#Izumi Yuu
kaoruko-han · 9 months
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x0401x · 6 months
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takizawakick · 1 year
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mrm9roe · 9 months
I drew jaya after Shikimori and Izumi from Kawaii dake ja nai Shikimori-san
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hanatagami · 1 year
My Unlucky Charm (Izumi Yuu x GN! Reader)
god i downloaded so many izumi gifs trying to pick one, i love him sm
i have a bad habit of falling in love with the males of romantic animes, but the problem is everyone loves the main couple together they don’t write fanfics for them and it pains me
please tell me you want more cause I want mORE
if you think of something cute for him please tell me
and i may do smth like this for Tadano from Komi-san so...if you want that lmk pwejfpwoe
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it’s been like this since you were born
your good luck was an enigma to you, your parents, and god
anything that could go well for you, goes well
your lucky your parents raised you well cause boy that luck could’ve gone to your head quickly
lotteries, games of chance, pop quizzes (somehow), were always in your favor
now normally thats great and all, but it does get very...lonely
in middle school you had definitely come to the realization your ‘friends’ saw you less as a ‘friend’ and more of a ‘good luck charm’
if it was a mix of both, maybe it would of been fine
but after a certain situation and some reflection on your part, you have come to understand they weren’t really interested in you
they didn’t remember anything about you, even the simplest of things
it was very disheartening, but a very important realization
you just didn’t have it in you to stay friends with people who only saw you as some walking white cat statue
and when you cut them off they had the nerve to be upset about it
spread rumors and everything
how you were stuck-up and conceited, someone who always ordered your friends around and expected them to cover for you
they had shaped your schools image into thinking you had some god complex
you were walking home in the rain, enjoying the soft sounds of water hitting your umbrella and the ground around you
when someone-something had caught your attention
a large piece of plastic had flew past you at a high speed, which was weird cause it really wasn’t that windy today
looking ahead you saw a dark-haired male standing a little further ahead of you, staring blankly ahead of him as if he was processing something
he was holding a long silver rod- remains of the umbrella that had flown past you moments prior
your walk had slowed a little to observe the male in front of you as he seemingly had an internal monologue of some kind
he took a deep breath, straightened out a little, and gained a look of determination
he held his arms over is head, getting in a running pose, and just as he was about to take off-
“Excuse me?”
Your voice startled him out of his battle focus, feet tripping over themselves slightly, losing traction on the wet ground
as he fell you rushed towards to help him, his body weight crashing into yours
apparently not ready for the sudden weight you also stumbled back, bracing yourself for an impact with the floor
but thanks to your luck (maybe) there was a little jut in in the cement you hadn’t noticed earlier that supported your foot from slipping anymore, and grounding yourself and the boy
(the luck must’ve been the cement helping you instead of tripping you)
“Oh my god dude, are you alright!?”
The guy in front of you looks up at you and- oh my god
this is easiest one of the cutest and prettieST BOYS YOU’VE EVER SEEN-
“U-Um, I’m fine. Thank you so much for catching me!” he looked up at you with the cutest unintentional puppy dogs eyes, before he chuckled sheepishly as he stepped back from your hold
“I’m sorry, I’m pretty clumsy...” He looked down in shame, messing with his drenched hair
“No, no, it’s okay, I swear!” You were quick to try and cheer him up, such a sad face didn’t suit the boy in front of you at all, “Was it your umbrella that flew by me a minute ago?”
His face struck with realization at your comment, and it was kinda cute to see the way he began to check his hand and the area around him for the rod-remains of his umbrella that he dropped while falling.
He gingerly picked it off the ground, with the caution of something else unexpected happening that he couldn’t predict. Facing you once more, you were finally able to get a proper look at him.
