#Jace x Evie platonic
Too Close for Comfort, Fairchild
(A/N): Hey guys! I know it’s been a long time since I posted, and for that I am sorry. However, I have overcome my writer’s block and I hope to be posting a few more imagines and one-shots in the future. Please enjoy this new one-shot that is apart of my on going series, ATOFG.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any writing belong to the rightful owner of the mortal instrument series. I do not own any characters expect Evie and any other new original characters I decide to create. I am in no way Homophobic, I LOVE MALEC and I am in fact apart of the LGBTQ community. I am merely exercising my fantasy in writing on my tumblr. If this makes you uncomfortable then please just be nice and do not read.
Pairings: Alec x Evie(OC), Clary x Evie(Platonic), Clary x Jace
Word Count: 1,610k
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Clary and Evie had always been remarkably close, starting within the early years of their lives, and they had always known they would become Parabatai one day. One way or another.
 Platonic Soulmates.
 That is the way Jocelyn had explained it to the two eager girls hungry for all the knowledge and traditions of their people. If they were forced to spend their lives in exile away from their home and people, as well as their shadow-mates, then they would settle for nothing less than learning every single aspect of their heritage. Their birth right.
 Parabatai were more than brothers and sisters, they were soulmates. In a nature, that is similar but entirely different, and platonic, compared to bonds between shadow mates.
 It was a bond and tradition that they wanted so badly to participate in that Jocelyn arranged for the Silent Brothers to officiate the ceremony in secret. If Jocelyn couldn’t let them grow and live in the shadow world that was their blood right, then she could at least give them this.
 For that, Clary and Evie had always been very affectionate towards one another. Since being completely introduced to shadow world they had noticed that plenty of other Parabatai were affectionate with each other. It was something they noticed among the female Parabatai-bonded Shadowhunters more than the male Parabatai, but it made them feel elated and gave them a sense of acceptance and belonging.
 When they were in the mundane world, they had to continuously tell people that they weren’t romantically together, but just very loving friends. They couldn’t tell them the truth. Not only was it against their peoples’ laws and customs, as well as very private sacred privilege, it was something the mundane world could never appreciate. Mundies would never understand, let alone respect, the depth of the bond between Parabatai.
 However, there was one man who was vexed by the touchy-feely relationship between Evie and Clary. Alexander Lightwood was possessive man, and who could blame him. He was the eldest Lightwood child, which means; heavy lies the crown. He has always put his family first, and thus has given everything that is his to the family. Evie is the first person he could call his own. The only thing or person in this world no one expected him to share or give away.
 She was his shadow mate and god if it didn’t irritate him more than anything to have to share her with anyone else. Especially Clarissa Fairchild. She had never intentionally done anything to him, but that didn’t change the fact that he felt threaten by the reality of having to share his Parabatai, and his mate, with the mouthy redhead.
 Alec and Jace had just finished training and were walking towards the library in hopes of catching glimpses of their respected mates. Having come up empty with the green house and the fact that they came from the training room, the only other places left to look was the library and their shared rooms.
 As they drew closer, they heard the shared musical laughter of the young women and shared a victorious smile with each other. They pushed the heavy doors open, entering the extravagant library, and stood at the top of the staircase to watch the girls, who were obvious to being watched.
 Clary threw her head back and let out a joyous cackle; “You’re making this up!”
 Evie gave a heartily chuckle and shook her head, “I’m so not making it up! While Simon was spray painting over that god-awful band name on his van, so you could repaint the van, Maya was standing behind him tagging his jacket with her own can of spray paint.”
 Clary looks at Evie in humored awe before the two best friends made eye contact. At which point they both began to howl in laughter.
 They calmed long enough for Evie to muse between heavy giggles, “I don’t know how in the hell Simon didn’t notice what Maya was doing. The back of his jacket had a remarkable amount of detail…”
 Clary started to heave she was laughing so hard and the two watching men had to agree Evie’s story was quite hilarious. All her stories are. If you want a good laugh, all you would have to do is ask Evie to tell you a funny story.
 Clary calmed down and gave a big sigh of content before she leaned forward from her reclining position on the couch, her and Evie had been laying on together. With her legs still laying across Evie’s lap, Clary moved her face towards Evie’s and rubbed her nose sweetly against Evie’s in an Eskimo kiss.
