#J once decided to draw Shadow for her as a surprise gift on her birthday and Tessa keeps that drawing in a safe place to cherish forever
abs9lution · 1 year
if Tessa were to have a favorite Sonic character, it'd be Shadow
starting this off with this and being completely fr: if Tessa played Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) and Sonic Adventure 2 when she was a child, she'd play it just for Shadow because when she first saw him, she thought he was the coolest ever (this is canon actually. one day when she was looking around the attic in the Elliot Manor, she found an old copy of Shadow the Hedgehog and SA2 and an old port and video game console or something ..... after playing SA2 for hours, because of how hyper she is, she wouldn't stop talking and rambling about him and J had to sit and listen through all of it. also one day she had N, V, and J play SA2 and taught them how to play; V liked it, J pretended to be bored and hate it but actually enjoyed it, and N was terrified because of the dark parts of the lore (but he still tried to like it just for Tessa)
she would be able to relate to Shadow later on when she's older because she can understand his trauma; they both witnessed someone die before their eyes and had their childhoods completely shattered, and those traumatic events that happened to them both permanently altered their perspectives on life and possibly even their personalities too. and when it comes to saving the universe, they're both willing to sacrifice someone if it's for the greater good (speaking of, Tessa may potentially become an anti-hero character like Shadow holy shit)
she'd be interested in Shadow's backstory because she loves space and science and etc (though when she first learned how tragic his backstory was when she was a child, she was left in shambles for months)
Tessa learned how to hold a gun in that badass style because of Shadow, c'mon now
also in episode six, she learned how to do those intimidating stares in the first place because of him too
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Shadow would be Tessa's comfort character too (even though he probably hasn't had a day of comfort in his life)
girl would so be a Shadow kinnie omg
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monsta-sextories · 7 years
Poolside - 3
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Son Hyunwoo
word count: 2880
🎧 Left Hand Free - Alt-J
Note: i love my followers! thank you all for being wonderful. hope you appreciate the slowest build ever.
The summer sun was violent today as it hung just above your head, erasing any shadow to hide in. That didn’t seem to slow Hyunwoo as he unloaded his hedge trimming supplies off his truck. You watched him take a few trips back and forth, sweat glossing his body, and the slightest bit of a burn starting to color his chest.
You had decided to sit outside and draw today, something you hadn’t done in years. An occasional breeze would roll through, disturbing your paper, but it left just as quickly as it came. You liked drawing Hyunwoo when he was focused in on his work, his movements creating a challenge for you to capture. You admired his physique of course, but his facial expressions were always so intense, his focus apparent. After a few minutes of watching his muscles shift under layers of skin, you started to think about the feeling of those muscles, what they would feel like against your own skin…
“Subtle,” you heard Betsy’s voice from behind you as she stepped onto the back patio. She was peaking over your shoulder at the sketchbook in your lap, identifying the images of Hyunwoo.
You shoot her a glare but don’t bother to close the book. It’s almost too hot to move, much less bicker.
“Miss, are you aware of the temperature?” she asks as she dabs off some sweat on your brow. You swat her away with a groan.
“Hot,” you say in response. The glass of water sitting next to you, had been filled with ice, and is now warm.
“You should come inside,” she says with a hint of concern. You smirk in response.
“I’ve barley lifted a finger, and look at him,” you say nodding to Hyunwoo, “is it even possible?”
Betsy just smiles and then turns to head back inside, “I’ll bring you some water, dear. You seem… thirsty.” You roll your eyes at her idea of a joke, but your eyes wander back to Hyunwoo. You want to force him to take a break, tell him to finish later once the sun has started to set maybe.
You watch him stop his movements and use his shirt, which is soaked in sweat, to wipe off some more sweat. When he does it though you get a glimpse of his bare stomach the small trail of hair that disappears down past his belt buckle.
“Here, you go,” you hear Betsy say as she sneaks up behind you once more. She places a pitcher of water and a second glass down on the table.
“I’ll be heading home soon, so why don’t you make sure the two of you stay hydrated.”
You remembered that today was Betsy’s son’s birthday. You had bought him a gift that should have been placed in the foyer by now.
“Tell Thomas I said happy birthday, and have George help load his gift into your car,” you almost mumble with your eyes closed.
“You really didn’t have to-“ Betsy starts and you waver her off.
“You don’t have to give it to him. I don’t know what kids are into these days. Just take it.”
You’re surprised when you feel skin against your own as Betsy leans down to hug you. Her skin is soft and cool from being inside with the air conditioning. She places a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
“You’re a sweet girl,” she says and you can hear the smile in her voice. “Thank you.”
She releases you almost too soon. Betsy is the only one who’s able to see past your exterior. Her words always soften you up.
“Have fun,” you say as she turns to leave.
“You too, Miss,” she says with a grin as she glances at Hyunwoo, “dinner is in the fridge. There’s more than enough for two.”