He was slender, his clothes would hang loosely on his form if they weren’t stuck to his body from the rain. His dark purple hair fells just a little past his brighter purple eyes. He didn’t hold himself with too much confidence, though he seemed to try and a bit a conscious effort in doing otherwise
Overall: very cute 
“I’m sorry about my umbrella, I’m a bit unlucky so this kind of stuff happens a lot...” His face grew a slight shade of pink, as if he was admitting to something strange, his thin fingers began to fiddle with the remainders of his umbrella to help ease his own tension
“I have an extra if you’d like it?” he was taken slightly off guard by that apparently, his eyes widening slightly and hands taking a break from their actions
“No it’s fine! I couldn’t take your extra from you, what if you end up needing it?” You couldn’t help but smile sweetly at his concern, it’s incredible that he can be worried for you when he was the one currently getting drenched
 “Please don’t worry about it, I have more spares at home. I actually won the spare today at a store, so I really don’t need it.”
“Do you...really not need it...?” You had to stop yourself from making a noise at the face he sent you, you didn’t know someone could look cute with shy uncertainty, but alas
“Yep! I won’t be missing it, I promise.” 
He hesitantly accepts the wrapped umbrella from your hands, holding it like it was the most fragile thing in the world
And immediately upon opening it, you both watch in shock as the plastic part flies away in a sudden wind
You guys stare at each other in awkward silence, before he beigns to apologize feverishly for his bad luck
“Um...I have another spare if you want it?” You pull out a second umbrella from your bad, and show it to him.
“I won this at a store today too...”
que a few more moments of awkward awe
He looks at you with a bit of disbelief, you (correctly) assume that he thinks your just saying that to make him feel better about taking it
“I have pretty good luck! I get stuff like this all the time so...please take it!” You back up your words by pushing the umbrella into his chest, and gave a reassuring smile to show him your being honest
“Well, if you really don’t mind...”
“I don’t.”
He takes it from you once more, opening it much more gently then the last one, cautious something may happen again.
You guys both tense once it fully happens, awaiting for what may happen.
In sync you and the mystery boy accompany a sigh of relief with a relaxing of your shoulders, giving each other a sheepish smile at the scenario.
“Well please be careful on your way back...”
“You too.”  “...”
It took him a second to realize you had wanted his name, stuttering out a “I-Izumi Yuu!” with a funny look on his face.
“I’m (L/n) (Y/n). You better get home fast, or you’ll get sick. I’ll see you around?” You offer a slight wave with your free hand as you walk past him, making sure to smile your best smile at him.
You can’t help but release a chuckle at his response, like he was a soldier talking to his superior.
As you walked away, Izumi couldn’t help but curl up a little into himself, a little flustered at your smile, the way you chuckled as you left, basically the whole interaction
And he was thankful you didn’t hear the yelp that escaped when the umbrella suddenly closed on him without warning.
You guys both made it home that day thinking of the other, hoping you each made it back okay.
(Izumi had in fact gotten a cold, but there was no way for you to know that)
(you didn’t catch a cold, but you may have caught feelings)
you didn’t see him soon after that, in fact it wasn’t until you first day of high school rolled around that you saw him again
when you had entered the school gates, you had unexpectedly run into him talking to a girl with long pink hair, and the brightest blue eyes
overall: very pretty
you walked closer to greet them but stopped when she suddenly gripped him with a serious look on her face.
“Tell me...your name.”
“It’s...It’s Izhumi...”
“Ho ho, Izhumi huh?” Both heads had whirled at your sudden intrusion, you were now able to tell they were both red from whatever conversation they were having...and at your witness of it all, they were beginning to glow a bright crimson.
You laugh mischievously as Izhumi begins to sweat violently and correct himself, while also greeting you, but also messing up your name in the process making you laugh more.
“I’m sorry Izhumi if I could’ve sworn your name was Izumi but maybe I just heard you wrong.”
He lets out a small whine of frustration at your teasing, as if he couldn’t make it anymore entertaining for you.
Chuckling out apologies you turn to the pink haired girl who had been eyeing you two, probably quietly wondering as if to how you two know each other.
“Hello, my name is (L/n) (F/n), I met Izhumi a while ago while walking home. Poor guy broke two umbrellas in a row right in front of me.” You rest your head in your hand in remembrance, your words bringing about another sound of protest from the boy next to you.