 Evie smiled endearingly at the small display and returned the gesture with an Eskimo kiss of her own to Clary, whilst tucking one of Clary’s unruly curl behind her left ear.
 Clary leans into the palm of Evie’s right hand, placing a chaste kiss on the inside of her hand, and shifts her legs from across Evie’s to curl underneath her so she can lean into her warm side and nuzzle her face into Evie’s neck and waves of hair that resembles spun gold.
 Evie moves her left arm that was resting on the back of the couch and wraps it around Clary, leaning her cheek on a head of thick red curls. Jace smiled at the heavenly sight of his cherished sister and his beloved mate spending much needed time together.
 Alec, however, couldn’t help the surge of immense jealously that rushed through his veins at the sight of someone other than him so close to his mate. He briefly feels guilty seeing as they are Parabatai and it was perfectly normal for female Parabatai to be so close, but that didn’t change the fact that he didn’t want to share his mate.
 All his life, Alec has shared everything that was his, and he would be damned if he shared his mate. He watches with guarded eyes as Clary lifts her lips to Evie’s jewelry clad ear and whispered with a small amused smirk. Evie’s eyebrows and lips quirk upwards with slightly surprised amusement before she opened her eyes and the golden orbs lock with his blue ones immediately.
 “It seems your right, Clary. I suppose this is all the affection we can have with one another for now.” She says, while they both rise from the Victorian sofa, “Lest my poor mate loses himself to the madness of his own irrational jealously.”
 Her playful teasing, and that loving smile she reserved just for him, helps to erase the jealously from his system. The men make their way down the stairs to meet the women who eagerly greet them with kisses.
 Evie and Alec’s lips crash together in raw intensity and one of his strong arms wraps around her while his free hand grips her jaw firmly, but lovingly, whilst her small hands grip his broad shoulders. He softly bites her lip, begging for access, and his tongue quickly tangles with hers once she surrenders to his lustful onslaught .
 They easily get lost in the others presence, and they would have continued to get lost in each other; if not for the forced cough from Jace and giggle from Clary.
 They reluctantly pulled away from the passionate embrace and look at the other couple.
 Jace appears to be thoroughly unimpressed but watching Alec “attack” his elder sister, but Clary merely slipped into the spot just behind Evie’s left shoulder and with a teasing smirk spoke; “Wow, Alec. I didn’t think I could get under your skin that easily, but yet again you surprise me.”
 Alec glowers at the redhead for her dauntless taunting and bites out in a growl; “Too close for comfort, Fairchild.”
 The brazen girl relents with a surrendering smile, after seeing the mindful look the taller blonde headed girl throws over her shoulder,
 “Sorry, Alec.” The girl halfheartedly offers; not looking one bit as apologetic as she appears to sound, “I was only teasing. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
 In one last ditch effort to amuse herself and irk Alec she says her goodbyes to Evie for the next few hours. She reaches around and places a small and sweet kiss to the graceful sloping of Evie’s angled jaw, and the painted nails of her fingers brush Evie’s shoulders lightly before her right hand continues on to trail down Evie’s spine. Said redhead then parts from the blonde; leaving with her highly entertained mate.
 Alec all but snarls and spits at the firecracker’s relentless audacity to annoy him. Evie grabs his shoulders once more and begins to massage the tension from them as she speaks,
 “The only reason she continues to taunt you is because you continue to give her exactly what she wants.” He turns to his beautiful mate and watches the small smile curl on her lips.
 “So, stop doing that. It’s no fun for her if you don’t look like you’re ready to spit nails.”
 He chuckles deeply at that last statement and wraps his arms around her waist, tugging her into his chest, “I know, but I can’t help but want you all to myself.”
 She makes a small noise, by sucking her teeth, with a pout whilst brushing his hair back from his eyes, “I am yours. All yours; for all eternity. We were made for each other.”
 Alec nuzzles his forehead to Evie’s with a content smile and speaks.
 “Destined, my true love. Therefore, where one shadow goes; then the other will surely follow…”
 She beams at him and they seal the shadow-mate motto with a deep kiss.