On that note she’s gone. Leaving you and Hyunwoo alone for the time being. You glance over towards the pool and it looks so tempting. Then, back at Hyunwoo… also tempting. Then you reach for the pitcher of water and more a cold glass.
“Hyunwoo!” you call out.
You both decided it would be much better to eat inside today… or you decided, and he nodded in agreement. You gave him time to head over to the guest house and shower before returning. Just enough time for you to get the food ready that Betsy had prepared.
When he came back he was wearing another set of casual clothes. His work boots had been exchanged for cleaner ones that he didn’t hesitate to walk through the house with.
“You’re probably starving,” you say as you grab silverware and bring it over to the large dining table. The air feels good and the food smells amazing.
He nods enthusiastically as he takes a seat at the table. It’s been a few weeks and it still seems as though you make him uncomforatbale. Something that stings your pride just a little, because that’s not what you’re trying to do. You wish you could show him that you’re a warm person… deep down, and that you can be sweet and fun and someone you can talk to.
You sit down, deciding today you’ll just follow his lead. Today, you’ll let him initiate conversation and sit quietly so you can find out more about him.
The food sits in front of both of you and this time Hyunwoo doesn’t seem as hesitant, which might be because he’s been working up an appetite all day. You watch him without realizing for a few seconds until you do the same, because you too are pretty famished.
You notice him looking up at you a few times, and then looking away when you look back. Typically something like this wouldn’t bother you but after another quick glance you find yourself feeling emotional. Do you really make him this uneasy?
“You don’t have to eat with me,” you start, feeling the sting of his passive rejection. “You can eat wherever you’d like.”
He looks up at you with confused eyes. But despite you speaking directly to him, he still seems unable to make eye contact with you.
“I don’t pay people for their company contrary to what you might think.”
He doesn’t say anything, which hurts more than it should. You think you might be on the verge of storming off when he stutters…
“Uh, I uh… I’m sorry. I just-“
“If I make you so uncomfortable,” you say as your about to pick up your plate, but he cuts you off before you can continue with the second half of your sentence.
He’s smiling, which catches you off guard, but then he’s slowly pointing up to the corner of his mouth.
“You, uh, you have sauce on your face,” he says.
You immediately feel your cheeks burn because not only do you probably sound foolish, but you probably look the part too. You think about hiding your face in your palms or disappearing to the bathroom, but before you can make a move-
“I can get it,” he offers sweetly. His deep voice and soft eyes wait for you to give your permission. You give a short nod and he slowly reaches out towards you. His actions lack finesse but with one rough swipe of his thumb he nods in approval and goes back to eating his food.  
This time he comments, saying he likes the sweet taste to the meat, and you agree trying to shed your embarrassment.
“Ginger,” you say as you take another bite, trying to be more mindful of the sauce so you don’t embarrass yourself a second time.
He smiles at you as he chews.
You try to smile back, but there’s something that sends your heart fluttering. If this is a crush, the movies make it look easy. They make it look sweet and playful… but here, right now, it feels like an itch you can’t scratch, or craving you can’t satisfy. It feels like a toothache or lump caught in your throat. But it also feels like waiting for a rainstorm or breeze on a hot day.
“I think I need some wine,” you say, and excuse yourself.
You wait for him to be out of sight before you feel like you can breathe again. If this is a crush... you hope to god you never fall in love.
Once you finished your food, Hyunwoo looked like he was about ready to head off. The sun was setting and the heat was starting to die down. Everything felt nice, and peaceful. It was a beautiful summer evening and you weren’t ready to be left alone yet. So you asked him if he wanted to see the rest of the house. With the quickness of which he nodded, you assumed he’s probably been imagining what was behind the doors that were usually kept shut.
You guided him through most of the first floor. He had seen the east kitchen and dining area where Betsy typically cooked for the house during the summer and especially for parties. It had the most room, but there was also another kitchen located on the opposite side of the house. It was a family kitchen, but it was rarely ever used on account of Betsy and the fact that your parents didn’t like to cook.
You lead him down the hall, stopping to show him your father’s study room where he used to do business. You showed him the movie room, and the bathrooms and passed by the wine cellar, which was accessible by doors in both the east kitchen and family kitchen, and finally the gun room. It was your dad’s favorite room because it was also a game room. It was home to a pool table, a bunch of shotguns, some old antique looking armory and then odds and ends of expensive relics that acted as decor. It was the most elaborate room, for sure. You had always called it the show-off room because whenever he would have guests over they would head in hear and smoke cigars and walk down the line of trinkets and just list the worth of the objects. Your father had a gift for that… remembering the price and value of things. He didn’t care much for the story unless it was accompanied by triple digits.
Hyunwoo seemed intrigued by the objects, but he didn’t say much. He looked like someone admiring the work in a gallery.
“This is probably the most expensive room. It’s my father’s,” you said toying with something, “he always has his eye on something to add to his collection.”
