eatcleanplaymuddy · 10 years
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~four weeks later lol~
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eatcleanplaymuddy · 10 years
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start of week 6! big drop from last week, which seems strange, but i triple-checked across two scales and that's just where my body is this morning, for whatever reason. i'm sure it'll balance out next week - though i realize i don't know if i'll have a scale to use by then! LONDON IN JUST THREE DAYS!
been eating so-so and being a little lazy about pushing myself with workouts, but i'm excited to test my resolve in another country. and there's a gym IN MY DORM BUILDING THERE! WOO. anyway, here's to being only a few pounds away from my all time low since i started this haphazard journey!
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eatcleanplaymuddy · 11 years
My consistency in terms of recording has been all over the place, I know, and I'll be real, it's either because I'm busy and forget during the evening or because I have a meal or some snacks that I'm not proud of. (Which is no excuse. I'm just silly). However, it doesn't mean I've been doing horribly! In fact...
Today is WIW, and I checked in at 182.8 lbs! That's just about a twenty-pound difference since the beginning of this jacked up journey last summer, including muscle gain! I know this time last year I wanted to be a lot farther than I am, but my former ambitions aside, I'm really proud to be where I am and of the fact that I've truly embraced this as a long-term consciousness instead of short-sighted goal.
And on top of that, I just made a super kickass meal. :)
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