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You Might Just Be More Handsome- Alec x Evie Imagine
(A/N): Hi, everyone! So, I recently got a new kitten, she’s 6 weeks old, and she is the sweetest thing ever! I got her so young because, unfortunately, her mother refused to nurse and take care of her and her siblings, but oh well; just gives me the privilege to nurture and love her more! She LOVES to cuddle and explore. I have really decided on a name yet; I thought I wanted to name her Panga, but I don’t know. I’ve been calling her critter and creature, more than her actual name, as terms of endearment. Anyways, the fresh bond between my lovely little creature and I, got me thinking about Evangeline and her little critter, Aleister. -xoxoxo
Disclaimer: I do not own the Mortal Instruments series or anything in them. I merely take credit for Evie, Aleister, and any OCs, that I created, that may pop up throughout this fanfiction series. I also adored Malec and I am in no way, shape, or form Homophobic, I am actually apart of the community as well. This is just a fantasy idea that I decided to write; with that being said, enjoy ATOFG! -xoxoxo
Word Count: 1441k
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As Evie swam to the surface of consciousness, she could feel the familiar weight of her feline Aleister’s fairly large and heavy body lounge atop of her for their sacred afternoon nap.
 She heard two voices on the other side of her and Alec bedroom door, and she open her eyes just in time to see someone slip through the door. Her blurry eyes adjust quickly enough to see it was indeed Alec walking towards their shared bed.
She lifted herself up onto her elbows and made Aleister move off her body and onto the bed. He gave an indignant disgruntled noise in the back off his throat before settling into his new position.
 “Hi babe, did you finish your meeting earlier?
 He nodded with a tired smile as he settles on Evie’s side of the bed and reaches his hand out to softly cradle her delicate cheek in his large hand. “I swear. It seems like everyone is going out of their ways, to not only push my buttons, but lean on them; tape them down!”
 Alec looks so irritated but seems to be trying awfully hard not to show it all to his mate.
 ‘Always thinking of others.” She mused, lovingly.
 “Ooohhh, my poor baby.” She drawls out, endearingly with a pout. She sits all the way up to hug her easily vexed mate and place a gentle sweet kisses on the high points of his cheeks and finally his soft lips.
 He gave a small smile, with a bright blush making its way across his cheeks. “What would I do without a beautiful doting mate like you, my love.”
 She giggled before replying, “Suffer internally for all eternity. Or at least until I show up, so you can take your frustrations out on me.” She waggles her taupe eyebrows at him, and he gave a teasing smirk back.
 They heard an annoyed big huff and a grunt from Aleister and turn just in time to see the large cat heave himself in a seated position, with a wide mouth yawn showcasing his long fangs, before in settling for glaring in their direction; or really Alec’s direction.
 “Oh, did we disturb your napping, baby?” Evie cooed to her little creature. Alec shook his head when he saw Aleister start to dramatize the moment even more. He gave a fake pitiful cry as he made his way to his “Momma”.
‘The day that giant dust bunny is pitiful, is the day I let Clary dye my hair pink.’ Alec thought with an amused snort.
 Aleister began to climb his way up to lay on Evie’s shoulder and she aided him by putting her hand underneath his back feet and boosting him up there. He purred loudly and began to groom her ear and hairline as he usually does, as she stroked his fur from the top of his head down to his tail; taking the excess hair from his shedding and dropping it in the floor to be swept later. “Who’s mommy’s good baby. Huh?” He gave his signature lazy response, where it sounds more like a ‘mmmeeehhh’ than an actual meow, “Yeah, your mommy’s good baby. You’s a good boy. Yes you are!”
 “Your Momma’s precious little creature, aren’t you?” Alec snorted loudly in amusement at that question.
 Evie looks at him in a playful glare as he laughed, “You baby him way too much.”
 “He’s my baby!” She cried out, with a smile. “I’ve had him since he was a kitten; he will always be my baby.” She then muttered lower, more to herself than Alec but he still heard it and it brought a wave of sadness over him.
 “I don’t know what I will do with myself when I finally do lose him.”
 A topic that has been broached by only those brave enough and have known Evie and Aleister’s close relationship the longest. Alec had noted, when hearing of the cat’s age, that Aleister was getting up there in years.
 He only ever brought it up to Clary, of all people, when they both happened to be watching Aleister chasing around the cat toy on a stick that Evie was moving around wildly. Clary had completely tensed up and shifted on her feet at his quietly voiced comment and it was then that Alec knew it was something that also troubled the redhead; for the simple fact that Aleister’s passing would crush Evie beyond any words known to man or angel.
