#JK this is actually just a Global Warming PSA
awake-ache · 29 days
Art Fight Teams I'll be on:
I have decided I am gonna be weird and say which AF team I am gonna be on based on which teams win this year and why! I'll also predict what their colors would be. I am bad at Color Theory so I shouldn't ever try to be an af mod for colors. My af is https://artfight.net/~Awake_Ache so go attack me when the time comes around! You're all garenteed at LEAST a sketched headshot :3 (P.S this will be my first year! Yippee yippee!)
Without further a-DO, here are the teams I'll be on and why!
Artic vs Tropic: While personally this team theme isn't the MOST exciting to me, I do know that the animation would be fire for it. I would be Artic though simpley because the ice clusters are melting and I am kinda mad at warm places because of it. I might switch teams just to make a joke about Global Warming. My guess would be Ice Blue and Tropical Green.
Clouds vs Caverns: This one might actually be my most nothing team theme. Not exactly much to talk about imo, but I would be team Cavern because I am a cave person. I wanna say White and Brown?
Comdey vs Tragedy: My personal favorite. I know it's only gonna be second place, but a boy can hope. I would be team Comedy because my life is already a joke. jkjk, but I do love the idea of being team funny in Funny vs Drama Queen. I am very set on it being Orange vs Purple.
Destruction vs Creation: Hard to pick, but I would wanna be team Creation so I can rebuild those Ice Clusters so we don't boil to death. I don't care about people saying it's too close to Bloom vs Wither. I think the team's have different enough names. Really hard to think of a color. I am gonna go with my gut and say dark Purple vs Light Green.
Flora vs Fauna: I also don't care that people say it's to close to Bloom vs Wither. It's different enough. I would be team Fauna because I like animals and I am allergic to flowers. I wanna say a Soft Pink vs a Soft Brown.
Fossils vs Crystals: Kinda hard to pick. On one hand, people be drilling the earth to find crystals. On the other, people be drilling the earth for Fossils. I guess I would be team Fossils because I lowkey am toxic masculine and ama fraid that if I go around calling myself a crystal people will think I am untrans :( I wanna say a Grey vs Blue
Heart vs Soul: Dang, no matter what I pick i would feel insecure about my masculinity. Having toxic masculinity only limited to yourself sucks. I would pick team Heart because I have no soul. Weird to think but I am guessing Pastel Pink and Baby Blue.
Heroes vs Villains: Easy. Team Villains but because redemption arcs are my favorite I would switch around July 15th. I love redemption arcs. I feel like it would work in a Green vs Red.
Knights vs Dragons: The animation would be fire even if I personally would be too board to pick one. Willing to be this will be like what happened with Vamps vs Wearwolves with Furries joining Dragons and Fleshys joining Knights. So since I am personally better at drawing humans I would go on team Dragon so all the humans I draw aren't forced to be a freindly fire. Color guess? Grey and Green.
Rain vs Shine: I would be team Shine. My life is too sad to be rainy all the time. So I would wanna be a lil sunny :D Colors would be Bright Yellow and Cloudy Grey.
Seafoam vs Stardust: Stardust, 100%. Seafoam is really gross and the fact this one is most likely gonna win scares me ToT. (Seafoam lovers don't @ me) My guess for team theme is Mint green and Pastel Purple.
Spring vs Autum: Not much to say for thus one. I hate spring. That's allergy season. Team Autaum all the way. As for colors: Spring Green and Burnt Brown
Time vs Space: Animation would be FIRE. Team space because I need Space and I have a phobia of thinking about being caught in an endless cycle of repatition. Team colors? Uh, Purple and I wanna say a Yellow of some sort.
Trinkets vs Treasure: This was last on my personal list because I didn't want my mom bothering me with phillosofic questions of 'Would you rather be sought after by all or loved dearly by one?" Hate that. I would be team Trinket because that's what my mom would want. Team colors Burnt red and Yellow.
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