#Ive this draft almost done for ages and i finally broke and just chose a final line and capped it
izzy-b-hands · 2 years
"I think we just need to extinguish the lighthouse," Olu says gently. "So if either of you could...just blow out the flame?"
"I shouldn't have left," Stede takes a hold of Ed's hands.
"You didn't really," Ed shrugs. "I mean, physically you very much did, but...those loose ends from back home might have fucked things up for us. I mean people not knowing one hundred percent if you were dead or not, by the way, I'm not trying to call your kids and ex wife 'loose ends'-"
"It doesn't matter," Stede interrupts. "Things are cleaned up, and we-"
"Badminton's ship is still far enough off to run them straight into the rocks," Buttons interjects from the precarious crew huddle a few feet away. "If you snuff out the light now at least!"
"I don't think they're listening," Olu sighs. "Does anyone think they could climb past them to the light?"
A few hands hesitantly rise.
"Without falling off the lighthouse in the process."
Most of the hands go down.
Except Izzy and Jim.
"Absolutely not," Olu says. "Jim, I love you, so no. I'm not watching you fall to your death here!"
"What about watching me fall to my death elsewhere, later?" Jim asks.
"This is serious!" Olu says. "But sure. Only if I get to fall with you."
"This is almost as bad as the captains," Pete grumbles. "I'll do it!"
"It's a win win if I do it," Izzy notes. "For you all. I'll probably fall and Badminton will dash himself into the rocks. What more could you ask for?"
"You gotta fucking stop," Frenchie scoffs. "We are, at this point, in agreement with each other and all on the same team. No one has actively threatened you in at least a week. Chill."
There's a pause, and an unspoken pondering from everyone that had been marooned. What exactly had Frenchie and Izzy gone through during that time?
"Right," Izzy clears his throat awkwardly. "Sorry."
"How did you do that?" Olu asks. "Frenchie, how-"
"We bonded," Jim interrupts. "What? Don't any of you fucking look at me like that! It was...okay."
"Then it sort of turned into fun," Frenchie adds. "Aside from Ed...having a not so great time."
Izzy nods. "Did you guys know we all sing? All three of us."
Pete blinks. "I'm not against whatever is happening here, but...look, can we just kill this guy?"
"Nah," Lucius pushes by him. "Hey, if everyone could let me by, just. Scooch a little without falling off aaaand thank you!"
Further down the lighthouse top, Stede's shirt goes fluttering down to the ground.
"Oh," Olu watches it fly. "I think we missed them making u-cock is out. Okay. Well. Lucius, have you got this?"
"In more ways than one," Lucius replies. "First, I fucked Badminton Number 5. Please don't tell him I call him that; he has no idea. He's planning to run them into the rocks no matter what, so actually! We can let these two fuck up here-"
A moan interrupts him.
"Like that, yeah," Lucius continues. "Though I'd recommend going just down to the level below at least. You can't fall off anything there."
He turns and prods a bit of Stede. "Hey. I meant it. You can't fuck if you fall off of this thing."
There's an awkward rush down, to give the captains privacy, then an absolutely horrifying crack and crash of a ship on sharp rocks.
Lucius claps his hands together and grins. "Today is going even better than I'd hoped."
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