 Alec saw the sad dreaded look in his mate’s eyes, but before he could offer words of comfort, her eyes brighten, and she look at him with her usual grin.
 “How about I freshen up and then we can go down to the kitchen and get something to eat?”
 He smiles and nodded, watching as she sits Aleister on the bed and makes her way to her vanity chair. As she seats down, Aleister hops off the bed and up onto the only available spot on the makeup cluttered vanity and begins grooming the fur on his chest, as if to freshen up himself as well.
 Evie lets out a joyful laugh, as she brushes her hair, at his antics and says, “Why, Aleister! You dapper big boy, I do believe you might just be more handsome than Alexander Lightwood himself.” Aleister makes a noise and begins to purr as he tries to move closer to Evie. Evie leans down to Aleister and he pushes his nose into hers, as if to give her a sweet nuzzling kiss.
 Alec rolls his eyes with a small grin as he watches the two of them. “He’s as much of a princess as you are, my love.” After that particular comment, Aleister glares at the raven-haired man with a loud growl.
 “Oh Aleister, don’t pay attention to him. Haters are gonna hate. They’ll always hate us cause they ain’t us!” She giggles as she picks him up to hug him and give him a kiss right underneath his eye on the sharp point of his furry cheek, before sitting him on the ground.  His heavy frame kind of plops on the ground with a resounding ‘thump’. It’s not that she drop him to far from the ground, but more the fact he was just that big.
 Everyone always commented on how unusually big he was, but that just made Evie love him more. There was a certain comfort to feeling his massive body take up nearly the entirety of her stomach and chest, as a baritone purr resounded from deep within his chest. It left her feeling cold and uncomfortable during a nap without his beloved company. He is always a menacing prowling beast with all others, but he’s as sweet as the day he was bestowed to Evie as a kitten, all those years ago.
 Alec says Evie babied Aleister way too much. Izzy says Aleister was spoiled rotten. Jace swears Aleister hates everyone who isn’t Evie. Clary, well she says Aleister only tolerates her presence in his company because she and his “Momma” are Parabatai. It was all in good fun as they sat in the library relaxing and talking.
It’s almost as if Aleister knows there taunting Evie about him and whether its for fun or not; he’ll give a feral warning growl, lounging in Evie’s lap without moving or opening his eyes. It would send them all howling in laughter at his antics. He’s been a mighty proud creature since he was kitten and he wouldn’t dare let anyone get away with teasing his Evie.
 Aleister trails behind Evie as she heads for the door and the young couple begin making their way down to the large kitchen. As soon as they walk in Evie makes her way to the fridge and pulls out a package of ham; Aleister makes an excited cry before said beast barrels pass his human companion’s mate. Alec glares at the little terror as his leg nearly gives out with the force Aleister knocks into him with, trying to rush pass him.
 Evie holds out a large ham slice for him to take and he gentle takes it from her hand before laying it on the counter and viciously starts tearing into it with a happy growling purr.
“That cat eats better than we do!” Alec laughs. Evie giggles as she puts the rest of the ham back in the fridge.
 “Don’t let Izzy hear you say that. She might really poison your food next time.”
  They share a laugh at the fact that that is in fact a possibly should Izzy hear her elder brother, before both began moving around the kitchen getting the ingredients and things they needed ready to make lunch. There was a blissful domestic air around the whole endeavor that they both immensely enjoyed doing with one another. However, with Aleister sitting on the counter watching, with his tail lazily swishing back and forth behind him, it made the entire thing absolutely perfect.
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(A/N): I’m sorry I had to add that second cat gif because it was so hilarious. I feel like that might be something that Aleister would do to another cat. oh my angel; like Church! That gif might end up being a drabble of Aleister and Church at some point, lol!
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~Evangeline J. Herondale/Jonathan C. Herondale~
“Whatever you do; your still my sister.”
“Whatever you do; your still my brother.”
The Lost Herondale Siblings
‘He was the only one allowed to call her by her middle name. Josie…’
Disclaimer: The Moodboard is mine; that I created. However the pictures came from Pinterest and belong to their rightful owners.
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~Evangeline J. Herondale/Clarissa A. Fairchild~
They were more than sisters; They were Parabatai
Disclaimer: The Moodboard is mine; that I created. However the pictures came from Pinterest and belong to their rightful owners.
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