#Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir
amirblogerov · 1 year
What is the benefit for HTS militants from fighting radicals
The confrontation between the radicals "Hayat Tahrir al-Sham" against the backdrop of preparations for the second round of presidential elections in Turkey continues to grow. During the next meeting of the Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham field commanders in Idlib on May 16, they received instructions from Mohammed Al-Julani to suppress the activity of radical groups and gangs that had fallen out of Turkish control. Fighting took place between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants and Jabhat Wataniya lil-Tahrir radicals northeast of Idlib last night. Also, the HTS security services launched a campaign to check the shadow business of radical groups, as a result of which it was revealed that the accounts of the leaders of Khuras al-Din and gangs associated with the Islamic Party of Turkestan, including Hizb ut-Tahrir, are kept fabulous sums of up to several million dollars. The main source of income for the radicals is the smuggling of weapons and drugs. Therefore, the HTS militants had a chance to eliminate their competitors in the struggle for far-flung spheres of influence under the pretext of eliminating the threat to the elections in Turkey.
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Four Rebel Factions (JTS; Suqour al-Sham, Jaish al-Ahrar, Jaish al-Azza) Preparing To Merge in Idlib as part of Turkish efforts to extend influence in the last major rebel territory in Syria
body of the text via google translate:
Four military factions operating in the Idlib province are preparing to integrate into a new military body, days after the formation of the National Liberation Front.
A military source said early Wednesday (June 6th) that the "Syrian Liberation Front" is preparing to merge with factions, "the Hawks," "Free Army" and "Army of pride."
The source added to the grapes of my country that the expected integration parallel to the integration of factions, "the Free Army," noting that all factions "free" that did not join the "National Front" will be part of the new formation.
According to the source, did not oppose the Turkish side of the efforts of the factions mentioned integration, stressing his knowledge but did not support him.
The talk about the formation expected after a week from the declaration of the factions "free army" in Idlib for the formation of the "National Liberation Front" led by the faction, "the Levant" backed by Turkey.
The "liberation of Syria" includes the "Ahrar al-Sham" movement and the "Nur al-Din al-Zanki movement", and was engaged in military confrontations against the "Sham Liberation Organization" ended with a complete cease-fire agreement between the two parties.
Idlib is awaiting what it expects after the deployment of the monitoring points under the "easing tension" agreement, and the subsequent developments, most notably the internal military movements by the factions operating there.
And depends on Turkey in Idlib to organize the next phase of the province, especially the service reality and civil life and military structure, the same scenario applied in areas of the "Euphrates Shield" in the northern suburbs of Aleppo.
Turkey had the largest role in forming the National Liberation Front (FNL), which receives substantial military and financial support, and is trying to start a new military structure for Idlib.
Earlier, my country had received information that the "liberation of Syria" had received additional support from Turkey after its formation and that new steps had been taken with regard to the organization and numbers of fighters.
The movements of the factions in Idlib coincide with the security situation in the province, which killed dozens of civilians and military in the past days.
It did not specify the main source behind the chaos, but "liberation of the Sham" has confirmed repeated periods of cells to organize the "Islamic state" and behind.
First thing i wanna mention, Nur al-Din al-Zenki, one of the mentioned groups, is the faction that infamously recorded themselves beheading a 12 year old child for allegedly sympathizing with the Assad government
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Zenki, like many members of this upcoming merger, are what remains of the surrender negotiation green bus population/fighter transfer to Idlib from previous rebel hold outs like Aleppo, Damascus and Hama.