Hyunwoo looked at you, listening to you speak.
“Everything in here has a story I suppose. To make it valuable. But he usually doesn’t remember them. Just the price tags,” you say with a tinge of bitterness.
“Anyways, I don’t like being in here for very long. It makes you sick after a while.”
You lead him back out into the hall and shut the doors behind you. He follows you into the foyer where you stand in front of the large stair case.
“Ready for the second floor?” you ask. He goes shy for a second and then clears his throat.
“I don’t know if I should, I mean, it doesn’t seem appropriate. Your parents…” he trails off.
You smile at his concern and flash him a grin.
“My parents are gone. Half way round the globe most likely,” you say placing your hand on the railing as you take one step.
He half smiles and watches as you take another step, and another. His grin widens with each one until he’s following after you.
The second floor is mostly just bedrooms and bathrooms and the balcony that wraps around the entire house. There’s a library which you had spent almost as much time in as the guest house.
“Come,” you say as you lead him through the library, “it’s not a large room, but it is stocked from floor to ceiling with books. There’s double doors on the one side that open up to the balcony so you lead him that way, taking your time as you watch the sunset along the horizon.
“Wow. This place is even bigger on the inside,” he says with a sigh.
You smile and lead him farther along the balcony until you pass by your own bedroom doors. You open them revealing white and mahogany. A large canopy bed, unmade, and clothes strewn about the room.
“This is mine,” you say, wishing you would have bothered to clean up this morning. You step in, and he follows.
“You like art,” he says probably noticing the framed images on your wall. Van Gogh’s sunflowers, Klimt’s gold detailing, and Cezanne’s still lifes…
“Very much,” you say but then you see him standing over your sketchbook you had been drawing in earlier. He picks it up and you feel your heart sink. You nearly leap to grab it from him. He looks back at you silently with eyebrows raised.
You clear your throat, “I’m- I’m just not very good,” you say meekly.
He ignores it and moves on settling his gaze on a picture of you when you were young instead. There’s one of you and your parents looking happy and sophisticated and then another pushed in front of that one of you and Betsy after she finally came home from the hospital after having her baby.
He smiled softly. “So this is one of the tiny devils she talks about.”
You laugh, “She’s much bigger now. Maybe you’ll get to meet them one day.”
He just smiles and nods
“Betsy really likes you,” he says as a side note. “She talks about you a lot. I didn’t know you two were so close.”
“She’s been with us since I was little. We spent a lot of time together then. My parents were happy to have someone to keep track of me… well, anyways that’s pretty much all that I can show you.”
He makes his way back towards the open balcony doors, and you throw your sketchbook down on your bed thinking that was a close call. You follow after him and lead him back the way you came.
“At least you know where to find me now, even though I know you’ll never set foot in here again unless I make you.”
He laughs as you walk side by side down the stair case.
“I think I’d get lost without someone to guide me around,” he answers.
You walk him to the back patio in silence. The sun has just disappeared, so the night sky hangs above and the lights from the house and the bottom of the pool seem to be the only source of illumination.
“Goodnight,” he says sweetly giving you another smile. You can’t help but feel he’s leaving too soon. He’s leaving too… carelessly. In the movies there’s always some sort of hesitation. There’s a second where you both expect something to happen. But here he’s just going to walk away?
“Goodnight,” you almost whisper.
He starts to walk away and you can feel it tugging at your heart…
“Uh, maybe tomorrow we can hangout again,” you say quickly right before he turns to leave. He looks surprised when he faces you.
“Sure,” he says casually, “I’ll be pruning the trees along the driveway, but afterwards…” he trails of with his hand in his pockets. He doesn’t seem uncomfortable… but he also doesn’t seem excited. Not like what you’re feeling on the inside.
You nod, and he turns to leave again…
“Hyunwoo,” you stop him once more. He turns around, this time curious.
“I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. I- I really do like having you here. I don’t mean to be such a… a bother. I guess. Sometimes I just get bored and... I don’t know.”
He gives you that tight eyed smiles and laughs briefly.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you for dinner tomorrow,” he says and this time he really does leave. You were hoping for something more climactic. Something like a shy first kiss, or… or a fucking high five for Christ's sake.
You sigh defeated as you close the outside doors and head for the kitchen. There’s a gallon of strawberry ice cream that will help soothe you.
You grab a spoon and as you head for the freezer you can see the light on in the guest house. There’s movement, and you squint your eyes just a little. When you finally make out what’s going on, you realize Hyunwoo’s… dancing?
You laugh to yourself and have to walk away, but not without another glance. From what you gathered there were different sides to people. Hyunwoo seemed to be no exception. The thing was, you didn’t just want to know the different sides of Hyunwoo… you wanted to show him to know the different sides of you. This wasn’t a common feeling you had. In all your years of living you could only say that you had ever trusted Betsy enough to let your walls down. Maybe that was the allure of Hyunwoo. He reminded you of someone you could trust.
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