You could see her gaze go back to Izumi in which you (correctly) guess is a though of ‘wow he really IS unlucky’ 
“I’m Shikimori Miyako, it’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, I hope we get along from now on.”
She graces you with a sweet smile as the three of you being to walk together, chatting on your way to freshman orientation.
Shikimori eventually spots two friends of hers and parts, but you stick around with Izumi who has been nervously staring at the ground for a while, probably going over the whole fiasco earlier (and thats exactly whats he was doing)
His head snaps up to instinctively deny his new nickname, but every word seems to fizzle in his throat when he catches glimpse of your face. You aren’t able to recognize the look on his face at the time, but perhaps one day with some retrospect you’ll be able too.
“I feel so lucky to have met you again. And I feel so lucky to be able to attend school with you, and maybe if I’m really lucky, we’ll have class together too! This is looking to be my luckiest year yet.”
You don’t know the full extent of emotions that washed over him with your words, and he’d bet you might never understand what they meant to him. Although he loses all his bets, so whose to say.
As you give him what is probably the most beautiful smile he has ever seen, what once was but a sprout of feelings had sprouted into a bud, and it was left wanting more.
Was seeing him again, being around him more in the future...really good luck to you? Maybe its because you haven’t been around him enough to experience the brute force of his bad luck, that you don’t know what your getting into. If you really were so lucky all the time, would experiencing the problems that come with be a problem to you?
His mind was racked with thoughts, with feelings, and concerns. But overall, he couldn’t help but hope...
...that you meant it. And that you would continue to mean it.
your first year of class was very interesting, more for your classmates then you.
you had spent this year getting close to Izumi and Shikimori, becoming close friends with them and their respective friends, and a whole class got to witness your and Izumi’s luck clash.
Not really clash, but if you were both to be affected by the luck or lack of, the other would cancel it out. somehow.
like if its pure unlucky for Izumi, it’ll still happen, but if its unlucky for both you and izumi, your luck would act up and neutralize it.
needless to say your classmates observed you guys heavily when together cause the weirdest shit happens.
they’ll never forget when they were watching you two eating lunch together outside on a bench, and a bird swooped down to steal your guys’ food only to watch the bird get hit by a stray baseball, and you two were none the wiser.
It’s often that Izumi trips, but when he trips on you and you fall too, there's always someone miraculously behind you to cushion you both.
and perhaps the strangest thing has been happening all year long, since the first day. Izumi broke his pencil, so you gifted him an extra (deja vu), and then everyday for the rest of the year Izumi would break or lose the new pencil, and you would find or win a new pencil to give him, just for the same thing to happen the next day. Without fail.
You and Izumi when together have an aura of hidden glee that practically has the words “we’re normal!” floating around, happy that your lucks seem less prevalent together
But to everyone watching from the outside, you guys are really anything but normal together
you still call him Izhumi cause you think it’s cute and it still frustrates him. You and Shikimori often gang up on him cause his pouty face is wicked cute.
The day you met Shikimori, Izumi had messed up your name too when greeting you, so that has been adopted as your nickname and you think its cute so your fine with it. Izumi refuses to call you it though, sadly, and gets embarrassed everyone else does cause it was him who made the mistake and pronounced it that way
Izumi was by far the sweetest person you’ve ever met, much better then anyone who had gone to your middle school. you’ve never seen someone have it so rough, but be so selfless and kind
it would be so easy for him to be bitter and envious of your luck, but he never was. he was in awe of it, but it never was a driving point for his feelings towards you
to borrow a line from fruits basket, he deserves the moon but he would never ask you for it
you and izumi were picked for class cleanup after school one day
the window was opened to help keep the room cool, it was warm but not warm enough for the school to want to use the AC
that day was the first time you saw it
as in izumi-fashion, the wind had assisted him in losing balance when he had stepped on a wet spot from mopping, taking him to the floor
it was in the wind and the fall you spotted it
Izumi was quick to laugh it off sheepishly, promising he was fine and expected to hear your beautiful laugh
what he didn't expect was to see you on your knees in front of him with a concerned look on your face (though it was still one of the most beautiful looks he had ever seen, every new expression he discovers from you always makes him fluttery inside)
he stood statuesque still as he looked you in the eye, the only thing he could hear was his breathing and racing heart
his eyes couldn’t tear away from your hand as it had begun to approach him
his eyes slammed shut in nervousness and he hoped you couldn’t feel how sweaty he had gotten from the sudden heat that rushed to his face
his mind was going a mile a minute, and he would be lying if he hadn’t been expecting a kiss of some kind
he was so ready for it, but also not prepared at all!