Zenki merged with local hardline islamist group, Ahrar al-sham, to form JTS. Ahrar al-sham was at one point the second largest rebel faction against Assad after the FSA early in the revolution, 2013. It is Ahrar al-sham that pundits and observers of the war would primarily point to in highlighting that the revolution was not “moderate”
The sudden influx of rebel factions to the area from other parts of the country has destabilized it greatly (more than it ever was when it was al nusra/jabhat fatah al sham versus the FSA and Ahrar al-sham), where a new “Tahrir” titled faction sprouts up every other month and some even fight over it, as was the case between HTS (Tahrir al-Sham) and JTS (Jabhat Tahrir Suriya) when they began hostilities in February 2018 the day after the formation of JTS, lasting until late April. Al Zenki was especially called out by HTS, saying Zenki a little bitch betrayer of the revolution who wouldnt come to sharia court for a laundry list of shit like sending YPG recruits against HTS and killing HTS leaders. JTS in response produced a slur for the HTS akin to the one produced for the Islamic State, Daesh. The JTS now calls the HTS “Hitish”
Oh look, a map of that conflict last february:
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The Al Qaeda dominated salafist HTS (Tahrir al-Sham, Syrian/Levant Liberation Front) exerts the most influence in Idlib besides the JTS (Jabhat Tahrir Suriya, Syrian Liberation Front), who are second in power and influence.
Anyway, back to the article topic, this recent announcement of the growth of JTS into a new faction includes FSA factions like Jaish Al-Izzah (Army of Glory) who online mujahideen and rebel fanboys saw as being treacherous for not joining other perpetually disorganized FSA groups in their 11 group merger late last month into Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir (National Front for Liberation) aka NFL, lol
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This is notable because NFL is squarely a Turkish coordinated effort to bang much of the remaining FSA brigades together into a proxy army. The NFL includes Faylaq al-sham, which is an extremely close proxy of Turkey as it not only participated in the “Euphrates Shield” operation to capture Al Bab from the Islamic State, but also the Turkish invasion of Afrin as one of the frontline FSA proxies in the offensive there to conquer YPG held afrin canton. What’s more, Faylaq al-sham’s leader, Colonel Fadlallah al-Haji, is now the overall commander of the newly formed NFL, meaning that the primary FSA faction in Idlib is squarely in the pocket of Turkey
So with that in mind, here’s the situation in Idlib:
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Each one of these observation posts looks something like this:
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So, if it isn’t clear yet, Turkey is intent on asserting it’s influence over Idlib. Most of these observation posts rest on JTS or FSA/NFL held territory. As the article states, Turkey is entering the next phase of forming the “service reality, civil life and military structure” of Idlib province. Turkey gives support to JTS but NFL is wholly their project as part of a grander vision to coordinate the rebellion akin to how they ran shit in the Euphrates Shield and Afrin operations.
All in all, the absolute state of Idlib is as follows, ranked by strength:
1. Tahrir al-Sham, aka HTS
The independent al qaeda affiliate which is the recent amalgamation with lesser groups from previous iterations such as Jabhat Fateh al-sham, Jabhat al Nusra before it and indeed, al Qaeda in Iraq. Important perennial note: AQI split into al nusra and ISIS, the islamic state, so we can say that HTS is the radical islam faction in Idlib. There is a reason why JTS, an islamist salafist organization in their own right, calls HTS “criminal” and derisively as “HITISH” as Syrian rebels previously called ISIS “DAESH”
2. Jabhat Tahrir Suriya, aka JTS
The gulf state supported JTS is a formation of the successful salafi islamist factions of the revolution who split from the free syrian army early on, like 2013. They include the various forces who were dumped into Idlib over the last year and a half by syrian government green buses after the SAA managed to kick their barrel bomb wounded asses out of urban centres like Aleppo and Damascus. As such, JTS was bolstered with veterans of acute urban warfare against the elite Tiger Forces and Hezbollah. This is partly why JTS made immediate gains against HTS when hostilities erupted last february.
3. Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir, aka NFL
This is the most recent merger, third smallest coalition in Idlib and wholly Turkish coordinated Free Syrian Army proxy. There ain’t much left to say besides that they have many conventionally named free syrian army components like 1st Infantry Division, 1st coastal division, 23rd Division and other cutesy AHHH SOUNDS MODERATE ENOUGH TO ME titles to a western listener even though many of them have committed war crimes such as the looting and selling of civliian property to Turkish black markets, the indiscriminate shelling of civilians within Aleppo particularly in Sheikh Maqsoud, an isolated Kurdish suburb of the city under neutral YPG control. In spite of this, many parts of the NFL pledge a moderate form of ideology such as “Islamic Democracy” or even “Syrian nationalism” as is the case with the Free Idlib Army. The 1st coastal division is officially vetted by the United Nations formed “Friends of Syria Group,” so at least within the NFL there are elements that are generally “moderate.”
