n-anon · 2 years
A JSE Code Guide.
Due to recent events being @turquoisemagpie saying ‘watch out for symbols’ and look closely at next month in a recent reblog of their own post, I thought it imperative and important to give you a guide to which codes Jack has used in the past. (this is no guarantee to actually come back to these but at least I have them out there for you people.)
(I personally use https://www.dcode.fr/en for this, but other people use other decoding websites and that’s fine.)
First code I’m going to mention is ASCII85/Base85 (the one with symbols funnily enough) he’s used this twice, once in FNAF VR (H#Ih8@;^1'Df9E"G@>a) that translated to ‘Youcantlookaway’ 
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And once in the official JSE Discord Panic room on Anti’s birthday in 2020 (83p'K=Wg%&;H-1T6!4) and when translated it was ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’
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Next up we have Caesar/Shift Cipher, which Jack has only used once, in the bot chat on the JSE discord server where the egos talked for a moment. (cgzinotm) which translates to 'watching'
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Next up is Enigma Code which he used in FNAF VR part 3 (yzxyz lvr) which translated to ‘Big Plans’
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Onto Morse which he used in Stories Untold Part 3 during the sequence in which we hear Chase tell Jack he needs to wake up we hear morse ( .-- .... . .-. . / .- -- / ..) that when translated reads out ‘WHERE AM I’
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He used Morse back in 2017 as well, during the lead-up to KJSE in which he tagged a post with a picture saying ‘DONT BELIEVE HIS LIES’ with the Morse for SOS. (Link)
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The binary above links to a real fun video, check it out!~
Other code includes a spectrogram in which he dropped audio that he deleted in the panic room one time and people put it through audio files and it spelled out ‘CHASE’  (Credit to @vixthefantheorist for that) And also another one where in JJ’s Akinator video (HOW DID HE GUESS THAT?!) there is audio files saying ‘SOON’ (Credit to @fear-is-nameless for the screenshot)
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Another spectrogram was in the video Eggs for Bart, while including a backwards Message that said ‘I will return when you least expect it’ and when put through a spectrogram (many thanks to @jselorekeeper and @antii-septiic for reminding me this exists) had binary that when translated is ‘Death’
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 Yet another spectrogram was added during the recent IRIS teasers
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That said ‘NOT SAFE’ and was confirmed by Trey, one of Jacks editors in the video ‘The Final Pin’ around 1:13:16, theres a hexidecimal code that was translated by @septic-alex​ on the JSE server, that reads ‘You shouldn’t be reading this’
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ALTR 1-14-20-9 in AZ126 is Anti, as pointed out by many others
Sorry if this is a lil rushed but i wanted to get it out now lmao, I hopefully didn’t miss any? I don’t think?
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smoliboops · 2 years
How to Survive JSE Ego Seananigans*: A Community Theorist Guide/Project
*now with a hint of added Magpie
So two weeks ago (literally right before all fires broke loose), @fear-is-nameless​ reminded me of an old idea I had for a project that never came to fruition: 
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originally an idea to make a physical theory guide for PAX East 2018, we talked about how useful a guide could be now with the latest IRIS antics and especially with potential new theorists joining the community. so it was decided, what if we brought back this idea as a community project?
A new, modern (and virtual) version of a theorists’ survival guide for new, current, and future members of the JSE Community?
 Got a collection of resources, historical references, tools, tips, etc that you’ve might’ve gathered over the many past ego mayhems that you’d like to share? a log of all hidden zalgo tags since october 2016? good websites for solving cyphers? what to look out for in suspicious videos or posts on what platforms? summary masterposts of past events? tips on how you organize your theory ideas and notes? anything, post and share it! 
AND IF YOU WANNA BE A BIT ARTSY, you could even turn it into what you’d imagine a page in a jse theorist’s journal/survival guide would look like! codes written in blacklight? your memories of overnightwatch depicted as if you were an actual IRIS nightwatcher (maybe even make a fake id)? taped-on polaroids of the egos with a redacted/classified report on what we know about IRIS/the egos so far? a big paper flame in the middle of your theory notebook that pops up when you open it? (I almost made this one actually lol)
Whatever YOU, humble reader, would essentially include as your page in the unofficial theorist guide for the jse community.
there isn’t really a deadline on this (especially since we’re still “keeping an eye out” for the 100th anniversary of IRIS this year, we can constantly add more updates in the future as things happen). But if you’d like to contribute, feel free to share your posts with the hashtag: #JSETheoristGuide 
(it’ll make it easy for people to find everyone’s resource posts/tips/art in one place 👍)
If anything, I hope the hashtag/project can be both a good resource for future theorists, as well as a chance for ya’ll to have a bit of fun inspiration :). have a nice day/night ya’ll! 💚🔥
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theoristsden · 6 years
Theorists Den - Archive
Antisepticeye (+IRIS)
The egos
Ideas and Hypotheses:
Jack/Antisepticeye (+IRIS)
The egos (+Echo)
Jack/Antisepticeye (+IRIS)
The egos
Theory and Hints masterlists
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