he grew brave enough to crack an eye when he felt more firmness on the right side of his face along with a “oh honey...”
you had a habit of calling people things like that, when joking or worried
you did it to all your friends, but he couldn’t deny that it felt really nice to be called that by you
(and sometimes when he’s feeling brave, when he’s lying down for bed he’ll imagine you only calling him that oh how scandalous)
his head had cleared quickly when he had realized just exactly you were looking at, and what specifically you had been touching
subconsciously he had leaned into the fingers that traced the scar on his face, a scar that was usually hidden by his bangs
it makes that you wouldn’t have seen it before, and he couldn’t deny that the concern for it made him a little happy, even though he doesn’t enjoy seeing you so worried
Izumi could feel himself fall in love with the somehow soft-firmness in which you traced it
and he could feel himself fall in love with the idea that normally he knew you would of asked to touch it before doing so, you didn’t like to touch people without running it by them first
he hoped that instinctually you knew he would of let you touch it, and that's why it had slipped your mind to ask in the moment
“...Can I ask what happened?”
 if he wasn’t so conscious of the moment rn, he definitely would melted into your hand at the tone of your voice
“I have all kinds of scars like this,” it was flattering the way your brow scrunched in concern for him, though it made him feel kinda bad too
“I got injured a lot as a kid. I think this one came from a truck crashing into the house...”
“Oh gosh, hun, I knew you were unlucky but...”
Izumi could pinpoint this as the day he fell in love with you 
up into that point he knew something was forming, but this was the first moment he consciously thought
 ‘oh. I love them.’
“Izumi as long as I’m by your side, this will never happen again.”
 The setting sun blossomed a beautiful set of warm colors against your skin, the beams of light fell in such a way it was as if your eyes were softly gleaming, and your hair had been perfectly radiated by the ray, it was almost if you had a halo.
god you were so lovely
and it was from that day on Izumi got clumsier in front of you.
god he wants so badly to be cool, and by god does he try. 
but he wouldn’t be izumi if they all hadn’t failed in miraculously dramatic ways.
one day izumi had “accidentally” made too much food so he was gonna give some to you.
your classmates had been roughing around and knocked both over both of the bentos he had made
they froze at the tears in his eyes, and became truly petrified at Inuzuka’s and Shikimori’s fearsomely livid faces.
Though it wouldn’t be you if you hadn’t genuinely accidentally made too much food, and was willing to give him your extra bento. You had brought it so your friends could pick at it, but you were more then willing to give him the entire one.
it was also then they found out you always made indescribably delicious food
you told them you had a bad habit of accidentally knocking things in or impulsively using things to see how they’d taste, and the result is always top cuisine.
Izumi ate your food with tears running down his face, he was so blessed to eat your food but so cursed to not be able to give you his. (His pride was also a little hurt that you cooked better then him, he wanted to show off to you)
(he didn’t know you’d be happier eating his food then your own regardless, but he’ll find out someday soon)
he had prepped for a study session with the friend group, and it was ready to be really cool and teach you
He was the fifth in his year after all!
Turns out, everything he studied on either wasn’t on the curriculum somehow or it was something you already knew.
I mean he was still able to teach you a lot, but it frustrating that none of it was what he had specifically touched on to help you with.
Though he forgot all about that when you smiled and thanked him for helping you
(you may have just given him the drive to learn everything, which knowing him, was gonna blow up in some way)
and then in class he been staring at you for so long the teacher ended up calling him out in front of everyone and he was so embarrassed
the way you smiled at him did make it a bit better though...