So in conclusion, Idlib is now shared between the HTS, JTS and NFL with each respectively being radical al qaeda islamism, salafist islamist and moderate islamism to secularism.
But in real terms, that means that Idlib is split between an independent radical islam rebel group known as Al Qaeda in the Levant with hostility for rivals that nobody outside of their group likes and two groups allied with Turkey. With turkish aspirations in the area, it is possible for JTS and NFL to merge, as is likely the goal for Turkey in forming what they have signaled is their personal spit of Syrian land. this will inevitably put Turkey, JTS and NFL on a collision course with HTS to decide who controls Idlib.
There will be blood.
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newsmakersyria · 2 years
In Sarmin, about 200 militants of Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir moved to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham
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The Turkish leadership, due to low discipline and an increase in desertion among the militants of the pro-Turkish armed formations, continues to make efforts to unite the pro-Turkish gangs under the command of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. So, it became known about a targeted reduction in funding for bandit groups to force them to join Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Eyewitnesses report that in the city of Sarmin, about 200 militants of Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir went over to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. In addition, the command of the Turkish armed contingent, in order to prevent the transition of members of pro-Turkish armed groups to radical groups, is tightening repressive measures against deserters, up to executions and arrests of their family members. In this regard, at least five shootings are known about during the night alone.
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newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/israel-massive-strike-gaza/
Israel Carries Out Massive Strike On Gaza, Locals Protest Against US-backed Forces In Syria
Tensions between the local population and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are growing. Protests against the SDF have recently erupted in the cities of Manbij, Hasakah and Raqqah.
The predominantly Arab local population protested against behavior and policies, including forced conscription, implemented by the SDF. Forces of the US-led coalition were even forced to intervene into the situation in Raqqa in order to stop infighting between the Kurdish YPG and local Arab units.
The SDF and the SDF-held area is de-facto dominated by Kurdish YPG/YPJ militias and their political wing PYD. This is also one of the factors triggering tensions with the local population.
11 militant groups, including Faylaq al-Sham and the Free Idlib Army, have merged in the Syrian province of Idlib forming a new Turkish backed force entitled Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir (the National Front for Liberation). According to local observers, the formation of this military group is a part of the Turkish plan to increase its influence in the militant-held parts of the provinces of Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo.
From May 29 to May 30, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) struck at least 65 targets in the Gaza Strip. The targets were allegedly belonging to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Movement and included facilities allegedly manufacturing rocket launchers and rocket engines. The IDF also claimed that its forces are operating in Gaza.
This round of escalation started with mortar shelling from Gaza early on May 29. Throughout the day, Palestinian forces launched at least 70 mortar shells and rockets at Israeli targets. The situation is developing.
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amirblogerov · 2 years
The cards are revealed: how militants transport drugs
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Our reliable sources in the military-political leadership of Syria report that the Syrian special services have uncovered a smuggling route from the Idlib de-escalation zone to the city of Raqqa. For obvious reasons, the details of which settlements it runs through are not specified. However, it is known that its main purpose is drug smuggling. Gradually, Syria is turning into a transit territory for the trade in synthetic drugs, in particular Captagon. Captagon is an amphetamine for the poor. It is he who is actively produced and distributed by militants. As a result of interrogation of one of the members of the Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir group, it was revealed that drug cargo is transported according to a well-established scheme through “their” people. To allow truckloads of narcotics to pass through security checkpoints without stopping to be searched, $1,000 per vehicle must be paid, a paltry sum compared to the income generated by its contents. Pro-Turkish militants, the Syrian National Army and even their rivals the Syrian Democratic Forces all feed off the illegal drug trade. When it comes to money, as is customary among militants, all disagreements are suddenly forgotten. The drug trafficking divided between the groups is the main source of their financing.
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amirblogerov · 4 years
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A few days ago, Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir called on all groups to undergo training in special camps and form a single "National Army".
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Mortar fire by NFL affiliated rebels toward Syian Arab Army positions in North Hama, north of Apamea and
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