morettis (Moretti < moro = brown), a roman family that owns a very famous bar.
The head of the family is Matteo (I've never met a single Teodoro (fyodor) in my life + Matteo means God's gift too)
His oldest son Giorgio (again, I've never met a single Demetrio (Dmitri) in my life + Giorgio is a name related to the earth > the goddess demeter) never finished highschool, he got in the army but soon dropped out to follow his new girlfriend Caterina to Milan.
Caterina is the daugther of a retired soldier who got Giorgio into the army in the first place. While he was with Caterina, though, he became friends with her sister Agata, who introduced him to her friend Giulia, who everybody calls Lia (Grushenka. Same shit, you won't find any Agrippinas here).
Matteo had Giorgio with a young woman named Adele, whom he was forced to marry when he got her pregnant and divorced a few years into their marriage. Matteo remarried an even younger woman, Sofia, who gave him two children named Giovanni and Alessio.
Giovanni is about to graduate in natural sciences. He rarely visits his family, but he happened to pop by when Giorgio and Caterina were there too. He secretly fell for her and planned to move to Milan as well to follow her and keep and eye on his brother.
Alessio (whom everybody calls Lele) has always been a quiet, lovely child. He dropped out of uni a few months into the semester to follow his true calling and become a priest. He is following a seminary in Vatican city and visits his father every weekend. (Let's pretend they're roman catholics for the sake of this. DOSTO DONT CRUCIFY ME)
Paolo "Cacaliscia" (literally "smooth shit", best rendition of Smerdyakov i can give you), the three Morettis' "distant cousin", works at the family bar and is the one who knows all the gossip. He despises his job and how his "uncle" treats him, so from time to time he tells everybody's business to the right (wrong) person.
Paolo's scenes are always in the bar. In every single episode with him he's either cleaning glasses with an annoyed expression, leaning on the counter with a shit eating grin ready to gossip or just being the typical caricature of a gay guy in an early 2000s piece of media.
Lele is seen with one (1) signature friend, Michele Raccattoni (raccattare=to collect), who's in the seminary with him but is not very... priest like. The directors LOVE adding scenes of him coming back to their shared room late into the night and Lele switching on the lights annoyed.
The show is top of the charts for five years, has 12 seasons and is still ongoing, everyone and their mother lost their shit when Lele almost left the seminary for Lia and some actual radical priest condemned the show during a sermon (he wanted Lia and Giorgio together).
Giorgio's actor has become italian teenage girls' n1 dream guy and in 2021 there's the start of a whole fandom for the pairing between Alessio and Michele. People who like Giovanni are considered edgy and no one likes Paolo except three Cacaliscia apologists on twitter dot com (me).
In the final episode Lele finally rejects the avances of Elisa, a girl in the seminar who has a crush on him, and becomes the youngest cardinal in Rome because he can. He celebrates the double marriage between Lia/Giorgio and Caterina/Giovanni. Paolo is the flower girl.
The ceremony is stopped when Niccolò, a boy whom Alessio had taken under his wing, storms into the cathedral and tells everyone that Matteo has been found dead. It turns out Paolo had murdered him. The two couples find his will. He wanted to leave everything to Alessio, who decides to divide his inheritance between his brothers and their wives. While he's looking for Paolo to tell him he's going to get some money too he finds out he hung himself in the church confessional.
And uhh thats it. Notte notte.
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