The way he confessed to you was so like you guys, so unbelievable but yet so believable
it was the end of the school year when he decided to confess to you, he had begun to grow anxious as the new school year approached
You guys were in the same class this year, but it may not be the same next year.
You guys may not get as much time together, which means you’ll spend more time with others, then you’ll realize he isn’t worth his salt, then you’ll leave him and probably date some hunk with totally normally luck and you guys can win the lottery together and spend the rest of your lives together happily with kids and pets
He’s been
overthinking a lot recently
He tries to stay out of his own head, but it hasn’t been going well
He wants to show you how much he loveslikes you before it might be too late, and as he much as he can hope you guys are in the same class next year, with you and him in the mix who knows what could happen
So he decides to confess
He planned it all out
He’d ask if you guys could have lunch together privately in a spot behind the school, he’d give you his earnestly written love letter along with a bento he made (he’ll make a heart shape in it) and after you read it he’ll tell you how much you mean to him and then
he doesn’t know what next, but hopefully you’ll respond in kind
Of course the moment he decided there was a plan, every single step of that plan was gonna go haywire
he had gone through so many pieces of paper trying to write the perfect letter for you to read
he had wrote some pretty cringy stuff, but he’s sure he weeded out all the mess and made his perfect love letter
And then he thought of all the foods he’s heard you talk about, and picked out your favorites and made the best bento he could
his dad was in the kitchen so nothing went awry, but didn’t help with the cooking cause Izumi wanted to do it himself so “it could have all his feelings inside”
he was happy with the bento, and nothing had happened so he put it in the fridge and got ready for the next day
he was gonna do it
he was gonna confess!
the day started off well, he had the bento packed and he had sealed the letter in a cute pink envelope with a heart sticker (it was scratch and sniff, it smelt like roses which he thought would be romantic)
he didn’t even trip or get dirty on the way to school, maybe this was a good sign!
and all throughout the school day, nothing too strange happened so that was good
(he got called out again by the teacher for staring at you, but that was becoming frequent to the point it was no longer “strange”)
you had accepted his invite to eat lunch privately together, so that was step 1 complete
but from then onward
holy shit
the moment the bell rung he told you he’d meet you there, he just needed to do something real quick
You smile and go about your way, cute as could be
he pulled the letter and lunch out of his bag and with a deep breath he straightened out his shoulders and began his march to you
his determined face was really cute, it was a shame you couldn’t see it
but somehow
the wind in the hallway picked up? like a strong breeze through a window or something?
it snatched the letter right out of his hands and down the hall
he let out a small disbelieving screech before running down the hall to catch up, wary to not mess up the lunch in his hands, and tried to grab it with his free hand
it was sadly not going well, and the letter flew all the way down the hall, out the door, and straight into the blue sky
He squealed in panic and tried the best he could follow it, he was out of breath and red in the face (he was no athlete) but he wasn’t gonna let it out of his sight
and good for him, he didn’t!
but the wind had flew the letter all the way to your spot, and landed gently in your hands.
He tried to run up to you but collapsed out of breath just far enough so you couldn’t hear him pant
But he could hear you.
“A letter? It has my name on it...” He watches as you open the letter as he desperately tries to catch his breath
you read a little message in parenthesis under the sticker sealing the letter, it had a little arrow pointing to the sticker that said to give it a scartch n sniff, and you follow said instructions
you kinda guessed what this letter was gonna be about, the color of the envelope and the sticker kinda gave it away, and you were impressed by the thought put into it
you opened it and began to read it out loud to yourself much to his embarrassment
but to his utter humiliation you proceed to read the most cringiest and childish little remarks he had ever thought about you
oh god
he sealed the wrong letter
it wasn’t ever a letter
sure it started “Dear (Y/n)” but after that it was a bunch of hearts, bad doodles of you two holding hands and small little things he thinks of when he daydreams about you
that wasn’t a letter
“The way you focus on your work is really cute”
“You look so adorable in your uniform, how are you not breaking any dress codes to look that cute”
“the way your laugh sounds is so sweet it should be illegal”
“Your sweeter than any sweet i’ve ever had, i love you so much”
“I think the smell of your shampoo and conditioner suit you so well”
“god ur the cutest wutest loveliest little thing i wanna snuggle and huggle and crush you and kiss you and-”
the more he wrote the more unhinged it had gotten
god it was literally awful to hear you speak them into the world, and it was worse knowing you were never gonna forget this
it was the paper where he wrote to just get all the random thoughts he loves about you out of his head so he could write seriously
“...I love you so much and I hope you love me too...”
