heartate · 6 months
i finally finished reading the atlas six and i have so much to say like i think i could write a 30 page paper about it seamlessly without tiring or pause because there are not enough words that would suffice the summation of what i felt reading this book or the way it made my mind churn but.
first of all, the thing i've been saying from like, the first quarter of the book: i am in love with olivie blake's writing style. it's so poetic and yet informative and deliciously thought provoking that gets all the little gears and cogs in my brain working overtime as i try to wrap my mind around not only simple physics but astrophysics and cosmology and everything in between. she has such a way with descriptors and these juicy little adjectives that paint the society so vividly, but also that of everyone's faces, the way they look, the expressions they make, the things they feel, the thoughts that they think. her writing is intensely captivating in such an enjoyable way that's gripping with these nuggets of humor peppered here and there.
i've never been a large fan of multi-pov stories, really, but the way the atlas six demonstrated it was fantastic and i enjoyed every bit of it.
olivie blake has such a unique writing style, in my opinion, with such a distinct voice, and it's so fascinating and impressive to me how she manages to then create seven more distinct voices (nine, if you really want to get into it). everything is so beautifully blended and yet so separate at the same time in a way that was crystal clear. it was such an engaging and thought provoking book like. the writing was just uniquely mesmerizing and captivating and rich and intense and riveting.
it was so much fun to read, genuinely. it was so easy to discern the different voices and get a feel for each of them as people like i was sitting in their minds. this book would not have functioned as well as it did if it was told in a single person's pov and i just think it was incredibly well done. it has so much depth and is so incredibly nuanced and fascinating and detailed and it really tickled that inner part of me that once dreamed of being an astrophysicist, once upon a time, because i was so fascinated by space and physics and the relationship of reality and the universe and its ends and beginnings and time and i could go ON AND ON AND ON.
i think this is one of my favorite books of all time, for sure, and olivie blake is like, a top three author for me, truly. her writing is legendary and AUGH it's just so good. good doesn't even begin to capture what i feel like there are countless intricacies of this book and such depth to its writing and subject matter. like. truly. her writing is fascinating. mesmerizing. my mind is spinning but like, in the best way possible.
i was thinking about starting a different book series after i finished it because i have SO many books i'm dying to dig into, but now i want to read the second book immediatelyyyyyyyyy
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