wexler-goodman · 5 months
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happy 20th anniversary to these losers who apparently only got married for legal reasons and weren’t head over heels in love with each other for well over a decade before this occurred.
also, happy jmm day to all who celebrate 🥳
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cracksinthedark · 5 months
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JMM screenshot redraw in honor of Kim and Jimmy's 20th wedding anniversary today. ❤️ AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55720525
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admiralty-xfd · 1 year
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Better Call Saul 5.07 “JMM” 
written by Alison Tatlock
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noxsquier · 1 year
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frostyyart · 1 year
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"JMM? What's that?"
a collab piece i did with artistmir_i on instagram!! she drew the lalo and her art is truly amazing please go check her stuff out!! this was super fun :3
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jankandjonch · 2 years
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“I don’t even remember you taking these,” he snickered. “What’s so special about them that they get framed and put on the wall?”
“They’re just… you. You’re smiling and getting ready to do what you love. Surrounded by your brothers, you’re just so in your element. You’re special. All the time, but that night, you remember it? That was my last night with you on tour before I had to come back home. You made sure every second of that day was filled with love. You made it special, never for a moment did you let me focus on the negative. Couldn’t be sad, didn’t have the time. These pictures, I cried looking at them when I got the film back. A little piece of your happiness is around all the time,” you couldn’t help the giant smile spread across your face as you stared at the pictures.
Josh’s mouth was left slightly agape, not exactly trusting his voice to speak - if the tears building in the corners of his eyes were any indication.
“I love you,” he breathes.
“I know.”
It was never something you questioned. The love the two of you shared was larger than the world. 
“Next time there won’t be a ‘last night’ on tour with me, I promise,” he squeezes his hands where they were wrapped around your biceps.
“Tell that to your brothers when they get tired of having me around,” you joked, fingertips digging into his waist.
“They only get tired of not having someone love on them,” he gave an innocent smile, knowing his next words were going to be anything but, “and probably get very, very tired of hearing you whimper and moan in the back of the tour bus.”
“Speak for yourself, pretty,” you grab his jaw with your hand, his face dropping into a furrowed brow and pouted lips. Just like you like him.
“Only do that in private, thank you. Only for my girl’s ears to hear,” he gives his lips a once over with his tongue, coming closer and puckering to give you his sweetest kiss. “They’d get very jealous of what you do to me, mama.”
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kingoftieland · 1 month
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Check out this amazing relic from Better Call Saul! This piece of shrapnel comes straight from the site where Gus Fring blew up his Los Pollos Hermanos restaurant in the episode “JMM” from Season 5! 🍗💥
Displayed in a museum-style 3D mount, this sheet metal fragment comes with a holographic serial numbered label that seals the frame, guaranteeing its authenticity along with a COA with matching serial numbers.
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jmoloney1 · 6 months
The Lies Jess-Malarkey Tells
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey claims that the “rumors” that Jess controls Jamie’s social media stemmed from “other blog”. When that blog actually proved that wasn’t true. [Link]
Here’s where the actual rumor started and it was way before Jess-Moloney started her blog: [Link] So maybe she wants to explain why she lied about that, since she claims she reads everything on the blog she should have seen this post.
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey says (and I quote) [Link]
My problem is with how certain people behave and interact with others in their dislike of Jess. My problem is with how certain people treat others, citing only your highly speculative thoughts as reasoning. There's no respect for a difference of opinion.
But then she posts something like this in response to an ask [Link] not toxic when she does it though only when someone else does.
Here @jess-moloney-malarkey proves she can’t read where she says:
What I do care about is the speculation and accusations that are spoken about as if they're fact, the refusal to listen to any other point of view
Here is Jess-Moloney’s actual thoughts on this which @jess-moloney-malarkey entirely misconstrues in just about every post she makes:
[Link one]
[Link two]
Doesn’t sound like she’s trying to say anything is fact. It sounds like she’s saying she doesn’t actually know the answer and she’s just going by what she can see. @jess-moloney-malarkey has not actually posted any proof that this other blog has stated it as fact. Just that they have a theory. So either she can’t read or she’s gaslighting people. Take your pick. Considering how she fingered herself with joy over the hiatus notice you’d think she could have read what was said here but instead she continues to push the narrative that this other blog is “confirming” a breakup when no such thing has ever actually been said on that blog.
Here’s where @jess-moloney-malarkey says that the other blog has become a “Jamie hate blog” when they also can’t back up any proof with this when that blog said anything about hating Jamie or that Jamie should be hated. There was a discussion about the shirt he was wearing where the other blog said numerous times that she didn’t think Jamie should be cancelled over wearing a shirt. But that doesn’t fit the narrative Malarkey wants so she’s just gonna lie about it.