“...From Izhumi.”
He lets out a violent wheeze at your words and you just so happen to hear this one, and turn, and he hadn’t even thought about what he may look like right now since he was so busy struggling with his embarrassing letter
(he had signed it Izhumi becuase theres a part of him that actually gets really happy when you call him that, it’s like a pet name and you look so cute when you say it and he wanted to indulge that part of him but that was a misTAKE-)
(and of course he wrote I LOVE YOU and not I LIKE YOU like a NORMAL PERSON)
the young fella in front of you was nothing short of a mess, he was panting heavily, face deeply red - a mix from running and embarrassment-, his uniform was completely disheveled and his hair was entirely unruly.
overall: still very cute.
“Izumi, did you really write this?” He hides his face in his hand and whines pathetically-but cutely- “You weren’t supposed to read that one...”
He can hear you approach him, but he doesn’t have it in him to uncover his face.
“...Is this for me too?” You gently tug on the cloth-wrapped bento hanging from his fingers and he lets out a small whine of confirmation
He pulls the courage up enough to peek slightly between his fingers as you unwrap it
and upon opening it-
oh god
it was the wrong bento
it was his moms, she must’ve grabbed the one he made for you on accident 
and coincidentally
it was filled with all the foods you like the least
he lets out a shout of panic and you can only stare in worry as he begins to tremble and tear up
Small streams fell down his cheeks as began to stumble through a sentence- though it wasn’t very coherent
His mind was racing and he was trying to get all the words out to explain what the letter was, how it was the wrong one, and about the bento and how he had made one that had food you actually liked and how this was supposed to be his perfect confession
He felt your hand softly grasp his wrists-that at this point had been violently rubbing away tears- and pull them away from his face
He looked at you with upturned eyes that was very reminiscent of the ones you had seen upon first meeting him
he had quiet in anticipation to your next move, he doesn’t know if he can hope that this goes well after he butchered it so bad
but he can’t deny he feels it when you gently cradle his face and wipe the tears away, humming so softly he almost couldn’t hear it
his breath is stopped when your face gets closer to him, and he feels like he may pass out when your body presses closer to his
And then he feels something completely unexpected
His hair is brushed away slightly and a soft kiss is planted on his scar
he could feel a warm tingling from the spot your lips had touched, and it spread when he saw the smile on your face
“It’s okay hun, calm down. Let’s have some lunch, okay? My boyfriend just gave me the cutest letter and some lunch and I can’t wait to try it.”
A new round of tears erupts from his eyes, but he tenses his face and snorts in hopes of getting it to stop. The brightest smile you’ve ever seen is emitted from the boy and he immediately begins pestering you with countless “Really?”s and explanations onto what he wanted to do and to please give him the letter he can’t live knowing that it exists 
(you get to keep it because he can’t say no to you)
God you just scored yourself the cutest boyfriend
Izumi may be the unluckiest guy in the world, but he feels like the luckiest to have been able to meet you and to have been able to love you, and have you love him back.
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cutelooser · 20 hours
°· ꒰ఎ( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)໒꒱ ·°
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izumi yuu - kawaii dake ja nai shikimori san / shikimori's not just a cutie
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie Volume 12: Plenty of Fun To Be Had
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I'm just late to everything, aren't I? Oh well, I still really really loved this volume of Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie. One of the upsides to the slower release schedule of physical volumes is that it feels so much more fresh than digital, and I can certainly say that's the case with this volume. It flies by in the blink of an eye and leaves you with a warm and comfortable smile on your face from the main relationship down to the little side comments by the various characters.
I'm 12 volumes in, and I still can't get over Maki's absolutely stunning character designs. Knowing that this series is coming to a close I can't help but excitedly think about what they'll draw up next. They're so damn good you don't even think about the environment they're in or anything like that. There's just something about how they approach the shading and transparency of some of the layers in the design that just gives it such a light and bubbly feeling. You can help but feel warm when taking in Maki's art style, and the approach to stuff like the rosy cheeks or the sparkling eyes is just so helplessly cute. It's impossible to dislike.
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And once more, Maki just gets fashion, they get what the fans want. And it's delivered upon in spades. I didn't even know I needed Izumi in an apron, but he's his mother's child that's for damn sure, it looks amazing on him with that black turtleneck. Maki's just a style master and apparently knows exactly what outfits to use to bring out the most in each character, while remaining situational and true to the characters. Like this outfit with Shikimori, as she's wearing her brother's jacket because she thought it was cool.
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Maybe it's because I'm paying a bit more attention in these later volumes, or maybe it's just because Maki's making it happen, but I really love how many closeups and important scenes have been focusing on Izumi in the last few volumes. Shikimori has a habit of, well, being known for Shikimori, but once you're in the manga there's really a lot more to it.
And this volume drives it home. It opens the gates and drives characters forward even more, as Shikimori becomes more comfortable in "sharing" Izumi, and Izumi finds his own ways to be strong and helpful and independent. It's a really great piece that breathes an air of maturity and trust into their seasoned relationship now. There's nothing that could get between them, period. And it's really lovely, you feel that confidence that Shikimori and Izumi have in each other, and they find ways to complement and support each other wonderfully. They really are like a married couple.
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So sure, they're not all over each other loving it up, Shikimori isn't fawning over Izumi every other second and agonizing over a way to begin to date him, like most other RomComs work with. Instead, it's drawing itself towards the natural conclusion of an intimate relationship. They don't need those public displays of affection or anything like that to prove how deep their love for each other is. Instead, we're continually shown it through the contextualization of their interactions with others. How much Shikimori loves how caring and kind and passionate Izumi is, and how Izumi loves how strong and cool and confident Shikimori is. And within that, it's really unrivaled. It almost makes you think of a more adult approach to romance which is really nice to see. It doesn't require those steamy or heated moments to expose the love between the two, and Maki certainly deserves credit for their continued effort on that front.
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
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theyuno · 1 year
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I finished reading volume 2 of shikimori's not a cutie and my hand wanted to draw Izumi
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Here is the next bracket, which will start this Friday.
Purest Bean Bracket!
Competitor List, in order they appear
Aoyagi Touya (Hatsune Miku: Project SEKAI; Colorful Stage)
Wakamatsu Hirotaka (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun)
Fubuki Shirou (Inazuma Eleven)
Tadano Hitohito (Komi-san wa Comyushou desu.)
Kageyama Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100)
Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Academia)
Miyazawa Kenji (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Seto Kousuke (Mekakucity Actors)
Sendou Aichi (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
Natsume Takashi (Natsume Yuujinchou)
Kamado Tanjiro (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Izumi Yuu (Kawaii dake janai Shikimori-san)
Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona)
Itadori Yuji (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Alphonse Elric (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)
Allister (Pokémon: Sword and Shield)
If you like what I’m doing, please fill the tags with favorites propaganda!
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jisatsu-draw · 2 years
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kaoruko-han · 10 months
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More on Shikimori and her admirative boyfriend
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x0401x · 1 year
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takizawakick · 1 year
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makofan100 · 1 year
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Loved the girlboss and malewife series
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emi-matchu · 1 year
thinking about how Shikimori-san gets away with naming their two main characters "Yuu" and "Mii",
because you never hear it out loud
because they're way to awkward to call each other by their first names
please understand that they've been dating for a year now
I love these precious babes
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