Quote: I do like Jamie and I don’t believe him wearing the shirt makes him a bad person. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t question why he’s wearing it or point out why it’s problematic, which it is [Link one]
Quote: I don’t think Jamie wearing the shirt means he’s a bad person (as I said before) but people need to stop acting like it’s not a problem either. [Link two]
Quote:  I personally haven’t seen or heard him say or do something that I think is close to being “cancel” worthy but unlike some of the larger fanatics, I use logic. I don’t jump to conclusions and I don’t presume to know why he was wearing that shirt.  [Link Three]
Does this come close to sounding like a “Jamie hate blog” apparently it does to Malarkey even though all it was, really, was opinions, discussion, and saying how and why the shirt was problematic. At no point was there a single word said about hating Jamie or telling people to hate him.
Here’s a post where Malarkey says that Jamie and Jess have been together for “Several Years” [link]
They’ve only actually been confirmed together for about 2 years. Yet let’s exaggerate that number because it makes her feel better or something? [Source] June 2022 so that would mean June 2024 would only be 2 years right? I guess almost three. It’s not a long term relationship by any means and has lasted just about the same amount as any other GF he has but Jess is special so guess we should lie about that to keep the stans happy.
Malarkey confuses answering asks with making actual posts. If people didn’t send in asks they wouldn’t be posted. So she grately exaggerates how many posts are actually being made. [Link]
Another post accusing the “other blog” of “confirming” a breakup when they can’t find any post that backs this with proof. the Jess-Moloney blog has only ever theorized that a split is happening or may have happened or things are on the decline. Yet Malarkey somehow doesn’t understand these words or only reads what she wants to read and then misinterprets it on her blog. The original Jess blog was never “proven worng” because she also never confirmed anything she just pointed out a decline in the relationship. Malarkey seems to be *obsessed* with saying that this happened (for some reason) when it’s never happened. [Link]
Malarkey repeatedly claims: Social media isn’t real life and doesn’t matter but she’ll also use social media as an example of Jamie and Jess being in a healthy relationship when it suits her:
Malarkey Says it doesn’t matter here: [Link]
But suddenly here it does matter: [Link]
Which one is it Malarkey? Or do you only know the answer when it backs up whatever the fuck story you’re going with that minute?
So what have we learned today? Malarkey lies, manupulates, gaslights, bullies, harasses, and twists things entirely out of context all the time to suit her narrative. She 100% does not read this blog she complains about she just makes shit up when it suits her. She uses points she claims she’s against when they help her but is against them when someone else uses them to prove her wrong. She claims she’s not obsessed with Jamie and Jess’s relationship but she runs an entire blog about it then writes fan fiction about Jess and Jamie being in bed together every night complementing each other on their lives so they don’t need to post on social media but when they do it means their relationship is healthy.
Oh and then she lied about Jess “still engaging with the posts” because she actually stopped engaging two days before the video premiered. Yeah but she’s right about everything, never lies, and should be a trusted source of information shouldn’t she? More accurately she’s a pathological lying bully obsessed with Jess and pretending not to be. Odd how Jess has all these stans that can’t admit they stan her and instead hide behind some narrative that they have to bully other people to protect the real Jess stans from “harmful information” like she’s the authority. Well going by all these contradictory posts I’d say she’s as nutty as a sack of cats.
Let’s see what kind of response she has for this it’ll most surely be stupid.
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espy-squiggles · 2 years
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Let's hear it for the boy ☀️
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c10v3r · 5 months
didn’t you watch Animatic Battle because can you draw team Benjamin
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heres ur team benjamin
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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admiralty-xfd · 1 year
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Better Call Saul 5.07 “JMM”
written by Alison Tatlock
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mayexiled · 1 year
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"I've been chasing God I've been chasing mercury and lightning."
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cybrfang · 2 years
If you haven't noticed, I'm watching breaking bad for the first time with @friedbirdcarcass-blog because a YouTube short showed me a video of Saul Goodman, aka Jimmy talking about Lalo, and someone goes "Lalo, who's Lalo?" And then the sexiest 40+ year old man who's psychotic goes "Me? I'm nobody." And I went to the breaking bad wiki and learned everything about Lalo Salamanca and went down the rabbit hole because of this sexy man.
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jankandjonch · 1 year
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hello, it's me . here once again to remind you that joshua michael is adonis himself
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